I'HX3RSDAY, ÂUGUST Sth, 105? THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANV!T2~E. QNTAEXOi PAG!~ FYVE Order of Foresters PLqn Ladies rsTh andian Order of For- ter cease activities for the summer but when September roils pround and they resumne their)4dge activities something liq have been added. A e'court of the Cana- an rderof!oetrsi being organized ànd already enough members have been written and accepted to insure a charter and a big opening in- stallation in September. The men's branch o! the For- esters is the youngest lodge in town and is having a good year with fourteen new members to date. The Ladies' Court will op- erate under their own set of officers and report to Hîgh Court in Brantford. This Court too will be a young ladies Iod"e Looking for a DIAMOND? We now have a special dispiay room where you can look over our diamonds and ehoose yours in privacy. ILSK TO SEE OUR DIAMONDS * e * HOOPERS Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 King St. W., Bowmanvilie Phone MA 3-5747 CLOSED FOR LIDAYS OPEN FOR BU NONDAYI A FOR FREE PICK-U PHONE3 Bowmc Cleaners& 8 4 King ;' Court - and- will create more enthus- iasm among aur members.-1 The Canadian Order o! For- esters have veen very active this year in Cancer Research and will continue ta support this worthy organization for every year we are losing some o! our most faithful members as well as friends and relatives ta this dread disease. The organization o! this new Ladies' Court is being headed by District Manager C. J. Fer- gusan with assietance from Har- ry Snowden, Field Repreei a tive for Boymanville. Inquiries are welcomed. Officers and a meeting date will be set the end o! August or first week in jSeptember. a month's vacation. There was only a small corgregation, the holiday mood is stili with many members of our church. Sunday School was held at Il a.m. There were 40 present. This was assistants' day and aIl were on hand for duty with one exception. Mrs. Wm. Mc- Holm conducted the session. Next Sunday is Decocation' Day so Sunday School will he at 10 arn. instead of Il a.m. On Sunday, August 18th the regular Church service will be in charge of Mr. Fred Herin- stead of Cabourg. We shall be very pleased ta welcorne aur fciend once again taoaur chucch where we had the plea- sure o! listening ta aur guest speaker several years ago. A few weeks ago we men- tioned something about the ru- mor of a wedding in the ne ar future. This is soon ta be real- ized and in a few weeks we shall have a well known lad-I o! Bowmanville and Welcome ta welcome as wifenof.Rtev A. W. MORRISH Harding. Needhess ta say we are ahl vecy pleased and aur We are sorry ta have missed wishes are sincere for a very the news budget o! a week ago happy marriage. but visitors and visiting took Mrs. William Addison, o! up so mucb time that the mood Carberry, Man., is visiting ber for writing vanished. There is friend, Mrs. Minnie E. McHolrn, not ton much news today but, for a few weeks. what there is we will do aur Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beebe best ta tell you. lare enjoy ing a trip with friends The annual Sunday School by au:o to the west coast. We picnic was held on Thursday, 1wish then a pleasant trip and July 25th at the West Beach, !-afe refurn. Port Hope, a perfect place for M.NelAdro adhs such an event. The weathur 1 mother. Mrs. Franîk Anderson was also perfect. Chiidren as- are leaving this weck by ioter sernbled at the church lawn 'for a trip West andi to the U. where transportation awaîted. S.A. On the ceturn Neil will bc Unfortunately this particular, leaving for Sudbury where he day was a vecy busy one foc I as been successful in securing, many of the adult teachers and aps stahro h tf friends so the responsibility of of St. Anne's Public School. We watching and entertaining the wish hirn every success in new; 1 children was rather strenuaus - surroundings. for the few teachers present. ThM.JOsonfaiye- However everything was won- 1TeM .Obrefml n derful! The only drawback was joyed a family reunion picnic the cold water o! the lake.' on the shores o! Lake Sirncoe 1 Grnq.rié-- zwip-2ni ihron Sunday, Julv 28. Between j Sa Olls, raes s ings a o i nerUIII attractions o! the Beach were horoughly enjoyed and when the cahi camne for supper the children were ahi ready to en- joy the many goodies awaiting including plenty of ice ccearn and soft drings. Home xvas reached in time for evening chores. Many thanks are due teach- ers and !iends for transporta- tion and assisting in many ways ta complete the long looked for Sunday School picnic. Chucch service was held at the regular hour o! 10 a.m. We were pleased to have aur min- ister, Rev. A. W. Harding, with us again looking very 'fit a!ter ISINESS AGAIN LUGUST 121h rP AND DELIVERY MIA 3-5520 anvilIe ,Dyers Ltd. st. W. S~ GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES " short term-5 years " pay 5% interest, payable haif yearly " Unconditiorially guaranteed as to principal and interest " authorized investment for trust funds IN à YEARS $300.00 ACCIJMULATES TO $640.04 THE STERLING TRUSTS e 0R pOR A T 1ON Head officet 372 "oY 34. Tuete * emmh Office: 1-3 Dunop S., Botie1 30 and 40 gathered ta enjoy a 1memorable day. Mrs. Ada Johnston o! Toronto, guest of Mr. and Mcs. Brooks Cowari,j Orono. was also present. Mrs. 'D. H aines we are pheased to saY was able ta join the famihy and enjoy the rather long drive there and back. PONTYPOOL We were glad ta see Mr. Robt Halboran back in our village for a few days prior to leaving ta stay with friends in Mo- treal. He looks and feels fine but still bas a boarseness in bis tbroat. Socry ta report that Mrs. Bîlly Mitchell is seriously ill and is with hec daughter, Mca. Les Argue at Burketon. A large number fcom here attended the dance and pres- enion I11at Ballyduf! school on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. INorma n Mitchell o! Toronto weretherecipients o! a well filled purse fcom their many friends. Mrs. Lily Richardson; and Mr. Stewart Hooey supplied good music foc the occasion. The cecently ocganized Sun- >day School was well attended on Sunday. All parents should cooperate in supporting saine, McCrea's Decocation Service was held Sunday at McCcea's ceinefecy. Similar services will be beld at Fallis cemetecy on Sunday, August 1l, and Ponty- pool, August l8tb. 0 Mcs, James, Malhey and Mcs. jCharlotte White attended the funecal o! Mrs. Tom Malhey at Orilhia on Saturday. jSeveral o! aur citizens have been trying their luck catcbing1 cat fish in local ponds. j This writer tried bis hand recently,1 hooked a fair catch including a turtle. It is stili alive and I refrained from making turtlel 1soup even if it is a rare dish. Business men and farmers ace doing a boorning trade ,supply-i ingithe n ecessities of lifi ta the largest crowd o! holiday visit- ors in many years. jSeveral Black Knighits will be celebrating Derry Day in' Niagara Falls on Saturday. Aj similar celebration will be field! at Fenelon Falls. 1 Mc. Harvey Gihbanks is vis-! iting with bis son Earl. IELIZABETH VILLE On Tuesday evening tne1 Young People's Union meetin g was neld at Elizabethville. Gar- den Hill prepared the program. The lunch was supplied by Ehî- za beth vi le. Mr. afid Mrs. Vernon Peacock spent most of last week tour- îng the Seaway down the S.. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacock and boys are with her father and sister, Mr. E, Powell and Miss Mary Powell at present. Miss Donna Mercer and Miss Shirley Muldrew wece home' for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. I. Peeblest and daughtec. Charlton On- tario, are visiting with hec brother, Mc. Garnet Beebe, Mrs. Beebe and famihy. Mrs. N. Long and daughters, Kathie and Patricia, Rochester, N.Y., are spending a week or two with hec parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lewko. jMr. a nd Mrs. O. Ogden an.d farnîhv, Toronto, Mr. H. Mill.' son and Miss A. Mihîson, Clarke, called at Thickson's Sund!ay. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowhec spnt Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Yarcow, Oshawa. Miss Wila Muhdrew left for: Long Island, New Yack, on!. Wednesday. She, with Mrs. L.1 Muldcew and daughtec Mari- j lyn, Mrs. Walfers and Mrs. Smith motoced to Malton Air- port where Miss Muhdrew met: the plane. The rest bad lunch! with Mcs. Ah!. Elliott, Toronto.ý Rev. Gardiner spoke on Surn-i day evening fihing in foc our1 own minister who is on holi- day. Next Sunday, the church congregation are invited ta j Sunday School. The following; Sunday church services are U xbridge Hospital May Have to Be SoId Hope dwindled today that11 $ 100,000 needed to prevent the, sale. of the nearly completed ý Uxbridge Cottage Hospital1 coud b rased. Only three of fîve municipali- ties have responded to the hos- pifai board's appeal for funds ta pay overdue building costs and hait a court action by the builder, L. C. Scott Construc- tion Co. o! Markham. Work on the 32-bed hospital was stopped last May after the' board had exhausted funds raised over a six-year period. The construction company7 placed a mechanic's lien on the building pending payment of the outstanding debt. 1,1 am afraid our hospital is about ta go down the drain," said Fred W. Taylor, a member« of the board. Mr. Taylor was advised Wed- nesday there would be no fur- ther adjournments of the court1 action and the case opened ta- day at Whitby. Not Too Bright "We wil], of course, try for! another adjournrnent in the hope that we can sornehow raise the required money, but right now things are flot looking tooý brighit," said Mr. Taylor. Mr. Tayýlor said the board had received the utrnost co-oper- ation from Mi-, Cott ,the build- er. -He bent over backwardsJ in ajh hs dealings with the board, but we just could nlot find the rnoney we owe hirn," said Mr. Taylor. The board had sought finan- cial help from the Town of Ux- bridge; Scott, Reach, Brock andj Uxbridge Townrships. Uxbridge Town had been a I cd for $40, 000; Scott Township, $16.000 and Uxbridge Township, $$22,- 000.1 Two Areas Refuse Counicils o! the three muni- cipalities expressed willingness ta sell debenfuces for the re- quiced amounts, provîding the other municipalities gave fi- nancial support. A request for $12,500 from Reach and $4,000 frorn Bcock was tucned down and the On- tario Municipal Board refused to approve debenture issues for the three willing municipal- !tics without the participaticn o! Reach and Brock. "We have corne ta the end o! the line," said building com- mîttee chairman Gordon Coul- ter. "The building will prob- ably have to be sold." The boacd's alternative, said Mr. Taylor, is fa obtain a mort- gage. "If we could get a mort- gage for $22,000, I arn sure the Ontario Municipal Board would approve debenture issues for those municipalities interested iri helping." An estimated $72,000 in gov- ernment grants xvould be suffi- cient ta complete the building, said Mr. Taylor. McGill Clan Holds Reunion Sixty descendants and rela- tives o! the McGill family of Manvers Township grathered on Saturday, July 27th for their seventh annual ce-union held in Jackson Park, Peterborough. A delicious pot-luck meal xvas served at one large picnic table at 12.30 p.rn. The retiring president, Cecil McGill of Toronto, called the meeting f0 order, welcomed those present and took chare of a brief business session. Mrs. Harold Tate gave the secretary's report and present- ed the financial staternent. Plans for the 1958 picnic were discussed and it was decided f0 hold next year's re-union Sat- urday, Julv 26th in Jackson Park, Peierborough at 12.30 p.m. sharp. A hearty vote o! thanks was extended ta the retiring offi- cers and f0 all committees and the executive for next year ar- ranged as follows: Past Presi- dent, Mr. Ceciu MeGill; Presi- dent, Mr. Gordon Might: Vice President, Mr. Harvey McGill; Secretary, Mrs. Muriel Brow:- ice; Treasurer, Mrs. Harold Tate: Press Reporter, Mrs. Mur- jal Brownlee; Welcoming Com- mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clarkson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill; Table and Park Com- mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turn- bull, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Daw- son; Nominatingr Cornrittee. Mrs. Fred Billett, lMrs. Cecil McGili; Sports Committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Keith MeGilI. Mrs. James Turnbull was asked to continue ber very ef- flicient work of securing addi- fi'onal narnes for the farniiy tree. A very splendid program of sports under the direction Of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Armour, and Mr. and Mrs. AI Adamson was carried out, and "Au Revoirs" reluctantly said. BOWMANVI LLE BOWMANVI LLE PUBLIC (in SCHOOL Am a.ai, case of rain Carnival wili be held RCAF From FR11 - New Carnival MANVERS STATION Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Logan are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Smith at their summer cottage at Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aikeni and Tommy, Fallis Line, weie Sunday guests with Mr. and livh>. Orville Challice. Mr. and Mrs. Knox MacLeoci, David and Randy, Ancaster, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston. Plan to attend the Decora- tion service at Fallis cemetery on Sunday, Aug. llth. Miss Madeline Boggs and Miss Verna Porter are on va- cation in Boston and Cape Cod. Miss Margaret Aikens and Barbara, Miss Vilda Brown and Deanna Challice are spending a week at a cottage on Lake Chernong. Mr. arýd Mrs. Earl Argue re- turned home from a very en- joyable trip o Cornwall, Lake Saturday, Placid. the Adirondack Moun- tains, and Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Baker and family, Oshawa,, were guests of Mrs. W. Bradley on Sunday. Visitors wvith Mr. and M-s. Dýuncan Galbraith over the weekend were Mr. Archie Gai- braith, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart [Dawn and Ian, Toronto. MN0N EY AVMLABLE FOR MGRTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Soicitor] 65 Simeos St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 whei thin L. A. Parker and Son PLUMBING AND HEATING 17 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5651 i Aug. 17th) BAND station FR11 Attractions LIONS, CENTRAL GROUNDS Featuring ai 6:45 p.m. PARADE AND DEMONSTRATION BY Trenton ADMISSION LUCKY TICKET DRAW for 1957 Oldsmobile '8 8' Sedan WiII be made at the Conclusion of the Evening's Activities SPECIAL DRAW FOR PORTABLE TV SET - igger gand Relier- PROCEEDS FOR LIONS COMMUNITY WORK PAGLf FIV WUIMAT, AUGUST eth, 1057 TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAMM.IZ ONTAMO% lei