- ,~; - - - '- PAGE EGT- -vs, !'HUSDAY, ALTGUST Stit, 188 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. E3OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO &d Y/oungman's Column ..a0 A very interesting gadget at furZow about four feet wide. short rations. We should be the Ranger School was a Most people dan't realize very praud of them. They are "Swam p Buggy". It has tracks, that, this Province of Ontario a hardy, generous, modest, fun can go at a fair rate of speed is a big place-about one thou- iaving breed. through any kind of brush, mud sand miles from east ta west, How many people are aware! or mud and water. The engine ýand the same from narth ta that there are a number of On- is pratected against injury and south, sa that a lot of people, tario Provincial Police attached danpness. It cani pull a ton and equipment are needed to ta the Dept. of Lands and Fr- trailer, or huge plow, called a protect the many acres of bu:sh ests? These are specially train- "~Mnnesota", which makes a from fire, vandals, insects and ed men who know wvhaitot look gaod fire break by plowmng a diseases, and ta seil the pro- for in the case of incendiarism, duets for a fair price. And the and how ta conduct the case in conventianal vehicles, and im- court. The average forester1 plements will net always suf- might be successful in appre- Provincial fice, which means that ingen- hending a "fire bug" but ls iaus empioyees. of the Dept. are the case in court because of not always impravisin g and invent- knowing proper court prace- By-Elections ing sorething peculiar ta h dure and allowing some smart .5 neGl of omeparticular job, lawyer ta outwit him. or tr.-in.WhenI regisfered at the, Set fo Sept.Incidentally, the University schlool, and asked whereI of Toronto wssvnénwudbsleigth erla By-letinsin the Ontario thousand acres at Dorset, and coniclly murmured, the "Snake provincial ridings of Middle- the Dept. of Lands and Forests Pif". This turned ouft t be a sex North and Glengarry, bath owns the fine buildings on fthe large' basement turned into a previously held by Progressive school site. dormitary containing sixfy dou- Canservatives, are ta be beld By Juiy l5th of this year. ble army type steel bunks-1 Sept. 5, it was announced Thurs- there had' occurred 845 fires in the guy whxv slept over mews day at Queen's Park. Nomma- this province, very few of themn from Kemptville district. There tion day is Aug. 22. caused by iighfning, very few is a hospital type cuphoard and Middlesex North has been by logging aperators, but the steel locker for each fwa men. 'vacant since the death Jan. 10 miajority by people who were I used the cubboard as a dress- in Springfield, Ill., of Thomas careless with fire. er-, but didnt use the locker be- L. Patrick, 60 who had repres- We had the finest of instruc- (aUse I didnt have anything ta ented the riding since 1943. tors. men who knowv the ai-t of put in it.* And my suitcase was Osie F. Villeneuve resigned Eighting fires, and who are ai- neyer locked because I didn't hlis Glengarry seat ta contest ways on the alert for sorne sure, have a key, and there wasn't ana wvîn Llengarry-P-rescott in quicA method of keeping the the June 10 federal election. fire hazard to a minimum. Party standing now is: Pro- These men are dedicated tq gressive Conservative 82; Lib- preseive our forests from the erals (including one Liberal- flames. they spend their live.s Labor) l1:; COF 3; vacant 2. doing just that; often sufferiitg Total 98. privation, loneliness, thirst and Free!1 Free!1 BLACK DIAMOND STAM PS with every purchase of gas VIGOR OIL Service Station "ORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION"' Phone MA 3-2919 Vigor Standard L 9 GAL. Gasoline 39 1O nldgta Vigor 4 - GL High Test 2 loincuding tax Complete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS IMassive Machiner y Sits' ,ln Newcastle Ry. Yards ;Waiting Pipeline Start Farty pieces of massive ma- Tulsa, Oklahoma, but it is not chinery are sitting idie in tie known when they will start. C.P.R. freight yards at Newcas- Oklahoma Pipeline Con- tebtabout August. 5 these sfructor.9 had originally planned deisel-driven hulks wiil start ta start around the first of Ju- 1 iaying 85 miles of the. Trans- ly but have been held uo Canada Pipeline.1 thraugh a delay in the delivery The machinery bears the lm- of the pipe. During the pas, pressive tifle, "Oklahoma Pipe- month a skeleton crew bas line Constructors." Ifthi been keeping the machinery in ouf fit that will construei h running order. pipeline section starting just The company expeets ta em- south of Orono on Higbway 35. ploy some 200 men who wil From here they head west and ail be Canadians. Oniy person- ioop around Toronto and end nel brought from the States are up near Port Credif. the supermntendents and fore- The pipeline crew hopes ta men. lay between 3,000 and 9,000 Supernitendent of the pro- feet of the 20 and 24 inch pipe jeet is Gay Craft of Dallas, daily. At this rate the job Texas. Assisting hlm is Lea- sbould be done in 3 montbs. man Creecb, Logansport, Lau- Taking fhe pipeline east '-f isiana. Their office bas bee'n here is Williams Brothers of set up in Whîtby. O0rono Fair Prize List Ready for Exhibition a cross between a 1920 flapper style, and a Ubangi coif. Althaugh we have neyev be rained out, last Sunday was awfully close, as a shawer chas- ed us in the bouse for about half an hour, but the gaod aid sun came out, dried the tables and benches in time for us ta nîeet and eat around one long table. There's something nice about members of a family connection meeting in same quiet, out of the wvay place with grass under foot, plenty of trees and a creek nearby, ample parking space, with freedam ta corne and go as you please. We think we are very iucky ta be able ta enjoy such privileges at Art and Jean's and appreciate their hospitality. Turn Pheasants On Their Own In Durham A t the Far. bee. Lani birc bird anything in it Worth pinching.~ With the mailing af the Oronoifural Society welcomes everyone aad 1 Fali Fair Prize Lists iast week to exhibit in the fair and in some Du!, 1 sections new exhibitors are en- T Bor erthere will be mare definite icouraged ta exhibit*their handi- T Bor er Trafi c thoughts of the annual exhibi- craft with special classes or bate tionbein hed inOron ths inreasd pizes Thi isespec-th Iyear on Friday and Saturday, ialîy so of fhe domestic science twei Shuows I ncrease September 6fh and 7tb. section of tIc prize list. the The publishing of the prize 1sf The xide range af articles and Simn D ri~ Ju eis fa furnîsh exhibitors w1th fie animais which may be shown at t rici Durin Junehundreds of classes open ln the fair pravide openings for Ai iwhich tley may exhibit. The everyone ta exhibit. The Soc- sani Higbway traffie across the exhibits of farmi produce, live- iety is hopeful af Iaving more bute Canada - United States border stock, pouifry, cooking and liak- exhibifs this year at fhe fair trie, was six per cent greater in vol- ing, needie work, flowers and and prize lists are obtainable the ume in June than in the corr- chidren's work is aIl important fromn the secrefary, Mr. J.C. ofi espodin monh lst yar. ta the success of the fair. With- Gamey. 4ssist the fair this A i epodin mnfl ist ea. out these, liffle wouid attract the year by taking part as an exhib- ried The bur-eau of statistics said huad hanal asioadtetyrsklinvr today that for the Janularv huad b anal asiaradts or kl fvuand Jun pciodvolme vasup -through the turnstylcs on Fair bandicraft. There is a challengeth Jui eidvlm a p8 Day. waiting for you at the fair as! h per cent over a year ago. The Dra Cetl giu-an equaior Cro-ssings in June totalled uhmCnra giu- exiio._______la 1,5,0 el ls oprdj ect jwith 1.735,000 a year earlier. che In the six months crosings were o n m-L ch H li t 7,619,000 up from 7,067,000. ae Junie crossings were up bath Asr mostly from tbe U.S. and Can- A n nu l Faandic i adian vehicies.Crossings by for- By Ed. Youngman dy bunts, gefting hurt, being a opA' eign vehicles rose five per cent oe ta 1,032,000 from 987,000. Can- For some years, fhe fîrst Sun- damn nuisance. Ian adian vehicles re-entering the~ day in August lias been reserv- The yaunger matrans coyiy îeg country increased fine per ed for tIc Youngman-Leach passing up flic ricier foods, be- fa t cent ta 8ýl3,000 from 748,000. family pienie, and Sunday was cause aof heir possible effeet tIe In the six monflis foreign ve- fIe day we gatîered fa view on girlish figuies, then finally bidles crossings rose six per the latesf addition fo flic graup, throwing ail restraint to the cent to 3,723.000 from 3,513,000 feel bappy fliat flic aider mem- winds, and outgoing their bus- 1F( and returning Canadian vellicle bers were able fa jain the fun, bands on ice creamn, butter farts, pres incrcased 10 per cent ta 3,513- backbite the ones wha didn'f fudge, and pie. TIc aider men aoft. 000 and refurning Canadiîan ve- turn up, and hope toalal meet lad a bull session of "I mind1 forr sels increased 10 per cent to Ftgain next year. the time". in o 3,896,000 and 3,554,000. The youngesf member was Pearl wowed us wîth her la- hist( Enfries of U. S. residents by Dale Edward Young-man, eigît test hairdo, which seerned ta lic to o rail, bus, boat and plane in May nionths aid son of Ernie and - ---- rose fa 120,000 from 101,000 a Joyce Youngman, af Bethany. year earlier, boosting the Jan- The cidesf vas Mrs. A. E. uary-May total fa 365,000 fromn Sparks, Toronto, in bier eighfy- 333,000. Canadians refurning ninth year, chipper as a cock by these means of transporta- sparrow, mother of Mrs. Ed. flan declined in May ta 107,000] Youngman, Pantypool. fram 108,000 but increased in This year's picnic foiiowed tIc six manflis fa 497,000 from much tfhe samne pattern of other 483,000. years - ccnpiefely informai, wifh heicyaunger fry fakiing Fail Fair Dates part in peanut srambes. can- ---- 1- - D :Jd . E.....: Peterborough-August 7-10. Oshawa-August 15-17. Blackstock-August 23-24. -C.N.E., Toronto-August 23- September 7. Brighton-August 27-28. Port Hope-August 30-31. Port Perry-August 31-Sep- tember 2. Napanee-September 2-4. Orillia-September 5-7. Orono-September 6-7. Minden-September 7. Sunderland - September 10-1 Tweed-September 10-11. Lakefieid-September 13-14. Lindsay-September 18-21, Lxbridge-September 24-25. UT ISN'T CRICKET bo sootlie your thirst witlz anything e/se but Sch wepperie scence Commnander Whitehead, Schweppes Ambassador to Canada, says that Schweppes Tonic Water is a Great Tradition among men with a thirst. They've tested it for generations in murderous temperatures from Poorn to Penang. Ice it well, and then let those spirited littie bubbles called Schweppervescence heighten each delicious, bittersweet sip on your palate. Thiret goes! Contentment returns! Time to check your supply? Sc 7/1weppes TONUC WATER The essentiel tonic water for authentic enom drinks. Enjoy world-famnous Schweppes Dry Ginger Aie and Scbweppes Club Soda, taa. SCHWEPPERVESCENCE LASTS THE WHOLE DRINK THROIJGH di SMITH BEVE.UAGES LTD., 124 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Holds Reunion At Newcastle Descendants of tbe lafe John and Maria Riekard, early set- flers in Darlington Township, gatîered for a family reunion an Saturday, July 27th at Wai- tana Park, Newcastle. The favourabie weafler ln- duced tlic chldren ta enjoy the swimming pool whiie those nat sa inclined visited anc anof ber and made preparaf ions for supper. TIe sports programme preccded fIe supper wifh the following resulfs: Under 6 ycars (girisi: Jan- ice Riekard, Sandra Rickard, Elizabeth Pearce; Under 6 years (boys): Keith Allia, Del Rudman, Douglas Rickard; Un- der 8 years (girls): Patricia Buxton, Beverly Rickard, Mar- garet Werry; Under 8 years (boys): Hugh Aluin, Neil Aluin; Under 10 years (girls): Francis Rickard, Clare Pearce; Under 10 years (boys)- Raîpli Riekard, Peter Pearce, Dennis Rudman; Under 12 yeax-s (boys): Bryan Rickard, Rickie Pearce, Donnie Rickard; Under 12 years (boys): David Werry, Allistair Rickard, James Riekard; Tîre Legged Race: David Werry and Don Riekard, James Riekard and Allisf air Rickard; Cock Figî t: James Riekard, Don Rickard. Fafler and Son Relay: Gar- nef and James Riekard, Albert and Riekie Pearce; Mofler and Daugliter Relays: Minnie Pearce and Beverley Riekard, Wiima and Gail Aluin, Jean and Jan- ice Riekard; O'Grady Says: Larry Pearce and Paf Buxton. The supper was a great feasf af lot meat pies, salads, re- lishes, a variety af fruit pies, cakes and farts. Tea and or- angeade were served. Affer supper, flic President, Mr. Kennefh Pearce, welcom- ed fIe gatbering expressing bis appreciaf ion ta ftle committee for fIe work they lad donc ta make fhe picnic a success. He announced that the Family Tree bookiet was available at a cost of 5Oc. Mr. .Tohn Rickard awa:-ded sPecial *izes for fhe youngest in atteriance, Max Buxton; the couple earliest an grounds, Mr. and Mrs. Gaordon Ashtoin; the couple langest wvedded, M - and Mrs. John Baswell: fIe on-e having his birtîday closefa the day af the picnic, Huglti A- lin; fIe persans from fIe long-1 est distance, Mr. and Mrs. Or- I ville Stinson: fIe couple clos- I est ta equal leigît, Ewarf and Lillian Ciemence. AIfter supper. there ivas a haotîx-coritcstcd lasebali ganie, the fathers versus the sons, tIe outcomne of which w-as an Il ta 10 vicfory for tIc fathers. v v %.E.LA. total of 6,950 pheasants from. Provincial Game Bird n at Cadringfon, Ont, have m released in the Lindsay ds and Forests district. The Is 6,000 chicks, 500 pouits- [s 5 ta 7 weeks aid, and 450 ilts, were set tree in Clarke 1Dariington townships, and 'ham county. Me pheasants are part of a :h of 35,000 reieased from SCodrington bird farm be- :en May 20 and Juiy 22 in SLindsay, Huron, Tweed, ncae and Rideau forests dis-i 'ts. ýn additional 300 aduit phea- s were allacated and distri- ýd ta variaus Bird Dog Re- ver Trail Associations ini province for the training retrieving hunting dogs. Sresearch praject being car- d (ut by the Lindsay Fish 1Wildlife staff this year is .banding of the district's ta of pheasants prior fa re- se. The purpose of the pro- is ta assess what value bat- r raisedl birds cantribute he pheasant hunt. The bands Smade of aluminum with a ai number and a repuest ta .fy the Department of Lands 1Farests inscribed on tbem. %,Il lunters are asked ta co- crate during the 1957 phea- it season by furning in fthe bands of any birds bagged the Lindsay district office or Slocal conservation afficer. aort Henry, one of the best ýerved of defensive structures the 1812 War, maintains uni- ns and customs of that period order fa exhibit some of the aoricai features Ontario bas offer tourists. Parents Attend Closing 0f Recreation Program Orono: Araund thirty parents, c attended the closing exercises of the Recrettion prograrn at the Orono Park last week. They 1 were entertained by their chul- dren who presented skits, hand-r craft and who also participated1 in numeraus sporting events. The attendance duririg the past wveek has been reduced somewhat due to holidays and, sickness. However fifty-three1 children answered rail caîl on' ciasing day. Races were held for the dif- ferent classes and these mnciud- ed such races as sack and, wheelbarrow races. A Ping Pong tournament wasc held in two classes and thei winners were Hans Bosgraafi for the aider group and Bren- da Lowery for the yQunger group. Gracie Coatham won the shoe pitching contest and here bath the children and the parents participated. In the three iegged race Ronnie Best« and Ian McKenzie was one winning team with another vie- tory going ta Bobbie Best and John Groen. Two pleasing skits were pre- sented one iby Terry Graham, Hans Bosgraaf and Larry Mili- er, the other by Michael Fagan, #an MeKenzie and Grant Yeo. Marilyn Cobbledick's group. of 3 Io 5 year.olds. diid a num-, ber of action songs including "Ten Little Indians". "I'm A and Shoulders." Gail Caoper's group played a Volleyball game. Handeraft was on display and the articles were arranged at the booth where parents were given the apportunity of viewing it. On display wvere coloured pinwheels, decorated paper plates and paper machel covered jars along with a mo- del circus. Girls who had tbkpn part in the programn duringw4he summer had on display colaur- fui belts made out of cardboard played ring-toss gamnes. Perfect attendance a were presented to Susan G Johnnie Robinson, Daid ~d Ronnie Forrester, Terry Boyd, Linda and Donnie McLaren, Raye West, Amne and Su*san Hinton, Darlene West, Cheryl Coatham, Sharon Allun, Dor- othy Dunlop, Brian Boyd, Terry Graham, Sally Hinton, Keith Heron, Brenda Lowcry and Buzzy Mercer. This group of chiidren were neyer absent nor neyer late during the four weeks that the programn was in operation. The programn was uponsored solely by the Orono Amateur' Athletic Association and under the capable guidance of Mrs. M. Lunn.-Times. FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND OF) STAFFORD BROS. duthorizel Dealer Siafford Brob.. Monumental Works Phone Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby We.knew .ad a honçy' of a, carc ...this year's Pontiac bas even us runnlng out of praise for the good looks that have put it at the top as Canada's most wanted car. Could be good styling always cornes out on top. Remember when ail the male fashion magaiines were full of pink shirts? Store windows blushed pinjc on every side and, for a littie while at least, shirt dealers were very happy. Then the clearance sales began and dealers tried everything they could to dis- pose of the pink shirts that people weren't buying any more. One more fancy fad had corne and gone. We think there's a moral ini this that applies tc> the car business, too. And when we take a look at Pontiac's sales record this year, we're sure of it. Canadians everywhere appreciate Pontiac's quiet, graceful beauty ... the absence of flash and gaudi- ness. They recognize and appreciate the sort of workmanship in every detail that only General Motors can put into a car. T'hey like the friendly treatment and the efficient service they find when- ever they deal with a Pontiac dealer. But see for yourself as you drive. Just count jhe Pontias... and you'll agree the rising tide of Pontiac popularity is turning into a veritable torrent. A GENIRAL MOTORS VALUE POPULAR CHOICE FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE..Pontiaic -F J 'Z'7D- A Robson Motors Lismited Pontiac - Buick - Vauxhail 166 King St. E. Bowmanville Cars - GMC Trucks MA 3-332l & 3-3322:4 fi Il PRE-CAST CONCRETE -Sepiic Tanks- -Sidewalk Slabs- -Coloured Patio Slabs - -Porches, Steps- -Curbing - Bro@kIin Concrete Products PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Collect Calis Accepted