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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1957, p. 12

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- -l Tz&Z1UIzl" .muJnAmX, AUUJN. ,Am Social and Personal . Mr. and Mrs. Sackville are 'Visiting with Mr. Saxon Gra- ham and are awaiting the ne- turn of Mrs. Graham on Satur- day following her successful eye openation ini Toronto. Mns. Sackvile, is the daughter of Mrs. Graham. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and familv were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Waines and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Stemp of Uxbnidge, the Misses Gail Hargeaves and ?Patsy Ellis of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kinneil of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Magiil of Woodstock were weekend 'visitons with hen parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allun. Mrs. R. D. Keith-Parkinson retunned to her home in Mont- real on Satunday followîng a two weeks' visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Marshall Pickering and family. Mrs. R. B. Briscoe left on Monday for ber home in Ren- frew following a six weeks' visit with ber daughter and son-mn- law, Mr. and Mns. Gondon Agnew. ME JNG ýr ýr Ê-A T 1 N G U 3 1 c rpIcA t co #,rR -,4 CfOR C. G. GOULD Heaflng and Eavesfroughing Authorized ChalcoDealer MOMIE Newcasfle 3686 Weekend visitons with MIý and Mrs. Fred Couch, Sr., an( Mrs. Samis wene the Rev. Mr Tink of Chicago and Mn. an( Mrs. Reg Woodhams of Tor onto. According te a letton we ne. ceived from the Boy. M. C Fisher, ho and Mns. Fisher anc Wendeil are having a most en- joyable vacation in the Mari. times and et the time o! writ. ing were enjoying a cottage ir P.E.I. ini the vicinity wherea number o! Mrs. Fisher's rela- tives live. Miss Ardele Pickering iç holidaying tbis week with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne and family, Meadowmount Farms, Newtonviile. Mn. and Mrs. R. B. Rickarc and children are holidaying this week at the Bonathan cottae et Coboconk. Mn. Neil Voutt neturned home on Sunday followîng a twc weeks' visit with relatives in Uxbnidge. Hen many friends in the dis- trict wili be sonry t ebarn thel Miss Velma Maiiough, a former teacher at Brown's Public Sehool, was killed 'in a three car crash in Michigan on Sunday. Miss Helen Allun is in Wood- stock this week visiting with ber sister and brother-in-iaw, Mn. and Mrs. R. W. Magili. Young Drivers Use Mili St. Fo r Raceway Ir. id id id Noewcastle - We have been receiving a number o! cern- plaints fnom pensons in the anea that Mill streot soutb is being made a veitable race- way by youthful drivers seek- ing a thi, particularly in tha evening and on the weekendc. These drivers seem te deiight in speeding down Mili street make a swoeping tunn at thp lake front and speeding beck uptewn witbout regard for othen drivers or pedostrians. From oun owu observations in driving in this area, we con- sider this te hoe a most danger- eus practice wbich sheuiti ne- ceive officiel attention. Thene are a largo number of children living in the erea te, the soutb o! the C.N.R. and a lange num- ber o! pedostni.ans and cyciists use this street geing te and Air. Rail or Steamship T10K ET 8 TO EVERYWHERE Consult JUJRY & LOVELt 15 King St. W. MA 3-5771 Bowmanvillie Listed below are only a few of thei we are now offering in Used Cars. look thern over. W have the looking for. 1956 Ford Two-door Sedan Customline, with Thunderbird motor, In A-i condition n many bargains Corne in and nodel you are $2095 1956 Plymouth Sedan condition -------------------$1 9 1955 Bulck Two-door Hardiop In A-i condition 2 0 9 5 1954 Pontiac Two-door Sedan M -$1495, 1954 Chevrolef Sedan 1954 Plymouth Sedan In addition we have many that we are now offering at $1395 $1350 Earlier Models Bargain Prices. Robson Mo tors 1Limited 166 King St. E, Bownimanville L Two Family Gatheringsý HeId at Waltona Park Newcastle - The natural beauty cf Newcastle's Waltona Park witb its shaded green lawns and rippiing stream formed the setting on Saturday and Sunday for twe family picnics o! local interest. On Saturday aftornoon some seventy-five members of the Walton femily gathened at the Park fnom Enin, Toronto, Pont Credit, Bowmanviiie, Ancaster and Newcastle. Whiie the kid- dies onjoyed the necroationel facilitios o! the Park, the eider members of the famnily enjoyed a pleesant visit before al joined in a delicieus picnlc supper. On Sunday afternoon mnem- bers o! the Ciarke-Hanness families gatbened 125 strong at the Park comîng !nom Ottawe, Oshawa, Bowmanville,- Orono and Newcastle, for a most en- joyable picnic. KENDAL r Mrs. Alva Swanbrick and Mi and Mrs. Wilfroct Roughle: spent the weekend at Ottawa hMrs. Edith Ferguson and Fred dy, and Donnie Roughley stay ed with Mrs. Thorno. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walke: and family from the RCA] base at Trenton visîted Satur day with her sister, Mrs. JacJ Stapieton, Jack and Biily. Mn. and Mrs. Orval Zealané and sons and Ray Mercer wer( Sunday visitors with Mrs. Marý Luxon. Mrs. Underwood visited Mrs Neva Little and called on ifriends in the village. Our sympathy is extended tc Mrs. Bill Hoy whose father, Mr, Andrews, passed away at Wel- come. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapietoii and Billy holidayed Sunday at Gore's Landing. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Ray and Marie, took Gordon- Lowes to bis home at Peterbor- ough Saturday and visited witl Mi. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reynolds were in Kendal Monday having their househoid effects, whicl- have been stored here, moved to their new home south of Courtice. Two new familles have mov- ed into the village. Mn. and Mrs. Geraid Lemay have pur. chased the 'McRoberts' house, while Mn. and Mrs. Fred Cox< and daughtors moved into Bill Turansky's bouse. ROY SieeP, Eddie Couroux and Ray took in the Miami Marlin-Maple Leaf bail game in Toronto Sunday afternoon when the Leafs won 9-8 on a home run in the l4th inning. Mr. and Mns. Carl Langstaff were in Toronto Sunday visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Ray Moore, and thein daughter, Linda, who bas been staying with her aunt. The first series of the play- offs of the South Durham bard bail league were played hene thîs past two weeks between Kondal and Newtonville. New- tonvillo won the finst game, Kendal the second and e.kwton- ville the last two. The games were close and well worth see- ing. Newtonville and Weicome are now playing off, the best Ir. y ra. er i r- ,k it !rom the lakeshore and Wal- tena park and we find the legai spoed limit o! 30 m.p.h. tee fast unden the circumstencos for the sa!ety o! children and pedos- trians mn the anea. We are infonmed that the O.P.P. cruiser doos make por- iodic patrois ini this erea, but dees flot seem te be around et the right time to catch these cereiess and dangenous drivers, on maybe tbey koep a wetch for the cruiser. Whetever the neason, it wouid seem some metbod should be !ound te ston) this dengerous practice befone someone is killed on maimed for life by these thrill seekers. i I t, CW by -Home for c. growing family Youn prpe»rty insuvonc. covUO thould grow, f00 The more you add te the value of your home, the more you stand to lose if you'ro net adeqttate1y insured against f ineeand other disasters. Make sure your protection keeps pece with the growth of your home. Cali on us for a property ineuramo check- up ... today. STUART R. JAMES ISUIANCZ REAL ESTATE Office Remidence MA 3-5691 NMA 3-5493 King Street E. Bowrnanville lm a Festivities got undenway with two peanut scrambies, ene for the kiddies and another for the aduits and souvenir beleoons and suckers were distributed te ehl the "smell fry." The after- noon was spent ini bathing, swinging, teetening and just visiting whiie waiting for the most doudcous saiad meel sen- yod at the supper heur. A bal game after supper brought this most enjoyeble first annuel picnic te a close. Officers Eieeted Officers elected for the en- suing year and to prepare fir the 1958 gathering are: Pros j- dent -Ted Clarke, Bowmen- ville; Vice-President - Everett Herness, Bowmanville; Sec.- Trees. -Bill Clerke, Oshawa; Sports Committee-Lloyd and Celina Aildread, Newcastle and Park Committee-Velma Park- en, Newcastle. four eut o! soven, with Newton- ville home games being piayed on the park bore. Kendai district sooms te be on the dividîng lino with nain going nonth or seuth but veny dry bore. Tho tobacco growors find it mest difficuit as many heye te keep a crew -irrigating as woil as their bunch !iiling the kilns end suckoning. jMn. Bernard Feston and friends from Oakridge, Tonnes- see, spent the weokend with bis brothens bore and toek bis son, B. B. Feston, berne with him. Thone was a fine ettendance Sunday monning at the chunch service in charge o! the Young People's when Mr. Jackson Pea- cock ef Atikoken (son o! Mr. and Mns. Vernon Peacock) was the guest speaker and gave a fine address. Ho was assisted by Arthur Thompsen and Ross Elliott. We were pleased te welcoeos many !nom Eliza- bethville and aise the Kinby f niends. Mn. and Mrs. E. Keyes, Cane- line and Ian, Pont Hope, visited Mn. and Mrs. G. MacDonald, Monday. Caroline and Ian ne- mained for a holiday. Kendai community wasi shocked and saddened et the sudden pessing o! Robent Alex- ander in the Memoniai Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on Tuesday, sAu- gust 13 at the age o! 44, jut iu the prime o! hife. Ho suf!ered a heant attack neenly twe months age but wes home again andi appareutiy feeling fine when- ho took the second, with the third coming on in the hospi- tai. The funenel services were held FYiday. August 16 in Ken- dal United Church. The veny large attendenco and rnany beautiful floral tnibutes bespoke the bigh esteem in wbich ho was heid. Bis boss and a num- ber o! feilow workers from were prosont. Although ernpioy- ed in Toronto for meny years ho wes aiways home with his parents for the weekeuds, on when needod, and will be sed- iy missed. Our heartfeit sym- pathy Is extended te Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alexander in their bereevement. Interment was in Orono comotery. Mn. and Mrs. George Clark and Miss Mary Taylor, Taran- te, were d9wn for the week- end and attended tbe funeral. KEDRON Austin Airways Pilot James Pengelly visited relatives in this cemmunity following an unex- pected flight from Timmins lest week. Local folk necail the air accident neer Porcupine a few morýths ago in which James Pengeily sustained broken limbs and other injuries in a 'plane crash and a ce-fier, James Os- well Hobbs was also injured and bospiteiized. This week it was the difficuit task o! Mn. Pen- geiley te fly the body o! bis fniend James Hobbs from Moos. auee te Tenanto for buniai, fol- iowing bis sudden coleapse in Moosonee on Mondey, August 12. Before bis neturu te Timmins, Mr. Pengelly with Pilot James Bell who flew down wîth him, attended the funeral service in Toronto on Thursday aftennoon. Friends and relatives from Kedron attended the funenal o! the lete Mrs. Thomas Pen!ound in Bowmanvillo on Friday after- noon. Mns. Peufouud who was in bier 9Oth yean bas been, fre- quently visited by Kedron folk during ber lengthy îllness. The lower hall o! Kedron Cburch is being nederpneted, and the service is withdrewn for Sunday, August 25. Members o! the W.A. and all ladies in the community are in- vited te the home o! Mrs. Ross Lee for the first feul meeting ta be beld et 8 p.m. on Sept. 3. Local folk attended Oshawa Fair lest week with interest langely centned on the Junior Fermer activities. Congratula- tions te Charles and Gordon Sut- ter, Bnian Lee, Ivan Goodhand and Douglas Scott of this corn- rnunity wbo took manv pnîzes in the vanjous events for Cal! e Club. Beef and Deirv Ca]! on- tries. Kedron W.A. W .ere award-1 ed second prize fon their entry in the Womnen's Building. Mns. Wmn. Werny attended a shower for ber niece Miss Jo- anue Jackson, et the home of Mrfs. Gordon Reeson, Oshawa, and e community showen in L.ittle Bnitain United Church Hall. honouringa Miss Jackson, on Tuesday evening. Mr. Frank Lee bas neturned ' home foilowing a month's vaca-1 tion te Western Canada with his sister, Mns. Andrew Scott and Mn. Scott o! Goderich. Fol- ewuing a visit with folk weU / 2 knoiwn at Kedron. Mr. and Mn.Ir Max Ballard. Moose Jawan1 theïr daughtoer, mu. W. Clake fr1. Auu, Mit Ph.. 321 J. H. ABERNET Paint & WaIIp 33 J i King W 1 MA To Pay Pa Due Bills OTo Consc Paymenl, Monthly AFor Holit Expenses NFor New Purchaseq SFor Ernergenc Expenses Ti a FI iolici :s lda, hs icy le Difference m Bell'vue is the Service ELLVU ýINAN( CORP.' SImcoe S. RA OSHA WA - zý tbey served bot meels and lunches Fridey and Saturdey. Proceeds were in aid o! the Community Hall Fund. Our sympathy is exteuded te Mr. and Mrs. L. Miller and Mrs. Clifford Miller on the tra- gic deeth o! their son and bua- bend, Clifford. Bis boyhood -Fiy and schooi days were spend HY at Saline where he lived north o! Eldad Church. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Wiliiams, >aper Bowmenvilie, visited et Mn. N. C. Wotten's. L 3-431 Mn. Herb Rogers, Bowman- ville, and sisten, Mns. Mabel Holmes o! Grand Fonks, North ~ Dakota; Mns. Florence Yellow- lees and Mn.. Gerny Giaspeil, ITeunton, wene necent visitons o! Mn. and Mrs. J. Yeilowlees. st Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook o! Brantford were weekend guosts o! the Messrs. J. W. and Har- vey Yeliowiees and families. ,ae On Sundey tbey, with the Wes o! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Pet. Visitons et the home, o! Mrs. H. Hennis includeti their cou- sins, Mn. end Mrs. Edsel K. Dan- by o! Pittsburgh, Penn., aise Mn. and Mns. Wilbur Down, Mn. ýY and Mns. Wm. Wilkinson and Miss Robbins, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. E. Acton, Brooklin. Robent Jackson of Brooklin enjoyed holidays at Bruce Tinks with bis cou.sins. IMn.. J. Yeliewlees vislted SIseveral days with ber sisters, SMiss Ida Reynolds and Mne. Mabel Westley, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and 4~family and Mns. Addie Tink Shad e pleesant motor trip to 4Haliburton on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Mal- colm and family, Mn. and Mns. ~<IHugh Miller and sons, Brou- dith gham: Mn. and Mrs. George , Drynan and sons, Oshawa, were ,Sunday visitons at John Knox's. Mn. end Mn.. E. R. Taylor. ~Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and ~sonis ettended the Gilbank no- ,u nion et the homo o! Mn. and E Mrs.Ernie Gilbank. leevmg on the United Church E anavan team i Nothern On- 4paniod Mn. and Mrs. Clare AI- 5 E11 ~ln and sons of Bowmer.ville. to èPeterborough on S.;. c4ra- - hre they vsited Mnr and Mrs. s car Jamiesonj ____ 0 and ber husband the Bey. W. Clarke and family, Fort Qu!Aip- pelle, Sask., Mr. and Miii. Bal- lard joined the Ontario group for a motor trip to British Col- nIle Oror umbia and oight States i the U.S. Axnong highllghts of theoTlehn interesting trip was a boat cruise from Nanaimo, B.C. te Port Tlpo Angeles, U.S. Congratulations to Mr. and Mn. and Mnrs. Wmn. Mitchell, d Mrs. Dorok Bannett on the birth iMn. and Mns. George Hutton s: o! a son on Fniday, A'ugust 16, are visiting the latter's niece, at Oshawa Generai Hospital, a Mrs Webester, Oniilia.D brother for Carol, Diane and i Mrs. Robt. Hancock, Peggy v~ Ralpb.. and Johnny are liolldayng at Mrs. Wm. Worry attended a Glenwood Beach, Lake Simcoe. tea for bride-to-be Joanne Jack- Mrs. Chas. Wood is a patientV son, given by ber mother, Mrs. i Memroial Hospital, Bowman- I: Roy Jackson at their home, ville. Little Bnitain.Mran r.HveBu-a Mr. and Mrs. Harny Rose and tnSr. and MH re BrunE family spent two weeks at a cot- ton, S., WMnd;M. and r. oh tageat Pessey Lke.Mrs. Albert Clark, Oshawa, vis- Mrs. E. Mountjoy. Mrs. J.1 ited Mr. and Mrs. O. Cowan. Glover and Mrs. H. Werry wene M dMs.O . .Faa guests at the home of Mrs. Mart- 1 and children are spending two t( in Libby, Oshawa. on Wednes- weeks at Balsam Lake, Rose-E day evening, when fniends hon- dale. oured Mns. Percy Langmaid with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allun a presentatien following ber attended the Gilbank -Taylor necent manrage. picnic on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McGee wore woekend visitons with the are on a motor trip through theoIV H. Rose famiiy at Pnessiey Lake. southern states. C Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Matthew, Miss Bertha Cain and friends M Lyle, Lois and Andrea have ieft are visiting at Pike Bay, Bruce for the West Coast where Mn. Peninsula. IV Matthew has a position in a B.C. Onono g-uests at the Morton-u miilworks. Tyson wedding, Saturday. Aug. s Mr. F. Succee, Highland l7th, in United Church, Coipoy1p Grove, bas been spending a week Bay, Ontario, wene Mn. and c with bis daughter, Mns. J. Eliiott Mrs. Albert Morton, Mr. and: and with bier was a recent guest Mrs. A. McGiil and Hoathon, o! Mn. and Mrs. Henry Succee Mrs. John Morris, Mn. and Mns. at Woodstock, and Mrs. Amy Geo. Morton, Mn. and Mrs. Don- IN Watt, Burgessville. aid Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Neil y Mn. and Mns. H. C. Bebakor Porter, Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, a and Andy, Mr. and Mns. Harold Mn. and Mns. Lyall Lowery, Mn. Ji Wenry and Miss Eleanor Mount- and Mns. Hartweil Lewery and oy wvere guests at the weokend Mrs. Russell Lowery, Toronto. p at the summer bornes cf Mn. and Mnr. and Mns. Bruce Mencer, vi Mns. Ewant McLaughlin and Dr. Brucie and Valenie who spent and Mrs. Gordon Hane, Lake ý a fow days at their aunt's cet' re Rousseau. tago at Kushog Lake retunned Bi home on Monday ovening. Mns. James Lycett, Mr. and A SOLINAMns. Fred Lycett, Mr. and Mrs. f< SO NAHarny Lycett attendedth arM Thene wil ho no Sunday Lycett wedding in Westmount School or Cburch service bore United Church, Oshawa. te next Sunday, August 25. Mrs. J. E. Richards is a On Sunday, Sept. 1. Sunday Maiton today to meot Miss AI- p< Schooi will meet in the after- nia Cuttie wbo is retunning noon at 1.30 o'clock witb church fnom Califonnia by 'plane. service at 2.45 and Rey. Reed Mr. Jim Gamsby is a patient in the pulpit. in Momoniai Hospital, Bowman-, The cburch service on Sun- ville. day morning was arnanged by' Congratulations to Mr. andl the Three M's with Mn. Fred Mns. Richard Donald Morton-! Ormiston of Breoklin the speak- the former Miss Lillian Steila U er. Bruce and Don Taylor fa- Tyson, on their manniage Aug voned with a vocal duet, "Dean l7th et the United Cburch, to te Hart f te Shphed".Colpoy Bay. Rev. O. B. Stnapp,. LdeseHer of the Shepherd". uncle of the bride, officiated. were et Oshawa Fair whero IMn. an d Mrs. Ross Mencen at-j tended the funeral o! their brother-in-law, Mn. Clifford Miller, 28, who was accidentiy ta tf?40 kilied at bis. work last Friday night at a gravel pit near Osh- awa. Mrs. Myna McCulioch bas returned home and has her nioce, Mrs. Scôtt, as hon guost. PITT58_URGHMrs. J. E. Richards visited in Cobeconk and Minden district last week. PROOF i Mns. J. C. Gamey with hon sistons are on a trip te Cape Cod. -Victor Hall and Russell Major are visiting Danny Hall in ROUSEPAINT Ottawa. Mr. and Mns. Carmen Connish and daughter visited Presqu'îleI Pon nSunday. n.. ad Mrs. R. R. Waddoli 4 ~spent a week, at Wasaga Beach before attending the Shakos- n u - pearean Festival, Stratford. (Intended for iast week) Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell Toda's SN-PROF Buse whe spent a week with thein Pant i -RP os bte hne e daughter, Mn. and Mrs. Burns Pait i bete thn eer e- Kittmer and sons, St, Mary's, cause i's FUME-PROOFI WilI have returned home. not darkon or discolor from M.adMs .L oe n coal smnoke or industrial gases. fMn. ad Mns A L. Hooe an S e f cl a i gt o R m v s u - co ttag e , K ink fie ld . facedirtMn. Mac Holdaway, Onillia, visited bis grandparents, Mr. 'and Mns. Egerton Hancock. Congratulations te Mn. and Mrs. Donald McGee on the necent enival of their chosen tio -News. le 1.27 daughter "«Lesiey Barbara," a sister for David. Miss Mari orie Hoidge and M4iss Nellie Heyes, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mr. and Mn. Orley Chapman 'isited Mrs. T. Cook, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Duncan have sold their house and have moved to Ottawa. Mrs. Wm. Riddell and Mrs. Dane Found spent a few days in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. C. Webber at- tended the wedding of her niece, Miss Patricia Somerville Moser to Mr. Robert Gair in St. James Bond United Church, Toronto- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan spent a week at "Island View", Rice Lake. Visitons during the week were Mr. and Mns. J. Rickaby and Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Allun, Joan and Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lycett and Mrs. J. J. Cornish attended the 1957 Dominion Synchronized Swimming Championship at Peterborough last week. A cousin, Miss Ruth Winter of Regina, Sask., team was com- peting for the first time. Mrs. (Clara) W. W. Harrison, who resided in Orono some years ago, pasqed away after àlingering illness in Ottawa Tuly 29th, 1957. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Honey, 'alm, Springs, California, are visiting fniends in Orono. Mr. J. Jewel, Belleville, is -lief manager at Canadian 3ank of Commerce. Mrs. Neil Porter and Miss .udrey Billings visited the rmer's daughter, Mr. and [rs. Jack Bail, London. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood at- ended the Trull-Tummonds vedding August 10th in Port If you wene te jump youn auto- mobile through the air in the above manner, nine chances eut o! ton it would mean CERTAIN DEATH. Thnee DAREDEVILS wili compote oee gainst the ethen, each doing this groat THRILLER and 32 others just as sensatienei-wben the INTER- NATIONAL A UTO0 DARE- DEVIL CONTEST is ,put on at the PORT HOPE FAIR FRIDAY NIGHT AUGUST 3Oth NOTICE PARENTS YOUNG PEOPLE Registrations are now being accepted at the Oshawa Business College for the FaIl Term-Tuesday, September 3, 19%Z Enrolment is very limited due to an'extremely large Summer School Class. You may register by telephone, Dial RA 5-3375. Office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.ni., Monday to Friday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Individual, Expert Instruction - Modern Equip- ment - Four Courses to choose from - Two Systoms of Shorthand. Job Placement for Graduates - Act Now! Freel Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas VIGOR OIL Service station CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Vigor Standard- Gasoline Vigor9 Complet. Lubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Y GAL 1 OC ineiudlngta GAL c lnciudlnt a b j' < I I I ri=Âa. IV Mr. and Mrs. Cliffcrd Brad- ley, Stittsville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGee, David and Lesiey. Miss Helen Carter, Toronto, visited Miss Sadie Brownl. Mr. Jack' Bryson has been nioved to the Whitby distr*'4 Mrs. Bryson and daujghtqný Coîborne, are staying with Mis. M. Sherwin a7d Laurence un. tii they move to Bov'man Îlle. Mrs. Alex Watson ha r e- turned home from a trip Francisco, California. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bucklçy %I Huntsville, visited Mrs. Han- vey Curtis and Mrs. R. A. Delve. I. p 111 1 TEE CANAD" STATEsmAm. b"Aim 22nd.1957 MA Pl es ~rry. 1

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