PAGE TOUWPEEN TEE CANADIA~ STATESMAK, EOWMANV1LLE~ O?~TA~O TH!JRSDAY, AUG. 22nd. 1951 ---OMM IE, ig Births BRAGG-William and June an- rIaunce the birth of their daught- er on August lSth, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. (Stiliborn). 34-1* COLES-Captain and Mrs. Nor- inan Coles are happy ta announce the arrivai of their son Brian Norman on Sunday, August 18, 1957, at Grace Hospital, Toronto. 34-1* Engagements Mrs. Hazel Sutherland, Peter- borough, announces the engage-. ment of her daughter Gladys Alta, ta Donald Roland Bate, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bate Sr., Bowmanville. The xnarriage wilI take place in AlI borns'glin Satury,etebr Saintsh Anglian hrh, etebr- 14 at two-thirty o'clock. 34-1* Marriages TRULL - TUMMONDS - On Saturday, August lth. 1957, at 3 o'clock in Port Perry UnitedI Church by Rev. R. Wylie, Mtriel' Doreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tummonds, Port Perry, ta John Franklin Trul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truli, Hampton. 34-If Deaths MILLER-Suddeniy at Osbawa on Friday, August 16, 1957, Clif- fard James Miler in bis 29tb year, baloved husband of Con- nie Piper, Hampton. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chap- el, Bowmanville an Monday, August i9tb at 2 o'clock. Inter- ment Hampton Cemetary. 34-1 McNtJLTY, Mrs. Elizabeth-At haspital in Montreal an Monday, .August l9th, 1957, dear mothar of Mrs. R. V. Duncan (Rose): Mrs. E. L. Ott (Tiny), Bill and Neaty, Montreai, and Jack, Bow- manvile. Funeral was bald at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 21, 1957, from Clamk's Funeral Parlour, Mantreal. 34-1 PENFOUND-At Bowmanvilie on Wednesday, August 14, 1957, Laura Brimacomba, in hem 9th year, wife of the late Thomas Penfound. Service was heid at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manvilie on Friday, August 16, at 3:30 p.m. Interment Bow- rnanville Cametery. 34-1 ROPER. Alfred Thomas-At the home of his son, 509 Byron St. South, Wbtby, on Sunday, Aug- ust l8th, 1957, Alfred Thomas Roper. beioved busband of the late Mary Sophia Juby, in bis 86th year. Rested at Narthicutt & Smith Funerai Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanville, until Tuesday momning, August 2th. then to the J. R. Bush Funeral Home, Bellevile, for service at 2 p.m. Intermant Elmwoad Cemetery, Corbyville. 34-1 SENIOR - At Hilitop Acres, Toronto, on Tuesday, August 20, 1957, Susan M. Senior in her 82nd yaar, daugbter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Senior and dear friand of Edna Ranison. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie. Grave-1 isida service on Thursday, Auguste 22 at 3 o'clock in Mount Pleas- ant Cemetary, Toronto. 34-1 In Memoriam ASHTON-In loving mnemory of a dear wife and mothar, Edith Ashton, wha passed away Aug- ust 27, 1956. The world changes from year ta year, And friands from day ta day, But neyer will the ana we loved From mamory pass away. -Ever remembered by hem bus- band Henry and family. 34-11 Cards of Thanks I wîsh ta thank the many friands for expressions of sym- pathy received by myv family during the bereavemnent of my father, John Sandfield (Sandy) Hitsman. Miss Eleanor Hlitsman. j 34.-1*1 I wouid like ta thank ail mv friands and neighibours, Canadian Leinand membars who sent me cards, fruit, etc.. during my stay in Sunnybrook Hospital. Special thanks ta Loui Dewell, Clark Wilson and Charles Fallis. Bill Wallis. 34-l* I would like ta express my sincera thanks ta friends, rela - tives and neighbours for their cards, jgifts and flowers during my recent stay in hospital and ta those who sa kindly cama ta Visi me.Carl Wright. 34-1* We wish ta thank aur friands, ieigbbours and relatives for the beautif ul gif ts, flowars and cards raceivad an our Sth wed- ding anniversary. A spacial 4.thank you" ta al who balped ta make the avaning a happy occasion. Florence and Joa Highfiald. 34-1* Mitchel-The husband and' family of the laie Mrs. Ruth Mitchell wisb ta extend aur heartfalt thanks and apprecia.. tion for the acts of kindness. messages of sN-mpathy andI beautiful floral offerings recaiv- ed from aour kind friands, rela-1 tives and neigbbours during! our recçnt bereavemnent in the I loss of aur dear wife and moth- er.1 Mr. Wm. Mitchell and Family. 34- * Lost Notices L. C. Mason, Law Office, clos- ed August l2th- 24th inclusive. 32-3* Dr. McKenzie's office will be closed from August 24 until September 3. 34-2* Dr. C. F. Cattran's office will be closed August l7th ta Septem- ber 2nd inclusive. 33-3* Stevens' Taxi will be closed for holidays from August 26 ta August 30, inclusive. 34-1* John A. Holgate and Son will be closed for holidays, August 19th ta September 2nd inclusive. 33-2 I will flot be responsible for debts incurred by my wife after August l5th, 1957. Albert Murphy. 33-3* The Seed Cieaning Plant at Enniskillen is now open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone MA 3-2739 or Blackstock 102-J. 33-3 Anyone wishing ta jain Ladies' Major League Bowling will leave their names at Martyn's Bowling Alley by 24th August. Entry fee $4.00 - $ 1.00 ta be paid the first night. 33-2 NOTICE Re Construction of Waverley Road Articles for Sale BEATTY electrie washer. Tale- phone MA 3-3250. 34-1* jONE cernent mixer. $40.00. Tele- phone MArket 3-3474. 34-1* 1,500 NEW apple boxes, wire bound, 75c each. Phone 1 r 6, JOrono. 34-tf IALSCO aluminum doors and Iwindows. Lamne Allun, MArket 3-3871. 34-1* QUANTITY of alfaîf a baled hay. Harold Ormiston, Enfield. MArket 3-2373. 3- PORTABLE electric sewing ma - china, excellent condition. Tele- j phone MA 3-5958. 34-1* APPROXIMATELY 900 large bales hay, mostly timothy. Tele- phone Orono 36 r 4. 34-if FLOOR polisher for rentl at Mason & Dale Hardware. 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf SADDLE and bridle: '47 Stude- baker, $125; good running old refrigerator. Phone MA 3-2855. 34-1* SAVE on lumber. direct from miii ta yau. Phillips Lumbar Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS cut autamatically, while you waît, at Masan & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf GLADIOLI and cut flowers for ail occasions. Daily delivary. Mrs. E. Passant. Phone MArket 3-3527. 27-8 HARD and sof t water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf all makes. U hbp. motars, $5 Monda, Au. 26,1957and up. Paddy's Market, Hamp-. Waverlay Re-ad will ba undar ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prampt re-construction batwean High-, service ta electrical appliances, way No. 2 and the Base Lina.j large and small. Lander Hard- In the Interasts af safety this ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf portion of the road will be clos- BOY'S C.C.M. bicycle, good con- ad ta, ail vehicular traffic. Undar dition, new tiras, $25; also giri's no circumstance must anyone bicycle. Hemb Moorcraft, 74 travai this road without special Temparance. MA 3-3253. 34-1 permission. DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher from RESIDENTS ARE REQUESTED Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., TO KEEP ALL CHILDREN Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. AWAY FROM THE ROADWAIr. J -tf 34-1 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship F or Rent guaranteed. F r e e estimates. ____________________Harmy L. Wade. Phone Clarke APARTIMENT. Phene MArket 2420. ý39tf 3-3573.'4- APARTMENT for rant. Phone MA 3-5784. 34-.1* THIREE-raomed apartment. 23 Liberty Place. Phone MArket 3-3969. 134-1* THREE upstairs raoms, heat and electricity suppiad. Apply 152 Base Lina Rd. 34-1* FOUR-roomed fiat, East Beach, inside toilet and running water. Phone MA 3-2875. 33-tf, ]ýED-sitting room for business girl. Phone MA 3-5684 or 18 Concession West. 34-1* APARTMENT for rant: aiso office or store space, King St. W., Bowmanville. Dial Oshawa1 RA 3-3559. 34-1*j 'MODERN bungalow, five roams and bath, insulated, tule floors, spaciaus cupboards, hydro, boti jwater. Milton Tamblyn, 13 r 19, Orono. 34-1* FURNISHED bedroom, central- ly located, gentleman preferrad. Write Advertiser 695, c/o The Canadian Statasman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 34-1 LARGE bright furnished roamn on ground floor. Heated, central, ideal for sehool teacher, contain- ing new breakfast suite, sink, hot and cold water, electric stove, electric refrigerator, dish- es, pots and pans. bed chestar- field, new wardroba. Available Aug. 24. Telephona MA 3-5822,! 100 King St. East.341 BED-sitting room, hot-plate priv- ilages. Phone MA 3-3164. 34-if NEW teacher for Orono High School requires living quarters with twa bedroomns, in Orono, Newcastle or Bowmanville. Mrs. St. John, 90 Citation Rd., Wiilow- dale. Phone Toronto BAidwin 1-7201. 34-i Found BANDED pigeon. Identification, red band RN - aluminum band CUI 57 - 19820. Phone 2436 Newcastle. 34-1 Notice ta Creditors AND OTHERS SAVE now on used electric stoves and washing machines at Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MArketi 3-5774. 34-1 USED refrigerator, 9 cubîc feet, only $89.95; used Easy Spindry washing machina, $69. at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 34-1 HEARING aid service, testing service and campiete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Telephane MA 3-5438. 20-tf NOW is the time to protect al your plants against pasts and disease. We can perform this service for you with aur naw Solo sprayer. Phone Fritz Marti Nursery, MA 3-5012. 18-tf ADDING machinas, typewriters, cash registers, chaque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture, new and used. Repairs ta al makes. Walter Frank, 177 Church St., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986. 14-tf MAS ON & Dale Hardware Lim- ited now have a compieta se]ac- tion of linoleum, vinyl, rubber and asphaît floor tule, plywood underlay, plastic wall tule and new 1958 wallpaper patterns. See them on display at aur store, 36 King St. E., Bawmanville. 34-1 DRAPE RIES and venetian blinds custom made or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative wîll caîl at your home any tima witb a complate range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Telephone MArkat 3-3609, Bowmanville. 48-tf TRADE-IN Furniture - 2-piece chestarfield, dinette suite, studio couch, wardrobe, efrigeratar, bedroom suite, bunk beds, chrome kitchen set, space heater, 15 c.f. freezer, sewing machine. six-drawar chest, occasianal chairs. Murphy Ca., King W. Phone MA 3-3781. 34-1*, USED Farm Equipment-Inicr- national Farmaîl "H" tractor, McCormick W-4 tractor, Massay- Harris "22" tractor, Case '" tractdr, Massev-Harris d i s c plougb, Massey-Harris 8-ft. field cultivator; John Deere 8-foot cultivator on rubbar, at Cowan IN THE ESTATE 0F FRANK Eupe SIDNEY ALLEN, Decaasad. 3-5689 ALL persans having dïaims 3-5689._ against the asiate of Frank Sid - ney Allen, laie of the Township Y0Ub of Darlingion un the County of Durbam, service station operat- CHOI( or, who diad on or about the DRESSE] 12tb day of July, 1957, ara e- PH quirad ta sand ta the undersign- rH aed at the address below. full 'M~APLE particulars of the same on or before the 25tb day af Saptem- ber, 1951., afier wbich data the assets of the decaased wili beI distributad having regard oniy ta the dlaims af which the 0 For thi Executrices shail than have Fofu notice.*Foth DATED this 22nd day of * For ti August, 1957. SARAH J. ALLEN. APEHA 1. HODGINS, .G P. O. Box 399. Baw-manville. Ontario, BU 3-j 9xecutrÂces . - 83-3 Articles for Sale - FLOWERS - Artistic arrange- ments for ail occasions. Cut flow- ers. Fmash vegetabies; herbs, African violets, summer price 75. Daw worms. AIl guaran- teed. Mrs. Abrams, 1 St. George St. Phone 3-2843. 32-tf TV AERIALS IF YOU NEED New Aeria1F Rotor Aerials Conversions or Rep.airs WE HAVE THE WORKS! ALL GUARANtEED AT EXCELLENT PRICES TOWNE TV MA 3-5919 Cars for Sale 1950 FIAT, in running condition. Phone MA 3-2553. 34-1 *1 '52 . FARGO haîf-ton pick-up truck. Private owner. Phone Newcastle 3166. 34-1 1947 MERCURY coach, in excel- lent condition. Gloria Lana, Newtonville. Phone Clarke 1 030. 34-.1 * '54 METEOR Tudor, $995. Sec Jack Lees, Seaway Motors, 428 King St. W., Oshawa. RA 5-8141 or Newcastle 3831. 34-tf '55 FORD Tudor, $1,495. See King St. W., Oshawa. RA 5-8141 or Newcastle 3831. 34-tf '54 FORD ½/-ton pick-up, like naw. Sec Jack Leas, Seaway Motors, 428 King St. W., 0sha- wa. RA 5-8141 or Newcastle 3831. 34-tf. 1950 FARGO '/2-ton pick-up, fluid drive. A. E. Cale, P1mb ing and Heating, 55 KingStW. Bowmanville. Phone MArket 3-3348. 34-1 '50 haif-ton Chev. pick-up, per- fect condition, low mileage, new paint; neyer used commerciaily. Will trade for car or sali. Joseph Csafordi, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 33-2e 1955 CHEVROLET 4-door V-8; 1954 Fard 2-door, 1953 Pontiac 4-door, 1949 Pontiac 4-door, only $145, at Cowan Equipmnent Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 34-1 USED Trucks-1954 Chevroiet %/-ton, 1952 G.M.C. 3-ton dump, 1949 International panel in ex- cellent condition, only $195, at 1 Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King1 St. E., Bowmanviiie. Phone MAI 3-5689. 34-1~ SPECIAL SALE 0F NEW CARS 3 - 1957 Dodge Royal' Sedans Executiva drivan Vary LGw Mileage Discount of $600 3 - 1957 Dodge Mayf air Sedans Torque-flite transmission, sport- tona, white walls. Discount of $400 3 - 1957 -Dodge Regent Sport tone, powar-flite transmis-! sion - 6 and V8 matons. 1 And also a good variety of USED CARS ville. Phone MArkt 34-11 GROVE MA 3-50581 26-tf )ecorating ie Finest Paints te Latest Papers e Best Workmanshlp Authorlzed Dealer for DODGE - DE SOTO CARS DODGE TRUCKS HAMPTON Corner 5th Concession and Seugog Road Open 9 a.m. to 9 pani. Telephone MArket 3-5252 34-.1 Livestock for Sale Cars for Sale BETTER USED CARS We Price 'em Low and Seli 'em Fast *Certified Condition * Easy Terms 30 DAY GUARANTEZ '51 Hiliman $195 Easy on the pocket '50 Chev. Deluxe $495 Custom Radio '51 Meteor Custom $495 Custom Radio '53 Chev. Sedan $795 Custom Radio - Signais Outstandlng condition '53 Ford Custom $7951 2-tona - Radio '55 Nash Rambler $1,295 Like New - Economy Plus '55 Chev. Deluxe $1495~ Low Mileage - Oaa Owner '55 Ford Fairlane $1,595 A Beauty Stew's Special '52 OLDS HOLIDAY COUPE Ail Power Equippad, Safety Baîts New safaty tires - $4.500 car In sharp condition - Only $1,295 AND MANY MORE AT WELLMAN'S NONQUON RD. OSHAWA Rambler - Hillman Nash - Metropolitan Sales and Service Open until 9 p.m.341 Wanted to Buy WHEAT wanted at latest market prices. Phone A. W. Glenney, Newcastle 2771. 34-2 250 BALES of oat straw. Apply' C. R. Knox, Orono, aftar 6 p.m. Phone Orono 1642. 34-1 HIGHEST Pý-Ices paid for live poultry, goose feathars, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags, metais .and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf HEARSE (1930) good running orcler, reasonabie. Write infor- rrtAtion of the whereabouts of above ta Advertiser 696, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190. Bowrmanviiie. 34-1* ALL kinds of liva paultry want- cd. Top Toronto prices paid at vour door for large or smal] quantities. We have aur own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R . 1. Phone colaect ta Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf HOUSE wantad-In Bowman- villa, between C.P.R. on the north and Quean Street on the, soutb. No agents. Write, stat- ing prica, etc., ta Advertiser 691, c/o The Canadian Statasman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 34-1 * Work Wanted *CAPABLE retired farmer re- quires work as janitor or watcb- man. Phone MA. 3-5080. 34-1 PLUMBINO, heating, eaves- troughing: free estimatas. Harvey Partnar. Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf NEW plastering and repairs. Stucco and cament plastering. A. C. Woods. Phone Clarke 23 r 04. 14-tf GUARANTEED rapairs ta al makas of cars and trucks, al jobs are guaranteed, competent workmanship, at Cowan Equip- ment Ca., Metaor-Mercury Deal- er, 134 King St, E., Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14-tf PLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING Tony Baars 66 King St. W. MA 3-5172 BOWMAN VILLE 27-8 WE have sevaral wel brCU yearling Red Shorthorn bullsfrC saleataireasonablp prices. Cvrili Mumford. Fairacres Farms, Fifth 991 Çoncession DarLjn&tWn,- near~, Coming Events Pon't forget Blackstock Fair this Saturday, August 24th.1 Parade 1 p.m. Races. Green- wool Variety Program, 8:30 p.m. 34-1 Help Wanted PIN boys wginted. Apply at Martyn's Bowling Alley. 33-4 LADY for general housework. Sleep in preferred. Phone MA 3-3391. - 34-1 URGENTLY needed. a reliable woman willing ta assume re- sponsibilities and do general housework. Please contact Mrs. Harold Gibson, Newcastle. AVON Products has a good ter- ~ritory available in Bowmanvillei for energetic, mature woman.l Earn good money at your owni convenience. For 'further par- ticulars write Mrs. G. Tate, 304 Frederick Ave., Peterborough. 33-2* INTERESTED in door-to-door selling or in a business of ypur own? Now is the time ta join a 30 years' oId Canadian f irm. Openings in your surroundings: Bowmanville, Courtice. New-1 castie, Newtonville. Free in -, formation: M. Baker. 1600 Del-1 orimier, Station C, Montreal. 31-4 SALESMAN wanted to sali and service nationally known product in Bowmanvilla and Darl- ington Township. Salary and commission plus bonus. Exýpaniance net nacessary but car assential. Full training given. Ail banafits. Excellant opportunlty for right man. Apply, stating aga, marital status, and previous axpaniance to Adverliser 694 e/o Tha Canadian Statesman P-0. BOX 190, BOWMANVILLE 34-2. Room-Board Wanted MALE high school teachar wouid like room and board for the schoal year beginning Sept. 3, 1957. Pleasa reply ta Advertis- er 697, c/o The Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 34-2 Tenders Wanted Christmas Trees Sale by Tender 4,200 Scotch Pine at Northum- berland Forest, Cobourg. For details apply Department of Lands & Forasts, Lindsay, before September 7th, 1957. Réal Estate for Sale Peler Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER Dairy farm, 100 acres, 7 miles from Bowmanviile on pavement; 7 room bouse, full basament. large U-shape barn, 6 can miik quota. Priced ta sali. Terms. Genaral farm, 98 acres, 7 roomn bouse, full basement, fumnace, barn 30 x 80. This farm bas an excellent creek. Thare is watar in every field. Genaral farm, 50 acres, 6 roam insulbmick bouse, bydro, pressure systern. barn 50 x 30. This farm Real Estate f or Sale CHOICE building lot in Hamp- ton. 76' x 198'. Phone MArket 3-5324 after 6 p.m. 34-1* COTTAGE for sale, West Beach, five rooms, screened-in ver- andah, new electric refrig, new cook stove, TV antenna, ideal location, $2,500. Write Aver- tiser 692, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 33-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Propertias Soid, Ranted Manated and Appralsed L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf ONE fiva-roomn brick bungalow, forced air heatîng, tules, four- piece batb, tiied kitchen, num- erous other axtras, centrally la- catad. Full prica $11.900. Te.yms armanged. One ranch style home, double car -garage, wail land- scaped lot, fully air condition fumnace, tiled bath and kitchan. Extras too numeraus ta mention. Full price $20,700. Tarms ar- rangad. For fumiher details Phone MA 3-5602. Don Brooks, Building Contmactor. 34-1 Orm Gerry fREALTOR Orono $1.000 dawn takes this 7-roam white frame in excellent localit.y. Large lot bas cistern and hydro with stave heat. Owner in Win- nipeg and orders it sold quickly at only $4.800 with real tarms. Farm Exchange 80 acres rolling medium soul, fair buildings and fine roam frama house, excellent hardwoad bush, mail and baker at door, school 1/4 mile. Wiil consider small bouse on this deal. Offer- îng at low price of $8.800. 34-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Orona-100 acres of choice land, 2 springs, 'h mile from paved road, school and 115 High- way, L-shape steel hip-roof barn 85' x 35'; implement shed. 8- roam solid brick house, centrai hall plan, modern kitchen, 3- piece bath and naw furnace. Only $11,500.00. 4f acres of choice garden soil on paved raad, %" mile from school and 115, small barn, 8- room insul-brick house, 3-piece bath. Immediate possession. $4,750.00. W. C. Evans - Broker ORONO *Leask Real Estate *ORONO j2-storey double bouse, brick, income home. Centrally locat- ad, ail furnace with bot watar heating, doubla attached garage, full basemant. $3,000 cash, bal- ance on 6% mortgage. 5 room 11½-storey bouse, 3 bedrooms, low taxes, insuiatad, garage. Extrà building lot. $5,900.00. 5 raom naw modemn bungalow on roomy lot, ail furnace with hot watar heating, double gar- age, landscaped. On Na. 2 High- way near Bowmanvilla. We have bouses and bunga- lows from $5,800.00 ta $20,000.00, farms, lots, etc. List with Leask 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvllle MA 3-5919 34-1 Real Estate for Sà.\% H. C. Pedwel REAL ESTATE BROKER 8 room frame bouse ini New. tonville on No. 2 Highway. $4.500, easy terms. 5-room insul-brick bungalow, East of Newcastle, ail furnace, hydro and well, $3,800, easy terms. Phone Arnold Wade 26 r Il 50 acres with barn 40' x 100'. remodelled frame house, bath, furnace, garage and Implement shed, close ta paved road, $8,000 or best offer. Terms. 10 acres with 5-roorn bunga.- low, 8 acres workable, ail eciuip- ped for gardening and chickens, 1 mile East of Newcastle. lm- madiata possession. New house baing completed on No. 2 Highway East of New- castle. $1.000 will handie. H. C. PEDWELL, Broker Newcastle PhoQne 3956 34-1 De With Real Estate Member Oshawa and DLsU1M Photo Co-Op. 100 acre farm, 1/ mile fmomn highway, 70 acres workabie, 3 acres wood, remainder in pasture, good bank barn, implemant shed. han bouse, garage; 7 roomed camant block house with 4-piece bath, hamdwood and tuae floors, furnaca, munning bat and cold water, kitchan cupboards. Price $12,000 with $3.000 down. 13 acre farm with 10 acres Lworkabia, gaod fances, L-shaped barn, ban house, double garage. 7 roomed frame bouse with kitchan cupboards, bydro, water un kitchen. Asking prica $7.500. Terms arranged. 100 acre farm, 50 acres wark- able, craek, 50 acres wood, bank barn, implament shed, han bouse, garage; 7 roomad frame bouse with fumnace, beavy wir- cd. Price $7.000. Haîf cash. 200 acres of land with large L-sbapad bank barn with steel stanchions and watar bowls, 150 acres workable, some Wood. Pruce $8.500. Tarms arranged. 200 acre dairy farm with 115 1 acres workabla, situated 13 miles from Oshawa, 2 streams, 30 acres in bush, remainder past- ure, 127' x 36' bank barn with watar bowls, silo, han bouse, 36' x 36' drive-in shed; 9 raam- cd frame bouse with modemn fumnace, running bot and cold watar, 4-piece bath, laundry1 tubs. Asking $21.000. Terms amranged. 45 acres of land on highway, at Newcastle, with foundation for bouse, large stmaam an pmop- arty, 35 acres workable, 8 aitres in wood. Asking prica àkmD. Terms arranged. 5 roomed, naw, ranch stv e bungalow on 1 acre lot- at New- castle with double garage. Built witb the bast of material with ail fumnace, hardwood and tile floors, 4-piace bathroom. with many axtras, water undar pres- sure, electric water heatar, mod- arn kitchen, full basemant. Price and terms armangad. 5 roomad ranch style bunga- low in Bowmanville with 4-VSeo bath, fýunning bot and cold wat- er, ail furnaca, F/A: hardwood and tule floors, modemn kitchen, full basament. Price $9.000. 7 raomed brick bungalow on Queen Street in Bowmanviile with garage, modemn kitchen, hamdwood and tuae floors, 4-piece bathroom, munning bat and cold water, ail fumnace, F/A, etc. Asking price $15.000. Terms arrangad. 5 roamed frame bouse in Bow- manvilla with 3 bedrooms, run- ning bot and cold watar. Good is locatea close ta Lakoe Ontario, TÉ e-sidaes-above mentiona-d we 1it gives a good oppotunity ta James Niixon hava appraximately 200 more plant out a naw orchard. Price REAL ESTATE BROKER propertias ta choose fmom. $6,5100.00. Tarms. otc 6 room -brick and frame bunga- Gmocery store and living quartCntc low, naarly new, kitchan, utiiity ers - 6 rooms, 3-piece bath, oi John F. De Wiih room, dining-room, 3 bedrooms, furnace, heavy wiring, merchan-Reto an GnraIsrne bath. Price $9,500. Down $2,00(). dise at invoice price. Priced toaloan erlIsunc 8 room brick bouse. kitichen, sali. Newcastle Phone 3341 dining-room, living-room, 4 bcd- 6-room saiid brick, hardwoad Salesmen: roams. bath, full basement. Price and tule floors, 3-piece bath, ail Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanvilll. $8,000.00. Down $1,000.00. fumnace, modemn kitchen, fire- MA 3-3950 4 room bungalow on Highway place, many extras, possession Mrs. Jean Woolner, Oshawa 2. good well, hydro, han bouse. arranged. $1.500 down. RA 3-2180 Price $3,800.00. Down $500.00. 5-raom brick, semi-detached, Daniel Boehm - Port Hope 189 Scugog st. Bowmnanvile hardwood and pine floors, 3-TU554 Phone MArkat 3-3644 piace bath, basement, haavy wir-TU504 34-1 Salosman arranged. . J . Hartwlg,Hapo 5-roam frame cottage, 'East .apo ngs 150dwpseso Room and Board Phone MArket 3-2035 3- Beach, furnisbad, 3 bedrooms, ROOM and board availabie, 341living-room, brick fireplace. Im- comfortable home. Write P. O. D. W. rmediate possession.Bx132 omnil. 4- 6-room frame cottage, WestBx 32Bw anil. 4- IMcQuay Real Estate Beach, new roof, water inside, Membrs shaa an Ditrit bavy wiring, inside conven>- î.- Membrs Ohawaand ist icences, $1.000 down. Immediate The Canadian Statesman Real Estate Board possession. CL S IFE 107 acre dairy farm, 30 min- 47 Queen St., Bowmanvllle . C A SFE utes' drive fram Oshawa. 7 Box 941 MA 3-56u2 ADVERTISING ' room bouse with furnace. Large 34-1' A E hip roof barn. Stream. Paved ]R TE road. $13.000. S! 100 acre pastura ranch with Charles Rankcine ARTICLES FORSA trot tram $,00.LIVESTOCE FOR SALE , trutstem,$600.REAL ESTATE BROKER FOR lIENT - HELP WANTED 100 acre Christmas tree farm Specl CARS FOR SALE 4 with 35,000 Scotch pine planted. Tisfaehm ismac-, LOST « FOUND , ETC. +Cash Rate. .4c.Ilword 4 Excllnttraut stream Vith late, inside and out. Has four 'wi l mn'um C soc - pond. $10.000. bedrooms. A definite bargain at Must be paid hy date of insertion. 175 acres Christmas trac land only $5.500 with $1.000 down. j Uchorged, on additional 25c nearMillrook $6,00.wiflb. odded. nea Mllboo, $.00.$50.00 montbly carrnes interest A char 01a 25c wilI b. mode lus 22 acres market garden land and principal. Only 15 minutes af replies directed ta this offic». with stream, $2.500. from Bowmanville on pavement. . NOTICES - COMINr. EVENTS 10 acre lots on paved naad Adjacent ta stores, schools, etc. AND CARDS Or TItANES i North of Bowmanviile, $350 peýr $7.000 is the full price for this 4c ci word with a minimum 01 acre. neat two-bedroorn bungalow on $1.00 for 25 wards or legs. storey 8 room frame bouse water and sewer. Has ail funn- B *RTHS ENGAGEMENTS on No. 2 Higbway at Newton- ace, batbroom, aluminum stomms 4 MARRIAGES . DEATV< 1 ville, $5.500. and screans. Large landscaped, $ 1.00 Per insertion 7 roam brick bouse. ceptmallyv lot. Terms. 1< 1ItMEMOR!AMS located in Bowmanville, extra $ 9,.500 witb only $2.000 down.:'- SI1.0 plus, 10c a lino toi large lot, $13,000, terms, new 3-bedroomt bungalow, ful~DsîyCosiida 15 5 rom cttae atBowan-basement, ail fumnaca, 4-piece -ihwthainmmIo.ich4 ville Beach, basement, winteriz- bath, mabogany doors and trim. 4 Additioril insertions aI the &am* 4 cd. $1.000 down. Sec this ana. ->rates. Large summer home on Bow. This 3-stomey brick, 15 romrs, Ail Clossified Ad. muet 1» tm manville Beach. Fully furnish- beautiful appearance. 3 bath- tIh"il'ofie not loter thon cd. Hst be sean ta be ap- rom,1o2wta1bai2 b alcl nocn, Wedn@sdoyd * preciatcd. Reasonably priced. ideal for a nursing home or club. and s.Ye non:y. We bave a large number of $11.000 is full price for this Cltp th-& out for harrdy retirence farms, acreages. homes and bus- exceptionall.y fine 100 acre farm. maesses. Buyîng or selling be New barn, hip roof, paintcd, at- OFdFICEhrOUhFRidy sur tasecus.tractive home bas ail furnace, 3:30 a M. bla . P. A. FRANK batbrooru. Small streamn. Good Scturdoy AND WALTER FRAN!< tarms. 8930 o m. Io 12 Noon 177 Chnreh St. Bowmanviilel5a RInt St. W. Bowmanvilc , 111.1MArkt -130 ]Phone MA 3-3986 MA 3-M& ao:'3-3761 §m Classifled À.Ad Service THE CANADUN STATESMAN. B0171UNVn= ONTAIUO 1 1 1 TTC! wr-, --l- 70-- 4- 1 - 1 .PAGE »VuRTEM