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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1957, p. 3

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'TEURSDAY, AtTO. 22n6,. 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMA!L EOWMÂNvn~ flNAWTfl PA<~ Tmm GIMBLETT - TENNANT The marriage of Joan Lorr- aine Tennant and Kenneth Carl Gimblett took place in Orono United Church on Saturday evening, July 27, Rev. Basil Long officiating. The church was decorated with pink and white gladioli for the occasion. The bride is the daughter a! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tennan, of Leskard and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gim- blett, Bowmanville. Mrs. W. E. C. Workman pre- sided at the organ and Mrs. R. Chapman sang "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer". The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a floor len- gth gown of white nylon tulle Refilis - Scribblers Tii. Round Shredded Wheat F QUAKER MUFFI Dole FRUIT (OCKTAII A&P CHILI SAU Choice Creamn Style A&P CORN over taffeta with embroidered appliques on the skirt. A nylon tiara of sequins and rhinstones held lier fingertip veil and she carried a white Bible on which rested red roses and whitî- poms. Mrs. Lionel Tennant was matron of honour and brides- maids were Miss June Tennant, sister of the bride, and Miss Marlene Gimblett, sister of the groom. Ahl wore identical bail- erna length dresses of white or- gandy embroidered in turquoise and with turquoise taffeta cum- merbunds. Their headdresses were turquoise bandeaux with pale pink rose petals and they carried nosegays of yellow and white chrysanthemums. . Pencis Reg. Prie 2 pkgs 35o'-SAVE 40 ETS 3pigs49C Reg. Prie 32o-.BAVE 39 L 20-ci tin2~9c Reg. Price >5*e-SAVE 4o ICE - il-ai btI 21c Reg. Prce 2 tins 23o9,-BAVE 3o 4 15-oz ti ns43 C *SUPER-RICIIT QUAITrY MEA TSI Beef Roast Sale ROUND STEAK Boneless Roast RUMP Boneless Roast i POINT SIRLOIN Boneless Roast15 PORK SAUSAGE SIDE BACON Pure, Esex Brand, SmalI Link or Country Style Ail Good SmSeJ Rndf sa ,49c 1-16 PIcg 8 9c PRICIS EFFECTIVE UNTIL' SATURDAY AUGUST 24th, 1957 Best mnan was Mr. Allan Terry and ushers were Mr.1 Lionel Tennant, brother af thel bride, and Mr. Clinton Ferguson ail of Bowmanville. A reception followed at the I.O.O.F. Hall, Orono, where the bride's inother received in a glazed cotton floral print, wortn with navy and beige accessories and a corsage af red roses and white poms. The groomn's mother assisted, wearing a mauve lace dress with mauve and white accessories and corsage of white carnations. The young couple leit on a wedding trip to points in thel United States, the bride wear- ing a turquoise sheath dress with matching duster coat, white accessories and a corsage of red roses and white porns. They will reside at 71 King Street, West, Bowmanville. MeGILL - McNINLEY A quiet wedding ceremony took place in St. Paul's Angli- can Church, Bethany, on Fni- day evening when the Rev. G. E. Meades solemnized the mar- niage of Miss Kathleen McNin- ley ai Saintiield and Mr. Mor- ley McGill ai Bethany. The bride's dress was ai blue nylon with which she wore a white hat and accessories and carried a cascade af red roses. Attendants were Miss Helen Rusk of Peterborough and Mr. Levi McGill, ai Bethany, bro- ther ai the groom. A reception for the immed- ate families was held at the groom's home. Later they lef t on a motor trip ta Ottawa and Northern Ontario. They wil live in Bethany. WALSHI - JAKEMAN 1 A weddiing of local intenest1 took place in the Chapel ai The Holy Family Church, King St., Toronto, an Saturday, August 17, when Miss Helen Gloria Jakeman, daughter ai Mn. and Mrs. Percy Jakeman, Bethany became the -bride ai Vincent Thomas Walsh, son ai Mn. and Mrs. Vincent Walsh of Toronto. The bride was weaning e waltz length gown ai white chiffon with bouffant skirt, the bodice featuning a sweetheart neckline and embroidered lace. Her fingentip veil ai tulle and lace was caught ta a headdness ai sequins and she carnied a cascade ai sweetheart nases. Her maid ai hanor, Miss Ca- nal Walsh, sisten ai the groom, wV weening rase chiffon and matching feathen heeddress and carnied a nosegay.ai 'muins and farget-me-nots. Miss Norma Jekemen end Miss Wilma Jakeman, sisters ai 'the bride, ware similan gowns of blue and flame chiffon with metching headdress and carried nasegeys ai mixed flowers. Mn.i Roy Campbell was groomsman. A receptian was held fon the guests, who came from Oakville,1 Newmerket, Toronto and Beth- any, et 15 Dorval Rd., with the bride's mother receiving and wearing a gown ai powden blue lace with matching het and ac- cessories and corsage ai pink 'mums. The groom's mother, also neceiving, was wearing fig-E ured blue silk with white hat( and accessonies and corsage ai pink 'mums.c For their wvedding trip through the United States, the bride chose e dusty blue e-- TEST-SHOP AaP FOR A FULL WEEK... ttAûve! semble with white accessories and corsage of Pink carnations. IThey will live ini Toronto. On the Monday prior ta her marriage, the bride was honor- ed by the Bethany community with a miscellaneous shower held in the United Church Sun- day School room. Decorations of Pink and white streamers and summer flowers added tu the festivity of the occasion. Miss Joy DeGeer was chair- man for the program which in- cluded sangs by Mrs. Thomas Jennings, duets by Miss Wilma Jakeman and Miss Norma Jake- man and contest on flowers di- rected by Mrs. Earl Weatherilt. Miss Donna Porter read the address of congratulations and good wishes. The bride-to-be rceve many beautiful and useful gifts for which she expressed her sincere thanks. A deliciaus lunch was .served by the com- mittee in charge. DODDS - SMITH JWhite Shasta 'mums and light- ed tapers in candelebra forinci the setting for a pretty weddin in Trinity United Church on Saturday aiternoon, August 17 when Patricia Ann Smith, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. j Aubrey J. Smith, Bowmanville. became the bride ai Donald Blake Dodds ai Oshawa. The groom is the son ai Mr. end Mrs. W. Blake Dodds, Toronto. Mr. Arthur Collison presided et the organ. Preceding and during the service Trinity Unit- ed Church Choir, ai which the ,bride had been a memben, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "The Lod Is My Shepherd." Mrs. Lloyd Ayre sang "For Yat Alone" while the registen was being signed. The bride was given in mer- niage by her father and chosea gown ai white nylon chiffar over perchinent peau de soie satin, the lace bodice iashioned 1with rounded neckline and short sleeves. A panel ai lace en- hanced the full skirt which swept ta a cathedrel train. Heî fingertip veil was held by a crown ai petals irosted wit2 pearîs and rhinestones and she carried a cascade ai white gar. denias, sweetheert roses and ivy. The bride's attendants. Mrs. Peuh Welliver ai Williamsport, Penn., and Miss Audrey North- cutt, Bowmanville, wore ident- ical floor length dresses ai misty rose pimasilk with bouffant skirts. The straight necklines feil toae deep V at the back and wide matching cummerbunds ended in e floor length sash. Their matching mohair picture hats had crowns ai shirred silk velvet and white gloves coin- pleted their ensembles. They carried white silk relue para- sols and old-fashioned nasegays ai purple pinnachia 'muins with misty rose velvet streamers. Mr. Robent Hawkes, Toronto, was best man and ushers were Mr. C. Sproule, Peterborough-, Mr. A. Hillman and Mr. B. Twelvetrees, Oshawa. A reception followed et the Lions Cammunity Centre, Beech Avenue, when the bride's moth- er received the guests weaning a dress ai blue nylon organza and lace with matching hat and corsage ai Sweetheart roses. The groam's mother wes in champagne peau de sois; with white lace coller and cuifs. Her iccessories were niavy and white. Mvr. and Mrs. Dodds wilI reside at 383 Mary Street, Oshawa. Out ai town guests were present et the wedding from Oshawa, Whitby, Peterborough, Port Hope, Parry Sound, Toronto and Willawdale. W IHITE - BC jThe manriege wes salemniz- ed in Calvary Baptist Churca, IOakville, on Saturday aiter- noon. August 17, ai Mananti Ruth Buck, daughter ai Mn. and Mrs. Edward Roberts Buck of R. R. 6, Milton, and Donald Johns White, son ai Mrs. Wil- liam G. White ai Hampton and the late Mr. White. Gladioli and chrysanthemuins formed a background for the double ring ceremany which Was performed by Rev. Allen 1. Crawford. Mn. Ross Brock played the wedding music and Mn. Douglas Rautledge sang "The Wedding Prayer", "The Lord's Prayer"' and "'The Twenty-Third Psalm". The bride was given in mer. niage by hen fathen and wore a iloor length lace dress, the full skirt sweeping into a cha- pel train. The V neck ai the bodice which was fashioned with long torsa and wrist length sleeves, was tnimmed xith seed pearîs. Her fingertip veil was caught ta a crown emhroidered with seed peanîs. The bride wes attended Dy her sister, Miss Frances Buck as maid ai hanour, Mrs. John Guthnie and Mrs. Campbell Mc- Clure as bridesmaids, Misses j Barbare Ann Buck, sisten ai the bride, and Linda Rutledge as junior bridesmeids. Ail wore cocktail length gawns ai pale blue crystal charin with long torso and V neck front and back. They wore metching crowns and small pearl ear- rings. The senior attendants carried bauquets ai white car- nations and the junior brides- meids carried baskets ai car- nations. Acting as best man was Mn. Duls W. White, brother ai tego, end ushering were Mr. Harald Buck, brother ai the bride ,and Dr. Gardon Sle- mon, cousin ai the groom. The neception wes held et fice, Trafalgar Building, Oak- ville. The bride, a teacher et jWestwood Publie School, bas ~been d irecting the Oakville day1 camp for boys and girls run by the Recreation Commission for the past three summers. Coun- j sellors who have been associa- ted with her in this work serv- J ed the wedding refreshinents. The bide's mother was in navy blue crepe with white ec- cessanies and Picture het and corsage ai red roses. The grooqs's mother wore a dress ai smaky rase crepe with white accessonies and corsage ai pale I Yellow roses. 1For their wedding trip to Wisconsin the bride donned a ciresa191 Pale bitie cryatalette Many Showers HeId to Honor Patricia Smith Miss Patricia Smith was a popujar guest of honour at many recent parties prior to her mar- niage on Saturday, August 17, to Mr. Donald Blake Dodds of Oshawa. Entertaining at showers for ber were Mrs. Frank Hunni- sett, 227 Glenrose Ave., Toron- to; Mrs. Paul Welliver of Wil- liamIsport, Penn., and Mrs. Wal- ter B. Reynolds, Centre St., Bowmanville. at the Iatter's home; Mrs. Lloyd Ayre and Miss Audrey Northcutt who iwere co-hostesses at the form- ers home, Kingston Road East. Presentation of a wedding gift was made ta the bride by Trinity United Church Choir af which she was a member for several years. Presentations were also made by the staff ofi Woodcrest School,. Oshawa, where the bride is a member af the teaching staff; the Girls' Bridge Cluib, Oshawa, at the home of Mrs. Douglas Wilson, Rossland Road, Oshawa, some teacher friends at the' home of Mrs. A. Wilson, Alice St., Oshawa. Bowmanville neighbours also honoured her at a party at the home ai Mrs. George McMul- len, Wellington St., Bowman- ville. Mrs. K. Shackleton and Miss Helen Cale were co-host- esses at the former's home when a number of girl friends ai the bride gathered. Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Mrs. D. R. Morrison, Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Mrs. C. Bagnell, Mrs. W. Quick and Mrs. H. Rice, friends ai the bride's mother, entertained for Pat at the home of Mrs. Caw- with picture bat and white or- couple a family party wes held chid corsage. On their return by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jamie- the couple will reside et 28 son. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters -George Street South, Oakville. and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Cramp Guests attended the weddinig at the Jamieson home. g fain Fart William, Peterbor- Follawing the rehearsal on n ough, Bowmanville, Hampton,J Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. W. ,7 Toronto, Milton Heights, Newv- Blake Dodds, Toronto, enter- ', market, London, Owen Sound, tained the bridal party et Ven- s- Ancstr, Burlington, Hamilton, ture Inn, Bowmanville. Kitcher Windsor, Campbell- d ville and 'Oakville. ýe The bride is a graduate af BURKETON HamltonTeachers' College and dia course in Physical Education 1M.adMs alSur n at McMaster University M. n MsEalStat n Sdmer school. The groom attend- IKaren, Niagara Falls, are spend- -ed Bowmanville High School, 1 ing a few days with their cous- e Peterborough Normal School mns, Mrs. Caughill and Mr. Wm. 9and is an Arts graduate af Un- and Chester Hoskins. e iversity of Western Ontario. He Mrs. S. Hall had the mis- is a teacher at Central Public fortune ta trip an a rug in her School in Oakville. lkitchen on Monday ai last week S Pnior to her marriage the causing her ta twist her ankle bride was given lînen showers and bruise her knee quite badly. by Miss Rita Mathen and Mrs. Mrs. Caughill spent Monday aTed Thomas. Friends ai Cal- af last week in Toronto visiting evary Baptist Church entertain- fins 1ed in hen honour an June 19 Wark was started an the and an August 12 Zimmerman cburch hall an Wednesday ai tcammunity friends honoured' last week under the capable he- tte1oea Ms .R guidance ai Mn. Fred Semis, and à Buck. On Auhe sto13 th rd ER a number ai very willing help- an duc herO moute13ls thebie ers in the persans ai Mr. S. Hall, graam's mather, Mrs.Wila Mr. Wm. Hoskins, Mn. H. Avery, .1 Whteirciia mtou-Mn. Tony Smith, Tommy Dean eau.Whte. rs. J ted ge pa ru- and athers. The progress made seatet ee Ms.J.tle pe-was quite gratifying as the s. three-foot deep footings were Businss *poured and saine ai the blocks BusiessDireciorv laid. Everyone has high hopes ofa seeing the building progress AC C U n ýa nC Y ta the stage where it will be A c co un .a c y available for use this caming WM. . 0 . COGGINS Mrs. John Wotton is belping Chateed Acounant er daughter, Mrs. John Archer, 64 King St. E. Bowmanvllle with the threshing this week. >(Above Gartonrs Bus Station) MradMs.Jh Bu., 64 King Street E. Glen and Janet, Toronto, were sumer guests ai Mr. and Mrs. S. MONTEITH - MONTEITH Hall lest Wednesday. RIEHL & eO. Mrs. Gardon Avery and son, Chartered Accountants Little Bnitain, visited with Mr. 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa and Mrs. Harold Larmer and RA 5-4662 Mn. and Mr. Russel Larmer an Partners: Sunday. J. W. Manteith, M.P., F.C.A. Tobacca picklng Is the order A. B. Monteith, B.Commi., C.A. ai the' day and most ai aur local G. W. Riehl, C.A growers are teking advantage (Licensed Trustee) ai the weather ta get their crops G. E. Trethewey, C.A. gathered in. Quite a number ai R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. aur local yaung folks are iinding the work very tiring but worth- YALE, FRIEDLANDER, while financially. HUNTER & CO. Mrs. Jack Smith bas returned Accauntants and AudItars haine froin Memorial Hospital, 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 IB owmanville, loaking consider- Oshawa1 ably better than she has for B. L. Yale, C.A. some time, but stili quite weak F. Friedlander, B. Comm.,C nd tires easily. It is hoped thet J. Hunter, C.P.A. C.PA e will soon be much iinprov- ed in health. Mrs. I. Argue, Mrs. J. Carter C niroprac tic and Mrs. R. Baneattended the W.A. meeting ai St. John's Ang- G. EDWIN MANN, D. lican Church in Blackstack, Aug. Chiropractor 15. Office: Mrs. Ted Tattinan, Ottawa, 15 Elgin St., cor. aoflHorsey St. who has been holidaying with Phone MA 3-5509 her sister et Ceesarea, returned Office Hou rs: By Appointinent home an. Saturdey. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins, Hampton, and Mrs. Gertrude D e n f ai Worsman, Bradford. England, were supper guests ai Mrs. T. G. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Breck and called on othen friends Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. inlf the village. 40 King St. W. Bowrnanvilie Mrs. E. Gallagher, Manitoba; Office Hours: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farder, Black- 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. daily stock, were Sundey evening COffe Phody ne MA 35790 batrd. fM. n r. .H COsfied Phetur A 3n-57na0 vsirs iM..n r. . b House Phane - Newcastle 3551à DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., DD.S. L Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily' 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesdaye Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 Kinxg St. E. - Bowmanvilie Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Legal STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W . Bowmanville' Phones: Office MA 3-568& Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister. Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. » Bowmanvifle E. RICHARD LOVEKIN, U.E., B.A., LLB. Box 9. Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. M or fga ge s LEROY HAMILTON - ORiONO, Phone 1rl16 First MortRage tunds Residences - Farina Business Propertie8 KEITH A. HILLE'rr Optometrist 141 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointment Telephone MArket 3-3252 Mondav ta Saturday Q a.m. ta 5 o.m. -Wednesdays- 1) to 1a F n ends Honor Joan Tennant. With Showers Prior ta her marriage ta Mr. Kenneth Carl Gimblett which took place in Orono United Church on July 27, Miss Joan Lorraine Tennant ai Leskard was guest ai honour at a mis- cellaneous shower et the home ai Miss Doreen Selby, Newcas- tle, where friends presented her with many lovely gifts. On Saturday, July 20, a mis- cellaneous shower and dance were held In honour ai the bride and groom in Leskard where many friends and rela- tives gathered. Chairman for the evening was Mr. Clare Mar- tin. Many lovely gifts were re- ceived aiter which a deicious lunch was served. Ladies Meet At Cottage Scugog Point The members af Nestîcton Presbyterian Ladies' Aid held a mast enjoyable meeting at Scugog, Point at Mis. John Mc- Calden's cottage where several summer visitors, also Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McComb, Moira 38 King St. E. and Raymond of Kelvington, Sask., jained the grouip. Rev. R. Campbell also arrived after conducting a funeral service. Mrs. R. DaVison conducted the devotianal. Business items included the Anniversar.y service and suppter the middle of September when Rev. Professor D. W. Hay., M. A., D.D., of Knox College Will be present and the joint Ladies' Aid meeting in the Manse next month when Ballyduif ladies will be in attendance. Nex: Sunday a short social period will follow the service whc:i a mnember ai the Bible Society wlll speak. Mrs. McCaldeln kindly donated a large exten- sion table for use in the churcli and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt a most useful box of get well cards which were bath much appre- ciated. Mrs. R. Campbell gave anI n- teresting account ai the Rural Ministerial Course at Guelph which she and Mr. Campbell attended a week ega, and a splendid poem "This Old Clay House ai Mine" provided byr Mrs. Wesley Campbell was read. AIl took chairs to the lawra where an enjoyable lunch was served, some ai the young foik enjoyed a swim and Mrs. Gist took pictures ai the group. Mrs. McCalden's kind haspitality and the novelty of a meeting aver- looking the lake was indeed appreciated. Liberty, when it begins bý take root, is a plant ai rap-!i grawth. - George Washiniff ýrýHIGGON ELECTRIC -an Phone MA 3-5438 h Everything you need for the school year is here - Paints - Texi Books Est erhrook - Walerman - Sheaffer Pens 0 0 0 LEATHER ZIPPER BINDERS in a wide choice of designs and colors. Your name engraved on binders at no extra cost. MOFFAT Electric Ranges PERFECT PARTNER FOR EVERY HOUSEKEEPER SUPER 30. A large capacity 30 inch range that's packed with the most modern caoking aids: lamp, automatic dlock, 3 lighted 7 heat switches. Deep well coaker with Dial-A-Heat switch, deluxe broil pan and rack, huge 8 pie capacity aven With interior light, Warming drawer with porcelain enamel lining. Window in aven door is optianal. 0 0 0 Higgn Electric atw&t DEEP CliIT SPECML 1S! Limited Bownianville CALIFORNIA RED MALAGA, SWEET LUSCIOUS, NO. 1 GRADE Gý,RAiPES 2 29c 4 'TSMtSDAT, ArG. 22na. 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMAL BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIUO Phone MA 3-5438 PAGE TM=. m .

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