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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1957, p. 10

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Operation__Bowmanville Four Fire Brigades Fighf Blaze at Vanstone's Pond What would happen in the hose and relay it through two event of a major fire n Bowt- and one-haîf inch hase to the rnanville was witnessed hee other rigs strategically located Thursday evening of last week on Scugog roaci and at the when the Durham-Northumber- scene the exercise went ac- land mutual aid fire protection cording ta dlock work. programme swung into action Arriving at the pond the in "xeriseBowmnvile , firemen promptly dropped theirý Fire trucks from Bowman- 1hose into the pond ta draw the 'Ville, Newcastle, Cobourg and 1 water wbile the remaining rigs Port Hope under* the direction i rushed to their designated lo- of County Co-ordînator, Co- cations along the route. bourg Fîre Chief. Ken R. Baird, The first truck took its posi- raced to an imaginary fire. tion at the corner of Scugog which, tbreatened a wide are-a and King and attacbed New- near the C.P.R. siding by t1he castle's suppiy line ta their Mill Pond. A large crowd <t pumps. They also attached the persans unaware of what was, relay line of the third truck to happening followed the rigs toa their tank. Men in the third *Vanstone's Mill where firemen truck carried out a similar set up their equipmnent ta ta[) procedure as the line was re- the pond for a supplv of xater i layed to the Bowmanvilie rig Test Efficiency located. at the fîre. Purpose of the exercise wasI Pump Water Uphili ta test the efficiency of tho Eachftruck boosted the pres- departments in carrying onJt sureof the water to the re- the pre-arranged mutuai aïd1 quired 125 pound pressure as plan. Firen-en ran 550 footi it entered their tanks and re- e-.:tensions of hose between the layed it to the next rig. This tour trucks for a distance of gave Bowmanville firemen a 14;50 feet ta fight theic iaginary pressure of 65 pounds on their fire. With Newcastle's pu-mper half-inch hose tips which were ]Ncated at Vanstones to dra\v connecled ta one and one-haif the wLter throug.h a six inch inch hases fromi the truck. Four The delightful, mellow weather of lote summer and earfy. foul makes for pleasant travelling. And this is an ideal time for that adventurous ightseeing trip to interesting places in Canada and the United States. A wider choice of accommodation is avoulable when the mid-season hubbub ks over. Now is the time to travel . .. by train., Canadian National Railways suggest, Where to go ... Picturesque Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Georgian Bay Bracing Ontario Highlands Distinguished Laurentian Resorts Glamorous Vancouver, Victoria, Seattie>ý Scenic Jasper National Park Fascinating California * Historic Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa* Exciting New York City, Atlantic City Bustiing Detroit, Chicago* Mopie teof Package Tours avoulable ta these points. Asic for descri;i tive boakiet. Economicol Family Fore pion avoulable ta Pocific Coast Points. Travel Wise people agree the train woy is the camnforable, relaxing way ta trovel. Give yourself a trect... and go bv train .., go C. N. R. Contact your Canadion National representcitive for information an ervtos THE CANADUAI STATESMAe. BOWMANVTLLE. 6NTARIO New Daringon allothofToronto, ahs Winnifred (Mrs.1 New D rlin ton all orne) Courtice, anc Edward Adler) Bi Rev. A. C. Herbei Rapidly Ta in Shape thefuneral service s Funeral Chapel A epte1Setb2. Ms Councillors Are ioici an reaie ere Hamilton, Toronto, Port Hope, Burlington and Orono. Palîbearers were ail nephews of the deceased, Messrs. Gordon Osborne, Hamilton; Harold Os- borne, Courtice; Roy Penning- ton, Burlington; John Carpen- ter, Guelph; Terrance Dustan and Eugene Bethu ne, Bowm an- ville. Interment was in Bow- manville Cemetery. Summer Resort Lots by Tender o hoes ere sedto hlp i Work is pragressing favour hose wee usd t hel 9rîb lv on the new township hal ethe blaze and eacb bad ade- at Hlampton Reeve Roy Nichol J quate pressure to fight a major reported at the regularDaln eblaze. toC ouncil meeting Darliniy Object of the test was also The foundation bas been coni ta determine if it was possible pleted and work on the seconc to pump the water from the strey is expected to star pond alng the upward route tis week . to the area threatened. With The reeve was particulari3 each rig acting as a booster pleased with the competerý pumping station to relay the workmanship going into thi water ta its destination. As a building. The general contraci. final test the trucks doing the ing is being handled by Charleý relaying were shut down ansd Warren,' Hampton. Bowmanville's pumper was "If the oId township hall has used to draw at the source and served us for 104 years, the new relay the entire 1650 foot dis- hall should last another 104 tance ta the Newcastle rig at years" he cammented. tbe scene. Tbey pumped theRe full distance at pressures of Reve Nichols declined ta give between 120 and 150 pounds. a definite date for the com. pletion o! the hall although he Two-Way Radio Contact bad earlier hoped it would be During the entire operation completed by November. radio contact was maintained Township Fire Brigade between a man at the pumping rig and a car located at the Tbree representatîves of the scene of the fire. Oshawa Fire Darlington Fire Brigade meec Chie! H. B. Hobbs was in con- witb Council ta discuss the pro- stant contact witb bis car which gress of the Brigade and to ask travelied between the inter- council ta purchase a munici- mediate stations and the scene pal truck license and ta pay fa] by use o! a portable radio tele- the insurance. phone. Also representing thel Jim Castle, cbairman o! the Oshawa Fire Department in tbe brigade, told council tbat the exercise were Captain W. R. brigade bas already raised suf- Murray and Inspector A. Fos- ficient funds ta buy a second ter, Oshawa, wbo have a mu- h and truck and a 500 gallon tuai agreement witb Bowman- tank. It is stili necesÉary for ville on a basis similar ta tbe 1tbe brigade ta spent $1000 foi mnutual aid plan, were o! great a hase and pump. assistance in the exercise. Wben the volunteer township If equre, ecb îgreîy-firemen become fully trained inf thequnred, eculd takelta the brigade plans ta apply for 9engbs ol ae from te omembersbip in the mutual aid veghicl tafight efrson tefire protection jragram. Such vehcleto iglt ire aln heaý brigadeMr Castle painted route. It would be' necessary out wiîî be a tremendous asset ta make a Pressure change in land bonour ta the township. their pumping apparatus, but Atestrth bigds frsalong a wide area cou Id fire protection service wiil brý easily be fougbt this way. l imited ta the area lying witbin Test Huge Suceess Ith e boundaries o! Taunton Road Chief Baird, county co-ordin- on the nortb, Town. Line on complete success. Aiso attend- ing were Bowmanivilie Fire1 Business ietr Chief L. Hooper; Newcastle____ ___________ Chief Frank Miller, and Captairi Lawrence Gaines, Part Hope Accountancv Chie'f, Jack Record; Brighton 1 Chie!, Ed. Bacs; Colborne As- "1. .1 H. COGGINS sistant Chief. Harry Thompson; Cha 'tcred Accauntant Orono Cbief, W. B. Mercer; Baltimare 'Chie!, Jet Hayden;I64 King St. E. Bowmanville Bewdiey Chie!, Len Holoway: (A bave Garton's Bus Statiuîn) and firemen from Campbell- 64 King Street E. fard, Hastings, Miilbrook and i MONT EITH - MONTET Warkworth, who are ail memn- RIEHL & CO. bers o! the mutual aid plan. Ch artercd Accountants Speciai guests at the exe-cise 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa was Sid Little, Reeve of Bow- RA 5-3527 manville and chairman o! Bow- Partners: mnanvîlle Fîre Board. J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A More than 65 firemen fromi A. B Manteith, B.Camm., C.A. the above mentianed commun- G. W. Riehi, C.A. ities took part in the exercise j <Licensed Trustee) Tbey were-commended for tbei r G. E. Trethewey. C.A. efficiency by Chie! Baird. The R. . Lightfaot, C.A. entire exercise including laying YLFIDADR o! the 1650 feet o! base, check- YAL E R & COD. ing pumps ta relay the watcr A HcUNTER &ad CdiO. and maintaining a constant 64 AKcing tnts.a Ad-tor 1 pressure ta tbe scene took anîy' îgS.E A512 15 miutes he aid.Oshawa 15 miutes he aid.B. L. Yale, C.A. Enjoy Luncheon F Friediander. F. Comm.. C.P.A After the test the firemen J. Huniteir, O.P.A. retunectto uwmanville Fire Hall where they enjoyed a buf- fet luncheon and refreshments. President of the Durham- Northumberland Fire Mutual Aid Association, Chief Len Hal- away, Bewdlcy, addressed the group. Comments concerning the exercise werc also heard !rom Caunty Co-ardinatar Chie! Baird, Cobourg; Chie! Habbs, Oshawa; Chie! "Ham" Hooper, Bowmanville; District Fire Mar- shall C. Campybell, Lindsay, and Bowmanvilie Reeve, Sid Little. Alsa present at the test werc 1. Post, vice-president a! the United Counties Mutual Ai d Association and secretary Ab Naylor, Newcastle. Also Civil Defence Plan In the event o! war the mu- tuai aid plan wauld immediate- ly become a section a! civil defence and wauid operate on the same plan already being applîed n peace time. . Under the present plan of mutual aid aIl the municipali- tics who are members o! the association wauld aid eacb if a Imajor fire threatencd a'îy o! the member cammunities. The Imaster plan alioxvs departments ta travel ta another town ta aid in !ighting a fire and stili have fire protection for their o wn community. Whefi trucks leave ta aid another area their tawn is immediately covered by a nearby department in wbat is called a "caver up."' Each member has a designated area ta caver up if their neigh- boouring department is cailed away an the mu tuaI aid plan. Exercises sucb as this are canducted monthly by the as- sociation. Sites of the exercise are changcd eacb time ta give each cammunity an appartunity ta test their efficiency and aler,- i ness.1 OBITUARY MRS. W. J. CORY Mrs. W. J. Cary passed away in Memarial Hospital, Bou- manvilie, on Friday, August 30, after a week's illness. The deceascd was the former Maude Lucas and xvas born in Darlingtan Township on M,«arch 8, 1880. Mrs. Cary had iived in Oshawa for a number a! ycars before moving ta Bowmanviile. She was predeceased by ber husband on April 16, 1927. She is survived by a nephew, Orley E. Cary, Oshawa. Funeral service 'vas held at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, on Saturday a!ter- noan, August 31, conducted t)y Rev. T. Arthur Morgan a! Trin- ity United Churcb, Bowman- ville. Palîbearers werc Messrs. M. Moffat, H. Bartlett, G. Cherr- ington, R. Metcalfe, J. Aber- nethv and 1-. Murra v. Inter- ment was in Oshawa Union Cornet ery. C hi r op ra c t ic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc: Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor, of Horsev S, Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointmeri D entfal1 .south and Caurtice Road on the 1east. The brigade hapes to ex- pand in time. jFunds for the brigade have been and will continue ta be raised through dances, social gatherings and donations. When the brigade goes into operation a portion af the fire protection tax wîll be turned over ta the brigade. W. E. Fice and G. Estabraoks of tbe brigade were also pre- sent. After same discussion Coun- cil agreed ta assume the cost o! the license and insurance. Valuable Porestry Lot The aid township forestry lot e xeiay me stI~ andu ai The 'Ontario Dcpartment of ,e Scotch Pines accarding ta dis- Lands and Forests is offcring trict forester Ed. Yaungman, for sale by tender summer resart Coun. Fred Smith, reparted ta lots for private use only on Council. Loancaîl Lake near Apsley an e At the last meeting Coun. Higbway 28 north of Peter- !t Smith was delegated ta invest- borough and about 110 miles iigate the five acre farestry lot from Toronto. About bai! 0ff kwhicb bas been lert unattended the shore areas bas been sub- - for same 30 years. divided and the rest is beinig r Mr. Youngman had rccom- reserved for public use. mended ta Caun. Smith that Tedrt sbie o ethe township spend approxi- theLndsy otaibe ouf the depta a mately $500 c'içaring out the ment only, aroffic e teiDedpt dead trees and cutting of! ta and includîng Friday, Septem- limbs up ta a heigbt of 8-10) ber 1 t4pm feet an the outside rows of the 13 . a , vsip.m.e o trees.A.SBrDiiinCifa r Coun. Smith told cauncil Lands, explained: that he was certainly surprised "We have been trying ta get as was Mr. Youngman witb the ta a point wbere ail summer quality of the trees. Besides resort sales will be made from *Scotch Pine there are a few surveyed subdivisions. In the red maples. case of Looncali Lake, wbich Council decided ta leave the bas not been accessible by raad mnatter for a timne until labour until this year, we bave an ex- was more plentiful in the cellent opportunity ta put this township. policy into effeet. "Whiie the survev vas being made, there had been such a riL-rilpub lic demand for lots on the Young Folk oidak that we considered that the most equitable way of deal- ing witb the situation was ta put How to Choose e lots up for sale b *v tender. Ordinarily, summer resart lots are sold at $1 a foot shore front- Lite Partner age plus a $150 survey fee. In the case o! Looncaîl Lake, the A former Toronto minister lots are being o!fercd at this suggezted 10 commandmcnts forj basic rate but are open ta bids marriage-minded yaung people! in the helief that this is the fair- at the Seventb-Dav Adventists est manner of dealing with the Youth Canference beld recentiyj heavy public demand.'" in Oshawa. Only anc lot is ta be sold ta Otto J. Riz, now a Green Bay, one persan and al ather re- Wisconsin, youth and marriage auirewoents under the regula- counsellor, said: tions, including putting up of a Don't faîl for the first anc building wortb $1,000 within 24 that cames along. montbs, must be met, Mr. Bray Don't be foolcd by party man- explained. ners or clothes.___________ Be careful a! too wide a di!- Do'tbeom srius unless OBITUARY yau can be praud of bim or ber around yaur family and !riends. RICHARD JOHN STINSON He may nat be wealth « yor cx- Sisnde tremely wise but be sure he is Richard John Sisnde hcalthy, pbysically and mentally. sudderîly foliowing a heart attack mentally. ville, early Thursday morning, Find sameane wbosc religiausiAugust 22nd. sympathies parallel yours. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ask yourself: "Will we graw Thomas H. Stinson, the deceased tagether in mutual interest?"' was born at Lifford, May 9th, Befare tying the marriage knot 1893. At an early age be movcd be sure the strings attached ta ta Cartwright with bis parents. mother are untied. Mr. Stinson farmed in Cart- Avoid the one xvho can't takej wrigbt Township for a number I- il - Cy Is Ï4 Io two sisters Herbert Os- d Vera (Mrs. Bo\vmanville. ert conduicteci Sat the Mor- 1on Mondar, ;Albert Cole Cobourg Hospital Wing Jumps Close to Million Cobourg Hospital Board has stili carried a deficit of $40,000. been thrown into a dilemma hav f Aother problern to be work. ing learned that the proposed ed out by the Cobourg Board is new wing on the hospital will finding replacements for three cost in the neighbourhood of a! of the hospital*s top oficaM11< million dollars, an increase of recentl 'v resimned - Superi4 ten- $226,000 over the estimate of dent, Assistant Superintendent, one year ago.1 and Hospital Board Secretary. Increased construction costs,1 No reasons have been given. but particularly in the mechanical, the Board's Publicity Comp4ttee trades. were cited as the chief! gis assurance that' the r ' - reason for the inrease from the tions were inh-o way cpihmnlle original estimate of $74 1,000. with the increased estim&tl C However, architects feel that the new wing. this does not justify the increase. The Hospital Board must now raise more funds or curtail the extent of the project. If it If Yo u're TIRED should decide to reduce the num- ber of beds, the provincial sub- sidy will be similarly reduced. ALL THE lIM E Furthermore, the original Everybody gets a bit nin-down now and plans and estimates have been (ben, tired-out, heavy-headed, and mnaybe approved by the provincial gox- bothered by backraches. Perbaps notiîing ernment with the understand- seitl wrong, just a terporary toxrc ing that there would be no condition caused by excess acids and change in the plans and no in- wastes. That's the time to taise Dodd'a crease in the costs. Kidney Pills. Dodd'à stimulate thse kidneys, Back in 1950-51 the Bovvman- and so help restore their normal action f ville Hospital Board experienced removing excess acida and wastes. Ten the same situation when the you feel better, aeep better, work better. original estimates for the new Cet Dodd', Kidney Pilla now. Look for Memorial Hospital jumped from the blue box with the red band at ail $250,000 to $400,000. When the druggists. You can depend on Dodd'S. 52 hospital was off icially opened it now YOD can haïe Warmer .Floorg, with this automatic h. >tM] E-il DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 'Office:- Jur Jubilce Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closcd Saturday and Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Ncwcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.3. Office in bis borne 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bownianville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daiîy Closcd Saturday and Sunday T L ephn gfic a 3-45 STRIHE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvlfle Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, D.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notarv Public King St. W . jBowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-568 MISS APHA L. HODGIINS Barrister. Solicitar Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanvflle E. RICHARD LOVEKIN, U.E., B.A., LLB. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appaintinent only. Mortgages LEROT HAMIILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortoage tunds Residences - Farrne Business Properties Op 1o m et1ry KET A. BILLErr Optomnetrist 141 King St. E. Bowznanvfl]e Office Hours: By appaintment Telephone MArket 3-3252 Mondav ta Saturdav ) a.rm. ta) 5 p.rm. Wednesdavs: 9 ta Il o! years prior ta moving ta Bow- manville in 1951. Since then he was employed witb the Depart- ment o! Highways. He leaves bis wife the former Rosie Wright whom he married After an illness o! five moi,- twa daugh ers, Mrs. Donald Mac ths, Mrs. Harold Gardon Mît-. Kinnon (Marion) Lucknow. Mrs. chell, the former Lena Mac Morley Bruce (Lala), Seagrave, Pcnnington, passed away Âug- and twa sons Orval a! Chesle,. ust 31 at the home o! ber sis- and Roy, Oshawa. Also surviv- ter, Mrs. Edward Adler, 29 ing are a sister, Mrs. Lamne Grif- Horsey Street., Bowmanvilie. fin (Ethel), Blackstock; twc The deceased was brnat br chrs, Frank o! Blackstack, Hampton, Ontario, the daughter Gordon o! Cadmus and 10 o! the late Andrcw Pennington gad sidervc. s cdo and Elizabeth Sandy. She and Saturday, August 24tb !rom the ber husband lived in Toronto Marris Funeral Chapel with Rev. where he was engaged in the T. A. Morgan a!ficiating. Inter- real estate business for many ment was -in Cadmus Union years, and were also in Whitby Cmery for about ten years priar ta Palîbearers werc Lance Plain, Zaming ta Bowmanviiie. Mr. Wilfred Reynolds, N or ma n Michell was in poor heaith for Green, Bob Fowler, Ross Hallo- same years before bis death well and Charlie Burdett. and during that time received ___________ bis wife's devoted care. Mrs. Mitchell was a member o! the Witbout a tail ligbt your car Anglican cburch. is a nigbt-timc deatb trap. She is survived by tbree bro- Check Your Car, Check Acci- thers, Thamnley Pennington, dents, says the Canadian High- PHONE MA 3-5774 lamilton, Harry and Ai!red, way Safety Conference. Oïl Heater -$76 50 SA VES YOU MONEY-ASSURES YOU A SETTER MIA TED H N MAKES AND MOVES HEAT ta cold corners and bard-to. beat places. Hiam modern unes and smart fashion finish. FUEL-AIR CONTROL cuts fuel conis as much as 25%. Auto- rnatically ad-justs draft ta high, low, or medium firc. Cn ftcst oLe wth a N CANADA'S LEADER IN HOME HEATING RADIANT HEAT frain aide doors that open out for quiri warm-up - one of many features on Model 873, above. OTHER EXCLUSIVES - famaus Coleman Low Draft Burner - Directionaire Power Blower - big furnace-type Heat Exchanger . . . ail ta give yau flnest automatie heatin&, Corne Mn3a7d see this unUSUal heater Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. Make certain that von have enougli life insurance to enough to enable them to buy the things they must have f or day-tn.day living. London Life Insurance Comnpany Head Office - London, Canada Today is a good day ta tolk ta a London Life representafiv. g OBITUABY Free!1 Free!. BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS wid',every ourchase bf gas * VIGOR OIL Service -'Station CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Vigor 9 AL Standard 1O n uig ax Gasoline O39 Vigor9 A High Test421O nudgta CompeteLubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVEN!NGS AND SUNDAYS THURSDAY, SEPT. 12th, 1951 F Colem - 1 -- 1 - 1 .- i 1, 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 Comfort costs so fttie with a

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