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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1957, p. 11

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?~ItRSDY, EPT. l2th, les? TRE CAM1ADIA14STATEMMAN. E0WMANVMLE. ONTAIO Bantams Lose to A urora To Tie Playoff Sertes F( nal HereC Bantam Legionnaires h ore for a quik entr into theOn taio finals took a tumble on Saturday afternoon i Aurora, when the homesters defeated th2rjr oewmanville visitors by 4j~îsîe -1 count. The win the sertes at one game I4Rfee with the final to be played here at Memorial Park next Saturday afternoon. ]Bowmanvilîe took the lead in the second when James beat out a grounder to short, stole second and came home on Trwist's single. This .sllm lead faded in the fourth when pit- cher Scott, one of the best hit- ters of the day for Aurora, clouted a hard one to be scor- ed on a single by Wall. Pete Doîl almost scored a second run but was tagged out at the plate by Piper. Scoring chances were thin for both teams from then on flthough Piper clobbered a healthy double in the sixth for Bowmanville but died on third When his teammates failed to connect for safeties. Knowles of Aurora also made third in the fifth after a double but couldn't get across the plate. The fateful turn came in the eighth, when pitcher Scott again came through to win his own game with a triple to left, foilowed by a home run by Wall n the hole between centre and right field. As Wright was already on base due to an overthrow ta first by Jim Moorcraft when this hitting spree began. These three runs dashed the hopes of the Bo*~- mnanville crew. n Saturday s In their haif of the ninth, -Turner went out on a ground ibail, second ta first, and pinch ,hitters Wright and Bothweil 1went down swinging to end the jfracas. A bus load o! fans and play- ers, plus several carloads fromn Bowinanville, swelled the sup- porters of the Legionnaires ta the point where they appearedc to have more foilowers t h n the Llocal Auroraitee, but the local team wark much better on ttheir home grounds than they had been in Bowmanville the week before. Also, the Leg- ionnaires made a few costly errors and overthrows and were flot at their hitting best. Some of the latter weakness might 1be attributed to the excellent hurling by Scott who appeared to be in toit foi-m. On the mound for Bowmanville, Mo- orcraft pitched a fine game. with good control: Scott fan- ned 10, gave two walks and allowed three hits. Moorcraft had seven strikeouts, no walks and gave up five hits. Bowmanville - Black 3b. Piper c, Turner ss, James rf, Bagneli 2b, Twist cf, Wiseman If, Steven lb, Moorcraft p, Wright and Bothwell pinch hitters in ninth. Line Score: R H E Bow'ville 010 000 000-1 3 3 Aurora 000 100 03x-4 5 0, The Canadian Red Cross So-' ciety operates 41 Outpost Hos- pitals in remote ai-cas fromn Newfoundland ta British Col- umbia. NOW 1in Stock! Johnny Brown PLEATE D BALLET SHOES~ Children's, Misses' and Women's sizes $3*95 pair p COMPLETE LUNE 0F Children's Savage Shoes WOMEN'S WOMEN'S Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5941 Skating Registrations At Town Hall, Sept. 20 Great lnterest E vident Registration for the Bow- Imenville Skating Club wil te Friday, September 2th, from 2 o'clack in the a!ternoon until 9 o'clock in the evcning. In- dications are that there is even greater intcrest among the public than tn former years. Already the directors have i-e- ceived a large number o! in- quiries from prospective new Imembers, or their parents. The Bowmanville Skating IClub will hold a geacral meet- ing in the Council Chamber o! the Town Hall on Tuesday ev- ening, September 24th. The meeting will start at 7:45 p.m. This meeting is for senior mcm- bers o! the Bowmanvjlle Skat- ing Club and their parents, also the parents of juniors and tots. It is also for aIl those interested tn skating. Plans for the comiag season will be dis- cussed. Suggestions are invit- ed from anyone who attends the meeting. Figure skating will be at the Bowmanville Memorial Ai-ena every Tuesday fi-arn 4 ta 8 pa. On Thursdays !rorn 4 ta 8:30 p.m. and on Saturdays fi-rn 1 to 3 in the a!ternoon. Fees will remain the same as lest year. Tots $6; Juniors $12; Seniors $16. The Bowmanville Skating Club has engeged a new Pro- fessional ta teech here this seasaa., Miss Barbara Ann Bur- goyne, Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Burgoyne has passed her Scv- enth Figure Skating Test and her Dance Tests. She taught last season at the Port Hope Figure Skating Club end had a perticularly successful sea- son there. Her pupils made re- mai-kable progress. Bowmanville Skating Club will hold Femily Skating et the Ai-ena every Suaday aftcrnooa from 2 to 4 o'clock. Fees per family arc $10 for the season. This fee includes ail the child- i-en under eighteen ia anc fam- ily and the parents. Childi-en belonging ta a member family who are eighteen or over, pay a fee of $2. Single persans 30 or over, pay a fec of $8 for the Co urtice Evens Series .ln Ban tam Playoffs Defeating Fenwick 13-11 Courtice Bantams hung onto their Ontario playof! hopes Saturday as they edged Fen- wick 13-11 before their home- town fans ta tie their best-of- three Bantarn "D" Ontario semai- finals at ane game each. Grant Down sparked the win as he blasted a single and scar- 'ed on an infield error i sventh inning after Fenwick had tied the score il-ail. Ken Coveriy tallied the insurance run in the eighth after singling and coming home on an errar, Good Pitching Coverly hurlcd the win for Local Bowlers Rained Out In Ottawa Fred Cole and Doug Carter, Bowmanville- and Harold Free- man and _- . Touelong, Peter- borough, won their fi-st game, but were foi-ced to quit duning the second, whcn rein ended the City a! Ottawa Lawa Bowl- ing Tournament Monday, Sep- tember 3. Numerous teams fi-marecross the Province competing in the tournament werc foi-ced ta stop when the showcrs began. Officiais cancelled the event because o! the rein. Cou rtice Plays final Gamne lIn Port Credit Courtice Dantams meet Fen- wick in the third game o! their best-of-threc Baatam "4D't On- tario semni-final playa!!s Satur- day et Port Credit. Geme time is 2 p.m. Caurtîce won the lest game ta tie the series at one game each. Lindsay Teams Take Top Two Bowling Prizes Mr. and Mxrs. S. Elsden, Lin- dsay, regîstered the highest thi-ce win score ta capture fi-st place in the Bowmanviile Lawn iBowling Club's mixed double tournament held Wednesday o! last weck. Second Place went ta Mr-. and Mrs. Rebura, Lindsay, with thi-ce wins. Mi-. and Mns. E. Gibbs, Oshawa, were third with the highest score for two wins. Fourth spot was won by Frank Wlliams and Dorothy Oke, Bowmanville, with a one wia high score. ITwelve teems fi-rn the dis- trict competed ta the tourna- m ent which was the final one of the sogson for the local club. The club reports it had e s uccessful season and jitneys will be held on Tucsdey aights for awhite longer, weather per- mitting. Fi-st pnize o! a mans mari- icure set and tea service were a warded ta Mr. and Mrs. Elsdcn Aset o! aluminum chairs was second prize, while a varlety o! kitchen utensils were pi-e- sented to the thi-d place teamn. Frank Williams received a ma- tching glass set and his partnier. Dorthy Oke was presented with 1 ý%vall placques for fourth place. Betiveen April 1946. and April, 1957, agricultural ecm- ployment decliaed !i-om 1,190.. 000 ta 712.000 while in the same, period man:îfi act Lirir.g emffn ,- ment ;ucazcd tram 970,000 ta 1,200,0Ü0. Courtice gaing the route and allowing seven hits, four walks and fenning six. Kachur was the laser being relievcd in the second by Marhowski. They permitted 1 1 hits, sevea waiks and struck out eight batters. Kachur sterted off for Fen- wick ia the first, when with two away he coanected for a homer. Robins came through with enother home i-un on his turn at bat. Dayman ended their chances when he fouled and it was caught by the cat- cher. Take Lead Courtice tied it up and wcnt into a twa run lead as they bclted home four i-uns in the next two frames. David Cryder- man and Richard McLean ledj them off in the first with aij rua apiece. Paul Gcariag slem- I mcd a double ta set the pace ia the second. Paul McIntyre made it on an cri-or and Kechur 'walked the next two batters to bring Gearing ia. McIatyre made it home whcn Grant Down was shippcd ta first on a hit pitch with the bases loed- ed. Rally In Third Fenwiek surged into an 8-4 lea inth thrdinning as they collected six runs fi-rn two hits, twa ci-iors and two walks. Their ather ruas were scored by Daymain the fifth and Cocks and Kachur each tallied a rua in the seveath whea Fea- wick tied the score. Rae Pickell, Grant Down and Richard McLea boa>sted Cour- tices hopes ta the fourth as they carnle across the plate. Fric Peterson, Paul Geeriag and Ken Caverly Put Courtice back tnte the iead in the sixth when Coverlys home i-un broke the iee ta begin the rally. R HE Fcnwiek 206 010 200-il 7 7 Courtice 221 303 llx-13 il 7 Feawick-Kish cf, Cocks If, Kachur p, Robins Sb, Daymari ss, Gallagher 2b, Markow- ski r!, Ryan c, Shapad lb. Courtice - Cryderman Sb, Pickeli lb, Down ss, MeLean cf, Flintoff c, Peterson 2t), Gearing if, Mclntyre r!, Caver- ly P. Two Soccer Games lied Ma pie Grove and Zion In Close Title Battle Maple Grave fought ta a 1-ahl tic with the visitung Zion Sen- lors Saturday in the second game o! their best-o!-thre Darlington Football Leegue f in- els ta leave the series dead- locked at two tics eech. In the fi-st game o! their playoffs Mepie Grave made a rewerding comcback bld ta tic the game 2-2, before Zion fans Wednesday o! lest weck. Grant Williams and Mike Nemis were the marksmen for Zion in the first game. Mort Richards and John Fowler tall- led the tieing i-uns for Maple Grave. Dick Denhertog's goal with less than four minutes re- maiaing in the game gave Maple Grave their 1-1 tie Set- urday. Grant Williams caunted his second goal of the series Fail Recreation 'Plans Include Many Classes To assure that the citizens o! Bowmanville, young and old, are provided with abundant opportunities for participating tn creative leisure time activ- ities, the Recreation Depart- mnen have planned a wide va- iety o! activities for the feul *and winter manths, it was re- parted at the department's in- itial meeting of the season on Thursday at the Lions Centre. Included in the programme are classes in adult swimming, aduit art, smocking, leather- craft, choral socicty, starnp club, senior citizens and public speaking. For the younger people there are dance classes, junior variety, minai- hockey and teen town. Detailed -in- formation cancerning any of these may be obtained from, Recreation Director Douglas 1Rigg. Minor Hockey Application forms for minai- hockey players wiil be aveul- able during the week of Sept. 23, Mr. Rigg reported. Practice sessions begin in October and there will be thi-ce divisions in the Icague agein this seeson. It is expected there will be six teams ini each group, which include etom, pee wee and ban- tam. Two donations were rcceivcd by the departmcnt to, aid with the summer playground ectiv- ities. These were fi-arn Bow- manville Rotary Club and Johnson & Johnson the town's newest industry. Mr-. Rigg an- notinced he would be attend- ing a onc week training course at the University' o! Western Ontario beginning September 9. The course is in connection with his ia-service training course and covers a variety of recreatian topics. Little N.H.L. Meeting Hie also announced he would be attending a meeting of the Little N.H.L. in Long Brandli on Satuýday, September 14. This meeting will- be of con- siderable importance to Bow- manville residents as plans for the Ontario Little N.H.L. Cham- pionships are likely to be dis- cussed. These will be held in Bowmanville next year as part o! the Centenniai celebrations. Accompanying Mr. Rigg to, the meeting will be Ed Rundle, Don Gilhooly and Morley Oke, members af the executive coin- mittee of the local Little N. H.L. Present at the meeting were: Jack Lander, recreatian chair- man; Claude Kilmer. vice- cheirman; Miss Dora Purdon, secretary: Ralph Mclntyre, trea- surer; A. M. Thompson and 0. Junior Soccer Ends in Tie 2-2 Caurtice and Zion Juniors battled ta a 2-2 tic before Zion fans Thursday o! lest wcek in the fi-st game o! their best-af- thi-ce Darlingtoa Football Lea- gue finals, ta leave the sertes tied et anc point caeh. Bowman ville J. Presson. afficers. Each mem- ber o! the executive was pi-e- scntcd with a detailed report on' the recreation activities in Bowmnanvllle during the past year. Ne wton ville Royals South Durham Champs EmIliminate Welcome 4-2 Newtonv'ile Royal Intermed- pitcher for the winners. He was iates scored a decisive 13-3 win relieved in the sixth by Phil over their hosts at Welcome Gilmer and John Holinan fin- Thursday night to capture their ished the game. best-of-seven sertes 4-2. and wifl Ken Dolley began for Wel. the South Durham Rural League corne, but was retired in the Crown for a second straight year. opening frame in favour of Don They will nicet Omemee, Lord. Lord went two frames North Durham League Champs, and manager Norm Dolley took in a best-of-three series for the the mound as relief. Ken DoIle:f county titie. was brought back onto the hili Terry Lane was the starting to finish the tilt. DOMWAN VILLE RECREATION DEPARTNENTf. DANCING CLASS REGISTRATIONS Wsdne:day, Sept. 18/57. 5:00 - 6:00 p.. Salurday, Sept. 21/57 - 10:00.-12:00 noon LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE 26 Beech Ave. BALLET TAP B ATON TWIRLTNO 1 1 171 1 1 1 I 1 1 8 I t 1 I tULE atAAP TUE QUALITY MEASURES SIJPER-RKIff MEATIS BEEF ROAST SALE BLADE ROAST ia&bS r 39Ye SHOULDER ROAST i wFIaI uc SHORT RIS ROAST ~ey 3 RUNDLESS SIDE BACON s"« Rwmoire m.m1-bç&g 87e PURE PORK SAUSAGE Esex banma# or couny tleb45c LUNCH BAGS KLEENEX APPLE PIE »MJTSTaIff*Aç UN *e M A STNDR ENCYCLOPEDIA volume. No 1OW&25c THFJ4 A VOLUME &ACH WEK FOR 99C WITH IAMY PURCHASE UNTIL. "UR SET 18 COMPLETE. Prise..Effective USiI Sturdqj, Septomber 14th, 1957. Recreation FALL ACTIVITIES m m irsoraft Reg. Price pkg 21. &AVE 7o White, Pink, Volley itou. Prie. 350 SAVE 6. Jan* Paiko, Reg. Prige5%e SAVE 10o - a la 2 P'so535< box of mm 2 9c ".49C PROD ME SPECIAL! Cdfomnia Vosaaci. Suki ORANGES Fon.y Grade, NMm et Their Dom 5-lb <.13."49c Departmenf REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AT RECREATION OFFICE OR AT THE FIRIST SESSION For further information Phono MA 3-5761 Adult Swimmiag Mr. W. Bagneil Adult Art Smoc'kin gfj Leathercraft- Dance Class Dance Class Choral Society Teen Town Stamp Club Junior Verietv Senior Citizens Public Speaking Minor Hockey Mrs. Dawn Jones-Abramof! 1 Set. Thurs. 7:00-10.-00 Fi-i. 7:30- 9:30 Tues. 7:30- 9:30 Mrs. F. Dilling Tues. 8:00-10:00 Wed. 3:00- 8:00 9:00-12:00 riace B.T.S. Pool Lions Centre Lions Centre Lions Centre Lians Centre Lions Centre Mi-. H. Martin IMon. 8:00-10:00 Town Hall Pre., Miss Rene Dilling 1-Fi-i. 3rd Wed. 8:15 Fi-i. 4:00- 6:00 2nd Tues. 8:15 Wed. 7:30- 9:30 Set. 7:00-12:00 Memaniel Arena Lions Centre Lions Centre Lions Centre Lions Centre Lions Centre Fees $2.50 $16.00 per season $2.00 per lesson_ $2.50 $2.50 Beginners - 50c Advanced - 75e Beginners - 50c Advanced - 75e $3.00 Membei-ship 50c Nightly Admission $1.00 per year No Charge No Charge $5.00 An additional tee of 51-00 wililbe charired te out oftotwn member. la Aduit SwtuiIni Clamg Dates Oct. 10- Dec. 12 sept * Dec. Oct. 8 - Dec. 10 Oct. 8- Dec. 10 Sept. 18 - Dec. 18 No. of Sessions 10 Sept. 21 -Dec. 21 14 sept.9 - Dec. le 15 Sept. 6 - Dec. 27 9 Oct. - May Oct. 4 - Dec. 13 Oct. 8 - Dcc. 10 Oct. 9 - Dec. 1l Nov. 9 - Dec. 14 3 10 s EIGHT O'CLOCK A&P AGAIN REDICU COpFFR PRICS COFFEE 1- 6"7 7c 3% bag225 EULIS FOI S1VIN« i<OE OU 1CLOTIIIS B y clothes that are fashiions, ter A " ad,"andcolrsthat go togete 6>eeP freshly-pressed and don't try to 21 remnove difficult spotS oref A11 clothes sa nW9 jne PHONE MA 3-5520 FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Bowmanvillie Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. 84 K ing St. W. Mi-. A. Hodgkins Mrs. L. Highfield Miss Irente Harvey Pi-es., Mr. D. Morrison- Mrs. F. Cale Club 15. Mrs. R. Mclntyre Mi-. Ed Morley 'i à 1 T-1 r ýt 1 1 29 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 41 ý 1 1 LO PRICI -ý -1% - 1- - li q -r T zuciavil,,y 1 insumeier 1 Time 1 plar.ft 1 1 L 1 1 .... - -1 ý& 8:30-11:45 PAGE ILZIVM m 1957

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