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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1957, p. 12

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PAGE T ELvI _ _____ ______ _____ _____ KTHE CJA ADIAt1 STATE3M AN , BOM IAN I = l.Y~ ONTARIO _____ LLE Mr. nd Ms. Flyd Bck t ENNIKîvîtT n daynSre atneDecoa- Public Utilities Buys New Line Truck The Woman's Association met and had tea with Mrs. O. Beck-.". at the home of Mrs. Ralph Lamb ett and Arvilla, Tyrone. for their August meeting with Mr. and Mrs. John Oke and .. ý~. a very good attendance. Devo- family, Oshawa, were with Mr.. tional was in charge of Mrs. and Mrs. Walter Oke. L. Wearn on 'Understanding. Mr Rolili asanweedbvClarence Bradley, Mau- "Your favourite table bouquet."'-r.ce and Beverly, Bowmanville, . There is to be a turkey supper is ited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page ..J on Oct. 30. Watch Coming and Mr. L. Bradley. Events for more .particulars Jack Harrison, Newburg, was Committee for tickets is MI.s. a recent overnight guest of Mr. Lloyd Ashton, Mrs. Keith Me- and Mrs. Allan Werry. Gi and Mrs. L. Wearn. United Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue at- Nations by Mrs. F. McLaugh- tended Decoration Day at Beth- lin. Interesting reports from esda. four girls who attended Camp Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hold- Pretorir Linda Yeo, Doris stock, Bowmanville: Mr. O.. Wright, Vicki Pickering and Beckett and Arvilla, Tyrone, '~ Laura Griffin, were given. Mrs. at Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett's. G. Yeo, who had been on a Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry, <. trip east this summer to Ot - Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry at- tawa, Montreal and the St. Lawenc Seway gae avertended the VanCamp - Morrow interesting description of theiïwdin tHitn tnp ccopaned y sapsots Miss Marguerite Wright, St. A vote of thanks was extended Catharines, spent last week- to those on the program and end with her parents, Mr. and .- , the hostess. Mrs. N. E. Wright. iMr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp Mr. and Mrs. A. Henry, Osh- 'W~ ~ with Mr. and Mrs. W. Sander- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. W.~ son, Columbus. Howells. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin, Mrs. E. A. Werry and Betty Grant and Marlene, Bowman- Jane, -Mrs. Allan Werry on 'ville; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vir- Tuesday evening attended a . tue were Sunday tea guests of shower for Miss Marilyn Leask Mr. nd Ms. Lan Sarp. at the home of Mrs. Douglas '~' Mostn HoelisCole, Bowmanville. Mostn Hwell spent the Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griff-«n, weeend wih Brian Rabb, Exhiitio -inToroto.ri fi.Mr. and 1Mvrs. Russe!] Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton This new shiny gold (about the same colouix, as our work. Proudly standing beside their truck are the crew. Oshawva, were Sunday evening1 and boys attended Decoration parking meters) 1957 International truck was recently They are from the left: Bruce Milne, lineman; Fred Fisk, callers at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Services at Bethesda. added to the fleet of Bowmanville Public Utilities Com- learner linemnan; Lawrence Helmer, foreman; Bert Staple- Tom'.Mr.aiid rs N.S.Vanam,1 mission. It replaces the P.U.C.'s old line truck which has ton, linemnan, and George Brooks, groundman. The new Miss Carol James, Pickering: Listoweî, spent the weekend1 been converted into an aerial ladder truck for repairing truck increases the fleet to four, two of which are small Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry. family were recent guests of Miss Marguerite Wright, Mr. unes. The newv truck is equipped with a winch for rais- vehicles. Mr. and Mrs. A. Werry's. and Mrs. N. E. Wright accorn- rng and lowvering poles and il will be used for hydro line, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin, panied Mr. and «Mrs. Pat Tres-- Reg and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. ise, Oshawa, to Oakwood and (oe~ Wallace Griffin attended the Cambray. Be ow sip o ro u g ïi NE funeral of her father, Mr. Wal- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bn ZION (H p Tw shp C r w right El r ow n lace Abernethy at Tottenham nett, Newcastle. visited ivith Mi1.-w w wuM. n r.A hmsn on Friday. Mr'Mr-,s.RssPaean R. Dunn, Wellington, isMran s.AThmo, Mrs. Blanche Nesbitt, Orillia; Mr. L. Bradley. i'pndîg soe tme a th4hom0S0 Ross Nesbitl and Herb Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright fniher dlaughter, Mr. and Mrs. cr a Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Alldread Bowrnanville, were recent cal- and family, Wona-,,le e N. Gcrow.Catrgt ouilmtn A -awoices heb- and Mr. Cecil lde, Bow- ]ers at Mr. and Mrs. W . H. and Mrs. Edgar Wright an d rs. Chas. Raby who was Cap. r wi h e ouncilimet oiAgby-la toncaseofthe bor-.0 manville, were Sunday visitors Moore's. j family were Stiiday visitors of confined to the Port Hope hos- Sept.ir d aith the re een.rowig t a rtoaldseofnd43O00. of Mr. and Mrs. George Ail- Mr. W. H. Moore, Mr. and -Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. pital for the past week has re- chir nd aIl e bsrset read andfirsted and s hr eodime o dread. Mrs. Floyd Beckett accomipan- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wrighti turned home.MisJculn oears IlMnumtsoner read nd Wrdoteand passof e onthir r read no ied by Mrs. Leslie Broosf Doris and Lawrence attendeci Mr. and Mrs. A. MeneillY, Trewin. and Coun. Trewin. attending Teachers' College at ]Bowmanville attended the fun.. the Spry - Sarvey wedding i,l Port Hope, spent Monday with Moved by Coun. Trewin and Moved by Coun. Wright and Peterborough. eral of Mrs. E. C. Flory at Bethany Presbyterian Cliurchb,!Iheir parents, Mr. and iVrs. C. sec. by Coun. Hyland, clerk to sec. by Coun. Trewin, bills be' Tyrone Decoration Sunday Nia gara-on -the-.Lake, formerlv Rochester, N.Y. i Mcneillev. write High School, Board, to paid totalling $10,489.36 and aI Bethesda Cemelery was ofHampton. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wrightîl Mrs. Minnie McHolm, Mor- urge cbjîdren to use sidewalk adjourn until Oct. 2. 1957, at larger this year, with abot Mr. Leonard Bradley and and family, Toronto; Mr. and ý rishi, had the misfortune to faîl instead of road. 8 p.m. 300 in altendance. Flowers Mrs. Ross Page attended Decor- Mrs. Fred Wright and family, 1Iast Friday and break her lef t- were placed on the graves be- ation services at Bethesda Cern- Maple Grove, were recent vis-l arm. She xvas confined to the eeigwt tdn iitr fore the service which was etery on Sunday. iors aI Mr. and Mrs. Edgar i hoe-pital several days. CO RICE Mrvening it stun min isarer. aken by Rev. Fred J. Jackson. M r. and M rs. P at T resise W rights. C o g at a o s t r n O R p r c a i n i x e d d t and family, Misses Annie and Mr. and Mrs. 'Edgar Wright, Congrtulaionsto M. an Congratulations are the order the caretaker, Mr. Lloyd Ail- M r s . R o b e r t B r ic e , P o r t H p , M s a t e C f t e d y t r n r . d e d f r h s s l n i e v c s Effie Wright, Oshawvawere Doris. Betty and Lawrence were (e J ea a v)o he, r.HabeCaseirMrtohh dyt r.adMr.deadoebssleddsevcs Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. visitors with Miss Mvarguerite (e enCsel ntebrhdn Man., visited with ber Ronald Osborne who were Offering $76.17. N. E. Wright. Wright, St. Catharines. lfasna h ii Hospital, cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil married in Courtice United Mr.Nr mt ndMse issGi]adCtyTe-Peterborough, last weck. Adams. Church by Rev. L. M. Somer- Miss Jacqueline Huis, bride- Grant Smith, Brooklin, with ise, Oshawa, were with Mr.~ Church services were held Mrs. W. E. Warburton at- ville of Thorndale on Satur- t-e a ie ice Mêr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson. and Mrs. E. Wright and family. Sunday, Sept. 8th at 10 a.m. tended the meeting of a special day afternoon. shomerof M rlaiMrs Ahis Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry Miss Fileen Whitehead, Mrs. There xvas a fair attendance. commiîîee in Simcoe Street Lois and Ron have been hm fMaCl R A ils 'isied in Hamilton. C. R. Wallon and son, Mr-. Ted Rev. Harding in charge. Sunday United Church to study "Pray- very active in Courtice Circuit M.ad r. aec w Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo Wallon, Kingston, visited wiîh 1Sehool was held at il a.m. Miss er celîs in relation 10 the in- Young Peoples Union and will any, Miss Florence Werry of end family attended Decoration Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens. Lar anlo agh h i iiul omnisi sawalreside in their new home a n;Ms lrneWryo guests wiîh Mr. and Mrs. Jim- Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Stainton Raby. Miss Audrey Tufford, the Mission which comes ta Osh-. were from Toronto, Oshawa, HaSna fMr n r.F ixny Woodley and Mr. Clarence and family, Toronto, visited juniors, in the absence of Mrs. awa in November. Sunderland, Thorndale and Hooery Mrs. dF . De. G.o Woodley, Tyrone. Mr. H. Pye. Ruthven. Other teachers and Mrs. Lamne Penfound and Bowmanville. Hoprryr Mrs. F.A D. G.ro officers nresent. M- --- 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN New tires, new paint job, An A-i car ------ ---- 1 7 ISPECIAL THIS WEEK I1948 PONTIAC SEDAN I1947 MERCURY COACH 7 Iy $ 27 5 1953 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN Tw~o-tone, a real sharp car ---------------- $ 2 4 1951 CHEVIROLET COACH One owner car, a real good e buy at only ------------ 7 5 TRUCK SPECIÂL 1953 FORD 2-Ton In top condition $ 9 9 5 Many more outstanding buys in Guaranteed Used Cars and Trucks. Cone in and look them over. ROBSON MOTrORS5 LIMITED BTICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmnanville MA 3-3321 Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruthven aree spending some time in Buffalo,E Zion School did flot open i Sept. 3rd due to the illness OfA the teacher, Mrs. C. Raby. Ru-N jmors are the school bell wvil j ring again Monday, Sept. l6th. a: BURKETON a Mrs. Frank Holroyd was in el Toronto lasI week attending the ai f anerai of hem brother-in-law. ec Mmr. Aiden Hubbard held a Or demnonstration in his grocery store on Tuesday evening, at -etme 2. Mrs. Fleury, as- Msisted by Mrs. Major, both of B( Oshawa, were the demonstrators. 80 There was a lovely display of M' plastic articles and silk and nylon undies and hosier.y. About te: 14 ladies# alîended. The pro- of ceeds were 10 go towards the C. Church Hall Buildiijg Fund. fo: Mr. M. McCoy, accompanied M' a number of the school children W 10 the Exhibition on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 2. sel JFred Carter attended the C. fir N.E. Sept, 3. b. Autumn is making ils ap- on peamance. Several maple trees tol in the village are slowly turning from green to loveiy shades of tic yellow and red. Co Mrs. Stapies, Toronto, spent ro Sunday with her daughter Mrs. Do Frank Holroyd.Po Mm. and Mrs. A. Bryan, Court- eal ice, were Sunday visi tors of Mr. T] ,and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. Jnck Marchand spent the Mr wel:end with his brother and lo i sister'-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Erie gir Marchand.1( !Tliere ,vas a good attendance anc j at Church on Sundav, and the 1he Sundav Sehool children are hoý getting settled mbt a regular c routine ailain, under their very bu" capable teachers. I 120 Albert Stevenson was in IlSui Toronto this xveek. and Mr'. and Mîrs. Thos. Hodge and l familv visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack pli Smith at Milliken on Sundav. TS Mr. Allan Larmer, Toronto, o was a weekend visitor of his on parents, Mr. and Mms. Harold La rimer. cil jMr. Chester Hoskins xvas in cir St. Catharines lasI \Veek attend-ro îin. the tunera] of his cousin. e jThere was no school for a day 10 otwo this 1week, due to the 22. t cacher, Mr, M. McCoy bein- onfor the sick list. He is suffering tem froin an attack of chilis and Chu fever. Irea Mr. and Mrs. John Wotton Gre attenidecLOronio Fair last Satur-! for 'dav.29. Mrs. R. Davey spent a da i or Oshawa last week visiting wilh P0Ir hcr daughter. Mrs. Sam Grant. lead Mr. John Welsh, Tweed; Mr. gro a nd Mrs. Charles Cottrill and teac sister, Miss Cottrili, were Sun- faci d av visitors at the home of Mr. sugi and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton. chui 1Mr. Fred Carter., vho wvon a mnad schoiarship, will be enterîng ci U Vniversity of Toronto next weekler to take a course in Applied Mizs Science and Engineering. boti jMr. and Mrs. N. J. Hackney. Ila n i West Hill: NMr. and Mrs. Sam ofi j Grant, Oshawa. were Sunday to vi sitors at the home of Mr. and con, j Mrs. R. Dax'ev. lisa The W.A. wiil meet at the a dt home of Mrs. Cvmus Ashton on acco I T ;r.c1ySeptembem 12 at 2;Wail jj WCL Ivrs. Clarence Penfound enjoy- ed part of Thursday at Toronto Exhibition. Miss Winnie Walters is spend- [ng a few days wiîh the Carl Adams family, Nestieton, while Mtrs. Adams is at Elgin Hquse. Mm. and Mrs. William Sara and daughter, Gladys, Toronto, wvere Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mms. Paul Antil. Mr. and Mms. Bolb Young and Ronaid, Sunderland, weme week- end visitors aI hem parents' Mm. and Mrs. Paul Antil and attend- ed the Osborne - Antil wedding on Saîurday. Mm. and Mrs. George Barber ttended the birîhday pamty at tirs. Baden Pingle's home, Bowmanville, bo celebrate the Oth birthday of ber moîher, \Irs. Ann Hobbs. Mrs. Clarence Penfound aI- :nded the September meeting )f the Oshawa and District '.G.I.T. Board which took the .omm of a Pot Luck Supper aI Irs. Dancey's, Oshawa, on Jfednesday evening. The Polio Clinic for pre- chooi childmen who have had rst and second needles, will )e at Courtice United Church )n Friday, Sept. 201h, from. 1 o3:3 0. Several couples from. Cour- ice who attended the Country ,ouples Club corn and wiener oast aI Elmer and Helen )own 's on Satumday night, re- orI lots of fun andà plenty of ils. Next regular meeting is 'ursday, Oct. 3. Congratulations to, Mr. and rs. Stan Hoy (nee Alice Tay- r) on the arrivai of a baby i, Wendy Jane. Congratulations also to Mr. nd Mrs. Bob Bryans who are le proud parents of a baby y, Gardon Robert. Superintendent Eddie War- ton was pleased ta weicome ff back to Sunday School on unday. Most of the officers d teachers were in their lces too. NexI Sunday as aal, the lime is 1l o'ciack. The teachers and officers met 1Monday night at the church 1make plans for the fali. aly Day Programmes were ceulated and Mm. Lintan Hem- n and Mr. Walter Shortt mre appointed the commitcee plan the service for Sept. The offering will ibe used rthe Missionary and Main- aince F'und of the United iurch through the local church ýasurer, Miss Margaret Mac- ýgor. Plans weme also, made rPromotion Sunday an Sept. The teachers of the Jun- Girls' Classes were ap- inted as a committee ta find idership for the Explorer îups. Discussion regarding icbems and belter classroamn ilities toak place with a ggested survey of other urches and a repart to be ke at the next meeting.j Church Service on Sundayj 2ning 'vas in charge of Rev. sBuller, Ajax, Mrs. Baller, Il an ordained minister and linister's wife, bad a wealth information and experience share with an inspire the igregation. Miss Birdie Fai- and Mm. Walter Shortt sang Luet "His Way With Thee" )mpanied by Mm. Frank te~at the organ. 'huicl service next SuIlday Ebenezer, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Mrs. Edith Anderson, Bow. E. White. Iianville; Mr. and Mms. Johi Mr. and Mrs. L. Skinner nd iHis were tea guests of Mrs, family visited Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Victor Knox and Miss Eliza- jMr. and Mrs. K. Rahm anc beth Knox, Fenelon Falls. boys visited Mr. and Mrs. C, Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, Col- Knapp, Lotus. umbus, visited Mms. Florence Mr. and Mms. S. Wilcox, Scott. Scarboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. About 20 yaung people en- C. H. McQuinn. joyed a corn roast Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Kari !«,1bamy evenîng. entemtained the Colbary fam. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harvey, ilies and a few friends toa Margaret and Helen, Mr. Jîm corn moast Saturday evening, Coombes visited Mr. and Mms. Miss Shirley Coombes spent Harold Bell, Peterborough. a week with Miss Anne White Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wilk- Mr. and MLske. AVt ins, Mr. Ray Wilkins, Bow- r n r.E .. manville, weme tea guests of f and onwresupE.r as-« Mr. and Mrs. . Brent. oMr.and Ms.E. ase Sympaîhy is extended 10 o wmnvY Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm, Mr. Thos. Gibbs on the pass- Miss Helen Rahm, Saintfield, ing of his brother, Mr. William weespegussoMran Gibbs of Crystal Beach. Those Mms. Lloyd Alldread. aîtending the funeral were SilyadBueCobs Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs, Mr. and SilyadBueCobs Mrs. R. Gibbs, Mrs. T. Jan- Salem, holidayed with Mr. and czyn and Mr. Jack Gibbs.- Mrs. R. 'Coombes. Mr. and Mrs. John Broome Weekend guesîs of Mr. and and family iie r n Mrs. Karl Colbary were Mr. Mrs. Frank McEvoy, Mount aMrs. R eknTrn Zion.. and Mrs. Frank Colbamy Mr. nd rs.Roy cLagh-Long Branch; Mr. Ted Bagley, Mr. and Mrs R y M Lau h- Cooksville, and Mr. W ayne lin, Donna and Denis, Nestie- otr ubrBy ton, visited Mrs. Edith Mur-FseHubrBy phy. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamn In 1956, 162,763 patients in were tea guests Of Mr. and hospitals were given free trans- Mrs. Grenville Byamn, Bowman. fusions of whole blood by the ville. Canadian Red Cross Blood MMr. and Mrs. Louis Phillip, Transfusion Service. Miss June Taylor and Mr. Ralph Davey visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess, Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood- cock and Ricky, Oshawa, weme with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Davey.MA3 30 Mrs. Margaret Woodley of for3-30 Santa Monica, Miss Florencefo Gardiner, Bowmanville, wereWAT D guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Huiis. and family attended a family V reunion at thd home of hem SER VICE Parents. r n Mrs. H. Sow- ers, Fredericton, N.B., and also visited relatives at Charleston, Maine, and Moira, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bragg, MEMORIAL AREN Bowmanville PUBLIC - - SKATING 8 la,10 p.m. Friday -- - - - September 13 I M rs. Charles Osborne enter- Mm, an re s . Wrgu t. Vivian an u s u ciSe p te m be r 1 tained the wedding party a andndmiy spen W .the weeke nd a d attendants for Ron and Lo'l is yp the - kn t u s a Spe br17 ta supper on Friday nighî fol' h home of Mm. and Mrs. W. lowing the rehearsal aI Cour- Ormiston. lice United Church. - Miss Vilda Brown is teach- e n s éySp mbr1 Coutic Woan' Asociation with 19 pupils. Tyrone bas 67 were pleased ta caer aI the pupils. A II ~ A 1 brcpn flige O- Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Richards, bre- Antil wedding at Cour- Mr. Jack Richards, Oshawa- LiGulis - 4cCide lice United Church. Mrs. Nellie Westlake, Bow- 25cCilre Our congratulations are aiso manville; Mrs. Mary Findiay, #****ee... extended ta Mm. and Mrs. Maur- Unionville; Mm. and Mrs. Dean ias Solpens iz ed t.arre's inlle, wede usts, o mand wa slmnzd n t Adews ile Cr utsoMan- CH ILD ENSKA TIN G United Church, Oshawa, on Mrs * Çlinton Bigelow and Mrs. Saturday afternoon. Prior ta A. Hawkey. u s y-- was Miss Marion Wyman, dau- tended the funeral of berA ghter of Mm. and Mrs. Morley uncle, Mr. J. J. Elliott, Lind- 3:0I -:0pm Wyman of Courlice. Mr. and say, an Monday. AUT COPNIGCIDE 5 Mrs. Stephens will be living in Mrs. Esl Oke, Bowmanviie; AUT COPNIGCIDE 5 Bomavll.Mm. and Mrs. Allan Down, i Registration of Members in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, on FRIDA&Y FAMELY SKATING r-W $10 per family which includes parents and ail children under 18 - Olhers ai a member family 18 or aver, $2.00 each. Members 30 or over - $8.000 from 2 to 9 P. m, FEES.0 IOth TUESDAYS --Tais- 4 Io 5 Juniors -41la6:15 Seniors - 6:-30tla8:30 THURSDAYS -------Tais - 4Io 5 Juniors - 4 Io 6:30 SATURDAYS - Seniors 1 Io 3 SUNDAYS - Fantily Skating - 2 Io 4 General Meeting of Bowmanville Skating Clubj wiII be held in the Council Chambers, Town Hallo Tuesday, September I4th, at 7:4 5 p.m. Senior members and parents of Juniors and Tots are requested fo attend as well as any other interested parties who may have suggestions. I it - ------- - - - .- Good running condition ------ $195 TRURSDAY, SEPT. 12tl Skatïnq Club 1 PACM TWELVE "M. ONAVAINTAr SlwlýMMRAIL9 th, 195? Bowmanville for 19 5 71 M 5 8 Season r . SEPTEMBER TOTS » $6.00 -JUNIORS SENIORS a $16-00 1

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