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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1957, p. 2

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TH~ CAKADIA!~ STATEs1~t&~y. ~OWMANVTLI~ nN'rAWTO j The oit dvined dsignespecialiy for women. Skating Asaciation Second Test. 1h.mot avac.dd.ign ~ -Japan is a memben of the Previeus te geing te the summer st à price to fit every bud- International Missionany Coun- scheol she bad passed the Pre- get. Instal lem .forget CI, The Wenid Council ef Chur- iiminary and First Figure Skat- 'emnI ches and the United Nations. ing Tests. Don Tobin, Ottawa, ' - W Trp-L-Trac hs> o haq beautY and the highest literacy Figure Skating Club in the win- Yardao EnSoestnngprbIn ~in the worhd. One et thein tens, was the Professienal Skat-I inq r strinqprobensprobiems is overcrowding and er wbo nan the Cobourg Sum- Canada with unlimited space mer Skating Scbool. M Changes instantly kom 5-, sbould help. In ber Dance Tests at Cobourg f stomi to screen wrndlow f Mns. Garnet Tubb toek the Yvonne aise did Particuianly 0 Extrudeci aluminum Frame ît1 - M1 wership service with the theme weil. She was partnened by givs IFe-imeserice'"The Jay et Christian Friend- Dan- Jackson et the Minte Club,1 We are colebrating sivs ifetie sic ship." De we, like Paul, show Ottawa. He is a former mem-1 our love and appreciation te ounr e h omnvîeSaigand we are ofiering nterlocking sash gives I 1fids Club and a former Junior Men's wethr-igtprtetinFigure Skating Champion etof ng~n w e a t h e - t i g h t p r O t e c i o 4 I t h e a s e n c e t t h e r e s i - C a n a d a . H e w a s r u n n e r - u p i fi i i £ E ~ 1 ~ a ~ m ~ njieitrc ssrsdent the business was cendurt- the Senier Men's Figure Skatinglonofth p j.na smoh oained by Mns. H. T. Osborne, the Cbampiensbip ef Canada inhv ie us durim M thoeai ItVice-Pres. 1957.h o îe The Fail Rally at Newcastle Yvenne cenîpleted her Junior *0.t.LTr«LTa' wbwwo"Ws NW - on Oct. l7th was announced. Bronze Dance Test by passing Plans wene made fon a quit- the Ten Fx. She had Previously Buy Iocally for best service i ng at the churcla on Sept. :24 passed the Fiesta Tango and themAl iat i o'cleck. 1 Willew Waltz in this group. She ,ALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES Thene wili be a Dahlia Tea aise lassed the complete set of E qui m enat the home of Mrs. K. Hep- Senior Bronze Test Dances, tbe kn nSept. 18th tram. 2:30 1.0 European Waltz, Fextrot and the Àm C OW Ufl f m e 4.30p.m. Feunteen Step. Her dancing Cheand pnoud tleael d G TeIder Was tan lub wof he~S .W Company adpodt earnthe C.... Indianapalis Wmner Cu, o J membens bad received the jtaught at Cobeurg this summer.59]I GS .W 1 13, ing St. IL 1 wmanille Phone MA 3-5689 higbest numben ef peints fer Yvonne is the daughten et Mn. thein werk in the Eastern Dis-1 and Mrs. Alex Anoniehuk, ________________ Ltrict. ,* lrsev Stree~L and Mrs. Roy Powers, Scarbor-f l ough, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rob- ie r o o g ly r bins, Toronto, visited Mrs. Ce-lr t r o o g l y r clPowers. T 'h.e '1rotio N~ewvs 'Congratulations to Mr. John B. Moat who wîll celebrate hi- 99th birthday at his home iniP o i é Fn v nn L ~ ~ ~ eehn 127 Oakville, Septemnber 6th I'c i e F n v n n Peterborough, visited Mr. andiO l y a d S e c e Mr n r.P. Hayward, Mrs. Aleck Moffat on the birth 1r.O oan l y-a d S e c e Miss Grace Hayward, Mr. Ray 1Of their son, James Aleck. Sep- jO rdy etme t nwt oe ai.adi h Champa, visited Mrs. Raye 1tember "7th in Memorial Hospi- IteO rno eTn Hallth n sec oewith isife.iBother West, Darlene and Rae Jr. tal, Bowmanville, a brother for th rooTwnHl, hTnoTeonTA i if.Bthwr Mr. John Gilfillan, Mentreal, Margaret Ruth. 1 uSjjIj.ji United Church Theatre Group cleverly executed and staged. Ivisited his great aunt, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arnold presented an evening of one-act The closing effering was "A Vioa Glflla. nd amlyTornt, vsied ix Mrs. Chas. Langmaid arrang- plays and sketches. The Group Marriage Has Been Arranged", Viol Gifilln. nd fmil, Tront, vsite Mr edthe missienary program for originates in Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. F. Malcolm,ý and Mrs. Robt. Hancock andc Sunday School on Sunday af- is under the inspirationi and a first class play done with great Oshawa, were supper guests, family. tenn. r.Jm Ama ofuincofM.Per cC b taste and ability by the two Faxr Day, etMMr. ana Mrs.nGof.MruidFred Sf son aededaugh-me Fai Da, o Mr an Mr. Go. rs.Fre Sisonanddauh-Harmony whe is studying for who sbowed himself te be no players, Sonia Donaldson anc Mto.ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jac.k (Mary) the ministry gave a splendid only an extremely capable Knox United's entry in the Mrs. Chas. Wood has return-1 Fisher, Toronto, visite d friends illustrated 'talk to the childrenI director, but an acter of naturalreonl raa Ftilf0 ed home frem three weeks in and attended Orono Fair. andi also spoke ibriefly to the charm and warmth. Hîs play- rEgastern narlo, esticbltfor MeoilHsiaBwa- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young,, adults. Patsy Davis sang a ers show considerable polish andwoadpoee tprsn ,ville. Mrs. Eva MeMillan, Bridge-i lovely solo "Prayer Perfect." ability and it was indeed a treatwnadpoeedtpeen Mr. Wm. Davey bas returned north, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rally Day service will betory of plays. fedrpe n taw bfrete oero home from spending a week on Murpliy and Trevor, Mr. and held on Sunday, Sept. 22.b oyo ly..-Gnraadi oot tHr fisbing trip te Virginiatown Mrs. David Phasey and Wayne, Mn rmhr teddtt Oag lsos a h House Theatre. Mr. MeComb with bil son-in-law, Mr. C. C. Tyrone istd 1 adMr.C...and ronFarfrsofrng ftheenn drcedtepa wihaoc Caverly, Whitbyth an1ast ffrng suofth vng a bride-t ndMs.1C...an Oloo ar sense ef the grandeur et the CaelWib.Chas. Wood on Sunday. Pl1an *h show suyo rd-o- Edwardian era. and although Larry Luxton, Bowmanville, Mrs. John Turner, Kcene, is lnte attend the turkey1 be wh hw every sign of there is ne action, the two is convalescing at his grand- visiting Mr. and Mvrs. Gordon supper in Sauina Com.munity emulating hier sbrewish mether. caatr andadhl u paetM. n r.Harry Cotter. Hall on Wednesday October 2. The bride was believably por- interest frein the opening Mercer following a plastic sur- rvrs. Frank Ardron and AI- The Women'. Institute will trayed hy Freda Fosten, witb minutes of the play w.ith their gery operation in Sick Cbild- Ian, Toronto, visited Mr. and mieet on Thursday evening, Dorothy Falconer as the mother,manissndpentinsl ren's Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. Madison Hali.1 Sept. 12. Mrs. Hans Geissberg- a bossy browbeating woman the rich but lonely bachelor and Congratulations te Mr. and Mr. and kNrs. Wm. Jordan, er, Sr.. of Zion will be guest whose busband, piayed by Mr. the heautiful but lonely POSI;. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sonniey Jordan, speaker. The 4-H Club girls iMcComb, seeks te escape by debutante. Dialogue was the Mr. Victor Jordan, Ajax, Mr. will prescrit their skit.1 puttering in the garden. TW o only source of entertainment in and Vr.Go Mtcelai Mrs. Chre agadac aunts, well characterized by the play, and althoughiwa ta ily Osawa an Toy u- rs.Wm.Asbon ereco Susan Summers and Ada Huff- cleverly written it would net be famiy, shý,waand onyMit! Mr. W. 'Ahthome e C-man provide added humour toenuhifteaor d' bn cheil, Keene, visited Mr. and hostesses at the former's hm the Plot; and Margot McCowb eough fiiteto r. Raydnt ben Mrs. Wm i cl. for a pantry shieif showen iin showved signs of a truc comed-s rfcet n a ihe Mr. and iVrs. Robt. Hancock honeur of Miss Marg Hart, îenne in bier pontrayal of t- designed the stage for ail the and famiîy, spent Suliday with bride-to-be, on Tuesday eveni- hay fever ridden bridesmaid. productions and most particulan- M.adMsHaodHnoking h vnn' neti- h roBbHthnoef: ly in "A Marniage Has Been Ar- Mand iirs. HaBelleaille.Teeein ntnan-ITegroBo uchne, ranged" did lhe show true artistie and1ixnly Beleile.ment featured a inock wedding 'fectively played the man Who touches. The representation of Mn. and Mrs. Ross Gilbart; which pnovided considenable realizes, just in time, what bis the ante-noom ef an elegant hall- 1 have purchased the Clarence amusement. Those taking part wife-to-be wvill make of theinreom was most convincing. Duncan hause. w~ene Mrs. Eber Sniowden, the marniage and decides net te go MS. H. Ginn has returned b ride; Pearl Leach, the groom; throughi with the cenemonvy. The entine evening wvas span- S eeIhome tramrn einstone Beuach. Mrs. Ralph Larmer, best man; However ail ends happily, and sored by the Orono Agicultural audience istetdt ay Society, in conjuniction with the Hill, spent the Fair weekend 1 maid; Mrs. Roy Langmaid, the ; hearty iaughis in the course ef Orono Fair, and we certainiy îwit n Mrs. oh sMorris ler minister. Winniers of novelty the plÎay. Don Endicott dinected appreciated and enjoyed Mr. Mn.andMrs Chs. Milerprizes wene: Mrs. Grant Hart,j "Orange Blossoms" wvtba go cobsGop ieo h Lary ad Wyne moed e Ohaw, wo hldthe lucky sense of timing and comdy rogramme were two numbers their ncw house last week. i pancel: Mrs. Lorraine Hayes, Two brief comedv sket ches by Deug Lycett and Jim Gamsby -Miss F. Cutteil, Toronto, vis- joshaý.ça, who occupied the followed, beth directed by Mr. which ail in the audience found 'd lher cousin, MViss Aima Cut- lucky chair and Mrs. Elsie McComb, who starred in th e first most amusing. tellI and attended Orone Fair P rout, Bowmanville, wbo held SAVE NO WMr. Ken Hall, Toron w, visit- the iucky cup. Miss M. A ien S AVE NOVv' andll. ofe se gveda by trie Mrs. Gordon Dent and son, ou eading. Dianty lefresii S h o o u a inu ed MllTrontJos. all. fnd nenswaestergve a bu nne nr I U UH U Mrs. E. Dent and childnen. hostesses assisted by MnsBi, orn., isteiM.h 24 9 Enrolled Mr. ad Mrs. Russell Va n Flett and Pearl Leach. U sed C ars Home, Whitby, visited ier Mrs. MAddie Tink visitea hecilrnettelomu-endn)Gae-3a 1952 CADILLAC COUPE Mn. and N'rs. 0. Challice and to. ty and the district retunned ta avle Hgh Sho.e DE VILLE famiiy, Milibrook, have mev- avle Hg col n ed te the J. D.Bonhue M.an n.Bh Mge school last week bringing te an11 Excelen coditon,2-tone, Main St. soutb, which tbey ne' Oshawa, were Sunday visitors end their summer holidays. Forote gadte satndn Impenial ivory with black cerîtly purcbased. at Mn. Frank Westiake's, Sr. tbe majonîty it was a weîcome Teachers' College in Peter- top Poer quimen, witebreak for At meant an întetest_ bonough and the seventb bas ac- top. poties n dip et ît Miss Mildred Holdawa, Pe- IM. and Ms. D. FlettT and ing and busy terni ahead. ceptecl a position wth Geneai ale tie an see t r boGgviiî Tr rn-cilrnvste tM. hos. Matons whicb was obtained radio, must be seen te1nuh iie e rn-e~1rnvstda n The Orone Public Seblool was through the tact that the student te be parents, Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Flett's, Columbus. Pot es on e ingdtoayf1wbicuhbad knowledge of typing receiv- appecite ----$,95 Hncok.Mr.an Mr. Terell Pot ent onMn.in dandhic Mns.at henenteHghScho, appneciated mPAAir. anckd Mns. V. Brown, New- Hope; Mn. and Mrs. Myles Itbe higbest enrolment in I a the OooHg col 1954STUDBAKE V-8 castle, are living in the Bill Hutchison, Bailiebano; Mr. andi schoal's histarv. The enralment The school itselt is in excellent Hooey bouse, Cee Hill. Mrs. Sain McElroyPtr of beginners in Grade 1 bit an condition and both a cedta 2-door hardtop with over- Mn. and Mns. Gi. Anderson, borougli; Mn. and Mrs. Harold ahtime high with 30 entening the Public Scbeol Boar an drive, radio $9 Hamilton, visited Miss A. Mon- Trivett, Toronta, and *Mrs. H. this grade far tbeir tirst year et the cammunîty. A numben af and beater ------..nson. Cameron, Tyrane, visited re- studies. Last yean 12 eilidren the floars bave been sanded and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston. cently at Mr. Jack Kivell's. enrolhed in Grade 1. The total netinisbed. A new tile flaan 1953 CHEVROLET Oshawa, attended the Fair andi M.adMs e ii n namn noeigdyi enhances the vestibule et the BELIRSEANwere supper guests ef Mis5 taiily attended Deconatian Day 1956 was 133 wvhich this yeari scbael and the stairs ta the Newmotr wth 9-da BethaCai.service at Betbesda Cemetery sunpassed by 20 additional cild- second flber bave been repained, guarantee, in $ 1050 Dr. Ross S. Lang, Chicago, on Sunday and were tea guests ren. giving a much better per perfect condition ofi and tnîends have retunned of Mr. and Mrs. David Craig, The Public Sehool is staffed ance. beome aften visiting his sister, Tyrane. 'by Miss K. Fester, principal; 1951 BUICK Conv ertible Mrs. John Noden and daughten Mrs. R. Carleton, Miss Bertha Powe la.Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- Cain and Mns. M. Lunn. ewpie - --- $895 v')nrtl tat Miss Viola bruh was at home fon the Mis B. Cain teaches Grades Gilfillan on hier, 84tb birtbday, weekend. and 2 with an ennelment of 1950 CHEVROLET COACH Sept. 9th. Mn. and Mrs. E. Cryderman)43. Mrs. R. Carleton, Grades A.n $495 Mn. and Mrs. Howard Miller.. andi Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer 13 and 4 with an enrelment et 41. A-i car $4 i Kngsville, are visiting Mn. and i of Blackstock enjaye.. a moaor îrty-four are reg~sered in Mrs. Wm. Miller. trip te soutb-westenn Ontario Grades 5 and 6 and are taugbt 1949 FORD $9 Congratulations te Mrs. Lau- and visited Leamington Fair. by Mns. M. Lunn. Miss K. COUPE_ $9 ra Cooper- on lier 86th bitbday, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- Foster, principal et the Public Sept. àtb. man and childnen were Sunday Sebeol, teaches Grades 7 and 8 1948 PLYMOUTH $1Mr. and Mrs. W. MU. Arin- tea guests et Mrs. S. Rundle andj with an enrolment et 35. 0f - ---- ------ --$50 strang, Nestieton, Mns. Fred Jean, Bowrnanvilie. the 35 pupils 20 are in Grade8 1950 FORD Blackstock, visiteci Fair Day ren and Mrs. E. M. Carn, Ton- Sehool in 1958. q-ton $5 witb Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton. enta, spent sevenal days hast Orono HIch Sehool Panel $10 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall'hi, eek witb Mn. and Mns. Stan An increase is founci ta exist Toronto, are visiting bier bro- Mîisoxn and sons. in the Orono High School where Any of these cars may be ther, Mn. Wm. Robinson.Mran s.Td eLu -96tdnshve noldfr purchased wlth a low down Mn. and Mns. Cecil Jones, ln.and CaMlns haTed McLaugh 195tu8ets aern aThe fýer payment to responsible Joyce and Paul, visited Mr..a d Ms1o aceadDa:'as ersoda 5o pnn partis. Ms. S Robetsonandtamily, iand Ca.on, sanda n. ate 195-58term T h noe fig parties. Mr. BRbetsn nanile visited Mn. and' 4ay and ended with 80. The tatry. J .NnBtlfrMs a rolndiiie, I i argest ciass in the school i Sask., Mrs. A. Stnike and Ron- Mrs. Del et Edmonton ar- 36 which again is an increase Buclk"snie, Bawmanviiie, Mrs. Glenn rived hast week te spend some aven that et 1956. Wiggins, Gregory and Linda, time with Mn. and Mns. Camp- Mrs. J. W. St. John and Mn. Donhop M. s visited Mn. and Mns. bell Hamen (ber daughter) and J. Ford have taken up their Congratulations to Mn. and 1 daugliten, Karen Marie . 1 5chool staff replacing Mn. V. F. 361 Bloor St. E. Oshawa Mrs. Ross Mercer on the birth Mn. and Mns. Harvey Yei-f Auger and Miss R. Barr wbo Phone RA 5-4513 et thein son. qietemben tr ,lowees And augtrsvsîe1adrsind rmth taf te A d ts ýe w y kt S -t b d e h 0 ýr 9 r l d e n s e ri s HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Hector Camer- on, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. J. Aikenboad, at 'thein cottage. Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mns. C. Garrard's were Mn. Bruce Ganrard and Patsy, Kes- wick; Mn. and Mrs. Harold Gay. Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. Alfred Gannard, Biackstack. Mn. and Mrs. 'Fred Ashton, Tononto, at thein cottage Sun- day atternoon. Lynde Stnawbridge, Hamp- ton, belidayed witb Mn. anîd Mrs. Walter Lovenidge. Sevenal frorn Haydon attend- seniors present, and a bail game FABRIC se BETHANY st. PAUl's W.A. St. Paul's Anglican Cburch Weman's Auxiiiary met at the Rectery on Thunsday witb Ms. Roy Jarvis presidingr. Minutes and correspondence weno read by secretary Mrs. Douglas Smeit. The Deanory meeting fer the district wili be hehd la- ter in the imonth at Hanwood and severai members signitied their willin gness te attend. Mrs:- G. F. Meades road the Scnip- tune lesson and led in prayer. Mrs. F. S. Gray gave a chaptten frem the current study book. Sewing matenial was distri- buted ameng the mombers te bo made inte articles for sale cluring the yean. A social heur foliowed witb lunch served by the hestess assisted by Mrs. R. Janvis, Mns. L. Smith and Mrs. D. Smelt. Sehool pupils are getting set- tied down te routine. Thore are 24 students in the senior reom this year and 25 in the junior roam. Boginners are Phyllis Youngman, Joanne Ed- miunds, Dianne Green and Russell Armstrong. John Scett and Douglas Scott, sons at the late Constable William Scott et Peterborough are making thein home bere witb thein aunt and uncle, Mn. and Mns. Addison Scott and are attending the lo- cal ecbool. Mns. H. A. McMaster spent the past lxeek in Toronto with ber sister, Miss Blanche Raci- cet. Mn. and Mrs. Mansel Wright and Mn. and Mrs. Bill Manti- chenko bave returned tram a meter trip te Soningdaie, Sask. and this woek Mn. and Mrs. Mantichenko have moved te To- roxi'to where Bill is entering the University, studying te become a chiropractor. Mn. A. H. Monk, who lias been 111 in haspital for several weeks neturned te bis home here on Sunday. Mn. Howard Rowan, Maple Grove, was home for the week- end with bis parents, Mn. and Mns. Clarence Rowan. Mn. and Mrs. James McKin- non left on Tuesday ta, visit ton tbree weeks with relatives in Cleveland, Ohio. WESLEY VILLE 'Ihe much postpoed Sunday scbool pîcnic was beid last Sa,,- urday at Port Bnitain shores thnough the., kindness et Mn. Danke, and a large numben of the chldren wvere able te be present with their teachens and somo parents. The usual races and games wene played and the picnic suppen was held in the Sunday schaoi room ton breezes were a bit chilly ton tiny tots. The tehhowing were successfol in the races: Beginnens class, James Nîchals. and in the bail thnow, James Nichohîs and Jen- nîten Payne; Primany-Valenie Austin and Leslie Ford; Junior boys and girls-Sharon Thorn- dyke and Fritz Theysmeyen: bahl thnow - Berniece Clarke and Fritz; Senior girls and boys -Maie Austin and Pat Arnold, same two winning the hall tbnow. Shoe seramnbie-Henjan Tbeysmeyen and Benniece Clarke, Bonnie Austin and Pat Arnold. Nail drive-Mns. A. Ais- tin; Sbae kick-Muriel Austin. A relay race was heid for the ed Decoration service at Beth- esda Cemetery on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Bert Ashten and family, Toronte, spent the weekend at thein cottage. Mn. David Malcolm was mev- ed fnom Memolal Hospital, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, ta Sunnybnook Hospital, Toron- M. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Freeker, Lake Baptiste. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Potts, Tom- my, Debbie and Mary, accom- pan ied Mn. and Mn.s. Thomas Petts, te Coiiingweod on Sat- urday. Miss Jan Little spent the weekend at thein home at Col- bonne. Mr. Milton Siemen visitcd Mn. and MMs Russell Gilbert, Bowmanvlille. Mn. and Mns. Wilbur Black- burn and tamily, attended a cern reast at Mr. and Mrs. Genald Shackleton's Salem, Saturday evening. Mn. M. Bertrim and Birdie visited his parent%, Mn. and Mns. George Bentrim, Crew Lake. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon were tea guests et Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskillen, Sunday. W.A. September meeting wihl ho beld at the home et Mrs. Cecil Slemon, Hampton. on Thursday afternoan (today) at 2.30. Mns. Cameran's Gnaup ;j, charge. Miss Joan Little attonded a teacben's meeting on Tuesday aftrnoon at Enniskillen scbool. Sunday Schoal wili be h eid on Sunday atternoon at 2 p.m., church service at 3 p.m. *Sunday School Raiiy uwill be beld an Sunday, Sept. 22,a combined service Church and Sunday Schoi at 3 p.m. CAMPBELLFORD SILOS LIMITEJ) Fullllune of Silo Accessories Including Silo-Matie Unloader and Even-Flo Silo Distributor DISTRICT AGENT WALTER FRANU_, ]PHONE Mu 3-3986 % 177 Church St. Bowmani41. TOWN Expiring9 iendous to Savings 0% OFF on ai ýds and Draperies aur Fiilh Anuiversary ini Dawmanville these Iremendaus bargains in appreciau goe Bawmanville and district rosidents nu the Pasi five years. "cTqMLEPON330 10 WNAN VILLE PHONE NA 3-3609 for the bigger boys and girl&. Teachers 7vere present for ail classes at Sunday school with George Tufford reading the morning Scripture. After a summer holiday the choir Le. turned with an anthem on Suîi- day rr.orning, Mr. and M Clarke singing the dueart it. Johnny Tufford. Lewis 'horn. dyke, Cheryl Clarke and Ruth Nichols began their school life last week ta be a part e1 the 22 children attending school here this year. Recent v'isitors with Mr.i'à?t Mrs. Beighton were Mr. Mrs. Peter Clarke of UttèPj, Mrs. Ida Plum of Toront.j Art Mckay of Shiloh with M! and Mrs. H. Barrowclough. Mis. Plum recently returned train the wcst where she had at- tended the wedding cf her son. Sunday afternoon was quite exciting with watching the sa- tellite or balloon or whatevei, and listening to local nemâ item over the radio. The Canadian Red Cross op- erates eight Red Cross Lodges adjacent to, DVA Hospitals in nine provinces. REDUGE FEED GOSTS and increase market values by feecling legume or cors starting to-day Nfflý- - 1 à..Uèý 1 àà.ý - -- ---- Èý 1 d ---" - - fý TUE CANADL&N STATESMAN. 1ROWMANVILLE. ONTARIO OrMTR.qnAv ýQitipr ld)fl% laqe if. offer !ou a c one te stave. Silo un- equalled f o r strength a n d durablity, de- signeci for the storage of le- turne or corn ensilage. Our Silos are Con- s trnc t e d o vibrated. wet cast tongue a.nd groove, CoC 0 r ete staves, and hooped wîth heavy rods to give you a product as stroiig as Conl- crete and steel ma make it. . L'.. - - ý tic TOWN

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