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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1957, p. 5

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~EhDAT. u~r. !!t¶~. rSN'~ TRI~ CAN¶BIDIAN ~TATESMAK. EOWMANVTILE. ONTARIO PAGE mu Ma ny Social Events For' Popular Courtice Bride 1 Miss Lois Aline Antil, whose Imarriage to Mr. Ronald Charles Osborne took place in Courtice 'Uniýed Church Sept. 7, has been <fet et, at several pre-nuptial ]partles ' A cornmunity shower was held in the lower hall of Cour- tice United Church. The party was arranged by Mrs. Orme j à0bertson and Mrs. Harry Her- ',and the future bride re- Ida number of miscellan- ,~agifts. Miss Joan Dalby, Miss Sandra Dalby, Miss Jane DeCoe and Miss Carol Robert- son assisted the bride in open- ing the many attractively wrap- ped gifts. Refreshments were served. The Courtice Girls' Softball Club held a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Gerald A. Peterson, Courtice. Lunch was served. A neigh- bours' shower was beld at the home of Mrs. Jack MacGregor,1 Courtice, when a number of1 xniscellaneous gi!ts were pre- sented. Miss Margaret Mac- Gregor, Mrs. James MacGregor and Miss Shirley Antil assisted the hostess in serving. The Courtice Girls' Soft Bal ClubClub held a miscelilanous shower at the home o! Mrs. Gerald A. Peterson, Courtice. Lunch was served. A neibb- bors' shower was held at the home of Mrs. Jack MacGregor, Courtice, when a numnber o! misceilaneous gifts were pre- sented. Miss Margaret MacGre- gor, Mrs. James MacGregor andi Miss Shirley Antil assisted the bostess in serving. The girls o! the Engineering Deartment, General Motors o! Canada, Oshawa, entertained at a picnic shower at Geneva Park and presented a wainut coffee table. The girls of the Typists Section, Engineering Division at G.M. arranged a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. John Sandercock, Oshawa, with Miss Cathie Baisillie as co-hostess. Mrs. Robert Muir. Courtice was hostess at a pantry sheif show- er; refreshments were served. Froin the staff o! the Roy Ni- chois Garage Courtice, the f u- ture bridegroomn received a hi- lac uphoistered occasichal chair. On Tbursday afternoon the prospective bride was present- ed with a Kenwood wool blan- ket 'rom the staff of the En- gineering Division, General Mo- tors. Foiiowing the rebearsal Fni- day evening, members of the bridai party were entertained by the parents of the bride- groom, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborne at their farm home in Courtice, Ontario. M t t. Choice.of 8 COCL:.: A LN UT WHRT NATURAL SIAL BROWN MAHOGANY SUL-O.ETTE (2 towe) NM O REUN C(2o GOMDN BROWN (2e.. UNMMSSED in Mo» m is mint lm Y.uv One-Stop He OPEN Bowmanville's Oldest Lady Celebra tes 1OOth Birthday -Photo courtesy Windsor Daily Star The above photo shows Mrs. David G. Archer of Windsor, daughter of John and Phoebe Gay, who was born in Bowmanville 100 years ago and who celebrated this remarkable century event on August l3th. Two more pitchers were added to the collection of more than 2,000 that graced the walls of one room at her home on 537 Dougali Ave., Windsor, on this memorable occasion. We are indebted to Mrs. H. H.Todgham, 1111 Chilver Rd., Walkerviile, for sending us the follow ing clipping fromn the Windsor Daily Star whicb gives an interesting story of Mrs. David Archer of Windsor, who was born in Bowmanville 100 years ago last montb. We ýhop(- Mrs. Archer will be able to corne to the Bowmanville Cen- tenary next year, for she is probably the oldest person novz living who-was born here. The story as it appeared in the Windsor Star on August lOth last reds: II«Xý Betty Wamsley Effervescent is a word usually used to describe youth - bub- bling over with enthusiasm. And effervescent is the one adjective that definitely des- cribes Mrs. David G. Archer o! Dougali Ave., who will c'lebrate her lOth birthday Tuesday, August l3th. Her enthusiasm and happy spirit are catcbing, too. Once inside her home you stand in awe of her fabulous collection of pitchers of ail sizes and shapes - 2,000 of them, col- lected since 1902. Every one of them bhas a his- tory &nd Mrs. Archer can sit in her chair and naine the donors and the year she re- ceived them. Her grandson, Mr. Gaylord Archer, with whom she lives, has made racks that cover one wall from the Before you go, ynake sure your home is adeguately insuredl You'lr enjoy your vacation more if you're sure you have alt the home insur- ance you need. Enough to cover today's value of your home, including improve- ments and additions you've mnade since you took out your last policy. Corne se us for a complete property insu rance checkup... today. STUART IR. JAMES, [NSURANCE REAL ESTATE Office Residence MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 lKing Street E. Bowmanville, ceiiing to floor to accornmodate the collection. There are pitchers commem- orating the Diamond Jubile of Queen Victoria, the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904. The oldest one, which Mrs. Archer received in 1933, is now 139 years aid. One tiny pitcher that is es- pecially treasured bears a sketch of the oid schooi at Newbury that was Mrs. Archer's aima mater. Before moving to Newbury. when she was five years aid, Mrs. Archer lived in Bowman- ville, where she was born, with ber parents, John and Phoebe Gay. She was married in New- 'bury to David G. Archer, and they moved to Windsor 70 years ago. She bas one son, Ernest, living on Goyeau St., and two grandehildren, Mrs. Ross Don- ald of Petrolia and Gaylord, with wbom she lives. 0f ber eariy days in Wind- sor, Mrs. Archer especially re- members the milk girl wbo wbeeled ber cart down Glen- garry Ave. She still bas the tiny pail that she collected her pint o! milk in each day. Mrs. Archer is in wonderful beaith and wouid stili be mak- ing quilts - she's made hun- dreds - but her fingers are getting a bit stiff now, a fact she finds very annoying. It is hard to stlll fingers that have been busy for so long. This year for this very spec- ial birthday, open bouse wili be held at ber home at 137 Dougail Ave., and friends are invited ta drop in during the, afternoon, from 2 until 51 o'clock, and the evening, from, 7 until 9. Oh, and by the way, Mrs. Archer says when she bas a bit more time she plans ta get ber buge collection o! buttons sewn on a screen so she can display tbem ta ber many friends, too. She is just sa busy she doesn't have time ta think about ber age. After ahl, what's a hundred years! F riends Entertain, For Prestonvale Bride- Elect Miss Manian Wyman, whose marriage ta Mr. Maurice R. Stephens o! Bowmanville was solemnized in St. Andrew's United Cburch, Oshawa, on Sept. 7, was guest o! honor at a number o! bridal sbowers. Mrs. J. V. Burridge o! Pres- tonvale, entertained at a kit- chen shower and was assîsted in serving by ber daughter, Mrs. Donald Gibson o! Oshawa, Miss Reva Tiers and Miss Roberta Cook of Prestonvale. Mrs. W. J. Lorimen, Oshawa, was hostess at a shower when the future bride received a rose bowl. Mrs. Jack Hunter, Mrs. James MacDonald and Mrs. Charles Kinton served. Mrs. Frank Cook, Bowmanville, as- sisted by ber sisters, arranged a misceilaneous sbowen. Mrs. Sam Grant assisted by Miss Audrey Hepburn enter- tained at a misceilaneous show- er, the guests being co-workers of the bride from, tbe Tabulat- ing Division, Parts and Service, General Mators of Canada. Miss Marilyn Davies, Beau- fort Street, Harmony, and Missý Donna Barlow were bostesses at a mniscehianeous sbower. .Mrs. Charles Greenham o! Bowman- ville, entertained at a shower when an uholstered occasional chair, a living-room hamp and a quiit were presented. Rela- tives of Mrs. Greenhamn assist- ed in serving. Mrs. George Edgar and Mrs. Garnet Tubb, Courtice, enter- tained at a shower at the lat- ter's home when a coffee per- colator and sevenal pieces o! fiat silven in the brîde's pattern were presented. Mrs. Victor Phain o! Oshawa arranged a pantry shower at the home of Mrs. Hans Geiss- berger, Jr., Hampton. Miss Shirley Phair aassisted ber mother in serving. On Tbursday e !tennoon, Sept. 5th. the prospe@tive bride was again honored %wýhen she was presented with au electric Loox polisher and several pieces of ber silver fiat wear from the staaff o! Parts and Service. On Friday evening, following rehearsal, the bridai party was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stephens in Bowmanville, parents o! the future bridegroom. Trousseau Tea HeId For Bride Marion Wyman On Saturday afternoon and evening, August 24tb, Mrs. Morley Wyman of Prestonvale entertained for ber daughter, Miss Marion Doreen Wyman, at a trousseau tea. Miss Wy- man's marriage ta Mr. Maur- ice R. Stephens o! Bowman- ville, took place Sept. 7. Arrangements o! late sum- mer graced the rooms. To ne- ceive the guests Mrs. Wyman wore a dress of French blue real silk and corsage o! pink gladiolus petais. Mrs. R. M. Stephens o! Bo,.manville. mo- ther o! the prospective bride- groom, who assisted chose a dress o! Bermuda rose lace aven sihk faille, and corsage of giadiolus ini rose shades. The future bride who also greeted the guests chose an afternoon dress o! white nylon embnoid- ered in orcbid pansies and an oncbid corsage. Mrs. Noretta McKnigbt of Windsor opened the door to the guests in the afternoon and Mrs. Victor Phair in the even- ing Mrs. Donald Gibson o! Oshawa was living room bas- tess in afternoon and Mrs. Cia- rence Penfound o! Courtice in the evening. Tea %vas served ini the diaing zoom where I-. George Edgar and Mrs. J. V. Burridge of Prestonvale, Mrs. William Lor'imer and Mrs. Vic- tor Phair of Oshawa poured tea ini the afternoon and Mrs. Noretta McKnight of Windsor and Mrs. Janet Alcock of Whit- by presided in the evening. The Women's Association of Cour- tice United Church served the guests.. Presiding in the trousseau roomn was Mrs. Hans Geiss- berger, Jr. of Hampton, and Mrs. Bonald Frank of Bowman- ville, Miss Donna Barweil of Oshawa, was in charge of the shower gift room and Miss Joan Mathews of Oshawa the wedding gifts. It is unofficially estimated that the carryover of unsold Canadian wheat at the start o! the new crop year was between 625 and 700 million bushels, equal to more than two year's normal exports. r Omemee, Ont., September 9, 1957 Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville Dear Sirs: There is a iosslbilty thal citizens of your town and sur- rounding area in general are not aware that next year sees Bow- manville as host town to thous- ands of Orangemen and Orange- women from five counties who wull commemorate the Battie of the Boyne. It is some 31 years (1927) since a parade was held in your town and I can well re- member marching in it anc ending Up at the old fair grounds (now a nursery farm). We undèrstand that L.O.L. 2384 isç celebrating its centenary ar>d wish them success in their ef- forts. Qulte likely some of the best bands from Toronto wîll corne down after the parade in the city, and to top it off, Oshawa wiil be the scene of the Relief of Derry parade neéxt August 12. with Preceptories as far as 7 Niagara Falls, Orillia, Toronto. Hamilton, Guelph, etc., present. Some o! the tinest bands of flute, brass, pipe and accordion ktwill be there. Ail roads lead to .Bowmanville next July 12 and )the folk wvx1l see a parade they wil remember for some time. Sincerely, Byron Hyiand. S Get Cash To-day d for OId Appliances Is through is STATESMAN ýdCLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 y-v £5~ EAERS Choose From 400 W.OOLS AND ORLONS *BY GRAND NERE, PLAYFAII AND HELEN HARPER. -PULLO VERS AND' CARDIGANS " With long or short sleeves, round or turtie necks - some with fancy necks. " Latest Fail Shades of Green, Brown, Aqua, Powder, Pink, Maize, Red, Yellow, Opal, Ecru Grey, Charcoal, Lavender, Navy, Black and White. SIZES 14 to 20 REGULAR 3.95 Io 11.95 CLEARING at 2.00 to89 DRESLIN N's LADIES' WEAR Ob * v Yard, Main Office Md showroom COURTICE Ph... RA 3-4661 Coat you uen do a LARGE ROOM 12 R. x 20 ft. (4 waIIs) for approx. 143oo Thscon b. purchaod en Our ovenieust I.D.C. Poymemt Pion ...No Money Down . . . Up ta 3 Y.ors to Pay. >ome Imprevement Centre N AT a A.M. Uptown Office end Showreoom 87 SIMCOE ST. S. Phtone RA 3-4443 BOWMANVILLE SENOW on Broad Ioom and Ca rpeti ng Sold and laid We do the complete job for you. Large choice of samples - Fe siae For home demonstration without obligation Phone MX 3-5576 Wm. M. A lun 19 SCUGOG STREET Oshawa Wood Producis, LTD. e ZUGGEST e roefë>.o ,SAVE Os# Using Fatory Finishedi <'AMERPLY" "The~ finish Thot is Baked on" Easy t. Handi. 16- x 96" Panels' PRE-FINISHED AMERPLY has aàliard durable surface pro. duced by a patented proceas whlch removea the aoft growth end places the liard grain in striking relief. It iasaunded, stained and lacquered before belng baked with infra.red heat (in Jut the. same manner in which the permanent finish la ýut ons auto bodies). Finally, it ik coated with an insoluble wax, end buffed to Slow like atin. The resultits a wood pancling of rustic beauty and pleaslns texture, complettly PAnithe who" it la naIIed into place. 1 Moderate In OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS LIMITED 'Bowman ville Store ONLY 1 1 - -, - .ý--M -qmmwý ý-1-fr - t - 111, - , nuum" 1 1 PAGE PM vimumwAy. SEPT. lm. 1951 TEz cANYLDiAiq sTATESMAN. BOWMAlqvff,= oiqTAXIO SAVE Free Estimates

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