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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1957, p. 9

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oqsDÀy. srar. îth.195F Parents Meet New Teachers at H.- & s'O Members of the teaching Uta.!! of Bowmanville's three Public achools were introduced ta a very large attendance o! p arents at the season's firât kone and School Association mneeting lait Wednesday even- ing. rThe class roomn in Central Lehool in which the meeting was held was filled to over- flowing and President Mrs. D. McDonald extended a warm welcome to ail, especially those attending for the first time. Mrs. D. Allun as program Convenor called on Supervising Principal A. M. Thompson. Mr. Thompson offered to Home and School the assistance of the teaching staff in organizing programs which would be o! benefit te ail. He urged parents te get acquainted with their chlldren's teacher or teachers, to meet with themn and ask questions. For the past several years, at- tendance bas increased at a rate o! from 60 to 80 pupils a yean, he said. This year about 70 were added, which meant the opening o! two more class rooms at Vincent Massey School. This imvolved a transfer o! pu- pils, in some cases children in the same family having to go to different schools. "We have tried to organize it so thc least number o! such problems arise. Bear witb us in these years o! expansion," Mr. Thompson urged. "Feature" Rose Brand Sweet Mixed PICKLES 16-or. jar 29c Fnesh, Curly Leaf dm vUV m of - 'F"Re& jý-fT 10-oz. cello bag Ocean Spray Brand, fresh 3 IP 1 I-A-C IR17c UIANBERRIES Lb. Pkg. 25c "Feature" "Feature" Easifirst - 3c Off DealJ Culverhouse Choice 20-oz. tin SHORTENING 2 Lb-;.49c CREAN CORN -2 F-r33c "Feature" E. D. SMITH'S 20-oz. tin Cherry Pie Filing-- 3 7c "Feature" MOTHER JACKSON'S 5c Off pkg. Jiffy Pie Crust MIX ?' "2 7c Quality Meats FRESII - ROAST Park Shoulder --lb43 BUTT - LEAN - MEATY 3 Park Chops l b. 63 c Meat-v Side "Siced as you like it" SPARERIIES Lb-" 59C PORK LIVER - Lb. 29c Ideal with Cahbage Braunschweiger or P 0 R K H O c K S. - . 25c Liver & Cheesý Chuhs loz. 35c Red & White INSTANT COFFEE, Libby's Fancy FRUIT COCKTAIL, 5-oz. jar - Special 99c 15-oz. tin »-- - 26e Kraft Miniature MARSHMALLOWS, Aunt Mary's SLICED BREAD, Large pkg. - 29e 24-oz. loaf ___ 17c Pard DOG FOOD, 15-oz. tin- 2 for 27c Red & White Johnson's PASTE WAX, 1-1b. tin 59e EVAPORATED MILK, 16-oz. tin 2/29c BIRS YE ORANGE JUICE, 6-oz. tin - -2 for 35c BIRD EYE FRENCH FRIES- ____ 2 for 39c FROZEN FOODS BROCCOLI SPEARS, pkg. - 29e SOLE FIL ETS 12 oz.pkg.-- -----------35e WMIN A BRAND NEW BUICK Entry forms available at Red & White Food Stores ~'THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU à i àL % esi& r4111 I - BUWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE - ORONO BLACKSTOC - Cornish Marketeria Y - Blyth9s Market Further expansion will be- corne necessary, as present fig- ures indicate that the publkc schools can expect around 215 to 220 to be entering kinder- garten in two years' time. This is a tremendous jump from around 70 in 1949. Until re- cently, a balance in school pop- ulation was maintained by the number leaving Grade 8 being approximately the same as the number entering schooL This is no longer true. Mr. Thompson introduced Miss Margaret Pekar of Ham- ilton who will teach Art in the three schools and act as princi- pal's supply, and the new mu- sic teacher for the public schools, Mr. Murdoch Beaton. Mr. Beaton, a native of Scot- land, has been in Canada three years. Mr. Tom Turner, principal of Central Schoôl, introduced the new teachers on his staff, Miss Joyce Kirkpatrick who taught last year at Newtonville - Grades 1 and 2, and Miss Mary BEST BUYS HEINZ "NEW PACK" Tomato Ketchup il-oz. bottle - i for45C - T= iAULADIMVAffBMA1. DO W LM= L~ORTAMO -:- - - Brown's Elect Officers 0f Home & School Club The September meeting o! Brown's Home and School Club was held on Tuesday evening, September 10 with a good at- tendance. Mrs. Curson, president, opened the meeting and Secretary Mrs. R. Simpson read the minutes o! previous meeting, also the last annual meeting. Mrs. T. Wil- son gave the treasurer's report: balance in bank, $103.11, cash on hand, 4.03, total $107.14. Bills were presented for payment. It was moved that a card of thanks be sent to Mrs. G. Kozub for her donation o! candy and peanuts for the picnic. We then had election o! o!- ficers with the following taking office: President-Mrs. J. Cur- son; lst Vice-Pres.-Mrs. W. Bennett, 2pd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. H. Mcllroy; 3rd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. R. Simnpson; 4th Vice-Pres.- Mrs. H. Sinclair. Sec'y-Mrs. HI. Caîl; Treas.-Mrs. T. Wilson, Cor. Sec'y and Press Sec'y-Mrs. W. Farrow; Pianist-Miss Mc- Mîllan; Auditors-Miss Jean Perrin, Bill Morley. Mrs. Curson took the chair and conducted a short business period. It was moved that we hold open house in co-operation with the School Board. tte officiaily open the new school on Thurs- day evening, September 26th from 8 to 9:30 p.m.. the com- mittee in charge to be: Mr. Tom Wilson, chairman: Mrs. June Wilson, Mrs. e~. Simpson, Mrs. Jas. Curson and Mr. W. Far- row. It was MOVEd that we buv 10 stacking chairs for the school. It was suggested by Mrs. Curson that we purchase a flag to be erected in the school grounds and it was left te Mrs. June Wilson and Mrs. Curson to find out details and report back to the next meeting. We then had a game of euchre with winners being: high, Mrs. Curson and Mr. R. Simpson; low, Mrs. R. Simpson and Mrs. H. Caîl. Lunch was served and a social haîf-hour wvas enjoyed by all. Next meeting October 8. Hear Summer Travels At Institute Méeting Bethany: The Women's Insti- tute members were entertained at the home of Mrs. William Cavano for tijeir September meeting, with -Mrs. Thomas Jennings presiding and 37 mern- bers present answering the rol caîl with "A Place of Histori- cal Interest". Two minutes' silencewas o1bserved ini mem- ory of the late Mrs. Mable Price, who had been a most energetic member. Minutes and correspondence were read by secretary Mrs. Ralph Preston. Announcement was made of the Short Course on "Hospitality Foods" which will be held on the afternoons of September 18 and 19 in the United Church basement witn ail the ladies of the commun- ity invited to attend. The Bethany Girls 4-H Club, which is sponsored by the Women's Institute will attend Achieve- ment Day at Orono on Sept. 14. Under the leadership of Mrs. Ralph Preston and Mrs. Addi- son Scott, the girls have com- pleted their course in "Sleep- ing Garments" and these wil be on display at Orono. Announcement was made of th e annual W.I. Convention to be held in the Royal York Ho- tel, Toronto, November 6-8 and Mrs. Thomas Jennings was ap- pointed as delegate from the Bethany Institute with others planning to attend. A letter was received froni the Laverstoke Wo*ien's Insti- tute in England enclosing a copy of the program used by them and notes of interest about their work. Mrs. Clarence Rowan was appointed to reply to this let- terkan continue the friendship ln ith England. Mrs. Ralph Preston gave brie! items from the report of the Canadian Con- sumers' Association and passed out bulletins to the members. The program featuring His- torical Research and Current Evnswas in charge of Mrs. Ross Davidson and members of her group. Mrs. Preston Neals announced the evening's mette "Be kind to the aged for they have corne a long way; help the young for they have a lo'hg way to go." Giving the explan- ation o! the metto, Miss Mary McKenzie said "The final phrase in our Institute Creed is a* good simmary of this mot- to. We must have tolerance for both old and young and con- tinued with this couplet, "Time goes, you say; Ah No! Time stays, we go." Mrs. Thomas Jennings en- tertained with several songs to Stevens who cornes fromn Scar- borough-Grade 3. Other staff members were also presented: Miss G. Bartlett-kindergarten; Miss M. Cole-Grade 1; Miss M. Hall-Grade 2; Miss V. Bun- ner--Grades 3 and 4; Miss L. Bragg-Grades 4 and 5; Miss M. McGregor-Grades 4 and 5; Miss A. Carruthers-Grades 5 pfld 6: Mr. D. Kennedy-Grades 6 and 7; Mrs. H. Philp-Grade 8. Thse teachers look after 492 pupils. Mr. Merle Slute, principal o! IOntario Street School introduc- <ed the five new teachers there: 'Miss Myra Cooper, transferred from Vincent Massey-Kinder- gartCn, Miss Elizabeth Knox frorn Tyrone-Grade 1, Miss Joan Carthy frorn Espanola- Grades 2 and 3; Mrs. Barbara Gillett who cornes fromn Eng- land-Grades 4 and 5; Mn. Ce- cil Morrison recently on the staff o! Ontario Training School for Boys here-Grades 6 and 7. Other teachers are Miss Yvonne Chant-Grade 2: Miss M. Som- erville who has retumned after an illness-Grades 3 and 4; Mrs. Audrey Rend-Grades 5 and 6; Miss Marjorie Couch, vice prin- cipal, Grades 7 and 8; Mr. Slute --Grade 8. There are 380 pu- puls in Ontario Street School. There are now il teachers at Vincent Massey, Principal A. Merkley,ý said, with 416 pupils, 47 of whorn are in kindergar- ,n. Grades are taught up te and including Grade 7. Mrs. Davey o! Tyrone-Kindergar- ten; Mrs. Muriel Harding - Grade 1; Miss Carol Worsley- <Grades 1 and 2. Miss Joani Gib- son who replaced Miss Cooper, is a Bowmanville girl, the daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Gibson, who has just grad- 1 uâted fnomn Teachers College. She is teaching Grade 2. Miss Ann Harrison who cornes frein iMount Albert is teaching Grades 2 and 3; Miss R. Winterbottorn -Grade 3: Miss Beatrice Rod- dick, fromn Central staff -1 i Grade 4; Miss Carol Hopkinson, fromn Bethany--Grades 4 and 5; Mr. Edwand Colwell-Grade 5; Miss Valena Copping-Grades 1 5 and 6. Mr. Merkley--Grades jThe total enrolment in the three schoolâ is 1288. hem own guitar accompaniment. Mrs. Clarence Rowan gv an interesting summary !cur rent events, covering the new ballistic missile launched by the Russians, the resignation o! Prime Minister Louis St. Lau- mrent, the newly designed jet bomber which travels at the rate o!f ine miles per minute, I the racial crisis at Little Rock, Ark., notes from the Toronto Exhibition and the winning of the Pennant this year by the Toronto Maple Leaf Basebal Team. The highlight o! the evening Iwas colored slides shown by Mrs. Orboe Wright covering their sun-imer holiday trip through western Canada and the United States. Beginning their travels on the Trans-Can- ada highway, Mrs. Wright showed scenes o! historical in- terest in the north country, Winnipeg, Ban!f, Lake Louise, etc., the Calgary Stampede and in Vancouver, Victoria, and the Rocky Mountains. Crossing the border to the U.S.A. at Kings- gate they went southward and pictures were shown of The Grand Coulee Dam, and other places o! interest including San Francisco, Hollywood and the famous Disneyland created by Walter Disney, and scenes in Mexico. Heading north again through the State o! Colorado, there were scenes, Boulder Dam, the Grand Canyon, Yel- lowstone National Park. Con- tinuing they motored through the Middle States to Flint, Mich., where they visited with Dr. G. M. Longfield and fam- ily, former Bethany residents. Mrs. Wright's verbal descrip- tion o! their holidays was most interesting and informative. Mrs. Addison Scott expressed the thanks o! the members to Mrs. Cavano for her hospital- ity, te all those who had assist- ed in the program and espe- cially te Mrs. Wright and her son Bruce for showing the pic- tures. ,Lunch was served by the host- ess assisted by Mrs. R. David- son, Mrs. C. Rowan, Miss L. Thompson, Mrs. P. Neals. The meeting ended on a hap- py note with the President of- fering congratulations to Mrs. James McKinnon, one o! the senior members, who that day. with her husband had quietly celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary. Ail joined in sing- ing "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows". an WANTED en Dead, Old and CrippIed FARM STOCK Io Plcked Up Free of Charge g 24 Hour Servicem Phone Collect s Cobourg FR 2-3721 an Peterborough RI 2-2080 T NICK PECONI Peterborough - Ont. 1W li5 Prompr cor insurance service wherever you go! Whether you're ten min-' uites f rom home or a thou-ý zand miles away .'. . yon .want fast insurance serv- ice when you need it. Wbert your car insurance is wit- ten, by us,, you tan depend -on the prompt service of a network of more than 200 strategically J.cated dcli OfficS. STUART B. JAMES INSUTRANCE ofice. KA 8-5881 King Street B. IIEA.LESTATE Reuience MA 3-5493 I I North Nestleion Last Saturday evening friends and relatives gathered in Nestie- ton C.O.F. hall to help Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs celebrate their 25th wedding anfliversary. Mr. Wilford Jaekson, acting as M.C., called the gathering to order, and we enjoyed a pro- gram o! readi.ngs, music, sing- ing and a mock wedding. The happy couple were the recipients o! many useful gifts including a trilight floor lamp and srnall tables and silverware. Guests were present from Oshawa, Hampton, Port Perry, Black- stock, Caesarea and around home. AUl wish Flora and Ken- neth many more years of wedded happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johns at- tended the wedding o! his cous- in Miss Betty Preston, te Mr. Lloyd Edwin Siverns. on Satur- day in Ballyduf! Presbyterlan Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter. Jamie and Nola, Port Perry, and Terry Malcolm, Yelverton, were with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mal- colm on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt,,Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrp. Malcolm Emerson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Vic Malcolmi with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm, Yelverton,, Sunday evening for supper. Mr. Calvin Tilbrook had a very close brush with death a week ago when his new car went out o! control. The car was a complete wreck. We understand Calvin escaped with only minor injuries. BLACKSTOCK Wo-He-Lo Mission Band held ts first meeting o! the faîl terra n the Sunday School room ruesday after school with 17 children present. We sang "The IVelcome Song for our new members. Mrs. Hill offered prayer and gave the worship alk "In the Beginning God Created the Earth". Judy Swain read a prayer. Bll Thompson received the offering and Jim Carnaghan rend the of!ertory prayer. Elizabeth Thompson read the roll caîl and minutes; .,orna Wright gave a reacijng Giving Again!" Nancy Dorrell ulayed a piano solo "Doll's )ream." Mrs. H. Kyte introduc- ed tiTe new study book, "Han- L5s New Home"', an interesting tudy o! life in Japan. Mr. Harry Hall has retumned from a pleasant ten-day conduc- ted bus trip around the Sea- way and a boat tripin the Thousand Islands.. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer Lccompanied Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman o! Solina on a trip through parts o! Western On- ario. Mrs. H. Harris and Mms. O. Jamieson, Brooklin, spent a Iay last week with Mr. and /Irs. Neil Malcolm. Neil Malcolm left Thursday on a Holstein business trip te Manitoulin Island and other points north. Sorry, last week the names of Mr. and Mms. A. L. Bailey vere omitted in the list o! guests attending the Van Camp Morrow wedding. Mesdames Jessie Bowler, Jes- ie Gunter, Shirley Turner, Gwen Ballingal, Gwenith rhompson and Miss June Arm- trong spent the weekend at )oe Lake attending a leader- ship training camp for leaders and prospective leaders o! Girl Guides. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill en- jyed a trip to Niagara Falls, Simcoe, Tillsonburg and Lon- Ion. Mrs. Robt. Ashley Sm., Mm. 1obt. Ashley Jr., Hillsburg; Nrs. E. Marshall and Mn. Ger- ild Ashley, Acton, were Satur- day visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. ecil Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Say- well and family, Oshawa, cai- ad on friends in the village.Sat- rday. Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Gordie and Mary Lou, spent the week- and with her parents, Mr. and Irs. Cook, Brooklin. Dr. and Mrs. Carl HILI, Wil- lwdale, were Sunday dinner guests o! Mrs. S. A. Devitt and Irs. David Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock ;pent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Mew and Jane, roronto. Mrs. Ed Darcy spent last reek with Mn. and Mrs. Russel 3pinks, Oshawa. Mr. and Mns. Bert Allin and ,mily, Willowdale, called on tl1 the Baileys on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van amp, ah o! Percy's family, [r. and Mrs. Stanford, Mn. lack, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp rid Misses Mable and Helen isited the Francis Wemrys at ýnniskilleji Sunday a!ternoon. The Tyros and Sigma C boys id thieir leader, Rev. P. Rom- ril and Mr. H. Kyte, enjoyed [picnic at Cream o! Barley >ark, Bowmanville, Saturday fternoon. Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, Burke- on, visited Mrs. Fred Bailey ast week. Mrs, Harry Graham, Toronto, as guest o! Mr. and M.rs. Rus- '11 Mountjoy and visited other elatives. Miss Verena Graham, Toron- cwas guest o! Mrs. Rosa Duf! ist week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- y and Mr. and Mrs. Lonne riompson attended the 25th iedding anniversary o! Mr. and frs. Kenneth Sameils in the Ill at Nestleton Saturday night. Misses Gertrude Henry and ean Ford, Toronto, spent the reekend at their respective omes. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hep- urn, Oshawa, were Sunday allers at the' Henry's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nesbltt, ronto, called on Mr. and Mr&. s. Parr, Sunday. Presbyteriaa church, Nesteton, Sunday. Mrs. P. Romeril gave the ad- dress in Grace church, Scugog Island, Sunday morning when the W.A.. of that church were in charge of the service. Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Butt, two new residents of our com- munity have kindly consented to be leaders o! the Explorers of the United Church thus leaving Mrs. Romeril and Mrs. Roy McLaughliri for the C.G. I.T. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mountjoy visited her sister, Mrs. Franks in Peterborough. Sorry to report Mvr. Mervlu Werry is in Port Perry hosi- tai having undergone a sericus operation. Mr. and Mro. Black and Isa- bel, Midland, visited Mr. anid Mrs. Lewis Fitze, then all en- joyed a trip around Lake On- tario. Mr. and Mrs. Wi11 Dugan, Lochlin; Mns. Bert Smith, To- ronto, Mr. Vincent Archer, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. El. mer Archer and family, Whit. by. were Sunday guests eof Mr. _n rs Ibert Archer. Whether you fnstail an Esso oil furnamo r âa Esso où burner, you get maximum heating efficiency -equipment that's enginoered to vMee the particular heating needs of your home. For complete heating satisfaction arrangie weather controlled furnaoe oil deliveries,& o with an Esao_"Evergreen Contract"*,.. CONSUL? T TtWOW PAGES 0F YOMR PHON WUCM FOR VOUEAR u" 550 URNER 0ALL ALWYSLOXIo IMPE RIALF0RflçE-S ES A.E. COLE PILLSBURY Chocolate or White 1-1b. pkg. Cake Mix m m m m 31C CHASE & SANBORN 25c off - 6-oz. jar Instant Coffee ---1.13 3 INTERLAKE - WHITE CROSS Toilet Tissue - 4 roits 4 7c 1 I Fresh Produce No. i Ontario, Yellow - 10-1b, meuh bag Large heads, snow white COOKJNG ONIONS - 29c C A ULIF LOW ERB a. 25c - eos Marketeria Maple Grove Groceteria Plumbing & Heating 55 K.ing St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3348 a

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