SA&C eCT EM - - J TE ANAIM SAT!MM. OWMMNV=M!. ONTAMO TMMDA, SM. Igh. U T~VRSDÂY, SEPT. lOth, 1%t -Births Cards of, Thanks Articles for Sale ELLIOT - Carl and Mange 1 wish to thank the neigh- PIANO, reasonable. MA 3-2731. Elliot <nee Davidson) Nestleton, boums, friends and relatives for 38-1* are happy to announce the arriv- the lovelv cards and gifts ne - aI of David Carl. 6 >,~.. 10 oz. ceived on mv 801h birthday. BED. spring and mattress. MA on Wednesday. Septemben 1llth1 Mrs. Sam Glanville 38-i 3-5748. 38-1 at Port Peny Memonial Hospital.; 38-1', Mrs. Ernest Turner wishes to PHONE MA 3-2998 for Thanks- express ber manv thanks to aIl gi'ing capons. 38-2* STRIE-Ana ad Aln Stike those who visited ber and for are happy to announce the binth the lovely flowers and cards she POTATOES bx' the bag. Apply cf a son. Robent Alan, on Friday. I eceived'wbile convalescing af- G. Forbes, 8 Bradsbaw. 38-2 September 131h at Memonial ter ber accident. 38-1' Hospital, Bowmanville. 38-1* CRIB, large size, natural wood, To mv manv fiends, relatives spring and mattress. Telephonel VIINHlnand Bruce wish and neigbbours I . wish to sav A3263 38-1 to announce the birtb of a "tbank you" for gifts. cards and GA agIo odto daugbter, Julie Anne Elizabeth., flowers received on mv 8th Qj GAStng,. ooP ndton 3 ý. 32 September lltb, 1957, a sisten birthday. QcnS.PoeM -08 for Virginia. 38-1' Mns. Ann Hobbs. 38-i *t Engage ents38-1 QUAKER space beater witb ________________________________rculating fan. Phone MAnket Mn. and Mms. Clinton Brown friends and relatives for the 38-- 1 ..11 wisb to announce the engage- lovelY evening and beautiful REGISTERED Richmond wbeat.1 mnent of their daughter Margaret gifts received on the occasion Appl.v L. Cari Bradley, MAnketl Joan. to William John S. Wade. of our Silven Weddingz. 3-2904. 38-1-1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flora and Kenneth Samelis. Wade, Newtonville. The mar- 38-1* 1,500 NEW apple boxes, wine niage to take place on Saturda 'v. Mn hnst us bound, 75c eacb. Phone 1 r 6,1 October 5tb at 3:00 p.m. in the Mavtnk to use and Oono. 34-tf United Chumch, Newtonvil le.' staff for kind came wben fn hos-1-1 38.1*ipital. for flowers and cards e- McNULTY'S Annuai Doil Sale, ceix-ed and those wbo visited October 4tb and 5th. Friday and Mns. William James Leask i me. Saturdayv. 38-11 wishes to announce the engage- ment of ber daughter, Florence Maril.yn. to John Robent Mar- shal. son of Mrs. James, Mar- shall of Oshawa. The mrig wjll be solemnized in Trinityl United Cburch, Bowmanville, en Octoben 19, 1957, at 3 p.m. 38-1 Mn. and Mrs. Lyle Brock wish to announce the engagement of, their youngest daugbter, Joan Mary, to Herman Haass, son of Mn. and Mrs. Herman Haass. Taunton. The mamiage will take place at St. Paul's United Cbunch Parsonage, Bowmanville. on Saturday, October 12, at 2 p.m. 38-1* Mn. and Mrs. Allan W. Crosier, ]Blackwaten, Ont.. wish to an- nounce the engagement of thein daughter, Jeannie Vera, to Ken- neth Norman Butteny, son of Mn. and Mns. Samuel L. But- tery. The marriage will take place on Saturday, October 12, at 4 p.m. in Seagnave United Church. 38-1* M.r. and Mrs. Williamson Aibin wish to announce the en- gagement of their daugbter Hannah Sophia, to Mn. Arthur Jacob Farrow. son of Mn. and1 Mns. Harvey Farrow, alI of R.R. 1, Newtonville. The marriage will take place in the Saivation Armny Citadel on October l2th at 3 Pm. 38-1* Deaths ANDERSON, Lottie Chistina - At Toronto Genenal Hospital on Tuesday, Septemben l7th, 1957, Lottie C. Hennings, beloved wife of Morland Anderson, dean mn- then of Jean (Mns. Eastman Steeve) and Jimmy. Rcsting at the Funenal Home of Northcutt and Smith, 53 Division St.. Bewmanville. Funeral service will be held in Trinity United Chunch Friday, September 20, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow- znanville Cemetcny. .38-11I CUNNINGHAM, James-As ai result of an accident on Septem- ber 12 at Toronto. Beloved son of the late Mn. William Cunning- ham and of Mrs. William Cun- ningham, Toronto. formenly of Bowmanville. Brother of William Cunningham, West Hill; Matha (Mns. Robent Crowther), Toron- to; Margaret (Mrs. James Stew- art), West Hill, and Emma (Mrs. Roy Hooper), Bowmanville. 38-1* Notices WANTED-Town League hockey players. Leave names with Roy W. Neads at Arena by Satunday, ]Sept. 2lst. 38-1 The seed clcaning plant at Enniski1len is now open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone MA 3-2829 or ]Blackstock 102J. 36-tf Tenders Wanted Mrs. Charles Wood. Man-, thanks are extended to ail the kind relatives, neigbbours and fiends for flowers, fruit. gifts. cards and letters during my sta ' in bospital and since ne- turning home. Mae Reid. 38-1* Mn. and Mns. Dennis Shuttle- worth wish to express their sincene thanks to evervyone for thein hclp and kindness at the time of Michael's accident and bis stay in hospital. also for many gifts and cards. A grate- fui tbanks to nurses and staff of Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. also Drs. Gill, Keith Slem- on and Howard Rundie. 38-1 I wish to express my-ý sincere tbanks and appreciation for tbe acts of kindncss. messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tnibutes received from Durham Masonic Lodge, neigbbours. re- latives and friends. Special thanks to Dr. Mikios and staff of Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville: Rev. M. C. Fisher for the consoling words of help in the sad beneavement of my loving husband. Ida Couch. 38-1 Coming Events Watch for Penny Sale of Re- bekah Lodge, Friday, Septemben 2th. 2:30 p.m.. witb dnaw at 8 o'clock at Lions Centre. 37-2 The officiai opening of Bnown's School, S. S. No. 5, Thunsday, Septemben 26, 8-9:30 p.m. Everybody welcome. 37-2 The ladies of St. Andrew's are holding a bake and delica- tessen sale in the cburcb base.. ment Friday aftennoon, Septem- ber 27th. 37-2 Any girl wisbing to attend Brownics or Guides at Newtnn- ville please come to the first meeting to be held Sept. 23rd at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. in the United Churcb. 38-i* Registration for members of Bowmanvillc Skating Club for 1957-58 season. including Fam- ily Skating, will be beld Fiday, September 2th from 2 to 9 p.m. at the Town Hall. 37-2 A genenai meeting of ah mcm- bers of the Bowmanville Skat- ing Club will be beld on Tues- day. September 24tb at 7:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Town Hall. 37-2 Regular weekly bingo held Thursdavs except third week in the month whicb wiil be hcld on Tucsdavs, in the Union Hall. 20 rcgular«gamnes and a jackpot game. No game under $3.00. Ad>~ission 50c. 38-tf Comne and dance the nId dances at a real "*Cotintrv,, Hop- down", Tyrone Community Hall. Satur-dav. Spptember 2lst. Dness -- Plaid shirts and jeans. Admission 50c. Music by Hol- royd's Orchestra. 3 7-2 JHelp Darlington Fine Brigade1 .,-4~bIII'and enjoy yourself at a dance in, Varcoe's« Hall on Friday, Sept. Town of Bowmanville 27thfmom 9 to i. Doug ak TENDEBf and other prizes. $3.00 per coupe. rocedsto provîde Tenders for floor covering for equîpment for Darlington Vol- the Town Hall wil he recelved unteer Fine Brigade. 3- by the undersigned up to 12:00 HEY THERE j c'clock nmon, D,,S.T., Saturday' DON'T FORGET THE September 28th, 1957. Speelfica- Dance in Solina Hall tions and particulars may be obtained at the office cf the Stra, Sp. 2 undersigned. StraSp.2 The lowest or any tender not Montgomery's Orchestra aecessarily accepted. 3- A. J. LYLE. o are invited to attend the Sept. lltli, 1957. Town Clerk. CasYouaaAtronRve t 37-2ii2 p.m. Wcdnesdav,. Septemberl 25tb at W. H. Brown's farim. Business Opportunity. mile and a hdiîf norh of 7..R.j AGENTS required immed îately Valuable pnizes: fîrst piize S12,4 for Oshawa branch of nationalîv watch: free refresbments. Everv- known aluminum awning ndone welcome. Bring v-our faim- storm-screen window mau l n ii -ou iends. 38-1l facturens. Learn how easIilV VOU ij, cant build a good profitable bus- 1 'Old Time Methodist iness. We provide voit with ai sound, proven. complete work-A akeig abe programme. A oplv to Iw knii Meetings' Field Sales Manager. The Kool- HELD EA(,H vent-Nash Companies. 94 Bruce j C Street. Oshawa. Ont4rio. 38-31 Sna ai3pm Personal *- MYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c. 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28", Nov.-Ptubber Co, Box 91,, Ham- stols tett1621 Burketon School House EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. E. E. Magee Preacher Toronto, Ont.. \ 37-4 WATERMELON, squash,. and pumpkins. Pat White, East of Stephens Mill. 38-1l HARDWOOD slabs, $18«, soft-I wood slabs, $11; sawed and de- livercd. Newcastle 3776. 38-1* FLOOR polisher for rent atý Mason & Dale Hardware. 36 King St. E., Bowmanvillc. 13-tf UPRIGHT piano, stool, gond con- dition. Phone J. Kimbali, R.R. 3, Newcastle, Clarke 2404. 38-1* REFRIGERATOR, W e s t i n g- bouse, 9 cu. ft.. AI condition; best offer. Phone MA 3-505 USED wasber parts and nepains. Paddy' s Market, Hampton. Tele- phone MA 3-2055. Open until 9 P. M. 37-4* ONE used bot air furnace, one cabinet radio and separate record player for same. Pbone MArket 3-9023. 38-1* LATHAM raspberry canes for! faîl planting, limited quantity. A. Laird, Maple Grove, MArket 3-2109. 38-1 SAVE on lumber, direct fnom miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 1l. 13tf KEYS eut automatically, wbile you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD and soft water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf GIRL'S winter coat, red, sizej 14 - 16, gond condition. Mrs. Clarence Hockin, 43 Qucen St. MA 3-5709. 38-1* GENDRON deluxe _canniage, gney; chrome, frame and fend- ers, white tires. Absolutely like new. Phone MA 3-3410. 38-1 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electnical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf DO your own floors-Rent ai .sander or a floon polisher fromI Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E.î Bowmanyiile. Phone MA 3-5774.1 3-tf NEW Princess Pat coal or wood stove, excellent condition, extra large f ire box: box stove. both witb Pipes. Phone 15 r 19 Orono.' g 38.1* INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guarantecd. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf FORAGE barvester. complete with mower bar, corn, and pick- up attachments, also blower and pipes. All are in excellent con- dition. Phone RA 5-4938, Osha- wa. 37-31 HEARING aid service, tcstingl service and complete stock of! batteries and cords at Higgoni Elcctmic Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvillc. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash negisters, cheque writens, filing cabinets, office furniture, new and used. Repains to ail makes. Walter Frank, 177 Chunch St., Bowmanvilic. MA 3-3986. 14-tf EQUIP vour bouse with Nash aluminum combination doors and window-,s, aIl colours. Our i representative wili give you free estim-ates. L4pnder Hardware.7 King St. E.. Bowmanville. Tele- Phone MA 3-5774. 38-3 JOHN Deere D tractor, Case D tracîni', Case S tractor, Case VA tractnî' witb bvdraulic. used1 Sedore loader. Deepfreezers, ref rigera tors, washing machines, electr ranges. W. H. Brown, Case Inmplement Dealer, King W.. Articles for Sale GIRL'S bicycle, C.C.M. Phone MA 3-3378. 38-1* GREY baby carniage, almosti new. Phone MA 3-5188. 38-1 GIRL'S bicycle, in good con- dition. Phone MA 3-5774. 38-1 BOY'S C.C.M. racer bicycle, ex- cellent condition. Phone MA 3-2865. 38-1 HARDWOOD factory cuttings, dlean and dry. $40 'large truck- load delivered. 'Phone Oshawa IRA 5-1526. 38-2* FALL pasture, rye, oats, alfalfa, dloyen and tîmothy. Swain Seed Cleaners, Burketon. Telephone Blackstock 89 r Il. . 36-4 USED bulk milk cooler, holds 1 26 cans; good condition. Norman Brooklin 624 r 5. 38-1* WHITE -enamel gas range, auto- matic, excellent condition. sep- apate broiler, removable sides in oven for easy cleaning. Phone MA 3-2614. 38-1 PIANO, desk, girl's bicycle, mu-l er skates. navy jacket with hood, lady's winter coat. North- ern design Sweater. Size 16. Phone MA 3-3150. 38-1'- MORRIS Co. features Singer Sewing Machine Faîl Sale Special. Cabinet model for $129.90, only $1.31 a week after small down payment. Many other models in stock. 38-1 FLOWERS - Artistic arrange- ments for ail occasions. Cut flow- ers. Fresh v'égetables; herbs, African violets, summer pie 75. Dew wnrms. AIl gua,)ran- teed. Mrs. Abnams, 1 St. George St. Phone 3-2843. 32-tfj TWO-piecc chesterfield suites, $129: chrome kitcben suites. $59; bcdnoomn suites, $99: trade-in aI- lowance, two years to pay. Used: cbesterfields . studio couch, bed. spring and vanity dresser. 9 Cu. ft. refnigerator. Murphy CO., King W. Phone MA 3-3781. 38-l* Livestock for Sale PONY for sale. Phone Oshawa RA 5-1870. 38-1 17 PIGS. 7 weeks nid. Phone MIA 3-2266. 318.1 * THREE ponies. Pbone 101r2l Port Penny. 38-P' FOURTEEN geese, $25. J. Koene. R.R. 3, Bowmanville. MA 3-2702. 38-1 * CALVES for vealing. ilso spring- ens wanted. Apply Z. J. B ens- chop. MA 3-2926. 38-1* TWELVE pigs, 10 weeks old., Roka, one-baîf mile west of Oshawa Wood Pnoducts, Court- ice. 38-1* TWO calves for vealing: four Yorkshire pigs, 10 weeks nid. weli-started. Apply Bill Jewell, MA 3-2987. 38-1 50 PULLETS. 50 Cockerels,j 4, moth nd. R. 1I. and Wyandotte cross, $1.50 eacb. Phone MA 3-2001. 38-1 * ENTIRE pen of voung Leghorn pullets. These pullets bega n pro- ducirg in mid-June and are just at their peak production. For more information write .John Hutnyk, R.R. 1. Port Hope. 37-2* Pets f or Sale -ENGLISH Springen Spanie pups, registered, Il weeks nid. Phone MA 3-2410. 38-1 Cars for Sale - You are Invited TO INSPECT AND DRIVE THE BAMBLER ~Economy Record Car coming te us direct from C.N.E. iThis car set the record of over 40 jmiles per gallon from Winnipegj to Mexico City and will be sold by us under a new car guarane BETTER USED CARS '50 Anglia - $125' Ready for the oad 49 Plymouffh $2951 Gond nil pressure 1 50 Ford - $495 Refinished and Reconditioned 51 Chev. - - $4951 Deluxe - Radio 1 52 Ford cuîstom 53 Chev. - - 695 Autnmatic Deluxe $71 Bowmn~ lle 8~155 Chev. - $1,495 Y OUNG TURKEYS Low mileage Sharp CHOICE MEATY BIRDS 155 Ford - $ 1,495 DRESSED AND DELIVERED1 Two-tone* Custom Radio PHIL FINNEY 156 Dodge - $1,695 MALGROVE MA 3-5058 Regent Sedan Sharp 26-tf 15 Buick - $1,695 D ecortingcustom Special -Two-tone ~ For the Finest Faints "For the Latest Papers " For the Best Workmanshlp S. G. Preston & son Phones MA 3-5912 MA 330 A ND MANY MORE A RAMBLER - HILLMAN METROPOLITAN Nonquon Rd. Oshawa RA .3-1431 Open untii 9 p.m. Cars for Sale 1 For Rent >31 CHEV., gond shape. Phone THREE unfurnisbed rooms. Av- MA 3-2095 after 5:30. 38-1 ply 152 Base Line, Bowmanville. 1'46 OLDSMOBILE. gond con-3-2 dition. Reasonable. Telephone IN Newcastle, heated apant- MA 3-2198. 38-1* ments, modemn conveniences.1 A ODPhone MA 3-5589. 37-2 FOUR-roomed flat, East Beach, Usea Car for Sale inside toilet and running waten, ligbts. Rent $40 a month. Phone (oih)MA 3-2875. 38-tf, Sale begins at 7:30, at IMMEDIATE poÉsession. three large ronms, close to Oshawa, on S titevats jgond paved road. Phone Oshawa Htreaf A 5-6052. 38-1 AUCTI1U-KUUM 33 Hall St. Oshawa, Ont. 1940 CHEV. SEDAIN Licence No. 926-428 Entered by Arts Car Market Bowmanville, Ont. 38-1* SEPTEMBER USED CAR SPECIALS ! 1957 Chevrolet 2-doori with Powerglide transmission,1 custnm radio, orig. 17,000 miles Only $695 down 1956 Plymouthi BIELVEDERE 4-DOOR with V-8 motor, push-button transmission. custom radio, Sport tone Only $595 down 1956 Buick 2-door w'ith atîtomatic transmission, slîpcovers, original 12,000 miles Only $595 down 1955 Dodge Regent 4-DOOR Slipcovers. low mileage, very dlean car Only $425 down 1953 Oldsmobile "198"1 CONVERTIBLE Customn radio. power steering, i windows. seats and top, auto-, matic ligbt dimmer, whitewalli tires. A car you would like to ownVI. Only $495 down 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-DOOR In Ai rondition Only $325 down 1953 Plymouth CRANBROOK 4-DOOR Two-tone, slipcovers. new paint, new nubber Only $295 down 1952 Oldsmobile "8 4-DOOR Automatic transmission, V-8 mnotor, custom radin, twn-tone, ahl new tubeless tires, one ownen. OnIy $345 down $25 DOWN SPECIALS 1950 PONTIAC 2-door 1949 CHRYSLER 4-door 1949 FORD 4-door 1949 1947 PONTIAC 4-door HUDSON 4-door Watch this paper jfor Announcement offthe GRAND OPENING 0F OuR NFw Showroom, Garage and Service Centre SOUTHMEAD SERVICE CENTRE Authorized Dealer for DODGE - DE SOTO CARS nnr'r .n*,nRIo-Z HOUSE, four rooms and bath, bardwood floors, furnace. Cent- r~al. Adults. Available Oct. 1. Pbone MA 3-2433. 38-1 TWO bright, newly decorated light bousekceping rooms, funn- isbed or unfui'nisbed. abstainers. Pbone MA 3-2198. 38-l* SIX-roomed house, furnished, igas beated, heavy wiring. Aduits only. References required. Tele- Phone MA 3-2343. 38-1 * LARGE store for rent. approx. f1,500) sq. ft. steam heated, bard- wodfloors, suit any business. Phone MA 3-5868., 38-1 THREE rooms and bath. modern beated apartment. Adults 'only, Oct. lst. $65 Per month. Phone i MA 3-3810 or Oshawa RA 3-3972.1 3 8-tf HOUSE, 5 rooms and bath, tiled and bardwood' floors, spacinus cupboards. Hydro. beavy wir- i ng. Applv Milton Tambiyn. 'Orono 13-19. 38 _1* THREE - ROOMED downstaîrs' apartmnent, beatcd, modern con- veniences. pnivate entrance, central location in Newcastle. Phone Newcastle 279 1. 39-1 Wanted to Buy GOOD used metal. Phone MA 3-2568. 38-1' HIGHEST pnices paid for live Poultny, gnose feathers, feathier,- ticks, scrap mron. rags, metals and naw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawva, collect. 48-tf ALL kinds of lîve poultéy want- ed. Top Toronto pnices paid at( mour doon for large on small1 quantities. We bave our 1w market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R i. Phone collcct to Bethany 1 7 r 13. 28-tf' Christmas Tree Plant ations Give fulil particulars lncluding planting dates and price to ADVERTISER 712 c o The Canadian Statesman P-0. BOX 190, BOWMANVILLE a 38-2 Wanted to Rent HOUSE, five or furnisbed. ni] Post Office Box ville. six rooms. un- beated. Write 981, Bowman- 38-1 ROOM or room with board for one girl. Write Advertisen 714. c o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville... 38-I ONE or two fumnisbed rooms for business man. Reply giving particulars to Advertiser 715, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow,ýmanyille. 38-1 Lost FEMALE fox hound. Black, white and tan. Tatton in car EVU-K2. Pbone Bronklin 627r2 collect. Rewand $20. Roy Brown, Raglan. 38-2* Help Wanted CLERK -' BOOKKEEPER for local business. Typn ncs sary. Appl 'v Advertiser 713, c/o Vanadian Statesman,, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 38-1 * EXTRA income-Ladies, FaIl and Christmas buying season pmovides big cash profits daily. Show fast selling children's, ladies' wear to fniends, neigh-j boums. Beautiful styles, o qualitv. VWrite today. Bnritisb Knit, Simcoe, Ontario. 38-2, Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders xill be receîved bv the undersigned Solicitor up to Monda. the 3tb day of Septem- ber 1957 for the punchase of the South Haif of Lot 5, Concession 4. Township of Clarke, belong- inz to the late Mn. F. J. HaU. This propcrtv consists of about 100 acres on wbhich is growing a considerable quantity of wood and timber. Terms: 10, of* pnice withý tender; balance to be paid in cash on closing; dlosing date to be ar- rnaed. Highest or anx' tender not necessarîly vacccpted. R. R. WADDELL, Q.C., Solicitor for the Vendons. Onono, Ont,, Repairs RADIO and television nepains.1 Prompt service. Pick up and DUDUE TRUCKS defl'ery. Lorne Doreen, 86 King HAMPTON E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf Cornr 5h Cncesionand REPAIRS to ail makes o refrig- Coe Sboncesonand erators, domestic and com- Scuog oadmercial; miîking coolers. Hig- Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. gon Electric Limited, 42 King St. Telephone MArket 3-5252 E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf Mortgages 3- Walch Repairing AT FlRST mortgage of 1,20011 atM arr s disoun onmodemn f ive-M arr s roomn house. Write Advertîsen' .JIWELLERV 710, c o) Canadlian Stat,,sman, 43 King st. w-. MA 3-54631 P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvillc. BOIVMAN VILLE 38-11 lo-ti' Real Estate for Saleï Real Estate for Sale FOUR-roomed house with gond Les lt4 lot. east of Newcastle; small' ±sk eal ±.sta±e oown payment. balance easy, tenms. Phone Newcastie 3776. 38-1 T-TivuzrP M iPwrmianvil1pr' zyI rooms. Rented for over $150.001 Smonth: $15,000. This is a good1 nvestment. Phone MA 3-2383.; 37-21 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf WITHIN FOUR MONTHS We sold 7 Farms IN YOUR DISTRICT lVhen Buying or Selling contact, for speedy service and resuits J. J. Van Herwerden REALTOR 741 King E., Oshawa RA 3-4471 36-3 BUYING or SELLING Residential -Farms Commercial -Industrial Acreages and Lots Contact P. A. FRANK and WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. Bowmanvillej MA 3-3986 MA 3-24031 Representing D. W. McQUAY REAL ESTATE Members of Oshawa and District; Photo Co-op. 37-tf Peler Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GF.NERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville 1 T elephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Hene is one of the most beautiful new homes in Bow- manville. Situated on a bill overloo k»g Bowmanville and; Lake Ontfario. The house is'th utmost in design and qualit,. 3 large bedrooms with closets,1 large living-noom. dining area. Modemn kitchen. Recreation noom in basement. Any person will want to own it. Asking onlv $,0.0down. Terms on bal-f 3 bednoom bungalow. Large 1 living-room, kitchen and 4-piece bath. Oul furnace with air con- ditioning. Asking only $2,000.00 down. Hurry! New, 3-bedroom brick and1 sne bungalow. Full basement. oil beating. Divided basement.1 Hardwood ànd tile floors. Asking only $1 1,500.00 - $3,000.00 down. Salsmn - J. A. R2rton 1 7 room bouse in Omono, ois main street. 4 bedrooms, sun. ronm, on 14 acre gond gardert soil. Low taxes. attached garage, S5,800.00. Terms. This is an excellent home for a lange familv on two familles. 6-room bouse in Kinby, 1 acre land. aîumînum stonms and screens. This is a neat home and must be seen to be appreciated. $4,300.00. Business building on main street in Bowmanville. brick, corner lot, heated. Suitable for store. etc. Gond location. Reas. onable pnice. We have a gond selection ni bouses, low priced and bigher priced. Come in and see our listings. List with Leask 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvillls MA 3-5919 38-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres - Frame house in good repair. 9 rooms. basement. barn 70 x 32, double garage, hen house, 1I"- miles from a town, never-failing c r e e k. P r 1 c e $1.,500.00. Subsantial down pay ment. .50 acres of choice ganden land. ,good creck, west of Bowman- v'ille. Price $5,250.00. 12 acres. 6 noomn bungalow. full basement, oil furnace. pres- sure systemn in house and barn. Barn 30 x 70, hen bouse, imple- ment shed, garage, 1,2 mile off 35 Higbway. Price $10,000.00. Easy terms. 2 acres, 6 room bungalow, bath. furnace. lien house 18 x 32, 2 miles west of Bowmanville. Price $11,000.00. 189 Scugog St. Bonianvllls Phone MArket 3-3644 J. Van Nesi Real Estate 118 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Phone MA 3-32.30 4 large roomn brick with çit- tacbed garage, aIl conveniences. This house is almost new. 10 roomed brick divided as in- comne home, double garage, pric- ed at $13.000 with part terms. Two cottages at beach, priced to selI. 5 room frame on nice lot. ahl conveniences. Asking $<) with terms. Hampton - Six-room Insul brick witb all conveniences. Priced to selI quickly. Farm - 46 acres. VLA appnov.- ed. Seven-room bhouse, heav.v wiring, barn 30 x 50: 8 acres, orchard. Asking only$604 with $3.000 cash. Wc can show you a nice d If buying or selling caîl in and talk it over. 38-1 MA -398 38-1 H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 John F. De With 8 ronm frame bouse in New- r % tonville, situated on No. 2 High. Realtor and General Insurance wav. $4,200 with $2,000 cash. Newcastle Phone 3341 5 room insul-brick bungalow, Salemen:East of Newcastle. Oil furnace, Doalsmn jy omnil hydmo and well. $3,800, reason- DoadMutoy omnul able terms. MA 3-3950 Phone Arnold Wade Mrs. Jean Woolnen, Hampton Clarke 26 r Il 'jMA 32175 24 acre apple orchard 4 miles Daniel Boehm - Port Hope fnom Osbawa. well loadcd Ibis jTU 5-.5042 Year witb mostly Spys and Mc- 93 acre farm, bctween No. 2 Intosh. The trees are about 20 and 401 Higbways, close to twn vears nId and in full bearing. fast gowing industnial centres, Tractor, sprayer and ahl orchard with 80 acres workable land, equipment. Solid brick bunga- 100' x 30' bank barn with steel low, practically new: bot water stanchions. water bowls, impIe- heating with oul, all conven. ment shed. hien bouse, silo; 10 f ences, nice Iawn, garage, store. roomed brick bouse with aI I city bouse for apples. chicken bouse. conveniences. Has to be sold t o This is an attractive place. The close estate. Price and terms owner would consider a gond arranged. h ouse in Oshawa. I35 acre property close to 8 roomn solid brick house in jHighway No. 2 witb 2 barns with Newcastle. a 11I conveniences. nunnîng water, implement shed, Could be made suitable for two pig pens: 9 moomed stone bouse families. $10,000 with $1,000 witb beavy wiing and unning cash. jwater. Ideal for chicken farm. New bungalow on No. 2 High. Pnice $12.600 with tcrms. way, East of Newcastle, 5 rooms. 100 acre farm. baîf workable 3-piece bath. tiled and hardwood and baîf in wood, with creek. floors, nil hcating, full basement. 54' x 32' bank bamn, w;tb steel pressure system. $7.950 with stanchions. implement shed, ben $1,500 down. bouse, garage; 7 roomned frame Sexîeral small acreages. bouise with fumnace, beav «y duty Phone Newcastle 3856 wiing. Pnice $7.000). Terms. 38-1 46 acres of land on No. 2 High- way, near Newcastle, witb large Wok X7 1 streamn on the property,, 10 acres WorkW nLeU wood, foundation for bouse. Price $6,000 xitb easy temms. GENERAL trucking and light f100 acre farmn on No. 2 -ligh- delîvenies. Phone MA 3-5165. wav, 80 acres worrkahle. spning 38-le pond, large L-shaped bank barn drive-in shed,.lben bIousIe: .' PLUMBING, heatîng, eaves. roomed stnne house with water trougbing: free estimnates. Harveir in kitchen. heavv wired.Ex- Partnen, Tymone. MA 3-2240. cellent cash crop and cattle farm.12t Price $14,000. Terms. 1 NEW plastering and repairs. 7 oomed -framne bouse with Stuccoadcmn lseig bydmo, double garage. barn and A. Ceands.cementlaenig 13 acres of land. Situated onj 23 r 04. 4t gond gravel road. Asking pnîce 17.500. Terms ani'anged. GUARANTEED repains to al 6 roomed insulbrick bouse in makes of cars and trucks, al Bowmanville with new nil fumn- jobs are guarantecd, competent ace, 3-piece bath. running bot workmanship, at Cowan Equip- and cold water. built-in clip- .ment Co.. Meteor-Mercuny Deal- boards, gond size 191i. Asking ier, 134 King St. E., Bowman- price $7.500) with $1.1300 down. 1 ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 14-tf 12 roomed apartment bouse 2vt bathroomas. heated bv nil l - cunaes. bardwond floors, run- Plastering R~epairs, ning bot and cold water. Ask- UC SEV E ing pnice $17.500 witb $6.000QIKSEVC down. STUCCO AND NEW WORK t7 oomed brick bungalow in R . T F tebest location of Bowman- R .T F iville with nil furnace, hardwood169 Kin t . M -31ý floors, 4-piece, bath. modemni g E A3~3l. kitchen wîth built-in cupboards. I r Garage. Pnice and tenms an- I1 -c nd17.. ranged. l BrickadMason vvork - 7 roomed brick bouse in Bow- NWO EAR manville with double garage, NWO EAR bandwood floors, 3-piece bath,1 Foundations - Floors - Walks fumnace. running bot and cold Chlmneys - Etc. water. Price and terms arrang- Prompt Service at a Fair Price ed. Estimates Free Besides above mentioned wePH EMA -72or321 bave apprnximatelv 200 more PH .NE .MAO3-308r3-33 poerties to chonsç' from. P .BX18 Memnber Oshawa and District L. TURNER 1 Photo Co-op. 38-1 209 g. ~ -.... - a .t 17=M gEiRvirr- a Et -. 1 1 r