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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1957, p. 15

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TMURSAY, EPT Oth,1957T CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO l PÂGE J'IFTEE Ckussimfied Work Wanted In Memoriam TO Wk after children while1 COYLE-In loving memory of' roth work. Large yard fenc-1 my dear wife Elizabeth who ed ta keep children off the! passed away September 16. 1954. street.* Phone Mrs. Geo. Jones, When I arn sad and lonelv MA 3-5277. 38-1 And everything goes wrong, READY MIXE CONRETE I seem to hear you whisper READYMIXE CONRETE Chee- na and carry on. W. Pour them al, large or smali -Inserted by ber husband and Fror close, right on the nose i ç fml. 81 Wegive free advlee.ol aml.34 And reasonable price. CRAGO-In loving memory of Formlng, LAls an Finlsbing dear husband and father, Wm. At Eber Crago, who passed away n Sept. 2lst, 1951: CURRAN & BRIGGS We who Ioved you sadly READY MIX LTD. As it miws yohryer 991 Blmeoe St. S. RA 5-3516 In our danyhs oth year OSHAWA Thoughts of you are ee 25-15 nea r. -Lovingly remembered by wife Piano Tuning.L. and family. 38-1 ARTHUR Collison. Telephone GOFF-In loving memnory of a MArkt 3-900.dear wife and mother. who pass- Aucton S les ed away September 21, 1955. Aucton, ales In tears, we saw you sinking, - We watched -you fade away, Auction sale of 55 registered Our hearts wcre almost broken Und high grade Holsteins on the I You fought so hard to sta.y. farmn of Roy Taylor, Cartwright 1 But when we saw you sleeping 'Township, on 7A Hiehwav. one So peacefullyv, free frorn pain, Mile north of Blackstock, Satur- Weç could flot wish voit back day, September 28 at 2 o'clock. To , 'er that again. Farmn sold. See bis for further Ee eebrdb ubn details. Terms cash. Ted Jack- ande frmembeed y 38uban son. auctioneer; Cecil Heayn, adfml.3- clerk. 38-1* ________IVES-In loving memory of our I hav bee favuredwith de ar parents: Mother, Mary Ann, 1itauction to sel he roper-who passed away September 15, struten lto elartae MKiney 1949 and Dad, Arthur James, oft her fore Mrgredcinlte who passed awa.y March 18, 1952. Villae ofrBethasiny on theEver remembered and sadly Sept. 28, 1957, at.1:00 p.m. sharp mse yte aiy 81 Sale includes a nine-roor m dwelling offered subject to MOORE-In memorýy of Victor reserve bld, and complete list of who passed away September 17, furniture and household effeots. 1956. Terms, cash. R. J. Payne, auc- Looking back with mernories tioneer. Ted Spencely, clerk. Upon the path you trod 38-1 W e bless the years we had with I you A haebe 1i4rcedb r And leave the rest with God. Peter Hinton, Lot 26, Con. 4, DdMm3or8-nd 1miy Clarke Township, second farm 8- east of Orono Cemetery, to sel by public auction on Wednesday, MOORE-In loving memory September 25th at 1 p.m.: 41of Victor Moore who passed breeding ewes. 35 registered away September 17, 1956. Yorkshire pigs, 1,000 bales of!'He would not want for sorrow hay, 1,500 bus. oats, tractor, ful He would not want for tears; line of nearly new tractor' ma- But just ta be rernerbered chinery. Terms cash. Farm I Throughout the passing years. sold. Jack Reid, auctioneer -Remembered by brother Art. à7-2 38-1 1 have been favoured with in- MOORE-In fond memory o! igtructions by Mr. Austin Wood Ve Moore: to seli by public auction at is A year has passed -dear Vie iarm, ist East of Bowmanville Since you were called away. Cemetery, on Highway No. 2, 40 How welI. do we remember head o! registered. high grade. That sad and wearyv day-, Holstein milkers, springers and1 Sutfering much you murmured heifers and some furniture, on' not. Saturday, September 2 8th at We watched you day by day 1 p.m. Note: Reason for sale, We prayed that your dear life inot installiniz bulk cooler. Termsi Would not be taken away. cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer:1 -Ever remembered. June and LW;?nce Harris, clerk. 38-21 Bill Sellers. 38-1 FARM GASOLINE ""ESSO and ESSO EXTRA" *Correct Volatility *Correct Octane Rating *Frce from Corrosion and Abrasive Materials *Resists Gum Formation For Prompt Delivery and Service PHONE MA 3-5516 A. H. Sturrock and Sons Sturrock Street B owman ville Build Your Own Home or ive will have it built for yott. YOU CAN SAVE HIUNDREDS 0F DOLLARS by building the Colonial w~ay Colonial Homes now froni $2,130.00 up. Low down payment - Balance over 10 yca rs .a~Sefld25c for if you wish. mccs eaoed 25 forcolour catalogue showing 28 oes COLONIAL HOMES, ' 440WAER Limited 40WTRSTREET PETERBOROUGH Prefabricated and pre-cut homcs, cottages, garages. Canval Makes $2,000 AdsPresident Jim Firth Reports IIn Memoriai eal fLgo o eec PIPER-A tribute of love and remembrance ta aur mother. D t iso e in C n e e c Elizabeth Piper who passed awav September 19, 1952. and ta aur father, Nelson Piper wbo pass- I c u i cd away September 9, 1912. Ifl1an P oj c ,The Famiiy. 381 One o! the best prepared re- ship grants ta $188, and the1 Treasurer ,?ack Rice rcad the PIPER-In loviniz mernor of a ports the members have been 19,56 Poppy Fond was the high- final carnival financiai state- dear mother xvho passed away privilegcd tb hear in some est in bistory. ment whicb sbowed the net Sept. 19th. 1952: time was pcesented by President President Firth, Vice-presi- procecds wcre aver $2.000. Car- Gone from us, but leaving Jini Firth et the first regular dent Ed Rundie and Sgt.-at-inival Committce Chairman El- memories meeting o! the fall season, gie Harnden received a vote o! Death can neyer take awav. Thorsday evening at Bowman- thanks for bis fine efforts this Mernories that7will al\fa.ys linger ville Branch 178, Canadien Le- yeer. Conirade Ted Sheeban was While upon this earth we stay. gion. appointed ta the executive and -Ever remembered bv son Ir-i named Sports Off icer ta ce- win, daughter-in-law May and President Firth end Vice-pre- place Conirade Bates, who was grandchildren. 38-1 sident Ed Rundle representc.eeted th DirctCoc. the local branch at tbc 2th Bi- eetdt h ititCucl fenniel Confecence o! the On- Property cornmittee annour.- SMITH-In loving memorv o! tario Command, Canadian Le- ced thal the driveway and park- our dear father and g iohedetn.dah-îesi father who passed away Sept. gohl tS.Ctaie iIbe sommader a ros o!ori lOth. 1955: ,August. the000. Tey rged cotho e n Fond memiories linger every 1In explaining the "Eye Bank" 0. to ievit rigsaesni day, rogrm o!bbc CnadinrNita be marked off and bar- Remnembrance kceps hlmn near. tional Instilute for the Blina aï" re r ilb rcete -Alwav-s remnembercd by Bill, he said the 900 conference de-ir xh e.eecetc Marjorie and grandcbildren. legates had endorsed bbc plan added.th 38-1i* unanimously. This was bbe mo Peîet it nfre h outsandig edeevur o 10mernbership that he had pur- SMITH In rnemory o! my dear. sessions and Pres. Firth hopedcac 0b 0ic itr hus-baîid Harry who passed the local brancb members woul o! Haecajest0 y Q0einchElizabe awav September 19. 1955. 1 uphold il wholeheactedly.. and il would be cr-ected aI the Wben evening shades are falling! He further expiained that front o! the hall. Monthly falling under the plan a member ~ ~ dances will be held the third And I sit in quiet alone, would bequeath bis eye corneas i ini Firthi Satorday ai eacb mooth. Dance To the heart there cornes a for Irensplanting ta blind per- niusic will be provided by Ted lonîging sons; afler the mcînbcc had Acmis Jack Knight initiated îwo Taylor's orchestre. If he onlv could corne home. passed on, Secretary Ron Rich- new rnembers. Joining the rks Past President William Mit- -Ever rernembered by wife erds bas the necesqary cards were Cyril Quinney and Char- chcll Orono, spoke briefly and Birdie. 38-1 which must be signed by mcm- 1 les Zygmund. informed the members of the becs and their next o! kmn. 1President Firth asked iem- progrcss of the building o! Or SMITH-In loving memory of Other higblights of bis report becs ta support tw coming ono War Memorial. The local our dear dad and grandfather, were thal secretary Ron Rich- events, the Druimbeead Service branch approved a donation of Harry Smnith who pessed ewa y ards was ta be presented witb at Peterborough on Sonda:,, $100 for, this project. Il was Septemnber 19, 1955. an efficiency award; thcre b as Septcrrber 22, and Zone Rally moved that a Union Jack bc Loving and kind in all bis ways been an increase by the Cana- at Osbawa on Saturday, Sep- purchased for the Legion Cub Upri.lit and jusbta I he end o!f dian Legion in their sebolar- ternher 28. IPack. bis da.vs Sincere and kind in beart and! mind d t M are lo be at Sundav School room Wbata bautfulnieoryhe~t II ENL~ ML~~~ L~at twcnty ta eleven. son adbdaugbtc em r, e ta fI n ué .ajiu L C amyspntth left C lub .Mc. and Mrs. Lloy Frenk, Kit and grandchildren. M a iple G ro e **& C l b er sister, Mr. and Mrs. Heaod 381jWelsbh, Bancroft. STEPHENS-In loving niemory o! aur deer mother Charlotte! Stephens who pessed. away Sepleniber 21, 1955.i Sunshine fades and sbadows faîll But sweet cemembrance oublats ail. -Lovingly 'rcmembered by theý iamily.381 VAN CAMP -Wmn. Loveing Memnory of a Dear i4usband & Dad, wbo lefI us so suddenliv Sept 17 -1949 "Thougb out o! sight, he's ever neai." Aiways in our hearts - Dad Wife- Mary« Daugbtcrs - Mabel. Helen, -Wilrna, Jessie Wanted DEAD and crippled farm stock, pîcked up promptlv. Phone MA .3-2679. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. 26-tl YELVERTON The third class o! a series o! weekly Rcd Cross Home Nurs- ing Classes bcbng conducted this feu eat Yelverton Church Hall ýpon.'ored by Manvers Red Cross is bcing beid with Mes- clames Edgar Becs' and Clarence page doing their customary zplcncliid job as voluntacy in- structreŽses. Bcncfiting frorn ibis course are nol oniy aur better halves but the maie seg- Maple Grave Homne and new principal, Mr. R. Weiser, Scbooi Association held ils firsl I xho in tomn presented the ce- meeting foc tbc new term on mainder of bbe staff-Mr. BIc- Sept. Il in the school et 8 p. zard teacbing Grades 5 and 6, with a good turn-aut of mm- I- Mrs, Cale, teacbing Grades 4 bers. 1 and 5, Mrs. Black, teaching Mrs. Wrn. O'Neil prcsided Grades 2 and 3, Mcs. Moffett, over tbc business with Mrs. Ai teaching Grades 1 and 2. He fred Aluin as Sccretery endi also prescnted Miss B. Craig, Mcs. C. Cullen as Treasucer. teaeh:ng Grades 3 and 4 and, Miss Pollock, teacbing Grades Letters from Mrs. G. Moffatt, 1 and 2 et the wesî scbool. Mrs. O'Ncil and Mrs. G. Laro.2- que were read tbanking the Ab- At the close o! the meeting sociation for rcmenibering thern1 lunch was served by the exe- wbilc in hospital. cuve and a social haîf-hour A motion ta seli Christmnas enjoyed. cards wes passed and alsa ane approving bbc holding o! a baz- aar later in the feul. TYRONE Mrs. C. Greenbem explained about the Hospital Auxihiary' The Tolly Stitchers o! 4-H Cenvess and Mrs. O'Neii asked Club and leaders Mrs. N. Wood- any members who could assist ley and Mrs. A. Yongman ta get in Iouch with Mrs. Green- attended the Achievement Day hem. et Ocono, Sept. 14. Jean Baker, Rooni mothers for each roorn Sandra Gibson, Margerel Thies- wcrc chosen and the Parents' Iburger and Kay Devey complet- count laken. This count wa2F ed their sleeping germent units won by Mrs. Moffats rorni. and received Iheir sterling silver The 1957 greduating ciass spoun. Key Davey aiso received was intcoduced and congrelo- I er Counly Honours Cectificate. lated. The scbool pins bad feul- Severai people ettended the af- cd ta arrive and wilI be sent ternoon progreni. The girls are la the graduates later. ta be congratulated an their Mrs. Clae Allun explained splendid work. tbc Public Speaking Contests Miss Alice Arnold, Mr. S. Me- beld eacb faîl. She askcd tbe Coy, Mr. Rnd Mrs. Lamne McCoy, paens ndteachers tod help Brookiin. recentiy visitcd Mc. erause interest in the contests.j and Mrs. N. Woodley,. Mrs. L. Couctice o! Caur- ltice, a provincial vice-president, RalY Day service wili be beld spoke on Homne and School in an Sunday aI Il arn. Thece wil ~encai nd ppelcd10 Il be no Sunday Scbool. Children arents ta becomne membes -Mcs. O'Neil introduced the FINE GUATITV inents of bbc comrnunity as we foifili aur role as guinea pig for practice session as borne- LONG SAULT work. These sessions we galber have their iighter moments- Mrs. Hazel Ruten, Hampton, piclure soine ai aur flyweighbs spent the wcekcnd with Mi. giving art ificial respiration ta and Mrs. Gardon Baker. I sanie o! Our more h cfty-bani- Mc. and Mrs. Orme Milletr mcd and vice-versa. A shadel with Mc. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, ludîcrous.1 Orono, Sunday evening. LasI vcek mosl o! Yelverton 1Mc. and Mrs. Tom Clark, To- gaIs wcrc present et a showcr i ronto, spent Sunday wilb Ithe hcld for Miss Betty Preston in Harper farnilies. Lifiord School prior to ber 1Mr. and Mcs. Eacl Pcnwac- weddingý. On Saturday past they den and Anne, Mrs. Wrn. Pen- bad the picas Lire of seeing warden, wece Sundey gocsts ofi Betty's trousseau. Mc. and Mrs. Roy Penwarden,> Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson Pickering Beach. cnjoyed a motor trip ta sight- Mc. D. Danilson carneborne sec along the St. Lawrence Sea- on Sunday and is irnproving way in cornpany witb the Dick very niccly. Archers of Port Hope. Mr'. and Mcs. J. Needbarr, I We aI Melcania enjoycd a Tcddy, Leura and Ricky, Portj visit to Cooksville et tbc Boons Perry, were Sunday evening and 'Bn Voage gelto-guests o! Mr. and Mrs. A. J. gether at the Dont Gales heid in ML.agan . W anI w honour o! Lieut. Belford and M.adMs.WVnyk cr Mrs. Panke, Gregory, Katby Sunday' guests o!fMn. and Mca »ý and infant Pcrry, who arc îeav- H. DeMille, Bowrnenville. " ingshotl fo Frnc fo a Mr. L. Gorman, Mc. A. Camp- é ing h tintfo Frn coefon abell and Dale, Whiîby, were ce-j threc-year centnisîins at te R. ibson xith Cariada's RCAF cormmI-cetvsor heRGions ment ta N.A.T.O. Belf. and son IMr. and Mrs. Robt. Gibson Gregury spent e couple af days AdRjpTrntM.axd in titis vicinity prior ta cm-.Mrs. Grant Bentley, Aa backing on Sept. 25 for Eng- were Sundey visiiors o! thei r land. brother, Mr. end Mrs. R. Gib- le4 Mr.Margaret MeKay is on Clbonlais.e Mcs.o asec fomhr -- lu 0 ade mtTuesday >, leae a abenc foniberwor .eveninal, Sept. 10 at the borne e in Toronto ta assist ber mnother, o!MsOwnMupywt Mrs. McCabe. o r.Ge upywt Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. McCabc goodly attendance. President wcrcgueî t th wedin o!Mcs. Greta McLaggen in charge. Miss Ruth Hickson in Janet- Plans were made Ia bave a , ville LUnitcd Church an Salur- wMrs. P tar~ Ototherhomeetigfj day. Cong-ratulations la tbese Mrbe bcid et Mcs. oriseeBin ne wliy xvds. ob eda r.DisBk Mc.andlVIs. iclr Rednd r's wýth Mrs. Mary Penwarden Mr. anJacksonViitocharge.an !arnilv oi Rcaboro, cailed on nends For Last Weck bbc W'. H. Stinsons on Wcdncs- ~ JmsMrAeWtr day, also bbc Walter Wrigbbs s ae orieWtr tii.s wcekcnd. Mrs. W. H. Stin- down; Miss Muriel Baker." son ntocd viit biswci Windsor, spent -the weckend sonenjye a ist tiswee ,witb Mc. and Mrs. Gordon Ba- with bbe Dalton Browns of'er ' Fleewood ais wit Mc.and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers and Mrs. Wm. Hamd1ton o! Ponty- DaeGae ootwî pol. Sunday evening guests o! Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith. Mn. Robent Su vas a Sun- day supper guest o! Mr. and , Mcs. Alfred Richards and farn ily and Mn. and Mrs. Ken Rua: dleSalern. Mrs. Sophie Kayacs and Mr. Gabriel Kayacs wilh Mr. and ' Mrs. Andy Sulch, Pontypool, Sunday Evening. Miss Grace Smith bad the misfortune ta fail and crack bbche inside banc o! ber right ankie fmakang il necessery ta have a 40, ~cast on for six weks. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Harper, Aginrourt, with Mr. andMrs g Ernest. Harper. MONUMENTS AND MARKERS S4 te*& foi M met. Wu .o guooMe.eof pomnence. yOFY5 STAFFORD j dUthOri2ed Ddraisr Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby MO0ham-k 8-3552 319 Dundas St. E., WVhitby L To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolida te OPaynients Monthly AFor Holiday Expenses Emergency W Expenses The Difference with Bellvue is the Service e, BELL VUE FINANCE CORP. 29'/ý SimeoeeS. RA5-11 OSHAWA 4 Mc. and Mrs. Percy Smith and Janice, Coiborne, were Sundav visitors of bis brother Lloyd and IMrs. Smith. Joanne Hioar, Mrs. F. Wecry spent the weckend wibh Mrs. C. F. Awde, Orono. *Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar, Tom and John, spent the wcekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoar, Montreel. tMc. and Mrs. W. F. Park, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park, Miss Cecile Park attended the Kilpatrick - Covecly wedding last Saturdey in Trinity United Cburch, Bow- nia nville. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown and Jack, Bowmanviilc, vîsited Mc. and Mrs. H. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon White, and Anne visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Herb Myers, King, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson and Allen, Mrs. William Henry at- tended a corn and wiener roast lest Saturday cvcning on Rîce Lake. Mrs. Mactba Wright, Oiono; Miss Mev Wrigbt, Wbitby, arc visibing Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright. Mc. and Mrs. Dave Hicks, Har- ciston, spenî a week witb Mc. and Mrs. N. Woodley. Lest Wed- nesdav's visitors were Mrs. Margaret Woodley. Santa Mon- lice; Miss Florence Gardiner, Misses Ann Moreland and Jean Robertson spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert- son, Beaverton. Mrs. Florence Scott spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Macdonald, Bowmanville. Mrs. Gertrude Stephens, To- ronto, spent the week with her sister, Mrs. R. Burgess. Mr. Harry HepDburn, Whitby:, Mrs. M. Zurawell, Mr. Frank Sliwka, Toronto: Mr. Peter Dubyk and children, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubyk. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall, Joan and Wilfred were tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Terry, Osh- awa. Saturda.v evening. Congratulations to Mr. Fred Page on celebrating his 8.5th, birthday Sept. 8l. A birthdayv party was held at the home of Mrs. Etta Page, Enniskillen. 1lis brother Arthur, Toronto,, and his sister, Miss Alberta Page of Honolulu, also nieces and nephews were present. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Banks Grace and Ber.vi, Weston, were tea guests Sundav evening o! Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahrn. Sundav evening callers were Mr.. and Mrs. JTohn E. Griffin, Enniskil- ]en: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm and children. Mr. Dlavid Broome. Mr. andi Mrs. Clarence Redman, Misses Frances, Riith and Barbarai PRedman. Mr. JerrY Sherwý.ood, Mr. Ted Anstice, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodgson, Hamilton; Mr. ind Mrs. Ross Broomne and sons. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Broorne and fîiv Concord: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broorne and sons, Solina. enioved a farnilv gýathering at the homne o! Mr. and Mrs. John Broorne. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall, Stuart. Joan and Wilfred, Frankie Col- bary were Sunday tea guests of! Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robinson, Bowrnanvil le. Mr. and Mrs. John Thorn- beck and daughter. Scarboro, have rented the home of Mrs., Aima Yellowlees. Mr. Thorn-; beck bought the Mill and is now. rnaking big improvements. He plans ta open the Mill for ser- vice in Ôetober. Mrs. W. Rahm accompanied i her brother, John Griffin, toý Oshawa and visited at Arm- strong's Funeral Home to see their cousin, Arthur W'otten who passed away last Saturday. Gel Cash To-day for Old Appliances through STATESMA N CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Girl Guide News1 An executive meeting o! the1 local Girl Guide Association was beld on Tucsday, Sept. i7Ih et the borne o!Commissioner Mcs. Len Lucas. The Brawnie Packs are growing year by yer and il is thought that enother peck will -be started Ibis yer, witb Mrs. Ken Nicks in cbarg6. Mrs. Ralpb Arnes egr:ed 10 act as convenor of Ibe L. A. booth att bbc Police Gemes on Oct. 9th. A suggestion wes made that the gcoup migbt sponsor ae prize to be given eech yec ta the besî patrol in the Guide cam- pa nies. A generel discussion an bow the Association could be mast effective and helpful conciud- ed the meeting. isI Co. Guides will nicet at the High School, Sept. 23rd at 7 p. m. 2nd Ca. Guides will meet at the Meniorial Park Hall Sept. 301h et 7 p.m. 151 end 2nd Pack Brownies will mccl et Lions Centre on Sept. 23rd et 4 p.ni. 4tb Peck Brownies will mccl aI Memociel Park Hall Sept. 23rd et 4 p.ni. 3cd Peck Brownies will be notified by their leader. Newcastle 4-O lnSemi-Final Bownianvilie Juvenile Or- phans scored e 4-0 win over Newcastle Juveniles et Vincent Massey Park Tuesday evcning ta swecp their best-of-three Lakeshore semi-final.s, 2-t). A bneillient conibined pitching effort iby Bill Bates and Bob Osborne paved the wey ta the shutout victory. They allowcd only Iwo bits ta the visitais, while tbey fanned 10 and gave up bhree walks. Chard suffered the ioss for Newcastle, but Or- phans collected only four bits !rom bimn. He walked five and sbruck out seven. Bill Bates drove in Bowman- ville's first and wioning run ini the second inning with a singie that scored Kennett. Orphaiis tallied a pair in the fourli freme when Cherd waiked ane run in and Bob Merjerrison doubled ta bring Bates ln. Ted Feircy scorcd their final con in the sixtb on an infield error. Orphans mccl Cobourg Ju- veniles in tbe final round for the Lakeshore crown. No dates o! the gemes were available eit press time. E M Used 1956 Pontiac 2-door Sedan In top condition-_ __ Cars $1995 1956 Ford Cuslomlfine 2-door Sedan Automatic transmission, custom buit radio, chrome dises, low mileage, 2 9 e Iocaily owned car $2 9 1954 Dodge 4-door Sedan Otne owncr car, custom radio, 28,0(00 originel--$1 5 m iles --- ----- 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-door Sedan - m $1295 1953 Ford Coach Very low g U ilclage $119I Y5 1951 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan Deluxe niodel with custom radio ani powergiide. transmission -_---- Truck Special 1953 Ford 2-Ion In top condition witb newv paint job, fotir new tires on rear. A real buy at only$9 5 MANY MIORE EARLIER MODELS 0F CARS AND TRUCKS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER t66 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 r, T"UP-SDAT, SEPT. Igth, 1957 a West Darlingfon Group Proceeds With Efforts To Equip Fire Brigade An earnest and energetie bas sbown that there is a con- group o! about 14 young men in I siderable tirne lapse frorn the West Darlington continue their time the alarmn is tucned in, until efforts ta provide qoicker fire the brigade can niake the trip te protection for their area. il is the scene. This. o! course, ai.. hoped ta increase the group ta iows the blaze to gat ber bead- 20 in the near future.i way, and. in the past. there have Early this week. Chairmen o! been occasions when the- fiîre the Daclington Volunteer Fire was cornpietely out o! conîrol bv Brigade, Jixn Casie of Darling-t the time the fire fightecs appear- ton Bivd., announced thet scv- cd. The volunteer Dariington erel stcps in the prograni bed graup hopes ta overcomne Ibis been teken. To date, the graup difficult 'y by always having haif has raised avec $800, sanie of theI their force aXailable for ir- mroey being used to purchese I nediate action la keca the bla',e a truck and instali a large weter at a minimum or extinguishi it. tank. They have about $400 le!! minutes betore the Bowmanville iin the treasurv. but wîli require. Brigade can rcach the scienie. $1.000 befoce the next stcps canI Council Gives Blessint be taken, the purchese a!fa. Discussions have been held portable pumi-rp and suifficientý with Darlington Councîl, Mr. hose ta fight fires. When thcv Cestle stated, and approvai o! have acquircd Ibis appacebus,' thcir plan granted. Recentlv, on thc brigade wili realiy be ini I equest of ficemnen Bill Fice and business and ready for action. JerrY Estabrook, council agr-ccd Formed a Year Ago ta pav for the annuel truick The group o! voiunteers was liccnce and insurance and iin- forined about a %,Car ega ta over- vestizatuon is also procecdingý corne a situation broîight about i toward the possibilitv of cover]- bv their location. Darlingtoo ing the firenien with coinpenr.a- township Council bas an ar<-tion ini case of injtur\. The F~ire nient with - Bowrnanville's Fire Marshall's office in Iihe Province Brigade ta provide lire protcc-! and Oshawa l'ire Dept. officiais lion foc the township. I n West have alsù provided assistanc'e Derlington, the cesidents are. wibb training lectures, films and fromn five ta seven miles distant other assistance and have mndi- frra Bowinenville. Experience cated lhey wili be happy ta ex- - tend further help at anY tlime. Moncy bas been raiscd bv donations in response ta canvass- ig. by dances. and on Sept. 27 te brigade will boid the firsb ofseveral dances for tbe winter season at Varco's Hall. whcn fnds. Juveniles Beat

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