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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1957, p. 2

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eiTI!rAPJnTM B' "'i ? hI¶7lA 1???4V"E N Ii Accidents ( Deaths Thc Home & Sci, *i An overflow attendance of 135 started the season off with real enthusiasm for Bowmanville Horne and School Association on Wednesday evenîng, Sept. 31. Mrs. R. Ames and Mrs. J. Ç. Burdett pinned a name tag on each person as they entered Central School and this facili- tated the many attending for the first lime to get acquaint- ed. The new presîdent, Mrs. D. McDonzild, presided and wel- comed the teaching staffs and aIl those attending. The Home and School Creed, setting out the objectives of the organiza- lion were read by Secretary Mrs. J. J. Cuddahee, and the president encouraged those present to become members on payment of a fee of 35 cents for the year. A very pleasant event of the evening was the presenta- tion ta Mrs. A. W. Harding, the former Mrs. Muriel Svmans, of a wedding gift from the Asso- ciation. Mrs. D. Park, past pre- sident, in making the presenta- lion, expressed the feeling of ail when she said that Mrs. HIarding was one of the most belovedi teachers on publie zchool staffs. Mrs. Symons' rnarriage to the Rev. A. W. li-arding of Welcome took plac - In August. Mrs. Harding in ex- pressing her thanks said that she had always enjayed work- ing with Home and School. After the introduction of teachers by Supervising Princi- pal A. M. Thompson and Prin- cipals Tom Turner, Merle Slute 1; Th is calis carried on a bicycle, ridera -lw ause fibre should never stunit, should ride' Du rham ZShohrnC m a s M o e in single fl adkeep asafe otI nCh m ionl distance from the vehicle ahead There are also nequinements of in D i ease the Highwvay Traffic Act as to 1 warning bell, lights and reflec- 1 a -tive matenial on fenders whicb r ~ ~by law must be observed. 4oolJ/ LearnIs ITraining in safcty should be fcarnicd on in bath home and and A. Merkley, program con- school, the speaker said and venon Mns. D. Allin intnaduced urged in concl I4sion, Walk '*~ Police Chief Eric Smith. safely, drive safel'y, stay alent JChief Smith speaking on ac- and stay alive."I cidents and safety, said that Miss Rosemanie Morn.ill con- accidents cause more suffenî.ng tributed two enjoyable piano and more deaths than any sin- nubers duning the evening., gle disease. They are caused! Mrs. R. Ames thanked. Missi mainly by buman carelessness Mornili and Chief Smith. and errons in judgment. Reading of the tneasurer's' Law enfoncement and educa- report by Mrs. C. Welsh neveal- tion are important factors in 1 ed that in accondance with ai prevcnting accidents, he saîd. motion made last May, $100 had~ He reminded his audience that been given ta the School Board neanly eveny family bas a hua- fon the purchase of electnie cred horsepowen lethal wcapon, dlocks for Central School. a motor car, and that aIl the Three have been installed and campaigns in schoals, by the another will be placed shortly, police and the press are not Supenvising Principal A. M. enough. It stili depcnds on each Thompson said in thanking the individual ta make them effec- Association for this gift. The tive. report showed a baak balance He urged that everyane be of $36.60 and cash on hand of familier ith the cules of the 90c. Expenses included the an- road and uaderstand that they nual treat for 'Grade 8 pupils ofI were made for the protection e bus tnip ta Toronto and tour of eaeh individual. "Tao many of the museumn and other points people tbink you can break the of interest. rules if you da't get caught," Resuits of panent-teacher &t- 1 he said. Remnember that you tendance count was a tie in! are an cxainiple ta your child- Central-Miss Hall's noom and nen at ail times, he remninded, Miss Kirkpatnick's; in Onterio and that the passengers or the Strcet-Mrs. A. Read; Vincent James Rickard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carnet Rîckard, bicyclists of loday are the car Massey-MMs M. Herding. j Bowmanville, proudly presents his Shorthorn heifer, drivers of tamaorrow. It was anr>ounced that bowl- Ceresmore Royal Princess, Champion of the Boys' and Bicyclists should flot neglect ing would commence on Fnidayl Girls' Class at the C.N.E. Championship trophy is being ta stop et stop streets: should afternoon, Sept 13, with allipeetdb eodW adhue itn loi h not turnnlef t without looking; j nteested urged fo tumni out atpesne byRfr W.G dh se Mio.Asonte should not ride in traffie be- this time. ipicture is Janet Hendershot, Milton, Shorthorn Queen fore liaving acquired the e President Mns. McDonald in- of the C.N.E. cessàry skill. Failing ta observe-- -I vited cveryone ta stay for tee these three things wvas the cause and nefreshments served by~ of most accidents involving bi- Mrs. D. Allia and ber gnoup. f cycle iders in 1956. Mrs. Harding presided at theR co d H l t i n r Chief Smith also said tha piano for opening and cîosiiig ec rd H l ei E n y enother persan should neyer be j exercises. t r c s 3 2 E h b t r -HAMPTON___T____ Phone MA 3-5444 for Dai!y DP4ivery To-day! Glen Rae Dairy 98 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE ~ *05NYCfMÀAÀ Mn. and Mrs. Harold Cooper of Willowdale, Mn. and Mrs Ross Monroe and family, To- ronto, wene Sunday visitons * with Mrs. Robt. McCullocb. Mn. and Mrs. Martin Devitt,i Fenelon Falls, and his mothen, Mrs. Ana Devitt, Bobcaygeon,j visited the Prescotts. Martin Devitt was Mrs. Prescatt's first entrance pupil in her finat school 35 years ago. Mn. and Mrs. Harland Trulli spent tbe weekcnd with Mn. and Mns. Larenzo Truli at thein cottage, Williams' Point. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mecnab and family, Mr. and Mns. Keith Billett and family of Bowma- ville atteaded a family picnie Ilt Enin on Sunday ta meet Mn. and Mns. Anson Balson and * gnandchildren. Mn. and Mns. Leslie Hoskin, Thornton's Corners, Mr. and Mrs. George Hoskin, Oshawa, wene Satunday evening guests of J. W. Baisons, and on Sun- day afternoon Mn. Harvey Bal- son, Douglas, Betty Ana and Bevenley of Oshawa. b Mn. and Mrs. Harold Balson and family, spent Sundey with his brother, Mn. and Mrs. Alan Balson, Kingston. Mrs. Bnyce Brown, Oshawa, and Mr. Russell Reynolds, To- fronto, wene Wednesday visitons 'with J. Chapmen. Mns. R. T. MeKessock, Osh- awa, and Mns. H. E. Tink, Sal- ina, wene also visitons witli thein sisten, Mrs. Cbepmen. On Sunday, Sept. 8, Mn. and Mns. Herbent Prescait and Rag- er, Enfield, visited Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pnescatt and helped to celebnate their 3lst wedding an- niversary. Mn. and Mrs. Harland Truli a nd Mn. and Mrs. W. B. Cun- ningham, Fenelon Falls, have retunned tram a holiday trip to Quebec City and Gaspe. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Green- away have been enjoying a eoia t their cottage et Pig- eon Lake.j Mn. Ralph Bunroys of the Dept. of Highways, now em- played in the nortlbern section of Ontario, and Miss Helen Bur- ýýIraws, Aylmer, spent the week- end with their parents, Mn. and IMns. J. A. Bunnows. Mn. end Mrs. T. Wray and Miss N. Horn wene Sundey eveniag dinner guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Jackson Wray and girls, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar rsct and Mrs. Donald Prescott and childrn, Enfîeld, were visitons " îth the Prescotts and necent callers were Mrs. John Vos and rr. Elgie Vos, Oshawa, Mns. E. Cryderman, Bradley's. Mn. anc, j ns. Wilhent Smith, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Poolen and fmily and Miss Grace Kersey, O shawa, et S. Kersey's. S Mrs. Mel McCune, Chenyl and i tr, Msh ak, Lyon rsis Mns. Cecil Slemon wgs hast- M ess for the Haydon Womn's meeting was well etteaded and iacluded sevenel Hampton la- dies who toak part in the pro- granm. Refneshments were Senv.. cnjoyed by the ladies. A severe electricel 'Stormi ac- i comnpenied by veny heevy rein, j caontinuing fan sevenal houns. i passed oven this section on S 'unday night. The hydro was Sdisnupted, leaving the village in derkness for some lime. Hampton friends wene sorrv ita lose twa of aur best respect- ed famiies who bave moved ta. ¶owmanville, Mr. and Mrs. ienry Adamis and famu]y and, Mn. and Mns. Baden Pingle and Petsy. This is especially feltby 1 thein neighbors in the soutb' end of the village. Tbey wene, eý lweys reedy ta give a hand la sickness on need, and will be much missed hene. We wisb theni the best la thein new homes. We welcome Mn. and Mrs. Don Cowle and daughten ta the Adams home and M.' and Mns. F. Woolaen and fani- ily ta the Pingle home, tnom Bowmanvil]e. Mn. and Mns. R. Leonard, M.. and Mns. Doug Reaton, Mr.! and Mns. Geo. Jonah and Mrs. i Anme Kuha, of Oshawa. and; je. L>uw i oJUI p oreeuer The Durham Countv Black and White Day held September ~t in connection with Onano F air,.bnought out a record entry, with 156 head of top ciuality cattle panaded befone Judge D. S. Dunton, Brampton. There wene 32 exhibitars. James T. Brown, Orono, wvas Premier Breeder and Premier I Exhibitor of the show, and in laddition showed bath the grand champion bull and the grand champion cow. He also liad the reserve senior and resenve grand champion bull and the resenve junior champion bull. fThe grand champion bull wes the winner in the aged bull class, Browview Pabst Walker Lad, while the nesenve senjior and reserve grand champion was the first pnize two-year-old, Brow- view Pabst Fift.v-five. Bath are sons af Pabst Walken Ollie, and bath won these sanie honours lest year. The junior champion bull wes the winning senior yearling. Pabst Leader Adca Lott, ownee by J. H. Jase & Sons, Newcastle. He is a straight, stylish, dairy bull with plenty of size. James T. Brown's nesenve junior champion bull was the winning ,senior bull caîf, Browview Pabst Supreme Lad, a very smoatb, deep bull. James T. Brown's senior and grand champion female was the first prize milking three-yean- old, Browview Pabst Ethel R, a straight, smooth, well-balanced hecifer with a top quality udder. The reserve senior and reserve grand cbampionship awand weatj 1fa A. Muir & Sons, Courtice, on f he first pnize aged cow ia milk, Eldensle Triune Royal. She was also) named the best uddened fe- male of the show. The junior champion fer was the first prize senior ye ing heifen, Roselandvale' Willow SIOPe, shown by S. Ec Wenry & Sons, Hampton. is a vcny stylish heifer. reserve Juiniar award went the winner in the junior ye ing class, Raselandvale S .hi Willow Shape, also shawn b3 The junior and senior beifer caîf classes were outstanding, the former with 21 entnies being won by a caîf shown by Paul Tamblyn, Orana, a caîf club member The winaer la a class of 22 senior beifer calves was a top quality individual, showa by a new exhibiton, G. Herte. mink, Orona. Another Outstand- iag class was that fan dry aged caws, which wvas won b y Neil Malcolm, Bunketon. James T. Brown took the senior get-af-sire On a gnoup by Pabst Walker Ollie, while J. H. Jase & Sons had the winaing junior get-of-sire, aiso on a graup sired by Pabst Walken -Ollie. In addition, Jase had the winning! junior berd, while S. Edgar Wennv & Son showed the first pri7e hreeder's herd, and James T. Brown the winning prageny of dam. James T. Brown won seven finsts, S. 'Edgar Werry & Sans, five finsts, J. H. Jase & Sons, four firsts; Carlos Tamblyn, Orono, two firsts, and A. Muin & Sons, Courtice, Neil Malcolm, Bunketan, and G. Hantemink, Orano, anc finst each. maie ,earl- Rita 'dgar Shc The t 1o eri- irley )y S. Eight Canadian Red Ci, Lodges provided avernighti commadation fo!t 13,185 re tives of baspitalized vetenans 1956, ross ac- 'la- in 1-HJ.GGON ELECTRIC ýý MOFFAT GAS RANGES DELUXE "24" - Ice blue back cnesting with beautiful star- glow panel ligbt. A big cepacity range that fits a tiny floor space only 24 inches wide. Special equipment includes deluxe hardware . . . fluorescent lamp . . . minute minden autamatie ighting of all burnens (INCLUDING OVEN) *,inteniar aven light ... plus all the standard equlpment. m s Higgn Electric Limited 38 King St. E. Bownianville Phone MA 3-5438 Mrs. H. McGilI was hostess ta the W.M.S. Tuesday evening, Sept. 10, attendance being good in spite of the showers. Presi- dent Mrs. L. Wearn presided. Interesting devotional by Mrs. E. Wright. brought to our minds the question, '"What word best describes our lives?" Roll cal was answered by missionary and where working. Treasurer Mrs. T. Siemon reported a fair sum sent to the Branch Treasurer. A beautiful vocal duet by Mrs F. Beckett and Mrs. L. Lamb, accompanied by Mrs. H. McGili provided the musical number for the program. Mrs. O. C. Ashton in charge of the studv divided her time between a message about the different de- partments of Christian Citizen- ship and an introduction to the new study books on Japan. The social lunch period was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith.' Mr. W. C. Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. J rA. Stainton, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr. Howard Pye, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. 1 W. E. Stevens visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens and Gordon. Miss Heather Bissonnette. Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Miss Phyllis Howç]ls. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox. Isling- ton: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Enniskillen, were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mills, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and IReva, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Saline. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dîckey, Bowmanville, on a motar trip ta Niagara Falls and other Western points. ,'Mn. and Mns. Ed. Cox, Isling- ton, are spendine a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jetfery. Port Perry, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Anthur Brunt were recent visitons of Mns. E. Austin, Port Hope. Mrs. Russell Wright and Miss Marion Wright, Tynone; Mns. Martha Wright, Onono; Mns. 1 May Wright, Whitby. were re- cent callers at Mr. and Mrs. N. E rght's. Mr. and Mia. Ken Morri, SOLINA Thankoffering services at Et- dad will be held on Sunday, Oct. 27, at 2 and 7.30 p.m. sRally Day service will be held next Sunday afternoon, Sept. 22 at 2.45 p.m. Girls of the 4-H Club ard their leaders were in Orono on Satunday for Achievement Day. Mrs. Eva Sanderson, Miss Anne Mclntosh, Miss Ida Rey- nolds and Mrs. Mabel Westley of Toronto, were dinnen guests on Tuesday with Mr. and Mns. J. Yellowlees and Gladys. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schahl, Charlotte, North Carolina, vis- ited the latten's sister, Mrs. Roy Langmaid and Mn. Langmaid. Mr. and Mrs. O. Lunn, Karen anxd Teddy, of Peterborough, spent the weekerid at Mr. Roy Langmaid's. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Pascae were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cnossman, Taun- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and family, Mns. H. Malcolm, Brougham, visited at Mr. J. Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Humph- ries and family of Pakcnhara wene necent overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Huis and famîly. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and sons were Saturday tea gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Taylor entertained Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce - Montgomery an Wednesday evening, the third wedding annivensary of Bruce and Jean Taylor. Misses Evelyn Taylor and Joan Creightan, Peterborough, vîsited on Friday at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Mrs. Gertie Ferguson, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr., entertained relatives at a corn and wiener noast on Satur- day night. Mrs. Reg. Land, Cathy anc. Stephen, Bowmanville, were Thunsday suppen guests at Mn. Frank Westlake's, Jr. Mn. E. Ormniston, Ebenezer. visited on Sunday at Messrs. J. land Tam Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hardy and Stanley 'visited Mr. and Mrs. Sid Cornish. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Pat were recent vjsitors et Mr. and Mrs. Gordon i'avis and enjoyed seeing the coloured slides af England shown by their son Peter, who attended tl e Boy Scout Jamboree, necently. Mrs. D. McLaughlin and Mrs. L. Goodman, Oshawa, visited Thursday evening at Harold Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werny had a pleasant motor trip ta West- ern Ontario and 'Buffalo. Mrs. J. Dyer and Elizabeth, Mr. E. H. Peever, Oshawa, vis- ited at Rae Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bent, Wayne and Karen, Oshawa, vis- ited et Mr. E. Spires'. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and children were Sunday evening visitons at Mn. J. Dyen's in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. H. German at7 Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lang-' mnaid and children were tea guests on Sunday at Mr. D. Flett's. Miss Pearl Leaeh and Mr. J. Kivell were Sunday 'visitons et Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephen- son 's, Nestleton. Mr. and Mns. W. Fleury of Santa Monica, California, visit- ed at Mr. and Mns. Stan Mill- Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmen, Blackstock, visited Sunday evening at Mr. Harvey Yellow- lees. Mrs. Alan Taylor and son Mfichael, of Duncan. B.C., are eniaying a visit with ber par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Balson. ENNISKILLEN Bowmanville. were recent vis- chester, N.Y., were guests of Mr. itors of Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Werry.1 and Mns. Edgar Wright. Con- Mn. and Mrs. Howard Oke; gratulations ta Mn. and Mn.. Roy and family, Oshawa, were Sun Spny on thein necent manriage. day visitons of Mn. and Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Allen Werry and Walter Oke. family were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston'Mn. and Mns, Ross Lee and were Sunday visitons et Mr. and i Bnian, Kedron. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's, Haydon. fMn. and Mns. Lloyd Fawns Mn. and Mrs. T. Tabb, Orono; and family. Part Penny, .'èr Mrs. W. Tramner. Mn. and Mrs. Sunday visitons of Mn. andtrs, W. Medlaad. Oshawa: Mn. and E. McNair. Mrs. Fred Cowling, Blackstock, were with Mr. and Mrs. R. Me- Neil. Mn. and Mrls. Floyd Petbick and; Robin. Toonto, wene with Mn. x and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Hambleton, PL AYTEX Rochester, N.Y., are visiting with Mr. and Mns. Frank Dorland. \ Ir Mn. and Mns. John E. Gniffin S OE and family with Mns. E. Ben- S % V ES nett, Fenelon Falls. Mn. and Mrs. A. Telfer andD family were Sunday guests of PRETTY Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Weann. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson eccompanied Mn. and Mns. Keith Nws . Fenguson, Bowmanville, to Mn. Nws end Mrs. Geo. Lee's Golden Wed- ding anniversany at Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Charles Gibson C s e i and familY, Vivian, Ont., wene visitons of Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Cox and and famî]y. Mn..and Mrs. Stanley Turner, Mn. and Mns. Cameran Oke, Master Alphie Bender, Oshawa, S o e a were with Mn. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Miss Linda AlIdnead, New-, castle. spent the weekend with Miss Liada Stainton.1 only 9 8 C , The Young Boys' Class hed ae wiener and can roast at Mn. ernd Mrs. Allan Werry,'s. Mn. and Mns. Ralph Davis, Stouffville, were Saturday vis- itons et Mn. and Mrs. E.Mc Nains. J r n Mn. and Mns. R. J. Ormiston Ju y an spent Monday with Mn. and Mns. J. D. Brown, Orono.1 Loveil Clark Wenry bas neturned tai Univensitv in Toronto. Clark MA 3-5778 Bowmanvllle is in his fifth year. Mn. and Mns. Roy Spny, Ro.-____________ WHUTEft THAN WHITE with new one Coat dloes iti 1 ~~II*10IO ha new exclusive leiangreclient that octuolly nioket Trutane White the whitest ever - onaîher fis for C.l-. Laboraferi.,. HA. BARRON Hlampton LANDER -HARDWARE%:%. 7 King St. E. Bowmanville Pho.ne MA 3-6qm, SUPER PLENAMINS CONTÂIN 9 VITA. MIINS INCLUDING VITAMIN B12 - -. PLUS liver, PLUS 12 important minerais including calcium, phosphonus, mron and iodine. ONE TABLET gives ;ou more than 2 capsules provided before, the result of RexaII's exclusive new process that main tains the potency of these food elements eveis when combined in 1 table À SECRET PROCESS of coating the ingredient. permits the blendIng of vitamins and minerais whielî formcnlv could not be combined successfully. Ingrediente are rnixed. coated, granulated and blended so tha eaçl, ingredierit is fully protected from potency-robbing chemicaL reaction. The resuit: UNSURPÂSSED retention of potency and stability. Positive pot" wprotectimi. ONLY REXALL scientists produce the new, ont). tablet Super Plenami ns. OnIy Rexail Drug Stores ft-ep NO OTHER VITAMIN PRODUCT NW GIVES YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY THAN NEW SUPER PLENAMINS Jury and Lovel PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE PAGE TWO 4 p .-I- 1 1 1 THE CANADIAN STJ,,TVqMÀM ^wrr&151ro% SEPT. 1M, 1957 -2il 1 WHITE Phone MA 3-2420

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