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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1957, p. 8

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bELSIE CAE8UTRU LUNNEX 0. EDWIN MANN, DC. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor, ai Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hiouns: By Appointment __--Dental DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanvile Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Off ice in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTEAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bownianvillie Office Houns: 9 a.m. ta 6 v.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L egal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barnistens, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Stnike. B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephane MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASONiÏ,BA. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. -Bawmanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN, U.-E, B.A., LLB. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment oniy. Moritga g-es LERLOX HAM[LTON - ORONqO Phone 1 r 18 Wrst Mortgage fundg Residences - Farinu Business Properties Optometry KEI A xBILE! Optometrist 141 King St. E. Bowmanvill Off ice Hours: By appointinent Telephone MArket 3-325$ Mandav ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wedncsdays: 9 to 11 Thursday eveninga -'s-. SEPTEMIER ON AN OLD ROAD Last weekend we again fol- lowed that road which neyer 168«s its charm for us, Highway 33 through Prince Edward County and an down the OId Bath Road ta Kingston. We don't knaw how many times al told we have sat in the little park at Wellington and eaten a picnic lunch while watching the great lake af Ontario. This time, in mid-September, the Sun was sa hot that we werc fôrced to take ta the shade. A beautiful day, golden with sun- ahine, quiet with the approach ef autumn-a day ta remember. Ail thraugh thia county which Owes much ai its beauty ta the tact that it is almost entirelY surraunded by water reaching into the land in bays and in- lets, one secs evidences ai car- !y settlement and is constantIl' reminded oi the interesting %tories af its U. E. L. history. Nor is this confined ta Prince Edward. Crossing by ferry fromn the Stone Mills at Glenora ta Ado]- phustown, and travelling on dawn the road ta Kingston, we are stil in U.E.L. country. Here are early churches, and burv- ing grounds dating irom 1790.1 Along this road which hugs the shorcline sa clasely that spray breaks aven the road when the water is rough, one seea every now and then very old houses with most magn ifi cent architectural line and proportion. What an eye for! beauty their builders had' What craftsmen they were or were able ta employ, ta build ro well and carefully. Some of these good houses are well kept so that only the mellow pink ai the brick and goad architectural style speak of age. Others, sometimes frame, samnetimes brick, are in need af cane and refurbishing, and a few have fallen into poor bands. To one who really caes about good architecture, these ahi pa decided to kill everything casualties are heart-breaJking Gcn the roadsides-young trees, The good limes are still there, bushea, flowenlng sbrubs, ilow- showing bravcly through the cing weeds, if we must cal lack of paint and repair, and themn that - everything. The one cannot help but speculate reault wa.s as hîdeous as if on the family history bound up sonething atomic had passed in tbem and wonder how they that way, and wc gravcly doubt came ta pass ta, outsiders and that it ever achievcd the ne- slîde down fnomn a once pnoud duction in driitimg ai snow on level. case ai snow ploughing an the Since thene is a great deal road wbich waa supposed ta be ai lime atone along this ahane the reason for this wholesale and around Kingston ane secs slaugbten. some veny gaod bouses ai tbis Dovou find the Englisb peo- matenial. If the wood tnim has ple ki ling the hedgerows which been kept in nepain, these hou- line their narnow lames and ses are ageless. We have seen r oada and rnake their country- new limestone added less than side such a joy? It is time we f ive years ago la a building used a little common sense in enected in 1796, and there was Ontario and stopped before we scancely any diffenence in the have sacrificed everytbing beau-* appearance of the two. tiful tt> the swift progress of Septemnber la really a beau- motan cars, which uniortunate- tiful time ta drive. Traific is ly carry a large numnber ai peo- much thinner and one has pie travelling with their eyeî; parks and noadsides ta onescif. shut fast ta the beauty in the Thene is a quietncss aven the warld around them. land and a light haze shat There are some sprays which tbrough with golden sun on the will kill weeds and not grass. waten. This is one ai aur best Sa what? If there la a ilawer seasans. mare delicately formed. more * * Cgracefui or more beautiful than BEAUTY, AND THE WISDOM the so-called weed, Queco OF DISCRETION Anne's Lace. we have yet ta see that flower. Is there a iblue There is a saying. whicb un- more heavenly than that af tortunateiy bas become rather Chiconv? We think nat. Yet trite iromn repetitian, that beau- Nature with a lavish hand mix- ty is in the eye ai the beholder. es these tagether in the most Perhaps the depth of truth beautiful ai bouquets on aur which it contains is the neason roadsides. ion its repetitian. The New England Aster is, We are aware, or are willing oniv a wild iorm ai aster o ta cancede, that some wceds in daisy. In England we are tala0ý, some places may be offensive it is sametimes planted in gan- ta the eye. But in genenal the den bordens. Here the good "weeds" which graw on Our Lard mingles it with the yel- noadsides have the most beau- 10w plumes of goldenrod- tiful ai flowers and their total purple and gold in a noyai man- destruction would be a desecra- tie. flon. If the destruction were Thene are other weeds wbich canied out by chemicals the have no beauty, like nagweed, resuit would be an eyesare, and or very littie, like mullein. unfongivabie. These thrive on pon soil on ne- Let us nat in this chemical glected plats and could well age, go completely crazy with be destroyed - but betten by the desine ta kill. A few years cutting than spraying, since s0 ago the neighbouring town- mucb else dies with it. Golden- rod, it bas been praven by ne- search. does nat cause much Co M p L 1 bayieven. Ragwced is the main culprit. We think town roads bave ETE been in much better shape this j year, and the dump likewise, and bow mucb better bas the SERV ICEWorks Department been accu- pied in achieving these resuits. Beauty is present flot only in - formaI gandens, but all around Ius, sometimes in the things which are commanest and most 's d e p Ce i dahi e ene-stop abundant. Awareness is a We that will keep yeu eronderful thing, and so also ia on discretion. OBITUARY New Ma nvei Concerns Sic Manvers Township caunicil1 met in the Town Hall at Beth-, any recently ;ith all members9 present and Reve Earl Argueq presiding.1 Communications received and read by Clerk Ross Davidsan included a statement fromn the United Counties Clerk regard- ing a number ai overdue hos- pital accounts; from the de- partmeflt ai agriculture con- cerning the 1957 warble fly girant for $453.05; department of public welfare on the 1957 grant for the Home for The Aged for $213.67; three appli- cations for rural hydro service-, f rom the department af high- ways enclosing forms for mak- ing applications for the interim road subsidy. On motion of H. Malcolm and R. Brown, Bylaw Na. 1339 was given the three necessary readings, signed sealed and numbered. This bylaw deals with I he requirements oi slau- ghterhouses, from a health standpoint. used for commer- cial pîirposes. Mr. Finlayson ai the health unit, Cobourg, called on the council and explained the details and purpose ai the new regulatians regarding slau- ghteriouses. whereby a permit would be necessary ta operate ia commercial way. On motion of H. Jakeman and H. Malcolm the Township of 1 Manvers will petition the de- partment af highways for the interim road subsidy up ta Aug. 31, 1957. Discusa Roads A discussion taok place re- garding road work yet ta be completed in 1957 and the pro- gress of the new municipal shed naw under construction was ne- viewed. The road superinten- rient, Mr.A. B. Sisson, suhmit- ted a road voucher for the in- spection and approval of the council. The reeve and treasurer were autborized ta sign cheqjues for the foilowing accounts town- ship treasuner, road vaucher Business Directory_ Accountancy- WM. . B . COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanvllle (Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. MONI'EITH - MONTEfTE RIEHL & CO. Chartened Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-3527 Partners* J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lîghtfoot. C.A. TALE, FRIEDLANDER HUNTER & CO. Accountants and AtidItors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. P. Friedlander, B. Comm., C.P.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. C h ir opr a clc Ten children in Grades 6 and 7 are being taken inom Kendal school ta McLean's by Bill Tun- ansky. Starting in Grade 1 irn Kendal this year are, Wilma Turansky, Biliy Mercer and Bobby Winn. Five students af Kende.1 sehool passed from Grade 8 in June-Judy and Jane Foster are attending Bowmanville High School, Kathy Poster and Ca- rol Little go ta Orono Contin- uation School and Eddie Yen- dnicks attends Pont Hope High School. Also attending Bowmanville High School are Caralyn Fos- ter, special commercial; Patsy Fosten, Grade 12; Pkiyliis Jack- son, Grade 13: Audrey Cox, Grade 10. Aiso Peter Reynolds, Grade 12. Attending Orono are Kathleen Geach, Grade 12; Susan Fosten, Grade 12; David Roughley, Grade il; Don Rou- gbley, Grade 10, Larry Mari- ders and Donnie Mercer intend u-ying Grade 9 again aiten the tobacca is donc. We wish tbem ail a successiul year. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sinden and Barbara, Delhi, visited Mr. Rev. R. G. Perkins, pastor ai Donlands 1ýnited Church, To-1 îanto, officiated at the funeral of Charles M. Folliott an Sat- urday afternoon, Sept. 7.* The service was held in the Truil Funeral Chapel, Toronto, Inter- ment was in Pine Hill's Cerne- tery, Toronto. Mr. Folliott died suddenly on Wednesday aiternoan at, his residence, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. His death was caused by a heart attack. He is survived by his wife, the former Eva May Fox, and anc daughter, Mrs. R. J. Tustin (Dorothy), Toron- ta. Mr. Folliott was the son ai the late Jonathan Falliott. He wvas born in King county, On- tario, and was educated there. As a yaung man he moved ta Toronto. He worked in that city as a builder for mare than1 45 yeans. He retired from the construction business five years ago and moved ta Bawman- ville. In the years since he came ta this tawn he bad many iriends. His sudden death brought sonrow toalal who knew h im. servi and Mrs. Roy Foster, Sunday. rs 13ymlc wBarbara remained ta help withel rs By-Irsw Jbe ack.Neal and Neisha i ug hteri ng are visiting with M.adMs Ken Neal, Orono. No. 9 for transfer ta raad ae- Newtonville are the winners count $1,732.06; Stuart Ryan, of the South Durhamn hprd bail Q.C., legal searches at registry league. Saturday afternoon a, office $8; United Counties has- 3 p.m. at Kendal Park. pitalization accaunt $90.01; Hy- Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren and dro Electric Power Commission, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mercer vis- bulbs for Pontypool street lights ited their oid home town, Pic- $26.85, Bethany stteet lights ton, visiting Mr. Warren's sis- $68.37, Pontypoal street lights ters. $72.75; Frank Cowan Ca. Ltd., Dr. Ross Lang and Mrs. Fosh municipal liability insuran.ce, of Chicago, visited his sisters, compensation $225.69: provin,- Mrs. Neya Little, last week. cial treasurer, insulin $1,46; Dr. Lang visited many friends Harvey Fa lls, repairs ta Town- in Orono and vicinity. Mns. Lit- ship Hall steps $5; treasurer, tle returned ta Chicago with school sectionî No. 5, $1,100; them. treasurer, school section No. 4, $400; treasurer sehool section~ Mrs. David Low has been in No. 3, $500: Ralph Malcolm,' on Memonial Hospital, Bowmnan- assessor's salary $150; Ross Da- ville. We are glad ta say she vidson, an clerk's salary $150; is feeling much better and ex- Ross Davidson, insurance on pects to be home soon. Township Hall for three years Mr. and M.rs. Bill Darl.ington $93.50; Norman Argue. sheep and son David and Mrs. Agnes dlaim $15; Murray Shea, sheep Darlington visîted fniends in claim $15.. Jack Davidson, Kendal. shooting dog for killing sheep, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Boyd $5. and f amily, Toronto, \ were On motion af R. Brown and guests of Miss Helen Boyd, H. Malcolm the meeting ad- Sunday. jôurned ta meet again Oct. 8, Miss Mary McLean and Mr. at, i.à0 p.m. and Mrs. Anthony Cummings of Toro nto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Milt Robinson. KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren visited ls week with their (Intended for last week) daughter, Mrs. Paul Mercer, WeilholdaysareoverandGuelph. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer, Wehollhoays ar oe n d ssMaryl and Paul, Jr., brought Margaret Hayden, Port Hopce, and s taefor tedweekenud is teaching Kendal sehool, Mrs. and _______forth_______d Hartwell Lowery at the Sixth Line, Miss Catherine Stewart O IU R is again at Starkville and O IU R Mrs. Reg. Elliott at Crooked Creek. C. M%. FOLLIOTT 1' the GO! Try un ansytUe fer 'mcml anyting ... yo0U agre. we erve yon MRIGT. Try our Gas FuI-up Servie A eomplete erie. when 7et f1I up wlth aur famous B-A Ossollnes For Caref ree Drlving Try Our * LUBRICATION *OIL CHANGE * CAR WASII 4We Speclallze in Cmr oshg PHONE MA 3-313U Haip's B-A Service Station CORNER KING AND WAVERLEY ROAD GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES " short termn-5 years " pay 5% lnterest, payable haîf yearly " Unconditionally guarante.d as to principal and interest " auttiorized linvestment for trust funds IN 5 YIARS $500.00 ACCUMULATES TO $640.04 THE STERLING TRUSTS C 0 R P O R A T 1 O N Wood Officet $72 bey lit, Toronto tSmh Omfce, 1-3 Dunlop St, suffie LONG SAULT (Intended for last weeký Mn. and Mrs. Topple and fai- ily, Whitby, were Sumday guests at Mn. and Mrs. A. Mîllson's. Mn. and Mns. A. MeLaggan and family wene at Onono Fair on Satunday. Mn. and Mrs. Len ICraig, Pont Hope. Mn. and Mns. Wesley Vokins and iamily, Pont Penny, wene Sunday visitons at the McLaggan home. Mn. and Mrs. W. Thiesburger and Mr. and Mns. Eldridge were Friday evening guests ai Mn. and Mrs. R. Cameron. Sorny ta report Mn. D. Daniele son la in Toronto Genenal Hos- pital wbere he undenwent a senlous operâtion a week ago. He is impnoving as well as can be expected. Best wishes for a speedy necoveny. Mn. Rye Gibson who had a bad eye accident two weeks ago is improving very nicelv and it is ta be boped, will hav e no iîl- effecta ta bis sigbt. Mn. and Mrs. John Wright and famiiy, Janetville, Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Parkinson and Jim, Fenelia, wene Sunday visitons oai Mn. and Mrs. Rve Gibson. Mn. AI Campbell, Whitby, was ai Monday evening visiton at the R. Gibsons. OBITUARY EVERETT WTLLTON Francis Everett Willton pass- erd away at Toronto Generai Hospital aiten a short illness on Monday, August 26th. Born at Centreton, Ont., an Dec. 12, 1914, he was the eldest son ai Mn. and Mns. William N. Willton, R. R. 4, Bowmanvilie. Surviving are his parents, one sister, Manion, (Mrs. John Ram- say, Ingersoîl) and one brother, Websten, ai Toronto. Everett Willton obtained bis senior matniculation at Wood- stock, Ont.. and aiten sevenal yeans in industry, became asso- ciated with bis fathen in the aperation af a punebned Jersey herd on thein farm at Hickson, in Oxford Caunty. wasgth movd ar it49pesentloca Duning dt th yea 1949telberd tion east ai Bowmanville, and Everett Willton continued bis wank with the herd in its new location. He was a member of Newcas- tle United Chunch. A member oi the Canadian Jersey Cattlle Club, he was also intenested in ail activities in the neighbour- bood ai Shaw's. Fumerai service was held at the Morris Fumenal Chapel on. Friday, Auguat 3t with bur- il in Centreton Ccmetery. The service was conducted by Rev. T. A. Morgan and Rev. M. C. Fishen. Many baskets ai flowcrs and f 1 o n a i arrangements tramn friends and neigbbouns, told ai their love and respect for the deceased. Beanens were Jim Bannes, Chas. Downey, Rosa Lame, Gar- net Rickard, Clarence Saper, Lew Wood, all close meighbours. Relatives and fienda attend- cd the services fromn New Lis- keard, Oillia, Tononto, Ham- ilton, Tiilsonburg, Ingensoli, Peterborough, Cobourg, Balti- more, Roseneath, Centnet.an, as wefl as Bowmanvilhe and dis- trict TNUMSAY, SEPT. lmti, lm5 Wheeler, Ashburn; and Mtbel, Mrs. George Pethick, Toronto. ~Captaih Norman Coles of the Salvation Army officiated at the funeral service which waa held in the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, Division St. an Monday, Sept. 2. -Durin the service Missý Hem- ther Web sang "The Old Rug- ged Cross" and "Sale in tie Arma of Jesus", with MmL Lloyd Ayre as her accampanist. Pallbearers were Arthur S. Baker, Frederick Lewis, Alfred Bîckell. Charles Hone, Walter Hackney and Lucius Hooper. Interment was in Bethésda Cemetery. IAir. Rail or Steamahip TI1C K ETS8 S TO EVERYWUERR Consuit JURY & LOVELL 5King St. W. MA 3-5178 Bowmanville ». ".and snug r-----NATIONAL SUW!R PIPE LIMITID,.- 1 MAIL Sole$ Office: 100 Ousen Street, Swonsoa, Toronto 3, Ot I MAIL Planse send me a froe copy of PE Pipe and Fittings hookiet. I TH4IS NAME ........% ........ ........ COUPON COMPA4y ......................................I I TODAY ADDRESS.......................................I1 ICITY .......................PROV... .... SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. 96 King Street E. BowmanvilIle, 0Ontarle s 4GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Fads are no substtute for fashion. Extreme styling flares up... .and dies out quickly-but the lines that linger are the lines whcre beauty and dignity graccfully blend. Most popular proof of th!s ls the Pontiac you sec here. For here is a flair for fashian and fine finish no other car in its class can ofler. You, too, will flnd Pontiac's elegant look a most cloquent tribute to your own good taste. Sec your local Pontiac dealer soon. Be distinctive ... drive Robson MotorsÇ Limited Pontiac - Buick - Vauxhali Cars 166 King St. -E. Bowmanville G GMC Trucks MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 -THiE CA1NADIAN STATrSMAN. BOWIL&NVL=. ONTARIO ----w, ýý j 1 PAGE ryal" -- THOMAS HERBERT HARRIS In his 9th year, Thomas Her- bent Harris died on Fniday, Aug. 30, at Cobourg General Hospital. Mr. Harris had been in poor health fan the past sev- eral ycara and was in Memor- xal Hoapital, Bowmanville, last year following a stroke, then in Sidbrook Pnivate Hospital, Cobourg, until a week prian ta his death. Mr. Harris lived in Bowman- ville most ai bis life and was known by many in town. *At ofie time he drove a delivery wagon fan Wilkins' Fuel and also workcd in the Goodyear Tire and Rubben Company plant before going ta R. M. Hollingsbead Ca. as night watchman. He remained in this position for many years. Three daughters survive. Edith, Mns. A. A. Martin, Bow. imanville; Effie, Mrs. J. A., 4ç' 1 elilii

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