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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1957, p. 13

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!~URDAY SEP. 2th, 957TE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARI!O PÀ~E T~RTEEM birdon Âgnew, Edilor Phono 3621 Social and Personal IBingo Profits 5mai! Alfred Adair entered Newcastle United Church onE x day o this week. will be conducted by the Min-Experien e Va uabl Congratulations are in order ister, the Rev. M. C. Fisher, and ta a former Newcastle lady, the address will be given by iL o Mr.OaAas fSnG1Mrs.ilbetwelcmd aythîs er- laorNxtYa b4s ril aliAdaugs, rof Sn a-Ms. llBee cKay. Evtisern onela 'orN xtY a Frank Evans, and the late Mr: vice.Th eua metn ofte1eltevnurwsara u- Xvans, on her marriage to Mr. Persons who wonder what he rtegLiro meeting of h0 elt hess vLinturentwas a resucd 'Carl Jack of Los Angeles, at becomes of the stubs they drop inewte dLinon Clbowashed cess.Lon Brtentonlub gsecit ]Reno, Nevada, on- August 3lst. in boxes at the C.N.E. will lbe in te dinn-o o o thyeat sh noul he cub ecidye t Trhey will mke their home in pleased to know that at îeast een's iHte on Thursda oeater ainoain e er Sothe Rien o anl, atismforetNeecathe enticity othseLion Roy Forrester presiding. served and more seats made The iteof nfat Bptirn or te atheticty f tese Follrwing the most deliclous available for players to increase 'Was performed by the Rev. D.ii giveaw*ays. Nancy Stephenson dinner and the conducting of the profit for games. He said IR. Dewdney in St. George's is now the proud possessor of the routine business of the the booth was well patronlzed Church at 4.30 p.m. on Sunday a n eight place setting of Chul-metnLo rtnRikdadwthhs ndte lgt afternoon, the recipients being terri pattern Wedgewood china, maeretigpLon rtfte no con-rd angwishthesend ter uligh M~urray Ràobert and Susan Ma- Dr. R. A. Paterson of Kempt- gv eoto h ig o-cagstevnuecudb irie, children of Mr. and Mrs. ville, was elected president of ducted by the members at the a good paying proposition an- Mury Walton. Godparentmz the Eastern Ontario Municipal Durham Central Fair held in1 other year. forMuray obet ereMcsr~.Elctre Asocaton t te cn-Orono, September 2nd. Thoug:1 There was some discussior Gtrra aly R ndb eotwrg essr'a l-cdig busoiestsion athon- the profit to the club in dollars of the proposed swimming pool Gran MaleyandGeoge al-cluingbusnes sesio ofitsand cents was small (17.53) project and the president stat- ton and Mrs. George Walton,. meeting Friday. He succeeds Lion Brenton reported that a e d that tbis project would be and for Susan Marie, Mrs. George Baldwin of Lindsay. Er- good deal was learned froin discussed more thoroughly ai Gwen Gibson, Mrs. Grant Mai- nest 'Dyke of Smiths Falls i wihtecu oudpoi ntedretr'meigwe iey and Mr. George Wallon. thenw eceayrpaig îie future. Ifacts and figures could ibe oh- Following the baptism service, ýLighfbody of Lindsay. The two As il was decided at the tained and the project present. the Rev. D. R. and Mrs. Decl- directors elected were S. R. Tusa etn ocnutc otecu o icsina ney, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mal- Graham of Newcastle and L.Thrdymeigb cnutdtohelbfrdsusona leY and children and Mr. and L. Coulter of Ottawa. the bingo on Salurday after- a later date. _____George___________ noun, itfxvas nol possible to do Lion Fred Bernard was the Mrs GergeWalon cresupmuch organizational xvork andI winner of the monthly draw of per guests with Mr. an r~ under the circumstances il was the 50-50 club. Murray Walton and famil y. D Li Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis B ania ms Play spent last week visiting in ]Lindsay with Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor H hieterFere Toni ght Newcastle Ladies Raise Exhibition. t 0yff ithe Lakeshorec-iorM oney for Hospital Aux. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Norton and tPlaofisithe antam sec-no damiy viio r wiîhMra n - rs Loop got underway on Tuesday Newcastle-The annual can- Butler, Miss Thorne. Mrs. Stan John Vitoustt r and mil . evening in Bowmanville with vas for funds for the Women's Brown, Mrs. Dora Kelsey, Mrs. Mioh . A. Mtan ai lptin the local crew losing by a wide Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital Alicia Spencer, Mrs. Haze] Mis H.A. asn i a atintmargin. The second game of the under the leadership of Mrs. Crowther, Mrs. Audrey Gogerty, in the Private Patients' Pavil- semi-final series is sh5 ue Wm. Rudel, Presîdent of the Mrs. Dunreath Walton, Mrs. ion of the Toronto General Hos- for the local park at 5 p.m. 10.. Newcastle Branch of the Aux- Myrtle Pearce, Mrs. Doreen1 pitl where she is being glven day with -,he third, if necessary iliary and Mrs. Irwin Colwill, Lake. a series of tests under the ci to ______________ply-____ar-teaurrwa aai rection of Dr. Maltby, a Inleria dcd0 inr ob ly sceayîesrr a gi Medica Specialist. We join her cd on Saturday afternoon. very successful. Jnany friends in wishing ber ai These ladies would like to con- N IL speedy and complete rccovery. vey b Ithe people of NewcastleEN EL Mr n r.F. L. Agnew noLf on tes Cae their most sîncere appreciation Our W.A. held their Sept. Peterborough, werc SaturdLvLi n ttsya e and thanks for their wonderful meiga lcproae n visitors with Mr. and Mrs ___support, also the canvassers for nmeietn aI the Spasona n- Gordon Agnew. Vl a .A roUp y'the very important part tbey Mrs. G. Irwin conducted the de- The Mi;ses Melveen and I \JFTo IGA G played in making the canvass votional. Mrs. F. J. Reed, Hamp- da Fisher of Toron o, spent the such a success. ton, gave a talk on tea and weekend with thcir parents, A most successful and woll Tuesday evening a social gel- showed souvenirs from China. the Rev. M. C. and Mrs. Fisher attended meeting of the north together and dainty lunch was Vocal trio numbers were sunga and Wendell. eastern and eastern division of enjoyed by the ladies of No. 9, by Mesdames Caverly, Srnales Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare the Independent Grocers Alli- Brown's Section and Newcastle, and Truil, accompanied by Miss zpent Friday visiting. with ance was beld in the Lions 'who s0 kindly assisted in the Mary Niddery, ah 0of Hampton. friends in Brighton. Room of the Newcastle Coni- hospital canvass. Miss Ruth Mrs. L. Simpson gave a read- The County W.C.T.U. are munity Hall on Wednesday Hancock was in charge of the ing. Lunch was served. holding a special service in the evening, September l8tb. lovely tea table. Mrs. H. Weir, London, visit- Seventy-one dealers were re- Mrs. Marshall Pickering apd ed at W. Bowm-an's. presented at the meeting which Mrs. Robt. Simpson took charge Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe had * ~. was arrangd by Toms IGA of the canvass for Brown's Sec- Sunday tea with Mr. and Mrs. Market in Newcastle. Follow- tion whîch realized $62.00. H. Smith, Hampton. PLMIR ing the business session a group Those canvassing for the No. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pringle, »àw W*«0 Pof imembers of the local Lion- 9 Section whîch reaiized $46.00 Mrs. E. MacRae, Whitby; Mr. ettesClubput/teir alen were Mrs. Morley Allin, Mrs. A. MacRae, Ken and Sharon, UsÀrAzwti ss Money 10 work by serving the Austin Turner, Mrs. Chas. Glen- Toronto, were with Mr. and rT lt " mem4jers of tbe Alliance a Buf- ney, Mrs. AIf Armstrong, Mrs. Mrs. W. Gray. N fet Luncheon realizing a good Maurice Pedwell and Mrs. Bill Miss Norma Webster, Mr. Ray profit on their investment. Allun. ç .tr nafn V, r CCI.RI 346 NeC.#rSTLEr C. G. COULD Heating and ' Eavestroughing Authorized ChalcoDealer PHONE Newcastle 3686 REDUCE FEED OS and increase market value.- by feeding legunie or corn cnsilage aÇUCr We offer YOu & concrete stave silo un- equailed fo r atrength a n d durablltY. de- ligned for the storage of le- tante or t-orn enasilige. Our silos are con- , t runct ed ot yibrated, wet cist, tongue and groove c o a c r ete gtaves anld booped w it h beavy rods to give yoli a product as stron g AS COn- crete and steel emU." flkOS CAMPBELLFORD SILOS LIMITED Fulllline of >Ilo Accessories 4including Sibo-Matlc Unloader and Even-Flo Silo Distributor DISTRICT AGENT WALTER FRANK PHONE MA 3-3986 177 Church St. Bowmanville Newtonville Beats Omemee T o -WinTi t ie Showing Iheir superiority in Omemee on Sunday, the New- tonville Royals, South Durham League Champions, book the second and deciding game from the Omemee crew of the North Durham League. The wîn gave bhem, bbc-County Rusai Cham- AlmosI aIl the following! ladies have canvassed for the Ihird consecutive year for the village of Newcastle which ta d a t e realized approximately $375.00: Mrs. Eva Couch, Mrs. Alice Rowe, Mrs. Britton, Mrs. Velma Parker, Mns. Tom Brown, Mrs. Margaret Rudman, Mrs. Rena Megit, Mrs. Barbara Hawkins, Mrs. Gwen Gibson, Mrs. Gladys Balsey, Mrs. Percy. Hare, Mrs. Charlotte Rickard, Mns. Marjonie Paterson, Mrs. Evelyn Nothrup, Mrs. Helen Hancock, Mrs. Jean McCullough Mns. Helen Graham, Miss Cona pionship for the second straight a ladder anc day lasI week and year, Ibus retaining the covel- caused alarmn when she was ed John M. James Trophy. found uncansciaus. She is stil] Newtonville bad il oves the somewhab shaken but forbunale- Omemee teamn in aIl depant- ly there was no seriaus injusy. ments in bath games winning There are stili a few bluejays the first witb 13 runs to 2 and asound after last week's big bbc second game 10 ta 3. New- migration, seen here in grcatest tanvillle had 10 runs off 7 bits numbers an Tuesday and Wed- and commîbted two errors, nesday. They fly low so their wbilc Omemec scored 3 runs bright colour is scen ta ad- off 5 bits and commibled 5 es- vantage. rors. Excavations for two new bous- Stephenson stasbed on. the es on the lakeshore are ready for mound fan Omcmee with Wii- foundation building. liams taking over in the tb. (Intended for last week) Casn did the receiving. Holman The September meting of the went bbc route on bbc mound Woman's Association was held fan the Royal with Wade and aI the home of Mss. Harold Stapleton sbaring the cabching Austin September 111h. The duties. programme was in change of bbc R H E gsoup led by Mss. Austin. The Newtonville-------- 10 7 2 explanabian was given by Mss. Omemec ---------- 3 5 5 George Tuffard and thc group was led in prayer by Mss. P. Holdaway. The LasI Sbcep, a W IELEY ILLE short sermon by Bishop Rennis- WES-L YVILL onvas read by Mss. Reeve for Mns. Holdaway and Mss. Car- JThere was a good attendance rail Nichais sang "Hc'l Wipe bbc i a S undaY Sebool Ibis weck wibb Tear from Eveny Eye". Follow- aIl teachers presenb but Mns. A. ing Mss. Tuffosd's rcading of Austin with Mss. H. Austin "~The Ever Present Help" a bymn supplying. Plans wese made for closed the devotional part of atbending the Fall Rally to be the meeting. Business was con- hcld at Canton on Friday even- ductcd by bbc Pnesidenb, Mss. ing. Mss. Snell read the masn- A. Austin, and largely concern- ing Seriptune and aI cburcb cd a possible bake sale la be service Roy Austin and Bill held in tbe near future and plans Barrawclougb acîed as ushens. for shining the cbusch fan bbc Mn. Harding's message concern- coming annivcnsary. There wcre Pd those wbo had grown away 16 ladies presenl. from Gad. Mss. A. Clarke sang Carroll Nichais led the Bible the solo part of the cboî's Class in discussian aI Sundayl anthern. Lovely fiowers brigbt- Sehool in the absence of Mss.1 cned the duIl day, placed Ibere Barrowclough and cburcb serv- bv the W.A. gnoup for the monlb ice was witbdrawn because of led bv' Mss. H. Austin. Cbuscb Marrish Annivcrsasy. service will be withdrawn again Sorry to report cansiderable nexl Sunday for Welcame anni- illness. Mss. Ken Dinnes bas versary. been ilI for tlhe past xveek withl Several families in the com- flu and evervone wisbes thisi munit\' bave been taking ad- busy mother a rapid rccovery. vantage of Ihese casly fall days Mss. TutI is slowlv recupenating1 la go for a fcw days' holiday. after ber bospital saiourn and; Mn. and Mss. Harold Austin and Gwcnnie Ford is enjaying an' family had a fine trip tbrougb enfonced holiday f rom sebool J Prince Edward Countv and wcre because of the mumps. much intercsîed in the old Ang- A lovelY blue budgie was lican Chunch and grounds aI found in the neighbousbood on Adolphustown, and the U.E.L. Saturday evening wh ich must Cemetcr-v there wbicb had been bave wandescd fan f rom home. rcnovatcd lasI 'ear. Il nefused food and drink but1 Mn. and Mss. HaroldBsIw as someone's pet for il insist- I spent a few da.ys in Buffalo, cd an percbing on a friendlv George and Berniece Best trav- shoulder. There ai)peared tai cled East fram the head of the Ibe no iniury but bv mosning the lake ta Vermont. i retv t% Itle bird was dcad. The Msl. aiid Mrss. Arnold Austin band number xvas 8543 and wc I have been away Ibis vast ,%eek- are sorsv wc cannaI tell a 'hap- end and Muriel Austin and Jean! Pies story about il. Since writ- Elliott Ibis past wcck. To the! ing above. owncn v.as found ta stav-aI-homes their trav'cls make' be little Chervi Clarke. Bird an interesting storv. liad came about Il., miles. if' Muimps are stili with us and direct. another litîle girl bas tbem Ibhis 1 Miss Clara Darke is spendingi week but nol seriously iii.a holiday witb friends ini thej MA. AThornd.yke LeLI frorn IMuskoka district. d le ;e d d kt ýe L- n e t ', n Gîmbîcît, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mss. Don Taylor, Solina, wec recent guests of Mn. and Mss. M. Samis and Miss Elsie. Mn. and Mrs. E. Gibson and Keith, Grecnbank; Mn. and Mrs. Ross Smally and Aileen, Ux- bridge, had dinner witb the D. and E. Prescott's last wcek. Mss. B. Biackzurn, Uxbridge, was a visitor at the Bowman homes. Mn. and Mss. D. Prescoît and children bad Sunday tea wiîb Mn. and Mns. Ray Smith, New- castle. Sympaîhy is extended 10 Mn. J. A. Werny and family, of En- niskillcn, in their sad loss. Sev- erai from bere atlended the funeral Sunday aflernoon. There will be no churcb ser- vice here nexb Sunday due to speciai services aI Enniskillen. NE WTON VILLE Budding Publishers Win $ 500 Ryerson Bursaries John H. Jainieson George A. Moon Four high sehool graduates whose ultimate goal is pubhishing weekly newspapers will spend the next three years studying Printing Management (with extra Journal- ism subjects) at Ryerson Institute of Technology, Toronto. Ail Canada Insurance Federation has awarded each a $500 bursary toward expenses, in the Canadian Weekly News- papers Association essay contest. John Jarnieson, lb, of Armstrong, B.C., is the son of weekly newspaper publisher John M. Jamieson. John has worked in his father's plant for five years. In addition 10 being a writer, John won a trophy as best pianist in his high sohool and holds a bronze medal- lion from the Royal Life Saving Society. He plays badmin- ton, volleyball, swims, and his hobby is photography. George A. Moon, 17, of Kemptville, Ont., has spent his spare time and summers working in the Advance Print- ing Office for Fred J. Friend. George was on his high school students' council, a member of the camera club, and is a Queen's Scout. He has his junior matriculation. Denis E. Stanley, 19, of Nakusp, B.C., is the son of weekly publisher Arthur Stanley. In addition to spending, and Fred Hughes, Los Angeles, wene calling on old fniends -in the village on Saburday. Tbey wene aven night guests with Mn. and Mss, C. M. Joncs. Recent visitons witb Mrs. 3. T. Pearce wc,,re Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whitaker and' family, Toronto, and MVrs. Macison Hall and daugbter, iVrs. Frank Ar- dron, Orono. Congratlibtions la Mn. George Felgiate and Miss Maxine Wocd who were marnied in Newton- ville United Church on Sabur- day, Sept. 2lsb, witb Rev. R. C. White officiating. Congratulations ta aur home- Iown ball-team, thc Newton- ville RayaIs, who defeated bbc Nortbern champions, bbc Ome- mec tcam, Septemben 22, by a score of 10-3, thus winning the play-off senies in bwa stsaight games. The Rayals have won bbc championship in bath their own league and that of Durbam counby. fan bwo years in succes- sion, including as well the John M. James Traphy, of course. Well donc, boys! Mn. and Mrs. Murray Ponter left on Monday on a motor trip nonth. Mss. Jean Hasness of Bowmanville, is in charge of bbc store in their absence. We werc pleased ta renew aquaintance wibh several for- mer Newbonville people who are now residents of Toronto, wha werc guests at bbe Felgate- Wood wedding vîz.-Mrs. Jon Reid and daughten, Miss Jessie Reid, Mss. Chas. Reid and daugbter, Mrs. Kennebb Smith (Hazel) and Mr. Alfred Grahamn. The mineraî-rich Precam- bnian Sbield, shaped like an inverted borsesboe wibb Hud- son Bay as ts center, covers nearly baîf of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton MA 3-3303 and family spent tbe weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Va-fo sey, of Port McNicol. Mrs. George Ovens is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Warc, Toronto.f SERVICE Congratulations 10 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Donogbue on the birtb of a son aI Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Sept. 4th. Messrs. Sid Hughes, Dundas, MEMORIAL ARE Bowmanville PUBLIC SKAT 8 Io 10 p.m. Friday, September RNA 'INGI' 27 28 r 2 - 25c 'ING 25C I Saturday, September Tuesday, October Wednesday, October AdMIS ADMISSION -40C Children I * * 0S ***OB4---~ê-* **~ SCHILDREN'SSKATI Tuesday, October 3:30 Io 5:30 p.m. jp ADULTS ACCOMPANYING CHILDREN Denis E. Stanley. Brian Le his spare time and summer months working in his father's plant, he has been active in his high school band and the student council. Last year he won a portable television set at the CWNA convention at Manoir Richelieu. He has his senior matriculation. Brian Lee, 18, of Pine Crescent Ranch, Midway, B.C., cornes from a newspaper îndirectiy. His father, Jack Lee, is now a rancher, but he once pubiished the Turney Valley Flare. Milton Orrîs, edîtor of the Grand Forks Gazette, describes Brian as curious and perceptive, with his heart set on newspaper work. As a rancher, Brian won a free tnip to the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, wherc he became a beef judging champion. To earn money for Ryerson, he worked in a logging camp last summer. He is also interested in basket- bail, football, swimming, drama, and the student council, He has his senior matriculation. Ail Canada Insurance Federation, sponsors of the program to aid high sehool graduates in becoming weekly newspaper publishers by training at Ryerson. have renew- ed their $500 bursaries for the 1958-59 Ryerson term. 8d /oungman 's Columa *0. Wallv Crouler. of CFRB, read an article on how a wife can make mnarriage a success by us- ing simple psychology. One item advocated was "to mother your husband". A housewife turned the radio on aI Ibis point, and immediately 'phoned Wally 10 thank hlm for the wonderful suggestion. She had mistakenly lhought he had said "smother your husband". And speaking of Wally Croul- er. He bas been offering, on behaîf of the Trade & Develop- ment Board of the Bahamas, a trip t thal enchanlcd place, be- ginning October 121h and end- ing Oclober. 2lst. The excursionist boards a 'plane aI Malton, Oct. 12th? transfers to another at New York, then higb-tails il for the land of sunshine wbere he will be a guest at a swank holel, can take part in planned picnic cruises, play golf, waler-skî, swim, fish, or jusl stnetch ouI on the pink conal beach; lhey even offen 10 teach you the cha- cha. Butcb says, 1 know loo many cule tricks now. I've had 7A"ENDAL Mrs. Fred Falls, Mr. and Mrs Len Falls, Joan and Bob, spent Sunday wibh Mn. and Mrs. AI- bent Stewart and family at Pc- terborough celebrating Joaii's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grant, Uxbridge, were recent vîsitors Iwith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mer- cer. Mn. and Mrs. Orval Zealand, Garnet and Jobnny, spent Sun- day witb Mrs. Mary Luxon. Alec Little spent the week- end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Ayl- ward Little and family, Mark- ham, spent Sunday with him. Art Low, Roy Mercen ai-d Chanhie Gay, were called for jury duly Monciay at Cobourg, mrhile Arthur Thompson was on the Gr-and Jury. Mrs. L. Thornie bas flot been sa weli lately and was taken to Bowmanville Memonial Hospi- tal, Monday. Mss. Mary Luxon visited in Port Hope Tuesday. Lorne Mas- Iinell was in the haspital in Port Hope for awhile but is home again and wc hope be is better now. Mr. Wm. Geary. who ba, been in Memorial Hospital, as able ta return home Fridâay Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tbornpson and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Soper, Tht3rsday, and Mr. and Mrs. George Mescer, Saturday, wcre among those attending Lindsay Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Busley, Sharon and Barbara, took ber father, Mr. John Gardon, ta bis home at Oxford, N.C., and vis- itcd last week witb ber sister, Mss. Grady Cox, Ms. Cox and family at Oxford. Mn. and Mrs. Buck (Tena White) and fniend, of Detroit, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Milton J Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alexander. Also visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander werc Mr. Jack Cuthbert, and son, Mr. and Mss. John Cuth- bent and family, Toronto; Mrs. Fletcher and Betty, Toronto, and Rev. Whyte on Tuesday; Freddie Thomas, London on Friday and Mr. and Mss. Earl Kimbali and son of Peterbor- ough, Sunday. The tobacco harvcst finisheed up in good lime Ibis year with the Most of il tusning out pret- ty good, but witb the leaves or many farms heîng smallen than usual and witb less bcaves on the plants. The usual ce]ebr&- tions have been beld. Ned Fo. - i ter and bis gag njoyc(d their, jri the Orange Hall Friday even- Mr. and Mrý. E. Gould, Mr ~d Mrs. Dave Low, Toronto. MIr. and Mrs. Jim English, Bow- aîanville and Mn. and Mss. _Mil, Robinson, wrere gue.',ts Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Art Low -,a celebrate their wedding anni- versary. measies, ehickenpox and tonsil- ibis, -but neyer bbc cha-cha; wonden what it's like. Columbus is supposed ta have discovcrcd Ibis lovcly holiday spot away back in the founîcen hundscds, and ever since, weal- bby people have made il a fav- ounîte playgsound. Wcnen'b the present Duke and Duchcss of Windsor postcd there by bbc British Governmenl d u r i n g World War II, when bbc Duke was appoinbed Governor of the Bahamas? For ahi I know, bhey may still be these. If Ihey arc, lcl's hope they arc enjoying life. Secms 10 me, that's whcre bbc Canadian mining magnate, Sir Harry Oakcs was living whcn someone murdered him, wbicb proves Ihal everybbing down tbat-a-way isn'b aIl becs and skibtles. Being a British posses- sion, il is quibe probable Ihat the money uscd would be pounds, shillings and pence. Funny bow sucbh itîle items, picked up aI random, oves a pesiod of years, and staned' away in the recesses of memory, will stand ouI in bold relief wben somcbhing releases the brigger. Butch and 1 were never solv- cnt enough to visit Ibis highly touled rendezvous of the weal- thy, and Ibose wbo pretend to be, so when we heard Wally say "take your wifc along, have a good lime, the 'plane fare, hotel accommodation, all activ- ities, etc., will only cost you three hundred and twcnty-five dollars", we decided to go. But il turned out 10 be $325 each, thus making the outlay $650. We figured by the lime we cach bought a couple of pairs of Ber- muda shorts, swim suits, suni -glasses and pyjamas, besides a souvenir for each of our rea- tives, the cost would total about 1,000 frog skins, which auto- matically spelled fl-i-x 10 that proicctcd venture. Maybe some day Buîch can sign on as cook and I as deck hand on a smnellv old freiglver. bo visit this fabulous bolidla « re- sort. If so, ll tell you all about the trip in Ibis column. Wouldn't il be nice if wealthy people, nol wishing 10 travel, would pay the shot for us financially embar- rased Jerks who are kecn b jog aroun d? Nursery Schools Subject At Newtonville Institute The Newtonville Women's subject. The nunsery school, Institute was entertained for she told us, amnis to do several the September meeting, at thé- things for the cbildren. Firsl, home of Mrs. Melville Jones, on lhey learn ta accept disciplinc Wednesday, evening, Sept. 13, from someone outside their with Mrs. Milligan presiding. home. They learn self relianc.ý,, Mrs. Samis, the secretary, read to look aften heir own thingi the minutes and correspond- and keep lhem in the proper ence. place. Since bhcy cannot rcaô, Mrs. Milligan gave a brief each child's possessions are accouril of a very enjoyable manked by a Picture (a cat, dog, meeting in Solina, where our e'c.) insbead of bis naine. Thev gnoup was entertained by Ibeir learo to share, and take turns, WlI. Since our balance on band la play with other children, and :5 only $3 1.66, ways of raising take Dart in singing games. money were discussed, these bo There is also a "Sit StiiV' be considered until next meet- game. Creative expression is ing. The layette whichi was taught as the childrcn woî k shown at Nestleton is to be with crayons, plasticine, etc. sold. Nursery scbools are und,ýr An intenesîing paper 0n bbe department of chi]lý wcl- "Currents Events' was given l'y fare, and are not free, as pub- Mrs. S. Lancaster. The roî1l, lic schools are. There are cet- was "Something I Remember tain specifications which must from my sehool days". Mrs. M. be met, concering size of Joncs, convener for the pro. room, equipmeiit. etc. There grains on Community Aclivi- must be two aclults in charge, lies and Public Relations, caîl- and no child is ever left unat- cd on the speaker, Mrs. Lloyd t&ndcd. Atchison, for her lalk on "Nur- Mss. F. Henderson con duc tet sery Scbools." an "occupation" ('OntesI, tIb-e Since ber own little dauglî- winner being Mis. W. Joncs. ter bas just sbanted to attend a Lunch wvas served b ' vt;, nursery scbool, Mrs. Atchiscon hostess and ber groip, and a :s cspecially interesled in b'er social haîf hour enjoyvcl. AERIALS World Series Time Approacheat Does your aerial give you the reception it should? We have complete new aerials from $29.50 up Rotor Conversions. $47.50 up Coniplete new Rotor Acrials - . $75.001 up Channel 6 Toronto, added. New Guy Wires Channel 17 Buffalo, and Coniplete Overbauls reasonably priced. TOWNE TV PHONE MA 3-5522 w TV BILL LEAS. IIEMSDAT, SEPT. 26th, 1957 à rl PAGE TMRTEM rý

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