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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1957, p. 16

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-eTECAAIN TTSMf OWAVL! PAROTKSA, ET St.i New LODA Brochure Lists Vacant Buildings ln Lake Ontario Region The Lake Ontario Develop- eratio n and ta attract and hoidI mnent Association, of which the right type of employee. Bowmaoville is an active mem- Many of these oid buildings are ber, bas issued a brochure list- aise in the centre of town where ing ail the vacant buildings transportation and employee available for industry in the parking are a major problem. Lake Ontario Region. The re- "In many instances these old u in compriseq the counties of buildings are municipal liabil- urham, Northumberland, Vic- ities rather than assets" says toria, Peterborough, Halibur- Mr. Morris. "Often they occupy1 ton, Hastings, Prînce Edward, space that might btter be used and Lenoox and Addington. for a park. a parking lot, or for Location Type and Size Ir(#Eeoue-produciflg stores and Thé- brochure, which des- offices. Their chief value lies cribes the location. size and in the tact that they may pro- type of the 27 vacant factoriers vide a temporary home for in- their access ibiiity te raiiroad, dustry just getting started and and their avaiiability for pur- iooking for inexpensive accon- chase or lease, is being mailed modation, or for an industry to industriai development agen- expanding more rapidiy than it' cies in Canada, the United can coostruct or finance new States and Great Bitain. factory buildings." With building cnsts and in- citizen-Owned Buildings terest rates at near-record lev- "Nevertheiess, a town that els, and witb many industries J ha., one or two suitable vacant unwiiling to tie up the,.r cap'-: factories or, alteunativeiy, a ci- tai in reai estate. it would ap- tizen-owned company that cen peau that these 2ô vacant fac-1 speediîy erect and finance tories shouid lure new indus- buildin'gs on demand, is fer tries te our region. 1more likeiy to obtain new in- "This is not necessauily s0" dustry than a town that carn- gays Ken Morris, Manager Off not offer these attractions. the Bowmanvilie Chamber ot Proof of this statemneot is te be Commerce. "Wbile many of found in the Eastern Ontario these vacancies resuit fuom In- ;Region where severai commun- dustries expanding and moving ities have gained desirable new loto new and larger buildings. industries as a resuit of indus- some of themn are also visiblc triai building companies organ- proof that a town, for one rea- ized and financed by private son or other, has been unabie citizens. Such ventures, iff te keep the industries it once isoundiy ognzd a epo had. Where the latter is the case, fitable forganhed, cao e ro- these vacant buildings may dis- citizens,forsthelshar-odiog courage prospective new indus- 'welcome tax revenue and pay- tries".1 rolis from which the entire Age and Condition community benefits." Age and condition off these Response Not Encouragiflg factories is another important Our readers may recali that consideration. A careful check iast year we pubiished a series of the list shows that about of articles designed to arouse hait off these 27 factories have the inteuest of our citizens in two, thuce or even four storeN's ergaoizing such a cempaoy. Un- and are of eid-fashioned desiîgn fortunateiy the response wes and construction. Modemn In- not encouraging et that time. dustry wants brigzht. attractive; However, a committee of the and fire-pro one-floor build- Lake Ontario Deveiopment As- ings. beth for economny ofop- sociaion, of which our own El- ___ __ Imer Banting is president, is conducting e careful and de- tailed studY et waYq and means. * Perhaps this committee re- port wili deveiop greater inter- F u Ta )Pay Past l est amongst or citizens whoi L Due Bis are concerned with the town's industrial development. To Ta Cosolidte watefor. ninsty "techooe ur To Cnsoidae wiquor. nting: "If we just ~ Payientstown, we may have to wait a Paymentslong time. But if each citizen ~ Mothlytakes an active interest and 0 Monthlygives his support te our Chamn- *ber of Commerce, or chances A etf success will be tremendousiyl increased." For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Emergency Expenses The Difference with Bellvue ls the Service BELLVUE FINANCE,, CORP. 291,/ Simene S. RA 5-1121 ' OSHAWA st. Paul's W.M.S. at Mrs. Layman 's 1St. Paul's W.M.S. met et the h)omne off Mrs. Herbert Layman, Sept. 17. President Mrs. H. G. Shaw opened the meeting with the members reciting the Beat- itudes, concluding with prayer. Mrs. Shaw described IL church on the Isle of Guer.nsey in the English Channel. The church is made off ail sizes off stones gathered by the mem-1 bers, and made smooth by the ravages of wind and storm. a svmbol off what a church means in a comnmunily. The Master Builder has a place for ail in the building. 'Unto whomn much is given mîîch is required." Miss E1\a Orchard contribut- ed the worship service, 'Joy of Christian Friendship", aiso the study book on Japan. describ- ing the conditions under which the people live. their homes, church and church service( -Npwol-$ 3.2 5 Ever4thing MoU desire... a comnplete set of candlewick tahlewmre in the fermous "CrnFiower" pattern is a possession to be cherished for generations. You carn dd te your set as you wish because "'Corn Fiower" candiewick is en open stock design. Corne ini end see it today. 10" twohandled plt., SN fan vase, 5!/i cente handled lemon trsa'. &J" 4-section flih. Uhie feho.1 isfound on'>' on "Corn Flower" ine eue iglaosarU Over 250 gif t selections to choose from... ask to see the -Corn Flower- catalogue MARR'S JEWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanville Wedding in Trinity Churci' Mr. and Mrs. Cordon James Kilpatrick are pictured as the bride sig ns the register following their marriage in Trinity United Church on Saturdav afternoon, Sept. 14. The bride.is the former SylVia Jeanette Coverly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Coverly, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kilpatrick, all of Bowman- ville. -Photo by Irelanid Studio, Oshawa Oshawa Wedclinci of Interest Pictured following their marriage in St. Andrew' s United Church. Oshawa, are Mr. and Mus. Maurice R. Stephens. The bride is the former Marion Doreen Wyman.! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wyman of Prestonvale and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stephiens of Bowmanville. The couple will reside in Bowmanville. -Photo by Ireiand Studio, Oshawa were, Mr. and Mus. E. R. 'White, BURKET Noff McLaughlin Fisheres, Mu. and Mrs. Jack Bell, Cobouug, Mr. and Mis. Sam Hall were Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson in Waterloo for a few davs last and children, Gayle and Pattie, week. visiting lbeir son. Mu. Maukbam. The occasion was a' and Mus. S. C. Hall and Way ne. joint celebuation cf xedding Mis. John Carter spent a annivcrsaries, ail of f wbich feul da ', in Toronto last wcek \ isît- in h week pueceding Sunda. ing relatives. Mu-.and Mrs. George Walicn. Another rummage sale lI- Markham, who were not pre- beco planned te raise fiin'd fo,- eut duc to the iliness off Mrs:. flhe Clîurch Hall Building i XX ien. werc married on Sept.i for somne lime in October Tt e 1h5,cceuae oeyeau of exact date wiii appeau in a îj- I marutuge. Mr. and Mrs. Bone ter issue off this paper. An *vone, celebrated 29 years on the l8th, having donations fou the sale Mu. and Mrs. George Lawson, may leave them. et Hubbards ceicbi ated four years on the Store. 191h and Mu. and Mrs. Bel' Mu. and Mrs. Llovd Beech *elebr-ated 10 years on the 2tb. parntscfa broThe celebratoin took the form 1 are the prnso son n off a fowi dinner. It was regret- Sept. 18. ted that Mr. and Mrs. Walco Mr. and Mus. E. R. Wh ite, off (ouid not be present. but Mur McLaugliîn F*,sh'ries, \e: Wailcn is suffcuing from an atý- Tuiesdîav gkiests' cf ber sister, tacko uadwsnt el Mr. nd Ms. . Boie.eoough te attend. Mr. Jack Smith ivas quite iii M.Bh hneindadMl for a fcw, days lasi week. butLid Sinrad, saw' recovered sufficicntly te return LnaSnagests ,o Mrand te work Fridav. wer undyget o r n Mrs. T. G. Breck is suffering 5Mrs B. Hubbard. fuom an attack off the flu and Quite a number from here spent a day cir two in Memnorial attended Lindsay Fair on Sat- Hospital at Bowmanvilie, but. urday. has uctîîrned home improved jMu. Allan Larmer. Torontn. in be&lth. Mus. Bueck bas sold w-as at home with bis parents. lier home bere and wili be ileav-I Mr. Pnd Mrs. Harold Larmeu. ing soon for 1,îngston 1,býcue Mu. and Mus. A. E. Ribes' et- shc will occupyý an apautmcnt teiide*ci the funeral cf Mus. Wer- in the home off heu son, W'aity ry et Enoiskilien on Sunday. Breck. A pleasant evening was en- Weddinir Anniversary joyed by about 30 people cri Relatives a: the home of 'Mr. Tu esdav evening. Sept. 17, at and us.R. Bne n Sudavthe berne off C. Van Dam. ,%-ban and________R._____ on________ a wieneu roast and dance a ___________________________ eld foi- those who -%vere wouk- ig fer him in the tobacco. G etCas Today Evervone enjoved the tise offth Gel Csh Today Ibarbecoue which the Van Dams haeerected in their Yard. This forOldAppianes soia evening wvas in clba througb tien of the finishing of the t5- TTEMA bacco harvest. STATSMANMany happy returns off the CLASSIFIEDS 23.rd te Mu. Alden Hubberd, Phone NIA 3-3303 wbo relebrated his birthday or. Monday.- fi <atural ~ Best for 9 and Heci Aore Com.fort- this win fer with L EN NOX 4 E.e Authanized Cansumers' Gas. Ca. Deal as Cookimng Less Cost Natural Gas Heatîng Equip ment CHEAPER MORE COMPETITIVE MODELS AVAILABL Natural Gas Installations,4 are cheaper ta instail, econoniical, cleaner, quieter, with free. furnace cleanouts and 24-bour service. Sensa*ion of the 10W PRICE FIELD Pa les.s and get more-amazing but true with Ruiud-Pacemaker automnatic GAS \Vater Hcateus. Neveu have so few dollars boîîght s0 mnuch instant, automatic waîr heater value. Just look at the features: immersion heat tube design, twin-dial fuel centre1, automnatic safety pilot, fully auto- rnatic hot water service, and maoy more. See it today.1 Front $120 I.Sjtelite GAS FURNACES f rom $400 u ntle from ,$8000)pemot on your gas bill DO YOU LIVE ON ONE 0F THESE STREETS? If you live on one of the following streets you wvi1I he able to save on heating and cooking with Natural Gas. Gas main extensions are pro- gressing in these areas and ivili be complcted shortly on Liberty St. fromn King ta Southway Drive; Prince St. from Liberty ta Simpson; Jane St. fromn Liberty ta, Simpson; Southway from Liberty ta, Simpson; Flett from Jane to Southway; Orchardview from Jane ta Southway; Simpson from Queen ta, Southway and High St. North and South. 'LE' ier Licensed hy the Ontario Fuel Board ta seil and insiail gas appliances ai ail kinds. 5 5 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3 348 .5 N s GAS BURNERS f rom $2a510 u ntle from $ 5.60pe ot on your gas bill Yau'are under no obligation when yau gel ail the lacis front us.- CALL US FOR AN APPOINTNENT TIM CANADL&lq STATESMM, BOWMANV=M. (MTAM ý- - ý TMMMDAT, SEPT 2@tb, lm v

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