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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1957, p. 5

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?HURSDAY, SEPT. 2Oth, 195? TR~ ~ANAflTA?~ ~TATI~MA1t ~OWA~G~TWX.I~ AM'rAUl% - ~ A pq~m - Business Women Plan New Teachers at Vincent Massey School New Curtains for Centre- 4dvear Talk on Fashions', At the first meeting of the Business and Professional Wo- men's Club for the Fali season, a committee was appointed ta be in charge of putting new 'rtains in the Powder Room '<th e Lions Commun ity Cen- ~ies, Rita Wideman and Isa- elle Dav s . The club has un - dertaken this projeet. Talks On FaIl Fashions Pauline Storks, dress shop proprietor of Newcastle xvas the ]ast minute speaker who filled in with an up ta the minute talk on Faîl fashions when the sehe- duled speaker, Mr. Adams of Marten's Furs, Oshawa, was unable ta attend. The spotiight is on colour this Faîl, Mrs. Storks pointeti out. Sweaters are dyedti a match skirts and an ensemble is often one colour frorn top ta toe. Even nylons are tinted with gloves and scarves completing the one tone effeet. Only One Inch Shorter Paris is showing skirt lengths Smart lady! She knows that clothes keep better whcn they're thoroughly clean... and no one cleans clothes more thoroughly than we do! We handie everything with care . . . remove ail spots and stains, restore "like ncev" dazzle andi freshncss. Wc'l kecp your summer tling,-s ini our safe storage, too, if you like . . . af Smý,1 cnSt. They'IlIhe completely insurcd against fire, theft, dainage. Plione MA 3-5520 for Free Pick-up and Delîvery BowmanvilUe Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. St. W. iVincent massey Public Schooi bas four new teachers this year, inciuding the Supervisor of Music for ail Public Sehools in Bowmanville. From ieft t.) right, Miss Cerroil Hopinsan. Miss Ann Harrison, Murdoch L. Beaton andi Miss Joan Gibsani. Miss Carroll Hopkinson Miss Carroll Hopkinson, 21- year-old graduate of Peterbo- ough Teachers' Callege comeS from Cherry Valley, near Pic- ton, where ber father is a car- penter. No stranger ta Durhamn,1 she taught in Bethany for two eyears prior ta accepting a posi- tion xx ith Bowmanville schaols. She te aches grades four and five. She is interesteti in spor-ts, especially skating, attends the United Churcli and is very fond of Baxvmanville. She bas one sister, alsa a teacher, at Green- wood. Miss Ann Harrison Miss Ann Harrison, 23, was born in Aurora, -but brought up on a farrn at Mount Albert. Sh'e attended Toronto Teachers' Col- at 18 inches from the floor, but Canadiann designers are rnaking skirts only about an inch short- er than last year. Many sKirts are lined with canvas. Leopard is popular for beits and bags. After five dresses are sini wool jerseys or crepe with taf- feta trim, and velvet is popula: for formai wear. Suits anc coats are fur trimmed and coats are generally bulky. Mrs. Sto-ks was introduced by H-elen Nelles and thanked by Violet MeFeeters. 1In the absence of President Velma Gay, lst vice Madlyn Wilcox presided and welcornec the 30 members and one guesr, Mrs. David Wilson who \vas 1 introduced by Vi MeFeeters. Mrs. Wilson is from Scotland, now living, in Bowmanville and is teaching in Oshawa. During the business period Secretary Audrey Richards read the minutes of May and June meetings, June and Sep- I ten-ber executive meetings. New Ideas Introduced Two new ideas are being in- troduced at meetings. Lena iTaYlor will be club hostess and xvelcame members. Frances Heari explained that namý, plates are now ta be used ana jmust be picked up at the door, or a fine will be irnposed. Me, M',cNtilty is ta fine any wha are late, Menmbers voted ta hold a Un- Pcd Niitions Talg as they have dcne the past few,, years. It xviiiî Le !ielci this yrcar on Fridax- LPInOct. 23 and Satui'day, Oct. 26. Olle fo the area of Que- bc prov ince is south of the St. Lawrence River. DIE N WANTED Ap,,ply 2--ockdale- flingsway I è~rseLesLid. BOWMNANVILLE S 'f 'RT HOSrESS'! She knowr, today's trini Ilhodern.. prefer âght refreýhment. She serves toda ' 's Pepsi. Never heav y, > never îoo sweet, it refreshies without (iing. Plan to serve il ai ypur party. Buy ît in the hand1'; "ý-boutle carton SMITH BEVERAGES LTD., 124 Church St., Bowinavnille, Ont.1 lege andi here is teaching grades two and three. An experienced teaeler, she taught four years in East Dwillirnbury, near New- market. She cornes fromn a large farily of four boys and three girls, and includes coloured photography and folk dancing among her hobbies. Her inter- ests also include active church work where she bas been a C.G.I.T. leader, both in the Un- itedi Church and at camp. She is interesteti in the Young Pea- pie's Union and Junior Farm- ers' work. An older sister is also a teacher. Murdoch L. Beaton Murdoch L. Beaton, the new ISupervisa" of Music in ail Pub- lic Sehools, was educated in Scotiand at Daiziel High School, Motherwell. He holds degrees. from the Royal Academy cf Music, Royal College of Music and Trinity College of Music, London, England. He arrived in Ontario five years ago, bas a Scottish wife and one .daugh- ter, Wendy, age 23 months. I-lis teaching experience bas been in Glasgow, Scotland, Walker- ton, Chesley andi Kincardine, Ontario. Keenly interesteti in choral work, he feels this type of recreation can be most re- warding for interesteti citizens. He piays golf and is living in Oshawa due ta a shortage of accommodation localiy. Miss Joan Gibsan Miss Joan Gibson, 19, is a Bowmanville girl, daugbter of Mr. andi Mrs. Howard Gibson, Ontario St. She graduated frorn Bowmanville High SchooL . in 1956 and attended Peterbor- ough Teachers' College. At B. H-. S. she was a member of the basketball tearn for three years. This is ber first year teaching grade two. She piays piano a littie and likes singing. Her church affiliation is with S. John's Anglican Church. She bas one sister, living in Van- couver. Her father is manager o! the Durharn Cooperative Cold Storage plant at Newcas- tle. LJkB T VIL J. W. Bratiburn, home frorn 9 1 LIZA ETEVLLE wo weeks' visit in the city. s MrI n r.D mtP Mr. Gardon Paisley anti Mr. s iMr ntiMrs D.Smih, c-Swain Van- Camp spent the cterhorough, spent the weekend weekend at the latter's home in in the village visiting and stay- Listowel. n ed with Mrs. Walters and Mrs. M.adMs et rgt -r mih Oshawa, were Sunday supper Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew and guests of the Lloyd Wrights. d Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mul- A go ayfo hs d drew, Oshawa, spent the week- A gairayfo hs end at Sunnyside. Parts attendeti Lindsay fair and MisDon the local exhibitors ahl carne Misrcer nn Mercer andi Alanl home quite well pleased with MreTaronto, were home. their success. tMiss Beryl Thickson left for Mr. and Mrs. W. Hammeli UJniversity Friday ta register and family spent the weekend jand for welcoming weekend. with ber parents when- they ',1She returned home Sunday brought Mrs. Geo. Stanilanti snight and went back on Mon- home froma two weeks visit in day night ta commence ber stu- Montreal. dies at Victoria Coliege. Mr. anti Mrs. Allan Henry 2 This week will see the finish* and girls, Gait, visited Mrs. Jas. o! tobacco harvesting in this Henry, Sunday. 3 community. Mr. anti Mrs. Glen Tennant,, s Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Durward Glenda anti Bob, Mrs. Jas. 1 have sold the store anti expect Ginn, spent the weekend with -ta leave for Sunderland irn a Mr. andi Mrs. Harvey Ginri, couple of weeks. Orono. A number from the commur- __________ ity attended Lindsay fair this A uilia o Mrs. G. Fowler, Oshawa, is A x la y o ispending a few weeks with ber 3son, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowlcr northofPeerbrough riit W M S wihanother son Mr. W. Fow- 1er. F l e tn The Evening Auxiliary of B A KSO K Trinity W.M.S. held their r-, Romeil ntiMi.Miss Marion Beliman presiding Iv. Phiopo att ndiPre for the business session. She lvanThopso atendd Pes-aisa gave a splendid talk on ytery at Audley, Wednesday. Christian Stewardship. Th e Oshawxa Presbytery Youiig People's executive en- The meeting was in charge of tertajcîed the ninisters of the Mrs. Barbara Passmore and Presbytery and their wives ta Mrs. Ann Saunders' group. Mis. dinner in IÇedron church il Reta Osborne gave a delight- Thursday evening. Dinner wasi ful report on the Whîtby School foilowcvd by an" addresqs and for leaders, which she had at- discussion on young people', tended recently wor. hoe o Bacstock who Mss Ethel MeKague review- attencled were Rev. and Mrs. ed the bookshelf and introduc- P. Romeril. Glenn Larmer, ed the new study book on Ja- I :Joyce Grahiam and Helen Van pan. Camp.j Mrs. Passmore openeti the Rex'. John Romeril, King- Warship Service with prayer, stan, wiil be in charge of the Mrs. Colweii reati the Scripture. services at ail four points a11 The tapie "Christian Frienti- lhis circuit next Sunday. Rev. ship" was taken by Mrs. JeanJ P. Roineril is ta take anniver- MeMurter. sary services for his son at Cal-. var Chrch Kigstn.A social time was enjoyeti at Raiph Strong returns ta To-teclsofhemtig ronto Tuesday, ta commence his third year at Victoria College. Sy mpathv is extended ta Mr. YEL VERTON Frank Butt on the sudden pass- ing of ber father lest week. Most Yelvertonians enjoyeti Mr. andtIMrs. Grant Ferguson, at least one day of Lindsay Ex- Ian and M-ary, Toronto, spent hibition. Master Lloyd Wilson, Sunday with the Roy Fergu- as part o! a teen-age group sonýs. from Blackstock area managed AMr. and Mrs. Ted McLaughl- ta reach the finals in the Ama- lin, Enniskiller., visiteti the, teur Show held in conjuniction Harold -McLa,,ihlin's, Monday. with the fair appearing with \'Irs. Geo. Fowler attended the group before the grand- the funeral of Mrs. Morland stand on Saturday evening. Anderson in Eowmanville, Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Howardi M al- day. colm and family attended An- Several from here attentied niversary services in St. Marys, the funeral of Mrzs J. A. We- 'Lifford, on Sunday. ry. Enniskillen, Sundav. Fml lbwl pniý Mr. andi Mrs. A. W. \Vrig',t, FriyCu il pe itj I~~~~~~~ 'c niMs rdTec n doors for faîl activities with a bo.ysndvereSunFday xvîan wener roast on Oct. 4, at boYs wer Sudav suiprr Chureh Hall. gess f the Earl Trewin:, s En- nt kgue . Mrs. Roy Werry visiteti with MIr. W.lfred Nexvton. Mr. and her s!ster this week at Mal- IMrs. Archie Newton an~d M\r_. coni a. Mr. John Proutt of Bow- J-s. Pctch. Toronto. vl zited Mrsj manvilie, was a Saturday cali- Gi'o. Crawford anti Mr. andi er. Mrz. . Pearce, Sunda. Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Gr.a and M1. an I '&s. Jimn Ru:herford. anl of Lotus. recently en-j Cleveland. Ohia: Mr. and MNrs. jojyeti a motor trip a]ong St. Gen. Ru:,herford anti Allan, Law*rence Seaway.j 0O' haxxa; .vere Fridiay eveninglI Mrs. Bert Visee and chiltiren cuests and Mrs. Irene Nichcj- o r Cavan, anc day this week on andi son Leslie. Mrs. M'1 vit her parents, the G. E. Rab- Clark and two chiltiren, Toron- inons. ta, w.ere Sunday guests of Mrs. Mran s.SdCoad Cea. Fowler.bor. andTMrsnto;SidCoknt i Mr, anti Mrs. Fred Trewin %boys o! wToroAntspHen th anti Lioa'd. visitetithe Ralph deekn ts.ut m Hn Glastcell's Suntiay nigsht.des Mr3 Hoar Lab atiMiss Mr. Wm. McCabe's new barn Carol, Lindsay. visited Mrs. i pragressing favourably. The Thos. Smnith. Friday, barn raing is scheduleti for Mr. andi Mrz. Lamne Brati- this Tuesday. Sept 24. humn. Toronto, ealled on frienc!ý Nexi Sunday Yelverton Un.- in ihe village Sundav wheri ited Church <with original they brought bis mother, Mrs. building) celebrateâ itâ 2àta Anniversary at 11 and 7.30. Guest preacher will be a for- mer beloveti Presbyterian min- ister of this district for many years, Rev. Victor Walker, now of Stirling. We imaine nianvi former friends will avail thexr.-1 selves of this opportunitv tai once more hear hlm in acf or. The fowl supper will follnw two weeks later. Last Sunday the Young Peo- ple of Yelverton and Janetviile are reported to have done a splendid job of taking the church service at the two <hargesý Miss Lorraine McGili and Lloyd Wilson were dinner guests of the Harold Moxons. . Master Sterling McGill at the Bert MeMullins. Mr. and Mrs. Davidi Wilson and Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson of Toronto, to Vancel Wilsons' on Sunday. hati grar~ted Con- ville. Pipeline Joins 'At Newcastle MIayor A. E. Hick of Lindsay imanipulated the contraIs of a ditching machine here Wed- nesday Sept. 18 ta officialiy be- gin construction of a 33-mile, $750,000 transmission Unme that will carry natural gas ta homes and industries in Lindsay this fail. The line Is expectedti t be completed by October 3lst, and work on the $600,000 distribu- tion syern in the Town of iLindsay will be started shortly. Anucernent that the Ontario Gas "Best Buy" "Best Buy" AU Prpoe 5-b. ag iquid Bleach 64-oz. jug OGIL VIE FLOUR36 JAYEX43 "FEATURE" Wagstaffe's Strawberry or Raspberry 24-oz. jar Jam - - - - 47C "FEATURE" Monarch 16-oz. pkg. White Cake Mix ----31 c "FEAT P.E"8-oz. jar, 5c off 16-oz. jar, 10e off Ingersol Cheese Spread -.32c 59C FE T R Pint Quart Johnson's Hard Gloss Gbo Coat--- 53c 99c Swift's Branded Beef O, STANDING Rib Roasf -lb. 57c SitsPremium - Fully Swift's Premium - 1/2-1b. sealed pkg. COOKED PICNICS L-b. 49c SIDE BACON - - 49c Boneless - Beef Swift's Premium - Cello 1-lb. pkg. POT ROAST - Lb. 39c FRANKS ----43c "Best Buy" Stokely's PUMPKIN, Fancy, Doc. Ballard's Champici. 28 oz. tin - --------- ------- 2 for 39c DOG FOOD, 15 oz. tin 3~ for 35c King's Choice WAX BEANS, Rose Brand MARGARINE, lb pkg. 29c 20 oz. tin --------------------- -- 2lc Swift's PREMI, Luncheon Meat, 1 Glide LIQUID STARCH, 7c off, 12-oz. tin ------------------------------- -49e 64 oz. jar -------------------- - 38e York PEACHES, Choice Halves, Kraft Cracker Barrel CHEESE, 20 oz. tin ------------------ 4 for 1.001 8 oz. mild- 35e 8 oz. m ed.-- 39e Delicious - Concord Heaping 6-qt. basket BIue Grapes . -59C - For Drinks, Pies and Desserts Sunkisi Lemons doz. 39c Select, Crisp, Tender Extra Large- 24 size Lettuce m - ea. 23c Mild, Flavourful Washington, Mild, Sweet WAX TURNIFS . 5c SPANISH ONIONS 9 b c WIN A BRAND NEW BUICK Entry forms available at Red & White Food Stores BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS *I~ ~Mlxed Fruit, 15-oz. pkg. 49e Cut Corn, 12-oz. pkg. - 25e ;quash, 14-oz. pkg. - 23e AUTOMATI Libby's Garden Freuh OPENS AI.f q 1/Ic'\%' PEAS, 12-oz. pkg. -- 21e THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE - ORONO BLACKSTOC - Yeo's Marketeria Maple Grove Groceteria -Cornish Marketeria :K - Blyth's Market 84 King TntmsDA'T, SEPT. 28th, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOM14ANVTLIýE. t5NTAMC -IDA eqv vq9um 9 1 i'ndsay Stores sumers' Gas a certificate of convenience anti necessity to serve Lindsay was made by Chairmai A. R. Crozier on September llth. The section of the trans- mission line launcheti by Mayor Hick w~ill run from Lindsay South Town Line ta meet a second spread at the First Con- cession north of Lifford. Three spreads will worlc on the line, which will join up with the 20-inch Toronto-Mon- treal section of the Trans-Can- ada Pipe Line north of New- castle, Consurners' Gas off ic- ils said. Contractor for the section from Lindsay Town Line to Lifford is Miti-Canada; for the middle section, frorn Lifford ta Pontypool, F. E. Shaw Ltd; and from Pontypool ta the Trans- Candada Line, R. B. Sorner- White Food

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