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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1957, p. 8

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PAGE max? THE CANAD!AN STATESMAN. EOWMAZ~7ffLE~ ONTAIt!O ~h 1~ by ELSIE CAKEUIHERS LUNNEX SIGNS ARE MANT glad to see this year, however, that the death-dealing spray Autumn has officially begun was flot completely effective. according tr~ 'he divisions on This beautiful vine is comiflg aur calenda hough the sea- u gityn oha h son has bee.. pointing its up1sag tantrying todea.th signs for some time. The bigscrtawsmde wililows in our ravine which The birds seem ta be flacking were heralds of spring in the for their jaurney south. A cou- most delicate of green, now pie of Warblers made a brief have an old, duli look and a stop-over in aur appie tree the few yellow leaves are already other day and taok dainty sips spirailing down. out of the bird bath. Robins by But this is the season of col- the haif dozen still patronize Dur, and tinges along an iýd' the latter and make a terrific fence, a few flaming branches spiashing. in the woods or along the Now that so many of the streets are giving notice Of birds have becomne rather drab what is ta came. Creeper vines in appearance, we were really are a blazing red and give a startled by the brilliance of spectacular effect festooned oni several Plue Jays flying about high trees. together. These handsome birds The bittersweet is ready ta are even maore startling against be gathered-if you can find the snow in winter and what any which has nat been des- a welcome sight they are. troyed with senseless roadside* * * spraying. We picked aur win- FIEE, FIRE! ter bouquet in Prince Edward County this year. The curving Digging into oid newspaper branches of bright bernies will files unrolis page after page of be a joy ail winter. L ast year 1 h istory, same trivial, some im- when we werit ta pic k somne1 portant. Burning questions of near Bowm anville, where we the day are revealed, such as had found a fence running riot temperance, and though no pun with it the previous year, we was intended we really started found instead dead bnown brani- out ta tell yau about the "burn- ches. What earthly hanm it ing question" as ta whether couid have done anyane, we severai disastrous fines in Bow- have yet ta find out. We u- manville in 1888 and 1889 were incendiary. Within a year there were FINE QUALITY two fires which destroyed a MONUMENTS AND Igreat deal of property in spite MARKERS[o f the best efforts of the fire 1 rigade, and going back a year 1 lm w fi d. tBYff before that, in 1887, the aid ( kULR\ o P ýM Union School burned and ai aFSTAFFORD rumour which has fiaated down BROS. the years suggests this fine was AROS also set. At any rate, two new se hools were opened in 1890, Authoricl but that is anather story. Deler The fire in 1888 was on July 7 and destroyed the Aima Ho- tel where the Bell Telephone tafford Brose office is naw), the residence af the propnietor, Mrs. Shaw, next Monumental Works ta it, and Tinity Church and seds. This was the Cangrega- Phane Wbitby tionai church in which thi MOhawk 8-3552 Simpkin Company recentiy op- 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby erated. - Then on March 21, 1889, at PRE-CAST CONCRETE - Sepllc Tanks- - Sidewalk Slabs- Coloured Patio Slabs- -Porches, St eps -Curbing - B'roolin Concroe. Products PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Collect Calis Accepted N t * * s e I i a s I g a e I I g I I I a I g s I ~*~, * a a s I I I I I I g g I g g I I g I I *Of the balance, 6.2%ý is heid in te U.S. (inc!uding 4.2% by Arnericar, Telephone and Tlegraph Company),- 1.7% in the Unted Kingd.or and gli. whga. FIRST LUNCHEON The first of Smith's Literary Luncheons for this seasan is Sept. 26, or today as you read this, and we hope ta be pres- ent. David Walker, twice win- ner of the Governor-Generai's award for fiction and creator of that character known and be- ioved by many, "Wee Geordie", will be the speaker. We under- stand the movie of the same name was a gem. Perhaps it will came around again same time when we can see it. The master af tiiem aIl, Mr. Leonard Brockington, C.M.G., Q.C., is ta be chairman, which ensures sorne witty remarks ta get things off ta a good start- and oh yes, a piper will pipe us ail in ta lunch in honour of the Scottish ancestry of the guesL af honour! More next week. Canadians own this big share of The Bell I'eleph one Company Ofevery hundred Bellicommon sliareholders, 98 are Canadians. And following the recent sale of additional common shares, they now own 92%7'aio Bell stock. * No ather campany has s0 many Canadians shaning in its ownership. Bell shareholders in Canada today total 150,000. 0f' these, 12,000 are aur own emplavees and peu- sianers. And, of course, many, many mare are Bell custamers. Sa Bell Telephane-awvnecl, controlied and operated by Canadians ta serve Canadians-is a distinctly Canadian enterpnise. THE BELL TELEPIIONE COMPANY 0F CANADA4 a n s x if s about four in the morning, a fire broke out on King St. in the rear of a store in the Mc- Clung block and befone it was controlled had destroyed six stores, burning right up the south side ta the canner of Temperance and King. McClung's brick block was neported as the highest and best in town and was built follow- ing a fine in 1869. Quick & Co.'s grocery store was destroyed, though most af their stock hac been removed as they were moving ta new premises. Dr. Bnimacombe had a dental office upstairs, and R. R. Loscombe his iaw office, while the entire third floor was used by Profes- son Charles Ruse as a School af Music. J. Higginbotham & Son's drug store and living quartens were destroyed and an office usec by Dr. E. Creightan McDoweill A hardware store occupied by Richard Worth and shoe store rented by D. Davis, al awned by J. B. Fainbairn, were aise gutted. Damage aitogether was estimated at between $50,000 and $60,000. The destruction af aali these stores uecessitated some great maving anaunci which took place at once with everyone nunning fire sale ads. In The Statesman for May 28, 1890, stili another big blaze is recorded, beginning with these wvonds, "The fine fiend has been gettlng in mare ai his diabolical wonk in Bowman- ville.' Bneaking out in a shed at the back af the Sun office on King St. the fine spnead east and west and iat the Big 20 operated by Harry Dobson witli ail the stock ibeing lost. From the accouint the Bell Telc'phone office seems ta have heen olpstailS, anîd it was Seo*- ched and some wires burned. Withi the fine fighting equip- ment ai the day, these blazes must have been frightening in- deed. In addition lass was sometirnes great, as insunanceý One resuit was that new, and often betten, blocks rose where the aid had stood. Ch oral Group Sets Dates For Concerts Dates for the Bownanviiie' Choral Society's Christmas Con- cert have been set for Decemnber 6 and 7 while the Spring Concert wiil be presented April 18 and 1The Society is stili looking for new members ta strengthen their ranks. Panticularly needed are maie tenons. Anvone inter- ested in joining choral activities is asked tô came ta the next rehearsa]iwhich is September 2.1 in the Bowmanvilie High Schooi at 8 p.M. Legion FHolds First Dance 0f'Season The first rmonthl.v, dance of the .se,îon held b v Branch :78, the Canadian Legion was helci Pt the Legion Hall here Satur- dayv. Sept. 14 and enlayed by 40 couples. Ted Taylor and his orchestra, Ajax, provided mus- ic for dancing. During the evening there were twa square dances with Tam Mastersan as caller. Ab Mavin, chairman oi the entertainment commit-tee. is in chargc of arrangemnents for tjlr- dances vwhich wîll be held z'h& ¶h:rii SaturdaY af each month Gçuring the coming season. The next Legion rnonthly dance.is plamend far Ooober 1oth. 1 Bof h have a bank accounf-»and o purpose for saing ..UM Health Unit Plans Clinjcs for Vaccines Eveny child 'n the United In September, at clinie cen- Counties ai Northumberland tens in each township, parents and Durham will be protected may *-bing children who have against diphthenia, tetanus, po. received twa doses of poliomye- I liomyeiitis and srnallpox,a if ail litis vaccine at least seven parents who have flot already mouths ago. These clinics are had their children adequateiy panticuianly for rural childnen immunized take advantage af under school age who wene the clinic programme for the given the doses in November next nine months, stated Dr. and December of 1956. Charlotte M. Honnen, Medical Startîng September 30th Officer of Health, Nothumber- every rural school in Hamilton, land-Durham Health Unit. Percy, Seymour, Bnighton, Mur- For the past thnee yeans po- ray, Darlington and Cartwright liomyeiitis vaccination took pre- Townships will be visited cedence. Appnoximately twen- thnee times, at four weeks iu- ty-oue thausand chiidren have tervai, ta give protection been given two doses of polio against diphtheria, tetanus, pa- vaccine by Dr. Hornen and her liomyelitis and smalipox, ta staff, and eleven thousand of childnen whose parents request these have been given their it, and also ta infants and pre- third dose. Now it is urgent, school children bnought ta the Dr. Hornen says, ta resume cli- school. Chiidren unden school nic at which childxen may have age are given a combined anti- their immuuity ta diphtheria gen inciuding whaoping cough brought up ta effective level, vaccine. since, due perhaps ta the large During the winten similan numben of new C anadiaus from clinics wiil be held in' the thickly populated areas of Eu- tawns and larger villages and rope, some cases af diphtheria in the spring, it is haped, the have recently been neported in remainder af the rural area Ontaria. wiil be covered. Ma pie Grove W. 1. Hears of Education on Health. A committee, Mrs. O V TD Challice, Mrs. K. Trew and O U.LILII Mrs. Gardiner were appointed ta get a speaker on Health or! ROBERT B. ALEXANDMER write and get answers ta ques- tions which cancern the school! Robent B. Alexander, son of health. Mr. and NIrs. Blake Alexander, Mrs. Durwand, Elizabeth-- Kendal. pas5zed away in Memn- ville, gave a reading. Mrs. Alex aniail ospi'al. Bowmanville. Carruthens had lanternslides. Tuesday, Aug. 13, at the age ai Lunch was senved. 440 Robert lived in Kendal un- Mr. Mike McGrath of Osh-!'tii he \vent ta Toronto in 1941 awa had tea with Miss Marilyn ta vank in the Canadian Line Muldrew who spent the weck- matenlils. lie vas stili there, end at Sunnyside along With! empfloycd as foreman, when he hen parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 1 suffered a hcart attack about Muldrew and aunt and unucle, two months bef are his passing. Mn. and Mrs. W. Muidrew, al! He rested at the Barlow Fun- of Oshawa. eral Chanel in Orona until Fni- Mr. and Mrs. L. Wood and 3a.Ag 6 he evc a Mn. and Mrs. J. Darling, Pe'er yAu.1,wesrvcwa borouh, vsitedMn. ,nd held in Kenidal United Church bO.og Mercen..an M-,. w th Rcv. T. A. Margan af Bow- Mr. Howard White is build- mnjlafcaigadMs ing a new barn an his fanm. Tobacco hanvesting is getting weil on and most of the boys and girls are back at high school again. The Baby Doîl 4-H Club at- tended their Achievement day at Onono on Satunday.I Mn. and Mrs. 0. Mercer ard sons Alan and Bob, went ta To-I ronta Sunday afternoon leavîig Alan ta commence his studies 8 at Ryenson Institute on Mon- ' day. Miss Donna Mercer, Toronto,., retunned ta Toronto with theIm after spending the weekend at home. LIQUIFUEL FUEL OIL Finest Quality Stove and Furnaee Oil for safe, economical heat Metered Deliveries 24-Hour Service Stephen FuelsI I (forinerly Osborne Fitels) C.N.R. Yards Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5410 Prompt Delivery anything ... you'l agree we serve!, you RIGHT. Try our Gas Fi-up Service A complete service when you fi11 up wlth aur famous B-A GasqKýaes For Carefree Driving Tr>lur *LUBRICATION *OIL CHANGE *CAR WASH We Specialize in Car Polishing 'iFrom Nestieton GroupvnsSao 1 Maple Grave: President Mrs. cated cultured persan. North Daniington Teachen'si 1 Chas. Gneenhamn conducted the The value ai education how- Group met in Enniskilien Sehool business ai the September ever acquired should fit one Tuesday, Sept. 10. The session *meeting ai Maple Grave Wo- ta performa the offices ai hife was under direction af presi- *men's Institute and welcomed and ta give an undenstandrng dent Louise Hartman, Enfield, the Nestieton visiting Institute. ai where one is. where he is and with secnetany Vilda * Among other items ai busi- heading and what ta do about Brown, Bethesda, reconding the ness Mns. Howard Bradley and it. decisions re the year's pnagram. Mrs. Howard Crydermnan wêre A nother aspect of education Several new teachers ,verei appoiîîted ta tny and procure xvas given in a reading, "chil- welcomed. A schedule af pla(c-sî fleadiers for boY's club, since dreru of Ethiopia" by Mns. H. and dates of the meetings was after severai ears of faith)ful Vine. Stili anotlkr le was a prcpared %vith the second Tîîv<- eriein thie boy's clubs Mr. charmning dowît arh-oy a f ahmni u'îegular Rau Brooks and Mr. Howand ai a conducted tour of the high date. Subjects ai meetings ,\,ere Bradley are giving it up. Mrs spots and the low'er places af discussed. A bnief question per- 5J. Hurrie reparted for the good fabulous New York city as told iod pnovided help for some. neighbars cammittee. by Mrs. B. Heaslip. For those The next meeting wiii be heid Roll caîl was, "thé subjects ai us who may neyer see the October ist at Enfield school 1 liked best and least at schaai", Pig town litIle was leit ta th e wîth Miss L. Taylor, h ealth veny weil answered. The motta, imagination; even ta the bus nurse, giving information on "'Gossip takes an inch ai truth trip which encled lu moanlight Asiatic 'flu and First Aid in the and stretches it into a yard ai and sunnîse at N.Y., was pictur- sehool. story', was given by Mns. Wm. ed. Laid. She said, "It is hard to A thought pnovoking reading, unertad owsoe eole"Do You Just Belong", was giv-C \ / ln wili take a simple statement ai en hy Mns. K. Samelîs, and two . .. ln fact and turn it into an amaz- humonour neadings, one, "How ing story. It may be that they ta eleet a president" by Mrs M. hav nthng etertao. Emmenson and "Ode ta a hanse',Fa Hl Bazaar There are three things we might b r.H aeî eemc weli ask aunselves before re- enjayed. A bazaar has been planned lating a bit ai gassiP, i.e., is it Hearty appiause caliing for for October 26 at the Lions kind, is it necessany and is it encores was acconded Mns. E. Centre by the Bowmanviiie Ca- true?" Mains' violin selections with thalle Women's League. Gen- Mrs. Stephen Jeffrey, Maple Mrs. L. Hyland at the piano. enal convenor for the bazaar Grave canvenen ai citizenship The visitons were cordially will be C.W.L. president Mrs. and education committee, asked thanked for this pnognam by Wilfred McLean. Nestietan, WlI. president, Mrs. Mrs. H. Bradley anj by Mrs. Assisting Mrs. McLean wili R. Davison, ta preside for the Greenham on behal'f ai the be the foiiowing convenons pragnam which was given by members. Mns. Davison ex- Mrs. George Young, Mvrs. Wil- the visitons. pressed the appreciation , ai liam Prower, Miss Mae- Bottreil, The tapie, «"Educatian" was Nestieton W.I. for the oppon- Mns. Frank Bottreli, Mrs. G. W. an education lu itself as dealt tunîty ai visiting Mapie Grave. Lee, Mrs. Lea Goulah, Mrs. D. with by Miss R. Proutt, Miss A friendship cirele ivas form- Leddy, Mrs. Glenholme Hughes, Gwen Wilson, Mrs. Cecil Wil- ed for a happy social time while Miss Mary Lee, Mrs. Joseph son and Mm~. G. Thampson. Mrs. Jeffney and hen gnoup Trudeau and Mrs. E. P. Monnili. Gleaningrs fnom expenience in served refneshments. At the C.W.L. meeting Mon- living, expenience in Teaching Next meeting ane week eaniy, day evening Mrs. George Young and irom intelligent observa- Octoher 7th, on account of-j was elected treasunen ai the tion as indicated by these la- Thanksgiving, Mrs. K. Kuhke League following the resigna- dies wene that the founidation charge and pictunes wiil be tion ai Mrs. Genrard Wilson for good education shouid be shown ons the tapie, Agriculture. who 15 mavingtto Peterborough. laid in the home, where desir- Foilowing the meeting a de- able sociai habits are establish- liciaus lunch was served by ed, whene childnen's minds arne ELIZAPF!TTVTL Mrs. Tam Mastersan, Mrs. Mar- kept open and enquiring and ganet Mahoney, Mns. R. Labrec- onque ai-d Mrs. Wilfred LaBine. whene it is learned that tasiks 1he Home and Sehool met o Cards wene then enjoyed. leit undane or pooriy doue is Tuesday e v e n i n g at PineI wasted time. Children flot pro- Grave school. Finst vice-presi- perly tnained at home is pon dent Mrs. C. Elliatt, Garden i~~L~,,A sehool economy. Hill, accupied the chair. The ýf ubandsï. Funther foundation for edu- meeting opened xith reading~ cation is the tools supplied b fte d by . . eatGnt Pcp Vur ; 5cc knaolwle eimangted, boindsty. Thousands of couple.ç are s wnc,~rn-out, knoiege imared mnd hI was planned ta have the I ehausted because b'ody I:c' s lr ýn. 'rn should be trained ta think in- Home and Sehool speaker, Mrs. I -ouflSr feeling after 40, try Ole<T-: dependentiy since he who rabiets. Contaiii iron for r.w cs', .vi-1; rius thiks or imsii s nt esi1 Curtis speak at the ieixt meet- ,ipplernent dose \'itamnin 13laEsa ' id led inta mass thinking. The ing ta be held at Beech Hilli 4 lts. of lis or, 16 Ibs. of bref»L. purpose ai educatian is not just sehool. 1ud'Iâ j oS1t"'ol i' ' ta rovde ondlysucess ~ The November meeting is ta i ronossy size and sisve Ïie Ail druZý;isti. penficial knowiedge is useless but real knawledge leads ta things worth while. A persan with litile sehool education and ..... doing menial labor may have Ys great knowledge and may aiso have an appreciation ai thet The father i finer things ai lufe. Thus, agoi though lacking supenficiai sa- The nurse is saving regularfy agrw ciai contacts he may be an edu- fnr aj, ,,natinr, rin.. Haip's B-A Srvice Station CORNER KING AND WAVERLEY ROAD Nurse and father both agree that same things are too important ta leave to chance. So, like mast Canadians, each uses a chartered bank for pianned saving, making regular deposits to accomplish a definite purpose. Your own savings plan may bc a short-terni, modcst one - miaybe a vacation trip, or new drapes for the living room. Or your goal may be long-range, like pros iding more security, greater camiort and independence for you and your family. But whatever use You find for the money yau save, you'll always be glad -,ou sdved it! Sav'e ai a bank - millions dot A', 'I THECIAITRE-BANKS SERVING. TOUlt ÇoMMtwU;'T'ç Allen Faster playing soit organ music. The palîbarers were Mesm IArthur Thompson, Miltan Rob. inson, Roy Mercen and Bert Holiand of Kendal, Robert Tho- mas aI Orona and Alec Thomp- son of Toronto. Same of týhe flower bearers wene frqmti firm where he had warXR é'~ many beautiful floral 3iud bespoke the lave and esteemn in which Robert was held. He was always neady to lend a help- ing hand ta his parents and neighbouns and will long be remembened for hîs kindnesiz, The heartfelt sympa'r- -1ao friends and neighbaurý,$#oes out ta Mn. and Mrs. Aie5Làder in the loss af their beloved son. Interment was in Onono cerne- tery. N. Darlington ORDER. N1OW ae ind assure your home of 4aving a steady supply of heat ail winter! USE THE BEST PHONE MA 3-3136 6 a THE e-ààNAl)L4N STAT23m". 2077BL&NVHIJZ ONTAPM PAGE IMGRT TRU DAT. SEPT. 2etIL lm mgr --41q v 6

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