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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1957, p. 10

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PA ??X AADA TTEMN EWAVfE NTXOTHiDY OT Ot,15 Orono Wins Truck Meet ln First Tri-School Event Orono High School's leading Plan Event athletes attained a total of 189 Arranigements and plans for points to win the Inter-School the meet were made by the Track and Field Trophy at Or- physîcal education teachers of ana on Friday. This was the the participating schools. They first such meet ta be held by included Mrs. Marjorie St. John Durham County's three smaller and S. B. Rutherford, Orono; high schoois. R. Bowles and Miss J. McAr- Second place went ta Miil- thur, Blackstock:, R. W. Goheen brook who had a ninepon and H. Williams, Millbrook. edge over Blackstock with 108., It is hoped that this wiil be- It was the girls f rom Millbrook came an annual event be.cause who figured primarily in the of its value in teaching fine bigh scaring for the day. They sportsmanship ta the students were selected as the champions of these schools. in ahl three divisions, and theirChmin high scores helped compile the Champion.lrdi h 117 score.Chmin dclrd nte variaus divisions were as fol- Ideal Weather iows: Senior girls, Helen Clear cool weather helped Wright-, Intermediate girls, make the event a huge success. Gail Lawson; Junior girls, Nor- More than 250 students from ma Earle, ail of Millbrook. Sen- the three schools were in at- ior boys, Marshall Keast, Oro- tendance ta cheer their entries. na: Intermediate boys, Wayne The athletes competing were I Bailey, Orono; Junior boys, Ar- winners of the prelimînary dis McArthur, Blackstock. events held at their respective Winners of the many events schools the previaus week. are as follows: Opening ceremonies commen- Senior Boys ced sharply at 9.45 arn. with 10yadD h-rcCre h atcipnsprdn to. ton, Marshall Keast (tied), Or- their positions in front of the n D alEreMlbok grandstand at Oxono Fair Rana;Dnalrd alMillbrk C-r'riN.After the NationaljRnigBoa upMr .~ , h~v~wa~nlived the Rev. shaîl Keast, Orono; Eric Carie- B. Lo f Orono United tan, Orono; Donald Earle, Miil- Church. officiallY opened the brook event \vith the Athlete's Plarv- Discus-Philip Long, Orono,; er. Special flags were placed in Wayne Challice, Millbrook; J. standards in a ceremony resern- Bowers, Blackstock. bling that at the Olympics. 220 y-d. Dash-Marshall Keast, Extends Welco*me Orono; Erie Carleton, Orono; Mn. W. W. Watt, principal of! Ralph Ponter, Millbrook. Orono High School. welcomed Pale Vault - Ralph Porter, everyone. Orono were hasts and Millbrook; Wayne Challice, their teaching staff arranged Millbrook; Ted Schwartz, Black-, for the opening prognam and» stock. other facilities which proved a Shot Put-Phil Long, Orono: highlight of the meet. Mr. G.I Andy Sutch, Orono; Wayne Paisley, principal of Blackstock1 Challice, Millhrook. High School and Mr. R. W. Go- High Jump - Eric Carleton, heen, principal of Millbrook Ororia; Manshall Keast, Orono: High School, gave the visitors' J. Bowers, Blackstock. response ta the weîcome. Hop-Step Jump-Eric Carle- Mn. J. Henderson, Assistant! ton, Orono: J. Bowers, Blaclc- Director of Physical Education1 stock, R. Porter, Millbroak. tramOshaa, ade he pes- Relay - Orono, Millbrook, entatian of the flags and open-î 880 yard ý, mile-Marshali cd the event. Mr. Hendersani was track and field referee for 1 Keast, Orono; David Imlach,! the meet. His services wcne ob- Orono; J. Bowers, Milibnook. tained with the assistance of the Intefrmediate Boys Department of Education. The1 100 yard Dash-Wayne Bai- schools were quite fortunate in ley, Orono: Don Roughley, Or- obtaining the services of such ana: Glen Eanle, Mllbnook. an experienced person as re- Discus-Dick Rutherford, Or- feree. ana; Wayne Bailey, Orono; kb' T? Fresh Produce Cape Ced, beep Red, Fancy CRANBERRIES 1 lb. pkg. 19C Delicieus, Virginia, Golden SWEET POTATOES 3 lbs. 1 9c Mild, Flavourful, Waxed TURNIPS lb. .5c Best for baking and French Frics MARSH POTATOES 5 lb. poly bag 2.3c "dFEATURE" Ciilverhonse Choice 20-oz. Uin CREAM CORN 2 For 33c "-FEATURE" - 28-oz. Uin Stokely's Glenn Earle, Miilbrook. Running Broad-Dick Ruth- erford, Orono; Wayne Baiiey, Orano. Glenn Earle, Millbrook. High Jump-A. Asseistine, Biackstock; Jim Green. Orona: G. Brown, Blackstock. 220 Yard Dash -G. B17own, Blackstock, Don Roughley, Or- ono, (tied); Dîck Rutherford, Orono. Shot Put-Wayne Bailev, Or- on;L. Ashton, Blackstack; I Malcolm McKenzie, Orono. Pole Vault-G. Brown, Blâck- stock; C. Wilson, Biackstock; Jim Green, Orona. Hop-Step Jump-L. Ashton, Blackstock; Dick Rutherford, Orono; Wayne Bailey, Orono. 880 Yard, ½, mile-A. Assel- stine, Blackstock; Don Lycett, Orono; Cameron Porter, Mill- brook.1 tRelay - Orono, Blackstock, Millbrook.1 junior Boys 100 yard Dash-Ardis MeAr- thus, Blackstock, Doug Martin, Orono; Larry Gibbs, Miilbrook. High Jump-Ardis McArthur, Blackstock;, Larry Gibbs, Miil- brook; Peter Maartense, Orono. Discus - A r d i s McArthur, Blackstock;, Lawrence Butt, Blackstock; Ed Bobee, Mill- brook. 220 yard Dash-Doug Martin, Orono; Ardis McArthur, Black- stock; Winston Olan, Millbrook. Running Broad Jump - Ed Bobee, Millbrook, Don Dan- chuk, Orona; Ardis McArthur, Blackstock. Pale Vault - David Challice, Millbrook; Don Danchuk, Or- ana; Garry Hopkins, Miiibrok Shot Put-Peter Stuart, iI brook; Peter Maartense, Obrono; Rager Barlow, Orono. Hop-Step Juxpp-Harny Wien- sma, Blackstock; Peter Maan- tense, Orono; Ardis McArthun, Blackstock. 880 yard-1/2 mile-Peter Stu- art, Millbrook; Merrill Graham, Orono; Ed Bobee, Millbrook. Relay - Orono, Millbnook, Blackstock. Senior Girls High Jump - Helen Wright, Millbrook; Ruth Prosser, Black-, stock; Joyce Harris, Orano. Running Br o ad - Heleni Wnîgt, ilbrook; Ruth Pros- séren, Blackstaock; Sue Foster, Or- ana. Standing B ro ad - en Wright, Millbrook; Canal Grant, Orono; Ruth Prosser, Black- stock. Basebaîl Throw-Ruth Pros- scr, Blackstock; Jo Ann Frial, Millbnook; Joan Alldred, Orono. FINEST SELECTION OP iANADIAN POULTRY Lowest Prices SWIFT'S PREMIUM - Fuliy Cooked - Raif or Whole Doneless Ham - - - m Lb. 73c SWIFT'S PREMIUM - R..nd Enla RUMP RoaSI - - -a -Lb. 65C SW]IFT'S BROOKFIELD Sausage Meat i Lb. Pkg. 39c SWIFT'S PREMIUM 1-1b. celle pkg. Franks - - - a a a a 39c SWIf'S PREMIUM Bologna a a a -a Lb. 29c Thanksgiving Besi Buys STOKELYS - Fancy - 15-or. tin HONEY POD PEAS 2 for 31c AYLMER - Fancy - Crushed PINEAPPLE 2 ti2nfr 7 ROSE BRAND MARGARINE 4 Ibs. $1.00 ROBIN HOOD - Family Size 21-oz. WHITE or CHOCOLATE CAKE MIXES 3 for $1.00 frNVPumpkin 2 for 35c STUFFED MANZANILLAS McLaren 's Olives tee Box 3 9c 100 Off Ma pie Leaf Soap Fia kes 6 7c OCEAN SPRAY - 15-oz. tUn SUPREME - 51 Gauge - 15 Denier Cranberry Sauce 2.5 c NYLONS - pr. 8 9C LIBBY'S FANCY- 25-oz. fin GOLDEN HOUR - 1-lb, box MINCEMEAT a 43c CHOCOLATES 89C LIBBY'S GREEN PEAS. 12-oz. pkg - ----- 3 for 59e BIRDS EYE STRAWBERRIES, 15-oz. pkg.- - ------ 39e F ROZEN FOODS BIRDS EYE ORANGE JUICE, 6-oz. tUn------ 2 for 35o BIRDS EYE CUT GREEN BEANS, 10-oz. pkg.- 27e THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLB - Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Biyth's Market Mr. Sam Hall, who has beer. suffering with an attack of the flu, is improving slowly. Mrs. H. Larmer was in Osh- awa one day last week. The frost has wreaked havoc on ail the beautiful flowers and the flower gardens are looking very dejected. Mr. Jack Smith, who under- went surgery in Memorial Hos- pital on Tuesday of last week, is recovering siowly but was; unabie to return home as soon as was expected due te some slight complication. Watch for the announcement1 of the bouse parties to re-com- mence this month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone, in an effort to swell the Church Hall Building Fund. Further detaiLs as to date will be announced shortly. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pedersen and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Jensen, Bowmanville. Mrs. M. Gardiner, St. Cath- arines, was a weekend guest of Mrs. Caughîll. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton. spent the weekend in Tweed with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard spent the weekend in Trenton tat the home of their son, Ross Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke spent the weekend in Consecon with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Me- Kenna are enjoying a motar trip ta the East Coast. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams, accornpanied by Mrs. T. G.! Breck spent the 'veekend in Kingston at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Breck. Mrs. T. G. Breck remained and wil take up residence there. Little Kenny and Billie Sin- clair are suffering from an attack of the flu. Best wishes for a swift return to hea]th. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hall who have been residents here for the past two -,ears wiIl be leaving SOOfY.-to live tiear Kit- chener. Community,-wili them both very iitieh as~ thev have been veryv earnest wori<- ers in church and cormiînity affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Llo ' d Mark'ý and family, Sunderland, calledé on Mr. and Mrs. George Allisori on Saturday. BMr. and Mrs. Dan Knapp. Bowmanville; Mr. ai-d Mrs. Murrav Knapp, Oshavw.e, uw<re Suindiiav vsitors ofi.1r. atid '4s. Stan McCU11ougli. Quite a niuiber of children aeabsent from school thisj we being EÂck with thefLU,. lotl yard Dash-Helen Wright:, Millbrook; Anne Woodyard, Or- ono; Sue Foster, Orono. Intermediate Girls Running Broad -Joan Allin, Orono; Marlon Lunn. Millbrook; Francis Staniland. Blackstock. High Jump-Joan Allin, Or- ona: Frances Staniland, Black- stock; Gail Lawson, Millbrook. Basebali Throw--Gail Law-, son, Millbrook; Madelon Alien,ý Orono; Jane Knox, Orono. Standing Broad-Gail Law-! son, Millbrook, Nicole Forrest,! Blackstock; Marilyn Liesemer,j Milibrook.l 100 yard Dash -Nicole For-, rest, Biackstock: Frances Stan-! iland, Blackstock, Gail Lawsonl Millbrook, (tied). Junior Girls High Jump-Jopie Duivest- eyn, Blackstock; Norma Earle, Millbrook; Roma Glanville, Or- R~unning Broad-Heather Ru-. therfor', Orono; Bernice Lar- mer, Blackstock; Norma Earie, Millbrook. Standing Broad - Norma Earle, Millbrook; Heather Ru- therford, Orono; Jopie Duives- teyn, Blackstock. Basebail Throw - Norma Earle, Miilbrook; Arlene Neal, Orono; Joan Manley, Millbrook. 75 yard Dash-Brenda Lunn,l Millbroek; Heather Rutherford, Orono; Norma Earie, Millbraok.1 Relay-Millbrook and Orono (tied), Blackstock. Junior Farmers: Plan Banquet For Nov. 2nd On Wednesday, Sept. 25th the Durham County Junior Farmn- ers held their regular meeting in Orono. Dr. J. H. Werry D.V.M. tram Bowmanville, spoke to the boys on diseases of animais. He aut- iined the causes and symptoins of some of the common diseases and then told methods of treat- ing them. The girls were privileged 10 see slides which EarlaCh- man took an a vîsit ta Europe iast summer. During the business meeting plans were made for aur annual banquet and dance. The ban- quet wil] be held an Saturday. Nov. 2nd in Orono United Church and the dance at the hall. Admission for the banque: was set at $1.75. Tickets for the dance wili be sold at the doar with prices set at 50c. for those attending the banquet and 75c. for those attending only the dance. Margaret Aiken was put in1 charge of obtaining a debating team for the county. An invitation ta attend the Brooklin Junior Farmers' Meet- ing on Oct. 3rd, was accepted.. The meeting closed with gamnes directed by Beatrice Craig and. Marlon Buttery. We weicorne' the new members and hope tg sec more senior 4-H club mecm- bers coming ta Junior Farmers. On Sunday, Oct. 6th the an- nual church service was heid in St. Paul's Anglican Church. 1 Perrytown. Mrs. S. J. Gray of R. R. No. 1, Port Hope, was tht guest speaker. The township Junior Farmer group provided special music. The offering was sent ta help support the agri- cultural missionary, Rev. . Connor of India. BURKETON More Comfort Gas Less Cost this win fer with LENNOX Ncitural Gas Heating Equipment CHEAPER MORE COMPETITIVE MODELS AVAILABLE Natu-ral Gas Installations are cheaper to install, economical, cleaner, quieter, with free furnace cleanouts and 24-heur service. Sensation of the [0W PRICE FIELD fPay less and get more-amazing but truc with Ruud-Paçemaker automatic GAS Water Heaters. iNever have so few dollars bouglit %o much instant, automatic water heater value. Just look at the features: immersion heat tube design, twin-dial fuel contrai, automatic safety pilot, fully auto niatic hot water service, and rnany. Proms $120' LJi". DO YOU LIVE ON ONE 0F THESE STREETS? 'If you live on one of the following streets 3'oU will be able to save on heating and cooking with Naturel Gai. Gai main extensions are pro- gressing in these areas and will be completed shortly on Liberty St. from King to Southway Drive; Prince St. from Liberty to Simpson; Jane St. from Liberty te Simpson; Southway frein Liberty te Simnpson; Flett frein Jane te Southway; Orchardview from Jane to Southway; Simpson frein Queen to Southway and High St. North and ISouth. Y.. are indor nes-obligation whon you gel ail the lacis from usè CALL US FOR AN APPGINTNENT Aie E. COLE lathorizod C.muumons GCas. Co. Dealsi Licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board Io sonUadi inslali gaz appliances ai ail kindi. 55 King St.W. Bowmanville PhoneMA 3-3348 E 1, , Best for Cookimng and cm lmne too! GAS BURNERS f rom $250 O stle from $ 6 per month on your gai bill GAS FURNACES from $4010 u ntl from $ 8.00 permot en your gas bill 1 Tm C-&.NADL4» STATESM". gowmANVMLLF. ONTAMO T=SDAY, OCT. lnth, 19ST PACM ime atural

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