TRURSDAY, OCT. lmt, 1951 TH!E CANADLIN STATESM, DOWMANVIJ4E.ONTARIO ; Wright, 3t. Catharines, woi g visiting M. and Mrs.- L. J. Probem o Intrestng Bradford, Tuscon, Arizona. Prooiem orIMr.restdnMr,, Ted Werry are ~ :,. A ;siu;ng with Mr. and Mrs. B. Teeuager in Actvites . .VeaeMurdochvile, Que- Mr. and Mrs. H. Copeland @ and Wayne, Oaiwood, were How cen local teenagers he brought ta the cammitice again wMr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton ikide interested in the many at the next meeting. wee Sunday teat Ruests af Mr. N %vities available ta them Little N.H.L. In Action 1and Mrs. Allan Wêrry's. e 1Itheis question s pard Mi. RIgg reported there would! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, ]eng Th iscqussion sat tedR e be a meeting af the minor hoc- Haydon, Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred eagthio cusarton tmth Re key coaches Thursday (tonight) Toms, were tea guests of Mr. creetion eai teLints Cntre ta iscuss plans for the season. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, Osth- mtirsda enionsf ete. othe Ontario Little N.H.L. awa.I Thusda evnin oflas wek.Committee are planning a meet- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland There are several activities ing in Bowmanville sometime attended the Burns - Sankey operated by the department in February ta plan for the On- wedding an Saturday in Osh- which are open ta teenagers. taria playoffs being held here awa. W Recreatixn Director Doug Rigg this year. Mrs. Joyce Hacket ad girls, ai informed the members. Whai Bowmanville's Little N.H.L. saa e0Wdnsa iî-T poses the problem is how can Committee will be holdinga rs af Mn. and Mns. E. McNalr. an we interest them in these acti- meeting on Tuesday, October Misses Doreen Tnewin and- Vities, he stressed. 15, to discuss their plans for the Sheila Alfin, ai Bowmanvile, Many Uninterested huge eveni. It is expected aven speni the weekend with their Just what certain teenagers 500 children. their coaches and grandpanents, Mr. and Mrs. CEN would like ta do for entertain- team managers will be in Bow- Hor, shwa ment and recreetion is uincer- manville for the three day . aond Os. EWihBt tain, one ai the membens said. during the taurnament. ay r.and Larsnce WrgtuBe- Swimming, badminton, Teen Teen Town Elections day tea guests at Mr. and Mns. Town are amang the necreation 'reen Town are holding their M. Heard's.1 cdepartment's activities alneadY election ai officens ai their next MrJ.A ey, r.adW available. vet manv' are unin- dance Friday, Ociober 11, M. Mr. . A. Werry, M.And tyWa terested in them. Rigg said. He also informed the Janre, in campany with Dr. and sio Bowmanx'ille High School has members that dance classes had 'Mrs. George James. Bowman- Mn R"rn classes that thev cauld ai- jumped in ennolment Ihis year ville, and Miss Heather James, of tendin ddiionta he lases ith86 negistratians alneady. 'were Satunday evening dinner D in arts and crafts operaied by Bowmenville Training School guests of Mr. and Mns. Leslie sa,: the Recreatian Depertment. Mr. authorities have euthorized th Keîth, af Toronto. Fai Rigg p)ointed out. It was agneed department ta use the pool forMr and Mns. L. Allingham r thet the question should be swimnming instruction ibis year hm V and enrolment is expected ta be Clare* and David, Oshawa, were has high in these classes. 1Sundey visiiors ai Mr. and Mrs. hou sW. Hawell's. sist IMr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton ch.] E NS IL N attended the Burns - Sankeý-y day and elsa aiienided the Ma- Mai 4Serv ice Club met ai the home 1 gee - May wedding in Toronto. mai ai Mrs. R. Lamb on Oct. 2.1 Mr. and Mî's. E. A. Werny and ed The new executive for 1957-~58 Betty Jane were dinner guesis X were elected as follows: Presi- on Sunday at Mr. and Mns. Wil- ed dent, Mrs. A. Leedbeaten; Vice- lis Woad's, Millbrook. irar c ~ President, Mrs. A. Wenry; Se- Scretary, Mrs. W. Griffin; Assist I Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Yeo betl ~"ant Secretary. Mrs. R. Virtue Mr adNil eD iS ur a Treasuner, Mns. R. Lamb, As- geon Lake, an Sunday. D -..sistant Treasurer, Mrs. E. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake and Nair; Gift Cammittee, Mrs. W. Peter, Miss Nancy Lake,, New- E. Robsan; Hospital commit- cestie, were recent visilors at tee, Mrs. W. Gniffin. Lunch was Mr. an'd Mrs. Ross Sharp's. served by Mrs. A. Leadbeaien, M.adMn.R eeil is Mrs. W. E. Rabson, and the with Mrs. Hilda Crosman, hostess. The next meeting will Haydon. be a Hallowe'en perty on Oct. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, A DUIRO PIJMP 23, et the home af Mns. W. E. Lais and Charles, attended the Meaa eterLiinZ! Robson. MaGee nuptials in St. John's Nl«m ette Livng M Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard, nc- Chapel in Taronto on Saturday DUR Waer ys- companied Mr. and Mrs. E, when Mr. Ashian's nephew, URwR ater Sys- Wright, Betty and Lawrence, Bull May. was married. They 0 te, svesus res, pre a vstMis Greta Spnoule, also spent the weekend with naed it ta are Cannlngtan, anid Rev. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrisan's, ___i ..adst urcn Wm. Parker, Oillia. Master Toronto. venincea" oinoIf dail3i Dean Heard returned home fram lie. Oillia haspital with themn for DURO Puimpo are avail a vîsit. aMein lau aàes to mint n Mr. Leslie Thompson, Bow-R v .M r a divdul edd. eoyor rnanvlle, visited with Mr. L ev A Mrg for fuit information or write . Mr. and Mrs. Rass Page, vis-~ Spe aker at kw FPRJE folder, *'Euslnn ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred xW ,the a. FN essi*,'. Bennett, Newcastle. The C.G.I.T. girls' Veriety b n z r A x Concert in Community HalEb n zelA x Oct. 18 and 19. See Coming Courtice: The October nieet- Events for furiher paticulars. îng of Ebenezer Evening Aux- Mr. and Mrs. . Walter Oke iliany was held ai the home of were visitars oi Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jack Pearce with Mrs. R. Ted Carier, Cansecan. Slack and Mrs. W. McKnight Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carr, end1 assisting. Ttie meeting opened boys, Bowmanville, were with with a Thaniksgîving poemi by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. the president, Miss Ann Hall. Mr. and Mns. Kelth McGiil Aller a short business period end Dale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrp. J. Pearce led the deva- Sam Piper, Meple Grave. tianal. An inienesting story Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin and about the Pirst Thanksgiving Canal, Mimico. Mr. and Mrs. C. wae given; Mrs. Pearce was as- E. Horn, Oshawa, were Sunday sisted by Mrs. R. Slack who teet guests, ai Mr. and Mn.. Earl read the scripture passage. Trewln. The ladies were pleased to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olde, Lon- have Rev. T. A. Morgan of PS& SO TNE~ don, in company ai Mr. and Bowmanville as guesi. Hein s SOFTENEL6Mns. Nra Olde, New Zea- traduced the current siudy LIXII'ED pn land, spent a few days with Mr. book "Cross and Criais in W> O0 N - CANA D) J. A. Werry and iemily. Japan" and "This is Jepan." ____________________ Mn. and Mn.. A. Leadbeater 1 Mr. Morgan made Ibis ialk very attended the 75th Annivensary interesiing as he related his dinner and dance ai Canadien expeniences wiih Japanese peo- A c il BROUGE Wheelman's Assoc5ation held ai ple, Iheir cuslom's and rlg Mension House Hotel, Toronto, ions. ILU BIN ad HATIG an Seiurdey and also called ail Mr. Jim Cryderman fevouned their parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. with ? piano solo. A social i Division g(kaeet South Leadbeaten. ' ime was enjoyed. MA 8-5615 BOWMANVILLE Mn. and Mns. N.E. Wright ls _______________________holidaying ai the home af theirl ___________daughter, Miss Marguerite MÀYDON xeekend ai Stnaiford. ANTI- FR EZEMn. J. Poils, Tommy and ANTI-REEZEDebbie, spent the weekend nt Collingwood. Mr. Thomas Polis Check hase connections. radiator and hevjng spent the week with his thermostat and instali GM. anti-freeze son, Mn. J. Polis returned la bis home ai Callingwoad. Medium cars - Only $7.30 Miss Joan Little spent thie weekend ai Caiborne. The concert an Fridev even- ing wes x'eny weli attended. ML'_ SIMONZE SPCIALE. A. Summers showed Pil SIM ON ZE SP CIALtures of calves and swine Ihat Includes dlean body' scum and were taken et the feins. He told ai the school fair which power polish then wvax wes held some yeens ega at Large cars En$ 1.00 le ad Haptn.Dr. teresting pictures thal he* took Medium cars $00 on his trip out west. Other *I.Unumbens on tepormwr duels end severel instrumentais and e reeding by Mrs. J. Jones. W.A. meeting will be held ai R O SON MOT RS Rev. and Mrs. JacksorWs, ., L IMITED Sundey School Sunday ater- BOICK - PONTIAC- G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER noon et 2 p.m. Church Service at 3 p.m. 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3121 M-r. and Mrs. Fred Cowîîng, Biackstock, Mr. and Mns. Frfe- !an Hepburn, Oshawa. visalco Mni. I. Croszmanx.M to $25zOO Mark Diamond Anniversarv B LAC STOCK "The Definite Expenence". 13ail and Ms. ny o BLACK TOCKDoii't misis the Thanksgiving ranta, visited their mother. Mrs. sc, vicesý in bath churches iJeo. Proutt Caesarea, and sis. One gentlemen ai aur north' Suîidav moning. Rev. L. ter, Mnr. ana Mrs. Stanfard Van village wha ceî7tainl- desenves F. Rowýý. Reetor ai Ininisfii, wil.' i Camp and iamily. greel praise is Mr. Richard WVall be tihe spc.aker in the Anglican ! Miss Gertrude Henry, Toron. fon bis selection and cane af the church, Rev. P. Ramienil in the to a,'es home for the week-end. ilowers in front and around the United Church. Mrs. R. Fard is spending a Centrai Public Sehool. Ail samif Anglican C h u rc h Bo's' week with friends in Detnoit imer the drive-way lies been Leagué coînmeiced tbèir fa]! C.G.I.T. and Explorer girls suraunded by a mass af bloamo nni last Friday eveiug e' nd their leaders bad a pleasant and eal eeuy. Ay wed~.and the Girls' Junior Auxiiiar-v efternoozi ai Cream af Barley did you sey?ý Well1, whoever sav i, ta have ils firsi meeting l~ Saturdey. gaod land thât weeds ,%ôuldrý*t; Fnidev nighi. A good many fnom hère ai- gnow an, but ':vI. Wall wes Dr. and Mrs. Jck Maniowv, tnded Markham fair Frlday righl thene and -nipped theni .ohnny and Janie, Liveiy, ar'e or Saturdey. in the bud." spedi e week with their ne- Mrs. Jas. Parr visited hen sis- Another sbower was beld in latives here. ter, Mrs. Levi McGiil, erb. tbe recreation centre Saturdav AMn- P.W'oodward,, Point a it ugh, Saturday nigbi, this lime in honor ai Mr. and Mns. Richard Van Camp. Dalton Donneil acted chairmari for a good pnognam, Ihen on be- hali ai the communily congra- T HE NORWOOD FAI R ftulaied the bride and groomr and pnesented the table fullif (hnkgvn WeeaiheLs ndteBs 1gits. B th R ichard and R uby I ( h n s i i g W e e d h e t a d t e B s re li d.M uicf r he da ce wa .T W O0 8 G ]q O L ID A Y S pravided by Mns. Deve Wilson,; Mr. Stuart Hooey, Tyrone, A;- SATURDAY, October 121h MONDAY, October 141h lA ang iprve ebs bée Band Concert by C. G. E. Grand Openlng Parade mAdeianiauromniiyHas b i Pipe Band at Town Square et 12 faon shàrp madeon ur ommnit Ha'.. and Fair Gnound at 12 noon Ileaded by Havelock Killy A doarway bas béen cut and Band, beautiful golden Palo. a lobby built at the sauth Fair Officially Openied by mina hanses and high step- side ta gain entrantetaFrspn akepots.Bu- the clenk's office wbich wesI Thé 'Hon. Leslie M. Frost, pin ae polesBeau- iitled up in tbe easi end ôî the Premier of Ontario cluding ti- Norwood Lions besement lest yean but until now At 1 p.m. wlnnlng float li 3-mile teians * esai Ibe hll, the "S6mething for Everyhody" parade ai Peterbonough stais Ateastof he hll, henConvention In lune). At- godown ta tbe office. A room Heavy Horses. Dairy Cattle, tractive enîertaimenît ea. as been parlitianed off in the Sheep and Swine. tunes. lighi hanse and Hack- sauth-wesî corner af basement I arnes. mnd Pony Races. ney pany show (finest east ion the Agnicuitunel Society Chanmpionship of 'Taronto). Thrilling harn- and e good sidewalk built frair I Temm Drawlng Contest. csi and roadsten races. Beef the sireet ta the lobby. Then a Square and Tmp Dancing, caille including Santa Ger- generel face-lifting was donet Amateur Conleats. trudis (the new beef bneed) wben aIl the doôrs were paint- Midway and Rides. and the $15,000 W. H. R. ed green which sets off the (Biggest yet) Henefond bull. ouistanding. w hite building. D a u p s n h r h r The manniage ai Margaret Ctme on Saiundmy - 'Meel Due! pur o s . mdShniou Ruth Hobbs and Donald Mur- anid Greet the Premier. and Betier Baby Show ray McKînnon, bath ai Ceeserea Corne early. Judged on Monday. wes solemnized in the United From the Officiai Opening at faon Saiunday by the Premier Churcb parsonege Salurday of Ontario to the Bit Rarn Dance In Main Building on evening, Rev. P. Ramenil offi- Monday nlgbt "Somethlng Doln.- Eveny Minute". ciating. T i at e b xf i v r o ei atnrf r The U nited Church w es ai- T i . 1 . M a r e e y n s w ll g f r mst illed Sunday morning G. A. BRETHEN STAN FISHER when Communion service was President Secretary Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bowman celebrated their 6Oth vedding anniversary on Sept. 29 with a family gathering ýthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman, Enniskillen. .he couple received many congratulatory messages, cards id gifts on this happy occasion. Mr. & Mrs. W. Bowmcin )iamond Anniverscary Thé home of Mr. and Mrs. gis from friends. ilfrid 13owman, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Sprack- as the scene of a happy occa- ling presented Mr. and Mrs. on on Sept. 29th when Mr. and Bowman with a corsage and rs. T. R. Bawman, formerly boutonniere and their family 1Blackstock, celebrated their gave them 60 roses. amond Wedding Anniver- Family members present 'y. Mrs. Bowman is the for- were the host and hostess and er Emnma Norris of Mount children, Mr. Erle Bowman, rest, Ont. California; Mr. and Mrs. How-l With Mr. Bowman just out of ard Grass, Carl and Barbara, )spital there was no open Columbus; Mrs. Allan McDon- :use. About 20 relatives con- aid, Miss Mary McDonald. Bar- ting af children and grand- rie; Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey jiidren gathered for a mid- Bowman, Miss Mary, Helen and iy luncheon which was serv- Roland; Mr. A. J. Tamblyn, 1by grand-daughters Misses Orono. ary Helen and Laura Bow- Others who called during the an and Barbara Grass, assist- day were: Mrs. Wilbert Archer, 1by Mrs. Ivor Sprackling. Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Orlin M,'r. and Mrs. Bowman receiv- Dabail, Marvin Daboîl, Fen-1 1congratulatory messages wick; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bea, 1 om* Her Majesty Queen Eliza- Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthu dh, Prime Minister Diefen- Grass, Columbus; Mr. and Ms. ier, and the Hon. George 'vison Tamblyn, Judy and anbar with many C'ards and Brian, Orono. held. Rev. Romenil spoke on h Important Gas Rate Reduction News.. NATURA&L GAS AUTOMATiC WATER USERS.0.0. NEW SAVE up FILL IN THIS COUPON AND SEND IT IN TODAY 0 0 9 TO GET THIS OPTIONAL RATE YOU MUST APPLY FOR IT HEA TER Typlea! Automatte Gaz Water Heater OPTIfOrA (APPLICABLE TO DGMESTIC ROT WA TER HEATING ONLY) it may *CUSTOMERS' ACCOUNTJNG DEPT., *CONSUMERS' GAS, COMPANY, 35 KING ST. E., OSHAWA, ONT. 1 have a Natural Gas AUTOMATIC Water Heater. 1 hereby apply for the NEW OPTIONAL Natural Gas Rate for Automatic Water Heating (and any othe 1 additional use) subject to this Optional Rate being to e my advantage. * The following Natural Gas burning equipment is *installed in my home. Automatic Water Heater ( ) Range è House Heating Refigratô Heater NAA e A D D RESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Q~ozwumw'Ç~a, PAGt ELX'Vft for RATE YEAR la