PAGE TEf oe CANAD!AII 8?Â!~B~i, EOWMANVILLZ. ONTAE!O THURSDAY, OCT. 1'7th, 1957 Four Years With Liféguard-s Barber to Queen' s Cavalry. During 1936 Coronation Now Working in Shop Here Former Lif eguards Barber Syd By Ron Oke Escorte ta English Sovereign- ty, front lino soldiers and gen-1 tiemen of the eaim are Brit- ian's fameci Househoid Cavalmv regiments, the Lifeguards and the Royal. Homeguards. Their regtîlar duty je the guarding of Whitehail Palace and the surrounding govern- ment buildings in London. Ho-w ever. when a mountod escort ii required for royalty or otheý dignitartes, the Hniusehoid Cav alry are aiwa ' s caiied upon t( mnder service. Possossing a more than fam iiiar knowiedge of the Hanse hold Cavalry ie Syd Martin wh( along with bis father had th( af being a member of 'the Household Cavalry. Admission equirements ta the Cavalry are high. Mr. (ar- tin said, but there is alwam aa long waiting list of prospens. Upon being accepted. a. retruit goes through an 18-month tigin- ing program cluding armsdrîll riding and came of hor$es. Ugual term o! service is eight years. Although a. recruit has bis choice o! which regiment hé would like ta join, he is initally sent ta the regiment whica te in training at Windsor. He may tranefer later. Besides having civilian bar- bers, each regiment bas its own civilian shoemakers, electrîc- ians and tailors. Howevem, the Master Tailor is aiways a reg- ular member o! the egixxent. SColourful Unitormi A notable feature o! the IHou- sehold Cavalry is its striking uniforme. Bath regiments Wear full length Wellingtan boots. skin tigbtý britches. cheet and back protection plates. and a emaîl heimet. Distinguishing the twa regiments is the Lîfeguards white plume and red tunic and the Royal Horseguards' med Sauy S Foreign Investment ils Type of Tranquilizer Canada is playing with "a, deadly type of tranquillizer" by permitting foreign investment ta run unbidled in this coun- try, W. R. Strike, vice-chair- man of Ontario Hydro, declared yesterday in an address ta the Electric Club of Toronto. He said the large foretgn in-; vestment acte like a tranquilli- zer because at pinesent it ap- pears ta offset the large amount of goode that xve import. He warned that as the for- eigne-owned companies grow, profite fmom them wili leave the country and have a serious ef- fect on the economy. Aiea, thel parent companies wouid neyer permit their Canadian subsidi- aies ta compete wvith the par- ent firme, he stated. 1 Seriaus Concern <'We shauld fat discourage investment of foreign capital," said Mm. Strike, "but we muet devise wavs and means of mak- ing sure that the 'tai doe., not wag the dog' and this should be the seriaus concern oaI dl of us so that sufficient pressure is1 built up to accamplish the ob- jective. "Let us not be led down the rosy but short path of constant- ly trying ta make the 'fast buck'," ha warned. Bath manufactumers and gov- ernments sbouid take steps ta make sure that as the Canadian ecanamy and population grows. the manufacturing brandi of the ecanamny expande. ho said. "We muet not be content with the raie of supplier of raw ma- teniais ta the United States and other countries," be said. "Hie- tory je full of exampies of those countries, xvho 'zoomed' quick-i iy ta respiendent glory bY squandening their natumal me- sources only ta sink quIickiv back into oblivion as they be- came exhausted." o ur chambers of commerce, boards of trade, home and school organizations, women's institutes and the many other useful and important organiza- tions." said Mm. Strike. *Ican't be Clone by, mere pions platitudes suéh as 1 amn stating now.". he said." We muet cast aride aur selfishness. aur lethargy and aur prejudices and make At a personal objective that bas ta be achieved. "The alternativ'e, of course. là ta ignore an-d isolate these peo. pie and drive them into beconi- i ng ever-increasingly Powerfu: mninority groups which will re- sult in oniy trouble and dm sion," he said. J 1 WHEREVER YOU STOP FOR REFRESHMENT..1. EPS I-C OLA#" Trade Mark legusterd Smith Beverages Limuted Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR plume and blue tunic. Local I1u nters Long, Hard Look__________________________ Ail wear the colour plume oif Mr. Strike said that Canada their respective regiment except s should now take "a long, hard the blacksmith who wears a MutI ti look at our whole nationali black plume. In the past At was framework and determine the.G tteBS the duty of the blacksmith to poiisadtesadrsw go into bate carrying a giant p c a Li e s should follow in the xer.y, dan- axe with which he would kîh ,gerous and volatile \vorld con- the inabbît hand f This dutîng1taheaidiefor eCasada xiheaofv - i revba ck of n arethe siohntOtareoe speus w the-ise oe lntta il o pt mlandingoffer band relayisÊ1a i tonhpsai elark ed by'n t cooic]l it wtr orerswith abis truae. LndLedFottsDeausî oa owe r ushhead-lous Seviginte av]yhsaveo bain aulicence In tonsip Cnaa' bst etintht O-A tradtion wit man famlîe notifllcid inthe]istor n toathet s-aldvel n opent , onwothe stad erved in oOtin-time to iefasecilice ce ndliesaid M. HS tri e sad thêe th ar s t htwo regiments.alis n eed. i peaan s sudrao"t oeta SocialUich a nt will beCan ad wi forbe youges ma intheuni. H oe s a in.cerainsaresithe ae concal ose by 1970. Aid e ry irew. adingfetue inof dîscbaîg e ir s isn he oe latt- il o-p,ý bening a omeiber ofdthe asaly bsited a ail ie bvby la'.v1 j Wely me Newaeran is thatwith njos a highy de-Lansdand e t etrpaimArt , ti ugdas h~ o omatha lruhFli, 1kigyd aouSrn r alwa is spe c alrsts a t o t ine ai abe, In ot n - hiakp ew fott trladitin atheie and soil lniit e eseinaell for pheas 1 candas e stmm igrn t t h CAdUeO- -ORPO P D LV events nd Mr.Martin suaky nts. Pesons lcensedif any ountrv Mati ad m r the otnt f ateand osupm ary hutabbd ian -"he v erhtelmi fg panrt. ion tho ese functine ithte xesin -twnhpitc ofRheadanttogecme oo unuualtak o bengoffcil Cvaly.Eac wek he av Lr>oam cunt. ith te ecep- CadMr ia He said *Te a barber toegthe LîfeguaidsdRe- r i ent Whn h reinqAshd bs lesT he pr amence arn geun- iflo t rea them as ricnds a - M. arinba ben br-poitoiatl Lifegurs mCl5 fr circa utn cgx heplnt ev ervo prtunitvfo o be forthe ast31 yars nd 1939 Mr Mrti enîsted ~ erns thbeinaderan YrkCoun-h ec epatoou cm uit To Mr.Martinhis for year He 7ca ewt anadfatin 199of wichareco iprcaion is prmi- *Te hol e se o o ih hbLfgurs rm 96 and now lives the Cncession ted our sie Y .\I-,,- evco e couirlos , is9wsa xîtn n eo S treet enjand hi wif e - asdudrth Jania ct r tieuge lota orcntn etthog al zi2tradSr - be xerece avesacfali f four, aa. tpit u htte nrbr C ndaso l ak fl' s hsfio sca o etrsls a96Cooato Dnan and tweinls Donad h fliecsarial s o r- hudiak evdfott Spcal e em ee st eJacqd in ae. i e ds ialterpeily fr pha- wlo niirns t tiý C L STO D Y F R P O3P EL V R Co on ton oetn ae i g a a nd re.nt M ar ined Doýv n t . P r o s lc n e in a y c u t y' from earîyrctins witmthmnxesng nytawshpateti alofthen antto ecme oo i feuarbe ds. e Lfg ad e -h l ali, hi arcs.lo fL nbo n en ol-crpeev s., id i e o They tame d frstwiteth Mr. M r i oncuse l lisKitch-rrne nttet hni sfind n Mair.hai n h sieneather-enepsp n wththe past eek wdith nns fr rcpoa utn, ciete vrvopruiYt ic peb ly ietionMrvo r opar- eM. Adr. F- an arvediche- yweetemncplte re1atvte n norg hei omr snm ul adte. By or nKing oSatiet . rue intre-op thnt aepr R Yad wnnvl P ne 1A35 0 scheuMetheMartin s complveted iss Lily Weahnit h o wtthe ineute s forthe9Co- Sometime as searMiibroclubs, ..........dg ... on aon procssiông and eoff- Nan o m e, s a na53 Co csio ialy start . SredHeand hs wretumne t The6last mat havencaisahdir hem oonaldman eicinaly mewas s hJcqeinnelrs r . i l d C avano sent and bis accoutrmts ae Kin the pa t eek visiti wth oM Gmossie for hdin1ta orn the ad oMrs.W. barb tert ch air i bers of ing wr a o excep in Ho aem , Mr>udyvstig t r n Bide trimming the hair of man5o0a0ek tLifeguards, hatn lo Ms o rte n o gavey har t s t 0 isitng Dougla ri elle Plais, SKch-LO N B n Roa l Cha ndimn Mo nte - arvsed lathwe k ato se nd a wor oast ice ~ ~ ~ sic wowrasoprofthe i Çt ihhmrnteMs Cor otion Poceson and had n a amer anAIl welI trirn4,'d beenalodged inpeteion egu ard Mr. Rd brt Brgek Mand irn- My rditi ons lb. 67c Wthedltheir hiso edat Misis Lin Wethe village o oer LG eiBy taejo mthestimeof hChrs the Thasgiin aeknin- REH AIVR .b int ionly aroesn al th t h ofLf- cludedMm. ndome, . Ray Stin- guiardystsol ave sverl cl- o and iy fhawa, winedth WETpICLD-La emae ILT a ut i practice is haing fuli sMr.isms Joan r o shaa CTAGent L.KEE Li imeobabe fr. mt sti teand Ms Phyllsieoteras- Z Tbarber in ir. don embon of n- oog h, wt hi ohr S ITSPE MtnorBrs Foe od tre act a sis and e er resixb- Mr. Hlad rso. 14-Smth ad S iftF Ey fot nhe h eua ardbers lsua ymo- n family .oToro to, w ith m _______________________onrenPa, 3 tano tecpstions unless the.r andaMme. Clarnce Ne .a ndBleBrn.Be Mort islelowtandaigt r Mr. Rs and M . acMksoHnE&SNO N -6-z a 5 OfHIZHddc ilt, 9 len vSundig n Pep Orangecmpnid herianJullre A LeTE K th ieurs theLeguar w alsode Toonto, it Mr.and sone, ISTAN COFEE - 119U -BT onU areptly onthe outbreak of ing ulan.fBlePanSskWn on ta Rostilities betweenitainoland r. d ad Mr Llod Capsti OFrRIE ClouedFo icG h eealopr term 139 n fa iy of Uxmidewith A ccn od î e ng a th e te m e f e r M r . ]R b r B u g s a n d M m . M e t e i . .-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ se ery n a re required laufeTuto, whMm.arud SlbRYNPIN 2.67 ta n gieTardtsisotns terb lon Wright and Mm. C-ATELLIS prin th are fim mistrdedalo~toronisto i-heMvilage ovr' KO X -- Fr79 CAR IBNU ARAN neyer tooktaeatgesof alsthe as einan LIQITIDiP-nt Tin LA-ozLEGS For barber. Miss Margaret LothesLiPeter- ed, Mr.Vand Mrkg.Ray Stin gArsslterae snnalco ougand Mm. N orOsaw, DSW ET IKLD Wan - - Jm C Beautiul Vin Plast ourul radtios.Onesuc p To ro ndo, with Mm. anM.. Thme tobavrb gent aDnd Loes. Sc OFFGlant Ps. BLUEOReter- inTo hehall. ti dn o on oougLAC. Ralh Chaic er, SWINTS P VU WULE I B trag W iehand thendter s ta u- MsWHith rd s. Richard Chahhice Food mtted ea t ero he trainingro . dM. Meet N KAFT14os. mk . Fr9 t e a oweîFechFis 1-z /9 tan Whindpsior. The Mathis and Mrth aeebes GteenUn CA n n GiantPkge herk it as ta LondaWidorMrs. adMern Poreou enterSE R ANBM E - L S 4a - 57eOfff1cSu mucOrngeCou ncne, wewith the Lifeguards we ited hro ih WM. nds Mssion INTN OFE .1 O A O holter partofEnl ia d M.andd. Ott oype cpsik SOdRIE - oo Re A G E n n3nFnrnRnDn& W H ITE henvin cmest3e9t. cani forthir meetxig O N Sti535 ae r bat r e es avetherM. en rM.Wahrl T I E T S UE4 ni& respectve barrs atthesaferaMrge andte rsRh seic sendr.yfeadar eur d iscussi, on. o wtMre . oearJiaSukatLfel Jogv ai usa otna h n s. ton thgstuad yMrN n n nY APKn -- 2-s-ATELI39 C H RDclÀ%i, lnok at thewathe s. tbe pass nd E aManelWriht tre rMar.the oted take n 'Thpoontoinite MsrofanteMresid.weBafrdM a R UttBrGaIve Geate t Ro ad otgeof Lohe camesrnin uionaries wîtn nt Tin1 bindsr. MaistshMretad had Pernl C R . 2n- Fornn pp1el dAdteBath Ronad intorouh, .Notan soeîng S AX- 9cse. *utA u uLCVny pas. The HoushoCavalr v argi et oernto inypre. and M.c../d altre ]yrinantcmeteî aistDoald places?" SeeaseFFIt G SPNACH n n BLUEr OR 4 WHITEnik mechaized roops Mm. ari 5noLAC.hat th are ipe, lin-~'txtr pin teou t.heuingther Secn rst' WMs MedtaiG n eetQaiyPl dn elo pkg. 19c 'FreeVarîetyo oarl id soar The ds tin s teinto lthe gse l stemynA RA MTOM A -T- 45c 'e-Off nc - - - - group af meneserveduaith he Wecnntke Crs adH- thRytal ArmodCorp ns. rtea chgtoursoees TeMis-___la_________________________________________and____ r us m no uv rs in so e ry Soie y n ue da vsionarieshe p rt of En larewih r doOt ingn er prstheir, un is part.11 s 7 'f y zm CARAD" 307n&&NVILLE. OlqTAPIO TffURSDAY, OCT. 17th, 1957 PAGE TM