-t eAirÂmAN ~AA1V. ~~VAV~Tv.?.u _______________ ___ ~ 61 ~ FADE TE.uITamI ~hanksgiving Theme of k:~ .. M MS.Thank Offering M <~V~ 7 e Autumnn Thankoffering work closely with the ministeraxs, of ..iga Ebecezer W.M.S. with considerable succesa. Not t...... Po place2 in the S. S. room, only are Uni'versty and Church W~ tt. 8, with 24 members pres- leaders ardent Chrîstians, but t. Mrs. W. R. Bickle, U.N. mmny prominent Japanese men cretary, spoke ai the Corn- in business and politics are V anwealth Prime Micisters' courageous Chnîstians. erence in London, the ob- Mrs. A. J. Gay gavea very M - e ai which wms incceased, interesting outline ai the lufe ai ration between nations. ane af the most autstanding r the practical application oi wm who feit the calaf the des- la objective. perate slums. He chose ta live ~ . . Presient rs. arl ow i in a six foot square room in the red prayer acd conducted thesus nndntrec the smness. The Autumn Raliy'people. He laten studied in Arnm-........e. iUl be heid Oct. 17 at Newcms-encbuagireundthi .......... Se Moved by Mns. K. E. Cour- people in Japan. He is msoaa cd seconded by Mrs. R. C. ntemthrmdptMsR earce thmt we send $25 ta the C. mereraeeeton nr . ........ .. ~ .N.I.C.E.F. Mrs. K. E. Cour- "The Sang ai the Slums" one ....ýýýýýýýý.ýý.ý.ý>.ý..iý.,ýi..iii.: sch ce presected a Lufe Member- af Kagawa's books af poems........................ the iP ta Mns. J. C. Found.Abetiuwrhpsrvc g Mrs.* J. C. Found and Mrs. Art, ...... ..... Hi aund took the Study Bokwspeeted by Mns. Ee i apter "AMen in the News" (Ja- Snwden wt h hm Lt~ Du nc). Japanese men are not in us be thackfiul". Mrs. Snode Quick change of scene-This can happen overnight. By thet ]BO rested in religion-it is the neminded us of the macy things the 'omen acd children who vi!' Canadians have ta be thmnkful scow storms on the late evening news it's too late ta do anyt] pu rlnes etc. Japanese culture is for. wilI plan well in advance this year by seeicg their Goodyearr illculivaed ndpneferred In There is fia nemi Chistianity Suburbacite winter tires. You'll save Iost heurs and icconvc fr 'sure hours whi.le Western in-1 in aur thmnkfulcess uniess we if you do. Be sure you get gccuice New Custom , Suburbanite W uence is considerabie in busi-1 share with others. Treditianal- (Fryutuc sfoGoderriTes. 4ess. Chunch members are en- ly Thanksgiving is ceiebreted (FryutucasfoGodarrpTed) be ourmged ta be iay leaders who1 with a fest-many make it a TeGoya Iei e point ta reunîte the famiiy. Be- T. ceath the festivity there is *a bu TTMTT. significance we ought nat taweednrgussaMs.W- Sc '.L±JL~ forget. Let us first ai ail give son an Monday, l4th. ta tak.Ms nwe lsdMixed Music de Mn. and Mrs. Dennis Mar-, thenksetiMrs. Snowdaen loed Tmkicg a waik south the other hall and son, Brampton, and temeigwt ryn day towards Willow Beach we j cf iss Ethel Gilbcrt, Chalk Riv- were sddened at the though n e t i s R s rwere Thanksgiving week-M that ail too soon hundreds ai the Vil cd visitons with their parents, Uflfl1SH taîl sttely trees now in ali their A rgnlmdriehn p0 r. and Mrs. Gea. Gilbert fail beauty will soan be no A rgnladrfehn ha n.an Ms.Hmnan Tui fWe are plemsed ta repart that more. The steady march ai pnagnam with a musical theme pent the weekend with Mn. Mn. Don Bebee is at home again progress gaes on mnd on mndwscncteatFda'reu at cd Mrs. W. B. Cunninghain, mand caming aiang nicely. The soon much ai the beauty af aur Ian Rotary luncheon by sang ai enelan Fells, and attended upper part ai bis body is in a countryside will be but a dream. leader Walter De Geer and an1ii efo ute a We regret this must be sa but pmitDv onsn mcnne esr evcstee while but Don makes tfhe best the safety ai thousands depends Adding a charmîng and tai- Mrs. Arthur Leighton and use ai the time, tbankful he has upon better and widen high- ented tauch ta the prograln W mmily, Niagara Falls, N.Y., the use ai his legs ta stroil ways that the hazards af travel- wene five Rotary Anns, Audrey ith h aentfe ds, r.ast week; around and visit bis friends dur- ling may be lessened. Hackicg, Jeanne Slemon, Lii- ath e ae nt, n.an i ng this enforced idleness. lian Morgan, Evangeline Run- Mred. f D igis n Miss Joan Manvin is in Peter- die and Anna Stnike. Together iMn. asnd trs.wD. Higginsm boraugh Civîc Hospital where STARK VILLE with Ross Gilbant, AI Stnike. oranto she was nushed a week aga. Joan et Slmn ehJako 0.? and Mel Dale, these ladies IMr. and Mrs. Eric Phillips, has been a very sick ginl but is Mr. and Mrs. Gratin Curtis fonmed the chair under the d'- ."tand Paul, Oshawa, with now out af danger and we trust and Murray, Fenelon Falls, visit- rection af Walter De Geer. vi.adMr.J .Burw non the road ta recovery. Keep cd Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls. Tabgn itthcorad onr. an Mrs. J.A.Birlloiheg am ork up, Joan. Mn. and Mrs. Allen Corcish all the Rotanians blecded their Dr. ndy . E. C. iReynold3, Ms iim cami tl and family were holiday visitons voices in close harmony. This8 oronto, spent Thanksgiviiig wearnfg the cast on leit mnm with Mr. and Mns. Victor Fan- was followed by the choir's eri- eekend with Miss L. Rey-, which seems ta get beavien day now. jyberniin. Temi *olds. by day and always ai an active Jyberniin.Teml Mn ed rs Loy Krsynature time hangs heavy. One Mn. and Mns. E. Shier and quartet ai AI Stnike, Keith Sle-c cdM . and Mrs. J.oydHensan hngi eran- h î1ee Miss L. Shier s p nt the weekecd mon, Keith Jackson, and Mel aranto; Rev. Ted Kersey and attempt ta ciimb a rail fence or at Mr. Lloyd Halaowell's. Dale did a number but the 10 im, Scarboro, were S unday any other kind again. The nniversary service at highlight ai the proramm was 0 isitars and Mn. and Mns. K. 1Mns. D. Haines with ber usuel Sbiloh wes well attecded Sun- the harmoniaus trio ai Jeanne t oolen and famiiy, Miss Grace d etermined and caunageaus spirit day mtennoon with special music Slemon, Lillian Morgan, acd ~ ersey, Mn. and Mrs. Mel Mc is now drivicg a car again. It by the Pitts family ai Peter- Evangelice Rundie. une and girls, Oshawa; Mn. as a band-contnolled design. We borough. Rev. Bryson gave a First hockey dnmw ai the r ndMsH.Ato an wish ber many amie mnd happy fine message, directing his wicten was held Fnidmy but the t d rs.an ston ndnis ,;h ours ai pleasure. . thoughts by the words, "Father, purvcyans ai the draw, Dave si t r. mcd rs. J. La n mcd n; Mn. Neil Anderson ai Sudbury fongive them, for they kcow not gnmdW'trRni a as spending the long weekecd at wbat they do." The icteresting0 a~ily bad Thanksgiving din- horne with bis mathen, Mrs. content exmlted the Chunch mnd wihter aetMn. and Frank And.ersoni. Neil likes the Christian life with depiction ao L ttf ec ie IB Mn. and Mr&. Sanm Keane, fi.hrpaet n nds the people veny friecdly Sunday guests with Mn. mnd ta cd Ms. T. Wray on fi y lcopenative. To bigbten up the and Mrs. Heirb. Gilmen, Bow- F oAn lap ]B Mn.mcd Mrs. Angus Reid î agna n i"~F o nreturn trip Neil will be driving manville; Mn. mcd Mrs. Austin r E. cd daugbter, Oshawa, were1 a new car, bright mcd, this ane. Turner, Newcastle; Misses Nom- A D IL Co ecn iioswt . Vîaney, Neil. mmc d Beulah Hallowell. IAt IacÇ4socI ,4 _dM Ï* r. Mewîoron ensn Iore . aTubbs. WOs aa M.hmea Ms ar ih îss Ruth Prescott, wbo M.Mno enesni c M.mdMs Wii arw maiin the Ashton house. A Newtanville; Mmi.GereSih Eighteen ladies and six chul- ?-~nhoadys sen aie dysnew c9îmney bas been built mnd Mrs. 1. Farrow, Newcastle, acd dren attended the W.M.S. at theT Mr in edesnwil e a-Percy Frrow's. President Mrs. Ernest Laramer Misses Ruth ad Marie Près ing up reopenceith ohopnd meeting with a paiera, ottan M. . L Pesot 1par o te ometed n he Mrn. r.Hg Kelly, " A Lovely Light'. After the ttened hankffeing ser-norh sde o hihway Bomanille atMr.Lance sicging ai a Thanksgiving byrn bi ices at Eniield. Mrs. Mary Simpson ai Toronto Todd's. Mrs. Lloyd Wright gave a fine ' There was a very goad at- spent Tbacksgivicg with hem Mn. acd Mns. Pitts mcd dmugbt- Tbmnksgiving papen mcd offen- R endacce et the Sunday mann- sister Miss Mincie Beckett. Sun- er, Peterborough, wene guests at ed prayer. Rail caîl was wellInr ng church service in charge day they bad supper with Mn. Mr. Ahf. Dobsoc's mter service, mswered with "My Tbmcksgiv-t f aur pastor wbose Thanks- iand Mrs. Hmnny Beckett mcd Sucday. ing Blessing"l. The Rmhiy at Ul iving message was bni. Mrs.t family. Mrs. W. Prouse mcd Chanhie, Newcastle Oct. 17, was brought ee rnack presented a splendid Regular cburch service was Osaca; Miss Noneen Prouse, before tbe membens. u h.avacgivn eading and the heid at 10 a.m. on Thacksgivicg Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Melville ToefnlIragmet o ai gvea lesig haks iSunday. Uniontunatcly, very Samis, Newtonvilie, acd the catenîng ta a wedding Oct. 19 i vicg nthem. Two children few were present ta jain in this Pitts brothers ai Petcrborough wr ae omntn -aN Uere presected for baptism,. service ai Thanks and Wonship. were t Mn. Morley Robinson's. rte mmdc. ominaticg am- e lex Fredenick, son ai Mn. and The Rev. A. W. Harding wms ic Mr. mnd Mrs. Clictan Farrow mitte apnd Mrs. a lpahan b n s. Harold Patter and Launiei change mcd the Junior Choir was and sac, Newtonville, nt Mr. Lre c Mrs. J. C aeaang.er en, daughter ai Mn. and Mrs. present ta aid in the singicg. Carl Todd's. MehJ ce av ednc ordon Chant. The theme ai Tbacksgiving was Mn. Maurice Hailoweli, Toron- "Our Beliefs". P. SSympthy is extecded ta Mr. carried throughaut the servicelta, bas been specding e few Mrs. Carnaghmn showed a t ruce Ferguson mnd family in by hymns, selection by chair days at home. Pictune mnd toid us saine very 0. h he bs ai wife acd mother, and sermon. Mrs. L. Muidrew mcd Marilyn, ictenesticg items fnom the life he e cd ta other relatives. Sunday Scboi was heid at, Mrs. W. Muidrew, Oshawa, at- ai Dr. Jas. Burr TyrrelWho w pIl a.m. Again mmny were ab-1tended Shiloh service, Sunday. passed mwmy six wee ks mga. Dr. t Csent, only 38 present. The ses- Tyrreil was known persanaliy ca WAVTsion vas conducted by the Supt. by Mrs. Carnaghmn. Mns._ Wil- eA E Mrs. Fred McCon---eIl .. The TVR NEb0%%Ache-gve fne1nto1 wr.a roct.H.Tie Wedcesday mtemcoon the W.A. Mai 13.toc, visited ber parents, Mr. mnd met et Mrs. H. Thicksan's. Mrs.Ma TR I EMrs. Hcrb Camemon. Ken Trew opeced the meeting. Y Mn. cd rs.Hug MuphyScripture was nead by Mrs. Mc. han - ~~Mcd.caid ren, Bow Mmcvll yvs-Alister mcd Mrs. E. Fowler. The M Tu CET THAT acited Wer BoMrphy' s -chapters were read by Mns. r Mrs. H. Spagad a.y Thacksoc. Plans were made for Mns Mis JdySpragg mnd mmîly, o un fowl supper wbîch is ta be M Mis ud prggmd nin, bot tunkey.Tan ANTI-FPREEZE Hamiltoc, Messrs. Ross and wl e .Te next meetingmn wibeld on Nov. 13. Lunch Dm:i Bihl Hall, Mn. acd Mrs, Keith was sre.M Robinson, Bowmanville, Spnt Tbrsdyecn ac M r.e You'Il wakc up mny morning now a.nd find that the Sucdmy et Horace Hmll's.sp at hered in te ben ai thne e Mn.mcdMns Gorg Ahdra hrhted ner a s tthaer a ran col wmthr as rrve. Tenyoullciherwih vsieM n a cd Mrs. Herb Mdradur- git t u edebrid hoer mcda uhad anti-freeze in your car or be giad that yo mma, Oroo. groom, Mn. md Ms. Puh Wool- Stt Mn. acd Mrs. Don Real acd acat. Mn. Alan Sheppard acted M have. Don't put it off, Jet us put it in...NOW! baby, Gncenback, visitcd et Mn. as chairjnan. Those tekicg part awi acd Mrs. W. Taylor acd Mn. in the prognamn were Misses Mn. mcd Mns. L. Phillips. Gloria Quantrili, Dorothy acd farn PHONE Mrs. A. Harvey, Misses Mer- S hirle y Muhdrew, Suzanne with geret mcd Helen, Mn. James Thicksac, Marie Mercen. Denlece Mou A 3-3136 Coambes, visited Mns. Annie Thickson nead the address. wr Henderson. Peterborough. Lunch was served. 0O Misses Helen acd Joyce Mur- Wednesdmy mtemnoon t he Rec ray, Messrs. Norman Murray teachers -ai Hope heid thein ors mcd Bil Whute, Tarante, spcr.t teachers' meeting et Oak Hill. Dr. Sucday witb Hardy's acd Pres- Miss Beryl Tbicksoc, Tononto, Part H cmp 'fscatt's. spent part ai the weckend with Row 10 Becett. vsitedMn. and Mrs. mcnd attccded the Aibin - Farrow ta;F D. Lamb and Mn. mcd Mrs. weddicg hcld in Bowmmnviîîp. tien, S e r ice S ta nFlovd Beckett, Enciskillen. Little, Diane Beatty, deughter Mns. Mr. nd Mq. Pter ubykof Mr.'mcd Mrs. Ross Beatty is, Mori CORNER KING ANI) WAVERLEY ROAD acd children. Mr. and Mrs. E.in hospital with pneumnonie. M OlekvOshwa.vîsited et Mr. Almost everyoce in thvilgan "cd Ms. M. Dubyk. au a patient w±th the niue.__- Mm were\ Sunday gueuta of Nx. and t f G ve I M.and Mrs. Erniest Larmer, Bill Fergusoen, Mr. and Mrs.F Ralph Larmer and children, Fo M .anA spent Saturday and Sunday a otv . n S t.Mary. Avery pleasant event took .*.. ~ r. and M n. ara d i yte place an O ct. 7 at M em orlal H os- and family spent Sunday and ta.awavle nhec- Monday with relatives in Till- eteria when the members af the % .. .onburg . staff held a reception for the J Mr md n. tuar Darehlhospital's new administratar, Mr. ....s.. r adMn ilir Stanley H. Wilkins, and Mrs. Faihis, Baden, Saturday night Wlis a..d..nda. The social evening pravided an Mr..n.Mm.... uter-f portunity for ail three shifts Ger onfe hospital staff ta meet and ford and lian, Mrs acquainted with Mr. and n Blair, Oshawa, spent Sunday Wilkins and for them in turn ta thMrs. Gea. Fowier. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp bers. adca îhsafmm and Aileen spent the weekend Ms yeSuiafre j Mr and M n. W all ce onstantly t the hospital ini som e low ere invted a t e Z8A~ capacity, acted as hostess o n be- ofa their eldest daughter for a h fo h omte h r turkey dinner Saturdav even- ra nged the evening, and al staff ing. Upon arriving they were surprised ta find the compiete iighting as detailed by the On- S familv gathered to celebrate tario Hydro Engineer. their 35th wedding anniversarv. Repairs will be made ta the S~Duning the evening the bricýe piastering on the walls and ceil- time yau hear of approaching and groom were presented witli îngs and ail ceiiings, waiis and thing about it! Wise motorists a wrist watch each. The wed- trim wiil be washed and painted. ding day is October 28, but the The Bowmanviile Rotary' Club Deaer aw orNewCusom famiiy decided ta celebrate ist ecmended for assum- ienience when the snow flues whiie Dr. John and famiiv ing such a worthwhile* commun- winter tires by Goodyear.- were here on hoiidays. Congra- ity project. However, a great tulat ions from your fniends of deai of money must be raised if the community, Mr. and Mrs. tenwlbar st efuliy ind Rubbeg mpaor Ceadsi4 Ulîed. Maniow. equipped. Therefore, it is hop- d ___________________ Dr. and Mrs. John Mariow ed that Bowmanville and di1strict« and chiidren returned to theïr residrnts will give generous sup- home in Lively, Ont.. Tuesday. port ta the Rotanians. c ai ~ oup Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leask, and Sunday with the Ivan L Thompsons. i oD A totar ClubM. and Mrs. Sandy Dawson and Sandra, Windsor, spent the inoa bit of trouble. The win- weekend with her mother, Mrs. M eeting ning ticket wvas that of Dave Fred Baiiey and othen relatives. Higgon but he refused ta ac- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn, (Continued from page one) cept it on the grotinds that hei Ronald, Blair and Todd, visit- standing between hlm and the was in charge of the draw. The' ed friends in Kitchener Mon- city dweller, the speaker point- second winner was AI Stnike day.I ed out. It is important that a but he aiso rejected the ducats IMr. and Mrs. Ernest Swain closer understanding between since he would flot be able tou and children visited the Harold the rural and urban sections a attend the game. However an Whèelers, Hastings, Sunday. a community be deveioped. o the third try a winner wasf Mrs. Chas. Cox, Cleveland, R- found in Reg Geen. a visitor Ohio, was Tuesday guest af Mrs. eviewing the potentiality fnom the Oshawa club. 'Geo. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. af the Lake Ontario region Mr. One year perfect attendance Wes Pearce. Goodfeliow stated, "we have pin was presented to Clare Gar- Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCor- just about everythîng. We have e. ton by attendance chairma n mic k and famiiy, spent the Lake Ontario upon which wîll George Hacking. b weekend I. e av de weedwith friends in Tren-bebiteaos.W hveep Bob teves anouned hat on.water on the shores of Lakex an attendance contest would be Mr. and Mrs. Grant F'erguson, dnaio c vssi. e ave a o- heid between the Bowmanville lan and Mary, Mr. and Mrs.dt ca eses ehv and Port Hope clubs. The win- Gea. Dunbar and Denise, To- fruit belt and are able ta grow ning club will be entertained ronto, visited the Roy Fergu- practicaliy any type of fruit.,, at the expense af the iosing sons aven the weekend. The speaker went an ta men-. club. IMr. and Mrs. Cecil Hil spent tion the soil which is adaptable Visitons at the meeting were Saturday and Sunday with re- ! canning crops, mixed farim- Reg Geen and Tom Dobbie, latives in Norwood. ing in the area and the high bath of Oshawa. Mrs. A. W. Stephenson, Wil- quality tobacco grown in the lowdae, Mrs. Douglas Stephen- area.I son, Patsy and Gmrry, Toronta, "The best way ta develpa LAC ST CK were Monday guests af M. and province is by individual and BLA KST CK rs.Cecil Hill. coliected effort without leanlng- Mrs. Thos. and Mr. Jack toa heavily on the government,"1 The harvest Thanksgivîng Smith, visited Mr. and Mrse. he pointed out. service at St. John's Church Franklin Lamb, Lindsay, Mon- "Nothing can stop our devel- was very well attended in spite day. opment if we have faith in our of the cunrent "flu", and an Several mttended Norwoad province and in ourselves and inspiring service was heid. fair either Saturday or Mon- put oun shoulder ta the wheel, Canon Chapenlin conducted day, while othens partook of reaiizing that we are in as fa- the service while Rev. F. L. the bounteaus turkey supper at vourabie location as any part Rowe read the lesssons and Yelverton Monday evenicg. of the province." preached from the text, "I arn Mr. and Mns. Elmer Archer Another special guest et the the Bnead of Lufe." The child- 1 and famiiy, Whity n n meeting was Ben Thampsan, reri contnibuted a short item af Mrs. Bert Smith, Toronto, were M.P. for Northumberland, wlio music entitied, "Father, we Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. complimented Zone 2 an the in- :hank Thee" and it appeared 1 Wilbert Archer. terest and effort they are plac- es il the church was fiiledi Congratulations to Mirs. Jas. ing in the L.O.D.A. with pralse and thanksgivîng. Parrwhwa88ersoui President of the Lake Ontario The gifts and decorations wwene, on FnidayoungDevelopment Association, E1i- - as usuai, exceedingly nice and Wo-He-La Mission Band met mer Banting, Bowmanvllle, told apprapriate. . Tuesday with 24 chiidren pres- the audience that the Associa- The United Church was ent. Games were played on the' tion does not wish ta overlap 1 beautifuiiy deconated for the church lawn before the meet- "Wet any other organlzatian. 1 Thanksgiving service. Rev. P. ing. Ronald Martyn presided the want ta help and make Romeril deiivered a fine ser- and Jim Carnaghan acted as se- In load easiectthe smi..DA mon, basing his thoughts on cnetary. Mrs. Hill gave the wor- hsrsetteLODA the Power ai God being easily ship talk from "Jesus Increased has made great advmnces In the understoad, but we do flot so in Wisdom and Stature".' Glen promotion af industry and tour- easiy gnasp the Love ai God Bonnetta read a prayer. John ism in this regian and are now unti we ee Psitie prof.Larmer received the aîîerncg. interested in givicg agriculture The attendance was flot as The offertory prayer wms sung, aWe wnt. t nwhww large as usuai, 50 many were Marilyn Adams remd the story W att nwhww awmy and a great mmny others "The Diamond Dipper". Helen can fit into your plans and de- entertaining f lu. Nov. 3rd wiii Swain sang a solo, "Jesus Bids veiopnicnt", Mr. Banting ex- be baptismal service. Any par- Us Shine". Mrs. Kyte told the PIaeu cd ta the rural representa- ent wishing ta present their stary, "Hana Goes ta School". timcs -it the meeting. chidren, kindiy contact Rev. The 4-H grain club held their - P.Ramenil. achievement night at Mn. Sum- c The October meeting af the mers' office, Bowmanvile, on Get Cash To-day .N.O. Club was held at the Oct. 7. Jack and Jim Swain horne af Gwenith Thompson were tled for first place withI for OId Appliances wt27members and two vis 196 Points. The boys.will be go-thog lors, despite the flu scare. Ral ing ta the Royal fair. hog al was answered with "what 1 Mrs, Gea. Fawlen spent Tues- STATESMAN we have ta be thankful for."1 day with Mrs. Jas. Fonder and he1 r es o p r r o f M s. Cei H mito nd Mr. L SS FI îotner U.N.U. meeting ta -an id. The cext meeting wviil beN e the home ai Jean Kyte and0 'e rail ceil wiil be a used or Llgrwn tat be docated ta Libravyr ce Salvatian Army. Sympathy aif fiends in this (Coctlnued fromn page one) )mmunity is extended ta Mr. display. ruce Ferguson, Hampton, and Most ai the renavation work Icily in the passing ai Mrs. will be donc on Friday mfternaon ergusan on Mocday. mnd evecicgs but the public is Mn. mcd Mns. Ernest Lermer, icvited ta drap in whený the r. Pcd Mns. Raiph Lermer "Work in Pnagrcss" sign is an id family, Mn. Bill Fergusoît, the street. r. acd Mns. Stuart Dorneli, Receptiacists wiii be an hacd mc ad Mns. Harold Kyte, Mn. ta show visitons eraucd the pro-f id Mrs. Richard VanCamp pased iibnany and acswer acy nre gueats et the wedding ai questions in cannection with the ,.Glenn Larmer mcd Miss praject. ,arion McDougald in St. Upon comgietion the new ary's Smtunday aitercoon. librery willi e comparable ta M4r. mcd Mrs. Cauntney Gra- any libnary in a tawn similan in rn mcd Miss Joyce, Mn. acd size ta Bawmacvhle. rs. Harvey Graham, Mrn.cd itti House 12,000 Books rs. Wiibert Toms, Mn. mcd Plans cmli fan sbclvlng whieh rs. Harold McLaughlic, Mn. will increase the space for books (d Mrs. Keith VanCamp, Mn.. appraximateîy 50 per cent or iton mcd Miss Hazel Ecgiish, altogether 12,000 books. There mc ad Mns. Fred Cowling 1 wiîî be a special reicrence sec- ýre guestsaet the weddicg af tion, readicg roam with tables r.Jack Simons, Pickcrncg, mcd chairs, acd special tables for d Miss Shirley Vance in children. 't Penny United Church on Icuddith reaton turday 'aiternoon. wiîî bedebuingth ai a veti- r 'Ms. Phena Mountjoy, Osh- wIlbue mcde buiwdnectrancete a, is spending a week with bchiid' la ny.etaefr h ..cad Mrs. Harold Swaic and ilrnsibay1 niiy. They ail spent Sucday Repeins wihl be made ta the, th Mn. mnd Mrs. Lawrence1 main ectrence doons acd these )uctjoy and femily, Wmrk- wiil be neiitted. In addition, a rth. cancrete slmb wil.l be laid in the )ver the weekecd St. John's 'hobby. tory bad a number ai visit- The twoaraches betweec theý acd guests. These iccluded:1 aduit mcd childrcc's library will; mcd Mrs. G. V, Hannv, afi be pmrtitioced. Funther, e par- rt Marie, Jammica; Rcv. L. V. tîtion mcd a door will be set up we, Stroud; Mrs. Helen C. at the reer ai the cbiidnen's' s, ai Trinity Coliege, Toron- library acd this will be used as: Rev. mnd Mrs. H. E. Peilie- a wonk raami. Part Penny; mnd Mn. md A cew section ai the hardwood sEric Chaperlin, Peter and, floor i-li be laid mcd the eratire îica. Don Milîs. Ifion' 0fthe di librery wiil be, r. Pcd Mrs. Ga-ernt Mtarra5- rcnýurfaced.C 1girls. Port Credit; IMr. and Lighting in the lihrary wiillhe ; AmnOld'TaY'1or and Dianne rearranged wlth SoMe additional 0 w NI E Antenna rJii I Reception Mrs. Wilkins members. Mrs. Bull Marrison, Director of Nurses, introduced each member ta the guests af honour. Imrnediately follawing the re- ceptin, a shwer cf miscel- laneous g1fta was given ta Mise Phylis Craig, Operating Roam SupervIsor, whose marriage to Mr. Don McGregor will talce p lace in the near future. Mrs. D. C. Peters presented Mrs. Wilkins and Miss Craig each wîth a lavely corsage. The shower far Miss Craig was ar- ranged and in char ge af the Nurses' Associatian. A deliclous lunch concluded a very enjoy-. able evening Mr. and 'Mrq. Wilkins who came ta Bowmanviile fromn Strat- fard are at present living In Newcastle, but ihoîp etaobotain accommodation in Bowmanville before long. Both expressed their pleasure and appreciation of the thoughtfulriess which prampted the -social evening. ..The Canadian Stateiman SCLASSIFIED SADVERTISINi ]RATES ARL' ESCKFOU SALE LVARTCE FOR SALE fFOR RENT . HELP WANTED LOST ARIFOUND * ETC. Muet b. paid by date of Insertion. Il charged, an additionaî So4 & ill b. added. 4 ~.A char sof 25c will b. mode foi * .C. aIl repges directed to ibis offce. 3 *NOTICES - COMING EVENT . AND> CARDS 0F TRANKS 4 t.4c a word with a minimum of $. 1.00 for 25 words or loin. *BIRTEs - ENGAGEMENTM 3 XARRIACES -DEAT<S $. 1.00 per Insertion IN MEMORIAMS 4 $. 1.00 plus 10c a lino for vere4 pDisplar Classif!ed at 31.50 per pinch wîth a minimum of onle Inch. 9~ .Additional insertions ai th. same rate&. SAU Classiffed Ade muet b.uIla*Q this office flot later than 4 b 12 o'cloek faon, Wednesdg, 4 BoSnd cash, stamps or money oret anda gave money. Clip "bisout for handy refoene.. * OFFICE NOUES * Monday through Frldcy 8.3 0a.m. to 5SP.. Saturd1r 8:0 . . ta 12 n c Dl «I MArlSt 8-3303 lOt CIassifled Ad Servim God R S! 1 iNq for the Whole Family Facts *Faily Featurees TMe Clwistiou, Science Monitor Ont Norway St.. Boston 15, Mou. Send youv tmmew prfor the tint chck.d. Enclosed find W theck o. 0oey ordev. IYeome$18 C 6 montt$9 3 8months S3DO 1 Addrow AERIALS ~,ARE OUR flN I1IIE33 I IIAil Wave Aerials 29.50 up Complet. Rotor Aoilals -____ 75.00 up UHF Aerial for Channel 17 and ail future UHF Channels.- 22.00 Ail Channel UHF Converter -___ 25.00 Channel 6 Yagi added______ 12.00 Rotor Conversions and Aerlal Repaira Ail Work CGuaranteed One Year BILL LEASK -MA 3.5522 FOR FREE ESTIMATES 4 I 1 #%.. 2 wýý , om. rm, lm TIM CAXÀlyffl MATBBKM. rmur,&WTM In à AUM 1 m