~HUM AYOCT.1'Th, 157 HE CNAD-! - ATSMMLEOW A7T6jz2oe flWpAW1,' ___Successful High School Football Squad Ptàys Port Hope Here on Friday at 3:30 l a Jubilant af ter their first two starts of the season are, from the left, front row: Graham Pickering, BbCapp, manager. Back row: Greg Cooper, manager; Larry Han- lough, Ray Twist. Absent whe ht akn ot ended in decisive victories for them, Bowmanville Hicsh Norman James, Donald Welsh, Michael Murphy, Je r cock, Allan Woodlock, Dan Cattran, Paul McCullough, Emmerson, Don Welsh, Wayne Tetl n onMoe School's Junior football squad look forward to their ho me Hasiuk, Terry Joyce, Leo Wilks, Fred Vanstone, Mostyn Bryan Hughes, Vince Mathewson, Marvin Johnson, coaches-. B H.'S.* wi11 play host bo Port IHop nteoee.Gm opener here this Friday afternoon. Members of the team Howells, John Twist, Gary Conway, Wayne Mavin, assistant,. Dave Reynolds, Bob Archer, Ronald Luke, Gary McuI- I tirne is 3:30 p.m. and tickets areosaetth sho. Min or Hockey League Featuring Three Groups.,. Ready for New Season Names of team players plus imom of 6 players (one most bc rules and egltions covering a goalie) on the ice and ready Minor Leegue Hockey in town1 to play by 5 minutes past the weme straightened out at a meet- scheduled time will default the ing of coaches last Thorsday at geme. the Lions Centre. 8.-AIl games must stert on 1. Atom League games-Two time. Teams starting late wil 15-minute periods stmaight time. lose the time from their game 2. Pee Wee League games - as the next game must stert on Two 20-minute periods straight time. time. 9. Penalties - The C.A.H.A. 3. Bantam Leegue games - penalty role will be in effect. Two 20-minute periods straight i.e. If non offending teami time.1 scores a goal the penehized 4. Al unes must be chenged player may return to the ice. every three minutes. (Bozzer tu Minor Penalties - 2 minutes sound to signify the change). from the time the puck is put 5. No player must return to into play. Major Penalties-5 the ice until ail other players minutes from the time the puckz in~ the bench have been on the is put into play. _e for their thmee minutes. 10. Players penalIedorp- 6. Players missing more than fàne lenguege and fighting will 3 games without good reason draw an eutometic three game will be released fmom the teain suspension. and not allowed to play with 11.-Any player found dam- any othier team in --tke icue. aging Arena property will be 7.-A teem flot having a min- suspended fmom the league. 12.-Any player found smok- ing will be suspended fromn the league. 13.-No hockey playing will be allowed in the Arena Lobby. 1.-Ail players must use the dressing rooms provided to change into their equipment. 15. Pla voffs-AII six tearns in each league will be in the play"offs. Saturday Game Times First garne-7:OO ar. Second game-7:45 a.m. (Clean Ice) Third game-8:40 ar. Fourth game-9:25 arn, J(Clean Ice) Fifth game-1O:20 ar. Sixth game-1l:05 a.m. Monday Game Times First game-5:OO p.m. Second game-5:40 p.m. Ail coaches and managers are asked to. strictly enforce the above rules. Bantam League Teams Tigers-David Higgon, Ji:n Scott, Nick Zakutin, James Rickard, Larry Pearce, Ray Crombie, Jim Collacott, John AluIn, Tom Stacey, Norris Tur- ner, Terry Black, Paul Gearing, Alan Brock. Coach-Sam Black. Braves-Grant Flintoff, Ross Turner, Alan Cole, John Ter- hune, Don Kerr, Ronnie Bryant, I FORD-EDSEL -Jý5 0F DUALS IN quiJED CARS and T RIJCKS .J GENEROUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE 1 LOW DOWN PAYMENT 1 EASY BUDGET TERMS I Time's alniost up. Better hurry in many of them carry the A-i sign. today. Make the deal of a lifetime Every buy a smart, clean, depend- in a value-packed used car or truck. able bargain that you can count on There are makes and models for for many happy miles of carefree, every purpose, every budget, and trouble-free motoring. 'SEE- VOUR FORD-EDSEL'l DEALER '57 FORD) CUSTOMLINE Warranty rlice was $2,708 '.4 NOW $1,995 '55 FORT) PICKUP Price was $,9 Nçow $995 OSHAWA-WHITBY OSHAWA WHITBY 25 Grenfeli - RA 3-4683 301 Dundas W. '428 King W. - RA 5-8141 MO 8-3331 '56 PLYMOUTH SAVOY SEDAN Price %vas $1,895 NOW $1,595 '51 FORD TUDOR Price was $7-95 N 01V $495 Ford -Edsel DEALER Motors Ltd. N EWCASTLE Rod Carveth Phone 3251 9 1 Rams-Jeff Gilhooly, Terry Devitt, John Ballantine, Ray Ripley, Arthur Kooy, James Kitney, David Puk. Rîckey El- lis, Stephen Jeffemy, David Bridges, Lawrence Connors, Jimn Brown, John Hughes, Irwin Colwell, Wayne Borgess, Pauil Sweete, GuLy Parks, Larry Simrnpson. Coach-Don Gilhooly Bisons-Wayne Barrett, Paul Parker, Doug McFeeters, Rob- ert Cuthbertson, Peter Bockler, James Capp, Dennis Secord, Dennis McFeeters, Brian Amm- strong, Ron Simpson, Randy Dewell, Howard Edmondson), Bruce Cuthbertson, Douglas Parking, Gary Crombie, Jim Dîlling, Michael Leddy, Don McMurter. Coach-AI Cuthbertson. Bears-Brian Ogden, Ronnie Carter, Donald Jamieson, Den- nis McDonald, Larry Lee, Rich-. ard Bailey, Bill Sumersford. Stephen Patterson, Charles Evans, Walter Rickard, Morris Honeyman, Brian F or s ey, Wayne Harrison, Peter Werry,j Chris Quinton, Gary Akey, Richard Barnes, Jamie Man -1 duck. ý Coach-Doug Glynn.1 Solina W. On Plantinç Solina: The Womnen's Insti- tute held an evening meetingI on Oct. 10 in the churehbae ment. The program wa u ranged by Groop 5 with the! leader, Mrs. Gordon Leask, ini the chair. Mr. Albert Rundle of the Oshawa Garden Centre was guest speaker. Fmom his in- terestîng talk on the planting and care of sprîng bulbs many helpful hints were gained, Also enjoyed were coloured scenes of Dutch gardens, s0 famous for their beauty. On behaîf of the ladies Mrs. J. Knox expressed thanks to Mr. Rundle. Everyone responded to the roll call "A Canadian article 1 use and where it is menu- factured." Additionel prograin included a piano duet by Helen and Pet Knox; a piano Solo by Dianne Tink;, a vocal solo by Pearl Leach and a reading by Mrs. B. Hooey. LarrV Welsh, Antoney Malloy, Art Hester, Tom Wilson, Paul Hancock, Blaine Pickard, Don 1Masterson. Coaches-Tom Turner, Lloyd Hancock. I Lions-Ben Thompson, Allan Woodlock, Don Bagneli, Scott Essery, Rick «v R jekard, Dav~d Werr ' , Don' Rudman, ]Iarry Jarnieson, Ricky Peterson, Rob- ert Hagerman, Robert Black- burn, John Bruce, Nelson Yeo. Coaches - Keith Shackelton, Ted Bagneli. Cubs-Joe Bothwell, Brenton Hughes, Roger Meadows, Bruce Ogden, Don Tordiff, James Lane, Bill Barton, Jim Mc- Knight, Douglas Jose, Wendell Fisher, Gord Rundie, Bill Brown, Lee Rackham. Coach-Ed Rundle. Pirates - Kenneth Coverly, John Oke, Walter Gibson, Jack Hallowell, Douglas Gibson, Ste- phen Barclay, Leigh Sommer- scales, John Goode, Bill Bickle, Alex Wiseman, John James, John Carter, Sebastian Sweep. Coach-Morley Oke. Huskies-Donald Smith, Paul MeIntyre, David Gibson, David O'Rourke, John Twist, Monty Emmerson, Larry Piper, Doug James, Grant Wright, Garry Or- miiston, Owen Scott, Philip Vowles, Peter Groen. Coach-Geo. Piper. Pee Wee League Teams Bruins-Dan Hughes, Glenn Down, Gary Tubb, Bill Em- brugh, Jim Vinson, Bradley Yourth, Rae Pickell, Andrew Schaafsma, Bob Hellam, Alan Hooper, Bob Sleep, David AI- lison, Ken Veitch, Gary Wool- ner, Ronald Luxton. Coach-Glenn Pickell. Canadians - Ronald Wilson, Wayne Trull, John Lyle, John Allin, Blaine Adams, David Mann, Freddy Cobbledick, Phil- ip Eldridge, Edward Brown, Da- vid Williams, Brian Bradley, Donald Sweete, Paul Mutton, Allan Andrew. Coach-Bud Oke, Nels Wil- son. Hawks-Bill Cobban, Glen Clarke, Bill Buday, Muray Brown, Wayne Devitt, Gord Finney, Douglas Hurrie, Don Rickard, David Goheen, David Elliott, David Kerr, Pat Vinish, Art Foran, Eric Fernlund, John Depew. Coach-Don Williams. Rangers-John Gilbert, David McFeeters, Blayne Flint, Scott Rudeil, Bryce Adams, Albert Goodwin, Bill McLean, James Finn, Robert McManus, Alan Osborne, David Thompson, Jon Hancock, Stephen Witherspoon. Ted Bate, Doug Nichols. q Coach-Walter Goode. Red Wings - Barney Haw- thorne, Paul Welsh, Peter Both- well, Bobby Vallieres, Ted Gould, Jack Whalen, Bob Wha- !en, Gene Balson, Paul Peter- son, John Phillips, Walter El- lis, George Kennedy, Lionel > Van Nest, Ralph Cole, Jim Coyle. Coach-Harold Balson, John Whalen. Leafs-Larry Rogers, Bobby Bryant, Brian Down, Gary Griffin, Roderick Taylor, Den- is Gay, Michael Johnson, Da- vid Woolner, Wayne Wray, Graydon Colville, Mickey Dick- ens, Douglas Lane, Russeill ate- ly, Taullie Thompson. Coach - Alvin Stacey, Joe Markle. Atom League Teamg Indians-Alan Raby, Tom Carter, Paul Lucas, Bradley Lu- as, Wayne Hunt, Rickey Dew- ell, Gregory Brooking, Wayne Leach, Larry Taylor, Donald 'Iurphy, Bill Crombie, William Maring, Ron Hooper, George Ball, Larry' Lunnerman, Philip ~ Manduck, Normian Neads, Ken- eth MrDonald. ('oach -Len Lucas. IIornets-David Wright, lRob- ut Large, James Cobbaii, Nichi- àel Cawker, Wray' Retîdell, ~ Ianny Wilkins, Weslev L.ane,. ffaYne Mooney, Kenneth Mill' rRandy Cole, Peter Vanstone,f )anny McDonald, Garfield Yehb, Rick *v Gav, Steven omrs. Howard Borgzess, lRandy ceauprie, Leon Carr. Coach-Ron Oke, Barons-Lanny Burns. lan ý Explaining Club H. Brown and family, Wasaga H ear TaIk Beach; Mr. W. Howarth, Mr. and Mrs. R. E.Labran of BulbsMiss Audrey Lambert, ail of Oshawa. Janice Milne, who was The business pmogrami was two years old on Sunday, recov- condctedby te riesidIt, ered from a bout of tonsilitis ini Mrond.uRTadylo.The lprest tinie to enjoy hier birthday cake. Mrs.E. . Tylor Th laiesMr. and Mrs. J. Milne Jr., were were reminded of the bazaa"' on Wdneday venng, t2~ s upper guests of Mr. and Mrs. and the Women's Institute Coi- J Milie Sm., Oshawa, on Mon- vention in Toronto on Novem- day. ber 6, 7 and 8. It was decided Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Chuck to give $25 towards the pur- Shaw and family, Toronto, vis- chasing of a bedside table in ited Mr. and Mrs. J. Bridger the Women's Institute ward in and vveekend guests were Mr. the Memorial Hospital. A sub- and Mrs. Vic Bridger, Weston. stantial amount will be contri- Mr. and Mrs. R. Moon, Raglan. boted to the church fond. called on Sunday. With Miss Lucy Graham Sun. day for dinner were Miss Flosà T hid Lie, Carke Graham, Newcastle, and Mr. Miss Lucy Graham visîted with Mr. and Mrs. W. Couch and! Miss Annie Nesbitt, Newton- Mr. and Mrs. P. Michaod, Osh- ville, Monday. awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J * [With Mr. and Mrs. W. Alu McLaren, Tuesday evening. over the weekend was Mr. Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald,1 Sperry, Campbellford. Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mus. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Haskil J. Milne, Friday evening. 1 and son, and Miss Durant, Port Sunday sopper guests at "Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milne's were Sgt. and Mrs. W. Porteous. Club ct 'the s Pa 'i This PX.el RURRY! HURRY! HIJRRY!? Lasfdays to save! The Bowrnan ville Rot ary cordially invites you to corne in and inspel work in progre, on your new Bowmanville Public Library (Corner King and Temperance Sis.) The proqrarnof work siaris this Friday night. You are asked Io corne in on this night or any night the ""Work in Progress"' sign is displayed. SE:E THE SCALE MODEL Waïwch Rot ary Ai"i s!e'on!ir. !e! ir. his work wilIl e ga~:~yreceived hy any Rolarian or you can leave ii when you inspect the nOw Iibrary, For VELMWAY, OCT. 17th, 1957 THE CANADIAN STATES?&4J( BOWIL&Nv=Lp. ONTAIUO IPAMP. riva 0