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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1957, p. 6

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- . - N PÂGI six TR~ CANADIAN ~TA r~Mis.T ~<W7MA M~77? .7.~ V~1~J'rA ur~ Junior Poli At Training Draw Large The Junior Police Gamnes beld ln the grounds of the Ontario Training School for Boys, Bow- manville, on Wednesday after- ricon were most successful. There were many spectators watching the closely contested events. More than 600 boys took part. Constable C. Naismith, O.p .P., Peterborough, is the Chairman of the Junior Police Games Com- mittee. Constable Harold R. Cornell, O.P.P., Bowmanville, is the Becretary-treasurer. Mem- bers of the Bowmanville Detach- ment of the Ontario Provincial Police, the Oshawa City Police, the Peterborough Police Depart- ment, the Bowmanville Police Force, Peterborough O.P.P., Lindsay O.P.P., Campbellford O.P.P., Cobourg O.P.P.. and two constables of the Royal Canad- ian Mounted Police, Cobourg, were present and took an active part in the arrangements. Whltby High School won the No. 8 District Provincial Police Trophy for the school obtaining the most points. Whitby High had a total of 116 points. Bow- manville High School had the second highest total with 81 points. North Simcoe Street School. Oshawa, came third with 62 points. 29 School Teams There were 29 schools com- peting in the Junior events. They represented a district in- cluding Oshawa, as far north as Bc*thany and east to Newton- il](,. First place in the junior group M-as won by North Simcoe Street School, Oshawa, xith 62 points. This school received the Oshawa City Police Trophy for winning the highest number of points in the Junior Group. The Juni or 'winners were as follows: 50 yard dash-T. Brown, North Simcoe, Oshawa; 75 yard dash-J. Elm-i ing School for Boys ji this keen- c G m esly contestedraeTh ins stable R. S. Mandryk, Oshawa Police; 2 B. Burns and Constable SchoolHarold R. Cornell, O.P.P.. Bow. Schoolmanville; 3 J. Wateman and Constable Ross Bovay, Camp- belîford O.P.P. e C row d Mrs. J. J. Brown presented the J. J. Brown Memorial Trophy J Oshawa: 220 yard relay-Wood- to Whitby High School, winner 1)crs PbleSchool team. of the 3,000 yard medley relay. crest ublicSergeant D. Wood, Oshawa Interinedittes Police, presented the Oshawa Ini the intermediate group 25 City Police Trophy to North schools competed. Whitby HighlSimcoe School, winner of the School won the Ontario Pro- junior championship., The On- *vincial Police Trophy with the tarie Provincial Polce Trophy *highest total points, 60. First was presented by Sergeant S. place înners were: 1&.0 yard amte,.P.Ptrbouh dashD. Alan Whiby Hgh;to Whitby High School for the 220 yard dash-T. Tushingham, intermediate championship. The Whltby High; 80 yard low Royal Canadian Mounted Police hurdleg.-B. Sheridan, Bowman- Trophy for the senior champion- ville Training School; running ship wa" presented to Whitby broad jump-S. Marlan, O.C.V.I. High School. Constable Russell Oshawa; quarter mile obstacle Naylor presented the Bowman- race-T. Tushingham, Whitby ville Police Shield for the tug- High; 440 yard relay-Whitby of-war, won by the Ontario High School team: 880 relay- Training School. Whitby High School team. The Ontario, Northumberland Senior Events and Durham Police Association Six schools from Bowmanville, Trophy and gold medal was pre- Oshawa, Orono and Whitbvi sented to M. Bergman, winner coQnpeted in the senior events. ilof the open mile race by Con-, Whitby High School captured1 stable Harold R. Corneil, O.P.P., the Royal Canadlan Mounted1 Bowmanille. Constable Cornell Police Trophy with 56 points., also presented the Roy W. the high total for the senior I Nichais Trophy ta the open mile group. The winners were: 100 winner. Sergeant S. Palmateer. yard dash-P. Reynolds, Bow- O.P.P., Peterborough, presented manville High School; 220 yard the silver medal for 2nd place in dash-K. Kaine, Whitbv High1 the open mile, and a $10 pift School: 80 yard low hurles-D1 voucher to F. Duval, Whitby. Rhyndress, Ontario Training Sergeant D. Wood, Oshawa City School: running broad jump. j. Police. presented a bronze medal Tushingham, W h it b y High and $5 gift voucher te J. Rich- School: quarter mile obstacle!_rds, Bowmanville. who came' race-Ni. Keast. Orono: 440 re- third in the open mile. lay.--Whitby High School: 880, A bicycle was won on a draw relay--Whitby High School. by John Scott, Bethany, and was The tug-of-war was won b ' ynresented by Sergeant D. Wood. the Ontario Training Schaol for Sergeant S. Palmateer presented Boys. The 3,000 yards medley a radio wvon by Floyd Gavas,' relav for the i. J. Brown Memor- Duke of Edinburgh School, ial Trophv was \von by WhitbY Oshawva. A watch was woni by High Sehool. Bowmanville High Carl Rarney, Orono. and peet Scbool team came second. The, cd by Constable C. Naismith, Ontario Training Sehool, Bow- O.P.P., Peterborough. manville. was third. One of the most exciting~ events ta watch was the openi1 ENNISKILTPM mile. M. Bergman, Port Whitby, 1 I..LIJJl was the winner. His time was 't e t,, .4 J-. ~Farm Union Convention ln Pont ypool Oct. 3rd Hears Ont, President r Durham County Farm Unioft 300 Loeals ln Ontario Convention was held Octoberi Little Britain in Victoria 3rd in Pontypool Hall with app- Coýunty was the !inst local ini roximately 75 in attendanc. this area. Thene are locals in In the absence o! Director the main agricultural centres Victor Malcolm. Sub-Directon all across Ontario. There are Lewis Wood took charge. now 300 locals in Ontario. Reports were given by the Kept Farmers Trogether president o! each local including In answer ta questions as ta, Ken Sinclair for Pontypool who w,,hat Farm Union has done. W welco med the convention ta has brought farmens together ~Pontypool, Harold Hoaton, pres. and kept them togethen. It has ident of Cavan Local, Doug been of service ta farmers Mackie, president of Cartwright through education by showing Local and Joe Trudeau vice- them the tnuth as ta the posi- presîdent of Enniskillen Local. tion of Agriculture compared Direetor Reports with other people. It-is the first The report of County Directon farm organization ta try ta wonk was given by Lewis Wood who with Labour. reprte haingbee taOtt iOn the provincial and federal awa with the delegation when1 levels it has prèsented briefs on their brie! was presented: alsa farm problems ta the Cabinets, ta the Inter-Provincial Confer- Agicultural Cammittees and s ence in Winnipeg in July and individual representatives. ta a board meeting in G uelph. Throughout the evening wýe Two esoltios whch ae ~were entertained in a very fine Tworesluton wheh re.1omanner by Mn. Fred Gniffin of he bnought before the Provîr,- IPeterborough an piano accor- cial Convention were discussed do Mrs. Otto Bragg, Bowman- and approved. One an Hog Mar- 1dion'panoos r Hwr keting and the other en ig Folev. Bowmanville, reading-; with an increase in Union dues.1 Mr. and Mrs. Todd, Pontypool, Harold Hooton of Cavan ex- piano and violin nu mbers; tended an invitation for the(> Wayne Morton, son of Mn. and County Convention ta camne ta Mns. Harold Morton, Pontypool, Cavan next year which was guitar and vocal numbers. accepted. Eleet New Officers Mrs. George Prasser. Women's New officers elected as fol- President for Ontario spake lows: Director - Lewis Wood, brieflvý. She was pleased ta sec Fnniskillen Local; Sub. Direc- such a good attendance at the tors--Elmner Cox, Enniskillen annutal meeting which showeci Local; John Mallett, Enniskil- the increase in interest in the1 le, Local: Clane Winslaw, Ca- Unin.1 van Local: Fenton Fallis, Pan- Ontario President Presentt pypool Local: Wamen's Direc - Albert Cormack President tor - Mrs. M'alter Fallis, Pan- of Ontario Farm Union, was typool La c al: Sub Direc- guest speaker. Mr~. Cormack ton, Mns. Donald Lamb. En- traced the grawth of Farni niskillen Local: Secretarv- Union in Ontario from its be- Treasurer, Don Lamb, Ennisk:l-1 ginning five years ago in Gnev len Local. Countv when two men w'ihi help from the west organized the first local and went o a . 42 locals the first year.ont with ber mother. Mrs. E. Page Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, and family, Tvrone, were vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp. Mn. James A. Wernv spent J O w the Thanksgiving holiday with j" Mn. and Mns. Frank Hoîn( Bowmanville, wene wîth and Mns. Stewart Lamb. Mn. and Mrs. Keith Fergu and famil.v, Bowmanville. and Mrs. Donald Lee, and f; ily, Mn. and Mrs. Gea.1 Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. W. Hi ard, Toronto, Mr. z'nd Mrs. Adams, Bowmanville. vN with Mr. and Mns. Walter 1 guson. Mn. and Mrs, John Sien spent Thanksgiving weeki at Lake Baptiste. Actual Size Replica(ut -O ut Hea ring Glcssses by OMAICO Discover how weIJ yau can look ini the all-newv, slim Maico Hear- ing Glasses. Get FREE replica and folder showing styles for bath men and womnen. No obli. gation, or course._ MAICO HEARING SERVICE 850 Yonge St. Toronto WVA 4-2317 Please send me your Free Hearing Glass cut-auts. Narne Addness____ CitY ,.Prov --- BCS/MV7/l7/10/57 horst, Woodcrest School, Osha- five 'minutes, ,two sêconds. -FI W.M.S. met Oct. 8 at the par- ,va; high jump-G. Mekkers, Duval, Whitby, was second. j. 1sanage. Devotional in charge of Ritson School, Oshawa; runnîng Richards, OdelI Street, Bowman- Mrs. H. Ashton, opened with broad jump-B. Dionne, North ville, was third. prayer by Mns. A. Sharp. Ralj Simcoe, Oshawa; quarter mile The highlight of the prograrn1 cal] was answered bv Thanks- obstacle race-G. Cryderman. was the thnee-legged race. 1gîving verses. In memory o! North Simcoe, Oshawa; softball Twenty police officens partnered Mrs. James A. Werry, a faith- throw-D. Calder. Ritson School, 20 boys from the Ontanio Train- ful mnemben. and aIl mothers, ____________beautîful Rernembrance verses were read by Mrs. T. M. SIc- mon, and Mns. M. J. Hobbs. tIGroup leader Mrs. A. Sharp ¶!had charge of the following pro- Be Preparedf gram: intenesting guidance story, advising "Use Our Talents " by Mns. L. Ashton, piano solos by KE«YCOLDREMÉIESLois Ashton and Daphne Green; KET OLDREM~IE8In the Home ~ a weîî panned study, "Jour- Buckley's Mixture 59c, 85e ney ta Japan,' by Mrs. J. SIe Cherry Cough Syrnp 49e, 75e Bromo Quinine- 49c, 79e mon, assisted by Mns. 0. e- 1Ashton, attired in Japanese Vicks Cough Syrup 63e Pyrîthin Comp. 65e f costume, fallowed by a display So! Japanese articles bv Mrs. A. Coldene Llquid 1.o Buckley's Capsules 39c, 79e j Sharp. Anyane having used2 clothing for the bale kindly1 Dr. Chase'. Super 4 leave with Mns. R. J. Ormiston 9 Cough Syrup.. 59e, 99e Anahlst Tabs. 60c, 1.00 j within a few daYs. Note, Nov'- . rt~siq Buckley's White Rub - 59e 1 ember meeting ta neyent ta af-s 1 -' ,j. .ternoon. uougn 9 .0.. -Êe, ï1. 19 Privine Nose Draps- 95e 1 i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, PineX Prepared 60o - 1.00 I Bayers Spray _____ I jMn. and Mns. E. Tnewin, werc fguests at the Simons - Vance jI wedding in Port Penny Unitedi Creophos Stops Stubborn Bronchial Coughs Church Saturday afternoon. Botte 1.0 fiMiss Dareen and Master Donald Large ote-15 Trewin spent Saturdav with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Rl Ban - Enden 980 Size Mrs. Manvin Nesbitt. Nestleton. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Wright Deodorant Deodorant Shampo, Lustre Cremoe and farnily attended a, family 98a gathening at Mn. and Mns. W. E. 901.25 1.69 79@ Sanderson's, Columbus. n Mrs. E. Bennett, Fenelon Falls, is visiting with Mn. and YT.. ~Mrs. John Griffin. TakeExfr VifminsNowMany in this vicinity have Wample' Exrae 1.0, .75 olyiso 1.5, fithe flu. We wish them ahl Wample' Exrac 1.0, .75 olyiso 1.5, .45 speedy ne caveny. Scotts Emulsion 1.00(, 2.00 Trivisol 1.55, 2.80 il Mns. W. J. Miller, Misses rBeth and Helen Miller, Oshawa, Halibut 011 Haliborange - 1.00, 1.75 Miss An ne Doland. Lapeer, Capsules - 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 Infantol Drops __~ 1.50, 2.30 f Mich., Miss Elenor Leighton, qBowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. AI - '71-Cal-Fer 1.95, 4.-95 Cadoi -----._ 1.00. 1.65, 2.90 Ian Werv. Sandra and Sharonl OneA Dy ultpl- OtoA.D.C. 1.00, 1.65, 4.25 i were holiday visitons with Mr.1 1.40 - 2.50 - 3.95 - 7.95 A.sD.C. Drops . 1.60, 4.25 M. and Mrs.WA. ter. e were Sunday visitons at Mn. Geritol Liquid or Tablets _ _ 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 adMs Howand Oke's, Osh- aMr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp wene Sunday visitons o! Mr. and Mrs. Russ McLaughlin, Bow- fimanville. CO W L N G'SMr. and Mrs. J. Henry, Osh- awa, were with Mn, and Mns. W. PHONE R STORE Howe ls. MIA 3-5695 DRUG ST R TRUSSES~ Miss Elsie Oke. Toronto. spent the weekend with Mn. and Mis. _________________________________Frank Dorland. _______________________________________ Mn. and Mns. John Griffin Sand family, were with Mn. andi Mrs. A. Gow, Barrie, and Mrs. Royal Theatire BowmanvillIE RGv and Ms. ChRc.. m and Miss Margaret Seymour, spent a few days with Mn. and J9 Mns. O. C. Ashton. FRIDAY - SATURDAY - OCT. 18 19 r. and Mrs. Wilbun Tomsi Mn. and Mrs. Keith Van Camp, - U ai Q!and Cindy Lau, Blackstock, Mn. f and Mns. alTeiDrn S ly t e Kid and Donald. were Sunday din- B illy (Color) fer guests of M. and Mrs. Fred. Starring ROBERT TAYLOR Mrs. Fnank Spny, Messrs. and Harold and Glen Spny, Roches-1 1Y ter, N.Y., wene visitons at Mn. Spook C hasers M.adMs la er BOWEY BOS Iand girls, were Saturdav even- BOWER BOYSing dinnen guests with Dr. and Last complete show at 8:35 Mrs. John Davies, Whitbv. Mn. and Mns. IvanShrj were Sundayv visitons at Mn. MONDAY - TUESDAY - OCT. 21 22 and Mrs. Lloy'd Ashton's, Hay- FreDwBew"Susa..with M.adMs .M "Fire Down elow Wetann, Claremnont. Aduit - Color Cinemascope jMn. C. MilEs. Pont Penny, RITAHAY ORT - RBT.MITHUMspent a few days with his RITAHAY ORTH ROB. MICHU daughter, Mn. a'nd Mrs. L JACK LEMMON Stainton. Feature at 7:15 and 9:30 Last complete 9:15 iMn. and Mns. Floyd Pethick I and Robin. Toronto, wee withi OCT. 23Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Pethic k. WE . EU S2 Mn. and Mrs. D. Camphell, iMn. and Mrs. C. M. Fockler and TH4E STORY OF 7THE FAUTIf THAT SECAME CALIFORNIA familv. Toronto, xith Mn. and, 01H Te lCAECIIONAMs. H. Grubb. 1 20#1 corturtoiÉ memiWe are v'erv sorny ta report! Mn. Howard Pye is in Memor-I S al Hospital, Bowmanvillc.. 1 Howard is veny much missed cm# %, e toitand %ve Nish him a speedv ne- urn AuNiuia ~i& lIA isses Ruby Virtue and Vio- P EMI li' EIN[ M11 Mil - .. la Williains, Toronto, Mn. and lui 111REIK oui- lifiMNis. FanI Masters, and girls, Pluscolo caroonBowmanvilîe. were necent vis- Plus rlor ratoon tor., wvth Mn. and Mns. Ralph P Virtue. Misa Clara Page, Toronto. Oùi Heatinu MAKES TOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWVICE AS GOOD Saves Von Money on Vour Fuel Costs Phone or consuit JACK DEOUGH PLUMBINO - HEATING Division Street South Bouse Phone MA 3-3964 Phone - Office IMA 3-5615 ROWMAINVILLE Mn. 'soni Mn. Lec. ow - l ews vere There Ls ta be a dance on F'er- Friday, Oct. 18, beginning at 8:30 at the Lions Centre. Dress mion will be dressup. boys are ne- .end quested ta wcar a shirt and tic. At this dance the new exte- -cutive will be elected, and we would like ta remind you that this is flot a popularity contest, but you must pick the persans yau think will do the best job. Please mark your ballots wise- ly. HAYDON Dr. and Mrs. Cannîgan and family, Mn. and Mrs. Connîgan Sr., Toronto, A. Mo!fatt, Bow- manville, spent the holiday with Mn. and Mns. C. Rankiné and Marg-ot. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and familW, Mr. and Mrs.' John Ross and family, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving Day witb nela- 1 tives in the vil lage and at Bent Ashtan's cottage. Mn. and Mns. Douglas Fan-. tain and Neil. Mrs. Fantain Sr..I Miss Mabel Brown, Mrs. A. Mc- Neil, Toronto, at the McNe'Il home. Mns. A. McNeil is star-- ing at her home for a few weeks, when she will return to Toronto for funther treatrneît on ber eye, The last aperation on ber eye was quite ssfccess- fui and she can sce ta get anound her home. Mr. and Mns. George Bentrirn and children, Taunton, at Mr. and Mns. M. Bentnim's. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Stainton an their Sth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Edna McLaugblin, Bur- keton, Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Enni'skilIen, Mr. Ray Ashton. Leaside. Mn. and Mns. Ross Ashton and farnilv, were Sun- day visitons at Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton's. Mn. and Mns. Fred Ashton, Mr. Bill Ashton, Miss Mary -Armstrong and Gerald Gara- deci, Toronto, at their cottage1 ol n Thanksgiving Day' . Mn. and Mrs. Fred Cow]sng,: Blackstock, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. MeNeil and Mrs. H. Cross-~ man on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Jlm Mantyn and farnily, Mns. Glen Martyn,, Mns. J. Everest, Bowmanville,q visited Mr. and Mns. W.Lovce- ridge and Mrs. Wm. Trewin. Mr. and Mns. Ronald Ra1hmn and familY at Mn. andMs Bill Joinen's. Pcterborouh Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon were guests at the Simmons- \Tancc wedding at Port Penny Uinited Chunch on SatundaY afternoon. The Stewards held a meeting, Tuesday night et Mn. and Mrs. Waltcr Loveridge's. Plans are heîng made ta bold an auctian sale Friday evening, Nov. lst, in the church shed. Anv do-1 naton wil e ratfulyre-j ceiveci. 1 Mns. Arthur Read neceived word of the passing o! ber 1 încle. Chanles Montgomrney, at Buffalo, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemor. iwere te a guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskilîen. The schaol bas been closed this w-eek as aur teacher, Miss Joan Little, bas had the flu. Several in the village have' the flu. W.A. October meeting waz! heýd Wednesda *v evenlng at ' Rev, and Mns. F. Jarkson'... 1 jTvrone. Pregident opened th meeting. Mrs. F. Jackson gave the devotional. Mrs. P. Drys-! dale gave a very lnteresting talk on her trip ta England. Instrumental by Mrs. Jackson. It was decided to ship oId woo2- lens for blankets the end of October. For more particulars see notice in this paper. Dgle- gates were appointed ta attend the convention in Oshawa on Oct. 24. Those appointed were Mrs. C. Garrard, Mrs. Cowling and Mrs. F. Jackson. Mrs. Potts' group served lunch. The W.A. November meeting will be held at Mrs. Don Cameron*s home with election of officers for 1958, Mrs. W. Blackburn's group in charge. Sunday School and church service will be withdrawn on Sunday it being Thankoffering service at Tyrone. LONG SAULT Club 50 ladies met at the home of Mrs. Doris Baker on1 Tuesday evening, Oct. 8, withi 13 members and three visitars. Plans were made ta pack the, bale and also to start quilt. After the scripture reading and devotional taken by Mrs. Mc- Laggan and Mrs. Milîson, Mrs. Mary Penwarden introduced Miss A. Aked who showed us the beautiful pictures she had taken on her 'trip ta England and Scotland which were verv interesting especially ta those who had corne aver from the Mothcrland. Meeting closed wvith benediction and a lovelv lunch was served by the hast- ess and committee in charge. November, meeting ta be held at Mrs. Partner's with Mrs Barrett and Mrs. Jane WoDodlcy as programi convenons. The first meeting of the Home and School Club was held Frida.v night, Oct, il, withi a fair attendance in the forni of a social evcning. Plans wýere made ta have a Hallow- e*en party at the schoci Fridavi evening, Nov. 1, and the pro- gram and lunch convenons for November are the Bob Camnet-- an, Harold Murphy and A. J. MlcLaggan families. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McBride, Keith, Kay and Lynne, Ingle- wood, and Miss Lauraine Cook were Monîday dinner guests at the Smith home. Mrs. Smith re- turned home with thern for a visitwith elatives, Mýr.-a nd Mrs. Don Dave.v and girls were Sunday eveningj guests of Mr. Robert Sim. 1 A goodly number watched Î their TV ta see aur Queen 's arrivaI on Saturday at Ottawa also the opening of aur 3rd Parliament Monday afternoon. Plan ta attend Tyrone Han- vest Home services Sunday, Oct. 20. afternoon and evening. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Broad and Leslev, Toronto, xvere Sunday rvening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Miller spent Thanksgiving with her parents at Tara. Congratulations to Mr. andi Mvrs. Raymond Osborne (nec, Ray Jabnston) on their receîît narriage Saturdav in Tyrone Ulnited Church. Mr. and Mrs. VlcLaughlin and family, Mi s. M¶cMullen, Haleys; Mrs. Hall, M4r. and Mrs. Freemantle, Tor- onto, were guests at the Os- ý borne - Johnston wedding and spent the weekend at John I Johnston's. Mn. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and John attended the A. Hoor- weg - Sequin wedding in North Bay Saturday afternoon. Mn. and Mrs. A. Hoorweg spent the Thanksgiving weekend wlth the Vaneyk*&. Mr. and Mns. Fred Hoorweg, North Bay, were Sundai, after- noon visitons of Mn. and Mrs Chas. Penwarden. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Trivett. PRE-CAST CONCRETE -Sepfio Tanks- --Sidewalk Slabs- Coloured Patio Slabs- -Porches, Steps- - Curbing - Broolin Concrete Products PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Collect Cails Accepted Lt1U1~b1JAY, OCT. l7th, 1951 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameran. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cameron and Raymond, Mrs. E. Penwanden and Mrs. Wm. Penwardep were Mondav a!ter,î noon callers at the Aked's. %' Mr. and Mns. B. Cameron anà~ Raymond, Mn. and Mrs. Earl Penwarden and Ann and Mrs. Wm. Penwarden were Sunday dinner guests of the Morley Boy, arn I proud! You, too, wiII be proud of your suits when you let us treat themn to our superior cleaning methods. We niake thenlook as fresh and spotless as the day you bought thern . . . so yoit look wonderfu1Iy.~ welI-groomned everywherc, always. PHONE MA 3-5520 FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Bowmanvillie Cleaners & Dyers Ltd. 84 King St. W. il A'P FEATURES -AN ABUNDANT ARRAY O0... i SLIPER-RICHT QUVALIT Y MEA TS BEEF ROASIS BONELESS RUMP or POINT SRLonSek Roast Bonelesi 6 9 RdStkrRoII RAIBoneless lb 9 STEA7KS or ROASTS Porterhouse,Wing or Sirloinîb 73 c Extra Lean MINCED BEEF Super Rlght, Smoked Rlndlesu SIDE BACON Produce Speciail Flnest for Eating, Fancy Grade Mclntosh Apples 3-lb. cello hag 29c 21bs49c 1-lib pkg 77c mernb KETCHUP CORN SYRUP 2lb tn29C Ecomn Reg. Prie 27c-SAVE bc WAX PAPER 10-ftros49( C12rk's Reg. Price 23e SAVE Sc OVEIN(ROCK BEANS. 20 oz jar 2l1 Fleg. Price 25t-SAVE 2o il-oz btl 213 c The Super-Efficient DILO - NAGIC FUNK & WAGNALL'S UNIVERSAL STANDARD Encyclopedia Vo!umne No. 6 Now on Sale fer only 99C with any purchase MUkS eWtFCTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, OCTOBER l9th, 1957. THE CANADIAN STATESMàk. gOWNL&NVILLE. ONTARTn pyll" T" C T'% A tr i ui

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