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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1957, p. 7

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THRsDA'Y, ocT. l7th, 1957 ME~ CAKADIAN STATES"~. BOWMANVTLL. ONqTAPTO PAGE SrvMi 80 CL~I & £ersonal ad Phone MA 3-3303 Mr. n . George Hacking, tditor and Mrs. Geo. W. James .Çnhaand John, spent the quietly celebrated their 38th 4 éekeind at Parry Sound. wedding annhversary on Tues- .1 Miss Helen McGregor, Peter- day'ý Oct. 15. Few will orget borough, spent Thanksgiin their 35th anniversar3' when a with her mother, Mrs. D. S. Mc- reception at the Lions Commun- Gregor. ity Centre coincided with the Winners for this, Saturday height of Hurricane Hazel. Con- itiht of the Lions Hockey Club gratulations and best wishes for draware . Parceand ickfuture happy years go to Mr. and Ilenderson. Ms1Jms Miss Irene Ash, Cobourg, v.is- A St. John's Ambulance aduit ited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam first aid course will commence Brereton and girls, Newcastle, in Newcastle the last week in over the holiday weekend. October, continuing for seven Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoar and weeks. Certificates will be famfily, Toronto, spent the week- issued to successful candidates. tnd with his parents, Mr. and Ail those interested should con- Mns. E. V. Hoar. tact Mrs. M. A. Pickering, tele- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock phone Newcastle 3716. People spent the holiday weekend with inl Bowmanville and district are Mrs. Fred Wood at Silver Lake, welcome to attend this course. Coboconk, Ont. Prime Minister Diefenbaker Mrs. James A. Turner, Carle- has indicated his intention to tôn Place, is spending some time honour the l2th annual confer-' with her son, the Rev. Harold ence of the Ontario Federation Turner and Mrs. Turner. of Business and Professional Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Women's Clubs being held iïi Nancy and Jimmy, Chatham,' Ottawa this Friday and Satur- spent Thanksgiving weekendý day, with a short address. Pre- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. sident Elsie Gregory MacGill of' Hall. Toron to said, "I believe ours Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. wvill be the first wvomcn's con - Harold Lake. Elgin Street, nere ference to be addressed by the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roan- Prime Minister." tree, Linda and Ronnie, Seeley's Twenty -eight persons regis- Ba.tered at Central Public Schooli Weekend visitors with Mr. and îast Thursday evening for cour- Mrs. W. Ross Strike were Mr. ses in Basic English and Citi- and Mrs. Graham Casselman, zenship. Mr. Merle Slute, prin- Agnes, Emma and Richard Of cipal of Ontario Street Schoo 1, Morrisburg. is again in charge. and reportj Mr. Ralph Carruthers has re- that those registering were of turned to New York City aftcr Dutch, Danîsh and German ex- spending holidays with h is par- traction and ages range fro m ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Car- around 18 to 60. Classes will he ruthers. held each Thursday from 8 0a Mr. and Mrs. Murray McDon- 10 p.m. at Central School. ald and family, Kingston, stopped Mr. Banner Passant who off In Bowmanville on Thurs- rpeet h u ieo dàyto ene aquantacesinCanada in Bowmanville and hîs native town after holiday- district, bas just returned homeU ing in Toronto. from a business trip to 'his ,Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buttery Company's Home Office in Mont- svent last week visitin g Mr. and real. While there, he took part Mrs. John Sim in leveland, in a special five-day Educational Ohio, and their daughter, Mr. Conference held at Ste. Mar- and Mrs. Hugh Hamer and Deb- guierite in Quebec's Laurentian bie, Pittsburgh, Penn. Mount ains, and attended by Sun; Thanksgiving visitors with Life men who have recently Mrs. Jessie Prout were Mr. and qualified for membership in the Mrs. Geo. Hilson, Toronto; Mr. Company's Leading Producers' infd Mrs. Neil Britton and Janie, Club. Mr. Passant is associated Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. with Sun Life's Peterborough Cliff Trewin, town. branch. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smitb. Gaît, spent Thanksgiving_ week- end witb ber parents, M.and Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthens. Mrs. S mith was a bridesmaid at the <SJoness-Rombaugh wedding i St. Paul's United Church on JonsAnglican Cburch is at- tendng athree-day Anglican ClergyConfenence for the active èegofthe Diacese of Toronto àtAlSaints Churcli, Peter- borogh.The confenence is at the nequest of Bishap F. H. Wilk- inson. Mr. Ron Turner, son of the Rev. and Mns. H. A. Turner cf St. Paul's United Church, Épent Tbanksgiving weekend witb bis parents. Ron is in the third yean of the Hanor Eng- lisb Language and Literature Course at Victoria University, IToronto.- Mrs. Harold A. Turner, ac- compuded by ber son Ronald, reeffly attended the mnarniage cf Ih nephew, Mn. Robent Non- ris, to Miss Elaine Pitts in St. Pbilip's Churcb, Montreal West. While there, she visited with ber brother, Dr. Kennetb Nornis. and her sister, Mrs. Alan Finlayson. John Hughes. Frank Seymour, Woodraw Penny and Crystal Richter, ail of Liberty Street, Bowmanville, vlsited Ottawa over the weekend ta see the Queen as guests of the Toronto Telegram . To qualify for this miemonable trip the four paper cartiers were required ta secure a specific number of new custom- ers._________ St. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Eighteà1h Af 1er Trinily g s and il1 HOLY COMMttNION 10 and il1 an* l - r ,nt CU V CZIJU.D EVENSONO Thanksgiving Day was cele- brated at Memonial Hospital, Bowmanvllle. with a special din- ner for the staff and ail patients who were well enough ta pan- take of tunkey with all the trim- mings. In the cafeteria, tables were decorated with pumpkins, fruit and autumn leaves. The menu began with spiced apple juice and proceeded ta noast turkey with cranbenry sauce, parsley potatoes, relishes, tur- nip for the staff and squash anid green peas for patients, and end- ing with carnot pudding. Mrs. Jessie Prout is in charge af the kitchen where these goad tbîngs were pnepared. Mrs. Whittaker In Good Health On 9lst Birthdayl A quiet family dinnen was! held at the home of Mrs. Peter Bradley, 144 King St. East, on Oct. 14, Tbanksgiving Day, in honoun of hen mothen, Mrs. W-l- liam Whittaken, who celebrat- ed ber 9lst birtbday. Mrs. Wbittaker bas resided in Newtonville the greaten part of her 91 years. Since about four years ago she bas made ber home in Bawmanville with Mns. Bradley, Pniar ta that she resid- ed with ber yaungen daughter and son-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Redknap, for a number of yeans fallowing tbe death of Mn. Wbittaken. Mrs. Whittaker still enjavs a good ciîp of tea and was able' ta sit et tbe table and partake of al] the good thirgs to eat, including a piece of the birth- day cake. Topped with candles, the cake was made bv ber daughter, Mrs. W. Chester of Oshawa. Mrs. Bradley wvas kept busv receiving the man.v friends and neighbours who called duningi the dav to wish ber mothFr wvell. Fniends fram as fan dis- tant as Toronto called. Enniskillen F:imr e (Continued fram page ane) ing damagé ta the building, clotbing and othen articles. Bath bouse and contents are lnsured. Ha also statad that it was almost two y eans ago that another serions fine had des- troyed a garage and tool shed at. the rean of the bouse. Thýe TaylIor childnen spent the bal- ance of the night with Mns.« Ta-i- lor's parents. Mn. and Mr,;. Bruce Montgomery, and wild Trinity United Churchj Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. Il A.M mnd 7PM.- REV. HUGH M. HUNTER, BA etof wéd, Ontario Organst-Mr. Arthur CQison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Educati*onal CQnference WiII Be HeId Here Oct. 23 Twenty Secondary Schools last yean's Confenence, whefl will declare a holida y for their the Social Studies group vigor- pupils on Octoben 23rd, ta en- ously attacked thé policies of able the teachers to attend the the Department of Education in Second Annual Educational that subject field. A recent Conference of District Nine of announcement by the Depart- the Ontario Secondarv Schocl ment that changes were ta be Teachers Federation at Bow- made, panallels the policies ad- manville High School. vocated by the Conference. Mr. Arnold Eainborough. Edi- District 9, OSSTF extends ton of the Kingston Whig-Stan- over the following schools;- dard, will be the guest speaker Pickering D.H.S., Ajax H.S., at the evening banquet. Maxîy Whitby D.H.S., Oshawa C.V.l, other outstanding speakers will Oshawa C.C.I., Bowmanville H. addness the conference. S., Port Hope H.S., Cobourg The teachens will meet in C.I., L;ndsayv C.I., Fenelon Falls general sessions ta discuss cur- H.S., Peterborough C.V.I., Ken- nent educational problems, and ner C.V.I., Kinmount, ., in subject groups ta compare Blackstock H.S., Campbellford notes on individual subject1 H.S., Lakefield H.S., Haliburton techniques. 1D .H .S.. Millbrook H.S., Nor- Reactions occurned over the wood HSOee .. rn whole of the Province tram H H.S.,OeeH.,Oon remain thene until the bed- roshave been nestored. Mr. Gi ve H ock( adMrs. E. R. Taylor expect they will be able to return home immeditely.Subscribers With true country neighbour- IY spirit. a spontaneous and r ,[ willing crew of men and womn- rîrsi '...ancg en fromn the district, plus rela- tives, showed Up at the Taylor Ail 1956 - '57 Inter farm. Friday and began the tre- hockey subscribens wisý mendous task of clearing the renew their season car debris and neturning the house pick up their last year's to a liveable condition. The.v at the Arena on or befori worked throughout the dav and, day, October 26, Arena 1 undoubtedl.v, carried on for as ment Committee Chainnr long as necessary ta complete Watt announced this w( the job. To give subscribers Past Masters View Slides 0f Mexico The annual Past Masters' Night of Jerusalem Ladge A.F. & A.M.. No. 31, G.R.C., was held in the Masonic Hall last Wed- nesday with an excellent turn- out of membens. V. W. Bro. Ross Stevens and bis officens of 1945 confenred the work of the evening. In recognition of the service nendered to the lodge a presenta- tion was made ta W. Ena. G. A. Campbell by W. Bro. Chas. War- ren. A similar presentation was made ta W. Bro. Warren by W. Bro. A. B. Lobb. Special guest at the meeting was Rt. W. Bro. R. E. Mowbray, District Deputy Grand Master fnom Braoklin. A toast was proposed ta the Grand Lodge by V. W. Ena. R. E. Logan and was responded ta by Rt. Won. Ena. Mowbnay. The entertainment portion of the meeting featured Elmen Banting with a presentation of the colour sldes he took on a necent visit ta Mexico. 8Oth Birthday Mrs. Ann Hobbs celebrated ber 8th birtbday with relatives at the home of ber daughten. Mns. Baden Pingle. 18 Second St., Bowman- ville. on Saturday, Sept. 7th. About 35 were present ta cele- brate the happy occasion witb Mrs. Hobbs. Caint.H. CoIes :e mre di ate :hing ta td mnust 'tickets re Satur- Manage- mian Bob ceek. the op- partunity to renew their tickets and enstire themselves seats for the playoffs, the '57-'58 Inter- mediate schedule tickets are now on sale. Beginning Monday. October 28, aIl tickets not picked up will be placed in the pool for' sale ta the general public. From the way Bowmanville- Orono Combines are shaping thein club this year it appears local hockey fans can expect a colourful hockey season. Persons intenested in obtaining subscnib- ers' tickets for the year are ne- minded to place their orders eanly. General ticket sales be- gin Monday, Oct. 28. Orono Pilot Dies in Crash Near Manitoba On Wednesday searcb planes located the Cessna 180 aircraft which bad disappeared on Mon- day on a flight fnom Kenara ta a trading post near White Dag Lake. The plane was piloted by Mn. Donald Mc- Lanen formenly of Orono. The plane canied two AmenicanF fnom Chicago and along with the pilot ahl were killed. The plane owned by Pansors Ainways was an a 33-mile trip with the two Amenicans ta near White Dog Lake. It bas been reported that Donald McLaren radioed 20 minutes after take- of f that he was five mile fo the tnading post, and thais ibility was pon. Seanch planes began a search of the densely forested area when it became evident that something bac! happened on the Monday flight. The wreckage of the plane was spotted Wednesda.y fallowed by a nescue panty wbich was di- rected ta the scene. The Cess- na 180 was found near the Manitoba-Ontario border. It is understood that Donald In bis radia message said be had enough gas ta stay aloft fan two houns. Mr. Donald McLanen was the son of Mns. C. S. McLaren and the late Mns. McLaren. Donald was marnied ta Barbana Jean Allan on Apnil 2th of this yean and resided in Kenana. Funeral was from Orono United Chunch on Monday, Oct. 14th. Interment Ornn Cernet env. Lake Shore, Clarke .-----------1 a. Mrs. Robin Alldred spent Jo ns Ro aW ednesday in Toronto with oins Mn. and Mns. Reg. Waodhams. J S~O ryMn. and Mrs. Les AIrd Onona; Mn. and Mns. Reg. Wood- Club Here bams and Marie, Toronto, Mrs. In Fred Coucli and Mrs. N. Sami, Inan impressive initiation Newcastle, and Mn. and Mrs. cenemonv canied out by four Chas. Alldred and Barbara- past presidents, Captain Nor- Ann wene. Sundayv visitons with man Coles was bnought into! Mn. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. the Bowmanville Rotary Club Mn. and Mns. M. Seanl, Tor- Friday. onto: Mn. and Mns.E.Tni The new member is the off i- and Mn. Bill Powell, Oshawa, cen in charge of the Bowman- spent Sunday with Mn. and ville Citadel of the Salvation Mrs. Bey. Ja vnes. Anmy. He was pnesented ta the Mn. and Mns. AIf. Brown club'by bis sponsor Rick Rick- and Ja ck, Bawmanville. spent aby, Mondavý with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mornison outlined tbe' Bill Lake. respansibilities of a Rotanian and gave him twa text books, "Adventures in Service" and At Julyv 1, 1957, the average "Service is mv Business". w7age in Canadian manufactun- Farbes Heyland told Captain ing was $65.37 a week, compan- Cales of the obligations of Ro- ed ta $62.91 a yean eanlier, andi tary and presented bim with a $37.19 ten vears earlier. dinner badge.- MelDae wnton ta expIai n.3 the objects of Rotary and pres -iThe Statesman SoId enle thenewRotanian wit h the Rotary certificate and 4-At olo igS re Wav Test.AtFlo igS re Allowing Rotarians ta keern Reg. E.-ýiund's Store, Betbanv up ta date in curnent Rotary sfa!tJobnson's Dnug Store, Newcastle fains is the month' publica- 1 T. Enwright. Netwcastle tion, "The Rotaian" and thiR 1 S. Brown. Newtanville wxas presented ta Captain Cales Ponten's Gen. Store. Newtonville bv Art Ribey. i C. Pethick. Enniskillen In cancluding the ceremnonv T. M. Slemon, Ennlskillen President Keith Siemon off - F. L. Bvam, Tynone cially welcamed Captain Cales G. A. Barron, Hampton into Rotary and presented bim Trull's Store, Cauntice with bis Rotary pin. A. E. Ribey. Bunketon Blvtb'si Gçn. Stor-e. 1gr'kstck it KthBradlev, Pontypool C. B. Tyrnell, Orono Wrn. TuranskN,, Kendal Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Osbawa -Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" ,W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Sbap Rite's Smoke Sbop Goheen's Handv Store Jury & Lovel Diliing's Ganeral Store 106 Duke St. The StatestÉan Offict Parents at Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harold Muir, Elderslie Farms.! Muir stands behind her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Horace Courtice, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last1 Hancock, and Mr. Muir is standing behind his parents, week with a family party. A happy feature wa s the1 Mr. and Mrs. Archie Muir, Sr. presence of the paents of both Mr. and Mrs. Muir. Mrs. . -Photo by Rehder SALEM There will be no cburch or Sunday School services here next Sunday on account of Tynone Harvest Home Services. Salem W A. will bold their October meeting Pt the home of Mrs. Les Coombes, Thursday, Oct. 17. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Ken Buttery (nee Jean Crosier) who wene married in Seagrave United Cburcb on Sat- aur community. Theyr have urday.1 moved ta their new home in The executive of the Salem town. Home and School Club held a We welcome ta aur commun- meeting at the home of Mn. and ity Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery Mrs. L. McMahon, town. and farnily fnom Maple Grave who have maved into Mn. G. Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn, Sellers' house. Miss Grace Blackburn, spent last Friday in Tononto. They at- Mn. and Mns. Walter Black- tended the "Happy Gang" and burn and family, Don Milîs, were visted with Mn. and Mrs. Walter Sunday supper guests of Mn. Blackburn, Don Milîs. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. We are sorry ta lose Mn. and Our Harvest Home service will Mns. G. Sellers and family from be held Sunday Oct. 27 when Rev. T. A. Morgan, Bowman.' ville, will be guest speaker. Mrs. Bud Walker and children, Mrs. Irwin, Toronto, were Sun- day dinner guests of Mrs. F. Cator and also called on other friends in the community. Mrs. E. Cain, California, has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. F. Cator. In the past 100 years Canada bas lost nearly 7,000,000 people by emigration. SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK NEW, MODERN WAMPOLE PHO-SPHO-PLEX WAMPOI.. PIOPUOSPLE THE "EVERY DAY" WAY TO RESTr 'DRED NERVES P-ECTIC PACE GETTINO YOU DOWNe IT'S SO FASY TO RELAX JUSI TAKE PHOSPHO-PLEX RELIEVE THAT JUMPY, "TIRED AIL. THE TIME" FEELING. ENJOY LIPE PHOSPHO-PLEX IS THE EVERYDAY WAY TO RELIEVE NERVOUS TENSION. Wampole PHOSPHO-PLEX is a mTodern nerve food and tonic, rich in B compound Vitomins and other important restorative ingredients. Ask your Druggist for PHOSPHO-PLEX in either eosy-to-toke tablets or conven. ient liquid form. Ai FULL THRUE WEEK TREAIMENT 50 TABLETS 16 OUNCES 2-.5-0 2.50 A HEALTHY BABY is a happy baby! Aqua Seal Baby Pants .-_ 39e, 59e Bayswater Dlaperash Ointment 95c, 1.89 Castoria -- 45C. Save 19c on ,ohnson's BABY POWDER 690 tin, 2 For 1. 19 Chi% Diaper Liners ___ 75C #1 39c, 1.29 Chu% Dîsposable Diapers 98e, 2.19 Rleins Strained Baby Foods--1 3 for 31v Johnson's Baby Soap - 2 for 29e Shampoo 69r, 98c 011 -_______ 69C. 98c1 ,Mead'% Mlxed Vîtamins ____3.25 Pély-VI-Sol 1.95, 3.45, 4.90, Nivea Creme 35e, 63e, 1.10, 3.00 Q-Tlps - 9c, 59c, 98e SPECIAL! Jack and Jill 98e COUGH SYRUP PlusOO 4 OZ. CheSt Rb _ 98C Revlàn Silicare Medlcated Baby Lotion 1.50 1 sortie Rinse _____75c, 1.25 Swlft's Baby Meats 2 for 45e 1 Vaseline, white Tube ______ 29c, 39e Jar ...~ 20c, 35c, 59e I w I.D.A. COCOANUT Oit SHAMPOO 8 ounce Reg. 49a 39c_____ MMLK 0F MAGNE SIA 100'i Reg. 39c .00's Reg. 89c 59C Your Money Back or 40 Blades FREE AND YOU KEEP THE KIT TOO! when you buy the new EVERSHARP SCHICK Injector Razor Kit Razor - 12 Blades Bonui Certifleate Travel Case - Ail for $1.0 1.D.A. COLD CREAM SOAP with Lanolîn Regular 2 for 25a 2 l'or 23c 12 For 1.29 I.DA. WHITE EMBROCATION 4-or. Re.69e ____49C FREE KOTEX BELT Just send ln opening tab! from Kotex to Klmberly- Clark,.P.O. Box 39Ô, DePt. K-B. Niagara Falls, Ont.ý TRUSHAF LÔTIÔN 990 sire plus Vree Dispenser 99C i *ABSORBIEN? T seRiLEGA *STERILIZED PAOS iOHNSON'S STERRLE GAUlE PADS SEALED IN INOIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. 2" x 2" 12's 45c -3x 3" 12'S 60-ci i;ET FAST RELIEF wifh '"" GIN PILLS roils 25C \IrFMEo#oNDWfOIm SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR WET! 35 c 11G BO)(3t,3-, PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Drugs iWe. Deliver Your Local I.DA. Drug Store Phone MA 3-57921 i i. Let us be silent that we mnay hear the whisper of God.-Em- erson. Turn Old Furniluro is oCash Wlth STATESMAN C LA SSIFI EDS Phone MA 3-3303 bl COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE leD qAm*ý DR STO-Pt]E S ey

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