THURSDAY, OCT. "4th, 195 THECAKADLU<_STATES?&«. EOWMA&NVff4L. ONTARIO Birtis DELANEY-Mr. and Mrs. P'aul Delaney, Newcastle, announce the birth of a son, Joseph, Sun- day morning, Oct. 20, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman-1 ville. A brother for Paula. 43-1*i MAGILL-Mr. and Mrs. Weston Magili, Woodstock, Ont. (ee Alildred Allun), are happy to announce the arrivai of a baby girl, Janice Ruth, on Saturday,i October 12, 1957. 44 'rAYLOR-Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor are happy to announce the arrival of their son William Douglas, on October l7th, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 43.1* Deaths GIBSON-At Oshawa General IHospital on Monday, October 21 , 1 957, Charles Thomas Gîbson, 275 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa, aged, 56 years, beloved husband of Ellen Ward and dear father of William, Mary (Mrs. G. Page), Leslie, John and Gordon.Sev ice was held at the Morris un eral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tucsday, October 22nd at2 n'clock. Interment St. George's Cemetery. 43-11j GOODMAN, Luther J.-At Bow- manville on Friday, October 18, 19î57, Luther J. Goodman, belov- l husband of Ethel Skinner,l f iher of Fred of Peterborough;, Clarence of Bowmanville; Eari 0 Toronto, aged 76 ycars. Rest- eci at Northcutt & Smith Fun- cral Home, 53 DivisionStet B3owmanville, where service was held on Monday, October 2lstl et 2 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 43-1 GREENFIELD, Wallace E.- Sucldenly, at Toronto General Hospital on Saturday, October 19, 1957. Wallace E., beloved son of Gertrude and the late Fred Greenfield, Lansdowne, Ont., and dear brother of Reginald W. Greenfield, Coîborne, Ont. Rest- ed at Northcutt & Smnith Fun- eral Home, 53 Division Street, Bowmanville, where service was held on Tuesday, October 22nd et 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow-' mnanville Cemetery. 43-1 WALKER, Sidney B.-At Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Thursday, October l7th, 1957, Sidney B. Walker, beloved bus- band of Edith Maynard, in bis 62rd year. Rested at Northcuttl &- Smith Funeral Home, 531 Division St., where service wasi held on Saturday, October l9thj et 2 p.rn. Interment Bowrnan-1 ville Cemetery. 43-11 In Memoriam1 Uoming t»ents Tickets sold out for Enniskil- len turkey supper, Wednesday, Oct. 30.. 43-1 Elizabethville United Church hot turkey supper, Oct. 30, has been cancelled until further notice. 43-1l Plan to attend the Guildettes Hallowe'en tea and sale at St. John's Parish Hall, Oct. 26, from 2:30 to 5. 43-1* Durhým County Vegetable Growers annual meeting, Mon- day, October 28, 8 p.m., New- castle Community Hall. 43-1* Don't forget the bazaar in the United Church Sunday School room, Blackstock, Tuesday, Oct. 29th at 8 p.m. Mrs. Cornish,, Oshawa, guest speaker. 43-1* Salem Harvest Home Service will be held on Sunday, Oct. 27 at 2:30. Guest speaker: Rev: T. A. Morgan, Bowmanville. Special mnusic by Harmony Choir. 43-1* Durham County Junior Farm- ers annual banquet and dance, Saturday, November 2nd at 6 p.m. in Orono United Church. Tickets $1.75. (Banquet only). Canadian National Institute for the Blind sale of work to be held Friday, November lst from 9 arn. to 9 p.m., and Saturday, November 2nd, 9 a.m. to 6 p.rn., in the Hydro Shop . 43-2 You are invited to attend the' Annual Bazaar and Tea sponsor-1 ed by the Woman's Association! of Newcastle United Church, Friday, November 8, in the Lions Room, Community Hall. 43-1 Goodyear Employees Recrea- tion Club Dance Saturday, Oct. 26th, in Legion Hall. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to midnight. Recrea- tion members, $1.00 per couple; non-members, $2.50 per couple. 42-2 Bowmanville Lions Club bingo in Lions Community Centre, 261 Beech Ave, on Monday, Nov.j 4th at 8 p.m. Jackpot $75. 201 games for $10.00. Two ýspecialI games. Admission $1,00 at the door. 43-2 .Annual bazaar of St. Joseph's Church undejS the auspices of C.W.L. will be held Friday, Oct. 25 at Community Centre, Beech Ave. Gifts and home-baking. Tea wiil be served frorn 2 to 6 o'clock. 43-1* Regular weekly bingo held Thursdays except third week in the month which wili be held on Tuesdays, in the Union Hall., 20 regular games and a jackpot game. No game under $3.00.j Admission 5Oc. 38-tf CARTER-bn loving memory of The annual bazaar of Ebenez- P dear busband and father, John er Ladies' Berean Class will be C,-rter, Veteran of War 1, Oct. held in the Sunday Sehool rooms 211lh, '56; Roy E. Carter, of War on Wednesday, Oct. 30, com- 1T, killed in action, 1944, and mencing at 2:30 p.m. Home- Ethel Annie Carter (Mrs. R. baking, gifts, etc., and tea will Fuovan), 1948. be served during the afternoon. L- oxever long aur lives may last, 43-1 \X'hatever joy or grief be ours, Wo,( will always think of you. The Oshawa and District Cer- - nx-cr rcmembered by wife ebral Paisy Centre's annual ba- endl £amily. 43.1* zaar on Saturday, Oct. 26th at f2:30 in Simcoe Street United COUCII -In loving memory of Cbiurch, Oshawa. Tea will be .9 dear father, Harry Couch, wboI served. Home-baking, other do- pfi-sed away Oct. 25, 1950). nations, caîl MA 3-2907 or New- ( dear dad, gone ta rest csl 56 31 AwaY frorn sorrow, care and Tyrone L.O.B.A. is sponsoring ou estin eacda apenny sale, borne cooking and Mrv restIn pace earafternoon tea in the Lions Con- father, munity Centre, Wednesday, Oct. [Hntý1l\WC meet again. 3th at 2:30. Draw at 8 p.m. - Ever rernembcred by da ugbt- These lovely prizes are on dis- er Decîdason-n-l ,_,id ,play in Archie Virtue's store __4___window, Tyrone. 43-1 (G-1RD---1n loving remem- DON'T FORGET THE irceof John William Garrod v:îho passed away OctoberîS Dance in Sn1ina Hall1 1!) 2. '-1- Tnii xve reet again. ~ nrn irtf' 9 b\v:f and faîilv.. 43-1 \XA'.'LKER-In loving miemory of ai cear hiusband and father, .A . xander Walkecr who was tak- cý -o sucddonly as resuit of an a~&dnOct. 24th. 1955. mnonth of October again is heirc, For me the saddest of the year; a niorninig dawns or evening fadles 13iit tlmt I think of v,,. Nobode klnows how 1 imiss yvou, 0MLa llLaJ A1119111, IJ. .6Li Montgomery's Orchestra 43-1 Enrolment for the St. John Ambulance aduit classes, which include a full course in first aid and home nursing, will com- mience on Monday, October 28th, starting at 8 p.m. at the Corn- munity Hall, Newvcastle. Reg- istration fee $3.00 for six week course. For further information telephone Newcastle 3716. 43-1 jThe Darlington Football Lea-1 .As it ends the second long year. gule Annual Dance and Cup1 - 1ovîoJ~remrnbredby ifcPresentation will be held a' Vanda and familyv. 43-.P' Newcastle Cornmunity Hall on Friday, Oct. 25th. Bryce Brown a ~ rrt¶ Sevenaires Orchestra wili be in C arus ofL uank.S attendance for round and square danciitg<- Doar prizes. Tickets 1 wisli ta think again the may be purchased frorn clubi 1ir: ,'-d>, nei ghbours. relatives for 1epresentatives, $l1.00 per per- 1h1, .r1kindncess, flowers and cards1 soli. 42-2 during my illness. It certainiy' w as x ery nmuch appreciated. Fali Thankoffering Service ati INVIrs. Oscar J. Luxton. Courtice United Church on Sun- 43-1 *iday evening, October 27th at 1 7 o'clock. Rev. Harold Stainton, 1 wi:liîta express my thanks former pastor, will be the guest to ail at Mernorial Hospital, speaker, and special music by Sîuerintendent and staff forl the choir. Saturday; Novemberl kindness during my stay, I 2nd, at Courtice Church, a hoti Dr. Austin and my neighbours turkey supper will be servcd for flowers, carcis, etc. from 4 o'clock on. Buy your; Mrs. John Carter. tickets now. Adults $1.50, child- 43-1* fren 50c. 43-1 We wish toa express aur sin- j DANCE cere thanks t the friends and i nýighbours of Providence for the' nKe alH l invey gifts and the Trinity Wî I edlH l A.. Concession St., for the lovely. a.Ngt c.2 Mm. and Mrs. Oscar J. Luxton. 0111LDIME AND MODERN __43____Music by We wish ta express tbanks ta, HENRY KOSS AND atthe nieighbours and friends lSHMSEDR ~ ohelnce t save our furn- -Amsso raLre and personal belongings i Gents 75e Ladies 50c during the recent fire in aur 43-1* bouse. A special thanks ta the t Bowmanville Fire Departrnent i Pan unn for their speedy and efficienti ia o u' n wvork in extinguishing the fire. Brice Taylor and fanmily..1 ARTHUR Collison,. Telephone1 Articles for Sale LADY'S white figure skates, size 5"ý2. Phone MA 3-5048.4-1 POTATOES, $1.25 at farma, less bag. John Hooyer, Nestleton. 43-2 IQUANTITY of stove and furn- ace wood. Phone MA 3-2302. 43-1 * TWO boxes of .30 Remington ammunition. Phone MA 3-5401. 43-1 FOUR-burner 21" range, heavy wiring, $70. Phone MA 3-5389. 43-1* 1,500 NEW apple boxes, wire bound, 75c each. Phone 1 r 6,1 Orono. 34-tf COMPLETE Cub outfit. Phone MA 3-3464. 43-1* FRESHLY killed turkeys. Spec-1 il quantity discounts. Phone Oshawa RA 8-5392. 43-8* DRY hardwood slabs, $18 a cord, sawed and delivered. Phone Newcastle 3776. 43-11 CEDAR posts, any size, . any quantity. John Kuzenko. Tele- phone Oshawa RA 5-6052. 43-1* FORD tractor, plow and loader; Oliver spreader. Phone MArket 3-2882, Tyrone Garage. 43-2* SAVE on lumber. direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount. Ontario. Phone 17 r 11.L l3tf iKEYS cut automatically,- while1 'you wait, at Mlason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King' St. E., Bowrnan- ville. 46-tf HARD and sof t water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MArket 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 48-tf HALLOWE'EN supplies, masks, wigs, costumes, etc. McNulty's, Bowmanviile. Phone MArket 3-3531. 43-2 NEW and used skates for sale, will exchange oid skates for new. Lloyd Ellis Shoes, 49 King St. West, Bowmanville. 43-3 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf ATTENTION apple growers! Apple crates for sale, delivered, 60e per crate. Write to George Kelly, Haultaîn P.O., Ont. 43-2* MODERN wood range, excellent condition; high chair, dish cab- inet, white fur jacket, fits 14 ta 16; car trailer. MA 3-5123. 43-1 * DO your own floors-Rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-_tf FORD tractor, Deering tandem disc, 2-furrow plough, three- section harrows. J. Lajolie, 21 miles east of Newcastle on No. 2. 1 43-1* DRY elm furnace blocks, $32.00 a load, 2 cords, resawed, deliv- ered; also kindling. J. A. Car- scadden, Orono. Phone 35 r 9. 43-3* INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf BUILT-IN kitchien cupboards, sink and mirror included; also face stone suitable for fireplac- es and bouses. Pbone MArket 3-2885. 43-1* 120 TONS dry camn, $32 ton on field. Start picking October 29. ,Write Advetiser 734, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 43-2* HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Hîggon Electrie 'Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf SUMP pump, '48 Chev. push- button radia, 5 b.p. gas engine, '49 Chev. tan panel, 6 h.p. m. 1e. rota-tiller, '48 Chev. transmis- sion. RA 3-2334. 53 Harmony Rd. S., Oshawa. 43.1* MARAZZA Italian lady's model, accordion, excellent condition, white-ivory finish, 120 bass; carrying case and plastiecocver. Sacrifice of over 37,7 of original cost. Phone MA 3-3724. 43.1* USED furniture, oak buffet, chairs, table, heavy library table, ballrack, heavy bevelled. mirror, kiteben cabinet, Quebec cook stove, other articles. Nor- ton Chambers, Pontypool. 431* YOUNG TURKEYS CHOICE MEATY BIRDS DRESSED AND DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY ýMAPLE GROVE MA 3-50581 26-tf DELICIOUS Christmas Cake and. Plum Pudding OId English Reelpes Order now for Christmas Mrs. Dorothy Jewell, MA 3-2987 42-4 Decorating " For the Finest Paints "For the Latest Papers " For the Best Workmanship S. G. Preston & son IMA. 3-591,1 Phones MA 3-3701 44 4f Articles for Sale GOOD used piano. Phone MA 3-2121. 43-1 LADY'S all-weather coat, size 16. Phone MA 3-2224. 43-1 ,GIRL'S white figure skates, size 12. Phone MA 3-5066. 43-1* DUO-THERM space heater, large size, $35. Phone MA 3-5490. -43-1 * MOUTON fur coat, size 20, good condition; two Congoleum rugs. Phone MA 3-5546. 43-1* COAL and wood range, white enamel, reservoir. Best offer. Phone Newcastle 3686.' 43-1 ERUG 9 x 12, feit underpidding, grey tone on tone, with floral pattern. Phone MA 3-5522. 43-11 Cars for Sale 'Real Estate for Sale1 '48 CHEV., signal ligbts and beater, $150; also '50 Dodge, Peter Feddema signal lîghts and heater, $175. REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone MA 3-2114. 43-1 General farm, 150 acres; 9 1952 METEOR Custom, radia, roomn brick bouse, barn 106 x 34, heater, signais, Suburbanite impiement shed 20 x 40, lien tires, good condition. $850 or house, g ar a ge, silo. Price best offer. Phone 1413 Orono. $14,500.00. Termis. 43.2-* 35.acres, large bouse in good1 repair, barn 30 x 60, lien bouse,( '51 FORD haîf-ton complete witii garage, 11,000 Christmnas trees1 racks and snow tires, reasonabie. planted, gravel pit, never-fail-i Set of one-ton platform scales. ing stream. Price only $16,000.00. Murray Payne. Phone Clarke Terns. 2811. 43-1 8 room brick home in Orono, bath, furnace, full basement. FOR ail tank trucks or used Price $8,000.00. Very low down construction machinery contact payment. Giffen Truck Equipment Lixn- 7 roorn insu! brick in Hamp- ited, 5461 Yonge Street, Willow- ton, bath, basernent, large lot. dale, Ont. 43.1* Price $7,500.00. Ternis. 1956 'HALF-TON G.M.C. pick-up, 3bdom oueiBwan excellent condition, 8,000 i1es ville, bath, basement, garage. Reasonable. Write Advertiser Price $8,000.00. Terns. 732. c/oTh' Cn ianStte- 4 roorn bouse'on Highway 2. FIVE-PIECE chrome kîteben1 man, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. suite, yellow and blue. Phone 43-1* IMA 3-5850 or 10 Liberty St. N. 43-111948 DODGE special deluxe 4- door sedan, fully equipped, fair TELEVISION, 17" Rogers Ma-.' condition, bai5gain for quick sale. jestic, mabogany table mode] l Write Box 736. c/o The Canadian with legs, in excellent condition. Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- MA 3-5522. 43-1 manville. 43-1 POTATOES, No. 1 large, grad- 1939 LaSALLE sedan, 1950 ed, dirt free, 75 lb. bags 1.-25 at Series; engine overhauled last farm. M. Mantel, Burketon June. 6-ply tires, Lifeguard Phone Blackstock 82 r 12. 42-Ï tubes, beater and extra parts for i motor, etc., $100. Phone Osha- ONE used coal and wood furn I wa RA 5-3371 between 3 and ace, 1 used cook stove. Write 7 p.m. 43-1 Advertiser 737, c/o Canadian 15 EER4do enn Saman , Pl.O.Bx 49 3 o- strator, save up ta $500: 1956 manvlle 43.* IMeteor 2-door, fully equipped,1 COLD weather is coring-Get 10,000 miles, one oxvner car; 1954' Asco alurinurn combination Ford 2-door, new tires, signall windows and doors now. Use lights, windshield washers, one aur easy payrnent plan for homei owner car; 1951 Monarchi 4-door, cornfort ahl year round. Cn radio, fully equipped, new tires; i tact Lamne Allun. Phone 1MIArket 1950 Pontiac 4-door, repainted, 3-3871. 43.j*,newý tires; 1949 Pontiac 4-door, radio, only $195; 1948 Chevrolet SPECIALS- Chrome kitchen Flcetline 2-door, radio, new sets, reg. $99 for $79. One only, tires, good shape, $295: low 3-piece sectional cbesterfield down payments at Cowan Equip-! suite, reg. $199 for $139; G.E. ment Ca., '134 King St. E., Bow- floor polishers, $39.95; one re- manville. Phone MA 3-5689. eanditioned washer, $29.50. w14- years ta pay. Murphy Ca., King- West, MA 3-3781. 43.1* V I *' Sentinal ALTJMINUM COMBINATION Windows and Doors N.H.A. Approved Cali Ross Clark for FREE DEMONSTRATION AND ESTIMATES at Lower Costs PHONE MA 3-3801 43-2* BE prepared for cold weather witb International Harvester top quality ethylene glycol base anti- freeze-Wîll do everything if flot more than any other anti- freeze of this type on the market and will meet the most rigid. tests of Canadian winters. Rust prevention - proteets caolîng system - will not cause corrosion ta any part of the cooling sys- tem, only $2.69 in gallons and 69e in quarts at Cowan Equip- ment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bow- manville, Phone MA %-5689. 43-1 APPLIANCE and TV Specials- Kelvinator 30 inch deluxe elec- trie range with automatie aven contrai, $289; Firestone 20 eu. ft. freezer, $379; Kelvinator 1l cu. ft. refrigeratar, $289; Interna- tional Harvester 8.2 eu. ft. me- frigerator with automatie de- frost, $235; Kelvinator wringer wasber, only $119 and your aid wasber; Philips 21-inch tele- vision, $269; two used refrig- erators; used Easy Spindry washing machine at Cowan Equipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3-5689. 43-1 Livestock for Sale 80 PULLETS, six montbs old, 80 per cent laying. Phone MA 3-2204. 43-1 TWELVE pigs, seven weeks old, Walter Ferguson. Phone MA 3-2329. 43-1 REGISTERED Suffolk rams. Carncroft Farrn, Blackstock. Phorie 13W. 40-tf FRESH and springing Holstein heifers. Chas. E. Osborne. Tele- phone MA 3-2285. 43-1* 150 ROCK pullets, Peel's laying strain, seven months. M. Byers, Blackstock 80 r 1-1. 43-1* TWO purebred Guernseys, ma- ternal sisters, six years old, fresh 10 weeks; two years old, due now. Darn's record 12,860 milk, 621 fat, three years. Doug Mackie, R.R. 2,.Nestleton. 431* Cars for Sale PALMER MOTOR SALES Used Cars 1956 STUDEBAKER V-8 2-door Sedan 1955 PLYMOUTH 6 4-door 1954 FORD 4-door 1951 PLYMOUTH 4-deor 1950 CHEVROLET 2-door 1947 PLYMOUTH 2-door PALMER MOTOR SALES Plymouth - Chrysier Cars1 Fargo Trucks ý20 King St. E. MA: BOWMAN VILLE 3-5487 4-1 usea Uar Specials BLACKSTOCK MOTORS» 1952 DeSOTO SEDAN Radio, automatie transmission, white walled tires Very dlean car 1951 MONARCH SEDAN Radio, dual exhaust, fender skirts Clean throughout 1951 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Low mileage, gaod tires, interior like new 1949 PLYMOUTH COACH Good motor and tires 1948 PONTIAC COACH Radio and new motor job 1947 CHEV. SEDAN Runs gaod :Large lot, hen bouse, garage.j Price $3,800.00. Down $500.00. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone MArket 3-3644b 43-1 H. C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER 8 room house in Newtonville with extra lot, on No. 2 Hîgh- way. $4,500 with $1,000 down. Must seli. Phone Arnold Wade, 2611 Clarke 15 acres garden land, close to highway. No buildkrngs. Full price .$2,500. 50 acres close to Highway 35, no buildings. Price $6,000. $1,000 down. 62 acres, 1 mile from New- castle on No. 2 Highway. Frame house, bank barn, 40' x 60', other buildings. Inquire for particu- lars. 8 room solid brick bouse In1 Newcastle. 3-piece bath, oul heated, immediate possession. $1,000 down. Easy terms. j 8 room bouse in Newtonville, garage and barn. Reduced to down. New 5 room bouse with oul furnace, bath, east of Newcastle on No. 2 Highway. Very easy terms. Money ta boan Phone Newcastle 3856 43-1 For Rent FOUR-roomed house on No. 2 Highway. Phone Newcastle 2156. 43-1* FOUR unfurnished rooms, cent- rally located. Phone Newcastle 2896. 43-1 SIX-room bouse for rent on No. 35 Highway, in Ballyduff. Phone Bethany 16 r 2. 43-2t FOUR unfurnished rooms, cent- rai location, W. H. Cowan, North St., Newcastle. 43-1 STABLING for Winter for 203 head. Bedding supplied. Doug Mackie, R.R. 2, Nestleton. 431*1 FURNISHED room, central lo- caio.kicenniv1pp £_---. -..~ ".m. fpî,5uuwitn $4,000clown. 1947 FORD 5-Pass. COUPE Box 738, Bowmanville. 43-1 James Ni~ixon 6 roorned, 11/- storey home in Goodruningconitio FOR-rome fla, Est eac, REL ETAT BRKER Bowmanville with new ail furn- Godrnnn oniin ORromdfatiat ec, Efs SAE RKR ace, 3-piece bath, running hot BLACKSTOCK PHONE 70 isde toilet and running water, 4-room frame bungalow, bY- and cold water, heavy duty wir- AFERHORS- 7 lights. Rent $40 a montb. Phone dro, on appraximately one acre, ed, attacbed garage. Price $7,500 AFE OR 7 MA 3-2875. 38-tf paved road, not far from Bow- with $1,500 down. Cash - Trade - Ternis manville. 9 roorned, nearly new, 1%½ 43-1 FIVE unfumnished rooms, $30 Tworgsee los prxsteyhm inBwavle per month, haîf mile west of o l 1reistered lots, aprox- s ta hedindoyl gaagle Tyrone. Mrs. J. Piggott, R.R. 1,iatl1aceieahonpvdwhatced ouegrg. anil.43-1* road. $400 each. Partly1 rented, with separate B UYING A CAR ? Bowmavle- Wanted-2 bungalows, central, entrance. Has 2 hathrooms, bard- BEOR YU O APARTMENT in Newcastle. in Bowmanville. Cash. Bus- wood and tule floors, running SEE H OUT D, Electrie range. Garage, garden, messes and ather properties. bot and cold water, oak: trim- OR "IRISHST EW" private entrance. Phone New' Saieslady - Miss Neads ming, modern kitchen, laundry OR "IERISUSE AR" castle 3231. 43-1 91/2 King East MA .1-3355 tubs, very nice location. Price f«BETER UED CRSP#4-roorn frame bungeow, 3- and 'ternis irranged. * Certified Condition HOUSE, one mile west of Orono, piece bath, ail furnace, heavy Besides above mentioned we * Thirty-day Guarantee space heaters supplied; heavy wiring, full basement, $7,000. bave apnroximately 200 more * Easy Terms wiring, $25 per month. Phone Terms. properties ta choose from. * WinterizedI Orono 1794. 43.1* 47 Queen St. Bowmanville Contact Once -in-a-Lifetiîne SPECIAL S' 50 METEOR $- 495.001 THREE-roorn apartment, suit- Box 941 MA 3-568?. Good motar, tires and body1 able for young couple, availabie 43-1* JhiF eW t 51 CHEV. - - - 545.00f Nov. 1. Phone M4A 3-5850 or Realtor and General Insurance Deluxe- Radio - Two-tone 10 Liberty St. N. 43-b Leask Real Esie Newcastle Phone 3341 5METEOR _. -- ---- $495.00 APARTMENT with garage at 6 ombrcaouelewensnien: This is a gaod car 8ro rc osnwo 53 OR - $9500Newcastle. $50 per month if Simpson Ave., decorated aili Donald Mountjoy, Bowmianvillt CusORD $7adi95.wo 00ne occupied by Nov. lst. Phone1MA395 53 to CE-- Rd---- $85,0 shwaRA3-67.43-2 furnace, air conditioned, fire- MA395 53CHV -- ---- -------------$89.00place, bathrooms, storms and! Mrs. Jean Woolner, Hlampton Deluxe - Loaded with extras ~ HEATED roorns in Newcastle, screens, extras, $ 12,800. Terms. MA 3-2175 55 FORD C.u tmie_ $1295.007 partly fumnished if desîred. 4 room bungalow, ail furnace, Daniel Boehm Port Hope Cusomhe jWrite A dvertiser 724, c/o Canai- attached garage, deep lot, 60 xl TU 5-5042 Signais - White waiis ian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, 400. Owner moving ta Toronto' 43-1 55 CHEV. ------ - $1395-00 Bowrnanviile. 41-3* and will accept a reasonable Deluxe - Radio SignaIs- offer as she must seli. 56 FARGO ],2-TON PICK-UP OFFIC]E or star e space, aiso Incarne home, 2 complete _________________ This vehicie bas neyer been used apartmit on King Street W., apartments, ail furnace. This is as a truck and is in new con- Bowrnanville. Phone Oshawa centrally located and i good WHITE Persian kitten, Queen dition. Two-tone, radio. We RA 3-3559 or apply 410 Athol condition. $1,500 cash, balance St. Phone MA 3-3056. 43-1, will guarantee it for 90 days. St. E., Oshawa. 43.1*, easy terms. - Best offer buys it. Good business location on King1 , 55 RAMBLER $1195 00 8-ROOMED brick bouse in Bow- St. Brick front building suitable . The Canadian Statesman 57 HILLMAN ------- - $1395,001 water, ail beat, two-car garage, List with Leask *. (TN New condition no sub-letting. Phone Wbitby M. E. LEASK, BROKER 4-~ ADVERTISING 90RAMB guarantee ol MOhawk 8-3920. 4- 5OtroS. Bwavleé 57RMLER ---- $2695.00 ATTRACTIVE three - roomed MA 3-5919 RATE Demonstrator heated apartrnent, centrally la- 43-1: Two-tone - New Guarantee cated, separate entrance and j ARTICLES FOR SALE Overdrive - White Walis bathroom. Immediate passes-LVTC FOR SHL AED Customn Radiao Signais sion. Phone MA 3-2436. 43-1 ]ee o a ASFRSL Washiers - Beds * LOST . FOUND - 57 C And Many More MODERN, beautifully decorated REAL ESTATE BROKER .. Cs a. ..Wr ai4-roorn self-contained, heated1 GENERAL INSI'RANCL : wlth a minimum ai 80e S apartment with balcony in quiet 99 King St. L. Bowmnanvilie e. Must ho paid by date of insertion. W LM A ' residential area. Child wel- Telephone MA 3-5868 9. Il charqied, an additional 25c 195 HLLANNo o Dspaycame. Reasonable. Phone MA Box 817 .. A char 01o 25c wiIl b. made for 195 HILMA No onD'slay3-5447 or write P.O. Box 264. 3 room stucco dweliing on -1- alilraP ?jeu directed f0 thls office. Don't buy a gas-hungry monster, 43-1* sewer and water, 2-piece bath,- NOTICES . COMING EVuNT Buy a Hillman---- heavy wiring, hot watem, nice lot. >. AND CARDS OF TMJUr- $495 Down - $49 per monthI DOWNSTAIRS heated 3-roorned Asking only $3,900.00. Immed .* 4c ai Word with a mmmni. NONQUON ROAD OSHAWA apartrnent with kitchenette and iate possession. Temms arrang-* 1.0fo 5 oso RA 3-4431 bath, built-in cuphoards,. bot ed. g . araiS ENGAGEMMMT Open Until 9 P.M. and cold water, beavy wiring, 3 bedroorn ranch-style bunga- . MARRIACIES - DEATHS 43-1* centraly oated. Rent $70.00. low. Large living-room, large' S1.00 per Insertion Available Nov. lst. Phone MA, bright kitchen, tiled floors, forc- INi MEMORIAM, - 3-5277. 43tf1 ed air ail heating, laundry tubs, l $1.00 Plus lOc a lino fa . Nursin Home ~~~~etc. A real buy at only $9,500 .00. DslyCaste t*. ______Wanted to Rent $2,000.00 down. le nch with ar minimum cf one inch. NICEloctio, Mii tret, ew-Rambling ranch-style 3 bed- I.. Additiunal insertions ai the smre casie nw mnaemnt.RaesFOUR or five-roomed bungalow rorn bungalow. 3 large bed-li rates. and artculrsPhoe c ltior downstairs apartrnent with roams with ample closet space. ...AIl Ctasîtied Ada must b. tu Newase246.431*m o de rn conveniences. Two Large living-room, dining-room,!.* this office flot inter than Newcatle 426.43-I adults. Write Advertiser 729, kitchen. Central hall plan. I-h..I .; 12 o'clock non Wednesday. c/o The Canadian Statesman, ed at only $12,500.00 with xSncarshan o moneyd., Personal P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. $3,500.00 down. This is an ex- . Clip this out for handy referoe.. __________________________ I43.1*, ceptional buy. We -require homes of ail de- OFFICE HOURS HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber Vbaldsrpin I o r ~ ondai' thraugh Friday good) mile potpal inplan W mtedýcrptins.If yu ae cnsier-8:30 a.m. ta 5 P.m. goods) maiidipostpaidln plainy1 " ta con-1 Saturday sealed envelope with price list. tact s.iling it wilta 12 Nou Six samples\ 25c, 24 samples DEAD and crippied farrn stock,tatu.0am.o12loj $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, picked up promptly. Phone MA Salesman - J. A. Bartoai<Dial MArket 3.3303 Nov.-Rubber Co. Box 91. Hani.3-2679. Magwi I Pr arm.I- *M 3-3098-e j fo lsiedASrvc .a e- Illour- 0 miffl Real Estate for Sale Real Estate f or GOOD building lots for sae1Ett Miil Street South, Newcastle. VnNes Ra Apply to George Walton. 43-1 11 Kin- St. F. Bowrn'anvllle FIVE-roomn cottage, West Beach, Po~ A233 excellent condition, screened Solina village, ta close an verandah. Joe Cooper. Phone estate, sevea roorn frame on MA 3-5815. 42-tf* lovely half acre lot. Fuirnace, sm ail barn wi handy work. FOR rent or sale-Small lunch shop. Asking $7.200. counter, compietely equipped.1 Prospect St. - Four room living quarters. Year-round bus- frame on nice lot. AI' con- iness. Phone Blackstock 70 or 77. veniences. Priced to seP. 43-1 9 roorn cottage, East Beach, with ail fuiriishiing, double V.L.A. APPROVED 1 ½ -storey garage. Splendid for sumnmer bouse, forced bot air witb oul guest business. Priced to seill heating, ail conveniences; gar-!IAsk for early inspeirction.. age. Small acreage, on No. 2 Small house on haîf acre in Highway east of town. $ll,500. 1 Clarke Township. Good well, Phone MA 3-2906. 43-4*. heavy wired. 43-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WlRa L Properties SoId, Rentedl De ih*elEte Managed and Appraised 370 acre dairy larm. with twe - sets of buildings, sittiated o1, L. M. Allison lake shore near Nwovle Real Estite Broker with 4 barns, cernent silsi- Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. plement sheds. 2 bouses; 240 Two blocks north'of traffic signal acres, of workable land, 30 acres Newcastle 5-tf wood. stream. Approxiinately ý2 mile lake frontage. Asking -price $37,000 with terms arrang. Charles Rankcine i d REAL STAT BROER 190 acre farrn between Bov. REALESTAE BRKER manville and Oshatwa with 1,300 Special - $500 down, fuill feet of lake frontage, 60' x 401 price $3,650.00. Attractive 3- bank barn, implement shed, etc. roomn bungalow, insulated, hy- 20 .acres planted in raspberries dro, tiled well. Full acre Of and strawberries. Good stuco black loamn gardexi, witb fruits. house witli furnace and heavy Hen bouses. Small monthly paY- duty wiring. Price and terms ments. arranged. Homes, farms and businesses 93 acre farrn on No. 2 High. ta suit your needs and budget. way with 80 acros workable, 10 52King St. W. Bowmanville acres hardwood bush, 1001 x 32' MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 bank barn with. steel stanchions, 43-1 water bowls, cernent silo, hen bouse, pig pens, milk house; 10 QUALITY BUILT roorned brick bouse with furn- This lovely five-room, brick~ ace, 3-piece bathroom, running home located at Courtice bas ail hot and cold water, etc. Ai[1 the conveniences of city living buildings in excellent repair. plus the benefits of country liv- Asking price $25,000. Terrns ar- ing. Large landscaped lot 72' x ranged. 269' with running brook. Special 107 acre farmn with 65 acres %" hardwood flooring, bult-in workable land, 25 acres wrood vanity, also specially built kitch- large pond in the field, 55' X 35; en eupboards. Breezeway and at-j bank barn with L-shaped ex- tacbed garage. To see and ap-I tension; 10 roomed brick bouse preciate a quality bult home, with running water. Price caîl $10,000. Terms. Ron Douglas 79 acre farm, east Newcastle ait shaw RA -616 or with 62 acres workable, 3 acres at OhawaRA -616 or wood, creek, 60' x 30' bank barn, RA 5-3605 evenings hen bouse; 8 roomed brick house 43-1 with running water. Price $9,000. '~ and K romed frarne Bow- Mcuuay an idd na5nville with heavy duty wr REALTORS ing and running water 'as ts be sold ta close estate. s-king Members Oshawa and District price $4,500.r Photo o-op.5 roomed white, clapboard Independence in the country! bungalow east Newcastle, witli 50 acres with trout stream, only ail furnace, running bot and 1/4 mile from. bighway, 20 cold water, modern kitchen, fflth minutes from. Osbawa. 15 acres built-in cupboards, 3-piece 4tt. garden sal. Balance scenie bush tile floors, niee sinom.~ and pasture. Only $5,500 with basernent, storms and scr"x~ terms. Asking price $9,500 with r,,5 We bave a large selection Of down. tarms, homes, businesses, lots, 5 roomed, nearly new, brick etc. veneer bungalow, in Bowman- Buying or selling - It will pay ville, with full basement, ail you ta contact us. furnace, hardwood and tile WALTER FRANK floors, 4-piece bath, electrie wat- 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 er heater, modemn kitchen with 43-1 built-in cupboards, laundry tubs, nicely landscaped. Asking Iowa FMM 6SELL *:BUY *TRADE, HIRE S 1 - rr LOSTand FOUND e SERVICE 1 - ý Àd log i6O rmw 14ELP WANeb e EMPLOYM À %