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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1957, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN --- Presentation to Tyrone Couple 50 Years Wed For more than 40 years resi- tion in the Community Hall in dents o! Darlington Township.' Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs Mr. andi Mss. Thomnas H. Gibbs. w ere married in St. Pau S 1 Tyrane, on Saturdav. October Church, Tbornton Heatb, Sur- 1 19th, marked the 50tb anniver- 1 rev, England, on October l9th, sasy o! thei r marsiage. Rela- 1907. tives from many places joind Onlv one member a! the imn- on Saturday nigbt in bonouring mediate family was unable ta thcm at a dinner and presenta- attend, their second son Msr. Jack Gibbs being confined to 1 Memorial Hospital, Bawman- PUJNIYUUL -ville, !ollowing a hcart tak Ms. Jack Gibbs presideti at, Chrîîma tre ctîig i inthe deliciaus turkev dinner serv- full swing now. Several loatis ed bv the W.A. of Tyrone Un- have alreadvý left for their des- itedi Churcb. The tables we,7e tinatians in the U.S.A. and Can- , gailY' decorated with faîl flow-' ada. It is believedti t be the' ers andi tali gold tapers. A buge carliest cuttine in this district. basket o! giant chrysanthe- Sory t lern hatMss Grce!mtims and carnations grace h Burke is in baspital. We also Ms. S. A. Nash of Detroit, understand that Msr. Izzy Berr- matie the presentation addres.3 stein is in tinor bealtb. and presented the bride and Ms. anti Mss. Lawrence Goti- groom o! 50 vears with pusses dard o! Bowmanvillc visited o! monevý. A telegram was se-j frientis bere on Sunday. ceived from Mss. Jim Burnerj Miss Caroiyn Fallis left Fni- (Joan Mortlockî, a granddaugi- day witb ber grantimother Mis, ter. wbo lives in Oklahoma City Rowan o! Bethan.v ta visit bcr: anti was unable ta be present. aunt in Northern Ontario. inb addition ta members o! Ms. Harry Van Weringen busi the familv from Tyrone those returneti from bis trip ta Hol- attending"includeti Ms. and Mss.' landt t attend bis fathers fun-:* S. A. Nash, Miss Mavis Nash eral. Harrv was just five davs' anti Ms. and Mss. John Nash. irom we>n be *eft bore until Detroit; Mr. anti Mrs. WVI' he wvas hack again. Chapman, Hampton; Mr. Wil ,Ms. Morris Nimcgon o! the j Gibbs. Miss Frarncis Gibbs, Ms. Ontario Provincial Poîlice, is se- ant Irss Art Peeling. Mr. and siding witb bhis parents berc Mss. Bill Elliott, anti Mss. Ji rj prias t taking up residence in Dunk. OFba-wýa; Ms. anti Mrs. Peterborough. Constable Nimne-' George Perfect, Ms. and Mrss. gon bas rocentîs been transfer- Buti Perfect, Miss Helen Per- red int that citv. . fect, Ms. anti Mss. Dick Per-1 fect, Bo\vmanville: Ms. ai Ms At Perfect. Cobourg: Mr. anci' GCet Your Price Mss. Gardon Shackleton, Sa- lem- Ms. and Mss. Martin Le- i brun anti Kathie, MsvI. and Mss. For Yor Livstock B. H.Mortlock, Tommyn' Mort- through lock and Jamie Mostlock, Ot- i tawa. STATESMAN Following the dinner the bal- CLASSTFIEDS ance o! the evening was given Phone MA 3-3303 oves ta square dancing a nd cartis. -d Only Three Left NEW 1957 PLYMOUTHS PLUS One Demonstrator We must clear these cars before the 1958 models arrive. We also have a new 1957 FARGO 1/2-TON EXPRESS Corne in and see what you can save on these cars and truck. Generous Trade-in Allowances Palmer Motor 20 King St. E., Bowmanville T o w N Antenna Cail lW T Sales Phone MA 3-5481 AERIALS V ARE OUR BUSINESS! Ïave Aerials _______ 29.50 up Complete Rotor Aerials -____ 75.60 up UHF Aerial for Channel 17 and ail future UHF Channels.______22.00 Ail Channel UHF Converter -____25.00 Channel 6 Yagi added ______ 12.00 Rotor Conversions and Aerial Repaira AlI Work Guaranteed One Year BILL LEASK -MA 3-5522 F'OR FREE ESTIMATES 'j. -ý TM CAMAN STATUM. ZOWMMqVff . O«TAPM '«0- Autumn Weddinq of Interest £Ur. and Mrs. George Frank Felgate are pictured following their xvedding which took place on Sept. 21 in TNUESDAY. OCT. Wt5~, II.~ R. r' ftuc auv khickson attended the 4-H Club SALEM cMla S ea s sses in Bowmanvifle this Salem .A. hld ther OcC lub iMr. and Mrs. A. hpadMr meeting at the home of Mrs. Les. A t M ope G rov C luband _Mrs. E. Fowler motored to Coombes. President Mrs. E poUV ~insorhfPerbouhn Twist opened the meeting andponsorh!Perbouho conducted the business. Rail Maple Grove - The regular, s'.r:'oed them and these were1 Sunday. eall for Nove&iber, a jas of friut meeting of Maple Grove 1-lem-eî won by the bolders o! lucky: Sympathv is extended ta 2Mr. or pickles for the hospital. Mrs. and School Association w-as held : -urrbers on the cups at lunchand Mrs. Don Powell w~ns S. Buttesy and ber group were in the school on Oct. 91hT at: tinte. 4theis baby. Brian, on T. Moay. in charge ýof meeting. Mrs. But- 8 p..m., with Mss. Wmi. Thel 'l'e new proecetor wbich 'ývas Funeral services were held on tery gave Bible reading and de- presiding. pshsdi a ytetah audy votional. Readings were given. The meeting appsaved send-; ers on behaif o! our Association N udySho a edo by Mss. J. Hall and Mrs. Bob ing the registration fee to the; wes demonstsated by Mss. iof - account o! so much sickness. Cailacott. Shirley Coombes fat'- Annual Faîl Conference tý> b-3 faitt. A cross-section o! the film Mr niMsRosHloe1 osed with a piano. solo. Rev. F. beld in Northminster Voiýe-4!s.rips wvas shown with brie! ex- io t.kile alda Jackson gave a very intesesting Church, Oshawa, on Wednesday, i planlations. On bebaîf of all the a trvle alt account of the talk given by Dr. Nov. l3th. The speaker ai thle; tacîhers an~d pupils, Mrs. M'offatt side. Siinday. Cnî Allen Knight, an agricultura] afternoon session is to be Mrs. thne u1Ascain o1A uldrew, Marilyn and missionary from Anigola, Africa. Irvine, Provincial Presidetît, and: ing ibis method of instructionMlswws onti ek A social time followed the meet- in the evening, Dr. Eldon P. PRv available. end as te men were working. ing. Directos of Education for Peter: av Te Parents' Count was wo Other visitors were Ms. Fredt Salem Home and School Club brur n ebr b y~Ms !c' om uc io, Garden Hill: Mss. Sidey canattndcites505i0f ae t~was served bv the mothers o! i and inother couplefom os' helnd y te cTbereeting aste telepbone Mrs. Al! Allin. Ms. Wisers room. During lunich1 Landing. crease in attendance due to iîî noonns were made for the after-' thsee groups were formed and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Yarrow, ness. Mrs. L. Allin, Mss. Brima- no tea and bazaar ta be belti discussion took place on sevesal Osbawa, at Thickson's on Sun. combe, Mrs. R. Crawford xvere on Saturday, Dec. 7th. Con- aspects o! family living. dav. elected as executive membors. veners wese chosen as followý,s: The next meeting is ta be beld Elliott's from Oshawa visîteti Mrs. Lloyd Courtice o! Courtice Bazaar Convener-Mrs. AI!. AI- on Nov. 6tb. a weck carlier than in the village on Sunday. was present and tank charge o! in: Tea Room-Mrs. H. Watson; usual. due to the Confesence be- the installation o! officers. Eric Côuntsy Store-Mrs. Scott; Sew- ing on Nov. l3tb. Shackleton favoured with a Cnev:ome B aondMss. piano solo. A social time was j Raa Hoepb tg-rs enjoyeti after the meeting. aaposst; White Elephan-1 ELZ B '-r.Clowes: Fish Pond-Mrs. E IA E H IL . Dont fosget aur Harvest Barrabaîl, Mrs. Burton; Candv- Home Service on Sunday. Par- :vs. R. Walls: Christm~as Dccora- Miss Donna Mercer and Mr. MA 3-3303 ticulars in coming events. tions-Mrs. Sprague; Used Cloth- 1 Alan Mercer, Toronto, have been Misses Bea and Gerda Craig-, ing-Mrs. Howell. home ail week with the fln.-- o Grace Blackburn attended the: Donations to any o! these Miss Beryl Thickson returneti Young People's Conference at tables will be greatly appreciat- ta Tosonto MNonda v evenin1g Linsayon undy. d. Monday evcning Ms. andti s, MiSs. George Honcy andtjI Ms At the clos ofo the business i I-. Thickson visited with IMs madj SERVC W. G. WoVrrv attendeti the W.i\. meeting Mrs. G. Black sang two 1Mss. Lockwood. GardenH Il]1 S. Psesbytesial at Newcastle beautiful solos; "Boy o! Mine"' who lcft for Saskatchewan on! hast Thursday. ani"hitpe obin". Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. '\. Craig attend- Mrs. R. P. Rickaby gave a! Mss. Clarence Beattv lbas heem ed Tyrone H-arvest Home Serxv- very interesting and instructive' qutte il! vith the flu but is bet- ces and visiteti with Mr. and talk on "Gift Wrapping'. She. ter now. Mrs. David Craig. mnatit the fancyv howvs as she de-' Mss. MeAllister antd Mrs ïï QegV a ry elIKflOW ~' . ~Party freak', IMaxine Yvonne Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred $ Wood of Newtonville, and-the groom is the son of Mr. and M -Mrs. George Felgate of Unionville. The couple wilI resideh in Kingston. a k ftebie Mrs. Leonard Cassel, Kitchen- ~ ai'hnIfrtSt;, er, sihouqonthebrid, wevem-Pet M arilyn Leas ed guests at the door and was tuh:t dsveety k i~u ~ ng tea in the afternoon were ' n no tirne. Terfte Is Honoure ~Mrs. Charles Adcock. Cobourg, Adee h oietg aunt of the bride, and Mrs. S.Pat rts At S we sDewell, Hampton; in the even. -Tac,àtpfo e a Miss Marilyn Leask whose: Norman Hess, aunts of tete nva oiii. Marshall of Oshawa, took place Mrs. Franklin Truli. Oshawa, on Oct. 19 in Trinity United; presided in the trousseau rooin Church, Bowmanville, was en-,' Miss Myra Cooper was in the tertained at many pre-nuptiali shower room and Miss Dorotby Mrs.Doga Cole, 6 Ontario îng the wedding gifts.]Pryte Si.,Bowanvllewashosess Those assisting in serving at a n-iscellaneous shower for were Mrs. William Leask Jr. about 50 guests on Sept. 3. Mrs. Mrs. Terry Masters, Misses Pat BISCL Terry Masters and Mrs. Gordon Bates. Barbara Pritchard, Col- Gibson were co-bostesses ai a leen Hutchinson, Eileen Sp,'cer, Sf!Asret oltTsu Special personal shower given aitithe Eleanor Leighton, Marie Nick- Sf'Asret oltTsu formers home. On Oct. 3, Mrs. erson and Carole Tuerk. UR Franklin Truil, Oshawa, gave à' Following the rehearsal on Ikitchen shower for the bride- Friday evening, Oct. 18, Mrs,.W h t C r s 4 fo 4 9 Miss Dorothy Hockin, Miss wedding party and friends atiEconomical - Macaroni & Cheese - 71/-oz. pkg. - Special Spicer were hostesses at a crys- tl shower at Miss Hockin's K a tD n e o 9 home when the bride received WPflflTM< a number of pieces of crysta] Tender and Sweet in her pattern. Bu n od nrdd - oz i pc IA linen shower was given by MARSHALL - LEASK Ble ndGd Lnrdeo.ti - Seca Mrs. Frank Bathe, Mrs. Allan The wedding was solemnized F nP ri o Bah n r. oetBteinTiiyUiedCuc n a cy P-a on Oct. 10 at the formers home, Saturday afternoon, Oct. 19 of 3______for__________4 9________ when relatives of the groom Florence Marilyn Leask. dau-__ were giiesis. At a shower given1 ghter of Mrs, M. E. Leask and by Mrs. William Leask Jr. on1 the laie Mr. William Leask. and Oct. 9, the bride received sex'- 1.John Robert Marshall, son of eral place settings of ber dlin- Mr.JaeMrsalo Oshawa ner set of china in Minton. and the late Mr. Marshall. At a shower given by Miss Taîl standards of white Shasta I First of the Season Patricia Bates. Oshawa, co- daisies formed the setting for Clfri e rs workers of the bride in the Gen- the ceremony which was per- aioni e eral Motors office, presented 1 formed by Rev. T. A. Morgan. rs electric coffee percolator. 1 organ played the wedding music r p s2 ls 9 ý7 From the General Motors of-: and accompantied the soloist Sheil Out for Hallowe'en fice, the bride also received an Mrs. Lloyd Ayre. Ontario - Fancy Grade - 7-1b. shopping bag inum canister set, also pieces Of brother, Mr. WilliamJae - ber set of Melmac dishes. Leask. the bride was lovely in Sn w pp es4 IO n Oct. 12, Mrs. M. E. Leask a floor length gown of heavy imCipHas-Clfri odsz ed entertained at ber home, 65 On- peau de soie satin fashioned On imCspHa - alfra-Godizhe g 'tario Street, at a trousseau tea princess lines, the full skirt in her daughter's honour. Re- sweeping into a long, graceful ..ettuce 2 for3 , ceiving with Mrs. Leask wh<j, train. The scoop neck of the wore blue corded silk with a bodice was outlined in Guipure Florida - No. 1 cor sage of red roses, were her lace encrusted with tiny clus-I daughter Marilyn, in rose and ters of pearîs and mother o u u b r o 9 bronze taffeta with yellow rose peari. sequins. A band of corsage, and Mrs. James Mar- match îng lace enhanced tnoe Sheli Out - The Children Love 'emn ea. 5c 1 shall. Oshawa, mother of the skirt, running from cubter side *groom, in navv blue flecked siik of the front pane] h-elov th * with (orsage of red roses. Over ilipline and dipping Io a V in o . 9 hundred iwere prescrit. the back. The long sleve M 011- formed points over the band. A Must in Every Homie. T THer fingertip veil of tulle ill- Ontario's finest - Well Shaped- Highly Coloured I~Jfl ision fell from a crown em- ATATVL Mn Bocaredawitnvbile: GuMarateedQualty eat b greenranderusttDevon Brand 1-sb. and velvehtecan tens. t <If le cC r n n intr apn bodesaeds Mt sitheratEed QuEE y ea front and stan-upnsTlliof jackets. The full skirts were in 'Devon Brand 1-lb. pkg. ballerina length. Matching mit- tens and shoeî and ma tching Be Actual Size Repisca (ut -O ut pillbox style bats completec Brakfast Sausage 45 c He r* ;USS tercsums Their bouquetsl Hearing Glasses ere of!% ellow and bronze iCaldiwelI's B h ic Mr. Robert Bonebam of ç byM IOawa was besi man and u.çPhe o i al. fscver how ',velI you cani look were Mr. Robert Leask, Bown'.g alb 9 in theall-new, slim Maico Hear. manville, brother of the bricle. inig Glasses. Get FREE replica* andi Mr. Ron Jones, Oshawa. Fresh Grade "A" - 21/2 f 3 lbs - Roastîng or Frying and folder shov'.ing styles for The guests were received *n j~. bat.h men and %voren. No obli- Trinit 'v Church parlours, thePr Dr~-'1I i#l ,e lb ga tion, of course. bride's mother wearing Dio-;re DessdC i ckens b. 3 9 blue taffeta %witb matching ,Le' _________________________________ MIAICO sere original bat andi corsage of; HEARING SERVICE pink roses. The groom's mothei,:; 8.50 Vonge St. Toronto w.as in beavv nale bitte 1ac- E L W P I E WlaeIA 4-2317 over blue satin %vith matching ~ N W L W P I E Plaesenti me yotîr Free also o! pink rosez. We are plcased to announce that Hearng Gasseut-uts. Thecouple left by motor for Hearig Glas cutouts. a wedding trip 10 California, thoD R STRiIDcu E Namne _________ bride wearing for travel a blacl; U Tk-IE P IE __________ and white tweed suit with blac'- HAVE ALL DEEN REDHCED, eleencollas, winte: r e2' -BS - ~bat of! melusine antihd s acc- Over 150 itemis have hbeen drastically reduced. City ProV _ .essoriez, \vith corsage of 1 tiÀi BC~/V'~4îro7ses. On their refurn. the- wiA 1. atiARut son Road-4othCOME IN AND COMPARE 8 n -l-» ~.0h Mi1 Pry Tieit Binctts t D onin.n because of the iow, Iow price. tt the. children polish off a package in no help . . . ho loves thor a lo. guait reniches agiaeand &gala toi y. Stock ap acm Party Trat Biscuit. 'eek. Thoreaire 10 different varletica ail low prlc.d ... and you can g 'ITS Dominion Flavourful 16-o Peanut ButfE Freshly Ground1 oz. Unity R ichmello Coffee 4 Margarine - Regular lb. Good Luck Margarine - Regular lb. Solo AlI Purpose 5l Five Roses Flour Budget - Economical 100 ft, Wax Paper Culverbouse - Cream Style Choice Corn Culverbouse - Choice Diced Beets Cut Bread Costs! Carry it home White Sliced Richmello BrE Gylenwood - Pure Spreads Easily Evenly Kraft - *Plain Cheez Whiz ,y Jar &g. lb. pkg. 12c 83c pkg. 32c pkg. 28c bag 39C 'roll 20-oz. tin 2 for 3 5C 20-oz.. tin 2 for 23c and Save cad Shaker 16-oz. jar 17c 14c Shell Oui! Sheil out! Shel Oui! A llan's lb. cello bag Hallowe'en Kisses 29c H owes Hallove'en 12-oz. cello bag Jelly Beans 33C ilMcCorrnîck's lb. cello bag Hallowe'en A.B. Gums 33 Beaver 8-oz. pkg. . 16-oz. 'pm~g Peanuts in Shell 21c3c BeaverC 8-oz. pkg. 16-oz.,no Popping Corn 9c 1W Angelus - White lb. cello bag IMarshmallows 33c Values effective i.P Bowrnanville until 6 p.m., Sat., Oct. 26 Ail merchandise soid at your Dominion Store in unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction DOMINION STORES LIMITED TffuPMAT, OM. 2m, lm' enQF lem. hiif

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