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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1957, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARJO rURSDAY. NOV. 7th, 1957 New Officers lnstalled By Beehive Rebekah Lodge The new officers of Beehive Rebekah Lodfe No. 1215. Bowmanvillc, Back roxv, left to ririht: Mrs. Annie Wood, pianist; Mrs. Audrey Wray, were photographed following the installation ceremony hold last week. treasurer; IMis. ,Toan Gibson,.color bearer; Mrs. Elsie Richards, recording Shown above, rc'ading from left to richt are: Front row, M\,rs. Florence secretary; Mrs. Ruth Mitchell, Past Noble Grand; Mvrs. Mabel Wade, Moore, L.S.N.G.; Mrs. Eva McMurter,h.S.N.G.; Mrs. Amy \V'7inacott, the wtarden; M-\'rs. Edith Johnson, conductor; Mrs. Daisy Paeden, chaplain; Noble Grand; Mrs. Evelyn Fickes, Oshawa, Dcputy for District No. 8, andI Mrs. Vera Burgess, O.G.; Mî's. Joyce Kirkpatrick, I.G.; Mrs. Aima Powell, leader of the installation team from No. 3 Lodge, Oshawa; 1\rs. Jean Rico. financial secretary. Vice-Grand; Mrs. Elva Leach, R.S,V.G.; Mrs. Ruby Hutehinson, L.SXVG -Photo by Rehder The regular monthlvy. meeting of Bawmanville W.I. was held at the Lions Centre on Thurs- day evening, Oct. 31. ýMrs. G. AlIchin, Presideùt presided for business. Roýl cati Was ta bring a jar of homemade jam, fruit or pickles for thu- hospital. Mrs. Buttery deliver- ed the donations ta the haspital. Mrs. M. Wiseman cammented briefly an the motta: Smie novi and then, il helps you and others. Mrs. G. Joncs reported for the quilts for Kopper Karnival in March, stating four were being- made and one was ready ta be quilted. Members wece ta be at Garton's bus station aI 8.30 on Thursday, Nov 7, ta attend W. 1. Convention in Toronto. Mca. J. Aberneîhy took ttOc chair for the pragrain. Mcs. 3.- Meachin cendeced several pleas- ing piano numbers and Miss Gladys Miller (sister o! Mcs. Ci. AlIchîn) showed saine beauti- fui slides on the Canary lslandsý and Spain which she was privil- éged to visit the last year. Mi-S. Merle Slute ably assisted lier in running the projectar. A voie of thanks was moved ta t hase who pcovided the enjoyablc evening. Meeting ciosed aýil Receive New Members at Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian homes for Poppy Day were ask- Legion Branch 178, meeting was ed for. The ladies will be ai held in Legion hall on Monday, your door Thursday and Friday Nov. 4, with President Anme Pi- Iso please give generousl.y to help per presiding and initiating this worthy cause. four new members. A. Hold- XWc had a good attendance at stock, A. Dilling, E. Holdstock our iiji llday supper on October and 1. Polley; . 21, and really good Urne after After considerable discussiorn supper with gaines, bingo etc. It was decidecl that a new set A hearty vote of thanks to Con- of dishes, juice glasses, kitcher1 rae.Susie Graharn and heï u.tensils and table linen be pur- committee for this. chased for the kitchen before Ail Members tca Parade the Armistice supper on Sai- Ail members ta parade c.n urday evening. Sunday morning Nov. 10 witli Poppy Fupid Canvass the m en ta the cenotaph then 'Volunteers - to canvass the te St. Andrew's Church. The NO MILK DELIVERY on WEDN ESDAY'S With in-proved handling facilities for niilk,, the keeping quality has been improved, inaking it possible to take two days' supply at a time. In case of emergency milk and dairy products can be secured at : Goheen's Kandy Store Jack's Smoke Shop - Rile's Smoke Shop This action will enable our eniployees to enjoy a five-day week. Glen Rae Dairy parade w'ill1 forni up at the Le- gion Hiall aI 10.00 amn, leavipie at 10.15 arn. In the aftecnoon rars wvil1l Iave the Legion hall iih 2 p.rn. for service aI ceno- taph at Orono at 2.30 p.m. Coin. Anne Piper gave a rr- part on the hockey and bail banquet whicb was held for the playcrs andi parents by the MnsLegion on Saturday, Nov. 2. We d-cir]ecl ta hold aur Christrnas palty an Mondav-. Deu. 16. Elcction of officers on Monday, Nov. 18. The meeting closed and a social haîf hour xvas ,,pent. Creecf'z1 OC9w! Bowmanville highi won the sixth straight football gainela Thursdla v a 'gainst Port Hope t a large score of 52 to 0. On Saturday aur boys wc their seventh gaine as they plai ed hast ta BJackstock. Ti- score was 13 to 7. Biackstaî with on]y fourteen playersc ttheir tearn and only lwent3 four boys in the school put u a great hattle. We of B.H. would like to cangratulate fi coach and players on a N'er fine display of football ar sports nansh ip and wish thei lots of luck next season. Hiouse,'laguevollevball is uw derw-diy in fihe noon division an the four o'clock teams will bc gin this weck or after the l a. football gane. The cross-country team practising evcry night for fil Lakcslhnre Cross Country rar on Nov. 6 (\'esterday). Thr rr suits will be in next week' paper. B.H.S. athletir societies e formcd last weekç. Girls Presi r.lenit-Beverly Wraight. 12E SLec'yv.-Treas. -Joani Smith, 12C Boy's President-Charlie Triio 12A: Secretary - Dan Cattrai il11); Treasurer-Brian Hughe. 10A. Bill Allison came first In th, B.HS. inter-mural senior boy three mile cross country raci fo select cntries ror the Lakc. shore COSSA trac-k and fiel( treet, Wdrlnesday of last weelc His time \vas 17:45. Ken Willianison was second He arnd Allison represented B~ H.S. in the COSSA m-eet herc Wecrnescla v. Charlie Trini, Dot MGcCregor and Jiîn Mitchel finishced in that aider. Don Bickell won the inter. mrcdiate boys two mile evei. with a Iirne of 11:15. Wa.ync 1\avin w~as Fecond. Bath re. presenteri B.H.S. in the COSSA mect Wedinesday (yesterday) Runners-up wcre Brian Hughies John Vaneyk. Michael Murph,, and Greg Cooper. Wayne Ther- tell and Garth Taylor tied fa: se venth. Bruce Ogden ciptured Ilic junior evelnt con Monday. Hný lime wýas 10:45. Second waý Doug Thonpson and Gteg Cooper xvas third. Cet Cash To-day for OJd Appliances through S TATES MA N CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 SPUTN-IK??'O MUTTNIK??* Don't be a ilLATENIK" - Cet CoId Woalher Protection For Your Car FRANK'S GARAGE DONT BE A LAST IMINUTE #,laUSE- I',, MA 3-3231 i r y- Lip .S.. n-i n- ýid c- ýst is e-c 's " Ç,Pur, N cf qJ sv 7 1et i. fellowship and message in sang ta the fuliest extent. Conimencing next Sunday, Nov. 101h, aur comrbined ci. v-nd Sundlay school session wil be at the usual hour 10,a.ini. )wn Thiere will he anothier Teen Town dance Ibis Friday nigi t beginning ai, 8.30. Thie admis- sion is as usual. 25c. farc mcm- bers and 50c. for non-menîbeis, witli one exception. that being ' that this week Second Forme-is wili be adrnitted free. The danice is oî-dinarv but people wearing jeans wiIl not be adrnitted . There mnust be a distinctioni made hetween liard turne and for the varionts dances there a kel\ your o wiil be two door prizes, one for a girl and the other for a staanSels boy. utainS dls Be suce ta scec about vour new menîbersbip this Friday niglit twr as lasb yeac's memnbecships are SL5i 5515... no longer any gond. The nien'-AstaanSels berships arie 50c. and Iliis Near 1 I tainSels after January memberships will ntbe available. 43 1Ja a The recentlv. apened recordýS 1 a a bar in Bownaîîville xviii en-- Australian Rcclcaned able flie Club ta cet hIe ne\w records more readil.y. Our la-~ test recards ar-e 'April Lovc-"iCuf5IIII I andi 'Silhouectte" an be sure Iao corne o-i-i and hear then-1 Ibis, JOIY Good Friaynigt.P iîted D t NE WTON VILLE magie Mrs. Sadie Lamnb, Toronto, rspeni Sunday with Mrs. R. S. rJohnston. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Robb, Montr-ea], are spending a fewý e days at their cottage ihere. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Stapleton e and Keith, attended the funeral .- of Mrs. Thomias Lough, held at Id Madoc on Wednesdav. k. Mr. Viclor Maulsn uinder- went a serious opecatian at Mernorial H-ospital, Bowman- fville, on Monday., .c Mrs. Mr-ntyre, Detroit, spent na frwv davs %ith lier cousin, Mr. SWm. Laing. Congi-at ulalions to Mr. anl -Mis. .ohn Rosebooni litc bit fa son at Memoria Hos- c Nov. 4th. M\r. and MVrs. Harrv Wade spent flhc weekeii(i with'IMc. and Mrs. McLaren, Sharbot Lake. * Mc. and Mrs. Joseph Dubeai ~and two cblidren are ail patients -in Memocial Hospital, Bowrnan- rviller. Mviss Dcury, Toronto, spent ethe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S Ernest Eley. S Miss Marilyn Harclwiek, Pc- 9 terboi-ough, is staying with Miss Gloria Lane. Thcy are teaehing aI Pontypool school for a weekc. Sunda.v isitars witb Mir. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martin aiid datightec,* Louise, Port Credit. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell and family. Bowmanville. Mrs. Cecii Dean and Mr. and iMrs. Jack Dean and son, Toron- ta. were recent visitors wihhi Mr. and Mrs. Clintoin Brown.1 Mrs. Rav McDuirf underwerit an appendix opecation at Me- oriaI 1Hospital, Bawnianville, on Monday. Sudvvisitors with M%,r. and Mr.Meiville Sarnis were Mrs. Prauée and Charlie, Osaca and Mr. anri Mrs. Morley Robinsoni and family, Starkville. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Middleton have moved mbinthe farni home vacatcd by Mî-s. Geo. Ovens. Anniversary Services Baskets of yellow and white mums deoorating the altar, to. gether with beautiful fcrns. formed an attractive setting fori aur annual anniversarv and Thank-offering services lasi Sunday. Our minister, Rev. R. C. White, conductcd bath services in bis usual capable style, while music was fucnished in the mowuîng bv '*The Faithful Few' (in other- words our own choir) and in the evening. bv the Pr Hope MIaie Chorus. While the attendance was not up to Ihat of previaus years, -due, we presurne, to ilIneýi. and oîher special services noar ky, thosepreenten.uyedthie' à Laking P Saxonia Red Glace Cherri Devon RJNDLESS BACON KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cath~- cart were in Port Hope Sunday 1 afternoon visiting Mrs. C;ain'- we' who has just returned home from the Pacifie coast.- Mrs. Mary Luxon spent thc !weekend with relatives in Port Hope. -Mrs. Chas. Thompson, Mi-s. Mabel Smith and Artlur Thompson. visited with frîends. in Grafton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Joan and Gardon, Peterboroug.. ýpent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux ai-d Mr. and Mrs. Ross Patton and 1 Mr. Norman Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Langstaf! l and Linda, and Mr. and M s. Jack Neal and Neisha were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Langstaff Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. MacDonald and family visited her sister at Omemee, Sunday. George Mercer received a eut an the forehead requiring eight stitches ta close, while at work in theMotors Thursday, froni a piece of steel. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark ai-d Mr. and Mrs. Truinan Gar- butt, Toronto, were at their surnier places here for the weekcnd. There was Sunday school as usual Sunday but nô service here due to the Anniversa-,v set-vices at Newtonville. Kendai choir assisted with the ani- versary services at Kirby Sui',- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer called on Mca. Jack Mercer and Art Mercer at Garden Hill Sun- day. They reported Mrs. Art Mercer was coming along satir- faetorily after having her Li« renioved Thucsday in the Civic Hospital, Peterborough. Visit- ing is restrieted due to the flu. iD Lb. Pkg. 49C -Lb. Pkg. 9 IMARR'S JEWNELLERY Kinj St. W. Bowmanville Christmas Cake CampBrane"ueangtt'eo 15-or. cello bag Ma pie Syrup 22c Ricliniilo ad 32oz elobag Cheese S lices 15-or, pkg. Uichinello Orange Pekoe -op23c Tea Bags ates )owder 23 c 3 7c C.t Bread Costs! Carry It Home and Save! oa 4-oz. pkg 8-oz. g. Sie Wht'24o on ies i for3 9c35c Rchmello Bread i 7c purchase 16-oz. bottie 3c 8-or, pkg. 29C pkg. of 30 Pkg. of 60< 37c 71c) 16-or. unity jar Saxonia Red and Green 4-or. pkg.. 8-or. pkg. Glace Cherries 2 for 39c 35c Saxoiuia CuL 4-oz. pkg. 9-or. pkg. Mixed Peel 2 for 25C 2lic Saxotnia Red and Green 4-or. pkg. Bieapple Duos lfor37c GlBel(Blcached) 15-o%. pkg. Golden Raisins 29C 3-or. pk g. S-oz. pkg. Walnut Pieces 19,c 39c A Imonds 3-or. pkg. 1 7c Pecan Halves I Ma lcLaf - Skinless PORK SAUSAGE Caldwell' SKINLESS WIENERS Lb. ]Pk39Ç Finest Qualit-v - Maple Leaf - Sliced- 6-or. pkg. COOKED HAN m-a 42C RIOASTING CHICKENRS Lb. 39C DOMINION 8-or. pkg. 41 c IL 1ye Adds zesty flavour to meals! TONATO CATSUP Handy for sandwiches, etc. Fray Bentos CORNED DEEF Serve Chilled! Serve Often! Pride of Niagara Choice TONATO JUICE il-or. bottie m- For 35c 7-or. tin m 2 For 49C 48-oz. tin m 2 ZFor 49C B.C. Extra Fancy - Sweet Eating - Jumbo size 80's-D0's Anjou Pears 5 for 39c Ontario Grown - Crisp and Sweet Ce Iery Hearts Red Crisp Topless Radishes Ontario Fancy - Eatiitg Mclntosh Apples 19C 7-or. poly 'bat 2 for15 6-qt. basket 6a9v Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store le unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. Values effective in Bowmanville until 6 p.m., Nov. kia DOMINION STORES LIMITED W.I. Roll Answered by Gifts of Preserves for Memorial Hospital 2 3 C Dominion Flavourful 3-or. pkg. 2 9C Florida No. 1 Marsh Seedless Sweet, Thin Skinned and Full of Juice - Size 96's - White "JI Grapefruit 10 for 49c SCUGOG ST. 1 PAGE TWO TM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 77-n 8-oz. ti

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