~VRUDAY~ NOV. 7th, 105? T~ fA21A~!M~ STAT~IMAN. flOWT~L&NVffi~ fl?~AWA PAc~ UWE Deibert Otan A gain WW,,ins First Prize in Durham P ot aio Club flethany: At the annual ban- quet of the Durham County Pive Hundred Bushel Potato Club held in the Bethany Town !~on Tuesday night. Delbert ~of Millbrook received the ,,,prize for bis 157 crop, urug .39l points with a yield ef.822 bushels of potatoes to the acre, growîng the Sebago var- let:,. For Some years the first prize was a gold watch, but as Mvi. Olan had previously won this award, this year he was given 40 eigbty Pound bags of fertili- zer donated by Agricultural Chemicals of Port Hope. Mr. Norman Irwin, their represen- tative read the citation accom- panying the prize, saying Mr. Olan's successful efforts in vo-. tato growing had been out- standing in holding top place in the Club for the past three years and wishng him success in his future farming efforts. In bis reply, Mr. Olan statecd the Club had originally been formed in 1944 to promote bet- ter potato crops, their aim be- ing to grow 500 bushels to the acre, whîch at f irst was almost beyond expectation. "This year I averaged 822 bushels and next year I will still be trying and hope to reach 1,00V'" Second prize, a tractor um- brella went to Albert Olan, who grew the same variety as his father, with a lesser yield of 543. It was presented by Ernest Cavano, with the compliments of The John Deere Co. Mrs. AI- ,people Compete in the oïl business Did you know there are more than 10,000 people engaged ini the search for oil in Canada? We know it, because we run into plenty of them each time we try to lease promising cil lands. iyou know there are hundreds of Jki1led chemists and engineers i Canada's 42 refineries? We know it, because our owu technical people work hard to stay ahead 9 cfthe others iproducing better produots at lower cost.- rDid you know C&nada's oil companies employ thousands of salesmen to market their produots? We know it, because every day our own sales people are competing with salesmen ~Fom other compamies. Canada's hundreds of oil companies wage vigorous competition. The result is increased efficiency, and benefits to the consumner. IMPEBRIAL OIL LIMITED bert Olan also received, a metal mounted silver bake dish, To Live i r whicb was presented by Mr. R. E. Goodin, on behalf of the T. Eaton Co. Third prize went to Melville Strong, one-baîf ton of .potatqq fertilizer from Canadian Indus- tries Ltd. Mr. Strong's crop of Chippewa's yielded 498 bushcl per acre. Fourth prize went to Ernest nCavano, one-haif ton o! fertili- zer from United Co-operative ;o! Ontario. Mr. Cavano grew Sebago's with bis crop averag- ing 438 bushel per acre. Fifth and sixth prizes were receivcd by two brothers, Char- les and Earl Wcatherllt, who on adjoining farms both spe- *cialized in the Sebago variety and had a yield of 464 and 440 t bushels respectively. Continuing in order were Al- lan Downcs, Sebagos, 447; Lu- .. ther Olan, Sebagos, 439; Donald....... Lowes, Sebagos, 410; who each...... received prizes of fertilizer and 1~ finsecticide dust; Leonard Por- tter, Katahdin, 352; Harvey Mc- Gill, Sebagos, 359; Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Murry 1l 'Porter, Katahdin, 330; Allan in Trinity United Church, Bc Wood, Kennebec, 454; Melville 12. The bride was Martha J Wood, Sebago, 300, Alfred Johnston, Sebago, 154; who each and Mrs. John Maguire, Boxv received the sum of $5.00. The son of Mr.Ond Mrs. C. R. Arn cash donations were made pos- in Belleville. sible by grants from the Dur- ham Crop Improvement Asso- ciation. Manvers Township Conel ndCva TwnhîPE eve n Girls Mr. Gordon Bennett, Asso-F ciate Director of Farm Exten- jFoml Trinity sinServices, fo oot was the guest speaker, ho Eleven girls from Trinity Unit- copietd the Drha1m cd Church Explorer group County Club on their success- graduated last Wednesday after- ful achievements throug th noon, Oct. 30, to C.G.I.T. in a ycars. 'You are fortunaei ceremony attcnded by the moth- having Mr. Ed. Summers as ers. your Agricultural Representa-. The ceremony was conducted tive. You may be certain be by Mrs. M. Slute, Chief Counsel- gives you good representation lor, who presented each with a at ail times. lus keen interest graduation certificate. The girls in ail farming problems and were received into the C.G.I.T. particularly bis ability in coacha- by Miss M. Belîman, now C.G. îng junior farmers' short cour- I.T. leader. ses and training the junior boys 1 The girls were: Mary Munday, and girls of 4-H Clubs for judg- -Sharon McMurter, Margaret ing campetitions is a realI Piekard, Sandra Dilling, Susan achievement and bas made him I White, Judy Scott, Judy Hender- outstanding in our Department."1 son, Shirley Williams, Jean Continuing, Mr. Bennett, a Cully, Carol Elston, Lynda graduate of the Ontario Agri- Thompson. cultural College at Guelph, Mary Munday, Sharon Mc- spoke on the changes in mcth- Murter and Margaret Piekard ods of farming and prices of were presented with the Explor- farm products through the er Achievement Pin by Miss years. 4HBellman. "The 4- lubs have done Seals o! Recognition from the much in promoting an interest United Cburcb Children's Work among young people," be said. Board and the W.M.S. werc One of their chief objectives is placed on the certificates by to pass along the land thcy Linda Tbompson, Chief Explor- have inberited, to the next. gen- er for 1957, and the presenta- cration, more prosperous and tion of zippered Bibles te the improvcd." The speaker was Introduced by Mr. R. E. Goodin o! Toronto' and thanked by Mr. Ernest Ca- W lc meW vano, Pontypool. Mr. Delbert Olan was chair-M man for the after-dinner pro- an y e gram. Mr. Ted Spencely led in a e some livcly group singing, with Robert Sisson at the piano. The following newcomers to Rev. F. J. Jackson ef Tyrone, Bowmanville have been visited assisted by bis wifc, entertain- by members of the Business and ed with "Black Magic" and re- Professional Women's Club on ceived hearty applause.- the Welcome Wagon service. Mr. E. A. Sprmmers, Bowman. Mrs. H. D. Waters took Up ille, introduced the guests at ,residence on August 6 at 12 the head table and gave eut Alexander Blvd. Mr. Waters the prîzes, also giving somne died a ycar age and Mrs. Waters Pertinent tacts as te the organ- sold ber home in Toronto and ization of the Five Hundred visited ber sister Mrs. Howard Bushel Club, which had its oni- Couch wbile ber new home was gin in the County Crop Im- being built. Mrs. Waters was Provement Association, and the educated at Bowmanville High efforts of the club to step up School and is a daugbten et the Production and quality. late W. J. Bragg. She is a mcm- Dr. Percy Vivian, M.P. spoke ber et Trinity United Cburch. briefly, congratulatjng the Club Mr. and Mrs. Kcnncth Gillett, members. Lloyd Hooten, Reeve Hunt Street. Mn. Gillett arriv- et Cavan township, Wandcn et cd from Ashford, Middlesex, Northumberland and Durham England, last March. He is a counties, also expressed bis supervisor at the Ontario Train- pleasure at being present and ing Scbool for Boys. His wife bis. intercst in the farmers'I and twe sons, Michael, age 9, Problems. and Gregory, age 6, followcd in Eanl Argue, Reeve et Man- 'August. IVrs. Gillett is on the vers Township, welcomed the staff of Ontario Street Scboo4. guests, exprcsscd congratula- Mr. Gillett is an Anglican and tions ta the prize winners and Mrs. Gillett and the boys are to the Durham Club for their outstanding achievements.Noh The Woman's Association of!orh 1tle1 o the UJnited Cburch catcred for the occasion. The tables wcre Our community has been and v.ery attractive with appropri- !_ad-lyuscd. Mrs.Vito r Mloln or neè- carding the news of oun com- Imunity for me the last two weeks. The ladies of aur cburch put on a supper last Friday even- ing which was wcll attcnded. Atter supper a variety prograni in the hall wbicb showed some excellent talent and was much enjoyed. The cvening nctted the ladies aven $1 15.00. A meeting to reorganize the Sunday School was hcld an Sunday. It was decidcd ta hold Sunday Schooh at 10.30 a.m. for the future. Plan ta attend the eucbre party in C.O.F. hall next Friday cvening, November 8. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Trick, ' Lindsay, were guests et Mr. and Mns. Wm. Armstrong on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Johns and Billy and L. Joblin visited Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Atkinson, Osh- awa on Sunday. Mn., Wayne Malcolm spent Sunday with bis gnandparcnts Mn. and Mns. Geo. Kerr. Yel- verton. Miss M. Stewart, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber sis- ter, Mn. and Mrs. Grant Camp- bell and tamily. Congratulations te Mr. Grant Campbell, teacher, wben two et bis pupils wen prizes for public speaking. Mn. and Mrs. Don Stuttt, Bowmanville, called on their parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. Emen- son. Mr. and Mns. Edgar Emerson, Don Milîs, wene dinnen gucsts o! their grandtather, Dr. Bowles and Mns. Mackie on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Malcolm Emer- son wcnt te Peterborough hast Tuesday evening te help oele- brate their grand-daughter Ma- ny's fifth birthday. Mr. Robt Sadler, Bowman- ville, Is spending a week with bis son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph âadler, ELIZABETH VILLE On Tuesday evening the young people wcre invited ta a Hallowe'en party at Welcome but few if any werc able te, at- tend due cither ta illncss or lack of transportation. Wednesday evening the young people held play practice at Miss Sybil Sheppard's home. They practiscd the play whicb tbey are preparing ta give later on.[ Thursday the children hcld their Hallowe'en party at School. In the evening thcy vis- ited several homes for handouts. Friday evening the young folk jaurneyed ta Cobourg whcre thcy spent a pleasant cvening skating. Mrs. 0. Mercer and Mrs. H. Quantrili spent Thursday in Oshawa. Sunday cvening cburcb was beld with the Rev. Harding of Welcomc charge speaking as Rev. Brison spoke at Zion fonr their annivensary. '-g n Belleville Richard Arnott were married owmanville, on Saturday, Oct. Fane Maguire, daughter of Mr. w'manville. The groom is the iott, Belleville. They will live Graduate r Explorers graduating class on behaîf of Trinity Church Woman's As- sociation was made by Mrs. S. R. James. A pleasant feature of the oc- casion was the presentation of a gift to Miss Beliman, former Chief Counsellor, by Joanne Parkhill and Marie Hendry on behaîf of the Explorer group. Afternoon tea was served to the Explorer mothers by Coun- sellors Mrs. C. Trewin, Mrs. M. Slute and Miss M. Belîman. Opening the program which followed, Mrs. Slute expressed a welcome to the mothers and the 35 Explorer members. An initiation ceremony was conducted by Mrs. Trewin for eight new members who receiv- ed their membership certificates, tics and pins and their first rcd stars. The installation of new officers was conducted by Mrs. S. R. James, the officers being: Chief Explorer - Cheryl Ann Luxton; Keeper of the Log - Patsy Thompson; Keeper of the Trea- sure - Louise Maguire; Atten- dance Officer - Marie Hendry. agon Visif s Familles members of the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Johnson, 161 Liberty St. S., moved from Newcastle last June. Mrs. Johnson bas an Antique shop in the front part of her residence. This is an excellent tourist at- traction opposite The Venture Inn Motel. Mr. Johnson i8 em- ployed at Rickard Plumbing, Newcastle. Mrs. Johnson is in-j terested in early Canadian Art and Mr. Johnson in ail sports, especially hockey. Mr. and Mrs. Salomon Ryck- acrt, 143 Duke Street, arrived here in April from Waarschoot, Belgium. They have two cbild- ren, Gerda, age 14 and Geerp, age 10. Both of the children are enjoying life at the Ontario Street School. Gerda's hobby is stamp collecting. Mr. and Mrs. Ryckaert are employed at Ven- ture Inn. Mr. Ryckacrt is an electrical mechanic. The family like Bowmanville very much and hope they can find perm- anent employment here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon String- er, 108 Duke Street, moved here in July from Bothwell. They have two cbildren, Paul, age 2, and Bobby, age seven and a baîf months. Mr. Stringer is the ac- countant at the Bank of Mont- real. The Stringers are mcm- bers of St. Joseph's Roman Cath- olie Churcb. Mr. and Mrs. Denis Timmer- mans, 143 Duke Street, came to Canada last April from Waar- schoot, Belgium. Thcy have one son Christian, age four years.1 Mr. Timmermans is a painter and paperhanger and bis wife is Planning your future? Count us in on if! rour future is your w helping yeu Vroteet that future is our business. W. can advise yeu on what kind of insurance yen should carry . .. and hew inuch ... on your home and other preperty, yeur busi- ness and your car. And when you need insurance help in case of tire, auto accident or other mishap, you can ceunt on our prompt, friendly and effécéJ tive service,j STUART B. JAMES: [NSURANCE REAL ESTATE' Office MIA 3-5681 Kigng Street & Residence 1WA 3-54931 Bowmanvlfe a dressinaker by trade. They are beth emphoyed at Venture Inn. It was due te the visit ef a Canadian soldier in Belgium, that tbey decided to came to Canada. Mn. Timmermans was a member of the Pratie Soccer tcam in Tongeren, Bclgium. PONTYPOOL We are glad to report that Mr. Ted Graham is showing some improvement tram bis se- vere attack of the flu. Ted bas, been confined te bis home for a tew wecks and bis many friends wish bim a specdy ne- covery. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Neals on the ar- rival et a daughter. We aisoecxtend congratula-, tions tc, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Mc- Neil who recently cclcbrated their 47th wcdding annivcrsary. Tbey were the recipients of a beautiful television set from their famihy. Many more ycars of happy married ife are the wisbes ot their many fricnds from far and near. This community was sadden- ed te hear that Miss Laura Shea o! Fleetwood was badly injured wben bit by a car while walking near Lîfford. Miss Shea was left on the side of the road and the driver hurriedly lef t the scene of tIýe accident. The injured lady taugbt for severa' ycars at Carscaddcns and New- Park sehools. We understand that Hallow- c'en passed quictly in aui vl lage. A few of aur chiidren made the usual calîs for sheli- outs but ne seriaus damage was1 rcported. Be sure te buy a poppy this weekend. Due te Lodge night falling on Nov llth L.O.L. 82 bave postponed this meeting ta Nov. l8th. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Payne were wcekcnd visitons in To- ronto. Several members of our L.O. B.A. attcnded the Penny Sale held in Bowmanvillc Wednes- day under the auspices of Ty- rone L.O.B.A. Mrs. Fred Youn .g- man and Mns. Cliff Gllbanks wcre among the winncrs. Let us ail meet at the Tur- key Suppen under United chunch auspices Nov. 22nd. Several from here attended the 500 Bushel Potato Club ban- quet held in Betbany on Tues- day evcning. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week e! Oct. 28 - Nov. 3 Admissions 43 Birtbs-1 maIe, 9 female __ 10 Discbarges---- - 55 Major operations -____ 7 Minor eperations '7 Emergency treatments __15 Visiting heurs 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. h Mi ssionary Meeting HeId At Cadmus Cadmus: Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. met October 15 at the home of Mrs. James Gray, with president, Mrs. Milton Gray in charge. Mrs. Romeril led in prayer. Devotional period was given by Mrs. Melton, the topic "Com- maitment For Service". The minutes of last meeting were read and approved, and the roll cail was answered by a "Thanksgiving Thought". A letter was read from Mrs. H. Green of Bethany about the birthday party for Mrs. Gordon Save UIandi *OMwith a PERSONAL CHEQUING ACCOUNT Our mIssion books for next yearare te be ordened. Moved by Mrs. George Johnston that Mrs. Wesley Sweet and Mns. Russell Larmer be the nominat- ing committee fon this year, se- condcd by Mrs. Tennyson Sam- elIs. Movcd by Mns. Wesley Sweet and secondcd by Mns. McFayden that we bave Mr. Romeril put on bis new pictures of Jamaica, and also te have a varicty program on Nov. 15. Lunch was served. 'This being our xissionary meeting, we had Mrs. Jobnston of Bethany as guest speaker. Program consisted et a plans solo by Miss Linda Gray; read- ing by Mrs. Sweet; reading by Mrs. Milton Gray; contest b'? Mrs. Robrer, high prize won by Mrs. McKay and how prize by, Mrs. Romeril. A Iovely lunch was servect 2 j,=ý 1Your new, low service charge IZZ of 10 cents a cheque 7réýI- is prepaid when you get your book of 20 cheques. No-passbook-quicker service. e Dpstslips are in your cheque book-for banking by mail or speedier service 4A quarterty statement is mailed to your home., Your cheques are held for you at the bank as a permanent record. Pm ffurther dfafls*Phwufre ai Our neaoeat branch THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE. 7» O »#aft ciff CROS UH wA IDgo VO s pI ou M -2 BOWMANMVLLE BRANOR - 1-. G. HACKING, Manager Save on DIRESLIN'S CLEARANCE of LADIES' FALL SUITS Reg. to $49.99 CLEARING eut DRESLIN'S Bowmun V'lle Whltby ovmqpbw 'VMMIMAT. içov. m. 195? .i TEE CARADI« STATESM«. IBOVIL&NVT=. ONTAMO PAGE rm dm dr 0 tçpDi