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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1957, p. 7

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-1 om o THTJSDAY, NOV. 7th. 1957 PAUE Il * ~1 Autumn Wedding Mix hie Harnden joined the staff "Robson Motors Ltd. Ibis week. Mr. and Mrs. George Hacking and family spent the weckend in Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. John Leisbman spent ;he past week visiting Ke» an Mrs.H. McFee, Xe1Ke iX sited Mrs. Christina Dunn over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. E. Kent, Carl and Ann visited in Ottawa avec the weekend with Mr. John B. Kent. Constable Alan Densem and Bill Wallis have bobh ceturne-b from Sunnybrook Veterans Hos- pitl, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Robert- son and daughter Pal, London, spent last weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crombie. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badger altended bbc funecal in Orillia on Salurday of bis brother-mn- law, Mr. Gorrie Moulton. The Scout Mothers' Auxiliary will hohd its November meeting P-t the Lions Centre on Thursday,! Nov.. 14 aI 8 p.m. Please note change of day and limne. Rcv. Gordon Domm, minisler of Bathurst Street United Church, Toronto, who addresscd the Women's Canadian Club here last month, bas been ap- pointed Genecal Secretary of and Dr. Mary Ndrthway were falso present. A single engine amphibious aircrafl, made a forced landing in a broad choyer field a haif mile forth of Goad's Corners Wednesday afternoon. The lwo occupants of the 'plane are uni- [denlified at press lime but from information il is believed that the 'plane ran oui of gas. The flyers were planning 10 bake off Thursday morning. The three winners at the speaking contesl held in Hamp-' ton on Qet. 29, Allan Frazer, David Brent and Katbryn S1cm- on, were presented with wallels donated by the Lions Club of Bowmanvillc and prcsenited onI behaîf of the club by Mr. Walter! Rundle. We regret Ibat the' Lions contribution was not known wben the report of Ibis event was given in last wcek's Stalesman. ofMany older cîtizens in Bow- imanville xill learn wilh regret loIhe dcatb in Toronto of Mcs. Thomas R. Tennant in ber 741h year. She was the former Ida May Trewin and before ber mac- niage xvas an active member of the Methodist (now Trinily) Cburch Choir. Entombment wilh be in Mount Pleasant Mauso- leum, Toronto, to-day. She is survivcd by one son, M. Bruce Tennant of Beauprie, Que. bbc Ontario Temperance Federa- Among those attending a fam-, lion. ily reunion party recently in Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron, the Genosha Hotel, Oshawva, Riverbend, Que., wcre in town uvere Mr. and Mrs. Jim Milne, last week on vacation after en- Newcastle, Mc. and Mrs. Allan joying a week in Newv York (Bud) Lambert, Courtice. Their While here, they visited bis parents, Mc. and Mrs. Rufusi brother, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cam- Lambert. Oshawva, wece celc- eron, and brothem-s Jack and brating their 3151h wedding an- Bruce in Oshawa. niversary, and the rclurn of lwo jmembers of the family fcom Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLaugh- abroad, Sgt. Wallace Brown and lin and Dr. and Mcs. Howard bis wife fcom England and! Rundle, Bowmanvillc, wecr e Germany, and Sgt. Stuart among the 900 guesîs who at- Brown and his xifc from the tended tbc annual Chrysanîhe- Middle East. t was the firsl mumn Tea on Saturday aflernoon lime since 1946 that Mr. and aI the beautiful home of Col. Mrs. Lambert and Iheir seven and Mrs. R. S. MVlLaughin aI chihdren bad been together for "Parkwood", Oshawa. an anniversacy celebralion. Otb- Mrs. N. S. B. James, Mr. and crs of the famihy arc Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James, Norman and Mrs. Jack Bird, Miss Audrcyl Doug, Mc. and Mcv. John M. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Norman1 James, John Jr. and Bob xvere Lambert of Oshawa.1 in Toronto Sunday visiting Dr. Heartiesl congratulations go Dorothy M. James, the occasion 10 Mrs. John Pningle in Strath-i to ceebrate several November aven Rest Home, King Street birlbdays in the family. Mcs. J. East, who wilh be 93 years old B. E. Staples, Miss Jane Drope to-day, Nov. 7. Mrs. Pringle wbo is the mother of Mrs. W. L. Paterson, Concession St., loves f visiling wibb fricnds who cal St. aulsand bas a keen interesl in cur- St. Pau 's t evits She kecps up wt Ur henwsbJrdo and news- Unite Ch h papers and articles read to ber. Hec sight is not too good but Rev.steA.lber mcmory of pasl events is cx- Rev A.Turner, B.A., B.D. cellent. When sbe was able, Organist - Mrs. Rdta Dudley Mrs. Pringle was very active in CML.C.C.M. bhc Daugbters of bhc Empire and 9:50 .m. -in missionary work in hec SUNDAY SCHOO church. Hec home was in Ham-j SUNDY SCOOla ilton before she came 10 Bow 10:30 a.m. - manville a fcw ycars ago bo live SERVICE 0F witb ber daughter. Mrs. Pringle -- REMEMBRANCE bad the misfortunc 10 break lbec -A1T C ENOTAPII bip a couple of years ago. BesI wisbes 10 you on your birlhday, ~:00 a.m. - Mrs. Pringle. "Can Peace Be Built On The Foundation Of Mrs. Berniece Tuerk, propriet- Human Nature?" or of the John and Judy Shoppe, 7:00 p.m. - bad the exciling experience of secing thal island in the Azores EVENING WORSHIP which recenbly rose oui of the sea. Mrs. Tucrk was on an ST, JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Remembrance Sunday *HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il a.m.- CHURCýH SCHOOL MORNING FRAYER EVENING FRAYEIR Italian line ship relurning from a two-montb vacation spent in Italy. Mrs. Tuerk bappcned to be on deck wbcn the volcanic island, bilowing lava and sbeam inbo tbc air, was sigbted. Tbougb there was no wind, il had been noticcd thal the cQcean was much dislurbcd, and some passengers became sca sick. Tbe sbip pass- cd close enough to bhc pbcnom- enon that excellent pbotogcapbs werc obtained and prinled in the ship's paper. Mrs. Tueck said il was a thrilling sigbt. The steamn rose in the air and form- cd clouds wbich bung over the spot. The Azores are an archi- pelago of islands belonging 10 Portugal. On reacbing Toron- to, Mrs. Tuerk beard that thet island she had seen had since disappearcd, and could bardly believe il. Clippings from the Victoria, B.C. papers bave been rcceivcd from Mrs. Alan Taylor (nec Ileen Balson) reporting the wvondcrfuh receplion w h i c b pianisi Ray -Dudley had in bis three concerts with the Victoria Symphony in that city, and one xith the same orchestra in Duncan, B.C. The music enie says in part: "Dudley crealcd thal sort of inner excitement that only a superlative performance, Trinity United Church~ Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.-A.. 11:15 A.1M.- REV. DONALD SOPER, D.D. of London, England 700 P. M.- -The Oshawa Pre sby tery Mission V. DONALDSOPER, DD rof the congregation w~iII meet at the churcbh SwiII Icave'depot at 7:00 p.m. organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Muts. Bach., L.R.S.'I.i q i C.N.R.Emplo Injury in Boi Two Canadian National Rail- wvay emplox-ees narrowly escap- * d serious injury Friday after- noon when a homemade bomb thev bad found in the -C.N.R. freight shed exploded. John Mutton, 51 Hunt stree' and Erne-t Fernland, 40 Duke street, wece only a short dis- tance away when ',he explosiçin occurred. The blast ripped sev- e-al b oards from the wal VI teframe building. Police Chief Eric Smith M - vestigated the incident. He con- firmed beliefs that the bomb Iwas a homemade type. Il wou'd not have e.-zrloded unless the- dletonator-%V-as released and this rcquired a nianual move- ment or heax-y bupnp, he point- ed out. bhief Smith said hie believed the bomb bad been in ils loca- lion for a considerabe lengthi Europe'ps Gr L atwas his acflîevemnent." token of the club's appreciation. 1 The guesîs vere introduced to iyeesthe club by Kin Ken Nicks. I.. ~Other guests attending were:! 111 ~ DIl<THarry Collocutt, Bert Snowdeu. fflb lastMilton Milcox, Ray Fry. Frank of ime Itma iooper, Don Masters. Fred Philp,j of im. I my have been made Vertil McMullcn, Bill Yeo and dur! ~ g the Second World War- Sid Litic. whei' there xvas a prisoiier of Sgt.-aî.-Arîns Gleu Fry celc- wac camp in this district. He brated bis birthday at the meet- believes il may have been con- ing and was prescnted xith a nected with a plan to sabotage 'gift from- the club. A special the railway. dcaw for ttv.o K.L.M. Airline The bon-b vas xrapped in ad- travelling bags was held. Win- besix-e tape and had the ap- nr eeK uryLre pearnce f a ackae itxv1 and Kin Clarke Wilson. pearnce f a ackae. '-ja Kinsn-en Ken Nicks and Ken found by the men xvhile thcv Hockin presented a gift to Kin were m oxing a wooden lockcr Don McGre.aor w-ho is 10 be mar- in the shed. They inspccted il. ried this weekend. A report on handling and squeczing it. Dc- the Elmer Safctv Campaign xvas ciding it was n o good lhev given by Chairmnan Clarke Wil- ther taais tefc9-i son. Chairman Li Parker of bbe, and tbat w-as when il exploded. Constitution and By-Laws Com- Measux-ing four inches :f n mitîce read a report on the length. one xide and one inciù Rules of Ordr for meetings. in depth il had a piece of wite Presideut Jake Browvn com- about 36 inches in length hîang- mended the members on having ing from one end. Chief SmiLl! bad 100 per cent attendance at collected the fragments for ex- the last lwo meetings. Minutes amination purposes. of the executive meeting wcrei read by Kin Don Stutt. 'eat Cities Orono î insmen Cenotuuph <Continued fcom page one) tch A Ir i e is ideal and the solid soewl t~as ,or >'-ears.e Amsterdam, Portgual, I.isbon, 1 ManUi Donate Rome, London and a hosl ofI The Cenotaph bas been al Europe's famous cilies cast in al] community projeet with most their splendoc appeared briefly of the donations coming fcom hefore the audience. Many oýf the toxvnfolk and business ficms j the sights bcought back mcem- How.,ex-er a great deal of moue::- ories to those velci-ans wxvho wrere lbas corne from other sourcsrs present. and the village is ver,, grateful The film narrator told of the of such kind gestuces. many services available through Guicling the Cenotaph to ilsc K.L.M. He discussed their main compîction has been a bard i airporl in Holland, wbicb is a working committee headed bxý- junction for ail K.L.M. air traffie Bill Mitchell. Others on the L circling the globe and secving, committee are Neil Porter, sec-t Europe. K.L.M. fly Io 117 cties retarv; Col, J. C. Gamney, Lesj in 72 different counîries il xvas McGee, Ernest Dent and Wil- pointed out. liam Trdd. Les McGee drewV Kin John Graham expressed Up the plans for the three-ton c the club's lhanks to Mr. Van- monument,. schepen and Mr. Stutt and pre- This Cenotapb stands as a sented each with a gift as a credit to the village ot Ocorc,a - EVE< whizh bas cleariy shown its eesire to pay tribute and better remember the men who gave their lives that others rnay live in peace. The total of private insur- ance policies cox'ering bospital, F-urgice-l and mcedical expense-3 in Canada \vas 17.27-1,000 ;ni 1955, figures for 1956 are flot yct available. Goes to NATO Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P. \vho Icaves ou Sunuday witl th:e ZCaadian delc'gation ho the PFa- ris con ference of the NATO nia- lions. \Vhile at the meceting Dr. Vivian will bc the onl\- Cana- Elian cieleg1ate on the coimiitte!( inquiring lio Scieutific and recr-nicaî Pcrsonr&l headed up bv S&cuato- Henry Jackson of the (Uited States senate. '"i annui;I coufercuce xvii iun froîn November 101h to 201h.i Dr. Vi. .'ian lias agrecd 10 write a spe- cial fi"st baud report of the Confei-euce foi- 'flecCanadian Statesman xvhich will appe-ir as soon as possibe .1 CES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Il ijJttLl [O] Il 9 AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK 1 Mr.an Mrs. Glennh Robert Hodgson are pictured Europe's most fabulous cities I following their marriage.in Trinitv United Churcli on were brought to life in fl 3October 5th. The bride is the former Mari orie Mae Mutton colour on a film provided1 dauhte ofMr.andMrs FoydMuton nd he roo ~through the courtesy of K.L.M.t daugterof r. nd Ms. loy Muton nd he roo isRoyal Dutch Airlines at the1 the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson, ail of Boxvmanville. regular meeting of the Bowman-t -Photo by Rehder ville Kinsmen Club, Tuesday evening, at Venture Inn. asmsclysbtnla t is m It was the occasion af the 1dazzling, can create. His dy- .Lfl Ln, lrk lu' annual Father's Night andr nami powr an auhoriy ar may of the members had as1 namie powerr anderauthoritydare iimpressi ve but his tone produc- Mr. Cowan, Orono, xvas agussterfhrorfin. tionl is consistently rounded and Sundav dinner guests of Mr.. Guest speaker for the ex-en-j beautiful. Attaining dazzling and Mrs. Stan Porteous. ing was Gerald Vansehepen ofc climaxes time and again, he still Mrj. and Mrs. B. McClure and gave.M. RfaIDuthries. onHes ýjleaves one with the impression childrcn, Oshawa, with M.R aeabifadeso i that he bas more, mucb more in BrarhSudR. company's operations beforer ireserve." Ray played the Mach- Bali udy1showing the films. Jim Stutt. ,maninoff Concerto No. 3 in~ D Mr. and Mrs. Alf Perrin and1 local K.L.M. represeptative, wast iMinor with the orchestra under familv were Sunday dinner 1also a guest and he helped shows the direction of Hans Gruber. ,guests of Mr. aind Mrs. R. E.1 the films.s This is the work for which Ray Hendrv, Bowmanville. -_________________ has received sucli high praise lu M\,rs. AIf Perrin spent an af- New York, London, Engladad ternoon with Mrs. Cliff Rleid, Dublin, Ireland. Starkville, last week. COMPETITIVE PR] Friday evening, Mr. and"Ms Lake Shore, Clarke J. Mi rand Mr.nd Mrs. Master Bruce Alldred attend- Saturday they were the guests ed the sixth birthday Party :a of M'.r. and Mrs. Rusnell, Mr.I ~ u Orono of Master Jolinny Rob- janîd lMrs. B. Flintoff and Mr, inson. and Mrs. C. MacDonald, Osli Mr. nd rs.BobShualcawa. We were glad to hear Mn ryandorontob eSun- Janice Miliie is home from the1 and ary Toont, wre un-hospîtal and hope Danny wont day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. bc there mucli longer. W. Holmes. 1 Mrs. Jack Bridger lias re- SPECIAL VALUES A Mr. Mark Mathews, spent Sat- turn2d home from Raglan and urday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill is on the road to recovery aftcr Lake. a bout of the flu. Mrs. Bridger Mesrs.Ros AdmsRonieSr. returned home to Toronto PoellrsandoBs Adasarone after spending a week with bier awydeer hunting. NW M DR Mr. and Mrs. Bridger Sunday Miss Dora Taylor, Courtice, were Mr. and Mrs. Vic Bridger, i spent the weekend with Mr. and Weston and Mr. R. Haskill, Mrs. Arthur Bedwin. Rexdale. W AM POLE Joint hostesses at a miscellan- With Mr. and Mrs. McLarcns eous shower in honor of iss Sunday wvere Mr. and Mrs. Fred Joyce Martin at the home of Payne, Toronto, and MIr, and P O PH P E Mrs.Ale Matinwere Mrs. Mr. Royce Payne, East YorkIl HO P -LE George Stapleton and Miss Dor- Mr. and MrS. Freeman Eddy' othy Stapleton and Mrs. Alec visited xith Mr. and Mrs. Nor.-1 Martin. Joyce is the bride-to- man Eddy in Oshawa, Sunday., be of Mr. Frank Bingham of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robins~oni WMiL Toronto. The wedding will take Toronto, visited Sundav x wi WAPOL Place in December. M. and Mrs. R. Lennard. PHOSP<OPLIX IL oyint ute (Continued from Page one) E down through the years in the lives of the boys aïd girls lie trained, and even when his name is for- gotten, that influence xiii stili be making itself feit in the generations to corne. "I know many of the succAsful men here today k. owe their success to the advice and training received froxn Mr. Summers. "How lie' loved his boys! He lived for them. No effort or sacrifice was too great while lie was training lits champions. His judg.ing teams again THE tIEVERY DAY" WAY TO and again won the higliest honours and their success 1 was lis success. Today they speak on his behlaf,! hundreds of boys to wliom lie tauglit fot only the 1 R u T principles of agriculture, but of the good life, good 1 sportsmanship and Christian living. "A visitor to St. James Cathedral in London, I E England, once asked, as lie looked at the memnorials RE that surrounded him on evcry side: 'Where is the memorial to Sir Christopher Wren who designed ibis cathedral? Among allieso monuments there is none N R E to him.' Tlie answ-er xvas: "If you would see lis monu- IETCPC ETN O ment, look around you.' His memorial is the grea t IDETC AE ETIG O catliedral.00N "If u wuld ee d Sumers inmora lok T'S S50 EASY TO RELAX IVo oi e dSme' eoillo JUST TAKE PHOSPHO-PLEX around you. His memorial is a living thing, the lives of every one of you wliom his hife touched. EEEHAJMP,'REAt "Ed Sumnmers wî ll neyer lack a memorial in TH TIME' FEELING. Durliam County. ENJOY LIFE "But today we are galthered bo remember him, 9HOSPHO-PLFY S THE EVERYDA?' a very loveabie human being, a friend xvhose friend- WAY TC) RLI-VE NERVOUS ship made life x'astly richer and more pleasant. TENSION. "His life xvas rich with those cîualities of beart Wompole PHOSPHO-PLEX is a and mind which made bis life liveable and loveable 1 mdr ev odadtnc It made people feel better just tb meet him on thé oe1erefo adtnc street. rich,.in B compound Vitamins ,,He gave much 10 Durham Countv and to aIl and other important restorative Box of 200 2 F 'iO DRONCHIDA Men's size 3 COUGH SYRUP ___7e COLD CAPSULES ---_ 1.25! Save 30c on I.D.A. Brand Pain Tablets IDASAL TABLETS, Relieve Headaches, Neuralgia, Lumbago and pain in general 300 Tablets Regular 89e 59C1 I.DA. Evelyn Howard BEEF IRON & WINE COLD CREAM wlth Vitamin BI Theatrical Style 16 oz. reg. 1.00 - 79e 16 oz., reg. 89e 69e DEEP MAGIC GLEEM TOOTH PASTE FACIAL Two 33e tubes in CLEANSING LOTION Two,- 75e botties, 1.50 value 66e packages wlth 99e 40e REFUND COUPON Hinds Honey & Almond Cream 6,5c size 2 Fnr 98ci Jack & .Iill 98r COUGII SYRUP and 1 -' oz. CHEST RUB ,Both for --- --. ---- 98e Save 7lc on Richard' Hludnut Egg Creme Shampoo Save 52e on Silvikrin Shampoo PRESCRIPTIONS SPOT IREMTOVER Safe for aIl fabries 4-oz. IlO-oz. Reg. 40e Reg. 75v" .3 'e 590 2.00 slize 1.291 75e- bottles 2 For 98c A SPECIALTY McGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store * ABSORBENT STE~nsL AZ th STERILIZED PAOSAE JOHNSON'SLý VTERRlE GAUZE PAOS SEALED IN INDIVIDUAL ENVELOPES. READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. 2" x2" 12's 45c -3"x 3"12'$60c GET FAST RELIEF with GIN PILLS FOR THE KIDNEYS * REG. SIZE 59e~ Feonomy 1, Cashmferè rolls 5nab 25C MNSIZE lWfl g-MELOBON4DED FOR SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR WE'T! 35c êiG BOX -.3PLY., Phone MA 3-59 r op -rKE CANAIDIAN ETATESMAN. BÔWNIANVff-lr. MMYAVLIn NATIONAL KLEENEX WEEK Nov. 4 to Nov. 9 Perry Como Record Offer You get an RCA Victor 45 1.49 value Extended Play Record of record for 50c six complete songs from and Kleenex box~ famous Perry Como album opening strip. Sec Your I.D.A. Druggist For Details KLEENEX TISSUES lac", Store : IV& P% É% 1 à 9 V% lm 10% jw

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