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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1957, p. 15

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?myItsDAy, wov. l4th, 195? THE CANADIAN STATESMAN.BWNVIL. ONTARlo FG !TE M à."y Doug Glynn m *Imt week we ended this columnn wîth three questions aie tBowmanville Memorial Arena. Early Friday morning, YOur scribe got the answers ta those questions plus an added COMment from Arena Manager Bob Watt, over the telephone. * Mr. Watt said, quote "he reaented our printing the »emarks". His reason was that this reporter had been at the arena -n tii.' n«ht referred to and- had neyer bothered ta make a PrUfla.dIuiry as to why the circurnstances existed. î- -ý éAsk Throuch Column Instead, We asked through our column. In explaining Our meaison for this we would like to point out one fact. Mr. Watt! Iave us sound explanations for ail of the circumstances and had We made a personal enquiry we would have been thoroughly --tifid.However, we would undoubtedly net have asked them here and our readers would neyer have had the opportunity of knowing the answers. We feel they are entitled to know what euses these things se they may better understand and appreciate the problems faced by the people who do such a good job of Operating our arena. 64 fa1 Syd Arnol~d Big Scarer Three Bowlers Breaîk When Combines Defeat, Through 800 Barrier Cobourg Lumber Kings <Second Time This Year * * * * * JSyd Arnold scored the win-1 ning goal and added twe more The Answenfor insurance as he paced BW 1 manville-Oreno Combin ; te a Q.-What was the delay with the P.A. system at the Arena, 7-3 win ever Cobourg Umbei Sfturday evening? It was the end of the first period before the Kings Saturday night1 at Mem- announcer was able te give the scorers and other information. 'crial Arena. A.-Meisture, which cemmonly occurs as the resuit of'Silcatn rmhe 1- flooding, bad apparently created a condensation on the wiring of.' i oath ingso theire10-5 the intercom system. This system had been in the repair shep jous night in Cobourg the 13. for a long period, but the repairman was unable te rectify the O .srledt hi ictery trouble. Theretore ahl the information normally given thei in easy style. They let goalie anneuncer over this systemn had te be sent up in note form atter 1 Stu Lingard know tais xvas the period. the Rubbertown as they snoxv- Q.-Also, there tvas a light bulb over the ice surface ed hlm under, outshooting the which was eut and wasn't replaced until intermission. visitors 52 te 36. A-It is the custom as almost every arena te leave Shows Disgust replacement of bulbs until intermission, unless a request by thel Lingard's disgust over the referee is made. Aise, Coach Ticker Crombie of the P.O.C.'s had; amount of rubber he was sec- said it wasn't imperative the bulb be replaced.until intermission.1 ing (and net seeing) showed Q.-Regarding their record of The Queen - is any scom-1 when he exploded by breaking Ment needed? his stick (value $4.50) over thie frame et the nets. Earlîer in~ Na Music Critie the game he previded fans A.-Mr. Watt informed us that he had personally bought with a chuckle when he threw two new versions of The Queen that Saturday afternoon. The one the puck te a fan in the stands played was a new record and he bad flot heard it before that For this brief show et temper occaion.He personally saw nothing wrong with the renditien. he was ta bbed with a ten min- *'After ail", he said, "I am ne music critic". tmicnu. Well, for the benetit of those who are wondering. - neither! These were about the only is this writer. However, our opinion et a geed rendition et The!< highlights et the game aside Queen weuld be one with a little more lite. Maybe a record* from the odd pile Up in front featuring a brass section. As you'have prebably guessed we are et the nets which seemed hum- acustomed te a military band version of cour National Anthem. orous te some of the 500 odcd fans present. Both clubs ap- * * * *peared te be getting their legs for the long season ahead and Off To A Good Beginning neither were spectacular in Bowmanville-Orono Combines get off te a dazzllng start their performance. this season by winning both ends et a double-header with Cebourg West Brothers Click Lumber Kings. They defeated their hosts 10-5 Friday night and Orono's Dean West shene for handed themn a 7-3 beating here Saturday. B3.O.C.'s as he ceunted the only Last year it was the reverse with Kîngs downing B.O.C.'s1 two goals efthte first period. in both opening games. From ail indications the local squad He blasted a long pass troi-. should be strong contenders for the Eastern Ontario tithe again Mick Walker at the blue lino this year. If they succeed in doing this they might go a long way past Lingard and again at 12:00 in the Intermediate "A" division. grabbed a pass fromn the stick Saturday evening's game was certainly net the best the of brother Raye as the latter .1B.O.C.'s are capable et producing. However, we feel that both was falling, and tound the open clubs were just tinding their legs and it may be a week or twe corner. before we see themn in top condition. Raye West clicked fer bis They should have another good opportunity te test their tirst goal et the season early in strenath tflis Stur , ieht henPort -f ntaros ht th, the middle trame atter Dean Rubbertown. Ontarios got off te a tlying start last Friday with a 6-3 win ever Lindsay. This promises te be a good contest ),etweýf the loop's currentto two clubs. had spearheaded an attack for- For the -econd lime thisi Pete Dobbins ther in. t ws.nohe schedule thireo hoxlers crashed r AI Osborne --- thei lie. I wa anoher o r lhe 800 imazrký. 1)îck itleDr. H. Rundle those tamous West passing play Sts:Pi ili~f1C fJckLne tand Chuck Armstrong aisc (1-2 -7 for c,30. \l1 Osborne1 Ted Bagnell picked up an assist onl thL was niext xilî 3 0 -<ý7-5-242 for Dick Little play. 1818 and Pole Doiîhins for the Russ Halîman j End Shutout Hopes 1thirdci i r< w mrade it, iBIl Westlake Although it appeared the t'ý-ith '112-392-27î f nr' Norm O'Rourke B.O.C.'s might possibly ..ero <o 0)~nisv'orcrdedlMatt Harrison the Kings, Cobourg soon brol-'wIi hPil .J<07',\ý_ 1._:I 0topsiMorley Vanstone - that train of thought. K, lNhr<<-' vi 72 1P Elton Brock Medhurst managed a 'break- ii, "' ubrof 1thel,im Levett - away with both his wvinge,-s ni i .9rrh < fot'Jim Callan --------- - bot pursuit and B.O.C.'s ca ugo'O et. <' Vee 79 ruce Jack Parker ---- with only n eecia ah .«h 11 'n 't.lack Land- Mel Dale ------------ to proteet their end. He-u6i , .Ah Pp'r72ý2. Corcî Sel- Don Bishep cd Hawe out of the nets with r 1.2'oiyV-oe7,D.K.lmn a pass and sank the rubber iri Russ Haîflinan 711 ;nid larold Ed. Leslie------- the corner. Boiîmctt 70<). Ab. Piper Pote D)olbitis ,von Ihîgh single Recr. Hearle--- Just 30 seconds later Jon m 2:Ito].oleshih i Ply jFisher saw the same oppor- r tunity arise again and he w cnt 1igetch e"lle 5.FakWlim intotalywih hghsht h Russ Haîlman 25.Ah Pipe r 312, George Piper --- deflected in off a stick. Rolv PolnhAnt 151.Dc ite36 akJne - Campbell counted their fi nWal dA O,îne21 Bruce Milne goal after Syd Arnold had en- 1 ur <'l. o old ogTyo sured the win late ln the third 13724 for thre(- ans ost take Harold Bennett ---- trm.the tend ýiava'< rom AI Osborne's Carl Leslie----- Firt Hm Tickteam thfor nshigh triple. Bill Bates- FirstHat rickTighe beat 0O:horne's 3717 bY1 Walt DeGe-r -- Arnold connected with o seven pins. They also had the; Pat Yeo----- bard lO-footer as he tallied high ;nl for the evoîîîng with Murray Larmer --- B.O.C.'s winnmng goal. His sec- 1326. Ross McKnight - --- ond came atter he got a break- Jack Brough :Iicored 127 for Bert Engley - away and xvent in alone to low single and Keni Luxton tied Frank Hooper--- rifle a 20-footer past Lingardi Bill Oliver for the scasenis low Dave McKnight ---- into the top right hand corner, triple, 427. Don Gilhooly ---- IMick Walker handed him theic AIIýYCv'hatter Fred Cole ----- - pass for bis bat trick and Arn- We regret te sav tIlit we made Ed. Runde ----- old ]et loose with a hard baclk- an crror li!st ".'oe wliîen we list- George Poules bander that sailed between ed Jdock Irîtias hoving the Frank Samis Lingard's pads. Ioigh siigle g:31), t'er the Jack Gay -- Gary Copeland scored Comn- 1night. reg. I'-rlo ah1so had 310) Ralph Kelly bines. final goal at 18:53 when ýanti ro (ho li\.; %vr] have toi Gord. Sellers be planted the rubber in the split file i7 r-. fo <rr Bill Oke ---- open corner atter drawi ng th, o1 io s -< n-i îi 20 Karl Bickell net minder eut. avroeel j,, :~ce- o Hap Palmer For his hat trick performance this wcek nowv h ail 252 av- Russ Oke__ Syd Arnold will receive a new orage for 21 gaie. eePp 1ound-1 Glen Lander bat, compliments of Miniis ing oaNv 'Peie arci ' ou insY set Dr. C. Austin Clothing. He is the first plaý - a new recrd T' runnrcr-up Ross Wright ------ er te cash in on the many prizeý spot -o(es le AI Csborne with George Stephens being offered this seasen by 24 for ,7g Phil Cancilla ----- 'IrOn. fl h1VLfiQLL.1,in -fl f MilIer's arnd Front St. Seven Strong Clubs m reci ir At a Centrel Ontario Junior C Hockey League meeting in Front St. dow Newmarket Monday nigbt it was anneunced the seven teamsi Rockets 9-5,- would open their schedule on Saturday, November 16. Taximen edged Tlesee teams in the leep this year are: Bowmanville, Welsh's Blockbu t Zýa Wbitby, Brooklin, Unionville and Alliston. Town League Ho( : Uaat- the, many towns it is expected. this will be a. strong Memorial Arena - eagu ~year ottering some tirst class junior hockey for the last week. Ml Open Season Wednesday St. in a tie for fi: Bowmanvîlle's Robson Pontiacs will open their seaison as four points each. Z ussof Wbitby this Saturday nigbt. On Wednesday evening cide wbo gains - ýmext they otficially get their home seasen rolling as bosts te the coveted spot Whitby. Wednesday, November 27, the local lads are bosts te night) when tbey Alliston. Ail et Robson Pontiacs home games begin at 8:30 p.m. second game et tI The complete league schedule was net available, but wil] Front Street's1 bppear in this paper in the near future. Speaking on Junior sisting et Chue Jhockey we think this is a good time te remind you et the draw Don Bishop and ff*ing sponsored by Robson Pontiacs. Tickets are just $5, and son starred as -they entitle the holder td sce ail the club's home games, while the eight et their big feature is a chance on a new 1958 Pontiac automobile, goals. Clint Fer * * . .their. other goal AROUND THE TOWN . . .. Bowmanville Liens sponsor- &À ed Midget Hockey League gets under way at the local ice palaceM ts Saturday atternoon at 3 p.m. There will be tour teams in the *league and beys et Midget age are reminded te be there wit ec*uipment, if they wish te play . . . . Manager Murray McKnight f'hM d of- the Bowmanvilhe Orphans. our 1957 Juvenile Basebaîl Club W ody -asked us te request ahh players te return their uniforms te him ....BowmanviIle Revolver Club has acquired the use et the Don Chihds talý basement at the Agricuhtura, Building for a range. They are 1ning goal with ji. * presently renovating the premises ter sbooting and expect te get remaining in the rohling very shortly. Tbis is a geod epportunity fort anyone Mats a 4-3 win *interested in jeining the club te make application for membership. Goodyear Mercai Centact Hugli Latham, secretary, at MA 3-5670, or give your: League action E scribe a call at The Statesman fer information . . . . An article in- the Hockey News caught our eye (beth et themn in tact) this week. It tells et thc publishing et- a sound textbook et hockey which will serve as a fundamental course for youngsters. It is being wrîtten! Etc er rs by none other thaîî Lynn Patrick, manager et the Boston Bruins.. It's calcd "Let's Play Hockey", and although xve haven't seen;l P an editioxi as yet it sounds hike it might be good readinge fer the ý- Po is yeung hockey enthusiast. It scîls at the nominal tee et $1.25 and can probably be obtained fhreugh any book store. It is being published by the IMacMillan Comoany of Toronto. Briefly, we can M ixed L -teIl you the book entains a gold mine et information, from how to choose a stick te how t0 fooh a gealtender... Ghad te note Team Stai that the walls ini the arena's canteen room bave been washed, Ta o clearing away some of the ridiculous poetry and other writing. Ta o that was on thcm. Only hope that the people responsible for the Etcher 23 Slterature will use a little common sense and attempt te keeu the 1 Spicer-------- 17 walls dlean and loolzing respectable.. .. ..Don't forget Towni Brock-------- 12 League Hockey at the arena tenight. Miler's and Front St. wilh Bond-----_ 12 b"ý battling for possession of fîrst place G oodyear Mercantile' Bromehlll--1 Hockey also provides thrilling gamnes Sunday afternoens . .. . Mutton ------ 6 There is more that we could say, but due te the length ef ouij A.verag arena story we will have te close for this week . . .. Remnember G those miner hockey games at the arena Saturday mornings early, -and Monday atternoon. You can show these lads that you are' E. Brock ---- sincerely interested in them by drepping doxvn te see them in A. Spicer......---- action. And they provide some dandy games fer youngsters H. Brock *thefl ae M. Etcher - .aummmmuuouuuuuemmemuuumueouuuuuuuuoem 0. Etelier ---- - _______J. Richards ---- J. Bond ------ H. Brom-eil.---- A. Hickling - Fashion Firsts at HOOPER'S i, G. Mtchell--- D. Reynolds ai ..... fl.lyu.d ~ i..Eldridge movements . .. supetior velue C utn ----- -Chaos. a Wittnau.r. Easy torms. jR. Cuox -- - 'E. Bromehh - - E. Cox _ --- 1- E. Stringer P. Gould......---- eC. Evans --- D. Bond * < *~\\A. Winacott 1D. Mutten *C. Reynolds .0~ C.Oke WITTNAUER. Stunninq WITTNAUIL.Uniuel.y de. 'B. Charles boac lot wotch in~ a dainiy signe& mans wac.i Smart J. Mievn .$3.0sirop. $6.0D. Charles---- - $5.O IP. Bartels *E. Winacott --- J. Eldridge - M. Hickling t Jeweiiery & Girt Shfop R. Spicer ---- High Triple -E High Average-E or FUirsX Joux wned Courtice while Miller's Murdoch and asters 7-6 in ckey action at îThursday of Ier's and Front irst place, witb They will de- possession of Thursday (to- ry clash in the the evening. first uine con- k Kilpatrick. Bob Marjerri- they counted team's fine rguson scored 1in the f irst rake4 eur Hc Ilied the win-, ust 30 seconds game to give over Hose in antile Hockey Sunday after- Team Ahead .eague andings iLost Pins Pts. 4 25717 55 10 24208 41: 15 22279 28! 15 22813 27ý 16 21864 25, 21 20358 13- 6ges imes Pins Ave. 27 6202 23W 27 5701 2111 27 5648 2001 27' 5606 2()à8 27 5406 200; 27 5404 20W 27 5379 199 27 5089 188 18 3323 1851 27 4940 1831 24 4370 182- 27 4868 181J 24 4268 1.81 27 4659 173 27 4649 172ý 27 4489 166ý 24 3913 163j 27 4356 161 27 4274 1511 27 4256 158 26 4080 W5 26 3987 1531 24 3547 148H 27 3966 147 24 3464 144 r 21 3014 1441 27 3677 13(; 21 2860 136ý 24 3184 1331 27 3504 130ý 24 3113 13tlr 214 2849 119 i 27 3177 1ir8 27 3004 Il! 18 1998 111i 27 1968 73; E.Brock, 323.' E.Brock, 83iû. 41 Brock. 23 b ýOnI 21 ]0r ! nd vith omîlYI tw'o wcve"bs kit in the regular schedule clîould vin the champe ionslîip. 'Tliry hauve heen aver- -agiîîg 1mm(< pins îî.ýr grne or anl vo ogo<f 22 vo tp-riniii. Stinninr. z d ff oflii 'Vrek period as they leaped into a TcmWp ns oit 3-0 lead. T"e -1) 2 1 Bill Osborne breke theTOc eP)1 scoreless streak for Courtice aI Breck 1 V-h 171 the midway mark ofetO mid- Osbiornie Ii l 16 dle trame. John Osborne net- OBuk ' 1 ted a pair. while Jim Rjchaardsi1 and Blake added singles for' Winll1:1r I 2 13 them. Lancier - 13 1,1 13 Don Masters and Mort Rich- Dale il 1ifIil ards shared a seven goal effort B. Oke 1) 17 10 as they brougbt Miller's from Batesci1 behînd te post their win. Ma'- R.()le Ï: 1 9 ters tallied tour and Richards two atter Bloekbusters Oaci surged inte a 4-1 lead inte second period. Bernice Budai Bill Cole and Bun Welsh with two each and singles by Howard Quinney and Wood- Roi Is 276 Came ers scering. Ladies' League~ Ovrer LeadTops lihis e.c'nh was Bernit:er O ver LeudBucdai \vÉth hîtgh tripie ef 67q, 1and l ii i gi ,of 27(i' 1 (;,a.nî s Ov-er :100 x 1key eu-gue B. 1tdiiî :'76,'"13: L. lHeeper 26217 ýIL 2tltmi 56. 232-:! noon at Memorial Areia. J. Tititt<tl.Ece-21 The win moved Mats into L. les,"~ 242: V. Rogercý first place in the standings. 0f- 223;A. lZ"chads ':3::J.. Baker lice outscored Fan Belts 5-2 in :( <' <<,26 P. thie second game, but were liot i-Tlattv 5,-21. cr dited w ith the w in. FIi, i 1 221 ),; (l 1-t ' o i n 24 : N Belts countcd the win as theirs Gav'N72:14; S.13soetc 224,! claiming the game by defau1t, J. if3OV 23: Il. B r e c k because Office had used a sut, 222:,.-,1:": 1 ..\lNTlt 217, goalie. IWIi îcî : S. icaell 217: Bill Lyle paced Mats with a E.H<'l ' W r<- Bales 216:1 pair anid Bill Cole scored (heui I loK- îro"14: S. 1311(,kric.1 third goal. Butch Cole, Ted Fai.210;1J. lAoil a2(& W D Prestoii ray and Joe Whyte tallicd sin.207:\. Bickol1 20ï7: ). Cro-r gletons for Hose. lite o4: L. Moffot 202; J. Ma- Don Masters boosted Ilîiself jor 200.em Sanin way up fOe ladder a ic Tans taff- eagues scorer as Oc counted , l ij threc goals and two assists fr .01- rii ' 15 2 Office. Bob Sheridan i iet ted L.i1 E. 2 if;:1 1bofh their other goals. Nlori B. NMuLlti ..232 1 ;Richards scorcd Fan Beits' îwo Oý . itl(O-244 goals. O. P:ifin - 2 L: 1;5 j. League StandingBC'iho. '71 1 (as of Sunday, November 10) 1 (el :217 1 W 1, T Ph- ",mi . oît o >71 12ý Mats -------_ ---- 3 1 (jîi H. Brm n2,1 i ;Office -------------2 1 5 S. Bttckmni 2292 Ii 1Fan Beits----------- 2 1 1 IlH. DotiiII 2,j76 ici Hose - ----------0 4 O0 t)Averages Leadlng Scorers Ganî. ,. Ave, G A Pt:--- i fr ~ 2 21 n 1Don Masters-------- 7 4 ilI hurla IBro ': 2 < :Don Childs --------4 h1 OîcLiîr - 7 2) Bill Lyhe ----------4 1 ) Ena Ec -e 7 itf Frank Mohun-------- 2 3 5 Liil ivo 2(ý 7 1 90 1Bob Sheridan ---- 2 .3 5 P'~"Eia 7 9 zer., -- -- YOUR ! ic:i 27 I tua VI, c: - # \r~, -e-'. .'7 17(i Loti; V ~ 17:1 ix : - . 77 - POWE I Xm'<-P) 3 P XIo--lid , -ni16t3 àMary HîînI 16i3 252 241 234' 228 228 2261 2251 223 222 219' 218' 218 218 215 215 214 214 214 2121 2131 213 219 212 218 218 208 209 208 206 205 204 206 206 205 204 203 204 202 204 202 202 202 202 202 201 2011 Combines Win Openi'ng Gam e ln Cohyourg Bowmanville - Orono Coin- bines whipped Cobourg- Lum- ber Kings 10-5 in the opening game ef the Lakeshore Inter- mediate "A" hockey league Friday night at Cobo urg. In the other Lakeshore game played at Lindsay the newly formed Port Hope Ontaro posted a 5-3 win over their hosts. ro Lloyd Hamilton opened the scoring for B.O.C.'s as thcy mounted a 4-1 lead in the frt period. Bill Berwick tallieo their second of the f ray and aided Keith West in scoring a few moments later. Gèrr-y Rob- inson ended the scorxng- when he foûnd the mark late in the period. Hamilton started themn off again in- the second stanza. counting his second of the game. Junior West and, Gary Côpeland added singles to put Combines ahead 7-2 before the buzzer sounded. Scoring his, second goal ni the- game Keith West sparked them in the final period. Gerry Robinson came through with his second and Art Rennick counted one as they ensured the win. Jon Fisher led Cobourg wiLh a pair. ývhile Coon Medhurst, Lloyd Boyer and John Woods adied singles for Cobourg. hi ___ I. Free Free!I LACK DUlAMOND r STAMPS, with every p urchase ai gos at Vigor Oit SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-V9 Vigor Standard 9 GAL Gasoline 3" Vigor Super 9A High Test 1 Oc inci u Complete- Lubriration at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABL IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE' STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 27 201'f Notice Notice is hereby given that a meeting of 1 the electors of the Towni of Bowman ville wilI take place in the Council Room of the said Town, on Fn.*,, Nov. Zind, 19.57 ai. the hour of 7:30 p.m. for the purpase af naminating Candidates for the office of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Six Councillors ta compose the Town Cauncil for the ensuing year, for naminating Candidates for member af the Public Utilities Commission, ane member ta be elected, and for naminating Candidates, far members of the Public School Board, three inembers ta be elected, anc fram each ward. Should mare candidates be nominated than necessary ta fi the said affices and a poil be demanded, such poli wiii be heid at the time an& places hereinafter mentioned. Al nominations must be in writing and signed by the nominator and'secander, bath of wham must be present. At the same time the foliowing question wiil be submitted ta the electors: "Are you in. favor of a two-year term for the Mayor and Members of the Municipal Council, Io commence. for the year, 1959?" Mon., Dec. 2nd, 1957 at the- haur of 9 a'ciack in the forenoon, continuing open until 6 o'ciock in the afternann and no longer. Polling Suit-ivision No. 1 West Ward ai the Coacil Doom, Town Hall Polling Sub-Division No. 2 West Ward ai the Council Boom, TowiRHal Polling Suh-DI*V>Muon No. 1 North Ward- ai the. residence of Nazi. SJauly Preston, 48 Churcit Si. Pollîng Sui-Division No. 2 North Ward ai te resideuce ai Mr. J. H. Daieman, 58 Wellington S Polliuq Sala-Division No. 3 North Ward ai the residence ci Mrs. Clarence-Hall, 189 Liberiy Si. 1 Polling Suhbflivisoen No. 1 Soulh Wai ai On-tarie Street School Polling $cu-Ilvision No. 2 South Wàrd cal GObario StretSchool Ail of which ail persons are requested ta take notice and govern theinselv«. accordingly. Bowmanville, November i lth, 1957. A. J. Lyle Town Clerk. il. me ElI-ectilon Mr 1 NOV. 14th, 1957 1 Qmstee iocai merenants. 1 PAG13 Pl

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