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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1957, p. 20

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PAGE TWENTX" TB~ CAKADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. NOV. 141h, 195? T- Shirts Fancy Summer T-shirts hy many fanious makers. Stock up now for Christmas or for next summer. I I I I M E M Men's Suifs AIl wool worsted and flannels, both plain and patterns. Reg. price 49.50 to 69.50. OUT AT - ------- 24*99 Men"s Sport Shirts Plaids, plains or ivy league strips. A good time to stock up. Ail sizes including extra large. Beg. $4.95 and $5.95 DUT AT $3e88 2 For $7.50 Men s O vercoats Save now on a M'inter Overcoat. Some in the Kenwood cloth. Reg. Io $75.00 DUT AT - -Il- PR p w g NOW FOR CHRISIMAS MENS- SUITS Manýy in dark shades. There are Pic andi Pic, Fiannels, and AI! iVool IN'orsted Patterns and Plain. Valu e $59.50 Io $69.50 - DUT AT TO PCOATS Mens ail wool gabardine, tweed or Nv'ool and cashmiere topcoats. Choice of colours. $38,e88 Shirts W~h ite an d soniec colouirs. Plain and dlouble cî,ff. 53.88 2 i$r 7.50 Men 's Belts Good quality leathers Io $2.50 AT PRICE a Men's.S'portcoats %eare offering yoti these smnart coats at a large savirîg. $29.95 AT $9099 $49.99 A sale you have been waiting for. A sale you will neyer forget. Wiihoui reservation or lirnil we are off ering our entire stock of nationally known and advertised men's and boys" wear ai sensalional prices. We DARE not lisi brand naines but weguarantee you ii's the higgest price-smashing, rnoney-saving sale you have ever seen. Corne early- Shop now for Christmnas. DOORS OPEN 10:00 A.M. THURSDAY. Suburban Value 19.95 - Out ai Value 24.95- Out ai Value to 32.50 - Out ai Coat NOW 15 THE SEASON TO BUY AND SAVE ON -THESE COATS. PLAINS, TWEEDS AND FANCIES. $17,e99 $1 9.99 ALSO $23e99 MEN'S PYJAMAS These pyjamas hy a n.Itiotially known miaker. Ail sizes. Right for Christmas 3.79 REG. $5.95 AND $6.95 2 for $750 Don't Miss This Boys' Suburbans Sizes 6 to 12 Value Io 11.95 - Oui ai HATS Dress Right. Wear a hat. We have both regular and new flat tops. VALUES TO $7.50 OUT AT099 Great Sale Be Here Early For Best Selection $8988 Sale Starts Thursday Morning at 10:00 TUES Beautiful seection of fies. Just in tinie for Chr~itmas~. Reg. to $2.50 - NOW $1.00 m 2 for $1.75 MEN'S IGHT WEIGHT CARCOAT In new polished cotton. le $19.95 rAT $14.9 Ps Shirts Valu OUT Sport M~en's plaid, plain and fancies. Winter vweights. Value 6.95 Jo 7.95 s,5.88 DUT AT 2 Fior $11.50 Viyella'& Lanerossi SHIRTS PLAIN AND PATTERNS Value 10.95 Io 13.95 OUT AT $8,088 M en's Stretch Socks Plains and Patterns AIl colours. Bey. $1050 NOW M M Men's Socks Wool, nylon or wvnol and nylon mixed. Both plain and fancies. Value $1.00 89C NOW 2 For $1.75 I - lu__ _ HATS By a famnous miaker. We have good colours and sizing. Value Io $11.95 DRESS TROUSERS $7,e99 Reg. $8.95 to $9.95 Reg. $10.95 to $12.95 AIl Wool Worsteds Reg. $14.95 to $19.95 99C Boys' Trousers 8 -18 Plain flannels and splash weaves -with self heit. Reg. Io $5. 5$3,o88 2 or $7.50 Men's Dressing Gowns and Smoking Jackets Smart silks in patterns Fleg. Jo $ 19.95 OUT AT $4,099 DUT AT $6,99 DUT AT $8,099 DUT AT $1 0.99 SHOP NOW FOR CHRISIMAS ÈU _ w SStar Specia* Farnous Firth Bros. Lasi Ends Made-to-Measure SUIT5S Your choice of several colours and styled to your personal needs. Yes, have your suit tailored to your own liking, 3-week delivery. Value Io $82.50 NKOW $ 595 0 White Shirts Just the thing for that Christmas Gift. Good fine count shirts. - Button on double cuff. 1 Bey. 3.95 NOW $2e79, 2 For $5.501 Men's Pyjamas Flannelette and Polo Pyjamas. Just the tbing for Winter. Reg. Io $6.50 OUT AT $4059 Men's Jewellery Tie Bar and Cuff Link Sets Value Jo $8,00 OUT AT $5095 Windbreakers Men'% light weight plain gabardine, ivy league stripes and fancies. Ail size! jý Value Io $ 14.95 OUT AT $8099<e Bruce Min ns' lothoeng NO I Dueî to the extremiely low prices --ve are forced to charge for alterations. 29 King St. E. GARRY VENNING, MGR. Bownmanviolle no RFni S Men's VALUE $10,000 SHOP TO $5.95 ---99C Bey. Io $55,00 DUT AT Dress - M M I Value $4.95 OUT AT Value OUT Reg. OUT __m m -M PAGE TVJENTY -THE CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO TMMSDAY. NOV. 14th, los? à

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