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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1957, p. 6

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?AGE8I what they mean. How easy it is for them to get away with Re>gi i , M si Ch1 ~alsolutely no meaning but ol ganiose sterv nt that ha Wifh Modern Times i reigio flot death. Since ]Mfe exqectan- Speali%"ker Te ils Rotary cyhsiceedah s a from the minda of many people For a most liberal educatiort but nevertheless fcs1te-an h vepis "H ow seca Dr. Do' et htnald Soper suggests o the problems of tni., is ad1[in.-o-es a a- Prsanorae hi opnion moern ge.we meet the enthusiasm ot fr Pesa otehraon wîIn oem aevouth if we du not- teach Iifé frliom se ssoa o or on al His eloquent precise speech- as it should beý lived." as e ixnel ha s ofte doe.es sprinkled with dry English, Speaking on faith Dr. Soper Here is the true ireedomn of' humour have been found high- pointed out that faith must meetings he told the Bowmar- lv inte-estinga and such was thc spring forth froin' lite and nul ville Rotarians Friday, as thecaeFia tRtr.bsonhnghti upim audience is able to freely ai- cAerdyat Ray.pepl b e setuhn ta s spejn t&ck the orator's viewpoint. ra aypole epsd sc sComnunisin Di,. Soper is one of Britain'r: said. "regard religion as irre- Such irregular beliefs hie teirn-. !nost distinguished men and i- levant and can flot be persuaLi- ed as escape-hatches. in charge of London's famous. ed that it has anything to do "We must have a world em- Metodit KngwayHal Fe;with the world in which we bracing religion if Christianity is noted for his blunt opinions1 now.live. Instead they live in is to survive and we- have tue which are often controversiai a private world." power, food stuff, resources * Such people consider i-en-, and knowledge ta accompli,, gion to be a kill-joy," he add-it WAwi[E - e. They must be reconciled." "It would be nice if we could IfTE e1 Christianity generally convert the whole world but Deati. OId and Crippied speaking is going ta make any it wou]d take tao long. Faith FARM STOCK impact on the world, Christian- must spring forth from the Plcked Up Free of Charge ity mnust go about it in three world as it stands." 24 Bur ervëë_ _ spcifc wys."I belleve that Rotar-y has 24 Hur ervie secifc wys.seized upon one, of« the most Phone ColIect First, religion must not be, essential qualities of true lite. Cobourg FR 2-3721 down to earth in the sense of That is of sharing with others Peterborough RI 2-2080 1 earthly but rather must be ad- who are less fortunate and apted to the present materialis- fflCK PECONI tic age rende'ring service which. acts Peterborough . Ont. . as cernent to keep the? bricks of * Secondly, preachers must say life together," he said in con- clusion. IDr. Soper was introduced byi Rev. Alex Cowan, Oshawa, and was thanked by Rota-ian Art Morgan. SATURDAY EXCURSIO NS Via'orsat~ the meetingj r from the Oshawa Rotary club,! *W. G. Manning. and R. E. SIms, IWhitby Rotary club, and- Ec Ryzek, Ajax Rotai-y. S»eciul guests included Rev. F. J. Reed, Hampton, Rev. Haroid TORON TOTurner, Rupert G. Hamlyn and John Morrson, all of Bowrnan- EVERY SATURDAY TO AND INCLUDING DECEMBER 14 birthday was R. R. Stevens. Tehockey draw w wnby Good going and returning some Saturday only. Ken Morris and Al Wither- EXCURSION FAR£ PROM: Belleville ... Cobourg .... Port Hope... Bowmanville.,. * . $4.70 * . . 2.90 * . 2.65 - . 1.90 1.45 1.25 Corresponding fotres f rom intermediate points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS CANADIAN PACIFIC CANADIAN NATIONAL T45.7 Rôol Theatre Bowmanvikl - NOV. 14 "Gun Glor y" Color - Cinernascope Taking its place with the screen's biggest westerns . . . Stewart Granger in a new type of raie - a gambler and gunslinger .. Greater than the "Fastest Gun AiÏê." With RIIONDA FLEMING and newcomer STEVE ROWLAND Second Feature. "A Il For Mary" Color - Comedy Last complete show 8:30 Saturday Matince - Color Western and Cartoon - NJV.18 "The DI." The f irst story af the rugged breed they cali the dril istrcto .. Jak Wbbas T/Sgt. Moore, the toughest of the tough guys in the Marines. Also World News and Story of Oil: "The Great Essential"? (Colar) Feature at 7:25 an-d 9:40. Last complote 9:15 WED.- SAT. - NOV. 20 - 23 Malines - Wednesday - 2 p.m. [THE MOTION PICTURE THAT RAN A YEAR ON BROADWAY! el.Bêa Extra! Special short story of "Q ueen Elizabeth Il" Oklahoma begins 7 p.m. Last complete show 9,20. Evening pricer. Aduits 75t, Students 50c, Childi-en 25e Advance tickets now on sale Business Direclory A cc.a un ia nc y WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered. Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor.KingandTemperance Sts. Phone M"Arket 9-3612 MONT EITIR - MONTRITH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-3527 Partners: J. W. Monteith, M.P., P.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. t G. W. Riehi, C.A. <Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey. C-.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. YALE. FRIEDLANDER. HUNTER- & CO. Accountants and Aucitors 64 King. St. E. RA 5-16211 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. FFriedlander, F. Comm.. C.P.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. C h iropr a ctiic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 5 Elgin St., cor. of Horsev St. Phone MA 3-550P Office Hours: By Appointment D en tal DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. 1 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily JClosed Saturday and Sunday Office Phono MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 D R. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.3.1 Office in his home 10 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9a.m. to 12 noory Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. Office 123 King St. B. - Bowman vile Office Haurs: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily IClosed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Leg al STRIKE and ST5 K Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike. B.A.ý 40 King St. W. - Bowzranville Telephone MA 3-5'791 ILAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. f Barrister. Solicitor Notai-v Publie King St. W - Bowxnanville Phones: Office MA 3-50811 Residence MA 3-5553 51158 APHA L. HODGINS Bairister, Solicitor Notai-y Public Tempomance St. - BowmanviIle E. RICHARD LOVEKIN, U.E., BA. LLB. Box 9, kNeautle Phono Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appaintinent only. Mortgages LEROT HAàMLTON - ORONO Phone 1ir 16 Firgt Maitxaue funds Residences - Farme- Business Propertie. Opiometry RLEJTH A. BILLEI? Optometrist un 141Eg St. E. Bownmnvle ,1 Office Hours: By appoinment- Telephone MAi-ket 3-3252 Mondav ta Saturdav q arn. to 5 p.m. Wednesdavs: 9 to Il THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVILLýZ.ONTAIO East Central OWEardD b- o discuss urnadget àk books. Registration for the pro- A t gi-am will be held at the Lions Centre at 8 p.m., Thursdav, November 21. 'Wil ,Oen MaURhX2 The East Centrai Ontario ment at the aid post office- for Regular Sunday service was Travelling Art Showv will hold; a crafts centre. Among, the held- on Sundsy,. Nov. lüth at its officiai 1958 opening ii' crafts considered on the pro- 10 a.m. There was an average Bowmanville on March 21, Re- gi-am, if the basemnent is avail- congregation but no choir aw- creation Director Doug Rigg able, wemo ceramnics, weaving, ing ta so many of oui- juniors announced Thursday ni last, photography, art aud manY.' stifl en the sick list. However tweek. 1 others. wo are pheasedti t say tho wave Some 60 paintings. ail l'y Bowmanville Choral Society of theso unpleasant gemms is amateurs in the district, will1 have changed the date of their on its way out, so we may ex- be. shown duing the thmeo day annual winter concert, Mr. Rlgg Pect to enjoy the swoet singing perîod of the exhibition. Paint- ireorted4. The new dates are of oui- yauthful choisters be- ings in the show will be fi-rn Friday, December 13, and Sat-- fore too long. as far west as Oshawa, east tO urday, December 14. The service was conducted Kingston and north ta Ha 21Enoig io Hoe by the Rev. A. W. Hai-ding and burton. Mr. Rigg told the Re xÏ1vnoig io Hoe as in keeping wîth Remeul- creation Committee at their1 Some 281 boys have enrolled brance Day.. *monthly meeting. ln the minai- hockey pi-agi-ar Sunday School was held at At the annual meeting. of this season. To provide hockey I l a.m. Theme aanices tthe East Central Travelling for them we have 18 teams hoe- in t. wae.Te snionceas !Art Show in Belleville, Wed- ing. handled by 24 coaches, Mi-r, tedac.Teseso a ~nedayaf astwee a ommt-Rigg îuformed the committee. . tak-en by. Mrs. Wm. McHolni, nesdy oflastweeka comitassistant superintendent, owing tee was appoiuted ta fake Bowmanville Lions Club are ta the sickuess of Mms. Fred charge of the 1958 show. Miss sponsoring a midget hockey McConnelh. Sunday School at Dora Purdon, Mrs. Jessie Sie- league this year and theme will a.m. next week as usual. mon and Doug Rigg weme se- bo foui- teams in the league. W ar lsetoayM. lected as. the Bowmanville i-- They will play Satumday's be- E.Welare plas oed ftesay Mn presentatives. Two other mem- tween 3 sud 5 p. m. with the E isni thm to w bers were chosen fmom Peter-- schedule apening November or miare Iwe in Po ert op borough. 16, ho eprted. 1ôptl fwilh eea Craf Cenre ossile lost te lubweeks befame aur teacher i-e- Craf CetrePosibleHoss t Clb 1suines duty meanwhile Mrs. The recreation conmmîttee Mm. and Mrs. Gihi, proprietars, Ken Symonds, Weicome, ha,. discussed the possibility of oh- of the Royal Theatre have in-- taken over or will as soon u i fsining the use af the base- vited members of the Senior sac is able for unfarfunatcly - Citizens Club ta a matinee per- aff cm a day or su of teaching ini formance of Oklahoma appoar- hem aid school the "flu bug" ing November 20 at their thea,- took aver and school was lsc -j a y Fin s tre. for a week, which was just as il ~Teen Town will begin their well for attendance xvas quite ~no er urue badminton club again an Wed- low,%. We wish bath feachers a nesday evening from 7 p.m. ta ompoemcvr nten Prior ta hem marriage an Sat-- 10 pn. The junior vaiety bo- future. umday Oct. l9th ta Mm. Samuol îng conducfed by the recroation The school childi-en missed Adams, Miss Lamna Cochrane departmenf has been cancelled the Hallowe'en Party arranged was guest of honour at a nuni-l due ta lack of inferest, Mr. Rigg far Nov. lst, but we hope there ber f shwems said. Howevor, if may be resun- Iwill be 'some kind of party la- bro satumaySp. 2 f id ed in Januarv, if there are ter on. ennough chiSepdi28en indsereste. Theme were vcry few amound sud relatives af the groom ga- eo.i . de itr e. calîng "Sheîl Ouf!". Instead of fherod at the home of thej Many Attending Classes the usual 30 or 40 myseiu groom's parents af Liberty St. Public speaking, smacking :sulent cahiers there wr tl jNorth in Bowmanvilhe. After iand leathercraf t classes bein ' eighf. They eceived a double unwmapping many useful giftý; conducted by the dopai-tment j shame sud there arc quite a the bride-ta-be sud groom eachi will continue unfil the en d of1 few candies awaiting for stmay thanked the guests aftem which the ferm. Enrohîment in swimii- 1pxis a deliciaus lunch was served. ming chasses is 90, dancing 97,1Mm. Neil Anderson of Sud.- On Fiday, Oct. 4, about, art 13, sud choral group 40, ne; bury was homo with his math-j twenty friends and neighbours reported. o r, Mrs. Frank Andersonfao- af the bride gathe-ed at Enfield The commiffee approved pur- the long weekend. Miss Eýlai1ne Public School for a miscellan- chasing a portable ballot bar Anderson, daughter of Mm. and eous shower in honour of the for the dancing class. A reading I Mrs. Criss Anderson, spent this bride and groom. Aftor a7 short sud discussion graup is being woekend with hem aunt sud pi-gagsm the young couple wemc escoi-ted fa the front where fthe'R E Chairman gave thé groom a g T$DES OU EME few words of advice. Miss Ruth- ~1' Prescott pesenfod the bride .* sud groom with an ahuminumnTOA lazy susan on behaîf of the .iZ S4PPN TOA Pathfinders of which the bride- is President. Aftem apeniug the other many usoful gifts the bride sud groom fhanked evory- one following which a deliciaus.. , lunch, inchuding a cake made especially for the occasion, war se-ved by the ladies of the com- munit.y. A miscolaneous shower xvas held at the home of Mrs. Larr-, Dewell, 29 Prince Street Bow- 1 manvihlo, an Oct. 7, when the bride-ta-be was the recipient of Imany pmetty sud useful gîfts, After tho bride expmessed hem 'thanks the hostess led lu a cou- ple- of contesfs. A deiciaus lunch Mrs. Chas. Johns sud Mrs. Wallace Munday. On Tuosday, Oct. 8, Mrs. Eh- mer Down aud Mrs. Chuck Temry, cousitp of the bride, .were hostesses at a panfry shower held at the formem's home Bloor Street Easf, Oshawa. Many box- -Q os of canned food and pick es were eceived by the bride ior which she expmessed hem fhsnks.* -c A mast enjoyable lunch was set - ved including a cake madeo in Cf. the brîde>s hanour. *C Nestlelon Station 1Mm. and Mrs. T. G. Lang,,feld ansd Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lang- feld- took Violet's mother, Mrs. T. Wilson, to Montreal, and breakfasted on the liner on which she meturned to her honme in Newcastle -on -Tyne, England. They motomed via Ottawa tc show her Canada's capital and also the R.C.M.P. and retumned Ivia the Seaway. Mr. and Mms. C. Gist visit- ed Sunday with the Francis IGist family at Laing and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Davison visited I Douglas at Waterloo. The members of Nestleton Ladie-s Aid were invited ta Ballyduff on Tuesday evening and enjoyed a social tin'.e with the Ballyduff ladies. Members from Nestîcton at- tended the Women's Institute Area Convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, this past week. Mrs. M. Emerson mepres- ented the District and Mrs. H. Vine the Branch as delegates, and Mrs. C. Wilson, Mms. H. MeLaughiin, Mrs. R. Davison. Miss Ruth Proutt and Mrs. G. Thompson joined the busload of Port Perry mombers on Wednesday. Miss Lyncha Fallis is stayîng with Mr * and Mrs. Donald Thompson and attending school and little Miss Gail Fallis is staying with Mi-. and Mrs. Jos. Hradburn while their mother and father are caring for their gmandfather, Mr. Meredith Fa]- lis, who is quite ill. Récent visitors with the Grant Thompsons were Mr and Mms. A. W. Brown, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mc- Cabe, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Sellers, Gail ,judy and. Cherry, Bow- manvillo. were Sunday. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ehi Mairs. Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip and Mi-s. J. W. Irvine visitea Mr-. and Mrs. Frank Malcolm, Oshawa. Mm. Wiley McKeown and son Lionel, Mono Milîs, callod on the Heaslips and Mms. Irvine. J Mi-. Walter Rogers, Tomonto,l visited his grandmother, Mmi. Jas. Samelîs and Norman. Mr. and Mrs. John McGarr., and- Lorraine and Miss Dorotit',' Hai-ris. Toronto, 1--ere Sundav vîsitors with Mr. and Mrs. JaS-. Harris. Mrs. Bowman of Whitby, spent a f ew days with het- daughter. Mrs. Charles Vine,I and granddau.ghter, A"ta. BRIGHT'S FANCY App lesauce 15-oz. tin 2 for 31c Full of Juice - Ref reshing Florida *Farnous for Flavor Ontario Northern SIPY APPLES Mild, Flavorful, No. 1 DEETS - Oranges 5-lb. mesh bag 39C 6-qt. basket 3-lb. poly bag1 - 69C 29c L Med ium sized 24-oz. bag a 2' F - Zor 29c Large, Meaty GREEN PEPPERS Pluinp, Luscious, California FRESH DATES 2 l'2or i5c1 8-oz. pkg. - - - - 21c THERE'S ARED & WHITE BOWMANVILLI MAPLE GROVE ORONO -Cornisb Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market T=USDAY, NOV. 14th, 1937 uncle, Mr. and Mms. C. Ander- ton Henderson occupy the nomth son. at Bowznanville. I part. In the meantime the Ash- WVe are, pleaised: ta welcoine ton hiouse is. being. improved by jMiss Joan Marvin back tu vomy necessamy repai7s and church antd Sunday school ai- when finisheti will. make a ter her many weeks of sickness very conifortable home for looking much thinnor but L-s someono. hem bright happy self again. Mrs. George Hnrness is slow- Cnda e mecovering fi-arn the three Thirty Cnda "bugs" - jaundice. f lu ani representatives have participat- *mumps. That's more rhn d in the Hung-îrian refugee re- enough for one persan. lief operation in Europe. Mr. William Hendersýon hwie Accidents dont just happen. moved into the south part oi They are caused. - DRIVE his old home. Mm. and Mrs. Mor-1 SAFELY. Clearasil IkSholes Relit Bn Creani rads 1:Deodorant Deodorant 690 - . j 5098 1. Ladies' Brushes 98e te- 4.95 Vacuum Bottles. ---____ Manicure Sets- 1.98 - 2.98, 59o Ammident Tooth Paste Mini-ors 39o - 3.50 - 5.95 2 for 89o Cutex Sets 1.00 - 5.0 Noxzema Cream 98o - 1'.25 EnenCoUgh and Cold Allenbury's Shampo. Halîborange 1.69 Remedies 1.00-1.75-3.50 Restian Super Anahisi Tabs. 60c-1.00 Scott's foir Dandruf 1 Bromo Quinine - 49e - 79e Emulsion 1.0 Buckley's. Caps ------ 45e - 89e 1.0 Sucrets -------- --- -45e 1.00 -2.00 ;Tyrozets - ----- - - ------- 1.30 Sabol Buckley's- Mixture 59c, 85e Wampoîe's Coldene - ----- --- 1.10 for Dandruff Buckiey's White Ruh ---59c E x'.a et 1.75 Benylin- -------85c - 1.50 1.50 -2.75 New Wampole's Phospho Plex Woodbury Dreani Gl Liquid or Tablets Liquid Make-up Relieves Tired Nerves 49e $2.50 Christmas Cards - Boxed 39C ta 1.98 COWLING'S PHONE RIA 3-5695 DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES OE>lG. FOR THLe FAMIlLy YOQItt rHE RED ANMD WHIriE 2 for4.3c 29c 16-oz; pkg. 3 for 89C Royal Instant Puddin&gs 3 pkgs. 31c lO-or. lfin 3:for313 Milk Fed, B3oneIess Veai Leg Raast lb 59c Milk Fed Veal Cutiets lb. 69c Fresh, Genuine Spring Lamb in a Basket Three Meals ROAST in One STlb. 4c Swift's Small Link - Loose DEOGKFIELJD SAUSASE ,- I 55c Swilt's Premium - "Sometbing New" - L-oz. Cbub HýRAN SALAD SPREAD - - 49c BîrdsEye - Frozen Foads Grapefruit Juice, 6-oz. tin 2133e Mixeti Fruit, 15-oz. pie 49e Baby Lima ess 12-o:. pkg. - -------- 3le i , - * 4L.~,- - Oshoao....... Whitby........ TUBS. a SAT. NON and TUES. w h Chocolate - White - Spice Pillsbury Cake- Mixes Aylmer Tomato Soup Dr. Bailard's Appleford Food Saver Del Monte PARKAY Champion Dog Foodi Wax Paper Pimepple- and Margarine 15o.tn100 ft. r-oll grapefruit Juice Colour Quik Bag 48-oz. tin 6.lor 65C 29c 3 or 1.00 2 LUn 3 STORE NEAR YQU E-Yeo'fs M arketeria - Maple Grove Grocetd'ria

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