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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1957, p. 7

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TNURSDAY. NOV. l4th, 195? TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. DOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO PAGE S~VEN prime ministers'of ail countries l iii i ndner hti wytet I SKc ILTLEN JSry ohetr NYvîie I j ~~~ I'J ~~~~J ~~ are going to meet in Paris rext nfs?1a iI 19 5 8 O 14 T icers '~M.a4Ms da V month to revamp the Nato set-Ou regular C.G.I.T. meetingrtre oexihten S ca .Pilon lUp. wshK71 tehmeo Teguest speaker realized IO f , E astern S t r Jrder .C.ho atvthe heofars. M.adis.R abwr Phone MA 3-3303 ~htha tremendous challenge Wright opened the meetigI r.ALedatr facesth free world. "But the A with "The Thought ofth - ______________________men whom we are commemora 1111 Da.y." Scripture was read b* M.a r.Atu rn Mr. lem ercy Ottwa, nd dughtr Mis Gai Baneflting tonight gave their lives for M rs.E. Shaw , NVV.IVI. rrol Wright and the stor eewt r.adMs r Mr lm Pry taa n duhe isGi ani a caUse they believed in." was given by Elenor Heard. efr n r .MrPr visited his sister, Miss Beryl were in Detroit last weekend Pry Perey. visiting relatives and takin in Mr. Strike also gave com- Members of the Order of the Oshawa, Port Perry, Lindsay, Gloria Wright read the min MradMs.CffLoe Mises Laura and Jessie Lou- the Ice Follies show of Which mendations to the Bowmnan- Eastern Star from Toronto, Port Hope and Cobourg, visited. utes and the roll call was an1 otPry M.J .Wry yil eio o h ottn-Agincourt, Pickering, Whitby, Durham Chapter, Bowman- swered with a verse of th MranMs.FW. eryM. <-kg, Toronto, were weekend Miss Lynne Bagnel Is a mem- ing service work they are do- ville, on Tueseday evening, for Bible. Mrs. Ashton conductedaiMs la e".Snr ,Zests of Mrs. W. O.. LaBeUle. ber. the installation of officers. the business. The officers fo1 adSao er eetvst r. and Mrs. L. B. Morrison, Ms .A utn isMr Commends Bac MAPLE GROVE Mrs. Edna Anderson, Past 1958 are as follows: Pres. s\ ihM.ad rsE.A '~"~'Ôno senttheweeendgaret Dustan, Mr. and Ms wkth Mr. and Mrs. John Leish- Terence Dustan attended the "Ti Legion Grnhsoud D.and Mr.LH.Caeis at frforh eu ac od e.-Ee mnan. funeral of Mrs. Dustan's cou-certainly be commended for te D n r .Catsisaln îe the hebeu ancy Wood, Sec. - Lenor Ms.FedTmsaYidd Sm MssJesi L ouaae-on oryuh Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. tifuf and impressive ceremon Had st e.LnaYanvraysrie tBak Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Lumb. R.n,Mins Toronto . on auday,i: okte r no ettr wyotht Charles Werry, Oshawa, were ies, and was assisted by thePs Treas. - Lorma Wearn, Ass.tokad asainegut Miami Beach, Florida, spent Nov. 9th. you can hold faith with your recent vîsitors with Mrs. L. C. Matrons and TPinis of MDundrs-,lbrTos mceveral days with his sister,thnhe ciiis Snowden. ha1hpe.Ms.Bt epe Lois Ashton, Asst. Pianists - Ms ac Wo iie Mfrs. M. E. Leask. Bowmanville Volunteer Fire- f n twinthe your iyou Mr. and Mrs. Donald , va s atr r. ehTelCarol Yl les hrlRo,-Ms vlnBovTrno Mrs. H. E. Purdy and son men romtly extinguished the, eas praised the Legion's family, Bowmanville, ite shal. Mrs. Eleanor Chambers an, Kathryn Slenion, Judyan teddteResnHm fansof aburning tBank of twitli hem mother, Mrs. A e .P.M., soloist for teee Green; Auditors -Mr.Hotb oiga iiis Hary, Cambelvlle wrethe farm af Ralph Rowe, Lib-Cada teEe hv Mrs. A. Beech visited her chose appropriate music, beau- and Mrs. Green. Crafts WEre M.aiMs .E ~hc TuesadygustsL.of.herlpares, erty Street North, Monday a'- caught ths aginat"o o brother Claude Smith, Enniskil- tifully sung and was accompan-coutebyMsAhtn.TeadRbiortowrev- Dr ad rs L B Wllam. ternoon. Little damage oc- everyoeadcnotb o-lien, last week. ied by Mrs. Elsie Alldread p.M, next meeting is to be on Nov( tr ihM. n r.S eh Mr. and Mrs. R. ohn Mar- curredta the tractor.mended too highly for that ef- Mr. and Mrs. A. Boot, Pus- who was organist for the cere- 8a' 'lc tMs stnsIik shall returned Sunday from a Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dawson, frt"linch; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, manies. with Elenor Heard and Dori: r n r.LodAt'- thmee-week pmotor trip through Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. fot. Brantford, spent the weekend Wre hofcr a enWight in charge. Roll caîl. î oadadRv adn r the Central States to Southern Bl n aiy igtn r Joe O'Neill The guest speaker was intra- with Mr. aodfMrs.rD. Bailey. ta be answered with youClrWrroonoMrJ.A Calllifofmnia.Kinston Mr.duced by comrade Jim Fair and whM. and Mrs. DErsul Foxandinstalled, the Worthy Matron, Brha lwr and rs.Davd Bel ad fm- wo rtîmd frm hs psitin a thnkedby egin pnsidîMt . adMs rlFxadMrs. Edna Shaw, thanked theBrtdyFoe.erM.anMs.RJ.Om Mrs. oross . Sihan ndil etrborDaghd ere und a- chemistit h is osiBo nmasville Jim Firth.esden Garry, Oshawa, visited with Mr. members for electing her, hem Congratulations ta Miss Kath-itn n n r.E .Wr KethSmith, G Sihantw re wek- dydineroogu, ests Suoftheir Goodyeam Tie &bbwaler Ca i _____Firth.__ and Mrs. Ned Gould and fam- installing board, ahl who had ryn Slemon on being oneafBtyJnadBetveea- end guests af the latter's par-1 parents, Mr. and Mms. Melvîn after 37 yeans af service on May îiy. filled chairs for hre, and the the three chosen at Hampton ra vnn dne ussa ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bell. 115 this yeam, has accepted a* , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brunt and visitars who had honoured her one of the five chosen a r n r.AlnWry Carruthers.Winners af the Lions hockey position as chemist withthea* ntl Heather, Bowmanville, were b en hr asehmadSauina, and coming second n M.adMsO.CAhtn The Misses Edith and Ida draw this week included: Bob Rubatex Rubber Company in MsnHarduppe adey i. adhem officiers installed. tetaCon ai DurhCn as n hhes eewt Weekes were in Toronto on Hicks and M. Bmock for Sat- Bedford, Virginia. Mr. O'Neill M.Gro ec a m daAdroPGM - ~ ititCnet~dne Friday and attended the mar- urday, Nov. 16. Jack Miller hstke h pstono sxaSSOS deer hunting at Sundridge. gBrukghtoandMrs.Albet Ok wer riage of George Weekes and and Ron Alder for Wednesday, 'months basis, but if the climate rr.Gro ec n r.EpOld tate. ensuing yerBiho etsrn.eetvstn ihM.adMs Joyce MCoy. Nov. 20, and Ah Leslie and suits hlm and Mrs. O'Neill and (Continued fmom page one) MAstron eec andwihMr . aw d efon e ohrd wor- Stk did not drop theOe saa Mn. H. Eale Osborne of George White, Saturday, Nov, a longing for idleness on a AshonspntSudaywih n.aon vsEdgorthrWoth M- puni CucStadM.Jc o-2r.nomthern lake does not overcome aId connection with the local and Mms. Bill Bragg, Providence, tran every success in ths xvork dofa ik on dam Wntih' r n r. .SanoGi Chumch St.. and Mn. Jack Mon- 23rd.him, Mr. O'Neill wil ikely con- post office until he was promot- wheme Janice and Bannie Beech She also stated that the Worthyfam o Sndy bttnandDrs eevsto oM. ton, Maple Grave, returned Winners Çh the men's pairs tinue with this company. Ruba- ed to depatmental headquar- spent the weekend. jGadMto iOtnasrs-Shothn clvs ee o1 and Mr. . opPot emy fnom hunting with one deer championshîp for Ontarioa*11 tex makes spange ubben and ters in Ottawa in 1954 and the A large numbem af mothers at- es the word "Courage" and the Sunk 1ad Sunk 2 r.LodSeohadn as this year's spails. contnact bridge and ai the A. Mn. O'Neill, who developed present Postmaster, George tended an open house aitemnoon Wothy Matron would need Mother and sans doing wehh r.En nwi n r.Fe We. regret having omitted J. Young Tophy wene Robert sponge rubber hene for use under Vice, received the local a-a aleGaeShol(at jti lo u fse wudpa eMnand Mrs.nal wiNTm re usdycIrsa the name ai Dm. E. W. Sisson Chow ai Toronto and Duncan nugs, will do regeanch work, de- pointment. and wene pleased ta be able ta hem hand in the hand ai God,adrn C.aEd Dondwih m.M.ad rsLitBysBck fnom the lîst af honoumary Phillîps af Oshawa. Mm. Phil- veîoping equipment and work- Mr. Kent's eanly background see the childnen's work and tahk He would beîp hem.. and Mrs. . . ombOsaia tco hirGle dn pahibearers at the funeral ai ip.% a lawyer, is the son ai ing on nubben problems. Bed- wvas a fascinating stary ai those enjoye the tecup ai theya and The imdae s arn M.n. adbeMrs.R Lab d Anvra Ewr Ali umr atMn. and Mns. F. S. Phillips of fond is a town ai about 5,500 times, including a great many ewith dthe techers. Theyalsod immeditat erepa e-st Ml . . emnben vste t lrkWuclTootoUi week. Momnl.CHDueysatnd population and is 30 miles fnom athietic achievements such as vooe ai thans aftteachs.A ed with their past officem's in hunting came home withahipretM.ad r.E.A Bnowdy evnng te manvC.H.ule y satn-Raoe r n r.ONilra iyl aig twihvt ftak oetar. jewels a gif t ai the members deen. Vmy On Moday venin theRoanoe. M. andMrs.O'Neih rod biccle acing at hich A number ai the Women's and weme then escorted ta the Miss Birthi Knudsen visited Mso ~mntn n Trinity Faîl Faim cammittee ing the Graduation Cenemonies plan bn leaving the first ai next be was outstanding. He also was Institute enjayed a bus trip ta altar whene they pîaced their wt isPîi oel met at the home ai Mns. N. in Convocation Hall, Tononto, week. a top pitchen in the Midland the Royal York Hotel hast week nae1i-heBbl1log wit h is PylanlMr. J Meîlln, or Osbame ta ake fnal arang- Nov l4tb whentwa o hemBasebaîl League and played la- ta attend the Instîtute Conven- the other past matrons and pa- Mnalvr ubr, s-ot, were/vsîor wth Mr. adM ments ion thein Faim being held pupils, Miss Bertha Colville. enly Miss Faye Piper, and the crosse and tennis as well. In tion held theme. awrowerswihfMnDanrMhsmandMrs.H.Gubb Nov. 22. and Miss Janet McGmegom, will arnival of a new daughter for laten ears, he became recon- Mn. Bob Brown, Who is at- tasa uha hpe. Walter Oke. M.adMs mn eii The pnize for ticket holder receive their Associate Royal Mrs. George Piper. Bath e- cldt eseegei xre edngTahr'Clee i lte evena cled on aho-t Mm. O e ckyoet, wMieSunvd; n o eGlMs lr No. 136 is unclaimed imom the Cnevtn Trno Mscceived many lovely gits and bsmi tltcpoesbig eebmuh a eci lnote wh en adeligthba! eckeistt, Tof r ne, w rSna.ae ootwt .E Rebekah Lodge Penny Sale on Diplomas, in Piano with Honon lunch was served by the hast- »In the neaîrn af lawn bowling. Pontypool this past week. g atlunhmwas served yte eoiitrri mn Mrs. F.- Page.t Sept. 20th. Holden may claim standing. esses. lligh Fraternal Offices Mn. Bob Brown. spent the f.smn ovnr r.D-Bekt.__________ sam fnm Ms. . Wnactt, Ifyouarea rralreaer Iweekend with Chester Mihis, En- aine Palmer and ber commit- Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffi sa5 foania S.E iaot. aId you don'te ayual dr Raymond Tnemblay and Ar- Two fraternal organizations niskiîîen. tee. and famiîy. Mrs. E. Bennet Th CadanJio Re Mns. Len Lucas attended a news in this week don't be toc) thun Cale, Toronto, found hae n sinc eirhibeono e . MnrMnChanles Milis is spendingi Mrs. Edna Shaw. W.M., andwee itMs.JHnm, r.Cosbs3Bachsnd9' three-day convention ast week bard an your correspondent. guilty af breaking, entering aKent with their ndhigbeste officesimc.-MevileGrifi ad or of Girl Guide Commissioners It is not ber fauht. Due to and theit at Hooper's Jeweîîery He was a Past Master ai Jeru amfei ys wtMhiso and Mns. l1d Ane Stepensnim-Mlil nfi oimmesi the Department aiock at St. Sauveur, Que. She also mechanical difficulties beyand Store in Magistrate's Court here sae oge, A.. .M " o.'Mills. ents ai many beautiful giits.1 Messrs Harold and GlenEroe visited hem mothen, Mms. A. A. aur contral a large amount of recentîy, were nemanded out 31, and until bis deatb was one Emmett, in Montreal. news doesn't appear in this ai custody until January 14th, ai its oldest living members. Mns W.W. Blî) Bgnei isue Weapoogîe ad wll1958, by Magistrate R. B. Bax- He also was a Past Noble Grand tmy and gil)Banel ss e t it aologin ndtwe. erTesay1he wr of- iFlorence Nightingale Lodge, COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE nected ta mnake restitution taIO.OF. ofS. 6J ormerWgliar- Mms. E. V. Hoan was bostess Mr. Hoopen for the damage de" iS.JbnsAgia at a fanewehl party an Monday which occurred ta bis mer- Church, a charter member aof ST3jo N - evening in honoun ai Mrs. Joe chandise as a result ai the rab- the old Victoria Club, the Pe ST O N . O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill bery. Magistrate Baxter saie'lcnCu adteWo' 1ginia, next week where Mr. chance, since they have iound Mrs. Kent, the former Alice O'Neill bas accepted a position employment. Hill, died many years aga, but! as chemist with the Rubatex tbnee children survive, John,' CHU RCH Rubber Company. i On the four-man teamn chosen with the Post Office Dept.,Ot1 In rpor aithewinemsta nepresent Kemptville Agri- tawa; Arthur, with the Dept. cultural Sehool in judging corm- ai National Revenue, Toronto, fmom Ontario Street coli petitians at the Royal Winter and Robert, witb General Mo- (Anglican) the inten-schooh public speak- Fair in Toronto, are two Dur- tors ai Canada ln Oshawa. SEILVLE N EIDR O HSWE ing. campetition whicb taok ham Caunty boys, Cliii Bristow Mare complete details ai Mr. place Nov. 4, the name af Car- oai Port Hope and Bob Carruth- Kent's extensive career will be olyn Stacey, daugbter ai Mr.' ens, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Wil icue asbeun dtos ________________ Twenly-second and Mms. Mansell Stacey, ___________________________d i sbseuen eitins should have appeaned instead Thid Canruthers, Bowmanvillc. aiPas Crer arln 0h Others on the team are: Eldon Tefnrlwh ebî rr TVU RGSOE- Gota Cold? Alfr TiRi syan te r. a 7 spoke Pethenick, Campbelord, and Nothcutt &. Smith's Funeral Js HOP A Ok.1G TR -ak Afe rnt s1-adi rd pk nJohn Elliott, Napanee., The Home on Saturday, Nov. 16th the epndbl place to buy ail your Tk "ARylTbanksgivîng. by ilcmpt gis at 2 p.m. Hononany palîbearens eîcne ndhelhndbeuy eesA1 Cogrtuaton t Ms bAr oyas wilom nta a nul-will be members ai The Senate. Cough Syrup75e~ thun Joness (nee Ruth Rom. tural College, Guelpb, Ridgo- Cl HOLY COMMUNION bough) and ta Mm. Jim Hooper town Agricultural Scbool and ~Csle O1O.HPA,5 ai Ontario Hospital, Whitby, POssibîy MacDonald College aiH MP O 1adilan.-who have successfully passed Montreal. They will judge 10 and I a.m. -their R.N. examinatians. Re- daiîry and beef cattie, sheep, Mr. Alfred Gaîlant visited bis V TMN CHURCH SCHOOL sults weme just neceived this swine and swine carcasses. brother Joseph Gallant and Mrs. week. Mrs. Joness is the Mrs. Gallant aven the weekend. 7 p.m. - daughter ai Mr. and Mns. R. He was accampanied by Mn.. Un- S E T A Rombaugh; Mr. Hoopen is the ( ~ ban, F. Doiron, Mr. Gregoryj EVENSONG son af Mn. and Mns. F. L. iB lldut ri Flemning and Mn. Vernon Suds- ~IDA Hooper. buny, al ai Prince Edwamd finger tip MoidsTo ci-i fealt unDCR Vislting preacher for the day Mr.Go ie n e Six Yea rs OId hir ladwhornesthyhavisiedin. oliits ~~" Contains Lanolin _________ da g t r r . K l i o e ,tuning ta thein occupations in Allenbury's i g at s ere guests of honoun at an FI... Albenta. ofH liborane _ -_ _ 100,175,325 2 B forth 23o~ Capi. -B. A. Taylor uusual shower given b Mrs. KiIIed by Ca r Mn. and Mns. Donald Reed Finger'4i Movies o e ' - 2 for 29 Fred Cale, Ms.Ted Bagnel] Ayerst Aiphamettesnd .0, .8, .50 800 1-0 Director, The Church Army and Mns. Bill Bagnell. The CrlSnod dsx andMr.Calolyn, Scanboroug, and- DASEBALL'S 1ERTAes aaets-- .00 , 3.50, .00 50 2fr12 in Canada sbowem was held at th e homne1nstantly killed when she nan itcd thein parents Rev. and Mns. LANGUAGE Aes aaets 20,35,60 In Canadaai Mrs. Fred Cale and theoc into the side ai an automobile Recd at the we d.M.and Ilpros0,Eeet-------------1,1.DA anriagelertdtercn nHgwy3,suho al-Ms Clarence Fuiee, West Hill, _____ C*'ANUT~i casinr clebatedthenecut.n Honeas35,soubranBaly-1ns.weeend Mm.wle oncha.hofEnewety--home_ 395 rD Av.,ai ns.Jone, irrn tduf, bil onbernay orn wee vistos wtb te Redson ro-s Beort0,i7i.802.0, .80 OCONUTPO- J rom school Tuesday aiternoon. Wednesday. ~n1:eTablets O1.60.A4.25 111ci,_ - 41,--4 Reg. --A t i r r g G s p e A I s . r e d e i c k S a n o r d R . . 2 , J a n t v i i e , w e n r e c e t v s i t n s U P E Miniter ~ev T.Arthr MoganB.A be- the guest speaker at the nw creamyv I Two 65e bottles I'TncieWne'cuh Miite ev .Arhr ognBA Hampton Woman's Missianary ~ [K 8 n ad r ufaon h D onnerl~ Sunday momning at 10:45.Ifi771crnrHepoufmlyf - W ~~~Mr. and Mns. Harold Salter Richard Hudnut bterhalthswtrud il A.M. -(Continued fnom page onelaTomTennn te(ne Ia fTrîn î.D.A. IEGG CREMEgiehmWmplEfrc 1sible the Russian block. There in Toronto on Thursday. SymE HOME PERMANENT Col) LIVER CIL CAPSULES SHAMPOO rgîry..satîdy was notbîng leit for the Rus- patby is extended ta e son forULI AES' 10srgla .9______ 9 *halo ir sans but a came up wit Bruce. Mns. y c jnt formel E OTESADRg .0sl "TheFuilGospl" Jsomethîng better ta destroy the made iequent visits at the homeI$15 7 P.M.- eiiectîveness ai the ring oaiofber u1 eand autMr. ad MANAOIA#ILIJY M$2,75.2 Fim~N.A.T.O.bae. Mrs. T. Salter, and an many RIGHI! 1170 Extract of Malt and Cod Liver 011ECNM A Sog Fim Prsenttion"And tbey accomphisbed this 1 occasions assisted with the TOUR IIR A j ~~~~~by developîng the intercontir - music ai the Chumcb and Sun-.ogrsnainaa ahsi îse aderhdySbo.Hmsrie o1-lb. 2-lb. 4-1b.Sve5erv _____Isatellites." ineely rendered were aîways ap Reg. 79o Reg. 1.29 Reg.2.29 j SHLVKRN PU.6 "Our ring ai bases is not ipecated by Hampton iriends.3e98 169RfiIRI completely' obsolete but chan-j Congratulations ta Mr. and I 63 9871.9eISMPO98 cs are they will become obsù- Mns. S. Cornish on the binth aiof_________________ w 5 îe 8 lete. Thus we will bave ta ne- a daughten _________ 0 T rinity F a l F air thinkocur problem if we are ta __________________________ hidrRussian development." Remembrance Day was ob -____________________________________________ Turj(ey Squeezed senved at the Sunday mamning To iurther destroy the effec- service with an appropniate mes-1 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY F ridamy, Novernber 22 tiveness ai N.A.T.O., Russia sage by aur pastor, the Raolai hsiseyes on Turkey wvhîch Honor being read by Keîth m~ holds one ai the strnrgest poi Sih Choir rendened fitting 2 . .tions in the N.A.T.O. blockade. music. * * »ri 1S.R. adSyria andi bv takinp, have~ attended the Saper Mission g aven control ai Svria, Russia is Meetings in Oshawa. . Organst-r Arthur Collison, lMus. Bach., L.R.S.M. nw able To exert pressure ci, Ahe Wrnben'osis tte nenive D lvrYu oa ...D tr - .JIt is obviouâ thiat N.A.T.Q. tion ini Toroîîto on Thursday._ THE CANADLAN STATESMAN. BOWbtANVMLLI'. ONTARM PAGE SgVMM TRURSDAT. NOV. 14th, 1957

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