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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 10

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Tu ~-- '-- -- À' 1~ <I t Àmssessment ivetnOaIS Need Revision Says Government Assessor Municipal assessment is one told the assessors, "that spot of the most difficuit and con- checks will reveal a similarity troversial departments in the whole civic administration. to those evaluated by yourself many efforts have been made or your staff. Occasionaily, to set a standard of assessments hovever, a spot check will me- on an equalized basis which veal an over-assessment which wil be applicable to municipali- might prove an injustice to the ties in ail parts of Ontario. ownec of the property or it may "Th tie i rpe or rei-show an under-assessment in sion of assessment standards in beic the loser. it wul some area municipalities," saidbctelsr Reginald Hunter, of the Depart- "The pcoblem of assession is ment of Municipal Affairs, guest becoming complex; for exam- speaker at the session of ie pie, there is no legal definitic'n Assessors of Ontario District .1 of a farm. It may be an effi- convention at Cobaourg Thurs- ciently operated one of 100 day. acres or it may be a small hold- "Some systems now being ing. In some localities, it might used are outdated and it is the be operated as a summer resort hope of the department that or ils acres he nnused whilst the the wll ecmemodrnzec one or tenant only uses the andy uiflom thouout thie honsqe as a dwelling. Thien there and nifom trougouttheis Ithe evaluation of waste lands, province," he said. "It is on t'if- refoî'estcd lands. ski clubs and correct evaluation of assesa- hunning lodges which are often ment that provincial grant1.located on farmn areas. notably for education, arc made." 1I 'Assegssments, if thcv are tb ýine Dstict5 s nw lagebe fnllY effective, should be Sinc Disrict5 isnoxva lage hsedon other factors besides one, covering five counties inluC1aS -et n prxmt which there are 136 municipali- .icasure rpaementrimt ties, the Department of Muni- cos't.1 Theo i elcmn cipaI Affairs bas recentlv p aP u ob onieethen pointed two consultant aýss uetinofloato nt -nY oIflle structure itself but its sors whose task will flot on11 ocatini a general economic bç advisory but who wvili al'4' arca." askessors by carrying out spcý Ti eprmit" r ul checks. The new appointees, "h eaten,'M.Hn vho will have their hea(tquia.-' er said. -wonld like to see a ers n Peer~coug, ae Mc w'der use of the assessment W. Jolly and Mrs.E.Mrhl manuali vlch- was developed________ who have been ,vith th~e ec.' x the cepartment. Its adoption Partment for some timie. xvould bring about uiniforrriu. e.HoadD standards of assessin.g, but to iu.GnHoadD Possible Injustice bc fullxr effective it should be Staff, Ottawa, is shown abc "You may find," Mr. Huinter w i t hi o u t improvisation or March Past in the Rememb _______________________ hane."the uinveiling and dedicatic FINE QUALITY j Orono, Sunday. Also on the MONUMENTS AND MAPLE GROVE Richard and Larry, visited with 1A 1~ Mrs. Thomas, Toronto, on Sun- &çhi, »Of. It',y., Mrs. J.D. Stevens visited day. guamnts.esf emamnc. with Mrs. Joe Jewel, Canning- rR 0 f4 R ton. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Finley Munro, aFSTAFFORD Stevens visited xwith Mr. arid. Miss Sheila Munro and Mr. r5R0S. Mrs. Claude Jewel and fana- I-arry De Lange, Toronto. ilv, Cannington, last week. were Sutnday visitors of Mrs. Bo1ono L. C. Snoxvden, Mildred and DeaýI.r and family, Courtice, with her ypt oth cmuny parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les Col- Smphy ftecmmny lacutt. is extended to Charlie Green- S lafor Brs Gad o kow hat.Tinmvham and familv on the passing StafordBros Gld tokno tha Jinmyof bis mother'in England. 1Noble is back at school after No um i W rS bis session with flu and pneu- A deep loss is feit in ths M nm na ok monia. cornmunity on the passing o Phone WhitbyMr.W Paer Gene, Mrs. Frank Blunt, as many MOhaW.wark8-3552 llknew her through her untiring MOhak 8-552Sask., is visiting with Mr. and work for the Baby Band in 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Mi's. Wilfred MeLean. the Wornen's Missionary Socle- Mr. and Mrs. W. McLean, ty. We xish to extend sympa- thv to lier husband and family. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Bill and Betty Ann, Hamilton, and Miss Marion Snowden, To- ~ "'77.~l~7r~ ~'ronto, were visitors on the j j weekend with Mc. and Mrs. ~* o r-Charles Sodn me lIkIMrs. Gocdon Shunk, Marion vu ! and Ronald and Mrs. Frank jWhitfield, Port Perry, were \ £~aIFUa~~ ~ '-. ~-~ sSaturday visitors withMcan MIMrs. Cecil Mls I Miss Marion' Shunk remain-i je d foc the weekend. ~PrrAEvening Auxiliary will be f 'I 4 i w i Go Places af Yuleîîde in a Suit That DOES Things ]FOR You. . . With so many festive occasions coming up, you'I want a nexv suit that enhances vour appeacance and refleets your good taste. Choose now fcom our smart collection. g I I ,jfen'9s//e 37 King st. W. WÇ/ear IBowmanville «"QUALITY FIRSI' (Chiet of StafftIakes Salute at Orono March Past I 'i ( t I nela : -[ne~ss iou.i rs. nie- gphen.aJefferyoon Wednesday Iîs l Mrs. N. BasaOhw evening,, Nov. 27, lnstead of M isinary I spent a few days with Mc. anc usd Peaenote change Sp a e rs. A. Rbis o f date. (q~f Congratulations to Mc. anc --__________SpeakerJ Mrs. Ronald Page on the birti I of their daugbter. J OBITUARY Hampton WMS Mr adM.E. Green wit M LRS. FRANK BLUNT Hampton: The Woman's Mis- Judge and Mrs. F. E. Hamil- 'ihe death occurred in Bow- sionary Soclety anniversary ton, Winnipeg, were cecent Vis- service was held on Sunday, itors with Mc. and Mrs. Leroy -manville Memorial Hospital on Nov. 17 with the President Mrs. Hamilton. ISunday, Nov. 17, of Mrs. Frank Reed in charge assisted by Rev. IBlunt. She is survived by hec F. J. Reed. The choir was as- Mc. and Mrs. D. Smeatbers jhusband and son, Jimmy, ber sisted by a C.G.I.T. girls' quar- and Brian visited recently with sparents, Mc. and Mrs. J. D. Ho- tette fromn Eldad, naniely Gail Mc. and Mrs. A. Loucks anc Igarth, Hampton, a sister (Jes- Baker, Pat Davis andi the Ko family. jsic>, Mrs. Boyd Wilcox, CO- sisters. They sang a trio and a Mc. A. Robbins and Mr. Ross bourg, and a brother, Bruce Ho- quartette very beautifully, as- Robbins visited the Winter Fair, Igarth, who is tbe Municipal sisted by Mrs. E. Crycterman, ac- Toronto, on the occasion of Mc. jClerk of Pickering Village. An companist. A. Robbins' 82nd birthday. gadr rth wasgild Sinato-i Miss Florence Taylor, M.A., Mc. and Mrs. A. Young and gart, ws kiledin atio inB.S.C., registered nurse, of Vel- son. Toronto, with Mc. and Mrs. I1944. lore, India, was the speaker. Be- C. Martin. Mrs. Blunt was a member of fore taking up Ibis f ield of duty Mcs. R. Campbell is spending St-Paul's Unitedi Church, and hec home was at Brantford, Ont. the winter with Mrs. Angus. ' had beensa Sunday School bea- Her address on ber work and Watson. jcher for many years. She was living in India -,vas vecy inter- also prominent in the work of esting. the cburch organizations. She Miss Taylor was guest of Mcs. jwas an officer of the Evening Warrack and the W.M.S. mem- KENDAL Auxiliary of bbe Women's Mis- bers xvere invited to the Waccack Isionary Society. home on Saturday evening when Mrs. Mary Luxon and Roy F or bhc last five years she Miss Taylor showed sldes of Mercer were in Toronto Sunday wa s secretary for the Oshawa Indian nurses in the college and as guests of Mc. and Mrs. Bill IPresby tery for Baby Bands. village, also of the graduating Boyd. jIMrs. Blunt only three weeks classes of student nurses in the Mc. and Mrs. Gordon Mac- ago organized a Baby Band for chapel. She also showed slides tinell, Roseneat'h, and Mc. and fNortbrnjnster United Chucch, during the Sunday Sehool bouc Mrs. Ab Colan, Hamilton, spentj 0 shawa. She was also superin- in the aftecnoon of the wonder- the weekend with Mrs. Hattie jtendent of St. Paul's Baby fol carved buildings and the Martineli and visited friends in sBand bore for f ive years. beautiful scenery of India. the village. IMrs. Blunt was also active in The Thankoffcring was very Mrs. Neya Little is back bo the Bowî-nanville Skating Club generous. -Canada foc a month from sta.y- of which ber busband is bbthe________________________________ Ipresident. j Mrs. Blunt, the former Jean jHogarth, was born in 1915 at miesHowesth oHmpston. SbeO RD ER 1 Hogasretb oHmstoad tio jre wup and was educated in teHampton district. She mac- ~n jried Frank Blunt in 1944. Mrs. N O We a e jj lunt had been jîl and under- went a serious operabion sev- jeral monbhs ago. She was able ~ '<~ . and assure your home of to return homne and be active n hec church work and in the having a steady supply of IBowmanvil Skating Club. Ten ~~ha i itr jjda.ys ago she had bo become a ?. patient of Bowinanville Meîn- IorialHospital. lUSE THE BEST i 1ra service was held on Wnesdav, Nov. 20, at bbhe jHome, Division St., conducted Ifriends and relatives were IUFE jpresent and the profusion of beautiful flowers showed the flove and regard felt foc Mcs. FE I j Among the organizations Finest Quality Stove and Furnace Oil who sent flnwers were St. IPan l's Ev coing W.A., St. Paulsfrsfeooia et jSunda 'v School. the Men's Ma-frseco mia at j oc Bowling League, Staff and Metered Deliveries IEmplo.vees Bowvmanville Foun- jdry, Bowmanville Skating Club, Prompt Delivery - 4-Hour Service Arena Mý'anagement Commitîe IReex e ai-d Counicil Pickering jVillage. Darlington Township and Staff. Palîbearers wece Messrs. t pe u l - Paul Chant, Ralph Cole, Lary (fornierly Osborne Fuels) De%%el', A. Irvine. C.N.R. Yards Bowrnan%,jlle Phone 'MA 3-5410 jIntermient wvas in Bowman- 4ville Cemetery. IMc. and Mrs. Paul Mercer of I a, Guelph spent Wednesday and I id Thursday with hec parents, Mc. iand Mrs. Fred Warren. Li th -~ à# When k os TO ýy caush su7vingrs Plus d ~fine Ouality PEOPLE COME TO A&P! C.G.I.T. RaIIy 0f Presbytery Courtice: On Wednesday ev- Lakce Shore, Clarke *enîng, the World Friendship Rsa for C.G.I.T. groups in Mr. and Mrs. Don Duncan, Osaa Presbyterial was held Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Les All. in Courtiee United Church. Idred, Orono; Mrs. Fred Couch, Girls and leaders from Osha-1 Mrs.' N. Samis, Miss R. Bragg wa, Bowmanville, Enriiskillenjand Mr. Les Allun, Newcastle, and Zion enjoyed their boxwece Sunday visitors with *lunch and the opportunity to re-1 and Mcs. Robin Alldred. *new camp friendships. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mitcll*" Harry Herron, on behaîf of the and family, Lotus, and Mrs. Barl affiliated Woman's Association Gilbank, Ann and Lois, Ponty- Of Courtice United Church wel- pool spent Sunday with Mr. and comed the girls and leaders and Mrs.' Chas. Bedwin. expressed the wish that ahl might have a happy time to- Mc. and Mrs. W. Adams and gether. lKeith visited Mr. A. South and Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Osha- Mc1 nd M s Hll S u h wa, extended a special remind- Siloh, Weekend visitors with er about the Christmas Vesper Mc. and Mrs. Adams were Miss Service which is being held this B. Downec, Toronto, and Misses 3'ear in King Street United L. Luffrnan and A. Begley, Church on Dec. 1. This service Bowmanville. is sponsored by the Oshawa and Mrs. Nora Cutting, presently District C.G.I.T. Board. of New York City, spent the Mrs. Clarence Penfound, Sec- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. retary for Affiliated C.G.I.T. Chas. Alldred and Mrs. Paul groups in Oshawa Presbyterial, Hotson. also extended a welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Brown and Highlight of the evenigwsJack, Bonanville; Mc. Albert the presentation of th flmPollard, Ocono, and Miss Bey. 'The Younger Brother" which erly Barton, Oshawa, spent was much enjoyed by all. We1 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill are indebted to Mc. F. Britten, Lake. Oshawa, who so kindly operated Miss Blanche, Wotten and close by' the WorshIp Servim conducted by Miss Lamna Wearri, Enniskillen C.G.I.T. group. Se- lections of Scripture were read - theme - -Service". A prayer hymn read in unison, and Taps closed the Rally. vara. awa, sment Stinday with-Mr. and vening wvas brought to a i Mrs. C. Avery. Durham County istrict High School Board ie Citizens of BowmanvilJe and District (9/ita! (penïnq of ýowmanville High School iursday, November 28th ý rof Inspection - Refreshments ini Cafeteria Everyone Welcome . j Prices EfTectiv. Until Saturday, November 23rd, LIPTON'S SOUP 3 1'/i-oz pkgs 29c Special Blend Reg. Price 71c--SAVE 2o A&P TEA 1-lb pkg 69C Beef, Chicken and Liver Reg. 2 tins 21c-SAVE 7o PEP DOG FOOD 316-oz tins 25 c Jane Parker Reg. Price 55c-SAVE 10o PUMPKIN PIE each45c Jane Parker Large Reg. Price 59c-SAVE 10e ANGEL CAKE each49c Henley Choice Quality Reg. Price tin 29c-SAVE Oc FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 20-oz tins 49c A&P Fancy Quality Reg. Price 2 tins 27c-SAVE 5c TOMATO Juice 420 oz tins 49c Jane Parker, li SUPR -RIR UIAKE 3IYb MAr2~ PORK ROASTS Shunkless Shoulders LEAN LB FUNK' & WA GNALL 'S Universal Standard ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume Ne. il On sale TIi s Week for onty 9 9c wil any purchase Dgack Copies Available Meuty Botts LEAN LB 43C PRODUC.ESPE(ML NJew Crop California Navals, Sunkist, Fancy Quaftiey ORANGES.' TE AR<ADIAJ4 STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO___TUSAN. 1' 95 r r 5.aieI0 . 0 - a -The ei Graham, Chief of the Genecal are: Rev. A.C. Herbert Padre Bowmanville Legion; Lieut. ove taking the salute at the Col. J. C. Gainy Bri, g'l.LyaI1 N. Carr, l3tli Militia, and D Drance Day Parade follo\ving Rev. John itcenfrelyo rno o iing in on of the new Cenotaph in Niagara Falls. reviewing stand, left to right, ing with hec brother. Dr. Lang, B.H.S. C.ommercial Coursein Chicago. Part of the time Th she was xith hier daughter-in- Is k law, Mrs. Aylward Little, Mark-* Is O utlined b.y .-..ncupaI1 ham, xxho is recuperating after being in the hospital. Education is a topie of much enter junior office positions with ,s Mcr us fM. and Mrs.Ch.Gaan current interest these days, yet well developed office skills. The sons werea g uest oaM. dMs many people do not kinow what course is also designed to de- Rapech udy courses are taugbt in our schools, velop clear and logical reason- Mrs. Mabel Smith bhas retucn- or what the aims of these cours- ingy, exact expression both oral cd tb ler home in California es are. and written, and also the ability aftec visiting liec mother and To hielp increase the knowl- to establish and work in har- brother, Mrs. C. Thompson and edge of bbe public in these mat- monious relationship with other Arthur. ters, the local high sebool xiii people. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neal and provide information on the The remaining time is devoted Neisha moved Saturday to their vacious courses from time to to an option of particular inter- new home in Bowmanville. Gor- time. est to the pupil, such as art, don Langstaff is moving in. This week Principal L. W. music, home economics, or in- Mc. and Mrs. Vance Allen, Dippeli explains the Commercial dustrial arts. Linda and Terry visited Mc. B courses given at B.H.S. Pupils of this course wîhl have and Mrs. Wm. Mercer Sunday. The Commercial Courses special training in bookkeeping, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Zealand The commercial courses are ie practice, shorthand and and sons were2 with Mrs. Mary designed bo provide a sound transcription, and on successful Luxon Saturday. general education, and approx- completion, wvill qualify foc a Mc. and Mrs. Earl Burley and - imately 35-40% of the total time- Commercial Clerical Diploma. daughters visitcd relatives in Th is evoed o te ohigtor 5 1 This is a four-yeac course but Dundalk Sunday. js e t to ntihe, History Geo- graduates from Grade XII in the M raphy o an Ph sical Education general course may enter and M. and Mrs. Johin Bird were raph and Physcal duca io . com plete a special course in one with M . and Mrs. Percy Burley Approximately 50%" of the year and receive the same Saturday and Mrs. D. Vannatto time is given to the study Of diploma. and Ceeil with them on Sunday. commercial subjects and bus- ___________ An execut*ve meeting of Ken- iness mathematics. In these, ýthe dal S unday 9ch ool was held on Tour aim is to fit our graduates b to ni~I Tbursday evening at the home orm" ÉqAl»A9%q.- requests the presence of nt the in the new gymnasium at 8 P.M. 9. Price 2 pkgs 23c-SAVE Oc From $55.00 i - ' : Chicken Noadie Reg. ý 0 Qff 4v

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