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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 16

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imem o~r' TEE CANADIAN STATTZMAIi. EOVIUNV=ML. ONTAMTO qw w .w- Births CHANT-Paul and Joyce are happy to announce the birth of a daughter. Elizabeth Diane on November 17, 1957, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 47-1* COWLE-Don and Ruth wish to announce the arrivai of a! daughter Cindy Lou Ann on November 15th. 1957, at Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. A baby sister for Donna. ý47-11 DOWN-Wes. and Greta (nee Snowden) are happy to annource the arrivai of their son, Paul Douglas, 9 lbs.. 41,2 ozs.. at the Oshawa General Hospital oni Saturday, November 9, 1957 . 1 FREDERICKS - Marleen and Murvîn would like to an nounce the arrivai of a little sister Do- loris rone on November l5th,I 1957. at iMemoriai Hospital, Boxv- rnanvîlle. 47-1 GATCHELL-.1,r. and Mrs. Tom Gatcheli (n,ýe Eieen Alluni are' happy tri announce the birth of thcir daughter Susan Elizabeth in Memoriai Hospital. Bowman- ville on Saturday, Nov. 16, 1957. * 47-1* Mý'cINTYRE-Ralph and Lee are pleased tri announice the arrivai r of Deane Douglas, a brother for * Jane on Nov. 15, 1957, at Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. 47-1 * Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Martin wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Joyce Gertrude to Mr. Samuel Francis V Bingham. son of Mr. an dMrs. Spmuel Francis Bingham, Toron- to. The marriage will take place Saturday. December 2lst at 3 o'clock in Trinity United Church Bowmanville. Ontarri. 47-P* Deaths BLUNT. Jean - At Mernorial1 Hospital, Bowmanviile, on Sun-! day. November l7th, 1957, Jeani Blunt, beiovod wife of Frnki Blunt and dean mother of Jimmy, in hon 43rd year. Restedi at Northcutt & Srnith Fumerai ýforn, 53 Division Street, where service was heid Wodnesday, November 2tb at 2 p.m. Inter- mient Bowmanville Cemetery. COOK, Arthur James-At the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday, November 17, 1957, Arthur J. Cook, beioved husband of Luella Ellins and dean father of Noreen (Mrs. Neil Malcolm of Blackstockî and Gordon of Brooklin, in his 63rd year. Rest- ed at the Robinson FumeraI Chape! Brooklin. Service holds in theý Chapel Wodnosday, November 2th at 2:30 p.m. Intermerit Groveside Cernetery, Brooklin. 47-i DAVEY, William Rayrond-A I Highland Creek. Ont., on Sun- I day, Novemben l7th, 1957,j William Raymnmd Davey, belov- I ed husbamd of Beiva Davey,f Burketon and dean father ofi Verna (Mrs. C. D. Hridgsom),' Bowmanville; Donald, Tyrone; Highland Creek; Jean, Toronto; Howard, Bowîanville, and Lois (Mrs. S. Grant), Oshawa, in bis '79th year. Rested at Nont heu tt~ & Smith Fumerai Home, 53 Division Street, Bowmamville, where service xvas bold on Tues- day, November l9th at 2 p.m. Interment Bethesda Ceîetery. 47-i FOSTER-Entemed into rest in the Oshawa Gemeral Hospital on Tuesday. Novonîber 19, 1957,! Hoien (Nelliel Foster. beiovod daughter of Mms. Bertha Fostor and the late George C. Foster. dean sistoî' of Vivian. in ber S7th vear. Resting at the Arm- strong Funcral Home, Oshawa, with memoial service in the Chapel on Thursday. November 21, 3:15 i. Intemment Bmw- manville Cemocterv. 47-11 Coming Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Dance in Kendal Communitv iDRY stove wood. Apply Nelson GIRL'S junior bicycle. Phone Hall, Nov. 23. Music by Henry Robbins, Hampton. 46-3*1 MA 3-5748. 47-1 Kos an hi Hmeseadrs SPANISH guita-r, good condition. STUDIO couch, like new, reas- - $7. MA 3-2434. 47-1* onablo. Ernest Laird. Phone tSale of work and tea, Friday,1 MA 3-5908. 47-1 Novomber 29th, fromn 2:30 - 5j MIXED dry wood, cord wood, p.m.. at the Saivation Army Hall. $8 per cord. Phone MA 3-2724. DOLL carniage, gray, good con- IDivision St. 47-2 47-1* dition. Phone MA 3-3400 be- Dance to be held by LOB13A., ELECTRIC train, many acces- ten9ad1:0am 7l Nov. 23rd. in Tyrone Hall. Ladies sories. good condition. Phone BROWN winter overcoat, like .50Oc, gents 7.5c. Music by Hol- Orono 34 r 4.471 new, and wool blazer, size 36, roy' Orchestra. 47-1 ýboth oniy $20. MA 3-3186. 47-1' THREE-quarter length Coney1 Zion United Church annual coat. griod condition. 74 King, ALSCO aluminum dooms and bazaar, Fridav, November 2 St. W., Apt. 4. 47-1 *! windows, Canada's finest. Lorne 7:30p.m Varoustabls. oodAllun. Phone MA 3-3871. 47-1* proramandluch.47- IFRESHLY kilied turkeys. Spec- ___________andlunch. ________ al quantity discounts. Phone'LADY'S white figure skates,ý Plan tri attend Trinitv Fali Oshawa RA 8-5392. 43-8* ne,.% condition, size 9, narrow. Fair. Nov. 22nd, in Trinityý Phone MA 3-3200 after 5. 47-if ChuchHal, rnm2 ili5:0. t-DOWN piilows, toys, new and Churh Hl!,fro 2 ill5:30. use, d children's clothing. bargains1 HOCKEY game, small rug 5' x tracion fo adits nd hi7ren galore at Trinity Church Fal13%, both in perfect condition. 47iFair. 47-1 154 Wellington St., afternoons. Ballet dancing classes to be 'SAVE onI er iec rm47-1* held at Enniskilien Hall, Satur- o lmbr.dret ro day, beginning in the New Year.1 mi., to -,ou. Phiilips Lumber FUR coat, size 18, worn one For further information Cali Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phono Iseason; hockey game, good con- Mr.Chivers. A -51'I 4-6117 r il. l3tf' dition, reasonable. MA 3-3282. %,IA 3-.ut5a1om11cay47-6eI47 -1 Haydon W.A. Bazaar, Wednes- dav, Nov. 27 at 2:30 p.m. in the Church. Home-baking, aprons, wooilen blankets, country store, etc. AftcrnolDn tea served . 47-1 yo watt, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. 46-tf HARD and soft water delivered. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale jDance and Card Party at En- PoeMrt3-76 r AI ris killon Hall. Friday, Novem- 350. 8t 2.Noely dance prizes. LADY'S station wagon criat, also d by Eornfsklare prîzo-s..grey, grey fur coilar, size 16. Sposord y EnikilenService Like new. Mrs. C. Kilmer. MA1 Clubor. 46-2 3-2798. 471h Woodviexv Community Centre CHRISTMAS gifts for every1h -Monster Bingo. Twenty games member of the family - Use I: -twonty dollars: five gams- mur iay-away plan. Lander r thirty dollars; $150 jackpot. andlHardware. 47-2 1 two jackpots at $250. Door' _____________ pnizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m.,ELECTRICAL Repairs-Promptr Rod Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf iservice tri electnicai appliances,- ___________________-- large and smali. Lander Hard- Reglar weokly bingo heldi ware. Phono MA 3-5774. 43-tf Thursdays except third weekç in 1 the month which will be held DO your own fiorrs-Rent a on Tuesdays. in the Union Hall.i sander or a floor polisher from 20 negulan games and two S25 Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Jackpot games. No game under Bowmamvilie. Phono MA 3-5774:1 $3,00. Admission 50c. 44-tf 3-tf 1 . Bowmanville Lions Club bingo INSULATION, biowing method, in Lions Coniîunity Centre, 26 with rock wool. Workrnanship Beech Ave, on Monday. Dec. 2I guananteed. F n e o estimates. at 8 p.m. Jackpoit $100 , ine!Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke mumbers. 20 gaies for 510o.00. 2420. 39-tf Two special games. Admission $1.00 at the domr. 47-2j HEARING aid service, testing COME TO THIE Dance ai Solina Hall Friday, November 27 Music by Bryce Brown and his Sevenaires471 Cartwright High School An-1 muai Commencement prognain will ho bold in the Comîunityl Hall, Biackstock on Friday ev- programme wili include the presentation oif certificates and diplomas, the awarding rif pro- ficiency pnizes and field day trophies, the valedictomy address, girls' tumblimg exorcises, mus- ical numbens and a one-act play, service and compiete stock ofi batteries and cords at Higgon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvile. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash r e g i s t e r s, calculators, cheque writers, fiiing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs to ail makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church St., Bowmanville. MA 3-3986.1 44-tf CHRISTMAS trees for sale, Scotch pine, assorted sizes, about 4,000. Sacrifice sale at 50e - $1.50 for choice quality. All well shaped and priced below market. Corne early for best selection. Leroy Hamilton, grower, Orýoo 1 r 16. 47-31 DRY appleivood, cut in stove lengtls. Bring your own truck.i, John Riekard. Phono Newcaste 3436. 47-1 GIRL'S winter coat, blue, 14 or 16: white formai, 12 or 14; boy's hockey skates, size 9; also a quantity of stovewood. Phone M.A 3-3050 evenings. 47-1 AFRICAN violets, tri clear 50c. All varieties of prize-winning house plants: rose begonias, palms, ferns, etc. Must seIl by )ec. Ist. Buy now for Christ- nas. Mrs. Abrams. 150 King St. East, Apt. 11, Doncaster Apart- nents. Phone MA 3-2843. 47-1 YOUNG TURKEYS CIIOICE MEATY BIRDS DRESSED AND DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY MAPLE GROVE MA 3-5058 Booking orders for Christmas now. 47-tf TUHKEYS FRESH KILLED Broad Breasted Bronze DRESSED AND DELIVERED ILymer's Turkey Farni ORDER NOW MAPLE GROVE MA 3-504 47- Livestock for Sale FOUR guinea hens, $3.25 each haif-ton car trailer, $20. Phon( MA 3 -519 1. 47-1' Cars for Sale '.51 PLYMOUTH, good conditior two-door. Apply Mrs. Fret Couch, Newcastle. Phone 2846 47-11 1950 FORD ½,-ton pan el windows on sides. Couid be usec as sehool bus. Phone CiarkE 10 r 21. 47-i4 19.51 FOUR-door deluxo Pontiac AI condition, good tires and motor, onie ownor since new, Phone MA 3-2034 after 5:30. i ~47-11 "Before You Buy Give 'Stew' A Try'f *Top Priee for Your Trade *Certified Condition *Easy Ternis NEW OR UTSED NEVER UNDERSOLD 48 MERC. .Si125 Radio - Good tires and Motor 51 CHEV.- $445 Deluxe *Radio 51 FORD . . $445 Customline 53 CHEV. - ---------- _---- $895 Deluxo - Two Trime - Radio 1 ---- -------j a ,aro i ,;w a vile7 115 CHANCE 0F NAME ACT, 1950 nent anticipated. Excellent nef- MA 3-5919 or 3-5522 ecnargefaci., TAKE NOTICE that the appli-1 erences on request. Phono MA 47-1________47-1_____ cation of Robent Sam Bibby tri13-5731 at amy time. 47-147 change bis marne to Robent Sam Diamond and the application of LotH .'ew l SEdith Mae Bibby tri change ber1DeW h R alEfi REAL ESTATE BROKER * mre to Edith Mae DiamondI TINY black .and white kîtten, 93 acre farmn on No. 2 High- l 160 acres Christmas trepe4nd -will be made on Wednesday the 1 female, vicinitv Centre St. Tele- way, 3 miles fnom fast growing ail clepred mcady f0r..p'4<'f 8th day of January A.D. 1958, phono MA 3-3566. 47-1 town witb 80 acres of workalonly $32.00 pem acre. h9fer at 10:30 o'c1ock in the fonenoon land, 100' x 301 bank barn itb jrare opportunity. befone His Homour Judge Miller Personal steel stanchions and water 100~o acres in Clarke Township Sim Chambers at the Court House, ________________ bowls. cernent silo. hem bouse, Iwith trees . $7,000 with goriri *d Cobourg, Ontario. drive-in shed, pig pens; 10 rriorn- tber, balance of land covored DATED at Oshawa this 2th HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber ed brick bouse with ail city con-j with threes. $7,000 with good -day of November A.D. 1957. goods) mailed postpaid in plain venionces. Pnice $23,000 with terms. GREER AND KELLY, 7 1 Sum-1 sealed envelope with Pnice iist. $8,000 c!own. 20 acres on Base Lime, al d coe St. S., Oshawa, Ontari Six samples 25e, 24 samples 100 acre famm witb 70 acreswonkabie land, no buildings, e Solicitoir for the applicants. 1$51.00. Mail Onder Dept. T-28, womkabie, 7 acres wood, me-1$100 Per acre. 477_ No.-RuberCo.. Box 91. Ham- mainder in Pasture, creek, 60' xl 30 acres at cloverleaf on No. ilton. Ont. 1-52 1 40' hank barn w'itb L-shaped ex.-f2 Highway, aiso facing 401 Highi. Wor Wa tedtension, garage: 7 oorned insul- wai'. Good barn, new house, \ok\ ed Business Opportunity brick bouse. Pnice $9,500 with some orchard, S$16,000 wili %BABY sitting, amy tirne, rnotb- ternis anranged. 1 $3.000 down. Easy tornis ori erly womam. MA 3-5600. 47- 116 acre fanm, near Port Hope balance. *~~~ DIS___ ______' fTRIT TTIV witb 80 acres womkabie, large New 5 room houso wvith fumn. GENERAL truckind and j ightl i U±ÂL treai. 5 acres wood, 1,50, x 36' ace and bath, east of Newcastle. deliveries. Phono MA 31.5165. îrTT-~" bank barn with U-shaped ex- 1$1.000 down or~ would consider 39-tf REÎL UIRED 1 tensions, implement shed, hon 'a good car as clown payment. i jbouse, cernent silo; 16 rooîed We have a numnber of gond IEXPERIENCED typist wishes'Thîs Is a "Once In a Lifetie" brick bouse with fummace, 4-piece farms, siall acreages and hous. typing at home. Phono MAnket rtu ity ff r y the îead- bath, rumning bot and cold wat- os with 1mw down payrnonts. 334.47-1* -oppor n , eeer. Askimg price $21,000 witb Momey tr I an. ing Canadian Company inl its tonms amamged. Phone Newcastle 3856 PLUMBING, heating, eaves-' field. 100 acre farrn, with 50 acres 47-1 troughing: free estirnates. Harvey 1okbe 0arsi od Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. Become a distributor of widely 1 strarn, 50x32 aceink arwPes'odS l 12-tf used brand name BALL POINT implernent shed, hem oue *NEW plastening and nepairs. PENS tri our established ac- garage: 7 roomed fraie -house -ENGLISH Sprnger Spamiel Stucco and cernent pîastering. counts. witb fîîmmace, heavy duty wimed. pups, rogistoreci, f ive months oic!. rA. C. Woods. Phono Clarke Pnice $7,000 with terms. Good bumting dogs and pets. 523 r 04. 14-tf No r u 95 acres fanm near Oshawa. Reasonable for quick sale. MA No uverheaa ail wonkable witb 100' x 48' 3-2410. 47-1 FOR reliable electrical womk at lbank barn, watem bowls, drive- reasonable rates caîl Jirn Colliss, .. in shed, hemn bouse, pig pens, 2 licensed electnical contracton, Positively N o Sellingî silos; 8 rmomed fraie. bouse, IVortgages MArket .1-2891. 47-1* beavy duty wired. Price and CONREE ndmaonwork, or Canvassing 6 omd rc vene, newl Morîgage Funds n ew o r repair. Chimneys, bungalow, with hardwood and~ AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY i foudatioso fWarehousingetc tile tIons, 4-piece bath, mil furn- on three residential properties, L. Turner. Telephone MAnket N aehuig ace, modemn kitchen with built- 3-3231. 41-tf in cupboards, running bot and $1,000, $2.000 ad$3.000 WIL mkedols'clthe, ades Necessarv coud watem. Pnice $10,500 with LRYHMLO aprons if odered now for teni r47-1 Oon R1 Christmas. Also hassocks, any IA troubie-free businesN that, 6 rcomm.ed, mow, brick voneen 7- colur.54.5 p. itcen hars yiid oxeptona CSH ncoe1ranch styln bungalow with tule colur $.9 u. ithenchir iiedsexeptonl AS 'coeïfloors, 4-p iece bath, mil fumnace, V e .-.'e- e-0 re-cmvored. Phono MA 3-3209. month after month. with tre-' built-in cupboards, mumning bot Th IainSaemn : 47- mendous possibilities for expan- and cold water. Pnice $10,5001 TeCnain ttsmn 4 Platein Reais ion. with ternis aranged. . CLASSIFIED_ QUafeinK inour poven 6 roornod noaniy new, brick 1 SEVIEQualified persons will recelve veneer bungalow on Simnpson,.. ADVERTISING j C SRIC complote training I u roe v.with mil fRATES 4.eceé* STUCCO AND NEW IVORK method cf distributions, and ive bath, hardwood aoc! tie floorns,'* jR TE kieep a continuing supervisory. modemn kitchen with h'îilt-inl j Y R.LlT F nterest In your operation. cupboards, unning bot anc! coud ARTICLES FR SALE 69 Kng t. . M 3-030Apprvedappicats ust watom, aluminum storîs anc!d FOR RENT - HELP WAN'TED 69 in S. . A -5301 ppovd ppicnt msthavel seneens. Prien $11,500 with CARS FOR SALE _______________________a minimum of $1,200.00 available itorns arranged. nwwit :*Cste- . . 4c-rETC immediately for iIlventory. No mooied, nal* wîwitý--CzýRte a-m 4cî or a 60e 1 Notie t Crditrs rancisefeercqire. jciapboarc! bungalow ât Prince j. Must be paid bv date of insertion. *. AND_____________ Street, with bamdwood an ,l Il charged. c.,. addional 25e 4* AN__THRS_____FREE advertising niaterial - al~or itr wincm.oufm- .wi be adided. 9. IN THE ESTATE 0F LYDIA istatlonery and office supplies lace, huilt-in cuphoards, electric . Acil qei e ,1ied madelaoffice MAUDE CORY, late of tte are*.r il ee. weted heaiedto thia oflice. 4. Town of Bowmanviiie, in the I-re5ro0de. wterho te,4pece athngd ir 'rw 'an evoe4- ho rjPnco Sý9.50 it!eni mane. NOTICES . COMING EVENTS * County of Durham, Wic!ov. De- I o a eot -;husj6 rmmcd framr' home in Bnw-. . AND CARDS OF THANKS 4 ceasoci, who died at thi- Town wrekly to this lucrative -pro ject.; manvi îlý "îhnrwow il fumnaco. .. $1e0a far25wo a nrmu ai j of Bwmavile, n o abut the which ivill not confliet %With 1 pî)ecehtmo.kthncp 4 3th day of August. 1957. present empîcyment. don't miss, rads' ur.n otadcold e, BIETHS . ENGAG.EMENTS . TheTrute Ac, RS.., 95, Iis nc ina leimeo oards , r ho4andMARRIAGES - DEATHS TheTrste ct RS.., 95, hi oceina lfeim opo-!ýsa*er. Price'S7,500 wîth $1,500Ot . $1,00 per inserion 4 Ch. 400, Sec. 51. tunity. Fulil investigation wel-! dovn ---4 Creditors and others havîn g romed a t our expense. IN1.0 MEMORJAMS claims agaimst the above Estate! 1 Besides above mentioned we! .00 lu 10c a line foi verte 4 are mquîrod tri send particulars; FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW 1 bave appmoximateiy 200 more! t. a Issi~ i 15 e anc! full proof thoneof tri the 1VIE~A NE.GVN proporties to choose fmom. .,inch with a minimum ai one inch. AW undersigneci on or hefome the CRT SA NC IIGontact P. AdditivnaI insertionsataIthe samn 4. j j y fDcmbr 95,ý-. raies. 3r dahioh dec mer. 1957 VOUR BACKGROUND, W->1 dsmut iterwhchdae heaFsets of 1 DDRESS, AND PHONE No. Ti John F. De Wilh Al lssiedAa uI tho Estate will be distributeri 1Ou. ibis office nat tler thoaj' haigrgr oteWl n RatradGnrlIsrne 12 a'elack noan. Wednesdgy. 4 iavig reardtri he i1l nd ealtr an GeeralInsrane ..Send cash. stamps or money aidei.j tho daims that have thon boom jHOUSE 0F BRANDS; NeatePoe34j . and save maney. 4 .*ClIP Ihis oui for handy relerence . ~oceived. ~ TÎ alesmnen' *4 atheD 4hat B ove. On (C anada) Lid. Donald Mountjoy. Bowmnanvllle OFFICE ROUlIS 1957. 1 > 8:30 ai.m. ta 5 p.m. -1 LareceC.Maon 7 orkc Street IMrs. Jean Woolner, Hampton 1SauîaA4 ,0 King Street West, I MA 3-2175 ,*an a1 on 4 B3owman\iiOt. Trnf l+~ ~ jDaniel Boehm C anton f.D Aie 30 Soficitor for the Executrrsj ornt,-ntri Phone Welcome 2328 . lai Ciassified Ad Sec.~ve Hot Turkey Dinner at the RECREATION CENTRE Blackstock Saturday, Nov. 30 Tume - 7:00 p.m. Guest: MRS. EDITH STORR Ontarioi Radio Fanm Forum Other Feature Entertainnient provided DINNER - $1.50 Apply Secretary Mrs. Richard Bowles Phone Blackstock 15 r 22 46-2 In Memoriam j aras ot 'i.ranics lýlaKAY-n loing erno.I 11 vould like tri thank Bo'v- MacKA 10 lving n~îemrY mnville Fine Departient andi mi jurs. ivacpav -wno O0] this life to be with hem rime year ago, November2 -SadiY mîsseci by lier fa ,Mrs. MacLeoci of Kitchener: Hodgert of Bowmanville an of Scaforth. PATTERSON-In lrivingi riry of my dean wife Celia passeci away Nov. 25, M9I Aiways thinkîng of vmu dei Cheriîshed momonios xill forevex'. -Hem loving husbamd Die] PATTERSON-In lovingr ory of MmTs. Colia Pattorsor passoci away November 2.. And wiîile she lies in pea s îep Hon memory I shall al keop. -.Ever remernbered by Lei ATTERSON-In lrivingn ry, of Cehia who passedz Novemben 25. 1956. Always a smilc, insteadl fown: Alwavs a banc!, when one dow o: Aiways 50 truc, tboughtful kind: W'onderfui ?nmrmios she bob i nd. -Saffiv rissed by Ruby. end .ii. Cards of Than< 1 wisb tri take Ibis rippoîtu in thanking Drs. Austin and veston, Mrs. Glen Mlar-tn, nurses aoc! assistants of M~ trial Hospital, relatives friends for the <are. floNvems. welli me-sages, ctic., given d.aring my rocent ilness. Mar Loverîdgr. MA 3-5912 Phones MA 3-3701 44-tf ESSO FUEL OIL STOVE 011 Automatie Metered 24-Hour Delivery Service A. H. STURROCK AND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. BOWVMAINVILLE 45-tf! parteci ah others who hcipecd me putI 54 CHEV. --- ------- ~ $9 Lord the fine on *my tractor under1 PRE-CHRISTMAS sale on 1958 elx -ToToe- ai e control. appliances and teievision-Kelv- Jý1 amilv' Ronald Rowe. inator deluxe 30 inch eîectric 155 CHEV. -S- 1.395 id E. I47-i*1range with autornatie oven tiit- Deluxe - Two Trime - Radio oer aodc! ock, minute minder, STEIV'S SPECIALS 4-1 would lîke tri thank al MY1 push -hutton pre-heat oven thon- 99 îrinds who sont me flowerss. mostat, egular $329 for onîy 1 956 FARGO !,2-ton - $-59 mern- fruit. gifts and cards. Special $249: Firestone 30 inch deluxe Two Tome - Radio awho thamks to Dr. Austin and theielectie range witb autornatie Sîall Mileage 16. ,Inurses aond staff of Memrnmial oven cntrol and dlock, push- 1957 HILLMAN $- 1,295 ýa. Hospital, Bowmanville. i button riperated surface oie- 1live Mrs. Sic! Cornish, Hampton.!monts, rotary super spoed New Guarantee c.47-I* jswitch and auto chef control And Many More at ~k. _____-.î bumner, oniy $239; KelvinatonE 47-1 I wisb Iotritank Dr. Hubbamd, washer. 8 lb. capacity, Lovel W i nurses and staff of Menîmiai Iwringer. t-wýo-ycar v.arantv on! W LI b N'S mcm-1 Hospital for came receivod dur- parts anc! labour, autoinati& timt- 1 NONQUON RD. OSHAWA 1 whO, ing my recent iliness, alsm Canari- or. only $129 and ymur oIc! wash- RA 3-4431 195>-6.l ian Logion anc! all the peoiple or: Fîrestmîîe deluxe electric Open Until 9 p.m. acoful who vîsited me.i clothes dryer, timer selector47n I Arthur Sheehan. icotnoi. safetv thermostat, nust471 ýlways' 47.1*1Iresistant dnum, oiess motor, Wanted tG Bu boanings need no lubnication, ee. 1 wish tri express rny sincere regular $249 for oniy $199' Kelv- 47-1*4tanks tri relatives, friends anc! inator refrigerator, Il cu. ft., 60) RIDING saddle. Phono MArket noighbmrs who sent cards, flow- lb. frozen food coîpartment 3-2186. 47-1 rnem- ers and fruit 10 mv wife. the wvith 15-lb. chili ry alumimu UE ihhiri odcn awaylateEthl Byrs.A special shoh'es and daîmy bar door. reg, dition. Phono MA 3-5531. 47-1I thanks tri Dr. Hubbamd aoc! Ibei."89 for S289; International 0_______________ of a nurses. j Harvester refnigeratmn, 8.2 ou. MANURE wanted. Downharn3 Percy L. Byens. ; ft. freezer across the top ,vith Nursery. Phone MA 3-5690. e was 47-1* ipusb-button defroster. staimless 47-1C steel sheives. oniy $239: Fire- 1and 1 wriuld like ti tbank my strine 20 ou. ft. freezer. bolds 67d5 HIGHEST prices paîd for livec friends aoc! neighbours. Canad- lbs. with super quick freezer 50- Ipriuitrv. grioso feathers, feather a eleft ian Legion, and Lodgo mnembens, lb. compartment. alumimum in- ticks. scrais mon, rags, metals am for cards and other conifonts, tonor, autrimatic signal lîght, aoc! raw fuirs. Phono RA 3-2043 lu JOp, received while I was in hospital. onl% $37,5: Westinghouse 21-inch Oshawa. clet 8t 1 Special thanks tI Lloyd Yeo. the console tolevision with 8-incb coicot -_ 'Rundles aaid the Denseni famnilv. 'speaker aoc! pover tuner. reg. ALL kinds rif live pouitry want- I rs ~Bll Wallis.' $329 for $289: Westingbouse jed. Top Toronto pnices paid at i 47-l* mantel radios from 527.00 aoc!d vour doom for large or siali t unto Dr up: Symphonic portable recordI quantities. We have mur own,ýr Svl- I1 to thankDr Sturgîs. player with 4-speed automatidi market. M. Flatt, Betbany R.R. safDr. Hubbard. nurses and staff record changer, $59.95; used me- L. Phono coliect tri Betbany denm- of Meniorial Hospital, also frigeratons trou $75 aoc! up: 7 _r 1.1. 28-tf and! frienc!s anc! relatives for the tbree fnom wbich tri choose: used get-, marik, dose. its and, Moffat electrie stovo, 4 humners. Piano Tuning Lme jcards iwhich 1 ueceuved duarno lv l,13 atCowvan EqijiîPment rny stay in bospîtal Co.. 134 King St. E.. Bowman- ARTHUR Collison. Telephone 4 àrs. Sarah A1li.n- iville. Phone MA 3-5689. 47-1 MArket 3-3900. 35-Uf For Rent f Help Wanted Real Estate for Sale, Real Estate for Sale APARTMENT, available im- OFFICE cierk, female. typing LOTS for sale on highway north J. Van Nesi Real Estat,t mediately. Phone MA 4730.1* Foundryl. p Bowmanvilleo Orono, about a mile west.1' 47-1 Foudry.47-1 Sutable for gas station orî 118 King St. E. Bowmanv-, DOUBLE brick house on high- LICENSED mechanic for Bow-1 restaurant. R. Bottreil, New- Phone MA 3-3230 .~ way east of Newtonvile.Te-mnilgaa.WrtAdr-atle. 4-é-1 When buying or seliing, give phone Clarke 1324. 47-1 tiser 750, c/o Canadian States- j us a cal wîth confidence. 4- HOUS to enton Lbert n-ian, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE N. in exchange for briard and viie.474 Proetieand, prented I James ixo room. Phono MA 3-5521. 47-1* ALASKA. Mammoth puîp mill Mnge n1ppasdesiio ýSELF-contand sx-roe vinstruction now starting. Long, L.M. li REAL ESTATE BROKER SEL-cntine sx rome 'ob. Send addressed envelope .L.Alsn J Grocery store, heavy ,%iring, apartment, centrai. Availabio and 30e for information. CKCO, Real Estate Broker leated w'ith oul, oquipment goos December lst. Phone MA 3-3294. Box 656, Believue, Wash., USA.lPhone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont.iWith store. S5,250. Merchandýse 47-1 47-1 * Two blocks north of traffid signal at invoice price, fiee business. ýAPARTMENT in Newceastle, WANTED - Man for steady1 Newcastle 5-tf 147 Queen St. Bowmanvlle ciectrie range, garage, gardon, travel among consumons in Box 941 MA 3-5682 private entrance, Phone New- Durham Cri. and Bowmanvilie. M Q avadKd 47-1* castie3231.Permanent connection with large THREE rooms and bath. modemn manufacturer. Only reliable Mebr REALTORS Peter Feddema beated apartmont; aduits onlx,.ihtistler considercd. WVrite Raw-'Mmbr Oshawa and District RA SAEBOE Dec. 1. S65. Dial MA 3-3810Oor leighi's Dept. J-140-131, 4005 Real Estate Board RA SAEBOE OhwRA337. 4_ Richel ieu, Montreai. Que. 47-1 Moe fie oo brc 300 acres. 8 noom brick bouse, DOshaTRwa EYAun3-3972. 34 a46-tf andbarn 55 x 65, good welh,\dro. SIX-ROOM house xith bath- NED XR ON ugaohih ce o adPrice S12,600.00. Easy terms. mor. n; ifri-nccý. citrall.lo~i- 5,50 l', possibic. We need in Bowmanville. $11,000 witb cated. Posso.-ion De'_-. lst. Write i vnmn .to scw neady-cut baby Box 807, Bowm-nnville. 47-1 ishOOs sp,-re time at home! Alsoi îmen or xvomen tri address on- THREE-room downstair a-Dart- veloncs and preparo letters for ment with store room and laun- mailing. Simple, easy. profit- dry room, 3-piece bath and hot able hornework. For informa- water, on King St. W., Boxvman- tion scnd a stamped. addressed ville. Phono Oshawa RA 3-3559 envelope tri: Shoppard Agencies, or 410 Athol St. E., Oshawa. 1 693X Cordova St., Winnipeg 9, 47-1* i Man. 46-4 1 DOWNSTAIRS heated 3-roomed apartment with kitchenette and bath, built-in cupboards. hot and cold water, heavy wirrng, centrally located. Rent $70.00. Available immediatelv. Phone, 3-5277. 47-tf Wanted DEAD and crippied farm stock, picked up promptly. Phone MAý 3-2679. Margwjll Fur Farm, Tyrone. 26-tf POSITION as companion-light housekeeper to elderly person. Write Advertiser 749, c/o Canad- ian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 47-1" Boom and Board LARGE room for two gentle- men available. Reasonable rates. Phone MA 3-3567. 47-1 Notices Effective Saturday, November 23rd, Dr. Hubbard's office hours will be 2 - 4 p.m. as weil as Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7 - 9 p.m.4- SALESMEN 'lou can noNv build a Sales Career on a Part or Fuit Time basis witlî our Package Plan "Sales Approach" and in your wn district. Salesmen with insurance experience may quai- ify as Supervisors. Renewal Commission and Bonuses. Age no barrier if over 21. Meet Mr. Rush at the GENOSHA HOTEL, OSHAWA Monday and Tuesday Novemnber 25th and 26th Wanted to Rent471 FIVE or six roomed house, rod- cmn conveniences or four or five- roomed downstairs apartment. Phone MA 3-5733. 46-2* SMALL furnished self-contain- ed apartment in Bowmanvillo for quiet business couple, Dec. lst. Phonp MA 3-5685 or write P.O. Box 974, Bowmanville. 47-1* BUSINESS executive s ee k s rentai home in Bowmanville v:ith immediate occupancy. Threo or four bedrooms, high monthly t emms. We have large seiection of farms. homes, businesses, acre- ages, etc. WALTER FRANK ul.- - ct. I.jL 3_0 u 'vaoge, ~Jd.niosLly oush, goria Bowmanville Stream. Price $6,5i)0.00. Low 47-1 Idown payment. 1acres. 7 rmmm frame house, -.l furnace. pressure systemn, Leask Real .Estate Ibarn 30 x 70, imiploment' shed, hon house. Priccd tri seil. Easy Smail grocemy store on good terms. size lot. In residential area.1 4 rooni bungalow on Highway Reasonabie. Extra income fori2, large lot, hon bouse, garage, the homo. f Price $3,800.00. Easy terms. 6 romi I1-storey house in 1189 Scugog st. Bowxnanville gorid location, 3 bedroorns, Sun Caîl MA 3-3644 pomch, verandab, landscaped, 47- garage, extra lot. This bueis4- freshly decorated, meat and' dlean. Full price $7,500. Cash Peter Kowal $2,000.00. REAL ESTATE BROKER 6 roomn solîd brick house, GENERAL INSURANCE central, full basernent, 4 bed- 99 King St. L. Bowmanville rrioms, low taxes. $6.500.00. Y elephone MA 3-5868 Terms. Owmer will considorj Box 817 trade for smaller house. I Salesman - J. A. Barton 8 roorn bouse on corner lot, MA 3-3098 freshly decorated, dlean. 4 bed- Move in for Christmas. New roonis, large living-room viith 3 bedroom ranch type bungalow. mantel; garage. May be boughtlILocated in a very desirable with or without extra lot. Own-ditctoton Frcdaro or lavîg twm ad mst di.hoating. Divided basem-ent. This Good income home. 15s an extraomdinamy buy at, only 4-roomn bungalow. quite new, $12,500.00. Ternis if dc:ircd. attached garage, deep lot. 2 3 bedroomi bungalow in nexv bedroonis, oil furnaco. Owner!district wvîth ail convenionces, moving to city. Make an offer large irooms, tilo floors. laundry on this rime., tubs, forced air oil heating. Ask- We have many houses, bunga- ing oniy $9,500.00. $2,000.00 lows, lots, etc. Corne in and down. talk over your pmoblems. f \ouare thinking of selling List with Leask wýill make i\ ery simplÈee M. E. LEASK, BROKER I convenient anri in many s 1 35 acres. large LiýicIzhome, barn 30 x 60, hoen house, garage, nover faiiing stiream, il .00( Christmas trocs, nice location. Price $16,000.00. Termis. 25 acres, î roi frame house, bodvwelcrne - 471 j Decorating ANNUAL MEETING For the Finest Papers DURHAM COUNTY * For the Bcst Workmanship FEDRATON0F S. G. Presfon & son AGRICULTURE .93.TD42TAV vrv qlef lalt* 1 '

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