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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 3

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B.WUU~AYNOV.2luO 195?&xlmNAnTW WP . AVuwzAlq~v wr.NAO Everyone Should Malke A WiII Institute ToId Bethany: Mr. Clary B. and service men on active dutý f;,roule, a Peterborough law- can also make a will, eveni was guest speaker at the under age. W omen's Institute meeting held "The requirements are sim, On Monday night in the Orange pie. Your wishes must be stai. Hall, giving some pertinent ed in writing and witnessed bý facts on ."Making a WilI" two people, signed in the pres. "A will is the legal statement ence of the person making thf Of a person's wishes about will. If circumstances change what shall be done after his a codicil may be added. a.- df&h concerning his legal pro- though a new will iSs ometimee 1" .v and minorchir ldren. It preferable. It is wiser to go tc ltkj.le of the few ways we car, a reputable lawyer to have youi e;.tend our influence on tihli wi]I drawn up, for there are earth after death. Your will can pitfalls t0 be avoided. whic. be a dead-give-away of vour he can explain. A will is foi thoughts and personal feelings. your own protection as well as .Whether your estate is complex others. It is a most inexpensive or simple, whether you leave protection and shou]d be con- everything to your family,, or sidered in the same light as make a wide distributio n of fire insurance. car insurance, your means, it is vour privilege etc-, the speaker said. and obligation to societv to pre-- Continuing. Mr. Sproule ex- pare a will. Anvone over tic -plained many legal details of age of 21 can make a wihl ifI ho\wý to make a wejl. He discuss- they are mental., competent cd a married ýwoman's dower M -0 iudget Priked Super . mft Orlon *Sweaters Sweaters that are ideal for Christmas givirig or personal use. Fancv sfitched neck in Orlon that mot h.arnd perspirat ion resistant. Your answer Syour need for a luxuriaus, easv-to-wash, quick- rè1yxng sweater. Corne in a galaxy of colours - red, beige, pale blue, black, white, yellow, aqua and pink. * Dupont's reg. trade mark for its Acrylic Fibre L.cirdigan s - - 5.98 SHORT SLEEVE Pullo vers m m $3.98 LONG SLEEVE Pullovers m m $498 WALKER STORES LIMITED KING ST. EL BOW31ANVILLE MA 3-i451 i the business part of the me, ing, effer which she turned over f0 the second vice-pre dent. Mrs. H. Mcllroy. W conducted a garne of cucl Thewiner i casWE Mrs. W. Bennett aud Mr. Brown and the low sc were held bv Mrs. R. Simps and Mrs. Caîl. At the Biownie meeting Saturday, Heather Mattice a, Dorelle Lancaster receiv fheir-second yeer star. Mr. R. Simpson bas returr, from deer huntiug where ' was succeessful in bringii home a fine doe. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cal. Tare ta, wifh his brother. Mr. ae Mrs. W. Calaud family. M~ Bill Caîl returned wifh the f0 spend a few days in the cî and teke in the Royal Wint Fair. Mr. sud Mrs. Stan Cou( sud Linda, wifh Mn. and Mr J. Curson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartwic Dianne and Susen, Toront wifh Mr. and Mrs. J. Curso, on Sunday. They also caliE on Mr. aud Mrs. J. Curson, Ji and femnily and Mn. and Mrs.1 Sinclair. Several of the local girlsa fended the dance iu Bowmer ville High School ou Frida evenîng, f0 celebrate the- enc iug of "Twirp" week Mn. sud Mrs. T. Wilson vi, ited his sister, Mrs. A. Merce who bas been spending soir f ime in Peterborough Civi Hospit al. Since 1939 the proportionc working Canadiens employe mnanufacturing bas increase i l25 per cent. WiN a cc BIKE at OSBORNES SPORT STORE BOWMANVILLE 26 KING ST. E. COMMLEE STOCK 0F TGYS FREE CHANCE WJTR ANY PURCHASE DRAW WILL BE MADE CHRISTMAS EVE dav xse have thle gem andi pro- clt eous metal resources af ilth 's.-iworld to diaw on. As a result ,vh o o hs n h mrvm hr.in jcweller 'v techniques, our wstores o!fer the Canadian.pub- R lic the hest values and widest )rschoice of fine goods in hisforv jThe average Canadian mi Duriug "Canadien National Jewellery Week" we hope peoi- ple will come into aur store sud ask questions about our fine wares. They do not have ta buy. But if they leeru more about ieeler. he wllhpin tu and wife during their lifeim;1eappreciate the frue value of 0 p1 dapro atin$100 j jewellery - not the monetary and jewellery stores. Surely ths worth. but the value of last- ved is worth some study. ThE ow- ng beauty. ned son and family, Carleton Place, he At Peterboo we re Sunday itoswhhs A tP ro mother, Mrs. W. Thompsoir. on- Oshawa. were Friday evening ind visitors at Mr. and Mrs. C. Gar- Mr. rard's. em Mrs. H. Stevens, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vanstone, ter~ Whitby; Mr. John Graham, SBowmanville. visited Mr. and ch v ~Mrs. Richard McNeil and Mrs. Irs. ::.. H. Crossman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, ck, > Sus an and Frankie, Bowman- tor ville, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mac- on, Dermid, Stratford, were Sun- fed day visifors at Mr. and Mrs. Ir., Ronald Rahm. H. Mr. Peter Singer, Mimico, spent the weekend with Mr. at- and Mrs. D. Cameron. n- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- [ay burn and familY, and Mrs. id- Cowlîng, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray DdleyWalter Blackburn and family, RayDule Don Milîs, Sunday. er, An opportunity to hear Ray Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton n e Dudley, Bowmanville's out- and familv at Mr. and Mrs. 'b standing young pianist xvho has Russell Ormiston, Enniskillen, achieved. an international repu- Sunday. tafion, is afforded by the Uni- Mr. and Mrs. Jones and fam- versitv Women's Club of Peter- ily at the Degeer home on Sun- 0f borou'gh who are presenting day. eý' Ray in a concert in Peterbor- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon ed ough on Nov. 25. were Sunda -y visitors at Mr. an The concert is in the Peter- and Mrs. Sandy Moore's, Shir- borough Collegiate and Voca- ley. rtional School auditorium on Several Haydon ladies a&t- Geornge Street, commencing at- tended the bazaar at Burketon 8.20. Seats are not reserved. and Hampton. These annual concerts spon- Sympathy is extended to Mrs. sored by the Universit 'v Wom- R. Davey a.nd family in the en's Club of Peterborough have passing of Mr. Davey. a two-fold purpose: to give a W.A. November meeting was talented younCaaanatt held et the home of Mrs. D. an opportunity to be heard b,~ Cameron on Thursday after- a wider Canadian audience, and noon. Mrs. L. Slemon opened to help provide a bursary for the meeting. Plans for the ba- a descrving girl graduate of Pc- .zaar were made. Rev. F,. Jack- terborough high schools who is son gave the devotional. going on to university. Officers for 1958 are as foi- In addition to bis concert' lows: Preside nt, Mrs. Lloyd work this year, Ray is also Sbemon; Vice President, Mrs. J. teacbing music at the University Jones; Secretary, Mrs. K. of Indiana in the U.S. His sixtlh Cow ing; Card Committee, Mrs. tour in Europe last spring dur- Leslie Graham: Quilt Commit- ingwhih h plved36 on-tee, Mrs. C. Garrad, Mrs. A. certs in eight countries was out- Read, r . W Martin; Treas- standingly successful and lie urer, Mrs. C. Garrad; Parson- xvas invifed f0 return f0 both age Committee. Mrs. A. Read, Italy and the Netherlands for Mrs. C. Garrad; 1sf Group furherconers tis intr.Leader, Mrs. Bruce Reid: 2dn A highlight of bis career te> roP Leader, Mrs. D. Camner-1 date was hi s appearance in New on: 3rd Group Leader, Mrs. J. York's Carnegie Hall with the Potts; 4th Group Leader, Mrs. New York Philharmonic Or- W. Loveridge. Christmas W.A. chestra in May when he receiv- meeting will be held in the e iecurtain calîs. In Eng- church on Thursday afternoon, land during the summer eDc13h Mr.Cwign played in London in the Royal charge, all groups to help. Festival Hall and the famous Meeting closed and lunch was Royal Albert Hall. There was served byr Mrs. Blackburn and an audience of 8,000 at the lat- group. t concrtwith2,00 peple The W.A. bazaar will be held t ar c n i n g . t h i s v a s, 0 a u d e n cl e i h uc.n W e n s a cseandnR.avhs vperformanceInafenoon, No.27(ede Com- eRy has fotpedormacle. ngents) N.27 SeCm f 0 v h e a s et a e t b o o e i n g N a t a s i l)o r.p c u e omehomeand undbooubteinytionalbeilshoard thecurh o some tme, an undobt Mondwi ay eveonîin te7.30, Nov. manY will want f0 take advan- Mna vnn t73.Nv taeof fthe opportunitv to hear 25. adMs hfodTe hmon Monday evening, Nov. M.ad rs lfo Te 25. win, Bowmanvilbe, Mrs. David ________________ Morrow, Toronto, et Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. TJAVW1~TMrs. Walter Loveridge camne HAYDON homne from Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville. on Fridav. Mr. aud Mrs. Doug Fontain Mrs. Bleweft camne home on and Neil. Toronto, wvere Sun- Monday from Toronto General day v vsitors at Mrs. A. McNeil's.j Hospi tal. MWe hope ber heabth Mrs. McNeil accomnanied them will improve. ta Toronto Sunday evening. Shie Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts were is having further freatment on Sunday visifors at Mr. an~d her eye. Mrs. Arthur Trewin. Miss Florence Werry, Hamp- Teacher and pupils of the ton. is spending a few days public school have sfarfed f0 wîth Mr. and Mrs. Lloyvd Ash- practice for their Christmas ton. concert which wil be held on Mr. and Mrn. Glen Thomp- Dec. 19. - __ M OBITUARY rights. Succession duties, pro- to adadinsraor tc J Wed in Army Citadel Here Mr. Sproule cifed many am using incidents concerning ~ wîlbs made with peculiar infent vy and at the close of his tabk, if held a discussion Iperiod in which members were free fa n-ask questions concerning pro- t- perty dispensations and legal, ) rights. s- Mrs. Thomas Jenrnngs pre- i le sided for the business session e, and expressed fhanks to the 1 ~'members for sending her as a ?s delegate fo the Area Couven'- tion in Toronto lasf week. Her r report of this convention wl 7e be given at the December meet- ýh ing. Mrs. Jennings also extend-' r ed a welcome f0 the husbands tof the members who were pre- ,e sent for this meeting. ~ 1- Secretarv - treasurer, Mrs. ~' tgRalph Preston reported the fi- < Enancial success of the sale of ~, ~jÇ home baking held on Saturday -and plans were made for a sîm- iler event on November 3th, with Mrs. Rupert Wood and ce i~ to look affer sales. Mrs. Pres- tne>iplained the eveuiug's motto "Where there's a will, 1 tbere*s a way". The roll cal xvas answered by 'An interest- ing Wibl I have read about" with many amusing documents relatedc. Mrs. Vincent Jackson was ap- ý poinfed f0 assist Mrs. Earl Wea- therilt on the Sunshine Com- mittee. A card was signed "()I aIl the members, with Nvish-es1 Pictured following their marriage in the Salvation for a speedy recovery fo Mrs. i Army Citadel in Bowtmanville on Oct. 26 are Mr. and Clara Armstrong. who vwas Mrs. Gordon E. Terry. Mrs. Tcrry was formerly Muriel taken suddenby ilI whil e et Ann Thompsn daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomp 1 tending the Convention in To-pon ronto aud who is at presenit in son. Her husband is the son of Mrs. 1. Terry and the late Woman's College Hospital, To- Mr. Terrx of Bowmanville. The couple will reside here. ronto. Mrs. Mansel Fînnev express-- ed appreciaf ion f0 the hoste s group and to the guest speaker, ^ Ifor bis informative fabk. c., al S o es F at r ln deference f0 the male vis-11 qsu Iifors, a "Man's Lunch" of pic a ioaU'Ull r W e and ice creamn was served et ~J w le y W e the close 0f the meeting. Marr's and Hooper's Jewcl- ership) of fine jewellery is no r'The December meeting wil! lerv, Bowmanvilbe s two jew,- leîxury. A good watch both be held at the home of Mrs. elers, announccd that as part adds distinction f0 ifs wearer Mansel Wright and will feature of a country-wide programme, and represents e sound invest- "An Old-fashioned Christmas". this week Nýovember lBth f0 nient for the long. frouble-free 23rd will be observed by themn service if provides. Beautiful as "Canadiian N~ational Jewe.- jei;tellery enhances a person's J B OW S ery Weck". appearance. One cannot help the aim of the wveek is to fbinking sometimes that the TheNovmbr metng f'encourage more people f0 be- 'extra touches' such as jewel- Brown's Home and School Club 1 oe bctter informed about lery that a girl wears, make \vas held et the school c i.îewellery. 'ln buving jewel- important contributions towards Tuesay eenig, Nv. 2,1wth er.v, as in any other field if a woman's fwo most important a fairyattendnceN. The prei- pays to know what you arc pieces of jewellery - the eu- dent. Mrs. J. Curson .odt' buvi ng" the jewvellers said. Tc- gagement aud wedding ring. An active. productive life ter- fminated on Wednesday-, Novemn ber 13th, 1957, when Carl Bcd- ford Kent died affer an ilîness of only a few days. He was 9 years aId. eIn his early years, Mr. Kent was one of this countv's most prominent figures in athletic cir- I des, but probably his greatest !,achievement was his fenure of service in his work-. He held tbe Canadian record for long service wifh the post office departmerît having completed 66 years cf. bringing the Royal Mai] to the people. For 27 of those years, he was Postmaster of the Bowman.- ville office, retiring in January, 1 1950. Hewsborn ini Newcastle, On- taeoasl 12, 1869, the young- estsonofMr. and MIvrs. A. B, iKn. hy wr ..Loyalist: *who came to Canada from New York State before Confedera- tion. Both parents \vere schoo] teachers which permitted Mr. Kent Sr. opportunitv f0 pursue scientific studies. Affectionatelv known as "Professor" Kent, hi'e was a pioneer in experimental electricity and communications. 1The three Kent sons, Billy, Carl and Aif., caught their father's inventive spirit and were among the first in theere parts to experi- ment with the neiw-fangec1 "wire fence" bicycles of that fime. Carl, later, bought one of the first low-wheel, hard-ruibber bikes and then one %vith pneu- matic tires which he used f0 win many of the popular bicycle road races which were in vogue. He also was a skilled basebaîll pif- cher and lacrosse player. In the local postoffice. Carl Kent gerved first under postmas- 1 fer James B. Fairbairn who died on Sept. 1, 1906. In subsequeîsi alternating political appoint- ments, Mr. Kent served under John McMurtr.y. When he died in 1912, Major W. C. King, a highly respected military man. took over and on his death Mav 9, 1921. Mr. Kent received his long-delayved appointment as postmaster. Mr. Kent was married f0 Alice Hill, who predeceased him in 1937, leaving three sons who sur- vive him, John with the Post Office Department at Ottawa, Arthur. with the Department of National Revenue, Toronto, and Robert with General Mo- tors Purchasing Department,I Oshawa. The funeral was held on Sat-j urday, Nov. l6th. from North- WATCH FOR OUR COLOURFU CHRISTMAS SHOPPER'S CU SOON TO REACH YOU. THIS 15 Canadian National Jewellery Week! Wle are proud to take part in this week Jewellery to-day is made f rom a wider range of natural materials and by better craftsmcn. MARR'S JEWELLERY King St. W. cutt & Smith's Funeral Home,1 f0 Bowmianville Cemetery, with, Sf. John's rector, the Rev. A. C. Herbert, conductiug the service. Honorarv paflbeerers inc1ude" Andrcw M. Thompson and Ed- sali Oliver as wo'll as severa.l of Mr. Keut's friends fromn Bowmanville s unique Senatej Club, L. R. Wood, Elgin Wight. ýRupert Evyers, Frank Williamns, Harold Hanmm, S'd Scott, Rayi McDoneld and Milton J. El- liott. Palîbearers were Herbert Moorcreft, Jack Brough, Alan Osborne, Ralph Ames, Jack Lender and John James. Organizations wvhich sent floral fributes included Jerusa- lem Masonic Lodge, Florence Nighfingale l.O.O.F. Lodge (Mr. Kent had been head of both these organizations e t one fime), Generel Motors Purchas- ing Dept.. Sftaff of the Income Tax Personnel Branch, Toronto Income Tax Association, Bow- menville Senaf e, Durham Lib- eral Association, Bowmanville Public School Board, Staff of the Canadien Bank of Com- merce and Bowmanvible Lions Club. In addition, there 'verc manvi offerinas from individual friends of Mr. Kent and his famil.. TýWfémOrb in vIota U&rji, Actual Size Replica (ut-Ouf' Hearing Glasses by MRICG Dirscover how v ell you can look in the all-nc\w, slim Maico Hear. ing Glasses. Get FREE replia and folder showing styles for both mien and wornen. No obli. gation, of course. -1M-1AI-CO HEARING SERVICE 850 Yonge St. Toronto WVA 4-2.117 Please send me your Free Hearing Glass cut-outs. Name ________ Address-___ ___ City - -Prov.___ BS/M V/2 1/11/57 »Wmfweoolas long 08 e>-ysfl Ilalniccf, CO» unoP.e.d JL f Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dafo., and i\r. , IMrs. Fred Stuc- key, Frankford, spent Sunday winh i i, .\rs. Gýc. Johns. L. Joblin spent Sunday even- :r.,, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Emer-, son. Skinnyirnenwomen gain 5, 10, 15 Ibs. Cet New Pep, Vim, Vigor 'nbat m thrill! )ionNv :nbs fil out. nghy bol- ",,s hiC u"p;neek nonlonger srawnyi body 10~SCI 111f-star%-cd, sickl)i "bean-pole' look. Thousands sNho never could gain before are vow pronid of sha chaltliv-looking fig. ires.'l'heN, thank Ostrex Tonie Tables. eIkps 11-u1ld ni, body skinny because of poor appe- ti t, bie to lick of iron. Iniproves digestion. nourisliment; puts firsh on hare boues. In. ccases pep. "GCet-acqiliinted" %ize onlv 600* '1ev famolis Ostrex for new pounds. pep, vu%. vigor, tis vcry day. At ail druggists. North Nestielon The Sundav School attend- 1 uce bas iucreased quife a good bit, since chauging the time of meeting f0 the morning bour of 10.30. Mr. C. Adams is fthe new stîperintendent, wifh Mr. Malcolm, assistant. We hope the Sunday school will continue fo grow and prosper. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Creed. Barrie. spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- son also Mrs. Herb Taylor, Blackstock, spent a day with themr durîug the week. 1The Farmers' Union held a euchre parts' on Wednesday evening uin Blacksfock. Nof f00 many ouf, but those Who were there report a good time. Prize winners, Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Mrs. Balfour Moore, Mrs. Leigbf on. Mr. Hudson, Mr. Bort Gibson, Mr. Balfour Moore. Mrs. M. Emerson enfertein- ed Mrs. W. H. Brown, Bow- manvible, to dinner on Wed- nesdey. Mrs. Sam Brooks, Bowman- ville, spent part of basf week with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. Mrs. Z. Adams, Bowmanville, Mrs. Fred Dayes aud Allen, speuf Wednesday evening with 1 7- 1 1 i,.-'VRVM AY, Nov. 21fft 1951 Il 0 TEE CMADIAlq STATZSIUN- ^umauvm , Bowmanville

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