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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1957, p. 12

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Mr. and Mns. Adamn Cassie and daughter Ruth ai Bramp- ton visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard and Eric an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chnis Barchard attended the christening ai their niece, Elizabeth Jane, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Cal- vert Barchard, ln Whitby on Sunday and acted at God par- ents. Signalman Ernest Spencer and Mrs. Spencer and son have returned ta Canada after two years spent in Germany. They are now visiting with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Spen- cer. Friends of Mrs. Fred Cowan will be sorry ta learn that she is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital suffering from a frac- tured hip as the resuit of a fall in her home. SThe Junior Auxiliary of St. George's Church entertained nt tea in the Parish Hall on Mon- day afternoon. Mrs. R. B. Biscoe visited in Toronto an Tuesday with her son, Mr. W. A. Slater of Sch- reiber, Ont., who is a patient in the Toronto General Hos- pital. The three leaders of the lst Reception Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cotteri will be at home to their friends on the occasion of their 50t1 Wedding Anniversary, Saturday,i Nov. 30th, from 3 ta 5 p.m. ancd 7 to 9 p.m. 47-2* C. G. GOULD Warm Air Healingt a Speciali y0 EAVESTROUGHING E Free Estimates Phone Newcastle 4331k Newcastle Cub Pack. Mrs. Nancy LeGresley, and Messrs Albert Mitchell and Ronald Tamkinson visited the lst Bow- mnanville Cub Troop on Friday even'g and plans were made for the Newcastle Pack ta join the Bowmanville Troop in their Ch r istm as concert. Elect Officers At St. George'Jfs Evening W.A. Newcastle: Evening Erz ai St. George's Woman's I iliary met in the Parish on Wednesday evening,1 ember 2Oth, with 30 mem in attendance. One new n ber, Mrs. Whincop, was comed to the branch. Following the opening p: ers, the minutes were read the treasurer's report gi, The Flower Secretary repoi receipt of a thank you from Mrs. Joan Pollard flowers received from branch, and the annual mi bership fees were paid. The pledges, sent semi- nualiy ta W.A. House in1 onto, were voted paid at meeting as were the Fai Allotments. An appeal fi Miss Hassel's Van, a miss: ary work, was answered. It was announced the Wc an's Auxiliary Corporate Cc munion wili take place Sunday, Dec. 1st, with servi ai Holy Communion be celebrated at 8:00 and il a.m. AUl W.A. members ws urged ta attend. Nominations for officiers the coming year were beld this meeting and resulted acclamations for the follawý officiers- President-Mrs. D. Dewdney; Vice-President-lKay Stephenson; Treasurei Mrs. Mabel Cobbledick; Sec: tary-Mrs. Helen Bowen; Di cas Sec.-Mrs. Vi. Nielson; Di cas Assistant - Mrs. Ha Crowther; Little Helpers' S -Mrs. Mary Wallace;- Flom Sec. _ Mrs. Gladys Bels( Food Convenor - Mrs. Wl Simpson and Press Sec.-M Mfary Dewdney. The cammittee working preparatians for catering the Horticulturai Sociéty Ba uet met together and ma, fial arrangements. The meeting was brought aconclusion with the servii :f refresbments. %, li. 2R 36 - NEWCRSTLE TO THE ELECTORS VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Ravlng been onc of your representatives on the Sehool Board for the last two ycars, 1 soilcit Your support for eleetion at thIS ttue for another two Year termn. 1 belleve education is most lImportant and If eiected willl serve ta the best cf nmy ahiiity. Elect the man with il years experience in municipal offices. John Rickard I. TO THE ELECTORS VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Ilaving served as a member cf your School Board for the past seven years 1 arn now offering xny services for another term and respectfully solicit your vote at the poils on Monday. IJ. McCulionghI TO TUE ELECTORS' VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Having served for two years on the Schoo! Board, 1 an again offering rny services and respect- fully solicit your vote at the polis on Monday. Douglas G. Wallon TO THE ELECTORS VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Having been noniinated as a candidate to the Publie School Board 1 amn offering iny services for the next two years. As 1 have served on tbe Board [n former years 1 feel 1 arn qualified for the office. Your vote would be appreciated. Reginald LeGresley ranch Hall Nov- nbers ,em - wel- pray- 1and yven. rted card for the eni- i-an - Tor- this ârish from sion- TEE CANADIAN STTEuMA1r. RnWMAUTT.?.U ANUAUY <1.4e A/ewcadle %4ep~4n/ Ph.. mi Same Two Contestants Fight for Reeve's Chair Election for School Bdà. Newcastle: As a resuit af names being propased for this Friday's Civic Nominations, office. Couniilors Fred Couch, Reeve J. H. Jase and ex-Reeve Frank Hoar and Brenton Rick- Douglas J. Cunningham wiil ard were re-elected by ac- again be apposing candidates clamation and Murray Pater- for the office ai Reeve for the son, a newcamer ta municipal third consecutive year when politics was elected by ac- the electors go ta the polis on clamation ta fili the post va- Monday, December 2nd. Ais. cated by Councillor Ross Dick- seeking re-electian will be the inson who is retiring iram three members ai the Public municipal office after having School Board whase terms ex- completed 22 years. He was pire this year, John Rickard, a member af the School Board I. J. McCullough and Douglas for 16 years and member ai Walton with Reginald LeGres- caundil for the past six years. ley also seeking election ta the Polis for bath wards in the, Board, making four candidates village wili open at the Com- for the three seats. munîty Hall on Monday, Dec. There wiil be no elections 2nd, at 9:00 a.m. and will re- for Councillors or Hydro Com- main open until 6:00 p.m. and missioner. Stanley Graham, it is hoped ail cîtizens will whose term expires at the end turn out ta exercise their of this year xvas re-elected by franchise. Vote as you like, acclamation with no other but, be sure you vote. About 35 Present Hear Candidates' Speeches At Nomination Meeting Newcastle: Only about: rom- people showed interest enouý oi)n- in the affairs of the village on attend the annuai nominatic ses meeting bcld in the Newcasl ,ing Co mmunity Hall on FridE 1.00 evening last ta hear repor vere gîven by their officiais of t! work donc in the village dui for ing the past ycar with the ta 1at monies caiiected from the rat( 1in payers. We realize there w. Ving a rather interesting hocke R. game in progress on that ever rs. ing, and probabiy some othE r- activities, but none, we beiievi cre- more important or ai more ir or- terest ta the people ai this con or- munîty than the annuai mect azel ing ai ratepayers ta select th2 Sec. men or women who are charg ver ed with the task ai running thi sey; business ai the municipaiity. ida Following Is the list ai car 0lxss didates naminated at the meel ing with the maver and sec onl ander ai the nominatione ta an- For the office ai Reeve, J ade H. Jase, proposed by P. Har( and Fred Couch; D. J. Cunning. ta ham, proposed by G. R. Mea igdaws and H. J. Toms. For thc ngoffice ai councillar-G. R. Mea. -dows, praposed by C. A. Cow. an and T. C. Wallace; F. G Couch, proposed by P. F. HanE and H. S. Graham; W. F. Hoar, proposed by R. B. Rickard anc J. Nesbitt; Ross Dickinson, pro- pased by 1. Colwill and C. A. Cowan; R. B. Rickard, propos- ed by W. F. Hoar and G. L. Gray; R. M. Paterson, praposec by J. Rickard and I. Colwili. For Public Schooi Board-T. C. Wallace, praposed by G. R. Meadows and C. A. Cowan; D. G. Walton, proposed by I. Mc- Cullaugh and J. Nesbitt; I. J. McCuliough, praposed by D. G. Walton and G. L. Gray; John Rickard, proposed by Mrs. P. Storks and Miss C. Butler; -Reginald LeGresley, praposed by H. S. Britton and G. R. Meadows. For Hydro Commissianer, H. Stanley Graham, proposed by 1. Colwili and R. B. Rcikard. Fallowing the close ai nom- inations, Mrs. Nettie Butler, village clcrk, was appointed chairman for tbe ratepayers' meeting. Reeve Jase Reports Reeve J. H. Jase, the iirst nominee called upan ta speak, thanked the ratepayers ai the village for the confidence sbown in bim in electing him as Reeve for 1957 and thanked the proposers of his nomina- tion for another year. He said there was more barmony and co-operation in cauncil this year than there had been on any council on which he had bad the privilege ai sitting. IMr. Jase gave a resumne aif some ai the problems faced by cauncil during the past year, mentioning the resignatian ai the village police chief and the arrangements wbich had been Imade with the O.P.P. wheneby the Provincial afficers are on cali 24 bours a day. Wben an emergency arises and the local jconstable is not available, citi- zens may telephone collect ta O P P headquarters un Peter- bruhand the police radia wl espatch an aificen imme- Idiately. Mr. Jase said there bad been considerable dissatisfac- tion expressed with the arran- gement at first, but since the officer bas moved ta the vil- lage, there have been no dom- plaints. IThe reeve told ai the at- tempt by the Highways Dept.j f a eove the traffic signais r I and hbo)w this bad been stapped1 thgh the co-operation ai the citizens and the council. He said contracts have been let and some wark started on High- -ç way 401 wbich will close all J village streets running nartb and south exccpt Mil St. but F that the council still bas recejv- B cd no officiai notification irom t n the Dept. He also spoke ai the Iti exploratary wark which bas n been dane by councîl in gain- tc ing ail possible information Il with regard ta casts etc., ai in- U! stalling waterworks in the vil- a] lage but that council bas flot as Cf y'et taken any definite stand a:M Thought Provoking TaIk On Ancient Civilization Given at Lions Meeting PAGE TWELYV Biggest Beef-Dogq! Ge.R. Meadows said he didn't know whether he wouid stand for election. He said bis biggcst beef was dogs. He said Newcastle is becoming a haven for stray dogs and be would like ta see somet1Cing done about this situation. Wants Planning Board Murray Paterson said if elec- ted ta council be would wark for the establishment ai a plan- ning board ta get the village ready for industriai and hous- ing develapment and then wa- terworks and other services 35 !n 1958 if it was the wish of Sehool Board gh the voters. John Rickard, candidate ic ta Ex-Reeve Addresses. Audience r-lcint h colBa te Ex-Reeve D. J. Cunningham said he had been chairmanc ayin speaking ta bis nomination finance for the past two year rt aid he bas taken a keen iln- and the main items on the bu. leterest in municipal affairs dur- get are $20,000 for teachen ir- ing recent ycars and bas faund, salaries and $2.900 far caretak axa praved in 1956, that it is not er's salary. He gave a brief re e- necessary for thc Newcastle port ai the activities ai t! 'stxrate ta go up every year. schoai board during the pas By e said that last year the year including the renoyatio: n-amount ai taxes that could be and re-decorating ai anc ai th eraised with the 53 miii rate rooms in the aid part ai th ,,had been ascertained and from sehool. He said ane room is be e, this the amaunt necessary for ing done each year. He sa.i s- chools,, county rate and other another two room additionb casts beyand the contrai ai the scbooi will be require( iecouncil taken and the remain- within the next two or thrci tder was divided amang the years, accarding ta a recci 9e vaious cammittees af cauncil survey made. ita look aiter theÉe departmcnts. I. J. McCullough said if re. He said council had not raised elected ta the Board be woulc - the rate in 1956 and ended work for the best intercsts o: t- the year with a surplus ai $2,- the village as be bas tried t( 000. Mr. Cunningham stated he do in the past. would be a candidate for the 1 roffice ai Reeve for 1958 and end , twork an the Boa .e asked for the support ai the noethwrknteBad -voters. during the past two years and Iwould be pleased ta bave thE - Rass Dickinson Retires j oppartunity ta serve again. eCauncîllor Ross Dickinson Thas. C. Wallace said be was -gave a detalled report af the undecided but did not think -money spent on roads during he wauld be standing for eiec- the past year and outlined the tion. e wark donc. He said be bad HdoCmiso campleted 22 ycars in munici- HdoCmiso d pal office in the village, 16 on H. Stanley Grahanm who was -schaol board and six as coun- elected by acclamation for an- cillor and would not be a can- other two year term. an the didate for 1958. Newcastle Hydra Commission Reporta On Property gave a-brief repart ai the wonl ai the comminission, saying they Cauncillor Fred Couch gave ()eemed ta be thc anes with a report ai the work donc b il ee mnyeesadteci the property cammittee which mission bad $20.000 but bac included construction af the a pragrain, lined Up for new new wash-rooms at thse park, line extensions, new transîorm- 7cane ai the park, the property ers, etc., which will soon cut araund the community hall and into this surplus. Mr. Graham~ *other village property, and said that Newcastle was unique would be pleased ta serve again in that the rates ta yr s if it was the wish of the voters.enba nyr snbdou- ers hadnever r sensnce the Bought Auxillarv Pump village taok over the system. Caunilaor Frank Hoar sald He said there wcre 341 bydro be was chairman ai the Fine custamers in the village in 1956 and Police committee in 1957 and that 15 bad been added in and would be pleased ta serve 1957. He said the local comn- the citizens again in 1958 if if mission tries ta uphald the slo- was their wisb. Mr. Hoar said gan "The best service at low- be had moved the resolution est cost". which would fonbid the Fire Pumper from answering cails autside ai the village, because, Wy he said, as a mechanic he couid The agitation against «tip- state with authority that about ping" began in Aberdeen. Tihis 80 per cent ai the wear on this is an example af thse proverb. machine was caused by trips "Assume a virtue if you bave out into the country and that it flot."b during bis time on council less than $100 had been collectcd By( * om*esos for attending out ai town fines. .o a oe esn) He said an auxiîiary pumnper Wbat tense is this. Faither- bad been purchased for the "The farmer drank thrce tuni- Dept. this year and that bis biens ai aie.'" cammittee had kcpt well with- Faither: "I,,wad say bis thirsti in ifs bud.get. Be said that if was intense." for ai ýrs' àk- re- -he ast [on ;he )e- lid ta mt id of ad rd id le as '<J ie it n e Laymen and Ministers 0f P resbyf ery Churches HoId Busy Session Hr Newcastle: Oshawa Presby- the ccurtesy of radio station tery conducted a great deai of CKLB, Oshawa. The first of business last WeYdnesday, when these was beard on Sunday, ]aymen and ministers from the Nov. 24th. The remainder may United Churches throughout a be heard on Dec. 1, Jan, 12, 26, wide area met in the New- Feb. 9, 23, Mar. 9 at 8:05 p.m. castle' United Church. Thie Tape recordings for these werel meeting was presided over by made by Mr. E. Warburton of Rev. H. H. Lackey of Clare- Courtice. mont, who is the ,Chairman of The United Churches in the the Oshawa Presbytery. Presbytery cantributed $49.942 A motion was passed re- to the Missianary and Main- commending that Rev. Philip tenance Fund ta Nov. l5th, an Romeril, a minister of the increase af 5.6% over the a-' Miethodist Church in Great maunt contributed at the same' Britain, and naw supplying the date last year.t churches ai the Blackstock Rev. E. S. Linstead, who Charge, be received into the was recentiy inducted into the ninistry ai the United Cburch United Church at Port Perry wrhen Conference meets next was welconied to the Presby- une. tery. Rev. H. Stainton, a The Property Committee of former minister af Courtice resbytery, oi which Mr. W. F. was appointed Retired Supply Rickard of Newcastle is a there until the end ai June. nember, was appainted to be A cail issued by the Centre St. rustees af the Bethel Church United Cburch, Oshawa, ta .ear Blackstack with autharity Re.W . Dicksano.Af ýseli by publie auction. The Hjamitons was approved, and 1 ethel Church has flot been in bis traser ta the Bay ai ise for a long time. It wasQineConeec was re- iso decided ta buy lots adja- ueedMr. Dickson willcame ent ta Oshawa for the purpase ta Oshawa early in January, ýf building churches and mans- 1958. S. The worship service was The addresses given by Dr. canducted by Rev. B. E. Long* onald Saper af London. Eng., of Orono .A delicious dinner tthe Oshawa Mission recent-1 was served by the ladies of the I , are tb be broadcast through Woman'a Association. i lm elected ta council in 1958 he would do his best ta see thal firemen received a set wage. Mr. Hoar sald there had been one serious fire during the pasi year and that the firemen had complained ai loss ai pay while figbting the fire. Overapent On Sldewalks Councillor R. B. Rickard sakd he was the extravagant member ai the council this year having overspent bis budget an aide. wa.iks by $1,100. He said 6,000 sq. ft. af sidewalk had been laid and he thought the village had received good value for its money. He said be aiso repres- ented the village as member af the Lake Ontario Development Association which had brought some Il or 12 new industries into this district during the past year. He said there had been a number ai inquiries for sites in Newcastle but seeming- Iy none were interested wben they were infarmed we didn't bave waterwarks. Mr. Rickard saicl he was flot' in agreement with the state- ment that it was flot necessary ta raise taxes. He said requisi- tians from the public and high scbool boards are increasing, as is the county rate, salaries etc., thus making it impassible ta hold the tax rate stationary if nathing is done ini the vil- the Club ta supply same form tbe meaning ai "Zones ai' recreational faciities in the ence." oi~ Social and Personal Provide easy, economic-eI, protective warmth for your family with B-A Solar Heat,. Cail us now and take care of ail your heating needs the modern way. Phono 3221 w. g Neweastle: "The foundationi af an enduring civilization" was 0 the subi ect cbosen for an ad- n dress ta the Newcastle Lions eclub on Tursday evening last 'by Mr. Percy Rowe ai Janet- ;- ville, who divided his tak into ýftbree parts, "Ancient civiliza- 1tion, the peculiarities oi aur 1own civilization and some s tbings we, may be able ta do ta ecarry on." cl Introduced by Mr. Ernest rDent ai Orono as a native of -Durham Caunty wha received b is eariy education at Welcome 'and Part Hope, Mr. Rowe was described as a poet. philoso- tpher and politician with a deep religiaus conviction. The speak- er said ai ancient civilization tbat a traveller standing iamongst the ruins of ancient ,1cities would ask why sthese great nations had per- ished leaving their cities in ruin. He said it was because these nations had been founded upon tyranny, built on injus- tice by slave labour and no such civilization can expect ta last. With espeta opresent day mostiy an ecanomics stressing the need for co-aperatian and the value ai government con- trais. He stated that farmers in particular, had neyer had it better tban when wartime con- trais were in farce. He said he had been accused ai being a leit wing saciaiist, but said sa- ciaiism is defined as the theory ai public awnership or cantrol and stated that we are ail prac- tising saciaiism from the cradle ta the grave. The oniy differ- ence in aur present econamic system and aillout socialism, he said, is the degree ai con- trai. In speaking ai future civili- zation, the speaker said, warid bratherhood and ca-operation was necessary or there would be no future civilization. To il- lustrate, he quoted the Hon. Lester B. Pearson: "The only alternative ta peace is com- piete worid destruction". He said the nations ai the world imust co-aoperate ta iind a basis ai peaceful settiement ai dis- putes as nuclear war would mean the destruction ai aur civilization. Lion Frank Hoar movda vote af thanks ta the speker stating this had been the mast thought provaking address he had heard in a long time and he believed other members wouid agree. The motion was carried with a sound round af appiause. In* the absence af the pres-i- dent, second vice president Ar- chie McLaren conducted a short business meeting when Lion Ken Stephenson gave a short report ai bis committee which is planning the Community Auctian ta be heid in the com- rnunity hall on Saturday, De- cember 7th. Lion Mult Walker suggested ASOLAR IAT iMU. mmillensla DISTRIBUTOR OF B-A SOLAR H EAT STOVE B-A QIL for Newcastle and District Prompt, Modern Deliveries Your Consideration Much Appreciated 7 avlnt servel s Reeve Of Newcastle f or tw 0 separate ternis 1 again offer my services for the year 1958. 1 have had consld- erable municipal experlence and amn very much intercat- cd ln the further develop- ment of the village. Wlth the developinent of the St. Lawrence Seaway and the extension of High-' waY 401 throuth the village we are ldeally altuated for mrater development,. and we need good leadership lu order te make Newcastle attractive to Industry as wcll as an ideal place ln whlch to live. For good leadership and Newcastle, I offer myseif J. H. s .*. unl Apwuâo further developrnent of as candidate for Reeve. J o s e , - ý ý - I VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE I*wilI b. à candidate for the office of Reeve for the corning year and if elected will act to the best of my ability. Your support will be appreciated on Election Day, December 2nd. D. J. Cunningham .TO THE ELECTORS VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE I GRAHAM the formation of a committee ta make a survey of the need for teen age recreation in the village and suggest a plan ta Mr e kt n ;t d e d !r community hall tg keep teen. agers off the streets in the evenings. This motion passe.i with Lions Murray Paterson, Milt Walker and Les Mikloa being appointed as the com. mittee to work on this project MORE NE WCASTLE NEWS ON PAGE EIGHTEEN When you next meet an Aber. donian ask him ta saY "Fat'à yours?" Then you'll understand 1 1 AND TM CANADM STATESUM. BOWMANVff=. ONTAIM omi] LÇDAT. iqOV. 28th. loxv. - phm mi TO THE ELECTORS

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