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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1957, p. 10

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t. ' f ~ f W'AUS TEL! TEE CAKADIAI<*TATTAMAIL NWVMIrfI OPq2f v "MUAV ?E5! 1 III Mr. and Mrs. Pilip Williams spent the weekend ini Toronto visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Martin and family. Masteiî George 'Hendry. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hendry spent the weekend in Chicago as a member of the Telegram Carriers Tour. 'Mrs- H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and family visited with Mrs. Flor- ence Pearce and family in1 Lansing an Sunday. Mrs. R. B. Briscoe returned to her home in Renfrew last week folaowing a six weeks' visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- B à -LM * *TIN El C7RIC 3361 NECfRSATL. don Agnew. Mm. Cccii Finley has bec: doing jury dufy the past tw weeks at the Fail Assizes a Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. George Waltoi left this week for their winte home in Tampa, Florida. Dr. and Mrs. L. S. Mikir spent lasf weck visifing ii New York. Mrs. Gardon Boyle o! Belle ville visited with Mrs. Merkle7 Clark on Tuesday. Miss Stella Blackburn an( Mrs. Cale o! Bowmanvilli (formerly o! Newcastle) visite( xith Mms. E. Hoar and Mis Cooper on Thursdav. Mr. anti Mrs. Sidney Byar and'son Ter'r o! Týoonto-wcêrÉ Sundav visitors xith Mr. and Mms. John Voutt anti family. MANVERS STATION M\rs. Svdniey Povers visited lier da1îghtcr. Mrs. \W<m. Shep- b erd in Peterboroiigh last iweek. Miss Frances Johnston, Tor- ontlo, w~as a weekend guiest xvith bei' parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Alfred Jolinston. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chai- lice and Donna, Orono, were renewing aid acquainfances in the community an Friday. Mr. Maurice Bradley, who has a position at Orangeville w vith the Deparfment of High- Jways, was home for the week- Mr. and Mrs. Elîiio Ragers and Linda. Hagersville, Wern \x'eckend 9guests withiViMr. and M'ýr,. Harold Thompson. Miss 'Madeline Bogzs, Peter- borougli, sppnt the weekend witl liber parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Boggs. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Porter werc Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown anc famiy, Oshawa; Mm. and Mrs. Murray Porter and Donna, Newtonville. The heavyv wet snow flu on Saturday matie driving con- ditions hazardous. Some o! the moforists were cutting the fig- ure eighf on the slippery roads. The best known safety device is about fine inches abave your shoultiers. - DRIVE SAFELY. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS Our stores wiIl be open for your shopping convenience ail day Wednesday, Dec. l8th; Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 20 to 24 until 9 p.m. Toms' I.G.A. Market and Bonaihan Hardware Lhi. Choose from our large sE Guaranteed USE 1954 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN 1' Annual Report Features Horticultural Society New 0f ficers Elected Social and Personal 953 FORD SEDAN 1953 METEOR COACH 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN USED TRUCKS 1955 FORD PICK-UP 1953 FORD STAKE .Some Real Bargains Anyone Iooking for cheap transportation? We have a few older niodels in good running condition. 1 ~To Chear ai $50 Io $1501 Robson Motors Limuted BUICK - 166 King S- G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER Bowmanville MA 3-3321 rGET E »SORY TODA Yi o obligation a s Iow as $119.00' JACK BROUGH PLUMBING and HEATING Division SWret Soutb 0 MlA 3-5615 BOWMANVrU4IL C. G. GOULD Warm Air Heafing a Specialty EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates Phone Newcastle 4331 iNewcastle: The annual meet- ing of the Newcastle Horticul- turai Society was heid reccntiy N ~ .1lAie a held in the Lions rooni o! the n ~ In Community Hall with the pres- ,., To iiadie in w inter ident, Mrs. J. H. Jase, rsd at ing. A delicious meal was pre- pared and served ta the rnem- bers by the Evening Branch o! )nLinsMembers ToId St. George's Woman's Aux- Newcstl: Asurvey o! Nevw- Following the shawing of thc Feature of the meeting was s castle, Orono and other comn- film the guests conducted a the annual report given by the in munities in this area is planned question and answer period in Secretary, Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, for this winter ta find the po- xvhich comparative costs, possi- which revealed the society had tentiai for natural gas service bility o! local service and ad- a membership in 1957 o! ninety- ýin the area. according ta Char- vantages of gas heating over six; each of whom received an les H. World, Oshawa manager other fuels werc discussed. option of a rose or two boxes ýo! the Consumers' Gas Com- Appreciation ta the speakers Of annuals. Eight executive dpany. If sufficient interest .1i for their instructive and Most and two general meetings were le shown it is expected service interesting presentatian of this held during the year and twa ýd will be supplied next summer. timeîy subject on behaîf of the delegates were sent ta the Pro- 3s Intraduced by Lion Chas. members of the club was ex- vincial Convention in Hamil- Gilkes, Mr. World and Mr. P. pressed by Lion Fred Couch. ton. The saciety planted and n M. Hope o! Toronto were the cared for the flawer bcd at the ,e guest speakers at the regular. During a lively business ses intersection o! Mil and Mani- ld dinner meeting of the Newcas- sion conducted by Lion Presi- vers streets and the Urns at tic Lions Club on Thursday dent, Roy Forrester, a grant Of the Community Hall. evcning last at the Quecn's Ho- $ S10.00 was voted ta the Sick The society supplicd sccds ta tel.j Children's Hospital, Toronto, school childrcn who showcd a 1' Mr. World said the Consum- and the Community Auction greater interest than usual at rs' Gas Compan.y was an ail beingc he]d on Saturciay wvas the annual Flower and Vege- d Canadian conccrn with 97 per- discussed. Lion Murray Pater- table Show. The societY was -cent of the companv s stock be- on chairman of the commit- represented at the District Pic- t ing hield 1w' residents of Cari- teelinag erain ithe vifo l- ic held at Orono. ada. lile said one 800 sliares teag ecetoni te' ItI was aninouneed that the were lield b , residents o! Ncw,«- lage, reported his comimittele liad made a survey of lcal ;tcastle. In telling of the coin-tengrad odalre S. paies'actiitiiOshawa, ntea e an foue nd ad lie said that when consumers mtnuabdrwereainterese ntsN e w O fficers took over the Oshawa system meebinadeftrangemuet threweeony bot1,00oftere bein mad allfor t use VX m 'ecustamers but within 16 months tnreweeriumbot ,00o atndCmmty alAu M S.00 mm o Sthis total had risen ta 2,'300 borsium and that a $1.0 med customers. He said it is thxe brhpfewudb hre Newcastle: With a goodly 0hope of the company ta broad- those participating. number of members in attend- e en their services throughout. A motion was passed author- ance and in a beautiful Yule- i- this area now that gas from izing the committee ta spend up tide setting complete with can- Western Canada is being ta $50 ta organize a Badmin- dies, lighfed Christmas trees brought through this part of 10on Club for Teenagers and l and' decorations, the Decemnber sthe couintr\'. purchase . the necessarv equip- meeting of the United Church e Mr. Hope projected a most ment. lt Vas annoin ced that W.M.S. was held in the Sunday d interesting. film of the laying mermbers of the Lions Club School hall on Thursday, Dec- o! the pipeline fromn Toronto woulrl be responsible for super- eniber 9th xith the lst Vice tb Oshawa showing many fami- vision of the group. President, Mrs. P. Hare, pre- 3 iliar scenes along the route, The prograra com-mittec an- sidingz in the absence of the iaIl portrayed in natural colour. nounced the Christmas meet- President. The film with commentary ing on December l9th wouldj The meeting opened with ap- 1 showed many of the problems take the form of a stag night propriate Christmas thoughts met and overcome in laying with members of thc Lindsay followed by prayer. Mrs. Hare ithis pipe over rough terrain club and district officiais as1 expressed the appreciation of with modemn machinery. guests for the occasion. the members for the faithful- ness and efficient leadership given by Mrs. W. E. Rickard, who is retiring after five years Coun cil W il I nstal o! service ta the Society as ifs Mrs. C. Cowan's Group was Mercury Va par Lights the meeting. The worship per- 0 iodwith the theme, "Let the sngo round the Earth, Jesus Over Shopping Section Christ is Lard", was ably pre- scnted by Mrs. C. Cowan, Mrs. F. Butier, Mrs. H. Toms, Miss Newcastle: December meeting Rickard, Hoar and Couch were Oldfield and Mms. H. Britton, o! the village council was held appointed to make arrange- rcveaîing how the gospel of Je- an Monday evening with Reeve ments for the installation o! 14 sus Christ was spread fmom Eu- J. H. Jase presiding and ail Mercury Vapor lights 'lin King rope ta America and how in members in attendance. Being St. in the main business section mare recent times Missionaries the final meeting for Reeve and ta move the present large have carmied the gospel ta the Jase and Councillor Ross Dick- lighf standards ta other possi- people o! Asia, Mfrica, Japan inson there was nothing in the tions in the village ta improve andi other landis. Intcrspersed way o! new business tansacted the entire street lighting s y-i throughaut the service wcre andi the evenîng was taken up stem. Other street lights were Christmas Carols sweetly sung with cleaning up the business ordereti for Robert St. near the1 by Mrs. J. Brown, grcatly en- af the year. Public Schaol andi on Arthur riching the service of warship. As a result o! information St. north near the new home 1 obtaineti on a plan intraduceti being erected by Stanley Gra- During the business period, carlier in the year by Reeve ham. conducteti by Mrs. Hare, ther Jase, a committee composed AbetNyoadrsdte Treasurer reporteti the receipt9 o! Mr. Jase anti councillors conlet o bea a!se the ie o! a bequesfta the Woman's1 _________on________ofthe_____ Missionary Society o! $500 from1 Dept. informing thcm that an the estate o! the late M. Aime-r inspector from the Fire Mar- da Couch. shall's Dcpt. hati visifeti the village and inspecteti the apart- The foliowing report o! thec ment building near the corner nomînating committele as re-t o! Baldwin and King streefs, parfet by Mrs. A. Glenney was the new Rest Homne on Mil' accepted by the Society anti street sauf h and the Public thîs lhst constitutes the officiai Schoal where a fire dill waslexecutive o! the society for the helti and a good report given year 1958; Presiding officers. for the school. Several im Mrs. P. Hare and Mrs. Gea. provements werc ugstda Allun; lst Vice President, Mrs. the otherbuildings J. Brown; 2nd Vice Pres.', Mrs: 1M. C. Fisher; 3rd Vice Pres., John Rickard addmcsscti the Mrs. H. Aluin; Treasumer, Mrs. counil vithregrd f th yE. Hoar, Assistant, Mrs. F. But- law governing the riding o!ler; Recording Secretamy, Mrs. bicycles on the sîdewalks Of A. Glenney; Coresponding Se- l the village. After some dis- cretary, Miss T. Ferguson; cussion, councillor Hoar w as Christian Stewardship Sec., Mms.h authorized ta consuif wifh Con- M. C. Fisher; Christian Citizen-S stable Tillson in regard ta this ship, Mms. W. Clemence; Coin-a Ie t n ofby-law and is enforcement. munityFrinsiMr.L i Meadows as Building anti Wed Members, Mrs. E. Awdc; Mis- Inspector was rcccived and sionamy Monthly andi World rr accetedby ounil.Fricnds, Miss A. Cooper anti 92 d C ars RcepeeJoebydcouncipulicr Mrs. E. Hoar; Supply Sec., Mm:. 154 FOR CO CH council at the end o! this ycar; Pearce; Literatume Sec., Mrs. L. 954 FIIRB ÉIACN asericeta te cmmunity ,1e- Mlçn inc r ýxy HallI on Wedesday, Dcme 4fh. Following the apening prayers, reports were heard froni the Treasurer anti Fiower Scmefamy. The Little Helpers' Secmetary announced the an- nual Christmas Party for this group woulti be helti on Dec. i7fh anti mequesteti thaf the1 boxes be tumned ini at this meeting. The president gave a report o! thc recent banquet catereti ta by the Branch for the Hart- icultural Society in the Coni- munity Hall. The members were memintieti a!the Christ- mas Party being held by the Bmanch in the Queen's Hotel on December 18th anti mcm- bers were urgeti to sec Mrs. Dewdney regarding reservations during the next week. A sum o! money was voted by the members to be given ta the Churcli Wardàens. A cal- lection o! second hanti clothing wvas made anti a toy shower rielti for the Mission o! the Sisters af St. John the Divine if Muskaka. The meeting closed with flic ;crving o! refrcshments antial social finie was enjoyetiby he members. rhree Speakers rake Part in NCTU Contestj Orono-A Silver Metial Con- test untier the auspices a! the Vomen's Christian Temper- ancc Union was helti in the Suntiay School Auditorium o! >rano Unitedi Chumch on Fmi-J ay, November 29th. Rev. Long, chairman for flic ?vening, expresseti warts of ,elcome toa ah present anti tresseti the importance o! the emperance work. A piano instrumental was iven by Marilyn Cobbietiick, ollowed by a vocal selection series. givC!I Dy5 ÂV. I £ Roy Formester, manager o! The chaimman then calleti on i flc Pe We Clb coducetithe following girl contestants: fthc meeting and infroduceti the Camai Gilbank, Jane Greenwooti, officiais present who includeti Judy Vagg, Anne Gilbank, Gaîl Messrs. A. W. Wade anti C. R. Willis, Shirley Sharron. Camveth president anti secre- "A Saîlar Tune" by Freder- tary o! the Lakeshore Minor ick Caton xith two Conserva- Basebali Association; Ted Sami- tory piano numbers anti "Min ucîs, Chairmran o! the Orono uet in G" by J. S. Bach . in Aflltic Association, and Mes~s The fol]owing boy contestants Ruthrfod, rahm ad Gms-ýýcri' Cornelius Groen, Grant RuterfrdGraaniant Gas-Yeo anti Clifforti Long. by, teani coaches. While the jutiges, Mrs. Hare Following the dînner, Messrs and Miss Ferguson a! Newý%cas- Waead Carvetb presenied tic, retireti for their dccl*iu:î th aeshor M1inor LeagLue Mr. Fard sang several deligh't- Crests ta the p:ay'eIs iin me- fui vocal selections which were cognition o! their outstanding vcry much appreciateti. success, not only in the Lake- Mrs. Hare gave the decision shore League but also for thrir in favour o! Anne Gilbank and sho\Ving in the Ontario play- Grant Yeo anti presenteti thern downs. with Silver Medals anti books The teani captain, Terry Car- were given toalal contestants, leton expressedthefic hanks o! competing. Uic boys ta the officiais for ___________ thc tume anti trouble taken in training the boys anti Larry The mon who tries ta vork Miller expresseti appreciation for the gooti, believing in ils ta the proprietor of the restauir- eventual victory, while he rna.y ant for bis kintiness in giving F(uffer . eiba'ck and even cli.- I this finA banquet fo-' the offr- a wJ] 'A never knovw defeat > ialls anti players o! the Orano The only deadly sin I know is P«Wes baU club. .àiur. ~oy 10. â4Âmaoa Christmas Decorations Credit ta Community iGordon Agnew, Edilor Phono 3621 societies oak trees were ready for transpianting and a coni- rnîttee of Jack Wade repre- tsenting the Society and Fred Couch representing the Coun- cil make arrangements for the placing of these trees. Mrs. W. Milligan, President of the New- tonville Woman's Institute, was appointed to supervise the planting of one of these trees on the square in Newtonville. Members of the Executive held a turkey dinner for them- selves and their wives or hus- 1bands and friends in Noveni- ber with each member prepar- ing same part of the meal and ail sharing the costs of the turkeys, and a most enjoyable evening was spent with Mrs. Jose showing pictures follov' - ing the meal. Officer. Elected 1 Officers were elected for 1958 as follôws: President, Mrs. H. Jase; Vice-Pres., Jack Wade; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. A. Pearce; Treasurer, Chas. Megit; Secre- tary, Mrs. Cecil Ferguson; Di- rectors (1958) Mesdames G. Walton, G. Stephenson, W. Mil- gan, P. Brown and C. Cowan; (1958-59) Mesdames A. Glen- ney, E. Johnston, H. Gibson, D. Cunningham and Mr. T. Bel- sElected at is Meeting i the lead and are gally decorat- ing the trees on their lawns and erecting other colourful lighting displays and a drive around our village during the coming holiday season will certainly be a joy to behold. FINE QUALITY\) MONUMENTS AND MARKERS (Dt~\4 t" lm Mml.V r9r ummtmnof -m OF STAFFORD ý 4 R BOS. Stafford Bras. Monumiental Works Phone Wbltby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitbj *"Lin gerie~ *Nighties *Pyjamas . Hlouse and Dusters - Skirts and Sweaters Han db ags Blouses 3:30 Ia 5:30 p.. ADULTS ACCOMPANYING HILDREN an. These officers were duly ln- stailed by the Rcv. M. C. Fish- 1: cm who expressed hîs apprecia?:d tion on behaif o! the church for the womk being clone by this Auxiliar.y. If was decideti to holti the nexf meeting o!flhc Society on l Mondav, January 6th when al mnembers werc requestedti a bring gifts o! men's ciofhing, fruit and vegetables for thei Fred Victor Mission. In place o! the Study Book, ý Mrs. G. Rickarti gave an inter- esting sfomy entifleti "The Gifts of the Magi". This was follow- cd by a solo by Mms. J. Brown anti the singing o! a hymn followed by prayer by Mrs. C. Cowan brought flic meeting ta a close. Evening W.A. Makes Plans For Christmas Neweastle: The regular meet- ing o! the Evenîng Bmanch o!f St. George's Woman's Auxil- INTERMEDIATE %%A" HOCKEY Saturday, December l4th ai 8:30 p.m. Lindsay VS. Bowmanville Orono Combines ADMISSION - Aduits-----------------75e for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Children - - - - - -50C CHILDREN'SSKATING Wednesday, December l8th JUNIOR%"C"/ HOCKEY Wednesday, December l8th ai 8:30 p.m. Brooklin Robson Pontiacs ADMISSION --------ADULTS - 50,c STUDENTS AND CHIILDREN - 35c Ticket series No. 5 ik valid for this game Neweastle: Anyone entering the village of Newvcastle froni the west can flot heip but be impressed by the beauty of the coloured lights and other decorations1 brightening the community and spreading the Christmas spirit. Councilior Fred Couch with the co-operation of council and the Hydro Commission started the bail rolling whcn the col- oured iights above King street were turned on Monday af last week and coloured lights were also tastefully displayed on the loveiy evergreen trees on the lawn of the cammunity hall and strung across the front of the hall building. Ever- green trees were alsa erected at the foot of hydro pales add- ing ta the festive decorations. King St. merchants have added ta the beauty of this sec- tion o! the village with their ]avely Christmas displays and decorations in their store win- dows. Nurnerous residents through- out the village have foilowed I Ladies' 48 KING ST. E. BOW31ANVILLE Ç1/tSuggestions /or ~Xina s Sop ig . "Dressesj F il ~ i I 4 This Weelk's Spe< 1953 CHEVROLET 2-DOO Custoni radio, locally owned car. In Al only $99.5 19,52 CHEVROLET 4-DOO Custom radio, Iocally owned one own ony$795 fGift Wrapped for the Gentlemen Shoppers MEMORIAL ARENA -Bowmanville PUBLIC SKATING 8 Ia 10 p.m. Friday, December l3th ADMISSION 'I -PONTIAC St. E.1 v -boy. e-- 25C m aý 1 1 THE CAIÇADrAN STATESU". BOWMANVftl& ONTAMO qw"IqLq"Alr. nme. lm. 19ff Coats Scarves 25c Gloves

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