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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1957, p. 14

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* fr ~r rn~~ -~ -« '- '- - -. -w -. - -. * ~ -, -e -w ~ - -... -w-. ?~ CÂWAflTA7,7 ~9'AT~MAW Ut~WMA~IT~m.?.I~ AM'~~A~?~ e Mrs. W. Teepie, brought good Officers Insta lied at roiwiîi froandaexrsino Wishesf and ansexispresintof W. A. Supper Meeting Mr. urner seconded ber mo- tion of thanks for the delicious The Christmas meeting ofI Welsh, President. Mrs. Geo I diner.eig ..Pesdn St. Paul's Evening W.A. was Graham: First Vice, Mrs. Nor- TeEvnn WA1reiet held at the church on Monday man Mitchell; 2nd ice Mr i rs.Jak elsh, tahe tank evening, Dec. 2, when 52 mem- AI. Cuthbertson; Secretarv deeroewb a hle bers sat down to an enjoyable Mrs. Manseil Stacey;Traur her in ber two vear tern in hot turkev supper served bv er. Mrs. Luther Welsh; KTer- office. Mr. Turner and Mrs. the Scugog group. Rev. Har- Commmittee. Kitchennci Geo.Graham hoth expressed old Turner and Mrs. Turner Thompson and Mrs. Don Wil- ýtbanks on behaif of the W.A. and Mrs. W. Teeple were din- 1liams; Manse Committee-Mrs frMs Wlh in edr fler Ruests.1 Don Lawson and Mrs. Don Boe. hp Mrs. Jack Welsh, Evening! Morning Nursery - Mrs. Ivan W.A. president for the past two 1 Rogers and Mrs. Jim Colville. years, welcomed the members The Evening W.A. has a Lions E DN and guests, and conducted the Dinner on Jan. 13 and also a business period which followed February Canadian Club din- BRANDRETH - ROWE the dinner. ner and their April Ladies' After some discussion it was' Nigbt. The Christmas trees are The marriage took place on decided to re-arrange thel O be d ecorated by' our lad;es Saturday afternoon, Nov. 30, lui groups by drawing members*j and flowers placed in the.,churcb Central United Church chapel. naesfrm at Ter aefor December bx Jane, Liber- Calgary, Alta., of Frances fou ne grups eah w~htv. Elgin, Scugog and Ontario Louise Rowe, daugliter of Mrs. about 17. members. Convenors groups, in that order. J. IvI.ofRow an thelateMr to caîl the new groups together Some money was voted for Ronadeugof Banvilet,sand in Jnuar' vare rs.BillCol the purchase of music books for of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brand- ville and Mrs. Joe Barton fc' the Junior choir. Results of the retb fClay la Group 1, Mrs. Hon Hethering bazaar were given by the con- of agrAt. ton for Group 2, Mrs. Cha nr, and the treasurer's re- Standards of small and large Cbas. Stewart for Group 3, aandi port given by Mrs. Luther white chrysanthemums andi Mrs. Russell Haîlman for Group Welsb. A sum of money was set candelabra formed a pretty set- 4. aside to assist witb furnishings1 ting for the ceremony wbicb Mrs. AI Cutbbertson gave the1 for the new Sunday Scbool was performed by Dr. Gerald report of tbe Nominating Corn-j rooms. Switzer. The wedding music mite o henwsit f f Nwmmbr ttni1 hi was plaved by Phyllis Chap- ficitesfor 198.h e H. Turnerof- rst Nen ealme eing eir sman Clark. conducted the installation ser-i Pring, Mrs. Brooder and Mrs. Tbe bride wore a street vice. Officers for 1958 are: - C. Vanstone. Members stood length dress çf grev rose lace Past President, Mrs. Jack and introduced tbemselves. in sheath style with short matcbing jacket and bat and - corsage of wbite rose buds. Miss Joan Abram of Calgary was ber attendant, wearinga WA 2dress of delift blue fasbioned identically to the bride's. Her' h at was. of matcbing bands of Choral Society CHRISTMAS CONCERT at the TOWN HALL Friday and Saturday Dec. l3th and l4th 8:15 p.m. FREDERICK GEOGHEGAN at the Concert Hammond Organ ADMISSION - Adults, 75e HUGH A. MARTIN Director -Students, 50e MRS. MARY COLE Pianist PROCLAMATION Thursday, December 26th 1957 BOXING DAY Wbereas at a meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanv ile, held on the 3rd day of December, 1957, it was resolved that Thursday, December 26th, 1957, Boxing Day, be and the same is hereby fixed as a Civ'ic Holiday for the current year and that the Mayor be autborized to publisb a proclamation in connection therewith. These are, therefore. to miake known that in compliance with the aforesaid resolution 1 do hereby proclaim Thursday, December 26th, 1957, Boxing Day as Civic Holiday. Nelson E. Osborne, Mayor, Town of Bowmanville. GOD SAVE THE QUFEN lace and ber corsage was of rose carnations. AMr. Jack M. Brandreth vvas A groomsman. A reception follow- ed in the Royal Hoomn of the SRoyal Hotel, Calgary. AiThe couple ieft on a wedding trip to Spokane, Washington li and otber western States. For Stravel the bride chose a red wool dress witb matcbing jac- Iket and black accessories. On their return Mn. and Mrs. Brandreth will reside at 529A- 1 9th Ave. W., Calgary, Alta. IPrior to hen marriage, the bride was entertained at a number of sbowens. Mrs. Mar- garet Nichols Somner and Mrs. IMargaret Stacey Gunvald, botb Sformerly of Bowmanville, were bostesses at a miscellaneous shower. A crystal sbower was given by Miss Doreen Galoi adntMrs.JMrsChapManniaun Endmnto. JMrs. LImanningn Jand cousin of the groom, were hostesses at a showen in Cal- Ilgary when the bride was pre- sented with a canister set, gar- bage can and swing-away can opener. ~In Bawmanville a showen -was beld by Mrs. S. McAllister o n Wellington Street wben the bride's mother received a num- ber of miscellaneous giits on ber daughter's bebalf. These jwere mailed to ber in Calgary. Some of the girls of the bride's department at the gas fcompany where she was em- PýYdpresented ber with a table, lamp and wall plaques. A dinnen and presentation jwas given by ail the girls of the campany, and tbe manage- ment presented the bride with a gift of money. Miss Joan Abram was bostess at a grocery shower. ~-.~- - ~.- c' was neici at tne home of Mrs. Mlcolm. Plans were made t( Gertie McCabe of Lotus with supply aIl Sunday Scbool chil- near full attendance. President dren witb candy at the Christ- (9 /Lorna Wilson presided. Cornie mas concert as bas been thE Malcolm convened tbe Devo- custom. $60 was voted the Un- J By Verna Foran and tional based on Christmas, ited Church. Ministers' Salary Charlie Trim theme consisting of a poemn, etc.; $50 was voted to M. & M. OnFrda ngh o lstwekCbristmas carol, Scriptune-- Fund; $10 voted to C.A.R.E. On Fida niht f lst eekChrist mas Story-Isabelle Wil- January meeting will be belc the Student Council held a son topic, the story of the oni- at the home of Mrs. Wm. Fritz 1 toane ibraysTe poeedsorwihe gin of a favourite Chtistmas (parsonage) at Janetville. beow gien to the iirry commit- song, by Marjorie Stinson. A Hetiring president thanked te en t e utur comit poem, "Suppose" was read by the membership for co-opera- Thi T ayear the boys' basket- convenor. tion and assistance durmng ber senior, are in a league with Co utes; treasurer's report was steel introduced the new slate bourg, O.C.C.I. and O.C.V.I.. . of officers for 1958 as cbosen The first game will be an ex-! by Nominating Committee. hibition one witb Pickering, OBITUARY President, Mary Moore; Vice- Splayed in Bowmanville on Fni- pres., Myra Page; Secretary, daJa.1. The teams will ABR FINDLAY Doris Howan; Assist. Secretary, play nine games with three be-Jae pnly;TasrEi -ing exhibitions. ThornbiIl community was leen Malcolm; Assist. Treasur- fPasses for the dance (only> saddened November 22, witb er, Cornie Malcolm; Flower will be given out for tbe Fifth the passing ai Mr. Talbert Fin- & Fruit Comnittee-Treasurer, Form annual Christmas Party dlay, Centre Street, Thornbill. Ernestine Hobinson, also Ber- on Dec. 20. You may obtain Altbougb Mi,. Findlay bad nice Gibson and Isabelle Wil- 1 be rmete isLyoksfee rmalntyiles son; Organist, Mrs. Ruth Wil- the o ro n itherpo sson now. feedfo lntyilns son.' Assist. Organist, Mrs, Geo. on Frniythe iirst meetin he was able to carry on with Heaslip. On Fidaythe irstmeetngbis profession until about six of tbe art club was held xitb xveeks ago. Ruth Wilson convened the Mrs. McMaster in charge. The He was born at Leskard, Ont- program. Doris Rowan, "A Lit- colours and same designs were ario on October 3, 1889, the tlie Bit of Christmas", Audrey picked for tbe "At Home" son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, a reading; contest, Ber- whicb will be on Feb. 14. Blue Saunders Findlay, formerly oî nice Gibson; Ruth Wilson, and ilvn wre ecied n a Leskard and Langstaif, Ont- "Night Before Christmas"; Ma- suitable colours fon the "Sivan ario.- ry Moore, a read.ing; Eileen Lake" theme. j he barbering profession ac- Malcolm concluded with "No Last Tbursday nigbt aven in cupied most of Mn. Findlay~s More Excuses For Me!" iOshawa, aur B.H.S. Grade Nirîe business life, having practised An exchange ai gifts was and Ten girls' voile ' bail teams lin Unionville for eight years also enjoyed. Audrey Gibson won thein respective tourna- two years of which were speni broke the law ai averages by ments. Three scbools took part., in partnersbip witb bis bro- receiving tbe gift ai Myra IO.C.CI., -Ajax and Bowman- j thers, Milton and Howard in Page ion the third year in a ville. The Grade Nine team was i the hotel business tbere. row in ber draw. Lunch was made up ai Karen Ormiston, j With Mrs. Findlay and îam- served by the Explorers and Helen Panas, Sandra Chaska- ily, he moved ta Thornhill in their mammas. Praceeds going vich, Marie Tnimble, Dixie Gi, I 1926, where be carnied an with ta that arganization at 25S per 'Diane Hallman, Muriel Owen, is barbening, also renting the h ead reached $7.75. Jaro Trejbal, Julia Allun, dtbThornbill Hotel fromn 1926 tai Nimigon, Nellie Witvoet and 1941.I Charlotte Countice. The late Mn. Findlay was alI MAPLE GROVE Grade Ten was made up of member ai Tbornbill United Joan Ormiston. Donna Bragg. Churcb and of the Orange Lod- Mn. and Mrs. E. Eley, Coni Lynda Rackham., Donna Ma- ge at Tyrone. Ontario. 1dEgrPrtHpe e guire. Karen McArtbun, Marie Left to mourn bis passing, be- tee Coonv, aulee Lbre-queSunda y visitons witb ber sister, I Conev Palen Lare~ue.sîdes bis xife, are bis daugb- Mn. and Mrs. D. Laverty and Aileen DeWitb, Marilyýn Bas- ter Ola, Mrs. GardonWale familv. kerville. Kav Mackie, Doris land son Talbert, bath ofHih Mn. and Mrs. Ned Gould and Martin and Miss Bennett \vas, land Par~k. bis sister Pearl. paul were supper guests wvitb the girls' coach. Conigratula-: Mvrs. L. Rainev and brotherI Mn. and Mns. Hugh Jones, tions champs. Milton. hoth of Unionville, a nd jTarant o, on 5unday. Houseleaglue vollevball plav- brother Herbert of Collingývoodî Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foley visit- I affs began on Monda.v. llD ialso fouir grandcbildren. P d with Mn. and Mrs. Laurence i tawn won over 11lB county for; The funeral service which Staples. Betbanx'. the intermediate title. 12BH;l ,as lield Monday afternoon, tMr. and Mrs. Wilbert Budd, county vs. 13 town, for the sen- 1 Nov. 25, from the Wright and'jDale, Mrs. Sam Snowvden, Osha- i ion cbampionsbip. j Taylor Funeral Home. Hi ch-t wa, visited witb M.r. and Mrs. 9B and 9G are tied for th e'mond Hill. was conducted by ICharles Snowden. county tîtle and the winner Dr. E. B. Ecdy, assîsted by Hev. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van Camp will play witb 9F town for the E. E. Pugslev ai Toronto. In- and cbildnen leit on Saturday junior title after Christmas. l terment w.as in the Thornhili morning and spent Sunday witb There xiii not he anr*v Screech cenetery. The palibearers were Mrs. Lodge, Maryland and are 0wl news next week as we are Messrs. Frank Harrison, Har- going on ta Daytona Beach, in the middle of examinations aId Echin, A1ex Jamieson, Ja- Florida, wbere tbey wiil stay for at that time in case you didn't mes Fisher, Lawrence DenbY a montb's bolidays. know? and Bovnton Weldrick. Mrs. Fred Ashton, Toronto, is W'e take - his opportunit *v ta .Fiindla%- will long he ce- visit.in g witb ber daughter and wi-zni verý!ý -a r .'~îmmnererl foi, his pleasant pe- son-inlawý, Mn. and 1M>rs. Clifford Chrîztrnas andi a HaPDrw New scina1itv and iniendliness to - Swallow. Report card. Good luclc gang. w ar î otherr. . The gentlemen 01l the com- Married in Zion Churci, ol In a recent, ceremony at Zion United Church, Ma.rilyn Marie Killen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rolaert Killen of Zion, was united in marriage with Constable Vilfred Frank, RCML\P, son of Mr. and Mns. Gustav Frank )f Rosenfeld, Manitoba. The couple will live in Orillia. -Photo by Ireland Studio, Osbawa 'W.A. Siate of Officers Incomplete ut Kedron Kedron: The December Wom- by Mrs. R. E. Lee to W.A. mem- an's Association meeting was bers and their husbands to the held on Wednesday afternoon Lee home. "Cloverlea", on Jan- at the home of Mrs. Wm. uary 1, on the occasion of a re- Mountjoy. Worship with Christ- ception marking the Golden mas theme was led by Mrs. A. Wedding Anniversary of Mrs. Spencer. Prelude and hymns Lee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. wvere played by Mrs. B. Starr, T. Stainton. An invitation was Scripture was read by Mrs. J. extended from Mrs. G. Trevail Francis, and readings were to hold the January meeting at given by Mrs. Carr. her home. Mrs. M. Walter introduced Rev. R. H. Riekard presided the new Missionary study book for election of officers, but since "Journey to Japan". The Sec- the 1958 siate is stifl ncomn- retary's report was given by plete, this will be submitted Mrs. Clifford Hopkins. Mrs. *later. [t was decided to have Harvey Pascoe read severai ex- a nominating committee in the pressions of appreciation for New Year. Mrs. Douglas Love W.A. kindnesses. and Mrs. W. Snowden reported Holl cali was answered with for the flower committee, and the name of a favourite caro] a sum of money was voted for Mrs. W. Werrv, president, con- this wàrk. Mrs. Percy Mount- ducted business in which it was joy with Mrs. W. Werry were decided to give $60 to Missions named as the Christmas Cheer and $10 to Save-the-Children committee. Fund. Our missionary for Hostesses with Mrs. W. prayer is Miss Ruth Nelson, Mountjoy were Mrs. C. Hop- worker in British Columbia, kins, Mrs. W. Snowden, and and members are requested to Mrs. Carr. A Christmas fruit so remember ber, cake was especially made for An invitation was extended 'tbis occasion by Mrs. Hopkins. Explorers Serve Lunch To W.A. ut Yelverton Yelverton: Tbe busy Decem-1 given by Mrs. Jas. Sheekieton; ber meeting of Yelverton W.A. the "flower and fruit" by Joyce ýo Le 1- .y d ýz d e n munitY are asked ta remember- Brotherhood on Thurdsday ev- ening (to-night). Mr. Fritz Marta will be guest speaker. A correction in last week's statement on the church visita- tion. It is ta be completed by Dec. 21 mnstead of the 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gasket, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooney on Sunday. Very sorry ta report that Mr. Roy Metcalfe is on the sick list. We all wish him a speedy re- covery. The Evening Auxiliary of the W.M.S. will meet on Monday evening, December 16 at the churcb. An exchange of gifts not more than 50C value will be beld. Please note change of date. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stevens, Blenbeim, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. OBITUARY dtORACE J. HANCOCK Courtice has lost one of its life-time citizens in the death of Horace James Hancock on Dec. 3rd. He was born on the farmn whicb he later took over from bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hancock. After attending Mt. Carswell No. 8 Scbool, he, for a time. helped work the farm with his' parents. Later Horace married Miss Eva Courtice who was born in the village and both settled down to farming until the year 1945 when tbey sold the farm and moved a balf mile nortb where they enjoyed their retire- ment among the friends and neighbours with whom they had been associated for so many years which bas now been in- terrupted with the sudden pass- ing of Horace who was able to attendtbe chores necessary to keeping bouse aithough bis gen- eral healtb bad not been up to the mark for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Hancock were blessed witb two 'children, Frances and James, and now bave 10 grandcbildren. Frances married Mr. Harold Muir and settled on an adjoining farm. James, for a time, was Assistant Agricultural Representative at Barrie. A couple of years ago be purcbased a farm at Elm- vale, Simcoe County, near Georgian Bay, wbere be and the family now liye. Out of a family of six only one1 brother remains, Frank, wbo lives in Winnipeg and was able to attend the funeral. From their youtb Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hancock have been mem- bers of Ebenezer Metbodist Cburcb, later United Churcb. The funeral was beld from the Morris Funeral Home on Dec. 5th and tbe service was in charge of Rev. Harold Stainton, pastor of Ebenezer Churcb, who returned to this charge whicb he previousiy held some years ago. Among those from out-of- town attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hancock. Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunlop and Mrs. Kurt Swinton, nieces of the deceased. The palîbearers were John Muir, Donald Muir, grandsons, ,Mark Hancock, Robert Hancock, Douglas Courtice, Roy Dunlop. I Special Chiristmas Bar gains v Regular $3.95 each Christmas Special Men 's Dress Socks 100% Nylon In ail sizes, colours anad patterns.l i A REAL BUY AT ONLY 75 ScPAIR MEN'S Suburban Coats ini a complete range of colours and sizes Regular $19.95 SPECIAL Bowma nvi île Surplus Store S42 King St. E. National Consu mers' Association Request Cover Caps on MiIk Bottles In a panel discussion at the Milk Distributars' Convention in Toronto they were told that the extra cost of this improvement was the reason it was not used in Toronto. They were asked if they were willing to pay more for a quart of milk with a cover cap. The consumers stated they would be willing to pay 'Ac a quart more for,-the more sanitary bottie cap. The consumers of Bowmanville and surrounding district have been able to get this more sanitary battie caver since March Ist, 1955, at no extra cost. This is just one of the many improvements Glen Rae Dairy have been willing ta institute in order that their customers might have the best milk possible delivered ta them. Gien Rae Dairy 98 King St. W. $2.75EACHI Phone M 3321 Bowmanville PAGE POURIZEN TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ONTAIUÉ) TffURSDAY, DEC. 12th, 1957 Phone MA 3-3211 ..1 1 *$14.18

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