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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1957, p. 15

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ILI'WTYRSDAYS D!C. lth. 1957 THE CA"!ADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO PAfW VTI'~W.WN Durham Potato Grower 2nd With 822 Bushels Mriddlesex Farm Tops Russell Thompson of Strath- roY. Middlesex Connty, with 874 bushels per acre, had the highqt officiai yield of potatoes . ¶ro for 1957,. reports the ýrosBranch of the On- eleEept. of Agriculture. Del- Olan of Miilbrook, Dur- hanI County, placed second with 822 bushels per acre. Eacb grawer stood first in bis con- test for quality also and each Ùised Sebago vaiety wbich bas becomne very papular in West- ern and Central Canada si.nce its introduction a few years ago. With 144 entries inS' contests Organized by caunty and dis- trict branches of the Ontario Soul and Crop Improvement Assciation, the average yield Was 392 bushels compared ta the average for the province of 190 bushels per acre. Eight of the nine clubs awarded their Major prizes an a basis of quai- lty as well as quantity. The- patato bydmometer is Used ta test dry matter content of samples of eacb cran, and this factor together witb the total yield of marketable pota- tops per acre. which includes CASTLES IN THE AIR ... aren't subjeet to foreclosure, but bouses on the ground mav ho lost through suddea adversity. *An ineirpensive mortgage rolicy' bi the Sun Lite Assurance Com- pany of Canada wiIl free vour home from any debt remaining at your death. Protect your loved ones' homo .cail me today. Banner Passant Representative MIA 3-3258 53 Brown St. Bowmanville appearance, maturity.- uniform- ity, size, freedom from insects and disease, comprise the total score for qnaiity. In some cases prizes are also awarded for condition of potatoes in storage and for selected exhibits. From the standpoint of var- iety, 4 clubs won with Sebago, 3 with the new scab-resistant Huron variety, 2 witb Green Mountain and one with Cbip- pewa variety. The most recently organized club is in Prescott County where 26 growers have com- pleted their second annual con- test. Their average yield wvas 506 bushels, takmng the lead for the province for the second consecutive year. The official record for ail 500 Bushel Clubs in Ontario since their arganiza- tion in 1943, is held by C. H. Chapman, Nipissing, Parry Sound District, with an estim- ated yield of 897 bushels of Cbippewa variety in 1950. The White Gift Se-vice of T'rone Sunday Scbool will be held tbis Suinday, Dec. 15i at T0 a.m. in the c humcb. Contri- butions of food, clothing or money will be accepted from any of the classes and the con- gregatiari befome or after the service. Please note the time. Bethesda school concert will be held in the school bouse Dec. 17 and Tyrone scbool con- cert will be Dec. 19 in tbe Community Hall. Mr. and Mms. K. Colbary and Frankie visited their son, Mr. and Mrs. Cari Colbarv Jr., at Enclid, Ohio, and their daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Howard, Cleveland. Mr. and Mms. John Broome andi family visited Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Broomne, Saina. Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott and childmen, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshall, Humber Bay. Larry Rosevear leit Monday morning ta take uip duties at Bruce County Farm Manage- ment Association. Mr. and Mrs. F. Camemon, Hampton, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and Hector, Mm. and Mrs. Ever- ett Wilson, and Brian, Mrs. Rossie Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. John Hendershott, Oshawa, weme Saturday evening visit- ors of Mm. and Mrs. John Wil- son and Allan. Mm. and Mrs. Paul Ledoux and daughters, wbo have been Lre! Freel IBL ACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas I Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION n CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD ti AIND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-29)9 Vigor9GA. Standard 1cùAL Ciasoline cldn t( 1 rr Vigor Super 9__ High Test 43 0Cincuding tax Complete urcto at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENKNGS AND SUNDAYS I living in part of Mrs. L. iAI t' t Jones' house are moving ta Vh tsto Mrs. Edith Murphy spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Nestle-C e t a Sp Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilis, Mrs. S. (Peterboro Examiner) T. Hoar visited Mrs. H. Curtis and Mrs. Ethel Cole, Orono, If the Central Ontario Spring an Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hilis1 Fair were to fold up, and that were tea guests of Mrs. S. T. isn't en immediate prospect, Hoar. Peterborough's million dollar Joy Chamberlain visited Mr Memorial Community Centre and rs Rss MRobets. would lose one of the agricul- .and Mrs oss MRobe and tural activities for which the children, 'Peterborough, spent fe eacandrantadrio0.000 as Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. ments eajflg subld $0,00a Park, Jr. abOlnght poitdic teat Vivian Chamberlain visited On at on kSeat Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood, Osh- manager of Peterborough Ex- awand Ann McNevin, visi-hiton enquired Thursday awa., n Ms D eNvn nght. "Are we going to have edhwa Mr*n r. .MNvn enough farm affairs in the Mrshanda.K Rh adMemorial Centre ta warrant Mhlre, anvMs. K. Rar and s the expenditure of $100,000 for Roildrenaristd M.ad r.agricultural purposes. The Ex- r ana r.F.L mvs hibition Board couid have put itdMr. and Mrs. .. yam is- aur money ta other use." Cite on 1r n r.G iIs At this meeting a deputation Cann.gtn . Wle ak, from the Spring Show submit- Mr. leand DMrs, Walte Par.ited tothe- ex 'ecutive of the Ex- Cecile and Mdola, vistedmr. hibition a proposai ta assume aville. J udcBwa- direction of a Spring Show, en- vill. adMs ereAlr larging its soope beyond the clenMr. and Mrs. erg A Mde- limits of a seed fair. It would caobedrotM and Mrs. H. wMa be a district undertaking, and ville. adfaiyBwmn not merely another enterprise Mr. and Mýrs. Marshall MilT- er, Agincourt, visited Mrs. W. Miller on Sunday. B a k t c Miss Barbara Taylor spent B a k t c the weekend with ber sister, Mr Mrs. Don Real and Mr. Real. Ê y fo N e The evening group of W.A met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Lamne Annis andî Blackstock: Twenty-eight la- the afternoon eust group at the dies and cbildren gathered in home of Mrs. S. E. White. the Community Hall Friday Mr. and Mrs. Harve.y Hardy,1 night f or the December meet- Mr. Cecil Alldread, Bowman-j ing of the Women's Institute ville, Mr. Russell Hardy, To- vbich took the form of a ronta, visited with Mr.' and Christmas party for the cbiid- Mrs. George Alldread. iren. Mr. and l\Irs. Larry DewelT,' The hall was gaily decorated Mr. and Mýrs. Chas. Johns, and a lighted tree surrounded Bowmanville, were dinneri by gifts created a Christmas at- guests of Mr. and Mrs. John mosphere. Nancy Staniland Broome, Sunday. read the Scripture passage, The IChristmas Story. Rail cail was Iweil answered by "my grand- B LACKSTOCK jmotber's mie an n where she was born." Wo-He-Lo Mission Band met Mrs. V. Asseistine gave the Tuesday afternoon with 22 current events. Business con- cbildren present. A gaine \vas sisted of a cali for baking for played uinder the supervision the doil draw and bake sale in of5 iVrs. Butt. Linda Butt pre- connection with Port Perry sided. Ivrs. Hill conducted the hospital, and arrangements for worship period based on "The aur next card Party ta be held Baby Jesus and the Wise Mei"ý Jan. 3. alWihtpeie The offering was received b ' Mrs. Cr rgtpeie Judy Mountjoy and Glen Boi-j netta read the prayer. Helen, and Dorothy Lee. Eleven mnem- Swain read the prayer and! bers were present at the meet- rail cail which was answered ing. The Christmas excbange by "a hynrn I like. "Sulent was held. Night" was then sung. Jin" Belated congratulations ta Carnaghan read a story "Hsin Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp Dzen's First Christmas". Russelli, wbo were 25 years married an Carnaghan sang "~Bobby Shafto" Nov. 3Oth. They spent a long Denis Ashton read "He Cames weekend in Toronto and Kit- For Me" and Doris Ashton pla-y - chener. ed a piano solo, "~Blue Belis of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Heaslip Scotland". Closed by singing and Mrs. B. Armstrong, To- "Long Ago at Christmas". monta, weme weekend guests of Monday night in the Com- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow munity Hall after the speeches and the Harry Van Camps. Mr. from. ail who had contested in, and Mrs. Glen Van Camp and the election, the Women's In-! Billy were also Sunday visitors stitute sponsored an eucbre of the Han-y Van Camps'.. Party at which 17 tables were M.adMs aodSisn played. Prize winners were Mrs. r n r.HaodSisn Thos. Smith, Mrs. Osmond Yelverton, spent Tuesday even- Wright, Merlin Suggitt and' ing and Wednesday at the Wal- John Ross. ter Wrights wblle Mrs. Walter Prize winnems at the part I was In Part Pemry and Lais in sponored by te L..B.A hospital where she had her Tuesday night at which seven Glad t reort r.Aler tables of euchr re e lydi ghathomepofromhopiAlbeast were: Mrs. F. Hodgson, Mr. F. Weekhtndogettig round npice-la Elodgson, Port Perry; door prize ekadgti ronni- M'rs. Thas. Smith. y At the Farmers' Union meet- Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, .ng Wednesday night in the Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Community Hall, Mr.Lei nold Taylor and Dianne, were WVoods of Bowmanville, County SRydayloessor M..n Ms )irectom, was present and spo'lee r. aylors. Hrl ' mriefly and led discussions. Ar-1 erM. and Mms.ne HartingsWheel- rangements vere made for the' tand DiannetHstngsest Christmas party which is ta be theweek nd wBth the Ernst held in the hall December 13,Swains and Br o heealems The annual meeting of the Mran Mr.Jb Hmb, Z.O.B.A. was held Tusa Winnipeg, are visitir the Bai- night and following officers re leys, McLaughlins and Roy elected for 1958. Past Wor. Mis- Tayloms. ress, Sister Susie Harris, W. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Cath- M., Sister Dorothy Lee, Dept. cart and family, Toronto, were M., Sister Muriel Wotten; Chap:- Sunday guests af Mr. and Mrs. lain, Sister Olive McLean; Dir. Fred Cowling. of Ceremonies, Sister Mary Mc- The Brownies and Girl Kee; Treas., Sister Margaret Guides and their leaders at- Ian Cap;Se9ar, ise i dedsericein the Presbv- Irn 1,s klpr îni»de,, alNPONEFS Repairing everything from fences to farm buildings, cler- i ng new acreage, cutting winter firewood . . . these are just a few of the time-saving, money-making ways farmers ,acros3 the country are using light-weight, easy-to-service Pioneer chain saws. Let us show you how a Pioneer sav. ýcan help you ta more profitable farmlng! SOLD BY S. S. Morton & Son Ontario rc See the Complete Range of Pioneer Saws d a3 low as $104.1? O.N.O. Banquet For Husbands Blackstock: On Saturday night in the Recreation Centre the members oi the O.N.O. cn- tertained their busbands toaa turkey dinner, the W.A. of the Anglican church catering. Af- ter the dinner Dalton Dorrell and Richard Bowles led in a si ng- sang. ?A toast ta the husbands was praposedi by Mation Canaghan and Howard Trewin replieci and read a poem of his awn coniposing. A toast ta the \vives wvas prapased by Re%,. P. Ramentl and was replied ta by Aima Duff. Rov Turner thanked the W. A. ladies for the lovel.v dinner and Mrs. Jack Hamilton me- plied hoping the O.N.O. club would continue in its good e works. The tables were then clear- J cd awav and an evening of fun anfd pgaincýzen ived b>,-evemv- (e!' riii .n-, inoiher ().N.O. V a - (?i 'lt for the nusbalids iWoaa Recorne of ýring Fair? President's Post Unfilled Bethany W.A. Bethany: The Woman's .As- sociation of the United Chumch held their meeting in the Sun- day School room an Tuesday wîth Mrs. John White presiding and 24 members present. Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel showed a film "Christmas Around the World" giving the customs of different countries as they celebrate the birth of Jesus. Mrs. Preston Neals gave the topic "Let Us Rejaice". "This Christmas season, we pray for a new awareness of the wander and beauty of life. When we celebrate the Divine Gift af life ta the Son of God, let us be of Peterborough Exhibition. Ken Fallis of the Ontario de- partment of agriculture sug- geÈted that a new spring show should be more broadly based than registered seeds, especial- iy as livestock was a main in- vestrnent of the farmers of this district. Rural appeal of the Spring Show was too narraw, and as the agri. reps. said at the recent annual meeting of the Spring Show, the response of farmers was not coinmensur- ate with the time and money expended in it as an extension project af the Ontario depart- ment. TPhe Show deputation, headed by Wilson Geftimell, expressed confidence that a "broader baséd" showv could succeed, and pointed ont that they weren't coming empty-handed. Tbey have a treasury balance In four figures. But, part of that money could be ticked off as gavern- ment and county grants. The Exhibition group were asked for an early decision. thankful for our share ln that gift. Let us be thankful for the love of familles and friends and humbly grateful for those in public life who make aur world a better place ta live in." The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. R. Carr and the ex- planatian given by Mrs. J. White, wvbo also led in prayer. Christmas hymns and carols were sung. Sunshine boxes were packed for the sick and shut-ins. Letters of tbanks from Miss Hazel Malcolmson and Mrs. Harry Ryley for gifts received during illness were read by the Sec'y, Mrs. Mervyn Porteaus. It was decided ta donate $45.00 towards the Missionary and Maintenance Fund of the church. Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel presided for the electian of officers, but the major post, that of president, xvas flot filled. The present bolder, Mrs. John' White, sub- 9 N.I. Gives edy Children .for the program. Nancy Stani- iland, Betty Bradburn, Sharon Larmer and Douglas Asseistine gave readings; Elizabeth Thomp- son, Mary Bradburn and Nan- icy Dorreli renulered piano so- los. Heather and Leanne Dor- reil sang a duet. Captain Norman Cales of the 1Salvation Army, Bowmanville, .then addressed the meeting and 1told of the social side of their work, after which the children presented him with a large box of toys ta be used in their work. Mrs. Richard Bowles present- ed two f ilms,~ the first one a story in picture of the writing of the carol, "Sulent Night" which was composed in Aus- tria in 1818. After the singing of caraTs Mrs. Bowles present- ed the other film "Howdy Doody" for the children. After the, meeting closed Santa arriv- ed, and distributed the gifts. The customary lovely lunch with the addition of Christ- mas cake and home made car- dy was served and ail enjoyed the-social haif-hour. ALMER 20-oz. tin Choice Peas---- 3 for 49c IIEINZ CooI<ed Spaghetti Wl ecns GRAPE JUICE Solo Brand MARGARINE- ALKA-SELTZER 24-oz. bottie u u -m 35C -~ ~ - Lb.53C SmalI 34c Large 68c MEATS Quality' Beef- Specially Selected Round Steakc lb.c or Roast Swift's Tender, Delicious, Peamealed Cottage Rols lb.49c Swift's Tasty, Meaty Spareribs lb. .55C Swift's Prerniuir Breakfast Sausage lb. 39c Swift's Premium Franks THERE'S E: H ITE 1 WOOD TORES si )BOWMANVILLE - Yeo's Marketeria ORONO - - - Cornish Marketeria MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria 13LACKSTOCK - - Blyth's Market Santa Io be ai Maple Grove Super Market - Thurs. evening, Dec. 12 FREE GIFTS FOR ALL CHILDREN I. 15-oz. tin - -2 for 31c Fancy MIXED NUTS - -Lb. 43c Golden Hour IREAMS AND JELLIES 2 Lb. Pkg. 59C Supreme 51YLONS SO8C 1560 Gauge 98C NYOS 15Dner - Pr. 1 Denier - Pr. PRODUCE EXHILARATING, DIFFERENT, FLORIDA FANCY TANGERINES Large 176 size Doz. 33c BRIGHT, FLAVORFUL, No. 1 LARGE IJOTHOUSE TCMATOES Lb - Jb27c GARDEN FRESH, ROSEBUD RADISHES - MILD, FLAVORFUL, No. 1 24-oz. Cet PARSNIPS-- - CRISP AND TENDER, NEW CROP, TEXAS CARBAGE-- - BIRDSEYE FROZEN FOODS - w Cello pkg. - E. 9c fl bag -19C - h9c Birds Eye STP.AWBERRIES 15-oz. pkg.- Bîrds Eye GREEN BEANS lO-oz. pkg. ~.-___ Birds Eye BROCCOLI SPEARS lO-oz. pkg. 29e several members were proposed ta succeed hem, they were not at the meeting. The matter was held over ta the January ses- sion. Others elected were: lst Vice- Pres., Mrs. Thomas- Jennings; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. J. P. Hen- dersorf; Secretary, Mrs. Mervyh Porteous; Treasurer, Mrs. Walter Neals; Sunshlne Committee, Mrs. Ross Davidson and Mrs. Addison Scott; Pianist, Mrs. R. Carr. Pragram conveners and group leaders are: No. 1, Mrs. Otto Spencer; No. 2, Mrs. Clarence Rowan; No. 3 (ta be announced ater); No. 4, Mrs. Walter Row- land; No. 5, Mrs. Thomas Mal- colmson. Lunch was served b; Mrs. Milton Wright, Mrs. Preston Neals, Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel and Mrs. J. Whiteside. Mrs. A. Scott expressed t1fe- thanks of the members ta the hostess group and ta those who had taken part From now un tif Christmas a 0 a We WiII Give 8- $100 PUR'CHASE-S S ave Black Diamond Stamps For Wonderful Gifts Absolutely FREE Ma pie Grove Supermarkel DON'T FORET.. SANTA CLAUS AT DUR STORE TO-NIGHT 2-1b. cello pkg-. - - - 79c A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU M6;iad-5-um- 1 1 1 IMDAT, DEC. 12th, 1957 a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE rrrmEN 1 mitted her resignatian and whiie in the program. I M TYRONE 29e - 1 Bovt manville 1 1

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