WAUU W~TEEYt JA A VJZAW JMO m W*LINA VUf.q fl I Durham County Display'Featured at Royal Durham Counby's high grade potatoes were atbracbivelv dis played front of the display. The exhibit also features the average high yields nt the recent Royal Winter Fair wibh the resuit that the exhibit won which have been obtained for the 500 Bushel Potato Clubs in Ontario second prize in the commercial competition. The display shows the as well as bbc yields of Delbert Olan, Millbrook, oubstanding potato three trophies wvon permanenbly by the junior potato clubs in Durham grower. In addition the display reminds of the high quality of Durham together wibh the rophy the counby won for the first lime in 1957. potatoes. Pictures of the various winning teams from Durham are shown in the Present Many Awards Holstein Club Pays Tribut e 'A. Muir Completes 44 Years The annual banquet of bbc Durham County Holstein Club was held in bbc Orono United Church Friday cvcning wibh a full lui-fout o! Junior and Sen- ici- members. Awards and rophies won during bhe past ycar were pi-e- senbed 10 the various winners with special recognition bcing gvnto Ai-chie Muir Sr., Courti ce. In recognition o! bis contri- bution to the Holstein breed and bis service to the Holstein Fresian Association of Canada Mr. Muir was prescnbed wibh a 40-year pin. Mr-. Muir is the only breeder in Durham Coun- ty wbo bas been a member of the Association for over 40- years witb bis actual member- ship being 44-years. James Brown, director o! bbc Association and vice-president o! the Durbam Holstein Club, made tbc presentation ta tbe veberan breeder. "The Mui- famnily bas contributcd much 10 bbc cause o! bbc black and white cow,"I Mr. Brown statcd. A beautiful bouquet o! flow- crs was presenbed 10 Mrs. Muir. Mrs. Howard Forder made bbc Presentabion on bebaîf o! the Holstein Club. Guest Speaker Guesî speaker for bbe occa- sion was Allan Paige, Canadian Di-ector of Personnel for bbc Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Mr. Paige spoke on mcn's modern miracles. TlIiesc include bbc miracles of powecr, sound and video transmission, as well as bbc advances in medical science and industrial bechno- 10ogv. Another modemn miracle he tbought is bbc malter o! in- creased social security. Trends bowards fuller social sccurity bave been apparent in industry but Ibis is only bbc first step and much more remains b bE donc be said. 'There is no reason why men's miracles can't be sbared by ail. The choice is ours," he said in conclusion. Mr. Paige was introduced by Harry Cryderman, Manager of Purcbasing for bhc Bowman- ville Goodyear Plant and tbanked by '"Sandy" Muir. Record Year FChairman for bbc evening was Howard Forder, president of bbc Durbam Holstein Club. Mm. Forder reviewed the club activities wbicb book place during bbc ycar and from bbc club's achievements be felt il was a record year. ARetai*ler's 6 Point Advertising Check Liest No. 1 - Do You Plan Carefully ? Haphazard, hit or miss advertising i% bound to be wasteful and ineffective. Fix your sights on your objectives. Outline wvhat you wvant your advertising to do, and then plan carefully how your advertising should proceed to do it. No. 2 - Does Your Copy Seil Human Denefils? Always try to interpret your product or service in terms of how it will benefit the buyer. People don't buy toothpaste just because it is tonth- paste, but because it gives theni beautiful teeth and a pleasant breath. No. 3- IsYourSales Copy Simple and Clear? Avoid long words and long sentences.- Always search for the siniplest word when you write your copy. ,kJo. -4 - Are Your Layouis and Typography Simple? Try flot to crowd your ads with too many elements. Avoid using too mnany different type faces. Use sufficient white space to bring out individual items. No. 5 - Are You Fair Wilh Your Compelilors? Neyer make derogatory comparisons with the products and services of your conîpetitors, no matter what the provocation. Your fairness -.vili win friends and earn the respect of your comniunity. No. 6 - Are You Stating Prices In Your Copy? The first tbing a reader wants to kn ow w~hen he considers the purçhase of a product is: "lVhat does it cost?" Except in very special circum- stances, xever fail to quote prices in your ads. For assistance and advice in planning your newspaper advertising consuit the display advertising staff of Rend hv an estirnated 15,000) prospective customers each w.eek Special cntertainment was provided by Rod Taylor, bud.- ding young ventriioquist froin Bowmanville, and Mrs. John Goodfcllow who sang severai solos mucb b bbce delight of the audience. She was accom- panied by Mrs. Bryce Hazeibon. Cal! Clubs Present Invited guests of the Durham Holstein Club were bbc mcm- bers o! the three cal! clubs in bbc county. Earl Brown des- cribed bbc work carried out by the caif club members and went on to introduce cach of tbc members wbo werc pi-es- cnt. A moment o! silence was ob- served during bbc evcning in memory of bbc late Ed Sum- mers. Raise in Fee Approved by Union Local 78 Enniskillcn: Enniskiilen Farm Union Local 78 met in Tyrone Hall, Tuesday, Dec. 3. The proposed new member- sbip fee was discussed and pass- cd by à small majoriby. Results o! Ibis vote are sent bo Pro- vincial office, il being nccessaryl for a majority of Provincial1 Locals to endorse such a raise, before lb becomes cstablished.1 The new officers bave taken I Award Winners Local. A series o specîaf e I Wright we recommend that next Following is a list of the rngs for the county is proposed year's Council consider securing rawards and trophies prsne for January in the vicinity of1 another Assessor. Moved by at the banquet: Higest total each Local. A demand for Deputy-Reeve Green and sec- score in the Durham Dairy assistance to form a new Local onded by Coun. Trewin that the Caif Club - Bill Tamblyn; in the county has been recei-led seirvices of Tom Harris be secur- H-ighest Junior Judge at the and is being given careful con- ed as Legal Adviser for the *C.N.E.-Gerr¶r Brown; T . Eaton sideration. Municipality. Carried. L Co. Silver Tray-Lorne Pascoe; Moved by Coun. Trewin and Premer xhibtorat te Oonoseconded by Coun. Hyland that BPackiand hite St hoJamestation the application of Chas. Clarke BraokwndPreie BreederamOrs esiI onhaLon as caretaker for the rink be ac- ono Show-James Brown; Jack Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Langfeld, cepten d crlng.00 er ek fo LKellough Trophy - J a mes Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rohrer and skat ing and urin. oved by Brown; Master Feeds Trophy- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliott attend- Coun. Wri hat asconedby James Brown; Best Uddered ed the Motorama show in Toron- paid and adjourn until Monday, Cow-Alex Muir. to on Wednesday evening. Dec. 16, 1957 at 2 p.m. Jerry Nelson, fieldman for Bruce Heaslip attended the - the Durham Holstein Club, pre- funeral of the late Jack Rich- g sented the following with pro- ardson, formerly of View Lake,(I h duction certificates: A. L. Park- in Lindsay on Monday. Couples' lu er, Harvey Brooks, Bruce Tink, Congratulations to Miss Ethel Fancyis Jose;lJ. T. Bro n, Thompson wears TaIk on Frandyir Carlos Tamryn, wocîbae Ivi-birthday, Monday, Dec. 9. e r Tak o son Tamblyn, Howard Trewin, R. Robinson, Fred Steven. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elîjot The banquet portion of the and family of Leaskdale visited In dia and Iraq evening was capably handledth alEio's by the Women's Auxiliary of. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dawson vis- Maple Grove: The Couples the Orono United Church 'with ited Douglas at Waterloo on Club met on Thursday, Dec. 4 turkey being the main course. Sunday afternoon.- at the Maple Grove Church, Gib Marlow spent Sunday about 30 couples were present. with his mother Mrs. N. Mar- President Howard Bradleyl low, and Perce flulbert, Toron- opened the meeting. Marg. and to, viisted bis father Arthur Carl Down, Jack and Audrey Huibert. Hurrie, Doug. and Dorothy Oke Miss Muriel McKee, Mr. and are the nominating committee Mrs. Ray Barber and family, for 1958. Courtice, visited Mrs. S. Me- The worship service was con- Kee. ducted by Martha Penfound and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMulien Wilma Gatcheli. This was the and Carl Of Ballyduff visited very beautiful Christmas Story ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. told by readings from the Bible Hyland. and the Christmas music sung Gir Gude ew Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bob by Evelyn Essery, Betty Mac- Girl uide News Philp of Stirling will be pîcas- Gregor, Horace Vetzeal and Sim The Girl Guides and Brown- ed tb know that their younger (Penfound. les of Bowmanville wili be at-, son survived a serious hearti Carl Gatcheil introduced Cecil tending Trinitv ntd hrh'oea.o nSikCi 1rî' Edmunds who favoured us with on Sunday evening ta hold al Hospital, Toronto, last week. a number of solos, accompany- candleiight ccremony. Every- Mr. Elmer Nesbitt was taker i ng himscif on the guitar. one is wclcome to attend tbis to Memorial Hospital, Bow-1 Sim Penfound introduced Rev. 1 happy service. manville, via ambulance on Harold Staînton, our minister, I * *Sunday for observation. Iwho very capably told us about Instcad of having a Christmas Th lcktc uieadt he religion and customs in part thelstGuid ComanyBrownie troops attcnded Nest- India and Iraq. Pictures were is Pannig a olidy daleton Presbyterian Church in a1 shown Which Mr. Stainton had is pannng hoida dace for body on Sunday morning withîi taken while in these countries. January 3rd in the Badminton their leaders, Mrs. Richardý Allan Traveli thanked the Club. Bowles and Mrs. Ivan Thomp-1ispeaker and Mr. Edmunds for Thelocl ssoiatonis le so of the Guides and Mrs. their fine contribution, which Thelocl ssoiaionispîcs-John Baîlingaîl and Mrs. Ruylmade a very successful cvening. cd to xvlcome Mrs. Alan Lobb Turner of bcBo'~e uc a evdb the groupes ndMrs. James Patterson as Mrs. Turner read the Old'in charge. new members. Severai members Testament reading and î'vrs. Don't forget our New Year's hiave rsge this year irclud- Topo from the NcwxTest Eve dance at Enniskillen Hall. ing Mdrs. Wm. Rudeli who bas ament. Rev. R. Campbell se- ardies, Coupdis rt b r ing iust accepted the appointment comed the visjting troops, par- sacowkes, and Ebez b re 1 ()f District COmmissior.er for ents and friends and delivere c brîng andsze ret Newcastle. a splendid baî o hegils n g________________ Asas *Ofapecaio o the verse, '*And Jesus iincrea.r- As a sîgn arof aprveeito o d in wisdom and stature and MA L anohe yarofsevie the lo- in favour with God and man. , U.LLJJVJJ cal Association cntcrtained the co-ordinating it with theirf Guide leaders to a social even- rnotto: "~Be Prepared."' Tne jVîsitors at Mrs. J. D. Stevens ing. Small prizes were given girls and their leaders ar~e toonSda Mr.FR.oeyM. to vcyoe nda ureylunch be commended on their efforts and Mrs. David Foley and Eliza- rounded out the festivities. and aIl wish themn success and beth, Toronto, and Mrs. Herbert pîcasure in their "guiding." j Fole'V, Bowmanville, and daugbt- Doctrs prfomed ,027op- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sutton er Airs. Angus MacMillan, Van- Dctios erformd 5,027Red and children Laurie and Deb - couver. Sunday afternoon cali- eratios Hataadin 19,d Cross bie of Edmonton, Alta., have ers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens OutustHositas i 196. visited his parents in Pete - !and -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stev-, Canad'ai Red Cross Homej bo,.Ough Pnd are nvui d'.~ Liida arid Dn, iandi me, nt o 5,56à a ainn o-1956i.hNlrîos areln'z, Mr. Mrs. Ken Sumnersford, Bill and men o ~in19~. ~___a.nd Mrs. Larmen Ilyland.c Steven, town., Onu LIs on Breeder To Vaccin ate Calves Failure on the part of some catie breeders to comply with the regulations governing the vaccination of aIl female calves betwcen the ages of four anid cleven months, brought a wvarning today from W. P. Watson, Ontario Livestock Commissioner, that the onus for arranging for the vaccina- tion rests on the cattie owner. Under the Brucellosis Act breeders who fail to comply aie liable to prosecution. "Figures rcaching this office iitel-hat there are some owners who have faiied to get their calves vaccinatcd," said Mr-. Watson, "This is difficult to understand particuiarly as the Ontario govcrnment bears the cost of the veterinarian's Leaf Analysis Service Starts for Fruit Growers Mr. Watson pointed out that ail the owner had to do was notify the veterinarian that he had calves within the prescrib- ed ages. It was then the tespon- sibility of the veberinarian to see that the animais wcre vac- cinabed. Altbougb vaccination is per- mitted between four and ten months inclusive, it is recom- mended that owners who are iikely 10 seil stock for export should have their animals vac- cinated bebween the ages of six and eîght montbs. "If aIl producers co-operate ln this undertaking, Brucello- sis whicb bas caused heavy economie losses in the past will soon be brought under com- As a further step toward the continued production of high- quality fruit in Ontario, the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, through the Horticultural Ex- periment Station at Vineland. will next year offer a leaf analysis service for the apple, peach and grape growers of the province. j In producing high yields of Iqu'ality fruit the fruit grower has becorne increasinglv aware of the need for close control of the nutrient levels in bis trees and vines," said Hon. W. A. Goodfellow in announcing the new service. Il is generally agreed by those in the field of tree-fruit nutrition that leaf analysis offers the best single means so far discovered for de- termining these nutrient levels. It is therefore, in keeping with th e Department's programn of doing aIl possible 10 assist in qualiy production that we are Cartwrig ht Hires Road Superintendent Cartwright Council met on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, ail members present, Reeve in chair. Minutes read and adopted on motion. of Deputy-Reeve Green and Coun. ,Wright. Moved by Coun. Trew- in and seconded by Coun. IWright that caretaker get $2.00 per week extra for work when township buildings used by Guides and Scouts. Moved by Coun. Trewin thàt D.R.O. and P.C. also buildings used for Polling Divisions get an increase of $2.00 each. Carried. Moved by Coun. Wright and seconded by Coun. Trewin that the application of T. Horton for grader operator and Road Sup- erintendent be accepted at a salary of $3,100 per year. Car- ried. Moved by Deputy-Reeve undertaking this ncw service." The analysis service which will be under the direction of the Horticultural Experiment Station, wiil begin with samples taken from the Irces during the summer of next year. Because it is essential that tbe samples be laken at the proper lime, a grower wisbingî to have samples taken shouldi contact the Fruit and Vegetable Extension Specialist in his area before Jîîly I. Samples laken will be sent to Vineland wbere the analysis will be made. Because of the lime necessary to make a complete analysis some lime must clapse before a report can be sent b bbhe grower. Il is anticipated that a complebe report wili be in the hands of tbc grower before the end of tbe ycar. AIl samples will be analyzed for nitrogen, phosphorus, pot- assium, calcium and mÇagne- sîum. In addition, samples froni areas wbere other elements are known to be deficient will be cbecked for possible deficiency. Because o! the costly and analysis involved a nominal charge of five dollars per sam- ýple will be made to defray part of the cost of the service. able. .-- k Mrs. Morgan Speaker at Trinity W. The general meeting of 7~4n. ity Woman's Association waa held in the Sunday School Roorni on Dec. 10th. The theme song "Let the Beauby of Jesus Be Seen in Me" was foloN by prayer.. The woship service wilb-e. pared by Cburch Street Group No. 12. Mrs. Reta Hobbs led in singing a bymn. Mrs. Webber read the scripture, and Mrs. C. W. Siemon led in prayer. Mrs. Morgan showed pictures and bold the "Christmas Story"l. Fi-st verses of "O Little Town of Betblehem" and "Silent Night" wvere sung, accompanied by Mrs. Haliowell. Presîdent Mrs. W. C. Ives con. ducted the business. A very fine meeting was closed witil prayer by Mrs. Ives. Cla rke Te'achers Annual Banquet At Leskard The Clarke Township teach. ers held thei- annual banquel on Nov. 19 at Leskard Church when the Leskard ladies serv. ed a deiicious turk,2y dinner. The gucsts includcd guesi speakers Mr. A. A. Martin, In. spector of Public Sehools, Port Credit: Mr. C. A. Holmes, I.P. S., and Mrs. Holmes, Mr. Long, Minister of Leskard Cburcb and Mrs. Long, and members of the school boards from Leskard, Kirby, Clarke Union and Oak. The President of the Teach. er's group, Mr. Jas. Poliard, called on Mr. Holmnes bo intro. duce Mr. Martin wbo spoke on bbc deveiopmentai process of education, giving an oubline of bow children's education should develop as tbey proceed through scbool. Mr. Ford, teacher at Oronô High Sohool, entertained with some very fine solos, accom- panied by Miss Barbara Ann Alidread. The evening proved to be enbertaining and profit- We are pleased to a 0 q ANNOUNCE That we have added TO OUR LARGE RANGE 0F OTHER FAMOTJS NATIONALLY KNOWN PRODUCTS.M ADMIRAL TV ALONG Wif'H Rogers - Majestic T V We are now able to offer you a complete price range of television sets. Make this your Shopping Headquarters for Gifts ail the family. iT Use Dur Easy Lay-Away Plan, Mason & Dale Hardware Lirnited MA 3-3408 Bownianvil le 36 King St. E. ,.; ; w e , - , Bowmanville "M CAMA"IAN RTATRRM"- RMWVAMMJýv rwlorAlptf% q""Menk'r "PM i9flh "ft NU 3-5408 36 King St. E.