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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1957, p. 6

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A AM am mum CKAMZW àun~AwmVWlY. HtRDA', DC. 22h U Home Is BE To Teach a How to Ma M"2 best tine' snd place ior ler hglow ta m2ake and keep frians lin childhood and at home, according ta a report from the American Medical Afisoclation reccived by the Heaith League ai Canada. Elizabeth B. Hurlock, Ph.D.. outlined some tips for parents on how they can help ther children learn ta make fniends. If good foundutions for getting along wîth others are laid in the home, a childs chances for being papular are greatly In- creased, she said. Sanie suggestions ta parents are: Set a good exainple for social relatiorîships in the famniiv, ince children quickl.v imitate te4cder young green peas 0..dainty and delicious Ladies' Brush, Cai New Designs 4.95 - 6.95 Kodak Cameras Holiday Camera 3.90 Holiday Flash ____5.90 Hawkeye Flash 9._15 Brow nie Starlet ____6.95 Starflasb ---_____9.95 Starfiex 12.45 Duaflex IV ---_ 20.71 Musical Manicure Powder Box Sets 3.95 1.98- 2.99 Sels for Men Old Spice --__ 2.00 ta 4.1( Woodbary Sets. 2.11 Yardley Sets ---- 2.25, 4.' Gillette Razors 1.29, 3.79, 5.01 Bozed Stationery - Chocolates - 1, 2, 3 lbs. Gif t Wrapj cow PHONE bu 3-5695 DRUC was home for the weekend 'wI Holiaay .-ote ?st Place tw The Ladies' Orange -Lod.ge held a successful euchre partyiC i e f r G e r C hild ~ ~evening. Pnizes for hgh rscores anthk S i. wila Phillips: consolation;i g those elaborate prepara- thij rke rie d awrdsta Mn. Charles Smith' tions for Christmas snd New ha; ,and Carl Porteous. The iucky Ycar's enterta2lnin.g," wasu tcej patterns o! behavior they obdJdoor pnize was won by George word ai caution delivered in a ma, serve araunid them. Si -th. The ladies are planning pre-holiday statement by MrN. and Suprvse cil's any payt1 similar event during the Keith Raud, Port Williamns, N. gag, *Christmas holiday on the even- S. president et Uic Federated are with his brothers and sistersI in g of Dec. 27. Women'm Institutes ai Canada. the and with the neighborhoadi "Al aof us during this !es*ve 2. children. Show, hin how ta get Congratulations tO Mii. Han- eason lock iorward ta having along with others and expiain nah Cairns. who celebratcd her good tunes wvith aid frienâs and sup why a partic'ar behua))r j 83rd brthday on Dec. 5. Herj new," sie mid. 'but thome af ageý gooýd or bad. e. Mrs. Ernest Porter and us who mc far have been lucky abli As he grows aider. discuss as1 Mrs. Eani Davis of Toronto cane enough toi stay off Uic tratfiad a farnfly what makes certain to visit with her for the after- fatality list nuet exercise every di children popular and others noan. caution ta keep It that way.*" 3 unpopular. This shouid be kept Mr. and Mrs. 'William Jordan She tressed that lack o ai on an impersonul levei. Iland famiy have mnoved ta their alertness was particularly d"nroau Encourage hîm ta bring his new. home on Glengarry Rd. gerous ta drivers, and urged the friends home and help hun School p-upils in the senior hostesses to keep the aiety of ing learn how ta ente-tain. room of the public school had their guests in ind when hel Watch for the f irst signs of three days' holidays last week, planning festive entertainient anc jeulousy toward a brother or their teacher, Mrs. Snowden be- this yea.r. 4 sister and correct the cause be- ing ill with flu. Mrm. Rand uggeted a few thej fore it becomes a habit. St.Pal's W.A. hav Pla-y gamnes with a child, mc Mrs. Roy Jarvis enttertained per"TI D he can learn how. Since most th emesofteWoa' D .UARY Lnig] contacts with other chldren Ith ecd.ofteWoa' will be in play, he must be Auxiîhary' of St. Paul's Church d able ta play as well as they do1 on Thursday afternoon. The de- MES. GLADYS KINCAI» 5 if he is to be included i the votionai period w-as led by Mrs. Following an iUuea a! several ds gho e G. E. Meades. Orders were tak- 1othMr.Gays ici ted Group. n- prtn.tyIoýen for The Church Calendar and nnh, . a incairtthe: ive im a opprtun V OThe Living Message. It w-as de- aged 64 years, died nPrbr ta'k~tge i e asn oe ICrs-Perry Hospital an Friday, Dec.th -ýe then the bamisyofsCtoie--c th. She was born in Tarantoe ther and help him ta talk about 1 'a cheer toalal the sick and iaduhe itelt aulthe thines that are interestiug to hta i h ogeain iaduhe ftelt aulon onhltte o gegtin. IFallis and his wife, the former Cal onhimfor help. Chiid- Officers were eiected for the Sarah Jane Flynn. Following ren who develop the habiaI i coming year as fallows: Presi- her marriage ta, Ornond Kin- helping at home rarely sat back dent, Mrs. Roy Jarvis; Ist Vice- caid, she came ta, Bethany and and expect others ta do 'al the Prew.. Mrs. G. E. TMeades: 2nd has resided here sinice, becaming work, nor do they grumbe - Vîce-Pres.. 'Mrs. Ina Palmer: 'a member af the United Church cause they feel thev are ex-i Secretarv, Mrs. Douglas Smelt; and active in its Women'm As- for' pected Io do more than theirr Treasurer. Mrs. Winnifred Fitz- sociations. Her husband pre- fill, share. gerald: Dorcas Committee, Mrs.1 deceased.her 14 years ugo. Sui Expect him ta consider thet Wrn. Phîll:ps end Mrs. Herb.1 Immediately surviving is ber der jnterests and desires o! the fam- Kenned: Rectors Nominees, 1 brother, Charles Fallis ai Nestie- ed ilv. Teach him ta laugh ut hlm- _Mrs. Ina Palmer and Mrs. Em- tan. The fu.neral service was fini self. And make sure the home orv Smnith.I held framn the Reynolds Funeral We is a cheerful place. Being Following the clasIng prayers,I Home on Sunday, December 8th, w-a cheerful w-li eoeahbt oilhu a enjoyed with with Rev. R. R. Bonisteel officiat-de and this goes a long way toward lunch served by the hastess. întset, jmaking anyone popular. j Orange Ladge inallbearers wcre Messrs. Ed- Bis jDr. Hurlock is former secre- The Bethany Ladies' Orange g un Beer. Allan Beer, Ralph on tai-v af the American Psvcho- Lodge held their annual meeting Preston, Ernest Cavano, Herbert gr logicai Association's division on last week and the following of- Coppins and Emory Smith. W childhaod and adolescence. ficers were elected for the comn- Burial A-a3 in Failis Cemetery. pni ing vear: Worthy Mistress. Sîster De BE THANY . ssF er iolet Palist ]Business Direciory bc., £'DwrjTHANYDepuiy-Mistress. Sister M7ýarilyn - - 1 r n is al c Pomeray: Recording Secretary. o Mn.andMr. Hli Mc ISister Derena Clark, Financial Accoau nia n cy raf Mahon. Peterborough; Mr. and Secretarxy. Sister Bertha McGili; o Mrs. Elmer Hart and Lawrence Treasurer. Sister Mildred Bris- WM. J. H. COGGINS1 Hart of Mount Horeb were tow, Guardian, Sister Mary Ed- Chartered Accountant the guests with Mrs. Ina Palmer wards: First Lecturer, Sister Second Floor qu durig th weeend Hilda Bigelow;, Deputy-Lecturer, New Library Building h Thomas Curnie is spending a Sister Margaret Bryce: Inner Cor. King an-d Temperance Sts. h week's vacation at his home injGuard, Sister Bertha Lane: Out- Phone MArket 3-36121 Gananaque. Replacing him on er G uard, Sister Myrtle Robin- 1ts the staff o! the local Toronto- so:Adtrs itrHid ie ONTEITIN- lOTEITU e Dominion Bank, is Mrs. Gardon iow, Sister Violet Phillips, Sister RIEHL & CO. Mr Wood. Marilyn Pomeroy; Sick and Vis- Chartered Accountants prE Dr. Stewart Speller o! Beth- iting- Committee, Sister Violet 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa1 e any lectured on "Child Psychol- Phîllipa and Sisten Mary Ed- RA 5-3527 thf ogy" at the Home Nursing Class wards. Partners: 1 th held in Yeiverton last Manday.J.W otîhMP, CA îr The class is sponsored bv the The aninual meeting o! the J.W1MnetheMP, .- Manvers Township Branch o! the Loyal Orange Lodge No. 1022 A. B. Monteith, B.Comn., Ce.. 1h Canadian Red CrossScet was held in the Orange Hall on G. W. Riehi, C.A. na] under the direction aieM. Thursday evening and the fol- (Licensed Trustee) Ro. Edga Ber, aso oi Behan . lowing officers elected: Worthy G. E. Trethewey, C.A. Master. Bro. ErnesofYoungman: R. F. Ligtfoot, C.A.. on Mis oa Bisow OhaaDeputy-Master. Bro. Mansel TAIE, FRIEDLANDER, wa ---Wright; Chaplain, Bro. G. E. HUNTER & CO. er 4Meades;, Recording Secretany, Aceountants and Audltors att: Bro. Fenton Fallis; Financiai 64 King St. E. RtA 5-1621 Wc iSecretary--Treasurer, Bro. John Oshawa fP aimer: Marshall, Bro. John B. L. Yale. C.A. ABryce; First Lecturer. Bro.-Harry F. Friedlander, BI. Comm.. C.P.A À j AGillis; Second Lecturer, Bro. J. Hunten, C.P.A. AjAn drew Leslie: Committee Men,_______________ Bro. Henry Jakeman. Bro. Offa Staples, Bro. Walter Neals, Bro. Chi~roapr a ctic LodArgue. Bro. Wm. Jordan; ______________ SIrnn-ediate Past Master, Bmo. G. EDWLN MANN, DC. A George 'Smth. Bro. Kenneth jMoncnief of Fraserville, Past Office: Chiropracta! SCounty Master. was present ta 15 Elgin St., cor. o! Hlorsey St. Hcanduct the election. Phone MA 3-5509 TeLadies' Guild o! St. Paul's Anglican Church were entertain-D t e d at the home af Mrs. John D e n 1ai Palmer on Tuesday evening with reports o! a successful year DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. f h ard from of ficers and com- Office: Jurv Jubilee Bldg. mittees. The treasurer reported40KnStW. owavle Ai a balance on hand o! $462.06 and Office Hours: 9: the sum af $503.95 hud been 9 a.n. tao 6pan. dally lç1raised for the f und ta buîld a Closed Suturday and Bunday q!new Parish Hall. It was decid- Office Phone MA 3-5790 A 'ed ta donate $100-00 ta the Bouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 ,, g jWandens ai the Church and S10.00 ta, the Fund for Retarded DR. E. W. 815150N, L.D.S., D.D.S. x las Smelt conducted the open- Phones: Office MA 3-568 Cutex Bath Aing devotions. During the year Resîdence MA 3-5553 Set Peris A the girls'have been taught ta Sets earl knit and sew as well as otherNRMSS APHA L. HODGINS 1.00 ta .00 79e - 1.0m handîcrafts and religiaus in- Banrister. Solicitor alstruction and the leaders feed Notary Public they have had a most success!ul Temnperance St. - Bowmunville. it erm, ýw-th ail the girls wonk:ng Sets for Ladies h ard for their badges and E. RICHARD LOVEKfLN, A stnîpes. As this vvas the Christ- U.E, B.A, LLB. 0 Evenlng ln Paris- mas meetng, work vlas dispensed Box 9. Newcastle 2.5 - .5 .0 vth anid insteýad. they enjoyed Phone Newcastle 2248 o î 2.0 3.5 4.0 ictures shown by Mrs. William Consultation bv uppointment D eer Fowe 250ta .5 jMHarkofher tra\-els ta Florida on'v. oý ý Yasr le _ 2.5 ta.50 a -and the Pacific Coast. , 0 Yrdey __2.3 t 550 '\rs. G. E. Meades a t a e <c ponted as leader o! the group o i a e for nexi year. with Mrs. Fred Gray and Mrr. Douglas Smelt LEROY HAMI1LTON - RONO ________ 50__ Sc to 2.00 as aý;sis1antz. President isMs Phone 1 r 16 ihrnBîglow: Secretarv. 'Miss Finst MortRaize funds --1.00 ta 3.75 CaolnSmith; Treasurer, Miss Residences - Farni j pedCigretesPatsy Bigelow. Following the Business Properties ped Cgaretes ciosing devotians a social tirne was spent and thc girls each ne- O tometr y c eived a gift a! candy and fruit.t SIThere wili be no meeting heid during January and Feb-ETB . ILT LIN G 'S ruar,.. Offce or::Baitcni ___________ 141 Ktng St, E. Bowmanvflle tWords shouid be employed Te!eohone MArket 3-3252 WE FIT A% 'ý1z rneans. flot as :h.e end; bMondav ta Saturduv SRSTSORE fiture.' rn ae . A .'R- ¶e ok.- - Wdna. s 9t a 13M n te i e.esay: t l --- -------q4f Jâh"Rynl&7brdy van GRAND BOYS' OXFORDS and HKait Sites $2.98 THE MAJOR PORTION 0F OUR BASEMENT STOCK 'S CHILDREN'1S FOOT WEAR A few pair of MEN'S OXFORDS End eofLUnes Basement Price $5.98 Baby's Boots White or Brown Siles 2 to 9 and hait ises $1.79 amd u EACH ITEM IN OUR BASEMENT IS MARKED WITH SIZE AND PRICE. _____________ J - FREE PRIZES' Nothing Io buy - Jusi visil aur new bargain basement, fi in a card with yaur name and address, and you may win a Westinghouse maniel radio or one of the other gifis being given away free. Ticket drawn December 23, 1957. MA 3-5839 Bowman ville I ROYAL BOWMAWW1LLEC élA 3-SI sses Urgedand Mr. Franlk HancckU Mr.andMrs E.Mountjoy,Mr and Mrs. Alvin Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. L. Noble. ts aftyPlans were completed forth aple rules to follow to- keep Candlidlight Service ta be held 1 la holiday season flot only a under auspices of the C. K. Cou- >py one but a mafe one. pies on Dc. 15, Sunday ever.- 1.Kccp a varicty of tasty ing. ut 7.30. The following offi- acks on hand such as cheeme cers were elected for 1958: Pre- Id crackers, littie hot sau- sidents. Grant and Mary Glo- ces and potato chips. Thev ver; vice-pres.. Bil and Bever- eeasy to serve and add to ley Snawden: Secretaries. Frank eenjoyrnent of the evening. andJeanHacock;Assistants, 2. Make sure you have a good Lorne and Lois Tregunna. ~py of non-alcc>halic bevez- Kedron maiequretwh es, such as fruit and veget- acquais rtR.E eext le hot chocoltedrnkfo "ri sang at the Radio Hour at A- ýd ht cocolte or "on.bert Street United Church on inking guets. Sundav evening, when the ser- 3If you serve stronger bev- -vice was broadcast on station ages neyer press "one for the CKLB. ad" on a parting guest. Make A einto Prmg' efarewell drink of the even- cA ridtv o ! Pv ersn ga hot cup of coffee. It willcmuiyfrmn cri Ip every driver to stay alert the persan of Gordon James; ~ ~Scott, passed into rest on Tues- dayDeceber3, at the Osh- 4. Check your radio for wea- ada General Hospital, in his *r reports and if your guests 69th year. Neighbours and, ie a long distance ta travel. friends attended the memarial rsuade them ta stay over- service on Thursday. Pallbear- :ht when a storm is predict- ers were Russell Down, Robert; F'lett, Douglas Lave. Rov Pere- 5. if yaur friends have any mnan, William Rat-cl! le and stance ta travel th-rough isola- Foster Snowden. To his daugh- d areas, suggest they bring'a1 ter Bette, Mrs. Robert Marri- ernos o! coffee ta provide a son. and other relatives. sym- -ak during the drive. Refill p athy' is extended. Bath the de- ethermos for thema when ceased and his wîfe who late- ey leave ta provide a break ly predeceased hirn. have liýved Lthe way home. very brief1l' following their re- ________________ tiremnent fram active f arm.bife, where the-, made a fine con- KER ON ~.~Ttribution. during many years,, to, the life o! the community. Ain attendance of 109 persans Kedron relatives attended rthe Church school hour, the funeral service on Thurs-; .ed Kedron Lower Hall on day of the late Horace James inday afternoon. Superinte Hanok at the Morris Funera] ýt W'alter Davis congratulat- Chape], Bowrnanville. the girls and boys on their1 Mr. and Mns. J. Glover were e singing - Miss Jeanine1 Sunday guests of son John and 1 rry, pianist. Mrs. Wm. Wood- Mrs. Glover, in Toronto. ard read the Missionary story Mr. and Mrs. Everson Nor- ýpicted on the screen. with ton and Craig, Markharn, were tting in India. Mrs. R. S. among Sunday visitors at the, ýhop led in Aduit Meditation, W. L. Mountjoy home.î 1the lesson. A special pro- Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smillie, am, in connection with the Toronto. v'isited friends in the lite Gift Service is be ing ara îoiguefnrlo ~pare for ext Sndaj the late Gardon Scott. 'c 1. whn th girs an Local farmers and their wives )vs will present a variety of is. ad theadui s gifta enjoyed the annual Federatian oney, ta assist in the m-orkofArclue anetsvd 'the Fred Victor Mission, To- by the Greenbank ladies. and nto.j the prograrn of the eveming. Mvusic at church service by wihfloe inr Le choir. urider direction of MrFed uceHgad xs osLe n yteml Grove. has been visiting his Leret e, n bte maie daughter, M&s. John EUliatt, aret, otibtd to w r and with her attended the fun-. T'he sacramnent a! Infant B ap eral service on Saturday, o! his mr was conducted for Steph brother, the late Henry Succee iRoss Barnett, son of Mr. and of Woodstock. Ir&. Derek Barnett. Ilinesa Gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. De-l .vented some others from rek Barnett foliowing the eing present. The minister chnistening of their son were as assisted by the eiders. and Mrs. A. Barnett af Oshawa, and (e Cradle Rail Superintendent, Mr. and Mrs. E. Edamson, *rs Walter Davis. Incidentally Hampton, grandparents af Baby ýre are approximately 8() Stephen Ross. âmes on the Kedron Cradie Many Kedron couples were 11l, children under six. in att.endance at the annual The Christmnas supper party banquet of Oshawa .Milk Pro- iSaturday eveming for Cal- ducers, heid in the spaciaus' -ibus-Kedron Couples' Club Harmonv Christian Education as attended by 55. The Law- Centre, with catening dan e by Hall, and the tables, were the Harmony ladies for the tractive in seasanal motif. roast turkey dinner which pre- 'rship, and games were led 1 ceded the variety program. This Christmas give "Books of for Aduit, Studeiit or Child. Theatre Ticke Now on sale, OPENING Girls' Patent Strap LOAFERS in Black Sites 8 to 3 and bal Bizet $3.98 FROM TIME TO TIME W'E WILL BE RAVING WEEKEND SPECIALS For Example Dec. 12 to 14 PLASTIC SLUSHERS $149 LADIES' LOAFERS Sites 4 to 9 and hait mizes Black or Brown $3.98 RUBBER FOOCT\vWEAR Basement Price 49c up END 0F LINES IN PUMPS, FLATS, WEDGE, ETC. BELOW COST I~4 4 H i j i., SELF- SERVICE BARGAIN BASEMENT A WORD 0F EXPLANATION We now have a room 'n our basement with shoes ln ail sizes for children. Each and every shoc is markcd with price and sire. If you wish we wilI measure your child for sire before you go down- stairs to look around. If you need assistance bring the shoe to the main floor, and we wilI gladly assist you. WE HAVE NEW STOCK ARRIVING EACH WEEK Ladies' Scuffies slippers $2.49 ALL BASEMENT SALES CASH AND FINAL! John Stuit Shoes 15 KING ST., McBrine and Langmuir Luggage FREE PRIZES! - --Î-ý il-=_ - -ow m wi FRI. AND SAT. - Ecc. 13 - Natines Saturday 2 p.m. "The Buster Keaton Story] Starring Donald O'Connor as Keaton The story of a cornedian's comedian - the rise an±d f ail and rise again of one of the world's greatest comics. Co-starring Ami Blyth and Jackie Coozan. Second comedy hit- "Clip ped W ings" featuring the Old Bowery Gang with Loo Gorcey and Huntz Hall. Keaton et 7 and 9:45 p.m. Last complete at 8:30. NEXT MON. TO WED. - DEC. 16 - 18 Two complete shows et 7 and 9:05 p.m. NarHING ELSE IS AS MUCH FUN AS - heýjn~ TffUMSDAT, DIr- 12tb. 1937 qý dqAw,&IWAV OMA9%@29AW- MDWMAMVTUL11L ONTAMO pst.-ohfl Ratt 11aney.EddieFk>r.Q "OuM d wdDlciegW KM NU" 3W ~STMM MU00 Also - WORLD *NEWS by J. Arthur Rank Last time to-day "Kronos" (Sc. fiction) and "She Devil" 1 q"ý ý

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