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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1957, p. 8

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PAGE ETc~TT -- - - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVfl±E~ ONTAEZO THU~SDAY, DEC. 2Oth, 195? r tNBEUIEVABLE BUT TRUE It seemns unbelievable seme- how that another Christmas has rolled around. It doesn't sccm possible at ail that it wil positiveiy be here in another two days-this being Sunday zight. In spite of the tact that we began te think of the shop- ping side of Christmas late in October, we oniy bought the last present on Friday night. Sa it apparentiy does littie good te start cariy. You just spin it out longer that's ail. rWe got our free Up and de- corated Saturday night, and how iovciy it is with its tinsei and gittering ornaments, coi- ourcd ights adding thc touch of magic. The fragrance of pine is ail through the bouse. There wiii be ies now when we sit çuietiy, with only Uic tree lights and a flickering candie or two te light the room. Beau- ty and enchantment will take possession, and ail cares and duties wili be forgotten. It is such a little whiic that we have this beautiful season when homes are aglow with decorations and alive with a gpecial spirit of friendliness, and unfortunateiy many of us do net have time for the visit- ing and enjoyment of hoiidays which should go with this sea- son. This is aIl the more rea- son, o! course, to make the best possible use of even the mom- ents. PAGAN TO CHRISTIAN Today, Dec. 22nd, is the win- ter solstice, the shortest day in the year for us ini Canada. The sun is as far south as it wili go, which is a comforting thought even though wc are bound to have about three 37 King months of winter yet. The balmy temperatures we have been expericncing make it bard te realize that it will dip to- ward zero again one o! these day4, but it will. The solstice reminds us that our Christian festival of Dec. 25th as the birth date et Christ was fitted round Uic pagan rites of Gcrmnanic and. Celtic tribes at the time of the winter solstice, or se it is believed. It is sdid that thc adoption e! a date at this festive time assisted in the conversion o! a pagan fes- tival inte a Christian one. Tbeugh it bas been clcbratcd as the latter by many since the 4th cent-ary A.D., a number of the pagan customs have been retained and incorporated into* the Christmas festival. The burning of Yule legs gees back te the eariy days of man on earth when tire and the suri werc worshippcd. It was beiev- cd that burning a Yuic log with proper ceremony would ward off cvii. Burning candies may be connected with the re- verence for iight. Though we have long been in the age o! artificiai light trom gas or electricity, candlehight is en- cbanting and we are giad te have an excuse for it. Christmas trees used te be decorated with lighted candles. We are fortunate enough te have many Christmases te re- members when this was one of the traditions in our famiiy. Small candles fittcd into spe- ciai clamp holders were fasten- cd firmly to the branches o! the tree. They were lit for only a short tirne and carefully watched, while evcry member of the clan, young and old, joined in singing carols. -We haven't too good a mcm- MArket 3-5480 St. E, ory for a lot ef things, but those times we shall neyer for- get. The strings o! coloured clcctric bulbs are much safer o! course-but wc shall remem- ber the candielit trce as part o! the magie of Christmas Past. MUSIC AND THE SOUL 0F MAN The festivals of the Christian church have brought forth some of the greattst music ever con- ceived by man, and among these great works is Handei's Messiah. We teed that when one hears for instance thc Haflelu- jah Chorus sung by a choir such as the Mendelssohn Choir or the 375 voîce choir frem the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, one is about as close te beaven as he is likely te get on this earth. No wonder George 1. King o! England, stood whcn he heard it perfornied. Other parts o! the oratorio are beautiful, but this piece o! music is a hymn o! praise truly magnifi- cent. We should ail thank God that such composers as Handel were se grcatly gifted and In- spired. There are other great works written around the theme o! Chrlst's birth, and the simpli- city o! the carols which have cerne down to us is ever ap- pealing. Most a! the popular type sangs written about Chris- tmas we could happily live without. Prom the sublime te the banal is tee great a lcap. DRAWN BY EIGHT TINY REINDEER We have ail, in sure, given somcthing toward making Christmas happier for those who are flot as fortunate as we. Those in hospital or iii at home are rcmcmbercd tee. We wish everyone could be with a tain- ily group at this special time, but it isn't possible for some. To any such who may be read- ing this, a speciai Christmas wish. And now, very soon, excited yaungstors wili be awakening sieepy parents ini the dark of early Christmas morning as they discover what Saint Nick bas brought. Perhaps a Santa in cvery store has net ruined this ieveliest et legcnds. We sincerely hope net. Sa, as Tiny Tim said, "God biess us, evcry anc." Sunshine Group Ends Year With Social Evening The Sunshine group o! Bow- manvile enjeyed a weli eamn- ed Christmas party at the home o! their president Mns. Bert Syer on Dec. 18 with 16 present. Rc!reshmcnts werc in the form et a pot luck supper with each niember contributing ber favorite dish-. all very likcly te add pounds. This special cv- ening ot fun and laugbter end- ed a very active year o! mak. ing dressings for cancer pat- ients, visits te Uic sick, and suppiying o! littie extras te add to patients' comfort. Christmas gifts werc not ex- cbangcd as it is Uic custom o! this group to give their gifts te the gi!t cupboand o! the Little ]Red Door at 84 Athol St., Osh- awa, which serves this cern- munity. Mrs. Stan McMurter read the minutes o! the previeus meet- jing wben 85 dressings wcrc miade. A treasurcr's report wasi Igiven by Mrs. Harry Saunders. Mrs. Bruce Heavysege and iMrs. J. Van Nest wcre in char- ge o! games and Mrs. Alan Steele was grand winner o! the evening. A speciai thank you gees from this group te those ladies ini this vicinity who have aid-1 ed their werk by contributingl dlean worn.-out sheets and pil-1 low cases etc. It is with their1 help that the making of Uic dressings bas been posibie. Bowmanville Current and Confidential by ELSIE CAIRRUTHEES LtJNNE The Christmas Concert pre- scnted by Grades I and II of Courtice Public Schaol at Court- ice United Church on Wednes- day night was exceptionally wcll receivcd by a capacity crowd of friends and parents. Mrs. Harry Gay, the amiable President et Courtice Home and Scbool Association, as chair- man for the evening, stressed in hier address the importance of children before t he public. "This phase et a child's educa- tien is tee often neglected". She ailse voiced the untiring efforts et the teachers in the mammoth task e! preparing the type e! concert which was prcsented. Mrs. Wm. Wade accompanied ail the selectiens and several et the Home and Scbool members, as well as some mothers, bcip- cd with the costumes and Uic supervision et the children. Mrs. Greer and Mrs. Hoare are te be congratuiated an the succcss et the evening which began with carol singing. The singing and the spcaking especîaily in uni- son ceuld be heard perfecty anywhere in the raom. Specia1 artists among the group were Susan Riznek who piayed a graup ef pieces an Uic piano- Wm'rs bell n Sth ulsà yu holday jqji PALMER'S BARBER SHOP IF YOU WANT TO EAT TABLE EGGS that are not even 24 hours old at the time of delivery, buy them at: ALLIN'S MEATS King Street BOWEN'S GROCERY Scugog Rd. FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET King Street DAVIS GROCERY King Street or eat them served at: BALMORAL RESTAURANT CORONATION RESTAURANT OLYMPIA RESTAURANT VENTURE RESTAURANT They are the freshest table eggs on the market - pro- duced by W. K. Nowak'z Chicken Farni E.R. 1i Bowmanvllle Phone MA 3-2720 We are the only one approv- ed by the I>epartment of Agriculture te produce and grade table eggs of Grade Ai (in a radius of about 100 miles). We specialize lu producing table eggs only. We take this opportanity to wish ail our custtomeru and lriends a Merry Christmas and Happy Neu, 'l'ar. accordien and Gayle Walter wbo playcd two selections on Uic piano.1 "The Soldiers' Marcb" by Uic boys in costume and the "Star Drili" by the girls in light trip- ping step with stars glittering as tbey dangled tram their wrists revived the type et pro- gramme which was se, pop2ular years age. Little Santa C laus portrayed by Brian Barber xvith his reindeer made quite a hit as they drove around the stage, stepping now and then for Santa Claus te sing another verse. In the piayiet, "The Boy and the Bird", ather animais o! the forest tried te prove te the Boy that their home and their lite was best. Spoken words in unîsan and singing made this play very interesting. Grade II sang in two parts, "Do Lord, Do Remember Me" with much ferveur. An eperetta in three acts "Santa Claus in Mother Goose Land" was wcll presented by Grade II pupils. Ail the main characters o! Mother Goose Land were present and teld their story adapted te modemn times. Gaylc Walter, as Mother Goose, sang soies, spoke and sang in duets with Santa Claus, who was a charming man, Neil Sweet- man. Santa Claus in dlean swcet vaice sang several salas thnougbout as well as speaking. Other characters who hadi prominent parts wcre: "The Gingerbread Man"ý-Tom Cooke; "Mother Hubbard"-Susan Riz- nek and "The Croaked Man"- Raymond Petryshyn, with cane in hand, led the Rhythm Band. The Brownies who pepped tbeir1 hcads in and eut among thel kewpies, sang in a very cieveri manner. The final chorus was "Good-bye Santa Claus". Short expressions o! appreciation werc spoken by Mrs. Greer and Mrs. Hoare toalal those who had heiped in any way. LONG SAULT Sorny for the errer in thcef list of efficers in the Tyrone j~ L.O.B.A., 1244, for 1958, should ~ have read Sis. J. Vaneyk-In- ner Guard; Sis. Gwen Murphy -Pianist; Sis. Doris Heroyd-11 Outer Guard; Sis. K. Davey- I 2nd Lecturer; Sis. Helen Wal- lis-ist Lecturer. Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Smith, Gloria and Bob, Bowmanviile, were pre-Christmas SundayI guests o! Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith and Grace. Mr. and Mrs. Timoli le!t Wednesday te spend the win- ter at their home in Jamaica. Mr. and Mrs. John Toth, Osh- awa, were Sunday visiters of Mrs. Kayacs and Gabriel. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- ta, spent the weekcnd witb bis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Flet- cher. Congratulations are extended te aour teacher and ber pupils for the splendid Christmas con- cert which they put on in Ty- rone Hall Tuesday night. Mas- ter Bruce Baker was chairman and thanks are. extended ta Mrs. Davey, acting pianist. TYRONE The regular meeting o! the 18th Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxiliary met at the home o! Mrs. T. Gladman an Wednesday, Dec. il with 16 mothens present. After ail business was finish- cd there was an cxchange ef gifts. The hostess served a special Christmas lunch. The evening was spent playing games and prizes wenc awarded for the best answcrs. On Friday, Dec. 13 the Scout! Mothens' Auxiiiary helped the ~ Graup Committee with the Christmas party for the Scouts and Cubs whicb was held at the Gmswere piayed a!tcr whîch the ladies served bat degs, pop, candy and tanger- ines. AI] the leaders were pre- sented with a gift from the. Mothens' Auxiiiary by Mirs CE Carpenter. The party cl' ed with the singing e! Christmas carols. Parents and children arrivedl at the church on Friday even- I ing for the Sunday Schooi' Christmas program. Many tav-, ourite carols were sung, ac- companied by infr. DeCoe. Tele- grams, radie news and tele- phone calls froyn Santa Claus wepre neported se\veral tirues' during the programn. Mtich con-9 cern over Santas arrivai, due t b,ý - - --- Wher.eer you areg b. itm'i your home or the church of yoizr chOmt, May your day be filled witlî the gladness of the yuletide spirit. Hoopers Jewellery & Gift Shop Jý.IURRAY LARMER ART HOOPER K - ----------~-~ 4jÎlap tb.e trut uuaning of CfjrWmam; balun ont agai inb brins itm;bio.ingg to tbt worIb. Hap's B-A Service Station Phone MA 3-3136 Corner King and Waverley Road JIo lidca y Ç ree tings To ail our friends, we of the 'F. F. Morris Co. exiend our warmesf wishes for a Merry Chrisimas . . . and ihe happiesi of New Years in 1958. May you and your family have, in abundant measure, heaith, happiness, peace of mind this Holy Season and in al the years ahead. Fe F. MORRIS CO, JAY Ch4rismas Tiessage from The Chamber of Commerce Christmas is good medicine for mankind. Its lights and decorations - the happy and expectant faces of youngsters - the old familiar Christmas hymns - the cheery words of greeting - the gathering of family and friends around the tree or festive table - these things give a lift ta the hcart and remind us that life's true values are to be found in the Christian virtues and the friend.. ship of our fellow men. So, as we once again celebrate Christ's birth, our faith and determination are renewed. It is our confident hope and prayer that we will continue to enjoy the privilege of working with our feiiow citizens to build a better Bowznanville. The past year has been a good one for our town and, God wi]ling, 1958 - Centennial Year - will be even better. To the citizens of Bowmanville and ta its good friends everywhere, the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce extends best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. On behaif -of the Board of Directors: K. N. Morris, Secretary-Manager. Drills and Playlets Feature School Concert ----------- --------------------------------- TEE CANADIAN STATESM", BOY;IL41;VffJ.& ONTAMO TEMRSDAT, DEC. 28th, 195T_ PAGE ZIGET - - - to weather and road conditions, their home on Saturday evening. music under the direction of Mr. had Superintendent Eddie War- Mrs. Percy Dalby came home Frank Walter. The procession. burton pretty excited. from hospital in Toronto on Sat- ai of the two choirs proceeded The Ziursery and Beginners' urday. up the aisie singing "Silent Class decked out in tinsel made Christmas services were held Night". A large congregation the weicome speech of the even- at both church and Sunday was present for the Chrismas ing. Margaret Tooley, in clear School. The carols rang out service. Visitors were welcom. voice, let everyone know they from the tower of the church ed fromn Ebenezer, Mapie Grove, were very welcome. The chid- both in the morning and even- as weli as our own community r ren then sang "Away in a ing filling the whoie commun- to joiný in the special service 1IJ Manger". To make the welcome ity with the Christmas spirit. of praise. ]Rev. Harold Staint. a littie warmer, Tommy Cooke The Sunday School enjoyed on's message was based on the g ave a welcome speech, too. A singing the Christmas carois theme, "The Star Stilli Shines". Christmas carol "There's a song once again, this time under the He spoke briefly on the stars in in the Air" was sung by a direction of Mr. Walter Shortt. the world today which guide or chorus of g iris accompanied by At Church on Sunday even- mislead people. Speciai mul.. Miss Jane Deçoe. "C is for the ing the Junior Choir and Senior contributed greatly to the sejy' Christ-Child" was sung by Don- Choir provided the Christmas ice. > - na Thompson. A short play was - presented by Miss Margaret MacGregor's ciass. The Junior boys directed by Mr. Linten Hropresented a Christmas B OWMAN VILLE STUDIO pantomime. Master Gerry Rey- nolds was the narrator. Saily Aduits' and Children's Portraits (Gregg Couch), was much dis- tressed over the serious iiiness Weddings of lier mother, Wayne McLach- ian, especially at Christmas Pspr hts-3hu evc time. The Doctor, Douglas Pspr hts-3hu evc Pingie, arrivcd to diagnose the 8hu evc utmPooFns case and administer treatment. 8hu evc utmPooFns A kind woman, Don McLach- ian, heard about the family and 14 Division Street MA 3-3672 brought Christmas gifts and food to make a real Christmas for the mother and the boy, i'__ Mickey Mitchell, portrayed by Biflie Kresanowski. What a-------- happy ending especially at Christmas time. The program came to a close with the reading of a Cht1%t- ~ mas prayer by Mr. Walter Shortt. Ail sang "Here CornesiftM il0 Santa Claus" and "Jingle Beils" until Jolly Mr. Santa Claus ap- Tr peared to give gifts and bags of Agi candy to ahl the chiidren. Congratulations to the 10 winners in the Dariington Vol-- unteer Fire Brigade turkey draw. The turkeys were dcliv- Aiu the joys of the seaien. ercd this past wveek to L. B. Howard, 62 Burk St., Oshawa; Lloyd Anthony, 640 King St. E., 1 Oshawa; James Cassels, 73 Lakeview Ave., Pickering; J.t. E. R. Woodward, Courtice; R. Lowy, 23 Albert St., Oshawa; J. H. Abernethy Gladys Lott, 36 Bruce St., Osha-~ AND STAFF wa, James Little, 82 Oshawa Blvd.. Oshawa; Doug Lowe, -oi: . . Courtice; Fred Ellegett, 81 On- tario St., Oshawa. Jan. 15 is <<< the date for the next meeting of the Darlington Volunteer Fire Brigade. Mrs. Baird, Greenbank, visit-S a o s cd this week with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Simmons and fam - iiy. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Warburton i and family attended the Christ-U e t" g mýas party of the Oshawa En-- gineering on Saturday evening. We are glad to report that Mrs. Charles Archer was not ilfromn seriousiy injured in the motor accident in Courtice on Wednes- day night.- Mr. and Mrs. Sim Penfound attended the annual ChristmasD party and dance for the Beil0CB4 0 Telephone Employecs and staff held at the Union Hall in AND STAFF Oshawa on Friday night. They entertained Mr. and Mrs. Pete Murdock of Bowmanvilie after For Dependable Taxi Service the party at their home. during the Holiday Season Several students from here ~ attended the Christmas party at ~_____________________________ Bowmanville High School onaa Friday cvening. Len ~ P O Sorry to hear that Mr. P O EMA 3> Fisher, a former resident, i1-____________500____________ quite iii in Oshawa Hospital at the present time. 19 24-HOUR SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Horace Vetzal entertained several couples at

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