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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1957, p. 9

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r I ~ ~ -wWt I~A1<AB!AN SATEUMAK. EOWMANVfl.~L~Z~ ~1~TAEZO PAGE ~WIE ~~j~zum~iirï I I I Those Working ai Religion fAever Lose Their Pleasure R~ ev. A. C. Forrest S4e fervor of young faith- the glow of young love- !t n fades ini the sunshine of iaiturity. "I often wisb," an ieMer mpsays to me rather Wnso "that-. I could re- ~ethrill I had when '%vu lad in church." To nýaby, this seems to be 541oné of those inevitable Ungs which accompanies a a= as he makes bis way down the years. Rather too bad, but Mt much ta be donc about it! ,This, ai course, is not truc. P41gious faith-like love be- tWeen a man and his wife- - abould mature and deepen as Ybaers pass. The vivid memories et confirmation, the dramna of eei sudden conversion, the quiet satisfaction wbich dawns When new understanding breaks tllrough, the moment of the frnt communion. the awesomce eXpcrience of public baptism or standing at the front making a-quiet profession of fath-all these should be very memor- able and happy experiences. Make Vital Step And because mass evangpl- lam, through the technique of the revival meeting has beeîi a very iniluential factor in Can- aêhan life, many Christians rnake their iirst vital* step in Ii.th by gathering together al the doubts and fears and whis- Perings of iaith, and standing ujp in a meeting, or stumbiing down ta the front o! a church or hall, and 'making what is C-HR ISIMAS 15 PERE ! called a "decision for Christ." Such experiences are flot for- gotten. And while tbey are of- ten looked upon rather scep- tically by the urbane, many o! our finest Christians flnd their way througb one of the many doors to faith that way. Then the years come upon the young Christian, and often religion pails. It cornes to be a sort of hum-drum going ta church, doing good. sporadic reading of the Bible and occa- sionai pouring out of one's beart in penitence and prayer. What was once t.he domin- ant influence of life seems to be a rather irrelevant thing, a rather tedious chore, which really ought ta be attended to, but there is no excitement left. Lose Pleasure A great many middle-aged and older people who are good people, lix'e upright lives, are respccted by their neighbors, and meilow in preJudice and conviction with the passing of the years, just don't get pleas- ure out of their religion any more. But this need not be. If this has happened, something bas gone wrong somewhere. The Christian way is a thrilling way, ail the way to the end. For example, I know a man, who with absolute honesty tells me that the bigh moment of the week for hlm is il a.m. on Sunday. He looks forward to it from one Sunday to the next. He prepares for it Saturday night. He gets up expectantly Sunday morning. He continues to taste its sweetness all through the afternoon, and at the closel of day, he writes the scattered members of his grown family and tells them about it. The communion of bis littie church, the fellowship of its people, his faith in bis God, and the disci- plined worship of bis 111e are ail central to hlm. It was not always s0 with him, although bis first "exper- ience" of Christ came when very young. But like the man who learns to play the piano and gets a thrili out of bis music only after long, long years of practice, lie learned to enjoy bis faith only after working bard at il. Need Not Dim While it is very truc that God lias given to some much more capacity to worship than others, and we are ail very different, this is true for ail of us. Faith need not grow dim. Fervor need not go. Joy is part of, essentiai to the religious life, and it is present for al of us. But if it has, what do we do about it? My observation through the years is that those who keep the promises they make when they join the church, like those who keeep ail the promises they make when they get mar- ried, xviii find that faith and love will grow. Most men are faithfui in the big vows, to God, and they will neyer find tbemseives expelied fromn the church. But many men who are faithful, to their' iwives ail through life and will neyer be in danger of having a broken marriage, stili find that ilove between them grows weak and romance flies aav x. Whs 7' BecaIîSe the ' fail to keep al the little vows. The saine with religion. lts not enough tu fixee a moralý Îlite. give genieroûnsix'to thel Ichuiuch. attend its services oc- casionaliy. The husbands and wives wh-o get the most out of love are thiose who continue to give ta each other. The Chris- tian whose faith is to grow and glow, must do as most prom- iise when they jain the church, i'be diligent ini the use of the means of grace." Work at it, pray for it, live in it, ýexpress love to it, and faith will ot fade but xviii strengtben with the years. Osh. Jaycees IPay Yearly Visit To the B.T.S. Members of the Oshawa Jun- ior chamber of Commerce vis- ited Jury House at the Ontario Training School for Boys, Bow- manvilie, on Tuesday of last week for their annual Christ- mas entertainment program. The boys performed first for the visiting Jaycees presenting several amusing skits. This was foliowed by the Jaycees doing a series of entertaining num- bers. Special guest of the evening was Santa Claus who had gifts for ail the boys. The program came to a close with refresh- me nts. Heading the graup of visitors were Jaycee-president J.' E. Ru-1 therford and .Jaycette president Mrs. William Edwards. OBITUARY NORMAN D. SMITH Norman Dougal Smith died on Dec. 14 in the Bawmanviile Memorial Hospital. Mr. Smith,I who was praminent in educa - tianal circles in the province,.( rctired from tbe teaching pro - fession in Belleville and came1 ta Bawmanviile ta take up re- sidence on Nov. 1. Rle and bis wife have many iriends in this district, and in Oshawa. Tbey purchased a new- bouse aI 20 Jackman Road, Boxvmanviile. Mr. Smith bad nat been in the best o! bealth since last spring when be suf fered a coronary thrombosis. It was the second, as be had bad one several years ago. As a me- suit o! bis aîtack iast spring be resigned bis teaching posi- tion in Belleville Ibis autumn. Mr. Smith bad *a third heart aI- tack an December 8, and was mnoved ta Blowmanville Memor- il Hospital whcre he died on December 14. in bis 63rd year. Mr. Smith is survived by bis wife; bis daughter, Mms. Nor- man Paget o! San Bernardino,! Calif., and a sister, Mrs. Harvey Doan, SI. Thomas, Ont. Mr. Smith was born in Bel- mont, Ont. He was a member o! the teaching staff o! Oshawva Collegiate and Vacatianal Insti- tute some yeams aga. Since then he bas held important appoint- mients on the teaching staffs o! schoals in Kirkland Lake, Lon- don, Ont., and Belleville. He was on the Board a! Managers o! St. Andrexvs Church, Belle- i îvil le. Mr. Smith's oniy child, Mrs. Norman Paget, arxdby air from Califarnia on Sundax'. and was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Ralph Arnes. Funeral service %vas hield ai the Northeutt aind Smnith Funi- eral Home, Dcc. 17. Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, minister o! Trinity United Churcb, officiaI- ed. Pailbearers were Harold Sel- don, Ross Stevens. Tim Btchie. ai] o! Belleville. Jesse Aines. Jack Bough, Bowmanville. George Fisher, Oshawa, Among floral tributes were those of Board o! Managers o! St. Atidiow's Chumch, Belle- ville; Belleville Sehool Board. Collegiate and Vocational Insi tute: Quinte Higb SAhool. nt fronm California on Sun(dv lnterrnent "as inBo an vilLa Cemetery. -_______ Get Ready to Pay Higher Automnobile Insurance Rates Generally higher automobile different areas into which Can- - insurance rates wil apply ada is divided for insurance across Canada in 1958, with in- purposes, increases range ail creases ranging from "minor" the way from three per cent up to "substantial", a survey o! to a 35 per cent increase. insurance company plans for The survcy drew no conclu- the rxew year indicated today. sion as to the average rate of For the past two months, com- increase country-wide. It said panies have beeen studying the that "because of the wide var- statistical data wbich bas con- iations between areas, and the f irmed that thic past year was wide variations between var- tbe worst in automobile insur- ious classifications o! drivers ance bistory. within each area, plus the ef- Ail Canada Insurance Fed- iects on rate changes for dri- eration, an association wbich vers mnoving from one no-acci- does not itself bave any auth- dent discounit into another. any ority over rates, undertook the attempi 10 quate an average survey o! some 300 member would resuit in a figure xvhicn companies to ascertain the gen- undoubtedly would be highy! eral pattern for the coming inaccurate in the great major- year. And the general pattern ity of cass" is "up"-considerably in many cases. The survey sbowed that the STARK VILLE bigher price o! cars-with the consequent higher cost of rc- CRSMS15 pairs-was the major factor I CRSMS15 forcing tbe increase in rates. As we've prepared for Christ- Average cost per dlaim bas mas, jumped to an ali-time igh- With spirits rising high, same 30 per cent over that o! a fcxv years ago. This has been May our hcarts be filied with oniy partiaiiy offset by the onc gladness, cncauraging note in the situa- As Christmas Day draws nigh. tion, the fact that the number Wre feci sa very thankful of accidents in relation to the numbr o vebcle insredbasFor _good things of this year dropped slightly. As noxv we corne ta Christmas "Longer cars, wider cars, The season o! gaad cheer. cars packed with expensive-- The wrappings will be pretty,1 and breakabie - equipmcflt And parcels ail in these, make each accident a more cx-ý- We've placed witb laving care pensive proposition. and it just isnt pssile a isur $4000Beneath aur sbimmering trees. or $5,000 cars at the price o!fT ran eurt !Chita $2,000 cars," the survey report gadu said. With pretty lights aglow And lots o! cheerful tenderness "Unfortunately, as far as in-Soe ilnyrko. surance ta caver a motorist's If Chriltmascoulr be crrie liabilitv ta athers is cancerniedI hita oudb are the fauct tîhat lieniuay stili Je'l'Oa all olks ever *vhere drivng a inxpenive ar Von Id it not be better drivig an inexpniiv (aiW'ien ail the io\s thev li:e doesln't lîtlp anv. It isli't wliat .îdiiii rds nreLr he is driving, but xx liat lîie îdk1 We lI utlutt ; ýocfwill PI lbit tlîat CuLintts. A s~d Mankinîd thîe \VLiv ofut if>î .cheap' car can still do a t re- rhîat. 01lii peace imax' hue. meos amun a d aet But this world is filled withi toesiy, ncxv models with gîinc' ail their powver assists. But thc n sunk' ice'on pubiic wants the modern cars,An suni'crle'od and sa the insurance prcmiurns Anurab afdsaiencusupeon bave gaI ta caver the extra Adwxsa cec scn dlaims côsts."Bu found. The report noted that other Ch hriismaigsmr 1factors were invoived as weîî thnIbs -such as higher medical costsMaetngiey ndmr hihe hspta cst ad igh- than fun; higerbapial oss nd It is the birthdate o! aur cm "lost time" payments ta per- sans injured in accidents. But Saviour, the most patent factor in the Jss voo o sSn sharpiy bugher cast per dlaimn May the restless strivings was the repair bill which re- es sulted when a late model car And Peace and Love have swav xvasinvlvc inan ccient And the Holy Gift of long ago Rates themselves, and the Per-vade the world today. ncreases involved, vary widely from place ta place and from persan tW persan within each OBITUARY area depcnding an widely-vary- ing driving hazards from area MRS. ZELICA FICE ta area and an wiciy-varying uses ta which vehicles are put The dcath occurred at the within each arca. There are Oshaxwa G encrai Hospital an also varying discounts off re- Tufusday night, Dec. 10, af Zel- gular rates for drivers wbo ica Gay, widow a! Edward Ar- bave gone one, two and thrce thur Fice. The dcceased wbo years without an accident. The was in her 83rd year was tak- survey indicated that, a! the 70> en suddcnly iii on Tuîesday a! - Toronto Rotary Pays Visit to Training School Youth Service committee o! the Toronto Rotary club paid their arinual Christmas visit ta the Ontario Training School for Boys, Bowmanville, last Thursday. This yearly visit is designed for the boys at the school wbo_ ORQNO I ~1 To One and Ail the Cîtizens of Bowmanville and Arec I take this apport unit y in extending Ha Season's Greetings and wishing you and yours piness and Prosperity in the New Year Sincerely yours ON BOOKSAND ON BOOKSEMPLOYEES General ContractorN The contractor to consuit about ail your building needs. NEW AND REMODELLING A SPECIALTY For work at its Best ., Phone MA 3-5602 for variaus reasans are unable to be home et Christmas. The sixteen Rotarians front Toronto joined the bo sa and staff at supper, and following this presented an entertaining Christmas concert fcaturing a saial orchestra. Each of the boys was preg- ented with a gift et the con- clusion ai the concert. John Morrison, Superintendent of B.T.S., welcomed and thankcd the Toronto service club for their interest in the boys at the school. ternoon. She lived at 1032 Sim- coe St. N., Oshawa. Born in Darlington Township on April 20, 1875, Mrs. Fice was married at Bowmanville on May 20, 1896 and had lived in Darlington, East Whitby and Oshawa al ber life. Mrs. Fice attended Calvary Baptist Church and was a for- mer member of Queen Mary Lodge, L.O.B.A. Predeceased by her husband on April 21, 1946, she leaves six daughters. Mrs. Emma No- bles, of Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs. Roy Terwillegar (Shirley), Mrs. Norman Lyon (Minnie), Mrs. Jack Lidsey (Gertie), Mrs. Frank Gates <Aima) and Mrs. Roy Corby (Verna), ail of Osh- awa, and three sons, Everett and Edward, of Oshawa and Wesley, of Bowmanville. Also surviving are 38 grand- children and 29 great-grand- children. The funeral service wvas held at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel, Oshawa, on Friday, Dec 13, conducted by Rev. C. M. Keen pastor of Calvary Bap- tist Chu rch. Interment was in the famnily plot in the Oshawa Union Cernetery. Air, Rail or Steamship TIC K ET S TO EVERYIVHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELLI 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowmanville To Ail Our Mem bers and Customers. a a ristin (IS and a - -B l- - - - of the sesi 171 Ki H(appy andi neÇ £Pr*osp erous ?Jea r We hope your holiday will be Complet. wîth goy festivityl' ;ITE SNOKE SHOP Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright 1 % From the Directors, Managers and Staff of Durham Farmers' County Co-operative When you héar thse beoUs on Chrisimas dcay, wo hope thel eco the joyful sounda ol, your holiday f.stivitiea.1f McGREGOR HARDWARE LINITED Phone MA 3-3386 ........... 1 ýt wishes to ai for Yuletide hoppiness. WILKI14 SUNOCO SERVICE îng St. W. Bowmanville l= r-t-MADLffl STATUSBL&.N. BOWMLlf vnd.&M OnTAMUO -PACM um 0

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