__m CANA1DAN M'!ATESMAN. BOW3A11VMLLE. ONTARIO TKRSMDAY, DEC. Z2Mt, 1057 . ---- - I -m ____________________________________________________ h I * SPORT NOTES By Doug Glynn Since this is our final say from this corner before the New Year relis around we would like to clear up one or two things which have been left undone. One is a rumour that was circulating during the past aqweeks. We heard that one reason the Juniors mîght be thei games over the past while was because the Arena "pot giving them time to practice. The only time they could p Itice was at 10:30 Sunday night. ILL INFORMED Being in the good graces of Arena Manager Bob Watt, we decided to confront him with what we had heard. "Is the rumour right?"' we asked. "No," he explained, and commenced ta .inform us of the circumstances surrounding Junior practice 1Ume. After he was through talking, your scribe was t happy that he had flot juxnped to conclusions without hearing the other side of the story. What he told us clearly indicated that the rumour had been just that - a rumour, and nothing more. REAL STORY However, maybc soine of our readers have heard the same rumour and in our endeavour to supply you with the facts li we are printing Mr. Watt's answer. We hope it will clarify any doubts you have as te the fairness of the Arena in providing practice time for the Junior Club. "Practicje time for the Juniors was booked even before the Arena opened"', Mr. Watt said. "We alloted them the same time they had had the previous year, thinking it would again be satisfactory to them. The time was 6 te 7 p.m. Monday. * NOT SATISFACTORY "After a couple of sessions the club informed us the time was unsatisfactory, mainly because many of the players were unable to get there on trne. By this time the Arena had booked mnost of their rentai time and relocating the Juniors presented a problem. "The only time available was 10:30 Sunday even- ing and we booked that time for them. Meanwhile we had kcpt the Monday evening time open in case they had changed their mind. After three weeks without them asking us to retain it for them, we felt it was a loss of revenue for the Arena and rented it ta another club. NOT UNFAIR "Then they informed us that Sunday night wasn't satis- factory sither. However we had held their Monday nights open for three weeks and had not been approached, se we had rented lt. We believe we were more than fair concerning the Monday riight practice time and had gene out of our way to accommodate thcmn on Sunday," Mr. Watt said. "How then could anyone say we have been, unfair?" To bring this matter up te date - the Juniors now have their Monday time back, because the Arena again incnnvenienced themselves te provide the time. This occurred since our con- versation with Mr. Watt. DAMAGING RUMOUR This reporter would like ta clear up one point here before we continue. We do net like printing rumours of this nature. They are damaging te both parties involv- ed. We are certain the rumeur neyer started with either ,e Junior Hockey Club or thc Arena. But, they have nthe parties injured as a resuit of ItL 4However, if the party that started it had stopped te reelize how damaging it could be they might have checked te sce if it were correct. If the Arena had been unfair te the Juniors we would have been the first persen te criticize their actions. But, - *en theey 7are in the right we will be the first persan te help CONTRIBUTIONS APPRECIATED With another ycar cf sports drawing to a close we would like te take this opportunity to thank those people who have helped make this cerner a success with their aid and contribu- tions. Without the excellent ce-operation and assistance received ince thecocrner opened on Sept. 26, we would net have been able ta provide you with many cf the news items that have appcared herein during that time. Our thanks go te the follewing: Jim Crombie, Deug Rigg, Norm Bothwell,, Ross Strike, Frank Mohun, Tim Cox, Jed Wilson, Ah Mavin, Bll Steven, Arnold Etcher, AI Clarke, Don Masters, Mrs. Fred Cole, Jack Cole, Jack Roughley, Hugh Latham, Ken Tolmie, Russell Oke, Wren Blair, AI Osborne, Frank Jamieson, Bob Watt, Roy Neads, Murray McKnight, Ren Oke, Fred Colc, Mary Johnson, Nelsen Osborne, Bob Williams, Bob Sheridan, Dude His, Ted Shechan, George Piper, Tom Turner, Lyle Heeper, Harold Balson, Larry Chant, Clarence Oke, Charles Rankine, Sid Murdoch, Murray Bate, Dean West, Bruce Celwell, Dave Peters, the miner basebail anè hockey coaches, our preofreaders and compesing department s.- , and those who have kindly passed along ideas and information. To these people and to you, aur readers, mnay b. extend aur wishes that you and yours Robson Pontiacs Down Brooklin Combines ln Fast Hockey Game Robson Pontiacs cndcd Brook- lin Combines 8-game win streak by issuing the Junior C. league leaders surprise 4-2 upset, at Memorial Arena Wedncsday of last week. Pontiacs' Wakeley, Lawrence, Payne line sparked the win as they paced the local lads with three second period goals. A marked improvernent in Rob- son's detence also was a major contributing factor in the win. 'For the first time this seasen they were checking, and check- ing efticiently. Improed Checking Pays Off Only on the odd occasion did Pentiacs appear lax in the de- fence department. They even stemmed off a six man attack in the final two and one-haîf minutes, atter Brooklin sacri- ficed the satety et their goalie te have a one-man advantage. Brooklin weren't hax cither and they came back strongly te tic the score in the middle trame before Pontiacs reclaim- cd the edge. Wayne Redshaw opened the scoring at 3.26 et the first frame. He blasted the rubber in from the 'front dur- ing a scramble te give the vis- itors a 1-0 lead. Pontiaca Tic Score Ted Fairey tallied the ecaual- izer before the period ended. At 18.16 he took a pass from, the stick of brother Beb and rifled it inte the cerner. George Lawrencc backhand- cd a pass te Paul Wakelcy at the cerner, and the spcedy winger fipped it in the cage te give Pontiacs the edge at 12.22 of the second period. Bil Cornish was on the receiving end et a goal mouth pass and scored Brooklin's final goal at the 16.21 mark. Ensure Win George Lawrence counted the winning goal as he knock- ed the lôose puck trom the air and blasted a 15-foot slap shot in the nets. Paul Wakeley scered his second et the game just 44 seconds later atter the trio complcted a successful) rush. Neither club managed a tally in the final 20 minutes, although eachi had a one man advantage on two occasions as the rcsult ef penalties. With the brilliant net minding et Vince Vanstone the Pontiacs held off the six- man drive bv Brooklin in the final minutes.1 Etcher's Team Leads Mixed Bowling League Team Standing Team W L Pins Etcher 36 9 42,103 Spicer 24 21 40,339 Bond 24 21 38,100 Brock - 21 24 38,015 Bromdl - 17 28 37,351 Mutton - 13 32 35,591 Averal G Brock Brock Spicer- Bond - Etcher Etcher - Richards- Bremeli - Hickling- Mitchell iges :a. 45 45 45 45 39 45 45 45 33 39 Pins Ave. 10,265 228 9,392 209 9,353 208 9,252 206 7,743 199 8,886 19- 8,841 196 8,755 194 6,210 188 7,223 185 BROWN'S Don't forget the Annual School meeting on' 'Saturday, December 28th, at 10:00 a.m. A good crowd attended the annual Christmas concert held at the school on Wednesday night, Dec. l8th. The children entertained with a pleasing concert and Christmas carols were sung by them and also with the audience joining in. Highlights of the evenmng were the presentation of the Lions Athletic Shield, won by Brown's School for the third successive year and the presentation of awards by the H. & S. Club to thepupils standing first in their class for the terni ending last June. Awards went to these students: Grade 1, Tommy Bailey; Grade 2, Tina Kozub; Grade 3, Eliza- beth Xozub; Grade 4, Edwin Bailey, Grade 5, Linda Cail; Gradte 6, Patsy Page; Grade 8, Donna Mcllroy. Best all-around student, Donna McIlroy. Santa Claus appeared to the delight of the- children and presents and baga of candy were distributed. Mr. and~ Mrs. E. Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Picker- ing, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Pickering. Mrs. Jas. Curson Jr., and her infant daughter, returned from the hospital on Friday. Both are well. Mr. and Mrs. H-. Pitt and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Powell visited in Toronto Sunday. SALEM The church was packed to capacity for annual school Christmas concert. The junior room under the direction et Miss Waneta Young and the Senior room in charge ef Mr. L. McMahon, provided an excel- lent program consisting et re- citations, short plays and choc- uses. Mr. Ross Metcalfc was present and accompanied the musical selections. Santa ap- peared at the close and distri- buted the gifts and bags cf candy. Sincere sympathy is extcnd- cd te the relatives and friends et Mr. Laurie Gaud who pass- cd away suddenly on Saturday night. Funceral will be held from Northcutt ard Smith fun- eral home on Tuesday after- noon. Mrs. Matthew Marchant and Susan attended the wedding ef her brother, Mr. George Parsons and Mrs. Muriel Shacklady in the Church et the Good Shep-. herd. Toronto, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Parsons, Mr. Beverly Pacsons, Trenton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. Marchant until Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cowling.I Aurora, were Saturdav cvening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H.1 McClure. They also visited re- latives i the community oni Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Both- well and family who have been residing in Mr. L. -quair's house have moved ta their new home in town. Sorry te report Mr. Bothwell hz at present a 1 patient in Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. Best wishes for a spcedy recovcry. Several tram here attendcd the Forcster's Christmas party in town on Saturday cvcming. Best wishes fer a Merry Christmas ta the. editar, stafi and ail readers of The States- mnan. Whatsoever thy hand findcth te do, do it with aU thy might. - Ecclesiatea, Eldridge -42 Stringer 39 Reynolds -45 Mutton ----45 Cox --..- 42 Bromell --~36 Mutton -45 Cox - =45 Gould 45 Bond 41 Stringer 39 Winnacott 39 Evans . 41 Reynolds 42 McKnight -33 Mutton - 42 Charles - 39 Oke- 4 Mitchell 42 Charles --39 Evans --45 Bartels 42 Hickling -33 Eldridge -45 Winnacott -39 Spicer 45 High High High High High High 7,550 7,039 7,985 7,927 7,271 6,025 7,386 7,314 7,196 6,547 6,224 6,152 6,379 6,416 5,025 6,272 5,737 6,630 5,916 5,424 6,203 5,347 4,199 5,647 4,773 3,699 Single, G. Stringer 325 Triple, E. Brock --706 Average, E. Brock- 228 Firut Schedule Single, E. Breck - 370 Triple, E. Brock - 839 Average, E. Brock --228 MR. AND MRS. A. H. DAVIS and BILL WESTLAKE To cab OICai lU frod.we wm àav«V bappy Yni«le& $cuc. Bii Nuton':r Imporial Service Centre Phim MA 3-589 114 LIbeu1r St. &. Choral Society The Bewmanvyille Choral Se- ciety will be holding a special practice on Sunday, January 5th, at- 3:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. This special practîce is bcing held in co-operation wîth the Bowmanvilfe Centennial Cemmittee in preparation for the special service te be held on Monday, January 6th in the Town Hall. Any former mem- bers of the Choral Society are welceme te attend this rehear- sal and te take part in the spe- cial program. Minor Hockey Listed below are the practice times fer Miner Hockey teams on Saturday, December 28th: Bantam 7:00 a.m.-Huskies and Tigers 7:45 a.r.-Lions and Braves .9ýereaIon 9ev'ew's " Christmas' Gifts By Douglas R -igg For Koreans iMillers i-n First Pla-ce Town League Hockey Ceurtice Rockets posted their first win of the season, edging Front St. 5-4, and Miller's Taxi downed Murdoch and Welsh Blockbusters 9-7, in Town League hockey Thursday night. The win lett Millers in un- disputed possession eof first place. They are four points ahead of the second place Blockbusters. A second periail four goal rally sparked by Ken Blake gave Rackets the win. He scor- cd two goals in less than three minutes te tic the score at 3-all. Jim Richards and Ken Pipher added singles before the period ended te ensure the win. £,Cetters &/o Nestleton. Ont., Dear Readers, Today with news at a premn- lum I wish to write to, you in two capacities-as your repor- ter for Nestieton Station and as a public servant in Nestieton Post Office. Our colleagues in the thousands of smailer rural offices have net this opportun- ity to speak for themnselves so we are proud and pleased to be able to do so. Having spent almost 26 years in Postal work, 20 in Cartwright and. six in Georgina township, it bas been lnteresting to grow with the times and we are pleased to note much improve- ment in service, systema and satisfaction to patron and post- man alike. Te our patrons on rural routes, surnmer extensions, village and tourist folk we wish te express a hearty thank- you at this happy holiday sea- son. ,Thank yeu first for answer- ing the "mail early" plea. It iS a whole week before Christ- mas and already the peak of 'the deluge seema te have been reachcd, with time new to pro- perly attend to perishable and other important last minute mailings. Thank yeu for having your letters and cards staniped, fac- MAPLE GROVE Congratulations are cxtend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. George Rob- inson who are celebrating their 50th anniversary on Christmas Day Mr. Robert Brown, who .1s attending Teachers' College in Peterborough, is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Charles John- son, Bowmanvilce, were sup- per guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday and 1Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lunny and family, Toronto, spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allison. Very sorry to hear that Al- bert Bothwell is in Sunnybrook hospital where he underwent an operation last week. Ail his friends in Maple Grove wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. L. Edwards, IMr. and Mrs. T. Conneli and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Edwards on Sunday. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhnke were Mrs. J. MacLaren, Bromley, Mr. and Mrs. Myles Stroughton, Osha- wa. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhnke and Bette Ellen visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Laird, Oshawa. Sunday pre-Christmas guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ceci Milis were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jen- nings, Ted and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kennedy and baby Reid, Acton; Mr. and Mrs. Gordeo Shunk, Marion and Ron, Mr. Russ Leach, Port Per- ry; Mrs. Harold Mills, Shirley, Chester and Bruce, Enniskil- len; Mr. Bill Begiey, Bruce and Carol, Bowmanville. Mrs. Howard Bradley suffer- e d very serious burns on her h ands, arms and face hast Thursday. The community wishes her a speedy recovery. The correspondent of this column wishes to extend te al A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Vear. IBAC KAC HE May beWarninq saekache b itaie"unb? Ia2 WMM" aeim .When W..y, gjet O«dofO«d«f, eosa l a md vates rmain in t&0 ajatems Thon h"ldw, datrbd rosi et "hat ired-ot sd&M a bm oadd fechng aMy soon &. %e hasId. euettea"a DeUs Kiibq Ms.Dedds sim"8 d». kiusy te normal actiom.Thon yo fI b~oe o tert-&hc. 1 - - .. - . .. .- 1 O-on - - e--i- --A