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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1957, p. 1

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tatternarn "Durham County's Great Family Journal" BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1957 10e PER COPY NUMBER 52 Carfwrighf Reeve Gives Reason for Refusing fo Sign Rd. Supf. By-Law Cartwright Council met Dec. l6th with Reeve Ashton in chair. Mr. Putsey, Caesarea, discuss- ed the bazard near bis property Owing ta no lights. Rcquest was referred ta next year's Coun- cil. More snow fence is ta bc put Up. A tby-law appointing Thomas Hotn as grader operator and ]Road Superintendent was in- troduced which the Reeve re- fused ta act on. Therefore a written motion was prepared by Councillor Trewin and sec- onded by Councillor Wright that Reeve Bruce Ashton va- cate Chair for the passing af the by-law on grounds af re- Iusing ta act, and Deputy-Reeve Green take ovtr. Carried. Moved by Coun. Hyland, sec- onded by Coun. Trewin first reading of the by-law, moved by 'Coun. Trewin, seconded by Coun. Hyland second reading of the by-law, moved by Coun. Wright, seconded by Coun. Trewin, third reading af thej by-law, then signed by Deputy- ]Reeve Green as acting Reeve. A motion by Coun. Trewin, seconded by Coun. Wright that ]Reeve Ashton chair balance ofi rneeting after passing af the1 Training Sclh Cadet Gymnq 4$ý,>ntario Training School CM~tCorp No.2464 bas again Won~ the Stratbcona Trust Gym- riastie Challenge Trophy for annuai competition, during Ca- det Inspections in the Eastern 9Utaria Area. t. W. W. Bagneil is the C- y ni*eam ý won top honors and in I95#'were runners up ta Ash- Walter Murphy Winner of Kinsmen Train .Bowman'ville Kinsmen Club's annual train draw came toaa successful close Saturday even- Ing at Memorial Arena with the winning ticket being that of Walter Murphy, Tyrone. Donna Poiley, 53 Liherty Street South, was bolder of t'he ticket drawn for the Kinette ]Doll. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Polley. Ann Werry, daughter af Dr. and Mrs. John Werry drew the winning train ticket. îBilIy Smale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smale, King Street east, drew the winning ticket for the doll. By-law, Deputy - Reeve Green then asked the Reeve to put his reasons for refusing ta act in writing which was done and reads as follows: "I, Bruce Ashton, Reeve of the Township of Cartwright give reasons as to why I refused to sign the said By-law. My fîrst reason is that I have been in contact with the Muni- cipal Engineer in Port Hope and that he told me as far as he could see everything was in first class shape in Cartwright as far as our Road Superinten- dent is concerned. My second reason is that be- ing Reeve here for the past year I have had but minor complaints of aur Road Super- intendent. My third reasan is that I do not think at this time of year and at this meeting that we should change Road Superin- tendent, as this new man sta- ted in bis tender that he had no experience. I definitely think that this matter should be left for next year's Council." Accounts were ordered paid and adjourn tili the call of the Cler& 1oo1 Wins. qstic Trophy bury College, Ottawa. Sixty schools competed in that area ai the province east af Oshawa. Some former winners en- graved on the trophy -are Belleville Colegiate, Peterbor-' ough Collegiate, Trinity Cl- lege Scbool, Part Hope, Acad- emie.De 'La Salle, Ottawa. The B.T.S. Corps is associat- ed with the Royal Canadian School ai Artillery, Picton, which recently became the first Racket Training unit in Canada. The inspection took place on the scbool campus in June. In the reviewing group were Col. L. T. McLaughlin, accompany- ing Major A. R. Virgin, Direc- tor af Training Scbools; Capt. F. Evans, Area Cadet Officer- marking; Mr. John S. Morrison, Superintendent, and Capt. A. Cuthbertson in charge ai the corps. This unit is always a first year corps due ta the complete turn over each year af person- nel, as against second and third year corps in other towns and cities. This year's gymnastic squad ai 20, had their first look at the Strathcana Trophy last week, when it arrived from area cadet headquarters, King- ston. B.T.S. Corps enjoyed their two Weeks' summer camp per- iod in August, at Point Petre, bolow Picton. Patients in Hos pifai Have Carols, Favors Plus Turkey Dinner C.O.F. Presents Annual Party For Children Bowmanville Canadian Order of Foresters presented their an- nual Christmas Party for the children in the Lions Commun- ity Centre Saturday evening. A special veriety concert was emceed by C. R. Maurice Steph,- ens. Mrs. George Graham ac- companîed at the piano for all the musical numbers and carols. Georgeann and Susanne Grah- amn sang two duets. A recita- tion, ."The Christmas Story" wus gaven by Linde Masterson. X en Bell sang a pleasant solo, m~pre Little Children". An- ïwrecitation, "Barni on Christmas Day" was recited by fleen McQuarrie. "Silent Night" was sung by Michael Etcher. lrid Smale sang another solo, :tllph the Red Nosed Rein- concert was brought toaa CW with ail joining in the siftgbt.ef Christmas cerols. To top of the evening Senta Claus patad a visit and hed treats and gitta for aIll The Foresters Poultry Draw Wi also held Saturday evening 'with the winners being as fol- Iowa: Mrs. Arlene Patter, Court- tee; Keith Biilett, Bowmanviile; Lloyd Collacutt, Oshawa; Dora- thy Gray, Janetville; Elva Leach, Bowmnanvfle; Art Bel], ]Bowmanvile. Though we may feel sorry for thase in hospital and not able to be with their families at Christmas, we may be sure that in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, patients wili have as gay a time as the staff and other kind folk can make it. The wards and cafeteria are festively decorated, and prior ta Christmas Day the Salvation Armny Band led by Capt. Nor- mani Cales will as usual pay a visit ta play and sing carols for the patients and staff. The Army also provides a Christmas treat for each patient. Aiter this pleasant interlude, the Band is entertained with caffee and (Continued on Page seven) Bowm anvilIle's C of C Survey Best in Ontario Bowmanville Chamber ai Commerce is cantinuing ta re- ceive praise and recognition for the Better Shopping Survey it instituted lest year. The survey is considered ta be ai such velue that the On- tario Chamber ai Commerce is repraducing it and will distri- bute the questionnaire ta aU Chambers ai Ontario. The BowInanville survey is deemed ta Be the best made by a Chember ai Commerce and in many ways supeî-iar ta, sur- veys made by professional, or- zanizations. ?lUay &eryJ(one 13e (fI3ess ccl ivththe'AC S nirà of £kace on Sardî, Ç00J XW/ lto71c from the Staff and Correspondents Kiddies Paçk Carols and Film Feature Oshawa Man r% - - -1 -I - -. 0% ~- . le.-" 1 Royal 1rteatre At Free Shows The free kiddies' show pres- ented by the Bowmanville mer- chants and the Royal Theatre yesterday (Monday) was an outstanding success judging from the attendance at bath performances. Mrs. Bob Giîl, ai the Royal, reports that there was scarce- ly balf-a-seat leit et yesterday afternoon's showing. This special holiday show features Walt Disney's "Sang ai the South" and will be pres- ented twice more today at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. By leaving their children et the show. ma- thers are free ta do lest minute Christmas shopping. SPORT NEWS FLASH! Bewmanville - Or- one Combines downed the Rochester Ail-Stars 12-6, ln' an exhibition hockey game at Ru- cheuter, Bandar. .rotary .nristmas Party Aiter a highly successful, are visiting their daughter and Christmas party for the crîppled son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. children, an Dec. llth at the Merkley. Lions Centre the Bowmanvilie A film strip entitied ',The Rotarians followed througb with Christmas Etory,' closed off the an equaliy commendable seasan- heart-warming pragren-. It told ai program eat their reguler af the Birth ai Christ and the meeting Friday at the Balmoral visits af the Shepherds and Hotel. Three Wise Men. Under the direction af Rotar- In absence af Club President ian Art Morgan a festive pro- Keith Slemon, Vice-President gram ai cerols and a film striP Rex Walters chaired Friday's ai ,the Christmas Story provcd meeting. ta be a special delight ta the Wiln Attendance Contest club members and their guests. To add ta the occasion the An eight-yeer perfect attend- dinfing hall ai the Balmoral was ance pin was presented ta, Keith geiiy decorated with ligbts and Jackson. It was also anaunced a dazzling Christmas tree. thet the attendance cantest be- As an extra feature the tween Bowmanville and Port Rotarians were privileged to en- Hope wes won by Bowmanville. joy a program aif carals by bath Therefore the Part Hope Club young and aider periormers. are naw required to be hast ta The youthiul zest was pravided the Bowmanville Club at some by the select Girls' Choir af the future date. three Bowmenville P ublilc Two draws were heid et the Sehools under the able direction meeting with Howard Rundie ai Murdoch Beaton, Publice winning the Christmas cake and School Music Director. Bob Stevens and Pete NeweIi Equally enjoyable was the the hockey tickets. solo by Mrs. James Ironside who Visitors at the meeting includ- sang "Night af Nights". She el Ed Rose, Chas. Elliott, Tom was accampanied by her bus- Dobbie and AI Stevens ai Osha- band at the piano dressed in wa: Ralph Ames, Bowmenville; kilts. Mr. and Mrs. Ironside are A. B. Schultz, Part Hope, and from Aberdeen, Scotlend, and "Dal" Deirymple, Stirling. KiIIed In Two-Ca r Crash An Oshaxcva it .i . k-iltýc and three pernoît i> i-Pinr r two-car crasht ci liigi No.~x 2, one-tenth of a e n of< the Sauina Rond, Stica*, 10 p.m. Dead is Jiimt-; V,. C rnnt . a 43, ai 1-o9 BurIn- 'tiru' i, O wa. He was ir(iio uitc-P -i (ý an arrivai ai ti 'l it,îÏpiill Bowmranville, as tn -niii i bead injuries rrexo iii tire ac- cident. Injured v.ere Cs.?Tapr Hall and twvo c-P 1 cin-n ii ' - passengers bitto o: -ýr.Mr îi wvas treated for* chi oa and reicased b;'I.-,- liti-' Bertha Xliii '. 7, ' --'o:t Oshawa, receix i î 'iit ankle and bond i-t was detained t~1u .. aIder brother, .n'a- i.;, suifered facial l-a:~ wvas rcleased n:-r- Police said ( t alone iu his car. %,,,-. i ' t- when thecicýido"'n4 Mrs. Hall was i o u.. Ontario Prov-ioli ',' in- vestigated the acçîlcîit.. T own Hall Takes on New Look in Readiness CentenniaI Celebration L)uîiiil the past few months îi . o"ail Town Hall lbas iiiidergoing some startling i:in lupreparation for t:1e C' 1t1ennial Year. Ti itc.t' is the attractive i oa looriiîg which hias ixjtx dc in the Council Chamb- luz:tlway and two municipal o~ti 'J' xx Councillors were per- hî>thinking salely af their ow conifort rather than beauty \'.'Ooi ie. v purchased plush ce rcilsorit s, for members of o vibut ratepayers should loi b - ritical of such a small lîm.Chairs were also bought for iii, audiences (small though th»'« ýnay bc) at Council meet- P"auci other Town Hall func- A start bas been made on landsoaping the Town Hall hmx us. This will be more ot"iilloin the Spring when tb o hbiil bs bloomn. Piit'iing cf the walls and cciling cof the Town Hall is on the agendla for the coming year is are several other projects in- "Jla- ic doors and steps. 17anging the Mayors Mloig writh the above Cen- tennial preparatians it would be -n t.clu idea if the pictures of the former early Mayors of Poîx maiýnvillo were hung at their oid place in the lobby. Iti t sumimer these enlarged (r!' rails were relegatcd to a portion of the cellar next to the j:olico lock-up where they arei -ii1hcriîng ust. Tlhoe -opictures af the Chief i\lpîtraesgo up ta thc year 9 1 (). They wxere enlarged by late George P. Freeland, ottxi tf owrnanvillc, who lat- (i "ratod a studio in Toron- 'L in ci' hccame recognized as one 'il' ('nialeading photograph- i. 7"\o(-i oNnliafion is available as Io xx Pv ibb custom of "hanging t ho ( PilV, ors" was discontinued Library Fund Grows Obiective Is $ 8,000 new era when beards were di.%- continued and men became bare- faced individuals. However, the 1957 Council gave considerable thought to preserving the names of those who served as Mayors and sub- sequently decided ta purchase a suitable plaque ta be hung in the lobby, with the complete list of Mayors. Although 34 men have held the office af Mayor during the town'sfirst 100 years, it is in- teresting ta note that there have been only three municipal cletks and two of these have been in the same family. Richard Windatt was the first Clerk and his term 0fv service lasted 40 years, fromn 1857 ta 1897. John Lyle, J.P., father af the present Clerk, took over as Clerk until his son Alick assum- ed the duties in 1932. With municipal business in- creasing bath in volume and conpplexity, a strain has been placed on the existing office space. This wîll be remedied somewhat as soon as the Library is moved ta its new premises in the old Post Office. However no definite decisions have yet been made as ta how the aid Library room will be used. Post Off ice Closed Xmas And NewYear' Bowmanvllle Post Office will be closed Christmas and New Yea.r's Day, Post- master George, Vice an- nounced. this week. The post office box lobby wlli also be closed on these days, Dotiations ta the Bowman- ville Library Fund are contin- îigat a steady flow with the aaioîitt received now standing ai .34.2 Objective is $8,000. The Boxvmanvîlle Rotary ('lob k-ishe prime supporter af tHe Lihrarv projeet and beside riiovating thieaid post office .111 a suitable library, the clui) Fas cdonated $2,000. XX Pç cornpleted the library beiih a public service bath ta Bownianville and the surround- iiip comînunities. Ahl citizens lix'iîîvim or near the tawn are urged ta support this worth- while project. As af December 19 the fol- lowing donations have been re- ceived: Ratary Club af Bow- manville -- --..... $2,000.00 Rotary-Anns (bake sales, catering)------- 319.40 Industry (100 percent response) _----- 1,190.00 Commercial establish- m ents ------------ _1,220.55 Clubs and associa- tions _ --------- 150.00l Private citizens 465.67 P Fost Office Han dies Hi~uge Quanfify Mail Fiilema tenmporary employees> hiave heci> added ta the past elfllte riaft ta cape with thel CîtriImais postal rush whichi DoanI)c. 10, and reacbedit 1o:k iioda.x- Dec. 16, whenj ;A,675 letters wcre handled. "\e- are up ta the minute xx'ih 1111 train imail." Postmaster (111v of la: t veek. '"However %v'e1 Over 600 children attended ;ilre Ix lajjd on lette-s mailed i the Christmas Party given ini - .,i'i" coatse many peopie their honor by the Bawman- la.ofrilled ta affix the box ville Branch ai the Canadien Legion at the Legion Hall Sat- 'île .stait at te past o ffice urday afternoan. nr% n'rkig 24 hours a day te Feature ai the program was Pi"ii hmastai heinceasnga high]y entertaining variety oragrhewith Ab Mavin a x -: s of Dec. 19 they had MC. it b aina 11 r] 172,054 machine-count- To start this program off Ca- (1. i n t to. Tis dîd flot include I rai Sheehan and Shirley Pat- îC~i*îido rgseedmio field did a tap dance routine. :1 i)i~i Geargeann end Susanne Gra- a Dî'raîgi,,t le whole Christmas ham failowed with two duets, i ii n1956 190,768 machine-1 "Christmas Alphabet" and ot-Ilettcers were handled;. "Here Cames Sente Claus". t vo .:p-t tiis year's rush They Were eccompanied by farIn exî'eed that," Mr. Vice tlheir mother, Mrs. Geor-ge n. Graham. tIi ie regular staff of! Two enjoyable piano solos, i(.: :o. iss M. Goudy, Mrs.1 'Suent Night" and "Awey in a i , ii"(klomrs. M. Virtue, Mrs.! Manger" were playcd by Lînda I i _ia r.,, Mrs. E. Kerr, Mrs. Thompson. Donna Mcllroy d î d M. 'i P MIrs. C. Dunn, Mrs. a tep dance number to "My - o h-'o rs. R. Cowan, Mrs. Bannie Lessie". _M .lcîad Mrs. V. Colwell, Rod Taylor, pramisîng young niJ . Gboers, Mrs. C. Bate, ventriloquist who won first L. Pollard and Bill Slaght,' prize in a recent Ken Sable TV 1 talent show closed off the pro- T ie r"."îiar rural deliverv 1gi m stni o still handling theirtI Throughout the aiternoon W. t"er' itcseives. Thcv in- 1 president Jim Firth read tele- ;LI;(. Xu5sell Brown, Keith grams telling ai Santa Claus' oit i Codon Moarcraft endi progress from the North Pale, Ru -1Virtue. Finally the joliy gentleman ar- ____________ rived and presented gifts toalal. i Letion Dance i:1Yr Carruthers, Kempt-! Saturday evening the Legiont p £ iItuiral Scbooli, -; held its annual Christmas Chiitîia ho]idays dance witb Ted Taylor's Or. r:ritMr. and Mrs. chestra, Ajax, providing flie nCarruýLthers. With ber music and Tom Mastersan cal]. an fil or the weekend werei ing for the square dances. Ab Nu iîd Mis. Keith Smith, Mavin and his committee were LiaIt.in charge ci the dance. Legi on Delights 60 Children At Xmas Party -t - --z .-.,~-~e W'<~17" - ; e 10e PER COPY iy.%UME 103 NUMBER 52 1

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