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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1957, p. 2

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PAGE ITWO Annual Mothers' March For "March of Dîmes"f Already Being Planned The annual "Mothers' March" for the March of Dimes, in which an army of more than 100,000 Ontario mothers took p art asat year, will take place betweeri the hours of 7 and 8 p.m. on the evening of Wed- nesday. January 29th. Last year, in a single hour. Grant Us Thy Peace God bath called us to peace- 1 Cor. 7-15. Grant us Thy Peace, Lord, The winds waft confusion, The menacing clouds liang low in life's sky; Man's building and boasting Brlng naught but delusion, For shelter and safety To Thee would we fly. Grant us Tby peace, Lord, Take over our planning. For we, in our bungling, Corne only to grief; Tby wisdomn and power The wbole world is spanning, Why should we flot ask Thee For help and relief? So grant us Thy Peace, Lord, Quieten life's ocean, Bring us in safety Promn storm into calm, F111 us with faith in Thy care And devotion; And into hearts breaking Pour tby healing balm. -Cora B. Hall almost $418,000.00 was raised to finance the rehabilitation of handicapped aduits throughout the province. The campaign takes place at the same hour in communities large and small, scattered froni the Manitoba to the Quebec borders. 87 communities parti- cipated iast year. This year, new committees bave been formed in most parts of the province, and the number of "Mothers' Marches" wiil be well over 100. Almost every service club in the province is represented in the roster of clubs which have ".ined the March of Dimes"~. Kinsmen and Kinettes; Rotary, Kiwanis; Lions;, Jaycees and Jaycettes; Business and Pro- fessional Women's Clubs; B'Nai Brith; Odd Fellows and Rebe- kalis; I.O.D.E.; Home and Sehool Association; Beta Sigma Phi; Loyal Order of Moose; arnd many others. "Ail join forces to heip the March of Dimes help the handicapped people of Ontario back to independent living," said Mr. W. Denis Whitaker, President o! the On- tario March o! Dimes. Mr. Whitaker explained that the basic purpose of the March o! Dimes had been greatly en- larged during the past year. Pre viously, funds were used exclusively to provide nehabili- tation for those whose handi- cap had been caused by polio- myeiitis. "Now, we're in a in every way - we wish for you a very happy holiday fflson BALMORAL HOTEL - -- --............< lii i M j' j~i t n j W. Ross Sirike, Q.C. Chairman much wider fleld-rehabilita- tion of those whose physical handicap has been caused by other conditions as well-acci- dents; congenital conditions; or other causes where the victini's condition can be improved through nehabilitation process- es, and for wbom no other source of help exists." The problem of polio itself is stili a major one for the March of Dimes, Mr. Whitaker explained, since over 11,000 persons in the province bave been the victims o! polio, and! many of these need help to re- gain some form of useful phy- sical activity. "The Salkc vac- cine came too late for these people," be stated. "We're tackiing a big job in taking on this new load," Mn. Whitaker stated. "But we know that the people of Ontario want this problem solved, and through their help in the com- ing March of Dimes campaign. we'll be able to do the job." March o! Dimes doctors per- form the medicai side of the prograin without fee whenever financial need exists, be ex- plained. March of Dimes dol- lars are used 'to pay hospital costs, and to pay for physiothe- rapy- and equipment and appli- ances needed in the process of rehabilitation. Home - makers are also provided for mothers during rehabilitation, be stated. The March of Dimes con- ducts its medical program through thirteen treatment cen- ters. Patients are brought to the nea-est ciinic for examina- tion, assessment, and corrective procedures. SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellow- lees and Mrs. J. Yellowiees at- tended the funerai of their uncle Mr. John Grills in Lindsay on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith, Deb- bie and Paul, Toronto, were Su- nday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. J. Yeiiow- lees were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Fat. Dr. George Wenry, Carolyn, Donald and James, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with the Werry's. Rev. Amy Schaufflen from A- ngola, Africa, was guest speak- er at the combined service on Sunday afternoon. To illustrate the wonderful work that is be- ing donc among the Afnican peo- pie, beautiful coloned slides were shown. The natives are looking for leadership from those who are experienced teachers and trained leaders who are wiliing to dedicate their lives for His service. The girls quartette, Pat and Helen Knox, Pat Davis and Gail Baker, sang a most fitting selection, "Giving our ail to God." Mr. C. Avery and Vernon, Ha- ydon, Mr. and Mrs. N. Fîce, Tau- nton, visited at Mr. Frank West- lake's Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martin and sons, Blackstock, wenre vis- itors at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bro- ome 's. To the editor and staff ! h Geo. Van Bridger Manager Many Fire Accidents On Ontario Farms Due To Faulty Wiring- be enclosed in a glass globe. If this is flot done, dust can ac- cumulate on a bare light bulb and act as an insulator, caus- ing the surface. temperature of the bulb to rise. This could ne- suit in the ignition o! the dust accumulated on the bulb. A number of steps will pay dividends. Look over the wiîr- ing system for damaged wire, sulation o! the conductor Is switcnes, and boxes. Rteplace charréd by the heat, and con- broken buibs, and put bulbs ini ditions for a f ire are created. empty sockets rathen than ai- *low the sockets to f iii up with If a fuse "blows" oý.ing to a dust. Keep ail electrical equip- circuit being overioaded, neyer ment free o! dîrt and dust. use a larger fuse, states the Wiring systems shouîd be O.A.C. autbority; instead, bave checked every tbree or four another circuit instailed. years by an. electrician famil- If heat lamps are properly iar tvith farmn wiring. When new installed, there is no danger of wiring is installed, make sure fire. <Rememnber that a heat that it is inspected by a Hydro lamp wiil ignite straw wben inspector. Electricîty is per- held one inch away' from it). fectly safe, provided it is not The foliowing precautions are abused. useful: (1) Use only porcelaîn __________ iamp sockets, as the tempera- ture is too high for rubber or bakelite. (2) Suspend the heat E V R O lamp by a chain, not by the cord. (3) Use a wire guard, so Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heaslip that if the larnp falis in the spent Sunday witb the Ken Hea- straw it wiil roll over on its slips and boys of Lindsay. side. <4) See that animais are Belated congratuiations to Mr. protected from the lamnp. Albert Heasiips who recently ce- Ligbt bulbs when used in iebrated his 86th ]irthday. granaries and hay mows should' To Yelverton's matriarch, Mrs. Harry Henders, :~urrently win- tening in Toronto we extend hearty Christmas Greetings. Mr. Cliff McGill ls visiting with bis parents in Yelverton. Mrs. Sandra Gibson visiting her sister, Mrs. John Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Huey McGili accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stinson on Sunday to the Ray McGills o! Blackstock. We shouid like to extend te the readers of our Yelverton column, Ye Editor and staff our personal wisb to each and al for a very Merry Christinas. Our thanks too to those "'dear soulà and gentie people" who ag given us their subscription renew. It wiII cost you an EXTRA to get your 1958 lcense plates if you haven't auto liability insurance. Invest your $5 in liability' insurance and thus protect yourself as well as the public. For helpful information about auto liability insurance, please cali: HOWARD FOLEY JAMES DARNES King St. W., Bowmanville Newcastle Phone MA 3.3277 Many lire accidents on On- tario farms are caused by poor electrical wiring. But most of these lires need neyer occur if proper care is taken in correct- ly installing and maintalning the farm electrical systemn. The most important part in the maintenance of a wiring syýstem is the addition of new circuits to take, care of increas- ing loads, staies John Garlandi, Department of Engineering Science, Ontario Agricultural College. Wlth more appliances and equipment coming into use, a wiring system wbich was ade- quate 10 or 15 years ago may now be overloaded. A larger size fuse is not the answer; this simply makes the wire or conductor carry more current than it was designed for, resulting in heating of the conductor. Eventually, the in- Yelverton S.S. Holds "AnnuaI Xmas Concert Association ~ ~fl ~.S, ~A* A P M - a ,4wpqwwqpw- -cay £ &odd aain te Pu~~ie yÉiz £uzutiful mztuagz of Puee and 9ood will LL a tomaLa iL LLLLe "o01 4 9SgALm s&0Long a5o. Bowma nvi lie Public Utilities Commission Pupils of S. S. No. 1 Yelver- ton, coached by their teacher Mrs. Robt. Sisson, presented their annual Christmas Concert on Dec. l8th. The program, with Howard Malcolm, the chubby chairman, and Bob Sisson ably supplying at the piano consisted of - The Queen; "Welcome" by Marguerite Wilson,, Christ- mas Carols by the School; Rie- citation by the twins- Norma and Anne Wilson (cute as but- tons too); Solo without guitar accompaniment- "Pretty Frau- lien"-June Kerr; Dialogue - Bargains for Christmas; Dueet- Karen and Cindy Malcolm "Al- ice Blue Gown"; Piano duet- Carol Stacey and Marguerite Wilson; Dialogue-"Mrs. Green Sees Red" wbich thie cheerful chairman described as quite co- lourful; A "Merry Christmas" drill; Monologue- Keny Wilson 'Suying Presents"; Junior mem- bers in a Rhythm Band orch- estration- very smart in cun- ning pili box hats and capes with such enthii'dasm on the down beat as to threaten break- ing their "insruments" into kin- dling; piano duet, Linda and El- izabeth Rowan; Christmas Lui- laby- five' diminutive mothers with cradies, dolls and rocking chairs; Recitation- Gordon Ste- phenson; Dialogue- Santa Cia- us Express; Solo - Vanieta .McGiil accompanied by big sis- ter Lorraine; Dialogue- "Mail Order Pass", Recitation- Ka- thy Kerr; A Christmas Present- ation - "Catheral Windows"; Rec.- Bruce Kerr. Senior Tru- stee Fred Stacey thanked the ±eacher, Mrs. Sisson and chiid- ren for a sterling performance. Dale Stinson and Kenny Wilson in a duet gave a -very sweet ren- dition and the program. was con- cluded by a School Chorus. The immediate appearance of a leaner than usual Santa Claus 1 (<which would lead one to be- lieve that thirigs were'nt too flush this year at North Pole É ether) with gifts and candy for kiddies brought a pleasant ev- ening to a satisfactory conclu- sion. HAMPTON Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Mrs, Chas Ferguson, Oshawa, vis. ited their father, Mr. J. W. Balson, who was very iii with f lu and since bas been moved to Bowmanville Hospital fol- lowing aý heart attack, to have a. rest. Mrs. Bert Hoskin and baby girl is home from, Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Williams have a baby girl not a boy as reported earlier. Mrs. J. W. Balson bas been staying in Bowmanville wlth ber daugbter Mr. and Mrs. Keith Billett. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Baison, Richmond Hill, visited dad and told hlm all bis winnings 'or his sheep, (which were marly) at Chicago Ill. Fair, for bis employer, Mr. Reidelmier of Don Head Farms. Anson was especiaily proud of bis flock and sold all but five out of a truck load. They rnotored to Chicago. Canadian Statesman and to al readers of this column may I express sincere wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. o"May you bave the gladness ofChristmas which is Hope. Th'e Spirit of Christmas, whicb is Peace and the beart of Christ- mas, which is Love." Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson Normie, Donna and Beverley, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspell and Mrn. Donald Yell- owlees, Taunton, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Yell- owiees. Mrs. Bruce Tink and Herbie visited Mrs. W. A. Ormiston at Brooklin. Rev. and Mrs. F,_ Reed, Mr. Reed's sister from Toronto, Rev. Amy Schaffler; and Mr. Chas. Shortridge were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Mr. and Mrs. E. Larnier, Bla-, --------------- --------------------------------- TEM CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOMIANVILLE. ONTARIO Co-operators Insurance Z"Cqmî: 1

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