.............................................................................................-r-,..-..n--. . PAGE SrX Vuewpoint of Writer Proves Interesting Topic The second meeting of the Reading and Discussion Group held at the Lions Centre, Dec. Il. followed thne pattern of trie f.rst meeting, but took the ac- tiîor's view-point rather than the reader's. No writer should be afraid to desc-ibe the world he tees. even if it is different 1.'om the world of others. Som- erset Maugham admits that his writings have sometimes shock- éd people. but he has alwavs tried to tell the truth as he saxvit. Shakespeare was endowed with empathy to so great a de- gree that he was at once the rnost living and the least sen- timental of authors. The writer is one with multiple personal- *ity and because he is, he can MNNE Y AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 crea te many characters. The measure of bis greatness is the number of selves that he corn- prises. When be fashions a char'acter that does not carry conviction it is because there is in himself nothing o! thal person. He bas had to faîl back on observation and so bas only described and flot created. The world of objective fan- tasy' vis made reaI to the writer through bis capacity for arrest- ing it and fixing it in form. It separates bim from the rest of mankind. Morley Callaghan is quoted as saving "The art of fiction is the greatest art of ail". The life of a writér must be one of courage and talent and is the rnost dernanding of discipline.1 An interesting interlude was provided when a recording was played of Somerset Ma gam i na reading fromn "Cakes and Ale". The members followred the recording from a typed copy of t t egtrct. A blank page was attacbed for the members to write their impressions or cri- ticisms of the writing ini ques- tion. These will be handed in at the meeting of Dec. 18 at wbich time the theme will be "Books from the Critic and Publishers Viewpoint." Next meeting is Jan. 8 and new members are welcome. The g-oup is Linder hte leadership of Mrs. E. J. Morley. - :... COWLINGý DRUG STORE AND STAFF IROYALMA358 WED. - THURS. AUDREY FE EPlBURN AejAii ~~THTHP$ON plus fast-nioving feature "Shake, RattIe and Rock" starring FATS DOMINO AND LISA GAYE at 7 and 10:15 p.m. WEDNESDAY MNITE, DEC. 25 plus "The Giant CIaw" Adult Enteî'tainmen-t . SAT. - DEC. 27 Matinee Salurday - 2 p.m. "The Restless Breed" (Color) SCOTT BRADY » ANNE BANCROFT plus adventure tale "Lure of the Swamp"pé Last Comxplete Show 8:30 MON. - TUES.- DEC. 30 31 also "Phantom from 10,000 Leagues" Last complete show' 8:30 B EC. 25 - 26 "House of Wax" FR1. (Colour) . 28 TffE CANADIAN STATESMAIN. BOWMA&NVTLLE. ONTARTO enjoyed the Nativity Pageant! - presented by the children Inter- I spersed with Carols and Scrip- The ~ro o i'ews ture readings. This was direct- T'Île Orono News ed by Mrs. McArthur, Mrs. Fred Hamilton and Mrs. Mil- dred Colley. After the service Telephone 127 there was a Christmas tree in the Parish Hall and ail the Mrs.Ray Wet, arlne nd Ms. urn Kitme an ~,children received gifts. Mrs.Ray Wet, Drlee ad 1 rs.Burs Kitme an so The United Church was fill- Raye Jr., spent the weekend1 St. Marys. ed for the Sunday morning ser- with lber parents, Mr. and Mis. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watsonî i vice at 10 a.m. Rev. P. Rom- SPercy Hayward, Bowmanville. wihtersnM.adMs eril delivered a fine sermon on MIr. Douglas Gamsby, Toron- Archie Watson, Betty Ann and! "The Royal Entry". The choir to University, spending the ho]- Larry. Waterdown. rendered two fi ne Christmas ida 'vs with his mother, Mrs. Ken Mr.ad Mrs Francis Hall,1 Anthems. r. an is. tThe Sunday School room of rGamsby and Jirn. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Robin: United Church was jammed Mr. and Mrs. Albert Farrow, son, Port Hope, witb their bro- SMiilbrook, visited Mrs. 1. Win- ther, Mr. Wmn. Robinson. for the Christmas service at ter.Mr.andMrs Albrt itcellwhich each class presented a ter.Mr.and rs.Albrt Mtchllnumber on the program. At the Little Cathy Marie Luxton and children, with hier parents, close a gift xvas given each age four, only daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Emorey, child of the Primarv Depart- and Mrs. l-arold Luxton. Whitby. ment from the Sunday School. Bowmanvifle, the former Gre- Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall ta Mercer of Orono, died sud- with their daugbter, Mr. andi United Church Play denl « at Mernorial Hospital, Mrs. Frank Ardron and sons, Sunday nigbt the Commun- Bowmanville, on Friday, Dec- Toronto. ity Hall was filled to capacity ember 2th. Funeral xvas on Mrs. John E. Armstrong Is wben the Nativity Play, "The Sunday. Interruent in Bowmaîî- spending three weeks with ber Stained Glass Window", was ville Cernetery. son, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ArmTi presented by members of the Mrs. Frank Ardron, Toron- strong and cbildren, Timmins. United Church. The first scene to, visited Mr. and Mrs. Madi- Mr. Anson Gilroy with hîs showed the orphan match girl son Hall over the weekend. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex and bier puppy sitting outside The Bowmanville - Ororio Hoy and family, Oshawa. the cathedral trying to sel Combines hockey team played iVrs. Fred Bowen with her matches and the people who Sunday in Rochester, N.Y. sister, Mrs. E. Stockdale, To- passed by on the way to "wor- Their wives also made the trip. ronto. ship?" Then the nurse and Mrs. Geo. Crowther- and Mrs. Ken Gamsby, Mr. Jim hblîdren who stopped bougbt Jarnie, Newcastle, attended Gamsby, Mr. Douglas Gamsby, all ber matches and invited bier Santa Claus Parade and visit- and Mr. and Mrs. H. Snell and to cburch telling hier of Jesus. ed Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood sons, Toronto, with P. C. and Second scene showed the on Saturday. Mrs. H. Boyd and sons, Orillia. Stained Glass Window inside Mrs. Keith West spent the Mrs. Wm. E. Seymour with with the tbree scenes. The or- weekend witb bier parents, Mr. bier niece Mr. and Mrs. Gordon phan hiding in a corner of and Mis. Win. Arnîitage, Ca- Suggett, Toronto. the church to watcb and listen. van, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gra- ..Congratulations to 1Mr. and1 hamn, B onnieand Norman, Osh- , TrHURSDAX", DEC. 26th. 1937 As the Shepherds saw the ligbt they journeyed to the stable and found the mother and babe guarded by an angel. Then the0 Wise Men led by the Star as King Herod sent them to find this young child. The nurse ex- plaining the full story to the Bx31 two children with ber and f in- Bon orest, Ot ally Mary singing a lullaby. DoutarresSic,. Third scene showed the care - Arn enclosing money ordera taker and his wife finding the frr0 o rnwlo h orphan girl sleeping on the ca - tatesm.0 fook frwardofToe thedral steps and after confîrm- Sit esach FIdayoon espeally' ing ber that there was a Jesus tehFrdyad spclIs who loved her, they adopted en.joy reading Ed. Youngman's her and ber puppy. Characters: contribution.a -Meg, an orphan girl, Winni- Yours truly, fred Swartz; Toby, ber puppy; Gordon HaIlowell Woman, Dorothy Forder; Mani, --_____ Stuart Dorrell; Woman and child-Gwenith Thornpson and Elizabeth; Nurse and children, Kathleen Dorreil, Donn M- Laugblin and Floyd Kyt;Ma6 donna, Jean Kyte; Angel, Elaie Mountjoy; Tbree Wise Me'n, Blake Gunter, Jim Marlow. Neil Malcolm; Herod, Richard! Bowles; Three Shepherds, Roy McLaughlin, Ralph Larmer, Harold McLaughlin; Voices off A stage, Merrill Van Camp, Stu-j art Dorreil; Bob, the caretaker, ' Harold Kyte; Ruth bis wife, a M Edith McLaugblin. * Air, Rail or Steamship V, TO EVERYWHERE Consult - JURY &LOV E LL 15 King St. W. MA ê3-5778 ~ Bowmanvillef Box 34, liolland Landing, )Dear Editor, Please find enclosed nmoîey order to renew nw' paper for 1958, the 1001h birthday of the town of Bowmanvle. t I enjoy reading The Statet.J mn, especiallly the editorials,F as 1 get valuable information n many of' them. I think they are the finest of any paper 1 *ead. They are the first 1 look at when 1 receive my pape~ Xishin. you and the e staff of The Statesman A1Vf MerI 'rv Christmas and A and Prosperous Newv Ye~TW Sincerely yours, Peter Walker ltéinding our bes "tibes for a cheery .Y idtt;,de Seajim ALLIN'S NEAT MARKET AND STAFF Mrs. RLoy Patton, the former awa. with Mr. and Mrs.'F. B. ' .*~ Uf ~JU~~ ~ Dorothy J. Dolly Duncan of White. Sussex, New Brunswick, on Mr. and Mrs. E. Dent and à at Orono United Church Par- C. Mason, Bowmanville.I sonage. Rev. Basil E. Long of- Mc. and Mcs. Harvey Ginn liciated. wîth Mrs. Ginn, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Herb Murray is ill at his »Glenn Tennent and Lamily, home. Blackstock. Mis. G. H. Hodgson, Newcas- Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton tle, forrnerly of Orono, is a pa- with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gray, tient again in Gravenhurst Saîî- Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray Iatorium. and David, Cadmus. Mrs. Bruce Myles is assisting Miss Gwen Chatterton, R.N ., scence of Mr. Dean West due Chatterton and Carol, with Mr. m to his recent leg operation. and Mrs. M. Chatterton. Miss Josephine Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass West Dennis, Mass., U.S.A., is and David, Rochester, N.Y.;j spending a few weeks visiting~ Mr. and Mca. W. B. Hoar Mr. hec sisters. Mrs. Tbornton WiI- and Mcs. E. Rainey, Mr. Ger-1 e lNna; tson, Mrs. J. E. Grady and hec aid Rainey, Mc. and Mrs. Glenn jbrother, Mr. Wm. Armstrong Allen and fam.ily, Newcastle, jand family. with Mfian Mrs. Neil PLainey vice a evening a Carol ser- Themiy iChurch. Editor, Staff and Readers. A Christmas Visitors speciai tbank you to everyone Mr. and Mca. Wm. Mitchell who has assisted me, re, news witb their daughtec Mc. and items in 1957. j 13LACKSTOCKI Mc. Melville and Miss Doris "Squirrels' Hoiidays"; Bobby 1 _ Griffin, Mr. and Mcs. Lorne McLaughlin recited "Christmas 1 Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ger- is a Happy Time"; Brian Mount- rard, attended the weddîng o! joy recited "0, Little Vine". Al M.Clem Rahm and Miss Ruth sang "Tbe First Nowefl" and fWilson at Young's Point, Sat- repeated the Benediction. urday. Rev. Romecil dropped ini to Miss Gertrude Henry, Toron- say Hello and wisih ah a Mecry to, is home until ThtLcsday. Christmas. The chi.idren sang Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston "We Wish You a Merry Christ- returned home from Belleville mas and Happy New Year" foc Sunday. theic leaders and pastor. The Mr. nd rs.Ber SmthTo-leaders then tceated to candy. Ironto, Marilyn and Ronald Ar- Nx etn a.7 98 cher, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. Christmas PartyM rcheand M. RA. Dever Wednesday evening the Ex -_n Mc ndMs RyTunrglorers, C.G.I.T., Tycos andj and girls left Monday to visit Sigma C's and their leaders met the Turner relations at Win- in h ' na cho9oo o cMstr. adMs osDfGa their Chriktmas party. They Mc. nd cs.Ros Du!, ra-had planned Carol singng for ham and Marilyn, joined the the shut-ins of the village but rest o! the Duff family at the owing to tbe poucing ramn thîs t>.' home ohirleMc. n a nda Lforehad to be omitted. A very ~ Dut! Shiley on eunda fo pleasant evening was spent in their Christmas get-togee. games and refreshments endîng Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gra- with a candlellght worsbip sec- ham, Port Perry, and Mr. and vice. Mca. Rupect Byers, Bowman- ville, were Sunday guests of L.O.L. 133 met Dec. lOth Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham. wben these officeî-s were elect- Mc. and Mcs. Hector Short- ,edWoc. Master - Carl Mc- ridge and Billy, visited Misses Laugblin, Dept. M.-Stanfocd 'ssmsngf c Annie and Effa Wrigbt, Osh- Van Camp; Chaplain - Herb Just as Santass ii g f c awi. Swain; Rec. Se'y-Geo. Wolfe; Mr. nd Ms. arne WrihtFin. Sec'y-Cari Wright; Treas. PotPerry: Mr. and Mrs. Keith DBl Ferguson; lst Lect.-Earl Wright, Oshawa; Miss Vera Dorceil; 2nd Lect.-Roy Fer- rn sh p ie st h o n Forder, Toronto, Miss Hazel guson; Marshall - Ed. Harris;L Wright. Oshawa; and Mr and Committee - Lavern Devîtt, Mcs. Lloyd Wright and child- Leith Byers, Cecil Hil, Ernest and Youjng-»in-heart, so our, cren, were Sunday guests of Swain and Frank Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Staniland o went to Montreal Sundav to R.B.P. No. 398 met Dec. 17th i c r w sh ef cto , spend toweswt hi and eiected these officers- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H-amell. Wor. Preceptor - Wes Taylor, M r. and Mrs. Ronald Drink- Tycone; Dept. Preceptor- water and tbîee children. Ot- Walter Murphy, Tyrone; Cbap- thanks to You...,for Your friend. ftawa, are visitinig ber mother, lain - Geo. Wolfe, Blackstock; Mis. WA. W. Van Camp. ' Registrac-Wm. Wallace, Bow- Mr-. Joiito McKee is staying manville; Treasurer - Hecb - sbip and good wille*M idst the wîth hier brolher. Mr. John'Ar- Swain, Blackstock; lat Lectur- gue. Bowmanville. while Mrs. er-Brenton McCullough, Ty-a Argue is in liospital. rone; 2nd Lectucer - Herb Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke and Prescott, Enfield; Ist Censor- many greetings that wili corne famnilv, Enniskillen, spent Sat- Lloyd Clark, Pontypool; 2nd urda evnin atthehom ofCensor-Jobn Wilson, Tycone; tbeiir daugbter and sister, Mca lat Standard Bearer-KarI Col- y u a ,w ih t n ld Bruce Ashton and Mr. Ashton bary. Tyrone; 2nd Standard celebrating Mr, and Mrs. Oke's Beacer - Ernest Youngman, 45tb v. eddin.g anniversary Pontypool; Pursuivant - Oscar like to take this opportunitv of Hooey, Blackstock. o r o o 'u oïa ,v r wisbing the editor and staff of The Statesman a vecy pleasant Scbool Concert blessed with joy and happiness Christmas. Also the Season's On Thursday evening an ex- o Greetings to aIl wbo read this ceptionally fine concert was column. Presented to a large audience _ Misio Bndin the auditorium o! Central 1 Missio BandPublic Scbool by the pupils o! Wo-He-Lo Mission Band held Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 under the ther Critma metig Tues- direction o! their teachers, M s. diay afternoon with 24 cbildren Bruce Heaslip, Mc. Grant j ________________________________________ present. Nancy Dorceil presid- Campbell and Mr. Neil Bailey. ed. Christmas* condlelight wor- The very fine scenery was al f ship service was given hv Nan- dcawn and painted by the pu- UV Dorreil. Ronald Martyn. plis with Elaine Mountjoy,3 Sharon Larmer, Jim Carna- Grade 8, Art directress. Program ff gban and Lorna Wight. AIl will be published next issue. J LU MBER marcbed to the front and pre- Owîng to the large number Î sented their special offecing as o! pupils now attending oucp iN a birthday gift to Jesus then Public scbool and no place in sang -Father Bless the Gifts We the village large enougb to ac. Bring Thee'. commodate the ccowd whoý CO.LMM! Following prograni was giv- would attend, the school coun f r en-Piano solo, Heien Swain, cil decided to bave three enî- "~Home on the Range"~; Solo, tectainments. the above men- I Y,